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Created March 1, 2017 03:11
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// var __wpo had to be redacted
!function(n) {
function e(r) {
if (t[r])
return t[r].exports;
var o = t[r] = {
exports: {},
id: r,
loaded: !1
return n[r].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, e),
o.loaded = !0,
var t = {};
return e.m = n,
e.c = t,
e.p = "/static/",
}([function(n, e, t) {
"use strict";
function r(n, e) {
function t() {
if (!L.additional.length)
return Promise.resolve();
var n = void 0;
return n = "changed" === y ? s("additional") : r("additional"),
n.catch(function(n) {
console.error("[SW]:", "Cache section `additional` failed to load")
function r(e) {
var t = L[e];
return {
return g(e, t, {
bust: n.version,
request: n.prefetchRequest
}).then(function() {
u("Cached assets: " + e, t)
}).catch(function(n) {
throw console.error(n),
function s(e) {
return l().then(function(t) {
if (!t)
return r(e);
var o = t[0]
, i = t[1]
, a = t[2]
, c = a.hashmap
, s = a.version;
if (!a.hashmap || s === n.version)
return r(e);
var f = Object.keys(c).map(function(n) {
return c[n]
, l = {
var e = new URL(n.url);
return = "",
, h = L[e]
, d = []
, v = h.filter(function(n) {
return l.indexOf(n) === -1 || f.indexOf(n) === -1
Object.keys(R).forEach(function(n) {
var e = R[n];
if (h.indexOf(e) !== -1 && v.indexOf(e) === -1 && d.indexOf(e) === -1) {
var t = c[n];
t && l.indexOf(t) !== -1 ? d.push([t, e]) : v.push(e)
u("Changed assets: " + e, v),
u("Moved assets: " + e, d);
var p = Promise.all( {
return o.match(n[0]).then(function(e) {
return [n[1], e]
return {
var t = p.then(function(n) {
return Promise.all( {
return e.put(n[0], n[1])
return Promise.all([t, g(e, v, {
bust: n.version,
request: n.prefetchRequest
function f() {
return caches.keys().then(function(n) {
var e = {
if (0 === n.indexOf(W) && 0 !== n.indexOf(E))
return console.log("[SW]:", "Delete cache:", n),
return Promise.all(e)
function l() {
return caches.keys().then(function(n) {
for (var e = n.length, t = void 0; e-- && (t = n[e],
0 !== t.indexOf(W)); )
if (t) {
var r = void 0;
return {
return r = n,
n.match(new URL(P,location).toString())
}).then(function(n) {
if (n)
return Promise.all([r, r.keys(), n.json()])
function h() {
return {
var t = new Response(JSON.stringify({
version: n.version,
hashmap: R
return e.put(new URL(P,location).toString(), t)
function d(n, e, t) {
return o(t, E).then(function(r) {
if (r)
return r;
var o = fetch(n.request).then(function(n) {
return n.ok ? (t === e && !function() {
var t = n.clone(); {
return n.put(e, t)
}).then(function() {
console.log("[SW]:", "Cache asset: " + e)
n) : n
return o
function v(n, e, t) {
return fetch(n.request).then(function(n) {
if (n.ok)
return n;
throw new Error("response is not ok")
}).catch(function() {
return o(t, E)
function p(n) {
return n.catch(function() {}).then(function(n) {
return n && n.ok ? n : o(_, E)
function m() {
Object.keys(L).forEach(function(n) {
L[n] = L[n].map(function(n) {
var e = new URL(n,location);
return U.indexOf(n) === -1 ? = "" : e.hash = "",
Object.keys(S).forEach(function(n) {
S[n] = S[n].map(function(n) {
var e = new URL(n,location);
return U.indexOf(n) === -1 ? = "" : e.hash = "",
R = Object.keys(R).reduce(function(n, e) {
var t = new URL(R[e],location);
return = "",
n[e] = t.toString(),
}, {}),
U = {
var e = new URL(n,location);
