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Last active January 31, 2020 19:34
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Basic git menu options to share
# Simple Textbased Powershell Menu
# Author : Michael Albert
# E-Mail :
# License: none, feel free to modify
# usage:
# Source the menu.ps1 file in your script:
# . .\menu.ps1
# fShowMenu requieres 2 Parameters:
# Parameter 1: [string]MenuTitle
# Parameter 2: [hashtable]@{[string]"ReturnString1"=[string]"Menu Entry 1";[string]"ReturnString2"=[string]"Menu Entry 2";[string]"ReturnString3"=[string]"Menu Entry 3"
# Return : Select String
# For example:
# fShowMenu "Choose your favorite Band" @{"sl"="Slayer";"me"="Metallica";"ex"="Exodus";"an"="Anthrax"}
# #############################################################################
function fShowMenu([System.String]$sMenuTitle,[System.Collections.Hashtable]$hMenuEntries, [System.Int16]$highlight)
# Orginal
# Menu Colors
# inverse fore- and backgroundcolor
# [System.Int16]$iMenuBackGroundColorSelectedLine=$iMenuForeGroundColor
# Alternative, colors
# 4 is red (to use when deleting or something similar)
if ($highlight){
$iMenuBackGroundColorSelectedLine = $highlight
# Init
[System.Console]::WriteLine(" "+$sMenuTitle)
foreach ($sKey in $hMenuEntries.Keys){
if($iMenuHotKeyChar -eq 58){$iMenuHotKeyChar=97}
elseif($iMenuHotKeyChar -eq 123){$iMenuHotKeyChar=65}
elseif($iMenuHotKeyChar -eq 91){
Write-Error " Menu too big!"
# Remember Menu start
####### Draw Menu #######
for ($iMenuLoopCount=1;$iMenuLoopCount -le $iMenuEntries;$iMenuLoopCount++){
$sPreMenuline=" "+$hMenuHotKeyList[[System.Int16]$iMenuLoopCount]
$sPreMenuline+=": "
if ($iMenuLoopCount -eq $iMenuSelectLine){
if ($hMenuEntries.Item([System.String]$hMenu.Item($iMenuLoopCount)).Length -gt 0){
[System.Console]::Write(" Selected: " )
if (($iMenuStartLineAbsolute+$iMenuLoopCount) -gt [System.Console]::BufferHeight){
####### End Menu #######
####### Read Kex from Console
if([System.Int16]$oInputChar.Key -eq [System.ConsoleKey]::Escape -or [System.Int16]$oInputChar.Key -eq [System.ConsoleKey]::Q){
# reset colors
return ""
# Down Arrow or J?
elseif ([System.Int16]$oInputChar.Key -eq [System.ConsoleKey]::DownArrow -or [System.Int16]$oInputChar.Key -eq [System.ConsoleKey]::J){
if ($iMenuSelectLine -lt $iMenuEntries){
# Up Arrow or K
elseif([System.Int16]$oInputChar.Key -eq [System.ConsoleKey]::UpArrow -or [System.Int16]$oInputChar.Key -eq [System.ConsoleKey]::K){
if ($iMenuSelectLine -gt 1){
} while(([System.Int16]$oInputChar.Key -ne [System.ConsoleKey]::Enter) -and ($sValidChars.IndexOf($oInputChar.KeyChar) -eq -1))
# reset colors
if($oInputChar.Key -eq [System.ConsoleKey]::Enter){
$ScriptDir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
. $ScriptDir\Menu.ps1
function GitBranchesToHashtable {
$branches = git branch
$hash = @{}
$branches | foreach {
$displayName = $_.replace( '*', '').trim()
$value = $_.trim()
$hash.add($displayName, $value)
return $hash
# usage: db, delete -> delete branch
function Git-DeleteBranch {
$hash = GitBranchesToHashtable
$toDelete = fShowMenu "Delete Branch" $hash -highlight 4
& git branch -d $toDelete
New-Alias -Name db -Value Git-DeleteBranch
New-Alias -Name delete -Value Git-DeleteBranch
# usage: check, checkout -> git checkout <branch name> | args, alternately use empty and checkout from menu
function Git-Checkout {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($args)){
$hash = GitBranchesToHashtable
$checkout = fShowMenu "Checkout Branch" $hash
write-host "checkout $checkout"
& git checkout $checkout
& git checkout $args
New-Alias -Name check -Value Git-Checkout
New-Alias -Name checkout -Value Git-Checkout
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