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Last active October 3, 2018 10:16
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Shiny Example #3 for Bioconductor.

Bioconductor Shiny Example #3

Simple app showing the relationship between a gene's expression and survival.

This is an example Shiny app featuring some basic analysis of Ovarian Cancer gene expression data collected on the Affymetrix U133A platform. We filter the available genes and samples down to a much smaller matrix to make reproducibility simpler for a broader audience. The R code involved in sampling the data is available in this Gist as an R-Markdown file, and the sampled data are available in this Gist as Rds files.

To run the application, install shiny (install.packages("shiny")) then run the following command:


The relevant citation for the original data is available below:

Benjamin Frederick Ganzfried, Markus Riester, Benjamin Haibe-Kains, Thomas Risch, Svitlana Tyekucheva, Ina Jazic, Xin Victoria Wang, Mahnaz Ahmadifar, Michael Birrer, Giovanni Parmigiani, Curtis Huttenhower, Levi Waldron. curatedOvarianData: Clinically Annotated Data for the Ovarian Cancer Transcriptome, Database 2013: bat013 doi:10.1093/database/bat013 published online April 2, 2013.

# Load in the sampled matrices we've generated ahead of time.
tumor <- readRDS("tumorExpr.Rds")
# Distill the expression data away from the ExpressionSet object.
tumorExp <- exprs(tumor)
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
# Need a wrapper around the densityClick input so we can manage whether or
# not the click occured on the current Gene. If it occured on a previous
# gene, we'll want to mark that click as 'stale' so we don't try to use it
# later.
currentClick <- list(click=NULL, stale=FALSE)
handleClick <- observe({
if (!is.null(input$densityClick) && !is.null(input$densityClick$x)){
currentClick$click <<- input$densityClick
currentClick$stale <<- FALSE
}, priority=100)
getCutoff <- reactive({
# We need this function to subscribe to a couple of dependencies. Without
# explicitly providing these two at the top, this function may return a
# cached value without realizing that a new click has occured, or a new
# gene has been loaded.
# See if there's been a click since the last gene change.
if (!is.null(currentClick$click) && !currentClick$stale){
return (mean(geneExp()))
#' Extract the relevant tumor expression values.
geneExp <- reactive({
geneExp <- tumorExp[rownames(tumorExp) == input$gene, ]
currentClick$stale <<- TRUE
#' Render a plot to show the distribution of the gene's expression
output$densityPlot <- renderPlot({
# Plot to density plot
tumorGene <- geneExp()
plot(density(tumorGene), main="Distribution", xlab="")
# Add a vertical line to show where the current cutoff is.
abline(v=getCutoff(), col=4)
# Draw a line where they're hovering
if (!is.null(input$densityHover) && !is.null(input$densityHover$y)){
abline(v=input$densityHover$x, col=5)
}, bg="transparent")
#' A reactive survival formula
survivalFml <- reactive({
tumorGene <- geneExp()
# Create the groups based on which samples are above/below the cutoff
expressionGrp <- as.integer(tumorGene < getCutoff())
# Make sure there's more than one group!
if (length(unique(expressionGrp)) < 2){
stop("You must specify a cutoff that places at least one sample in each group!")
# Create the survival object
surv <- with(pData(tumor),
Surv(days_to_death, recurrence_status=="recurrence"))
return(surv ~ expressionGrp)
#' Print out some information about the fit
output$info <- renderPrint({
surv <- survivalFml()
sDiff <- survdiff(surv)
# Calculate the p value
# Extracted from the print.survdiff function in the survival package
df <- (sum(1 * (sDiff$exp > 0))) - 1
pv <- format(signif(1 - pchisq(sDiff$chisq, df), 2))
cat ("p-value: ", pv, "\n")
#' Create a Kaplan Meier plot
output$kmPlot <- renderPlot({
surv <- survivalFml()
plot(survfit(surv), col=1:2, xlab="Survival Time (Days)",
ylab="% Survival")
legend(10,.4,c("Low Expr", "High Expr"), lty=1, col=1:2)
Extract and Store Some Data
We'll first want to install the `curatedOvarianData` package from Bioconductor. Note that this package is a few hundred MB.
```{r, cache=TRUE, results='hide', message=FALSE}
Now we'll load the package and load in one of the datasets.
```{r, results='hide', message=FALSE}
Let's write out the clinical data so we have it for later. We'll trim out the "uncurated" metadata column to save some space and make the printing a bit easier.
clinical <- phenoData(TCGA_eset)
pData(clinical) <- pData(clinical)[,colnames(pData(clinical))!="uncurated_author_metadata"]
We won't want to store all of the tumor samples available in the dataset, so let's grab 50 tumor samples at random and keep all of the normal samples.
# Get all normal phenotypic data
normalClinical <- clinical
pData(normalClinical) <- pData(clinical)[pData(clinical)$sample_type == "adjacentnormal",]
# Sample 20 samples from the tumor phenotypic data
tumorIndices <- sample(which(pData(clinical)$sample_type == "tumor"), 50)
tumorClinical <- clinical
pData(tumorClinical) <- pData(clinical)[tumorIndices,]
For the sake of demonstration, we'll want to keep the dataset fairly small. So let's filter the data to the few dozen samples we selected above and only 8 genes.
# Provide the HGNC symbols of 8 genes
geneList <- c("EGFR", "KLF6", "FOXO1", "KRAS", "JAK2", "BRCA1", "BRCA2", "PPM1D")
# Extract the relevant probeset to gene mappings
featureList <- fData(TCGA_eset)
featureList <- featureList[featureList$gene %in% geneList, ]
featureList <- featureList[match(geneList, rownames(featureList)), ] #order
featureList <- AnnotatedDataFrame(featureList)
# Filter the tumor expression data to only relevant genes and samples
tumor <- exprs(TCGA_eset[,tumorIndices])
tumor <- tumor[match(geneList, rownames(tumor)),]
tumor <- ExpressionSet(tumor, tumorClinical, featureList, experimentData(TCGA_eset))
saveRDS(tumor, "tumorExpr.Rds")
And grab all of the normal tissue samples:
# Filter the normal expression data to only relevant genes and samples
normal <- exprs(TCGA_eset[,TCGA_eset@phenoData@data$sample_type == "adjacentnormal"])
normal <- normal[match(geneList, rownames(normal)),]
normal <- ExpressionSet(normal, normalClinical, featureList, experimentData(TCGA_eset))
saveRDS(normal, "normalExpr.Rds")
Now we should be able to use this sampled data from our apps!
geneList <- c( "KRAS", "EGFR", "KLF6", "FOXO1", "JAK2", "BRCA1", "BRCA2", "PPM1D")
# Application title
headerPanel("Hello Shiny Bioconductor Survival!"),
# Sidebar with a selector to choose a gene
selectInput("gene", "Gene", geneList),
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
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