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Created September 28, 2016 09:26
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Consider the function F(N) = 2^N + 1 where N is a positive integer less than 31. Given such a list of 5 integers, find the one that was swapped in and is therefore not part of the original 5 contiguous integers.
import math._
object OddOneOut{
case class Test(val l: Seq[Double],val expected: Double){
def apply( _l: Seq[Double], _e: Double ) = new Test( _l, _e )
def log2(x: Double) = math.log(x)/math.log(2)
//y = 1 + 2^n
//n = log2(y-1)
def n(y: Double) = log2(y-1)
//if N is valid then it does not have a decimal poDouble
def validN(y: Double): Boolean = ( n(y)%1 == 0 )
def validSequence(seq: Seq[Double]): Boolean = seq.sliding(2).map(a => a(0)+1 == a(1)).count(identity) > 0
def main(args: Array[String]) {
Test(Seq(5,9,17,33,829), 829 ),
Test(Seq(9,5,17,829,33), 829 ),
Test(Seq(33, 17, 5, 7, 65),7),
Test(Seq(65,129,259,513,1025), 259),
Test(Seq(129,259,513,1025,65), 259),
Test(Seq(63,129,257,513,1025), 63),
Test(Seq(65,129,257,513,4097), 4097),
Test(Seq(5, 9, 2, 17, 33), 2),
Test(Seq(9,67108865,134217729,1,268435457), 1)
case Test(l, e) => {
val odd = l.filterNot(validN)
if(odd.isEmpty) validSequence({n(_).toDouble} ) else odd == Seq(e)
, Test(l, e) )
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