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Created May 7, 2020 22:20
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--- emulating a small subset of Cold Mac
-- bank of functions
-- args: input
-- output: transformed version of input
last_integral = 0
last_input = 0
function clamp(v,min,max)
return math.max( math.min(v,max), min )
myfns =
{ function (v) return v end --left
, function (v) return -v end --right
, function (v) return math.ceil(v,0) end --OR
, function (v) return math.floor(v,0) end --AND
, function (v) return math.abs(v) end --SLOPE
, function (v) return v + ((v>0) and -5 or 5) end --CREASE
, function (v) return 1/v end --divide
, function (v) --integrator
last_integral = clamp( last_integral + 0.01*v, -5, 5 )
return last_integral
, function (v) --differentiator
local out = v - last_input
last_input = v
return out
function init()
for i=1,4 do output[i].slew = 0.01 end
input[1].stream = function(v)
local i = math.ceil(input[2].volts +6)
output[1].volts = myfns[i](v)
output[2].volts = myfns[i-3](v)
output[3].volts = myfns[i-2](v)
output[4].volts = myfns[i-1](v)
function wrap(v)
return v
--if v>3 then return v-4
--elseif v<-2 then return v+3
-- chaos functions (gingerbreadman)
-- cart2pol pol2cart
-- math functions
-- time functions (integrator, differentiator)
last_x = 0.0 -- without CV control, set this value for different patterns
last_y = 0 -- .. or this one
function ginger(v)
last_x = last_x + v -- CV control
local x = 1 - last_y + math.abs(last_x)
local y = last_x
-- change the algorithm with x & y
last_x = x
last_y = y
-- shape the output without affecting the algo
return wrap(x), wrap(y)
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