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Created August 12, 2021 19:07
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Fix for Flot time tick generation
const $ = require('jquery');
const floorInBase = $.plot.saturated.floorInBase;
const CreateMicroSecondDate = function(dateType, microEpoch) {
const newDate = new dateType(microEpoch);
const oldSetTime = dateType.prototype.setTime.bind(newDate);
const newMethods = {
update: function(microtime) {
// Microseconds are stored as integers
const seconds = microtime/1000;
this.microseconds = 1000000 * (seconds - Math.floor(seconds));
setTime: function(microtime) {
getMicroseconds: function() {
return this.microseconds;
setMicroseconds: function(microseconds) {
// Replace the microsecond part (6 last digits) in microEpoch
const epochWithoutMicroseconds = 1000 * Math.floor(this.getTime() / 1000);
const newEpoch = epochWithoutMicroseconds + microseconds / 1000;
setUTCMicroseconds: function(microseconds) { this.setMicroseconds(microseconds); },
getUTCMicroseconds: function() { return this.getMicroseconds(); }
microseconds: {
value: null,
writable: true
.forEach(name => {
const newMethod = newMethods[name].bind(newDate);
Object.defineProperty(newDate, name, {value: newMethod});
return newDate;
function makeUtcWrapper(d) {
function addProxyMethod(sourceObj, sourceMethod, targetObj, targetMethod) {
sourceObj[sourceMethod] = function() {
return targetObj[targetMethod].apply(targetObj, arguments);
const utc = {
date: d
// support strftime, if found
if (d.strftime !== undefined) {
addProxyMethod(utc, "strftime", d, "strftime");
addProxyMethod(utc, "getTime", d, "getTime");
addProxyMethod(utc, "setTime", d, "setTime");
let props = ["Date", "Day", "FullYear", "Hours", "Minutes", "Month", "Seconds", "Milliseconds", "Microseconds"];
for (let p = 0; p < props.length; p++) {
addProxyMethod(utc, "get" + props[p], d, "getUTC" + props[p]);
addProxyMethod(utc, "set" + props[p], d, "setUTC" + props[p]);
return utc;
// select time zone strategy. This returns a date-like object tied to the
// desired timezone
export function dateGenerator(ts, opts) {
let maxDateValue = 8640000000000000;
if (opts && opts.timeBase === 'seconds') {
ts *= 1000;
} else if (opts.timeBase === 'microseconds') {
ts /= 1000;
if (ts > maxDateValue) {
ts = maxDateValue;
} else if (ts < -maxDateValue) {
ts = -maxDateValue;
if (opts.timezone === "browser") {
return CreateMicroSecondDate(Date, ts);
} else if (!opts.timezone || opts.timezone === "utc") {
return makeUtcWrapper(CreateMicroSecondDate(Date, ts));
} else if (typeof timezoneJS !== "undefined" && typeof timezoneJS.Date !== "undefined") {
let d = CreateMicroSecondDate(timezoneJS.Date, ts);
// timezone-js is fickle, so be sure to set the time zone before
// setting the time.
return d;
} else {
return makeUtcWrapper(CreateMicroSecondDate(Date, ts));
// map of app. size of time units in seconds
let timeUnitSizeSeconds = {
"microsecond": 0.000001,
"millisecond": 0.001,
"second": 1,
"minute": 60,
"hour": 60 * 60,
"day": 24 * 60 * 60,
"month": 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
"quarter": 3 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
"year": 365.2425 * 24 * 60 * 60
// map of app. size of time units in milliseconds
let timeUnitSizeMilliseconds = {
"microsecond": 0.001,
"millisecond": 1,
"second": 1000,
"minute": 60 * 1000,
"hour": 60 * 60 * 1000,
"day": 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
"month": 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
"quarter": 3 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
"year": 365.2425 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
// map of app. size of time units in microseconds
let timeUnitSizeMicroseconds = {
"microsecond": 1,
"millisecond": 1000,
"second": 1000000,
"minute": 60 * 1000000,
"hour": 60 * 60 * 1000000,
"day": 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000000,
"month": 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000000,
"quarter": 3 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000000,
"year": 365.2425 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000000
// the allowed tick sizes, after 1 year we use
// an integer algorithm
let baseSpec = [
[1, "microsecond"], [2, "microsecond"], [5, "microsecond"], [10, "microsecond"],
[25, "microsecond"], [50, "microsecond"], [100, "microsecond"], [250, "microsecond"], [500, "microsecond"],
[1, "millisecond"], [2, "millisecond"], [5, "millisecond"], [10, "millisecond"],
[25, "millisecond"], [50, "millisecond"], [100, "millisecond"], [250, "millisecond"], [500, "millisecond"],
[1, "second"], [2, "second"], [5, "second"], [10, "second"],
[30, "second"],
[1, "minute"], [2, "minute"], [5, "minute"], [10, "minute"],
[30, "minute"],
[1, "hour"], [2, "hour"], [4, "hour"],
