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5000+ common words created as flashcards in logseq

type:: flashcards tags:: english, english learning

  • false #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /fɒls/ audio
      • /fɑls/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One of two options on a true-or-false test.
          • Eg.The student received a failing grade for circling every true and false on her quiz.
      • adjective
        • Untrue, not factual, factually incorrect.
        • Based on factually incorrect premises.
          • Eg.false legislation, false punishment
        • Spurious, artificial.
          • Eg.false teeth
        • Of a state in Boolean logic that indicates a negative result.
        • Uttering falsehood; dishonest or deceitful.
          • Eg.a false witness
        • Not faithful or loyal, as to obligations, allegiance, vows, etc.; untrue; treacherous.
          • Eg.a false friend, lover, or subject;  false to promises
        • Not well founded; not firm or trustworthy; erroneous.
          • Eg.a false conclusion;  a false construction in grammar
        • Not essential or permanent, as parts of a structure which are temporary or supplemental.
        • Used in the vernacular name of a species (or group of species) together with the name of another species to which it is similar in appearance.
          • Eg.false killer whale (a dolphin)
        • Out of tune.
      • adverb
        • In a dishonest and disloyal way; falsely.
  • i #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The name of the Latin-script letter I.
          • Eg.the position of an i-dot (the dot of an i)
  • ok #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • All right, permitted.
          • Eg.Do you think it's OK to stay here for the night?
        • Satisfactory, reasonably good; not exceptional.
          • Eg.The soup was OK, but the dessert was excellent.
        • In good health or a good emotional state.
          • Eg.He's not feeling well now, but he should be OK after some rest.
  • true #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tɹuː/ audio
      • /tɹu/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The state of being in alignment.
        • Truth.
        • A pledge or truce.
      • verb
        • To straighten.
          • Eg.He trued the spokes of the bicycle wheel.
        • To make even, level, symmetrical, or accurate, align; adjust.
          • Eg.We spent all night truing up the report.
      • adjective
        • (of a statement) Conforming to the actual state of reality or fact; factually correct.
          • Eg.This is a true story.
        • Conforming to a rule or pattern; exact; accurate.
          • Eg.a true copy;   a true likeness of the original
        • Of the state in Boolean logic that indicates an affirmative or positive result.
          • Eg."A and B" is true if and only if "A" is true and "B" is true.
        • Loyal, faithful.
          • Eg.He’s turned out to be a true friend.
        • Genuine; legitimate.
          • Eg.The true king has returned!
        • Used in the designation of group of species, or sometimes a single species, to indicate that it belongs to the clade its common name (which may be more broadly scoped in common speech) is restricted to in technical speech, or to distinguish it from a similar species, the latter of which may be called false.
          • Eg.true blusher (Amanita rubescens, as distinguished from the false blusher, Amanita pantherina)
        • (of an aim or missile in archery, shooting, golf etc.) Accurate; following a path toward the target.
        • Fair, unbiased, not loaded.
        • (Of a literary genre) based on actual historical events.
          • Eg.true crime
      • adverb
        • (of shooting, throwing etc) Accurately.
          • Eg.this gun shoots true
  • a #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æɪ/
      • /eɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The name of the Latin script letter A/a.
  • abandon #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈbæn.dən/
      • /əˈbæn.dn̩/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To give up or relinquish control of, to surrender or to give oneself over, or to yield to one's emotions.
        • To desist in doing, practicing, following, holding, or adhering to; to turn away from; to permit to lapse; to renounce; to discontinue.
        • To leave behind; to desert as in a ship or a position, typically in response to overwhelming odds or impending dangers; to forsake, in spite of a duty or responsibility.
          • Eg.Many baby girls have been abandoned on the streets of Beijing.
        • To subdue; to take control of.
        • To cast out; to banish; to expel; to reject.
        • To no longer exercise a right, title, or interest, especially with no interest of reclaiming it again; to yield; to relinquish.
        • To surrender to the insurer (an insured item), so as to claim a total loss.
  • ability #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈ.bɪl.ɪ.ti/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Suitableness.
        • The quality or state of being able; capacity to do or of doing something; having the necessary power.
          • Eg.This phone has the ability to have its software upgraded wirelessly.
        • The legal wherewithal to act.
        • Physical power.
        • Financial ability.
        • A unique power of the mind; a faculty.
        • A skill or competence in doing; mental power; talent; aptitude.
          • Eg.She has an uncanny ability to defuse conflict.
  • able #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈeɪ.bl̩/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Easy to use.
        • Suitable; competent.
        • Liable to.
