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Last active September 8, 2021 17:03
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macOS AutoHotkey script
* Adapted from scripts by Chris Dhanaraj, Pavel Pevnitskiy, and Taran Van Hemert
* This script assumes some keys have been remapped in the Windows registry
* to behave closer to a macOS keyboard layout. This key remapping can be
* done using SharpKeys or a similar program.
* Specifically, I remapped the following keys:
* Left Alt -> Right Control
* Right Alt -> Right Control
* Left Windows -> Left Alt
* I remapped both Alt keys to Right Control to differentiate between the
* remapped Control key and the regular Left Control key. For instance,
* RightControl-Tab is remapped to Alt-Tab so you can switch windows like
* Command-Tab in macOS. But LeftControl-Tab still retains its normal behavior,
* such as switching tabs in Chrome or another web browser.
* Normally, AutoHotkey uses the following shorthands for modifier keys.
* ! = Alt
* ^ = Control
* + = Shift
* # = Windows
* So, ^q is the same as pressing Control-Q. However, since we remapped the Alt
* and Windows keys in the registry, the shorthand might not match the key you're
* actually pressing on your keyboard. For instance, in the case of ^q, you
* would actually be pressing Alt-Q on your keyboard since we remapped
* Left Alt to Right Control. If we apply the key remapping, then AutoHotkey's
* shorthand should translate to this on your keyboard.
* ! = Windows
* ^ = Alt (or Left Control since we didn't remap that)
* + = Shift
* # = Right Windows (if your keyboard has one)
* If you're using an Apple Keyboard, it should translate to this.
* ! = Option
* ^ = Command (or Left Control)
* + = Shift
* # = Nothing
* TODO: Voiceover/NVDA modifier key
* TODO: Command-Backspace delete selected file (when Explorer is active)
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility
SendMode Input ; Better speed and reliability
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensure consistent starting directory
#SingleInstance force
* Disable Alt key acceleration.
* These next two lines are very important. You have to change the "menu mask
* key" away from being Control, to something that won't result in cross-talk.
#MenuMaskKey vk07 ; vk07 is unassigned
; Re-assign alt to scan code of an unassigned key
Sendinput {Blind}{sc0E9}
KeyWait, LAlt
Sendinput {Blind}{sc0EA}
Sendinput {Blind}{sc0E9}
KeyWait, RAlt
Sendinput {Blind}{sc0EA}
; Command-H - Minimize active window
^h::WinMinimize, A
; Command-Q - Close active window
^q::WinClose, A
; F3 - Mission control (Win-Tab is the closest thing Windows has)
; Magic Keyboard Utilities remaps F3 to Alt-Tab
!Tab::Send {LWin down}{Tab}{LWin up}
; Option-Command-Eject - Put to sleep
; Command-Tab - Switch windows
; Reference:
>^Tab::Send {Alt down}{Tab}
>^+Tab::Send {Alt down}{Shift down}{Tab}{Shift up}
#If WinExist("ahk_class MultitaskingViewFrame")
Ctrl Up::Send {Alt up}
; Command-arrow navigation
^Left::Send {Home}
^Right::Send {End}
^Up::Send {Control down}{Home}{Control up}
^Down::Send {Control down}{End}{Control up}
; Command-Shift-arrow navigation + highlight
^+Left::Send {Shift down}{Home}{Shift up}
^+Right::Send {Shift down}{End}{Shift down}
^+Up::Send {Control down}{Shift down}{Home}{Shift up}{Control up}
^+Down::Send {Control down}{Shift down}{End}{Shift up}{Control up}
; Option-arrow navigation
!Left::Send {Control down}{Left}{Control up}
!Right::Send {Control down}{Right}{Control up}
; Option-Shift-arrow navigation + highlight
!+Left::Send {Control down}{Shift down}{Left}{Shift up}{Control up}
!+Right::Send {Control down}{Shift down}{Right}{Shift up}{Control up}
; Command-D - Delete forward
^d::Send {Delete}
; Command-Delete - Delete line
^Backspace::Send {Shift down}{Home}{Shift up}{Delete}
; Command-Shift-Delete - Delete line forward
^+Backspace::Send {Shift down}{End}{Shift up}{Delete}
; Option-Delete - Delete word
!Backspace::Send {Control down}{Backspace}{Control up}
; Option-Shift-Delete - Delete word forward
!+Backspace::Send {Control down}{Delete}{Control up}
; Command-Shift-5 - Screenshot
^+5::Send {LWin down}{Shift down}s{Shift up}{LWin up}
; Option-Command-C - View clipboard history (this is the default shortcut in Alfred)
^!c::Send {LWin down}v{LWin up}
; Chrome shortcuts
#IfWinActive ahk_exe chrome.exe
; Command-[ - Browser back
^[::Send {Browser_Back}
; Command-] - Browser forward
^]::Send {Browser_Forward}
; Command-Option-I - Developer tools
^!i::Send {F12}
; Command-Y - History
^y::Send {Control down}h{Control up}
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Hey I've took some inspiration from your work and improved upon it, thanks for the alt+tab workaround, so far I used Powertoys Keyremapper for this, but now I only need AHK.

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