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Last active April 17, 2024 17:24
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Remove image sizes from image URLs in content

Remove -000x000.ext from image URLs in content by passing the content to a custom PHP function:


Code (save in the Function Editor at All Import › Settings):

function my_fix_img( $img = '' ) {
	if ( empty( $img ) ) return false;
	$img_regex = preg_match( '/(. *\d)(x)(\d. *)./', $img, $match );
	if ( $img_regex === 1 ) {
		$extension = pathinfo( $img, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
		$img = explode( '-', $img );
		$img_remove = array_pop( $img );
		$img = implode( '-', $img ) . '.' . $extension;
		return $img;
	} else {
		return $img;
function my_fix_images( $html ) {
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    // In some cases, you may need to convert the encoding in the HTML:
    // @$doc->loadHTML( mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'), LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED | LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD );
    $imageTags = $doc->getElementsByTagName( 'img' );
    $all_images = array();

    foreach( $imageTags as $tag ) {
        $img = $tag->getAttribute( 'src' );
		$img = my_fix_img( $img );
		$tag->setAttribute( 'src', $img );	

    return $doc->saveHTML();
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