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Last active December 10, 2015 22:58
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imgadm update
imgadm import fdea06b0-3f24-11e2-ac50-0b645575ce9d
imgadm list | grep fdea
vi setupfifo.json
vmadm create -f setupfifo.json
## In FiFo Zone ##
zlogin fifo
echo "" >>/opt/local/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf
pkgin -fy up
pkgin install snarl sniffle howl wiggle jingles haproxy
cp /opt/local/jingles/config/nginx.conf /opt/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
cp /opt/local/jingles/config/haproxy.cfg /opt/local/etc/haproxy.cfg
svcs epmd snarl sniffle howl wiggle nginx haproxy
svcadm enable epmd snarl sniffle howl wiggle nginx haproxy
/opt/local/snarl/bin/snarl-admin users add admin
/opt/local/snarl/bin/snarl-admin users grant admin ...
/opt/local/snarl/bin/snarl-admin users passwd admin admin
## In GZ for each compute node ##
cd /opt && curl -O && gunzip chunter-latest.gz
sh chunter-latest
svcs chunter
svcadm enable chunter
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