        • Having the necessary powers or the needed resources to accomplish a task.
        • Free from constraints preventing completion of task; permitted to; not prevented from.
          • Eg.I’ll see you as soon as I’m able.
        • Having the physical strength; robust; healthy.
          • Eg.After the past week of forced marches, only half the men are fully able.
        • Rich; well-to-do.
          • Eg.He was born to an able family.
        • Gifted with skill, intelligence, knowledge, or competence.
          • Eg.The chairman was also an able sailor.
        • Legally qualified or competent.
          • Eg.He is able to practice law in six states.
        • Capable of performing all the requisite duties; as an able seaman.
  • abolish #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈbɒlɪʃ/
      • /əˈbɑl.əʃ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To end a law, system, institution, custom or practice.
          • Eg.Slavery was abolished in the nineteenth century.
        • To put an end to or destroy, as a physical object; to wipe out.
  • abortion #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈbɔɹ.ʃn̩/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The expulsion from the womb of a foetus or embryo before it is fully developed, with loss of the foetus; either naturally as a spontaneous abortion (now usually called a miscarriage), or deliberately as an induced abortion.
        • An aborted foetus; an abortus.
        • A misshapen person or thing; a monstrosity.
        • Failure or abandonment of a project, promise, goal etc.
        • Arrest of development of any organ, so that it remains an imperfect formation or is absorbed.
        • The cessation of an illness or disease at a very early stage.
  • about #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈbɛʊt/
      • /əˈbaʊt/ audio
      • /əˈbʌʊt/
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Moving around; astir.
          • Eg.After my bout with Guillan-Barre Syndrome, it took me 6 months to be up and about again.
        • In existence; being in evidence; apparent.
          • Eg.This idea has been about for a while but has only recently become fashionable.
        • Near; in the vicinity or neighbourhood.
          • Eg.I had my keys just a minute ago, so they must be about somewhere.
      • adverb
        • On all sides; around.
          • Eg.I looked about at the scenery that surrounded me.
        • Here and there; around; in one place and another; up and down.
          • Eg.Bits of old machinery were lying about.
        • From one place or position to another in succession; indicating repeated movement or activity.
          • Eg.walking about;  rushing about;  jumping about;  thrashing about
        • Indicating unproductive or unstructured activity.
          • Eg.messing about;  fooling about;  loafing about
        • Nearly; approximately; with close correspondence in quality, manner, degree, quantity, or time; almost.
          • Eg.Dinner's about ready.
        • Near; in the vicinity.
        • To a reversed order; half round; facing in the opposite direction; from a contrary point of view.
          • face about;  to turn oneself about
        • In succession; one after another; in the course of events.
        • In circuit; circularly; by a circuitous way; around the outside; in circumference.
          • Eg.a mile about, and a third of a mile across
      • preposition
        • In a circle around; all round; on every side of; on the outside of.
          • Eg.The snake was coiled about his ankle.
        • Over or upon different parts of; through or over in various directions; here and there in; to and fro in; throughout.
          • Eg.He was well known about town.
        • Indicates that something will happen very soon; indicates a plan or intention to do something.
        • Concerning; with regard to; on account of; on the subject of; to affect.
          • Eg.He talked a lot about his childhood.
        • Concerned with; engaged in; intent on.
          • be about one's business
        • Within or in the immediate neighborhood of; in contiguity or proximity to; near, as to place.
          • Eg.I can't find my reading glasses, but they must be somewhere about the house.
        • On one's person; nearby the person.
          • Eg.I had no weapon about me but a stick.
        • In or near, as in mental faculties or in the possession of; under the control of; at one's command; in one's makeup.
          • Eg.He has his wits about him.
  • above #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈbʌv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Heaven.
        • Something, especially a person's name in legal documents, that appears higher on the same page or on a preceding page.
        • Higher authority.
        • Betterment, raised status or condition.
      • adjective
        • Of heaven; heavenly.
        • (by ellipsis) Being located higher on the same page or on a preceding page.
      • adverb
        • Directly overhead; vertically on top of.
        • Higher in the same page; earlier in the order as far as writing products go.
        • Into or from heaven; in the sky.
          • Eg.He's in a better place now, floating free as the clouds above.
        • In a higher place; upstairs; farther upstream.
        • Higher in rank, power, or position.
          • Eg.He appealed to the court above.
        • In addition.
        • More in number.
        • Above zero; above freezing.
          • Eg.It was a cold day at only 5 above.
        • On the upper half or the dorsal surface of an animal.
          • Eg.The sparrow I saw was rufous above and off-white below.
