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Created May 29, 2014 23:45
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  • Save trevvvy/b550517bbedf40b4402d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save trevvvy/b550517bbedf40b4402d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
" Define the wildignore from gitignore. Primarily for CommandT
let gitignore = '.gitignore'
if filereadable(gitignore)
let igstring = ''
for oline in readfile(gitignore)
let line = substitute(oline, '\s|\n|\r', '', "g")
if line =~ '^#' | con | endif
if line == '' | con | endif
if line =~ '^!' | con | endif
if line =~ '/$' | let igstring .= "," . line . "*" | con | endif
let igstring .= "," . line
let execstring = "set wildignore=".substitute(igstring,'^,','',"g")
execute execstring
echo 'Unable to find gitignore'
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