return e.hash = "",
function g(n, e, t) {
var r = t.allowLoaders !== !1
, o = t && t.bust
, a = t.request || {
credentials: "omit",
mode: "cors"
return Promise.all( {
return o && (n = i(n, o)),
fetch(n, a)
})).then(function(o) {
if (o.some(function(n) {
return !n.ok
return Promise.reject(new Error("Wrong response status"));
var i = []
, a =, o) {
return r && i.push(x(e[o], t)),
n.put(e[o], t)
return i.length ? !function() {
var r = c(t);
r.allowLoaders = !1;
var o = a;
a = Promise.all(i).then(function(t) {
var i = [].concat.apply([], t);
return e.length && (o = o.concat(g(n, i, r))),
}() : a = Promise.all(a),
function x(n, e) {
var t = Object.keys(S).map(function(t) {
var r = S[t];
if (r.indexOf(n) !== -1 && w[t])
return w[t](e.clone())
}).filter(function(n) {
return !!n
return Promise.all(t).then(function(n) {
return [].concat.apply([], n)
function O(n) {
var e = n.url
, t = new URL(e)
, r = void 0;
r = "navigate" === n.mode ? "navigate" : t.origin === location.origin ? "same-origin" : "cross-origin";
for (var o = 0; o < k.length; o++) {
var i = k[o];
if (i && (!i.requestTypes || i.requestTypes.indexOf(r) !== -1)) {
var a = void 0;
if (a = "function" == typeof i.match ? i.match(t, n) : e.replace(i.match,,
a && a !== e)
return a
var w = e.loaders
, k = e.cacheMaps
, y = n.strategy
, q = n.responseStrategy
, L = n.assets
, S = n.loaders || {}
, R = n.hashesMap
, U = n.externals
, W =
, b = n.version
, E = W + ":" + b
, P = "__offline_webpack__data";
var j = [].concat(L.main, L.additional, L.optional)
, _ = n.navigateFallbackURL;
self.addEventListener("install", function(n) {
console.log("[SW]:", "Install event");
var e = void 0;
e = "changed" === y ? s("main") : r("main"),
self.addEventListener("activate", function(n) {
console.log("[SW]:", "Activate event");
var e = t();
e = e.then(h),
e = e.then(f),
e = e.then(function() {
if (self.clients && self.clients.claim)
return self.clients.claim()
self.addEventListener("fetch", function(n) {
var e = n.request.url
, t = new URL(e)
, r = void 0;
U.indexOf(e) !== -1 ? r = e : ( = "",
r = t.toString());
var o = "GET" === n.request.method
, i = j.indexOf(r) !== -1
, c = r;
if (!i) {
var u = O(n.request);
u && (c = u,
i = !0)
if (!i && o && _ && a(n.request))
return void n.respondWith(p(fetch(n.request)));
if (!i || !o)
return void (t.origin !== location.origin && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox/44.") !== -1 && n.respondWith(fetch(n.request)));
var s = void 0;
s = "network-first" === q ? v(n, r, c) : d(n, r, c),
_ && a(n.request) && (s = p(s)),
self.addEventListener("message", function(n) {
var e =;
if (e)
switch (e.action) {
case "skipWaiting":
self.skipWaiting && self.skipWaiting()
function o(n, e) {
return caches.match(n, {
cacheName: e
}).catch(function() {})
function i(n, e) {
var t = n.indexOf("?") !== -1;
return n + (t ? "&" : "?") + "__uncache=" + encodeURIComponent(e)
function a(n) {
return "navigate" === n.mode || n.headers.get("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests") || (n.headers.get("Accept") || "").indexOf("text/html") !== -1
function c(n) {
return Object.keys(n).reduce(function(e, t) {
return e[t] = n[t],
}, {})
function u(n, e) {
console.groupCollapsed("[SW]:", n),
e.forEach(function(n) {
console.log("Asset:", n)
r(__wpo, {
loaders: {},
cacheMaps: []
n.exports = t(1)
, function(n, e) {}
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