      • preposition
        • Physically over; on top of; worn on top of, said of clothing.
          • Eg.He always put his coat on above his sweater.
        • In or to a higher place; higher than; on or over the upper surface.
        • Farther north than.
          • Eg.Idaho is above Utah.
        • Rising; appearing out of reach height-wise.
        • Higher than; superior to in any respect; surpassing; higher in measure, degree, volume, or pitch, etc. than; out of reach; not exposed to; not likely to be affected by; incapable of negative actions or thoughts.
          • Eg.Even the chief of police is not above suspicion.
        • Higher in rank, status, or position.
          • stand head and shoulders above the rest
        • In addition to; besides.
          • Eg.above and beyond the call of duty
        • Surpassing in number or quantity; more than.
          • Eg.That amount is way above our asking price.
        • In preference to.
        • Too proud to stoop to; averse to; disinclined towards;
          • Eg.The owner was above taking more than a token salary.
        • Beyond; on the other side.
        • Upstage of.
  • abroad #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈbɹɔːd/
      • /əˈbɹɔd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Countries or lands abroad.
      • adverb
        • Beyond the bounds of a country; in foreign countries.
        • At large; widely; broadly; over a wide space.
          • Eg.A tree spreads its branches abroad.
        • Without a certain confine; outside the house; away from one's abode.
        • Before the public at large; throughout society or the world; here and there; moving without restriction.
        • Not on target; astray; in error; confused; dazed.
        • Played elsewhere than one's home grounds.
      • preposition
        • Throughout, over.
  • absence #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæb.s(ə)n̩s/
      • /æbˈsɒns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A state of being away or withdrawn from a place or from companionship; the period of being away.
          • Eg.Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
        • Failure to be present where one is expected, wanted, or needed; nonattendance; deficiency.
        • Lack; deficiency; nonexistence.
          • Eg.He had an absence of enthusiasm.
        • Inattention to things present; abstraction (of mind).
          • Eg.absence of mind
        • Temporary loss or disruption of consciousness, with sudden onset and recovery, and common in epilepsy.
        • Lack of contact between blades.
  • absent #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæ̩t/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (with definite article) Something absent, especially absent people collectively; those who were or are not there.
        • An absentee; a person who is not there.
      • adjective
        • Being away from a place; withdrawn from a place; not present; missing.
        • Not existing; lacking.
          • Eg.The part was rudimental or absent.
        • (sometimes comparable) Inattentive to what is passing; absent-minded; preoccupied.
      • preposition
        • In the absence of; without; except.
          • Eg.Absent taxes modern governments cannot function.
  • absolute #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæb.səˌljuːt/ audio
      • /ˈæb.səˌlut/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • That which is independent of context-dependent interpretation, inviolate, fundamental.
          • Eg.moral absolutes
        • Anything that is absolute.
        • In a plane, the two imaginary circular points at infinity; in space of three dimensions, the imaginary circle at infinity.
        • (usually capitalized) A realm which exists without reference to anything else; that which can be imagined purely by itself; absolute ego.
        • (usually capitalized) The unity of spirit and nature; God.
        • (usually capitalized) The whole of reality; the totality to which everything is reduced.
        • A concentrated natural flower oil, used for perfumes; an alcoholic extract of a concrete.
      • adjective
        • Free of restrictions, limitations, qualifications or conditions; unconditional.
          • Eg.1658, Samuel Hoard, God[']s Love to Mankind, Manifested, by disprooving his absolute decree for their damnation
        • Free from imperfection, perfect, complete; especially, perfectly embodying a quality in its essential characteristics or to its highest degree.
          • Eg.absolute purity, absolute liberty
        • Pure, free from mixture or adulteration; unmixed.
          • Eg.absolute alcohol
        • Complete, utter, outright; unmitigated, not qualified or diminished in any way.
          • Eg.When caught, he told an absolute lie.   an absolute denial of all charges
        • Positive, certain; unquestionable.
        • Certain; free from doubt or uncertainty (e.g. a person, opinion or prediction).
        • Fundamental, ultimate, intrinsic; not relative; independent of references or relations to other things or standards.
          • Eg.Absolute rights and duties are such as pertain to man in a state of nature as contradistinguished from relative rights and duties, or such as pertain to him in his social relations.
        • Independent of arbitrary units of measurement, standards, or properties; not comparative or relative.
          • Eg.absolute velocity, absolute motion, absolute position
        • (grammar) Not immediately dependent on the other parts of the sentence; not in a syntactical relation with other parts of a text, or qualifying the text as a whole rather than any single word in it, like "it being over" in "it being over, she left".
