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Created September 19, 2011 09:16
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  • Save tresni/1226188 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tresni/1226188 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Set a random movie barcode as the desktop image
on GrowlNotify(message)
(* And if Growl is installed, send a notification *)
tell application "Growl"
register as application "Movie Barcode Random Desktop" all notifications {"Desktop Change"} default notifications {"Desktop Change"} icon of application "Script Editor"
notify with name "Desktop Change" title "Desktop Change" description message application name "Movie Barcode Random Desktop"
end tell
on error
-- do nothings
end try
end GrowlNotify
on replaceString(theText, oldString, newString)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldString
set tempList to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newString
set theText to the tempList as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return theText
end replaceString
on Download(thisUrl, localFile)
do shell script "curl -s -L " & thisUrl & " -o '" & POSIX path of localFile & "'"
end Download
(* Movie index cache *)
set myFolder to (path to library folder from user domain as string) & "Application Support:Movie Barcoder:"
set f to myFolder & "moviebarcode-index"
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists myFolder) then
make new folder at (path to library folder from user domain as string) & "Application Support:" with properties {name:"Movie Barcoder"}
end if
if exists f then
(* If older then 2 days, let's get a new one! *)
if (current date) - (modification date of file f) > 48 * 60 * 60 then
delete f
end if
end if
(* No movie index file, let's get one! *)
if not (exists f) then
my Download("", f)
end if
end tell
(* gotta get some regex action going on. Split movies onto their own line, then get it in a format we can use *)
set cmdString to "grep -oE '(http:\\/\\/[^\\\"]*)\\\">([^<]*)' \"" & (POSIX path of f) & "\" | sed -nE \"s/&amp;/\\&/g;s/([^\\\"]+)\\\">(.*) \\(([0-9]+)\\)/\\2|\\3|\\1/p\""
set cmdResult to do shell script cmdString
(* select a movie *)
set movieItems to paragraphs of cmdResult
set idx to random number from 1 to length of movieItems
set movieInfo to item idx of movieItems
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "|"
set movieItems to every text item of movieInfo
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
(* temporary files *)
set basePath to myFolder & "movie-data" & idx
set html to basePath & ".html"
set jpg to basePath & ".jpg"
(* final files *)
set movieName to text item 1 of movieItems
set movieName to my replaceString(movieName, "\\", "")
set movieName to my replaceString(movieName, ":", "")
set movieName to my replaceString(movieName, "|", "")
set movieName to my replaceString(movieName, "?", "")
set movieName to my replaceString(movieName, "%", "")
set movieName to my replaceString(movieName, "*", "")
set movieName to my replaceString(movieName, "\"", "")
set movieName to my replaceString(movieName, "<", "")
set movieName to my replaceString(movieName, ">", "")
set movieName to my replaceString(movieName, "/", "")
set movieName to my replaceString(movieName, ".", "")
set finalHtml to myFolder & movieName & ".html"
set finalImg to myFolder & movieName & ".jpg"
tell application "Finder"
(* Don't redownload if we still have the movie file. Index may change, so use movie name *)
if not (exists finalHtml) then
my Download(text item 3 of movieItems, html)
set name of file html to (movieName & ".html")
end if
(* Some of the titles contain colons which break this, but I'm too lazy/tired to fix atm *)
if exists finalHtml then
if not (exists finalImg) then
(* more regex to get image file *)
set cmdString to "grep -oE '<img src=\"http://[0-9]*[^\"]*' \"" & (POSIX path of finalHtml) & "\" | head -n 1 | grep -oE 'http://[0-9]*[^\"]*'"
set imageFile to do shell script cmdString
my Download(imageFile, jpg)
set name of file jpg to (movieName & ".jpg")
end if
end if
(* If we have a final jpg file, let's set the desktop background *)
if exists finalImg then
tell application "System Events" to set picture of desktop 1 to (finalImg as alias)
my GrowlNotify((text item 1 of movieItems) & " (" & (text item 2 of movieItems) & ")")
my GrowlNotify("Failed to create image file.")
end if
end tell
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tresni commented Sep 19, 2011

Apparently this will fail on Lion as URL Access Scripting was removed... Safari or cURL may work, something to look into later.

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