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Created April 10, 2017 15:57
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//simple algorithm to calculate entropy of a file in Scala
package zw.trevor.disorder
class Entropy(bytes: Seq[Byte]){
val max_bytes = 256
def log2(n: Double) = math.log(n)/math.log(2)
lazy val token_freqs = {
var freqs: Array[Int] = (0 until max_bytes).map{x=>0}.toArray{b =>
//java bytes are signed, use b & 0xff to make unsigned
freqs(b.toInt & 0xff) = freqs(b.toInt & 0xff)+1
lazy val num_tokens = token_freqs.filter(_.toInt != 0).toSet.size
lazy val token_probs = {
var probs: Array[Double] = ((0 until max_bytes).map{x=>0.00}).toArray
val len = bytes.length.toDouble
(0 until max_bytes).map{i=>
probs(i) = (token_freqs(i)/ len)
lazy val entropy = ((0 until max_bytes).map{
case i if token_freqs(i)!=0 => token_probs(i) * log2(token_probs(i))
case _ => 0.00
}).sum * -1.00
lazy val max_entropy = log2(num_tokens)
lazy val m_ratio = entropy/max_entropy
object Entropy extends App{
import java.nio.file._
val path = "/usr/bin"
new File(path).listFiles.filter(!_.isDirectory)map{
case file if file.canRead =>
val bytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(file.getPath))
val dis = new Entropy(bytes)
println(s"""${file.getPath.replaceAll(" ", "_space_")} ${dis.entropy} ${file.length}""")
case _ => ()
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