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Last active February 8, 2024 04:22
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A simple button paginator.
import discord
from discord import app_commands
# My custom bot subclass:
class MyBot(commands.Bot):
# Create a subclass of our paginator. It accepts two generic arguments, the type of entries
# passed to the format_page function and the bot subclass. The bot generic argument is optional.
class ThisPaginator(BaseButtonPaginator[int, MyBot]):
# The subclassed format page function that implements the logic of creating our embed.
# You can do this however you please, but in this example we'll add a field for each item.
async def format_page(self, entries: List[int], /) -> discord.Embed:
embed = discord.Embed(title='Welcome to my paginator!!')
for index, entry in enumerate(entries):
embed.add_field(name=str(index), value=entry)
embed.set_footer(text='Page {0.current_page}/{0.total_pages}'.format(self))
return embed
# In a command, we need to define an instance of our view, create our first embed,
# and send it off to respond to the interaction.
async def my_view_paginator(interaction: discord.Interaction[MyBot]) -> None:
# Create a new instance of our paginator.
view = ThisPaginator(entries=list(range(10)), target=interaction)
# Generate the first embed for the given page
embed = await view.embed()
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embed, view=view)
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
from typing import Generic, List, Optional, Union
from typing_extensions import Self, TypeAlias, TypeVar
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
T = TypeVar("T")
BotT = TypeVar("BotT", bound="commands.Bot", default="commands.Bot")
TargetType: TypeAlias = Union["discord.Interaction[BotT]", "commands.Context[BotT]"]
class BaseButtonPaginator(Generic[T, BotT], discord.ui.View, abc.ABC):
"""The base implementation of a button paginator. This class should be inherited
then the custom instance defined.
.. code-block:: python3
import discord
from discord import app_commands
# My custom bot subclass:
class MyBot(commands.Bot):
class ThisPaginator(BaseButtonPaginator[int, MyBot]):
async def format_page(self, entries: List[int], /) -> discord.Embed:
embed = discord.Embed(title='Welcome to my paginator!!')
for index, entry in enumerate(entries):
embed.add_field(name=str(index), value=entry)
embed.set_footer(text='Page {0.current_page}/{0.total_pages}'.format(self))
return embed
# And in a command as so:
async def my_view_paginator(interaction: discord.Interaction[MyBot]) -> None:
# Create a new instance of our paginator.
view = ThisPaginator(entries=list(range(10)), target=interaction)
# Generate the first embed for the given page
embed = await view.embed()
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embed, view=view)
T: The type of the entries to paginate.
BotT: The type of the bot subclass. Defaults to :class:`commands.Bot`.
entries: List[T]
The entries to paginate.
per_page: int
The amount of entries to show per page.
clamp_pages: bool
Whether to clamp the pages to the max and min page. This means that when the user
reaches the max page, it will go back to the first page. Likewise, when the user
reaches the first page, it will go back to the last page.
target: Optional[Union[:class:`discord.Interaction`, :class:`commands.Context`]]
The target interaction or context to use for the paginator. This is used to
ensure that the user invoking the paginator is the same user that is interacting
with the paginator.
If this is ``None`` then the interaction check will always return True.
def __init__(
entries: List[T],
per_page: int = 6,
clamp_pages: bool = True,
target: Optional[TargetType[BotT]] = None,
) -> None:
self.entries: List[T] = entries
self.per_page: int = per_page
self.clamp_pages: bool = clamp_pages Optional[TargetType[BotT]] = target Optional[Union[discord.User, discord.Member]] = target and (
target.user if isinstance(target, discord.Interaction) else
) Optional[BotT] = target and (
target.client if isinstance(target, discord.Interaction) else
self._current_page_index = 0
self.pages = [
entries[i : i + per_page] for i in range(0, len(entries), per_page)
def max_page(self) -> int:
""":class:`int`: The max page count for this paginator."""
return len(self.pages)
def min_page(self) -> int:
""":class:`int`: The min page count for this paginator."""
return 1
def current_page(self) -> int:
""":class:`int`: The current page the user is on."""
return self._current_page_index + 1
def total_pages(self) -> int:
""":class:`int`: Returns the total amount of pages."""
return len(self.pages)
def format_page(self, entries: List[T], /) -> discord.Embed:
Used to make the embed that the user sees. This can be a coroutine or a regular
function. This must be overwritten by the subclass.
entries: List[Any]
A list of entries for the current page.
The embed for this page.
raise NotImplementedError("Subclass did not overwrite format_page coro.")
async def embed(self) -> discord.Embed:
A helper function to get the embed for the current page.
The embed for the current page.
return await discord.utils.maybe_coroutine(
self.format_page, self.pages[self._current_page_index]
async def interaction_check(
self, interaction: discord.Interaction[BotT], /
) -> Optional[bool]:
The base interaction check for the given view.
This will always return ``True`` if the target is ``None``, otherwise it will check
that the user invoking the paginator is the same user that is interacting with the
interaction: :class:`discord.Interaction`
The interaction to check.
The result of the interaction check. If this returns ``None`` then the interaction
was responded to with an error message to the user.
if is None:
return True
# Prereq is that if is not None then should not be None.
# Ensure this is the correct invoker
if !=
return await interaction.response.send_message(
"Hey, this isn't yours!", ephemeral=True
# Ensure they invoke it in the correct channel.
if (
and !=
return await interaction.response.send_message(
"Hey, this isn't in the right channel!", ephemeral=True
return True
def _clamp_page(self, count: int) -> None:
if count < 0 and self._current_page_index < 0: # Going down
self._current_page_index = self.max_page - 1
elif count > 0 and self._current_page_index > self.max_page - 1: # Going up
self._current_page_index = 0
def _switch_page(self, count: int) -> None:
self._current_page_index += count
if not self.clamp_pages:
@discord.ui.button(emoji="\U000025c0", style=discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def on_arrow_backward(
self, interaction: discord.Interaction[BotT], button: discord.ui.Button[Self]
) -> discord.InteractionMessage:
The button to represent going backwards a page.
interaction: :class:`discord.Interaction`
The interaction created from the user invoking the button.
button: :class:`discord.ui.Button`
The button that was pressed.
await interaction.response.defer()
embed = await self.embed()
return await interaction.edit_original_response(embed=embed)
@discord.ui.button(emoji="\U000025b6", style=discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def on_arrow_forward(
self, interaction: discord.Interaction[BotT], button: discord.ui.Button[Self]
) -> discord.InteractionMessage:
The button to represent going forward a page.
interaction: :class:`discord.Interaction`
The interaction created from the user invoking the button.
button: :class:`discord.ui.Button`
The button that was pressed.
await interaction.response.defer()
embed = await self.embed()
return await interaction.edit_original_response(embed=embed)
@discord.ui.button(emoji="\U000023f9", style=discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def on_stop(
self, interaction: discord.Interaction[BotT], button: discord.ui.Button[Self]
) -> discord.InteractionMessage:
The button to represent stopping the paginator. This will disable all children
to the view then edit the original message with the updated view.
This will also call :meth:`~discord.ui.View.stop` to stop the view.
interaction: :class:`discord.Interaction`
The interaction created from the user invoking the button.
button: :class:`discord.ui.Button`
The button that was pressed.
await interaction.response.defer()
for child in self.children:
child.disabled = True # type: ignore
return await interaction.edit_original_response(view=self)
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ejm commented Aug 18, 2022

Hi there! I'm looking to use this code in an open source bot. Is there a license for its use?


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