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Last active June 3, 2019 13:43
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Check scenario
func checkScenario(_ scenario: Scenario) {
let filter = KalmanFilter()
// Add up the distance between each location in the true path
let trueDist = unfilteredDistance(scenario.truePath)
// Add up the distance between each location in the noisy path
let unfilteredDist = unfilteredDistance(scenario.noisyPath)
// Add up the distance between each location in the noisy path
// AFTER applying the Kalman Filter we created earlier
let filteredDist = filteredDistance(scenario.noisyPath, using: filter)
let unfilteredErrorRate = abs(trueDist - unfilteredDist) / trueDist
let filteredErrorRate = abs(trueDist - filteredDist) / trueDist
XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(filteredErrorRate, scenario.minAllowableError,
"GPS filtering did not meet accuracy threshold [\(scenario.description)]")
XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(filteredErrorRate, unfilteredErrorRate,
"GPS filtering performed worse than raw data [\(scenario.description)]")
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