All contributions to the polyfill service are made under the MIT licence. It is important therefore that you agree to the following when contributing code to the service:
- Any contribution I make to the polyfill service by way of Pull Request contains only data that is:
- wholly my own work, upon which I am legally permitted to grant a licence; or
- wholly the work of individuals within the same organisation to which the copyright in all work created by employees is assigned, of which I am a current employee and authorised representive for the purposes of this contribution, and which is legally permitted to grant a licence; or
- licensed by the original author under the MIT licence or equivalent terms
- In respect of any part of my contribution that is not already available under an MIT or compatible licence, I hereby grant to the Financial Times Limited (FT) and to recipients of software distributed by the FT a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the data.