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Created June 1, 2023 19:10
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# cloned from
# Modifed for MIP3 voting
from gql import gql, Client
from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport
# Select your transport with a defined url endpoint
transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url="")
# Create a GraphQL client using the defined transport
client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True)
# Get all memos that fit the MIP criteria (it appears allowing for some variation e.g. MIP3 mip3 no MIP3 NO MIP3)
query = gql("""
query MIP3 {
transactions(limit: 10000, query: {canonical: true, OR: [{memo: "E4YVe5wRA2xyvXqWe9NdCi2mijqEfo8Ja6eDCyiBhbUeKKPB3UehQ"}, {memo: "E4YVPwLUQj7Y1f6gquzvyMw6WPPoZpTVmbnH6uTsPy9QGX6wD6AYt"}, {memo: "E4YbUmaZZqAoURqWNQSpdwiFZURyPFxvfHRXHC1k7nufTxYGAc8cA"}], dateTime_gte: "2023-05-20T06:00:00Z", dateTime_lte: "2023-05-28T06:00:00Z"}, sortBy: NONCE_DESC) {
result = client.execute(query)
votes = result["transactions"]
print("All transactions in voting proposal: " + str(len(votes)))
collection = []
# Loop through all votes to check if they meet the criteria
for vote in votes:
# This must be a transaction to yourself
if vote["from"] == vote["to"]:
if vote["memo"] == "E4YVPwLUQj7Y1f6gquzvyMw6WPPoZpTVmbnH6uTsPy9QGX6wD6AYt" or vote["memo"] == "E4YVe5wRA2xyvXqWe9NdCi2mijqEfo8Ja6eDCyiBhbUeKKPB3UehQ":
[vote["blockHeight"], vote["dateTime"], vote["from"], "MIP3"])
elif vote["memo"] == "E4YbUmaZZqAoURqWNQSpdwiFZURyPFxvfHRXHC1k7nufTxYGAc8cA":
vote["blockHeight"], vote["dateTime"], vote["from"], "noMIP3"
# else:
# print(f"Non valid vote: {vote}")
print("All valid transactions in voting proposal: " + str(len(collection)))
latest_collection = {}
for k in collection:
# Just take the first instance, as we are sorting by nonce we must get the latest valid vote
if k[2] not in latest_collection:
latest_collection[k[2]] = k
print("All transactions no duplicates: " + str(len(latest_collection)))
votes = {}
for l in latest_collection.values():
# Get the stake of the account but only count if same as delegated account
query2 = gql("""
query nextLedgerStakes {{
nextstakes(query: {{public_key: "{publicKey}"}}) {{
nextDelegationTotals {{
result2 = client.execute(query2)
balances = result2["nextstakes"]
if not balances:
# Should not be empty but being defensive
# initializing delegate and delegator if not in votes
if l[2] not in votes:
votes[l[2]] = [0, "NOVOTE", 0]
if balances[0]["delegate"] not in votes:
votes[balances[0]["delegate"]] = [0, "NOVOTE", 0]
votes[l[2]][0] += balances[0]["nextDelegationTotals"]["totalDelegated"] if balances[0]["nextDelegationTotals"]["totalDelegated"] is not None else 0
votes[l[2]][1] = l[3]
votes[l[2]][2] = balances[0]["nextDelegationTotals"]["totalDelegated"] if balances[0]["nextDelegationTotals"]["totalDelegated"] is not None else 0
if balances[0]["delegate"] != l[2]:
votes[l[2]][0] += balances[0]["balance"]
votes[balances[0]["delegate"]][0] -= balances[0]["balance"]
# Counters
mip3 = 0
mip3_stake = 0
nomip3 = 0
nomip3_stake = 0
for vote in list(votes.values()):
if vote[1] == "MIP3":
mip3 += 1
mip3_stake += vote[0]
elif vote[1] == "noMIP3":
nomip3 += 1
nomip3_stake += vote[0]
print(f"Total votes: {mip3 + nomip3}")
print(f"In favour: {mip3}")
print(f"Against: {nomip3}")
print(f"Total vote stake: {mip3_stake + nomip3_stake}")
print(f"In favour stake: {mip3_stake}")
print(f"Against stake: {nomip3_stake}")
# print(votes)
# import json
# json_object = json.dumps(votes, indent=2)
# with open("/Users/tbernard/mip3-results.json", "w") as outfile:
# outfile.write(json_object)
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