[8, "hour"], [12, "hour"],
[1, "day"], [2, "day"], [3, "day"],
[0.25, "month"], [0.5, "month"], [1, "month"],
[2, "month"]
// we don't know which variant(s) we'll need yet, but generating both is
// cheap
let specMonths = baseSpec.concat([[3, "month"], [6, "month"],
[1, "year"]]);
let specQuarters = baseSpec.concat([[1, "quarter"], [2, "quarter"],
[1, "year"]]);
export function dateTickGenerator(axis) {
let opts = axis.options,
ticks = [],
d = dateGenerator(axis.min, opts),
minSize = 0;
// make quarter use a possibility if quarters are
// mentioned in either of these options
let spec = (opts.tickSize && opts.tickSize[1] ===
"quarter") ||
(opts.minTickSize && opts.minTickSize[1] ===
"quarter") ? specQuarters : specMonths;
let timeUnitSize;
if (opts.timeBase === 'seconds') {
timeUnitSize = timeUnitSizeSeconds;
} else if (opts.timeBase === 'microseconds') {
timeUnitSize = timeUnitSizeMicroseconds;
} else {
timeUnitSize = timeUnitSizeMilliseconds;
if (opts.minTickSize !== null && opts.minTickSize !== undefined) {
if (typeof opts.tickSize === "number") {
minSize = opts.tickSize;
} else {
minSize = opts.minTickSize[0] * timeUnitSize[opts.minTickSize[1]];
let i;
for (i = 0; i < spec.length - 1; ++i) {
if ( < (spec[i][0] * timeUnitSize[spec[i][1]] +
spec[i + 1][0] * timeUnitSize[spec[i + 1][1]]) / 2 &&
spec[i][0] * timeUnitSize[spec[i][1]] >= minSize) {
let size = spec[i][0];
let unit = spec[i][1];
// special-case the possibility of several years
if (unit === "year") {
// if given a minTickSize in years, just use it,
// ensuring that it's an integer
if (opts.minTickSize !== null && opts.minTickSize !== undefined && opts.minTickSize[1] === "year") {
size = Math.floor(opts.minTickSize[0]);
} else {
let magn = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log( / timeUnitSize.year) / Math.LN10));
let norm = ( / timeUnitSize.year) / magn;
if (norm < 1.5) {
size = 1;
} else if (norm < 3) {
size = 2;
} else if (norm < 7.5) {
size = 5;
} else {
size = 10;
size *= magn;
// minimum size for years is 1
if (size < 1) {
size = 1;
axis.tickSize = opts.tickSize || [size, unit];
let tickSize = axis.tickSize[0];
unit = axis.tickSize[1];
let step = tickSize * timeUnitSize[unit];
if (unit === "microsecond") {
d.setMicroseconds(floorInBase(d.getMicroseconds(), tickSize));
} else if (unit === "millisecond") {
d.setMilliseconds(floorInBase(d.getMilliseconds(), tickSize));
} else if (unit === "second") {
d.setSeconds(floorInBase(d.getSeconds(), tickSize));
} else if (unit === "minute") {
d.setMinutes(floorInBase(d.getMinutes(), tickSize));
} else if (unit === "hour") {
d.setHours(floorInBase(d.getHours(), tickSize));
} else if (unit === "month") {
d.setMonth(floorInBase(d.getMonth(), tickSize));
} else if (unit === "quarter") {
d.setMonth(3 * floorInBase(d.getMonth() / 3,
} else if (unit === "year") {
d.setFullYear(floorInBase(d.getFullYear(), tickSize));
// reset smaller components
if (step >= timeUnitSize.millisecond) {
if (step >= timeUnitSize.second) {
} else {
if (step >= timeUnitSize.second) {
if (step >= timeUnitSize.minute) {
if (step >= timeUnitSize.hour) {
if (step >= {
if (step >= * 4) {
if (step >= timeUnitSize.month * 2) {
d.setMonth(floorInBase(d.getMonth(), 3));
if (step >= timeUnitSize.quarter * 2) {
d.setMonth(floorInBase(d.getMonth(), 6));
if (step >= timeUnitSize.year) {
let carry = 0;
let v = Number.NaN;
let v1000;
let prev;
do {
prev = v;
v1000 = d.getTime();
if (opts && opts.timeBase === 'seconds') {
v = v1000 / 1000;
} else if (opts && opts.timeBase === 'microseconds') {
v = v1000 * 1000;
} else {
v = v1000;
if (unit === "month" || unit === "quarter") {
if (tickSize < 1) {
// a bit complicated - we'll divide the
// month/quarter up but we need to take
// care of fractions so we don't end up in
// the middle of a day
let start = d.getTime();
d.setMonth(d.getMonth() +
(unit === "quarter" ? 3 : 1));
let end = d.getTime();
d.setTime((v + carry * timeUnitSize.hour + (end - start) * tickSize));
carry = d.getHours();
} else {
d.setMonth(d.getMonth() + tickSize * (unit === "quarter" ? 3 : 1));
} else if (unit === "year") {
d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + tickSize);
} else {
if (opts.timeBase === 'seconds') {
d.setTime((v + step) * 1000);
} else if (opts.timeBase === 'microseconds') {
d.setTime((v + step) / 1000);
} else {
d.setTime(v + step);
} while (v < axis.max && v !== prev);
return ticks;
$.plot.dateGenerator = dateGenerator;
$.plot.dateTickGenerator = dateTickGenerator;
name: 'time-fixer',
version: '1.0',
init: function(plot) {
plot.hooks.processOptions.push(function (plot) {
$.each(plot.getAxes(), function(axisName, axis) {
const opts = axis.options;
if (opts.mode === "time") {
axis.tickGenerator = dateTickGenerator;
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