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Last active September 24, 2015 18:37
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  • Save trentm/80409ded30b4e0418e9c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save trentm/80409ded30b4e0418e9c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Node fails to download entire (large) file via http/https when `agent: false` is used. Fails on 0.10, 0.12, 4.1.1.
* Download a file using basic `http[s].request` with `agent: false`.
* Usage:
* node download-sans-agent.js URL OUTPUT-FILE
* Example:
* node download-sans-agent.js out.file
* Running ^^ in a loop until if fails:
* while true; do echo "";
* node download-sans-agent.js out.file
* retval=$?
* \ls -l out.file
* [[ $retval == 0 ]] || break;
* done
* Or as a one-liner:
* while true; do echo ""; node download-sans-agent.js out.file; retval=$?; \ls -l out.file; [[ $retval == 0 ]] || break; done
var assert = require('assert');
var fs = require('fs');
var https = require('https');
var http = require('http');
var mod_url = require('url');
var util = require('util');
function fatal(/* args ... */) {
console.log('download-sans-agent fatal error:',
util.format.apply(null, arguments));
// --- mainline
if (process.argv.length !== 4) {
console.error('Usage: node download-sans-agent.js URL OUTPUT-FILE');
var urlStr = process.argv[2];
var outFile = process.argv[3];
// Parse the URL, default to 'http://' prefix if not given.
if (! /^https?:\/\//.test(urlStr)) {
urlStr = 'http://' + urlStr;
var url = mod_url.parse(urlStr);
assert.ok(['https:', 'http:'].indexOf(url.protocol) !== -1,
'unexpected URL protocol: ' + url.protocol);
console.log('Downloading %s to %s', urlStr, outFile);
var proto = url.protocol === 'https:' ? https : http;
var req = proto.request({
method: 'GET',
hostname: url.hostname,
port: url.port,
path: url.path,
// XXX
agent: false
}, function (res) {
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
fatal('unexpected status code: ' + res.statusCode);
var expectedBytes = Number(res.headers['content-length']);
console.log('Expected content-length: %d', expectedBytes);
var numBytes = 0;
var outStream = fs.createWriteStream(outFile);
res.on('error', function (err) {
fatal('response error: ' + err);
outStream.on('error', function (err) {
fatal('outStream error: ' + err);
res.on('data', function (chunk) {
numBytes += chunk.length;
res.on('end', function () {
console.log('Note: response "end" event');
outStream.on('close', function () {
console.log('Note: outStream "close" event');
outStream.on('finish', function () {
console.log('Finished writing to "%s" (%d bytes)', outFile, numBytes);
if (numBytes !== expectedBytes) {
fatal('Incorrect number of bytes downloaded: expected %d, ' +
'downloaded %d (missing %d bytes)', expectedBytes,
numBytes, expectedBytes - numBytes);
req.on('error', function (err) {
fatal('request error: ' + err);
$ node --version
$ while true; do echo ""; node download-sans-agent.js out.file; retval=$?; \ls -l out.file; [[ $retval == 0 ]] || break; done
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:05 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9076491 bytes)
download-sans-agent fatal error: Incorrect number of bytes downloaded: expected 9544550, downloaded 9076491 (missing 468059 bytes)
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9076491 Sep 24 11:05 out.file
$ while true; do echo ""; node download-sans-agent.js out.file; retval=$?; \ls -l out.file; [[ $retval == 0 ]] || break; done
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (8986379 bytes)
download-sans-agent fatal error: Incorrect number of bytes downloaded: expected 9544550, downloaded 8986379 (missing 558171 bytes)
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 8986379 Sep 24 11:07 out.file
$ while true; do echo ""; node download-sans-agent.js out.file; retval=$?; \ls -l out.file; [[ $retval == 0 ]] || break; done
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9039627 bytes)
download-sans-agent fatal error: Incorrect number of bytes downloaded: expected 9544550, downloaded 9039627 (missing 504923 bytes)
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9039627 Sep 24 11:07 out.file
$ node --version
$ while true; do echo ""; node download-sans-agent.js out.file; retval=$?; \ls -l out.file; [[ $retval == 0 ]] || break; done
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:33 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:33 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (8438895 bytes)
download-sans-agent fatal error: Incorrect number of bytes downloaded: expected 9544550, downloaded 8438895 (missing 1105655 bytes)
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 8438895 Sep 24 11:33 out.file
$ while true; do echo ""; node download-sans-agent.js out.file; retval=$?; \ls -l out.file; [[ $retval == 0 ]] || break; done
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:36 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (8232715 bytes)
download-sans-agent fatal error: Incorrect number of bytes downloaded: expected 9544550, downloaded 8232715 (missing 1311835 bytes)
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 8232715 Sep 24 11:36 out.file
$ while true; do echo ""; node download-sans-agent.js out.file; retval=$?; \ls -l out.file; [[ $retval == 0 ]] || break; done
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:10 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:11 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:11 out.file
Downloading to out.file
Expected content-length: 9544550
Note: response "end" event
Finished writing to "out.file" (9544550 bytes)
Note: outStream "close" event
-rw-r--r-- 1 trentm staff 9544550 Sep 24 11:11 out.file
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