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GraphQL example

Graphene Tutorial

Example of authentication mutations and user queries in GraphQL API.

First we need to create a type from our database models (Django in this case)
import graphene
from graphene_django import DjangoObjectType
from ..models import User
class UserType(DjangoObjectType):
full_name = graphene.String()
photo = graphene.String()
class Meta:
model = User
only_fields = [
'id', 'key',
'first_name', 'last_name', 'full_name',
'phone_number', 'mobile_number', 'email', 'photo', 'role',
'is_active', 'last_login'
def resolve_photo(obj, info):
if not
return None
def resolve_full_name(obj, info):
return obj.get_full_name()
Queries are like views in REST framework - they return a list of UserTypes (list of all users)
or a single UserType (e.g. currently authenticated user)
import graphene
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from .decorators import login_required
from .types import UserType
User = get_user_model()
class AuthUserQuery:
Currently authenticated user or None if user is anonymous
auth_user = graphene.Field(UserType)
def resolve_auth_user(cls, obj, info):
request = info.context
if not request or not request.user or not request.user.is_authenticated:
return None
return request.user
class UserQuery:
users = graphene.List(UserType, project=graphene.String())
def resolve_users(cls, obj, info):
return User.objects.all()
Example mutations used for authentication
import smtplib
import graphene
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, logout
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.db import IntegrityError
from .models import User
from .decorators import login_required
from .mutations import BaseMutation
from .types import UserType
class Login(BaseMutation):
class Arguments:
email = graphene.String()
password = graphene.String()
keep = graphene.Boolean()
user = graphene.Field(UserType)
def mutate(cls, obj, info, *, email, password, keep=False):
request = info.context
user = authenticate(request, email=email, password=password)
if user is None:
return cls(user=None, ok=False, error='Invalid email or password')
if not keep:
login(request, user)
return cls(user=user)
class Logout(BaseMutation):
def mutate(cls, obj, info):
request = info.context
return cls()
class Register(BaseMutation):
class Arguments:
email = graphene.String()
password = graphene.String()
user = graphene.Field(UserType)
def mutate(cls, obj, info, *, email, password):
email = email.strip()
user = User.objects.create_user(
email=email, password=password)
except IntegrityError:
return cls(user=None, ok=False, error='Email already registered')
return cls(user=user)
class PasswordResetRequest(BaseMutation):
class Arguments:
email = graphene.String()
token = graphene.String()
def send_mail(email, token):
msg = ('You\'ve requested password reset at https://{domain_web}/. '
'Please visit https://{domain_web}/password/new/?verify={token}'
' and set your new password.'
).format(domain_web=settings.DOMAIN_WEB, token=token)
'Password reset verification',
def mutate(cls, obj, info, *, email):
token = User.objects.create_reset_password_token(email)
if not token:
return cls(ok=False, error='Invalid email', token=None)
PasswordResetRequest.send_mail(email, token)
except smtplib.SMTPException:
return cls(ok=False, error='Email not sent')
return cls(token=token)
class PasswordReset(BaseMutation):
class Arguments:
token = graphene.String()
password = graphene.String()
def send_mail(email):
msg = ('Your password has changed. '
'Please visit https://{domain_web}/ and verify.'
'Password reset confirmation',
def mutate(cls, obj, info, *, token, password):
user = User.objects.verify_reset_password_token(token)
if not user:
return cls(ok=False, error='Invalid token')
except smtplib.SMTPException:
# Token is already invalidated at this point, but email with
# confirmation hasn't been sent. Don't change password silently,
# rather request user to generate new token.
return cls(ok=False, error='Invalid token')
return cls()
class AdminPasswordChange(BaseMutation):
Change password for *any* user in database. Requires admin privileges.
class Arguments:
email = graphene.String()
password = graphene.String()
def mutate(cls, obj, info, *, email, password):
if not info.context.user.is_admin:
return cls(ok=False, error='Not authorized')
user = User.objects.get(email__iexact=email)
return cls()
finally, we define the schema by listing queries and mutations (types are embedded automatically)
from .queries import AuthUserQuery, UserQuery
from .mutations import (
Login, Logout, Register, PasswordResetRequest, PasswordReset,
class Query(AuthUserQuery, UserQuery):
class Mutations:
auth_login = Login.Field()
auth_logout = Logout.Field()
auth_register = Register.Field()
auth_password_reset_request = PasswordResetRequest.Field()
auth_password_reset = PasswordReset.Field()
auth_password_change = AdminPasswordChange.Field()
schema = graphene.Schema(
import graphene
def authorization_required(auth_func):
Factory for authorization decorators. Pass `auth_func` which returns when
authorized to perform action, False otherwise. `auth_func` receives
request and current object as a param.
def decorator(function):
def wrapper(cls, obj, info, **kwargs):
if not auth_func(info.context, obj):
if issubclass(cls, graphene.Mutation):
return cls(ok=False, error='Not authorized')
return None
return function(cls, obj, info, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
def is_authenticated(request, obj):
return request and request.user and request.user.is_authenticated
login_required = authorization_required(is_authenticated)
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