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Last active February 10, 2023 08:54
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Centralized routing for Next.js

I'm using this approach to have centralized route config in Next.js. I don't have the fully automated solution. Right now I'm writing route configs and links manually to figure out if it works and what are the drawbacks.

I believe the automation is the last step to make it completely seamless.

1. Define routes in centralized config

This is the only file that needs to be wrote manually.


const routeConfig = {
  // url: filename inside `pages`
  '/about': '/about',
  '/article/:id': '/article',

2. Links and route configs are generated

Only imported Links/routes are included in bundle, everything else is stripped down using tree-shaking.

Each route is transformed into routeConfig and custom Link component. routeConfig can be used for imperative routing (e.g. Router.push), while custom Link is used in JSX for declarative routing.

// links.ts
// generated from route.config.ts

export const about = makeRouteConfig("/about")
export const AboutLink = makeLink(about)

export const article = makeRouteConfig("/article/:id", "/article")
export const ArticleLink = makeLink(article)

As a bonus, links can be typechecked:

// links.d.ts
interface CustomLinkProps<Params> extends LinkProps {
  params: Params

interface ArticleLinkParams {}
declare const ArticleLink = React.ElementType<CustomLinkProps<AboutLinkParams>>

3. now.json is generated as well

  "routes": [
    { "src": "/about", "dest": "/about.js" },
    { "src": "/article/(?<id>[^/]*)", "dest": "/article.js?id=$id" },

4. Example

// pages/index.ts

import { AboutLink, ArticleLink } from "../links"

export default () => {
    <ArticleLink params={{id: "42"}}>Answering the ultimate question</ArticleLink>


✅ this can be build on top of current Next.js API

✅ centralized route config with minimal footprint in bundle

✅ global server handler is used only for development. Pages in production can be served in serverless fashion.

🚫 requires extra compile step to prepare now.json and links.ts

Implementation details

Current implementation of helpers which I use in previous examples. Not important for the concept.


Little helper to create routeConfig object.

export interface RouteConfig {
  path: string
  as: string

export function makeRouteConfig(as: string, path?: string): RouteConfig {
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
    if (!as.startsWith("/")) {
      throw Error(`path ${as} should start with /`)

  return {
    path: path != null ? path : as


Factory to make custom Link with href and as attributes filled automatically based on routeConfig object

import * as React from "react"
import Link, { LinkProps } from "next/link"
import { reverse, RouteConfig } from "accent/core/routes"

export interface RouteLinkProps extends LinkProps {
  params?: { [key: string]: string }

// Create customized Link component, which fills `href` and `as` props based on routeConfig
export const makeLink = (routeConfig: RouteConfig) => ({
}: RouteLinkProps) => {
  const href = {
    pathname: routeConfig.path,
    query: params

  const as = params == null ? : reverse(routeConfig, params)

  return (
    <Link href={href} as={as} {...linkProps}>
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