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Last active December 18, 2015 17:49
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Save trhura/5820850 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Implementation of static shanno-fano algorithm in Common Lisp
;; Implementation of static shanno-fano algorithm
;; Algorithm - (Taken from Wikipedia)
;; 1. For a given list of symbols, develop a corresponding list of probabilities
;; or frequency counts so that each symbol’s relative frequency of occurrence is known.
;; 2. Sort the lists of symbols according to frequency, with the most frequently
;; occurring symbols at the left and the least common at the right.
;; 3. Divide the list into two parts, with the total frequency counts of the left half
;; being as close to the total of the right as possible.
;; 4. The left half of the list is assigned the binary digit 0, and
;; the right half is assigned the digit 1. This means that the codes for the symbols in the
;; first half will all start with 0, and the codes in the second half will all start with 1.
;; 5. Recursively apply the steps 3 and 4 to each of the two halves, subdividing groups and
;; adding bits to the codes until each symbol has become a corresponding code leaf on the tree.
(defun get-divide-pos (sorted-list)
;; Get the position to divide the list into two parts (See step 3)
(labels ((divide-pos (list pos)
(let* ((bfc (loop for x from 0 to (1- pos)
summing (cdr (elt list x))))
(afc (loop for x from (1+ pos) to (1- (length list))
summing (cdr (elt list x))))
(cfc (cdr (elt list pos))))
(if (>= (+ afc cfc) bfc)
(if (< bfc afc)
(1+ pos)
(divide-pos list (1- pos))))))
(divide-pos sorted-list (floor (/ (length sorted-list) 2)))))
(defun sf-get-symbol-table (string &key (for 'encode))
;; Get the symbol table :for can be either encode or decode
;; For encode, the hashtable will use the symobls as keys
;; For decode, the hashtable will use the prefix codes as keys
(labels ((build-table (list &optional (prefix nil)
(hashtable (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(if (null (rest list))
;; if the list of pairs has left only one pair, step 4
(if (eql for 'encode)
(setf (gethash (car (first list)) hashtable)
(setf (gethash prefix hashtable)
(car (first list))))
;; else (step 5) divide the list into lhs and rhs, assign 0 and respectively
;; recursively apply step 3 and 4
(let* ((pivot (get-divide-pos list)))
(build-table (subseq list 0 pivot)
(concatenate 'string prefix "0")
(build-table (subseq list pivot)
(concatenate 'string prefix "1")
;; finally return the hashtable
(let* ((list (coerce string 'list)) ; convert the string into a list of chars (symbol)
;; remove reoccuring symbols
(unique-list (remove-duplicates list))
;; make a list of pairs in the form (symobol . frequency)
(list-with-freq (loop for item in unique-list
collecting (cons item
(count item list))))
;; sort the list based on the frequency
(sorted-list (sort list-with-freq
(lambda (x y) (> (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
;; build hash table
(build-table sorted-list))))
(defun sf-encode (string &key (destination *standard-output*))
;; encode the given string, return a symbol table for decoding
with hashtable = (sf-get-symbol-table string)
for ch in (coerce string 'list)
do (format destination "~a" (gethash ch hashtable))
finally (return (sf-get-symbol-table string :for 'decode))))
(defun sf-decode (string hashtable &key (destination *standard-output*))
;; decode the given string, according to symbol table
(loop with start = 0
as end = 1 then (1+ end)
do (let ((hash-value (gethash (subseq string start end) hashtable)))
(if hash-value
(format destination "~a" hash-value)
(setf start end))))
while (< end (length string))))
(defun sf-print-table (string)
(let ((table (sf-get-symbol-table string)))
(format t "~%~10a ~10a ~10a~%" "Symbol" "Frequency" "Code")
(loop for key being each hash-key of table
do (format t "~10a ~10a ~10a~%" key (count key string) (gethash key table)))))
;; Testing
(let* ((string "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbccccccddddddeeeee")
(stream (make-string-output-stream))
(table (sf-encode string :destination stream))
(encoded-string (get-output-stream-string stream)))
(format t "original string = ~a~%" string)
(sf-print-table string)
(format t "~%encoded string = ~a~%" encoded-string)
(sf-decode encoded-string table :destination stream)
(format t "decoded string = ~a~%" (get-output-stream-string stream)))
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