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Created March 7, 2024 05:25
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title: greeting
position: -4,-239
Alastair Reid: Well hello there! I've brought your daily supplies!
You: Thank you, Alastair.
Alastair Reid: Have you heard the news going through town?
-> No, please do tell!
<<jump no>>
-> I don't really care for gossip…
<<jump notInterested>>
title: no
position: -115,-56
You: No, please do tell!
<<jump weirdHappenings>>
title: notInterested
position: 90,-56
You: I don't really care for gossip…
<<jump weirdHappenings>>
title: weirdHappenings
position: -24,244
Alastair Reid: Well, it's mighty concerning! Folks have been going missing in the night!
Alastair Reid: Some turn up dead the next day and other folks… well they're just … different from before…
Alastair Reid: No one knows what is causing the trouble. I think it might be some kind of creature that can disguise itself as a person!
-> That's terrible!
<<jump empatheticResponse>>
-> Uh huh…
<<jump skepticalResponse>>
title: empatheticResponse
position: -146,464
You: Oh! That's terrible!
<<jump warning>>
title: skepticalResponse
position: 77,466
You: Uh huh…
<<jump warning>>
title: warning
position: -27,711
Alastair Reid: Well the important part is to be inside by nightfall. Now I know you get plenty of travelers who come by here.
Alastair Reid: Be wary of who you allow to be guests! I'd say look for anyone with a strange appearance or manner to them.
-> Of course.
<<jump acknowledgeWarning>>
-> That's quite normal.
<<jump excuseOddTravelers>>
title: acknowledgeWarning
position: -134,921
You: Oh yes, of course.
<<jump goodbye>>
title: excuseOddTravelers
position: 74,922
You: Well most travelers will arrive not appearing their best.
<<jump goodbye>>
title: goodbye
position: -29,1135
Alastair Reid: Well just be careful now. You wouldn't want yourself and all stayin at the inn to turn up dead in the morning!
-> Thank you!
<<jump thanks>>
-> Very well.
<<jump unimpressedFarewell>>
title: thanks
position: -135,1327
You: Thank you so much Alastair!
title: unimpressedFarewell
position: 69,1327
[action]You sigh...[/action]
You: Very well Alastair. Good day to you!
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