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Created July 30, 2020 13:36
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const outerFunction = () => {
let storedValue = 0;
// returning a function from a function is the key
return () => {
storedValue = storedValue + 1;
console.log('storedValue = ', storedValue);
// By executing outerFunction, we create a unique instance of the returned function with permanent access to a unique instance of the storedValue variable.
const functionWithPermanentAccessToStoredValue = outerFunction();
// The below line is important to note. Closures are created by functions being returned from other functions.
console.log(typeof functionWithPermanentAccessToStoredValue); // function
// By executing functionWithPermanentAccessToStoredValue, we increment storedValue. This happens because it has access to the storedValue since it was a nested function inside the outerFunction scope.
functionWithPermanentAccessToStoredValue(); // storedValue = 1
functionWithPermanentAccessToStoredValue(); // storedValue = 2
functionWithPermanentAccessToStoredValue(); // storedValue = 3
// storedValue is only accessible to the function that was returned from outerFunction which we have stored inside the variable functionWithPermanentAccessToStoredValue.
console.log(typeof storedValue); // undefined
// Accessing storedValue outside functionWithPermanentAccessToStoredValue is undefined
- A closure is a function that was return from a wrapping/outer function and has permanent access to the variables created inside of the outer function scope.
- JavaScript is function scoped. Any variables created inside of a function
can only be accessed by that function or its nested functions.
- All variables created inside the outer function can be accessed permanently inside the function that we return.
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