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Created January 15, 2020 03:04
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#!/bin/env ruby
# Load the native Ruby HTTP libraries
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
# Get an API key to access our vault(s)
# Note that the machine must have been granted access to the vault using managed identity
apikey_uri = URI('')
req =
req['Metadata'] = true
res = Net::HTTP.start(apikey_uri.hostname, apikey_uri.port) {|http|
# Extract the API token from the response body
api_token = JSON.parse(res.body)['access_token']
# Retrieve a vault item named "ldap-password" from a vault name "sekrits"
# The machine must be granted access to the vault using managed identity
vault_uri = URI('')
req =
req['Metadata'] = true
req['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{api_token}"
req['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
res = Net::HTTP.start(vault_uri.hostname, vault_uri.port, use_ssl:true) {|http|
# Extract the ldap-password secret from the response body
ldap_password = JSON.parse(res.body)['value']
puts ldap_password
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