        • As measured using an absolute value.
          • Eg.absolute deviation
        • Indicating an expression that is true for all real numbers, or of all values of the variable; unconditional.
        • Pertaining to a grading system based on the knowledge of the individual and not on the comparative knowledge of the group of students.
        • Independent of (references to) other arts; expressing things (beauty, ideas, etc) only in one art.
          • Eg.absolute music
        • Absolved; free.
  • absolutely #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æb.səˈl(j)uːt.lɪ/
      • /ˈæb.səˌ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • In an absolute or unconditional manner; utterly, positively, wholly.
        • Independently; viewed without relation to other things or factors.
        • (grammar) In a manner that does not take an object.
      • interjection
        • Yes; certainly; expression indicating strong agreement.
          • Eg.Do you want a free cookie with that coffee? Absolutely!
  • absorb #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əbˈsɔːb/
      • /æbˈsɔɹb/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To include so that it no longer has separate existence; to overwhelm; to cause to disappear as if by swallowing up; to incorporate; to assimilate; to take in and use up.
        • To engulf, as in water; to swallow up.
        • To suck up; to drink in; to imbibe, like a sponge or as the lacteals of the body; to chemically take in.
        • To take in energy and convert it, as
          • Eg.Heat, light, and electricity are absorbed in the substances into which they pass.
        • To engross or engage wholly; to occupy fully
        • To occupy or consume time.
        • Assimilate mentally.
        • To assume or pay for as part of a commercial transaction.
        • To defray the costs.
        • To accept or purchase in quantity.
  • abstract #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæbˌstɹækt/ audio
      • /əbˈstɹækt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An abridgement or summary of a longer publication.
        • Something that concentrates in itself the qualities of a larger item, or multiple items.
        • An abstraction; an abstract term; that which is abstract.
        • The theoretical way of looking at things; something that exists only in idealized form.
        • An abstract work of art.
        • A summary title of the key points detailing a tract of land, for ownership; abstract of title.
      • verb
        • To separate; to disengage.
        • To remove; to take away; withdraw.
        • To steal; to take away; to remove without permission.
        • To summarize; to abridge; to epitomize.
        • To conceptualize an ideal subgroup by means of the generalization of an attribute, as follows: by apprehending an attribute inherent to one individual, then separating that attribute and contemplating it by itself, then conceiving of that attribute as a general quality, then despecifying that conceived quality with respect to several or many individuals, and by then ideating a group composed of those individuals perceived to possess said quality.
        • To extract by means of distillation.
        • To consider abstractly; to contemplate separately or by itself; to consider theoretically; to look at as a general quality.
        • To withdraw oneself; to retire.
        • To draw off (interest or attention).
          • Eg.He was wholly abstracted by other objects.
        • To perform the process of abstraction.
        • To create abstractions.
        • To produce an abstraction, usually by refactoring existing code. Generally used with "out".
          • Eg.He abstracted out the square root function.
      • adjective
        • Derived; extracted.
        • Drawn away; removed from; apart from; separate.
        • Not concrete: conceptual, ideal.
        • Difficult to understand; abstruse; hard to conceptualize.
        • Separately expressing a property or attribute of an object that is considered to be inherent to that object: attributive, ascriptive.
        • Pertaining comprehensively to, or representing, a class or group of objects, as opposed to any specific object; considered apart from any application to a particular object: general, generic, nonspecific; representational.
        • Absent-minded.
        • Pertaining to the formal aspect of art, such as the lines, colors, shapes, and the relationships among them.
        • Insufficiently factual.
        • Apart from practice or reality; vague; theoretical; impersonal; not applied.
        • (grammar) As a noun, denoting an intangible as opposed to an object, place, or person.
        • Of a class in object-oriented programming, being a partial basis for subclasses rather than a complete template for objects.
  • absurd #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æbˈzɝd/
      • /əbˈsɜːd/
      • /æbˈsɝd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An absurdity.
        • (often preceded by the) The opposition between the human search for meaning in life and the inability to find any; the state or condition in which man exists in an irrational universe and his life has no meaning outside of his existence.
      • adjective
        • Contrary to reason or propriety; obviously and flatly opposed to manifest truth; inconsistent with the plain dictates of common sense; logically contradictory; nonsensical; ridiculous; silly.
        • Inharmonious; dissonant.
        • Having no rational or orderly relationship to people's lives; meaningless; lacking order or value.
        • Dealing with absurdism.
  • abundance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈbʌn.dn̩s/
      • /əˈbn̩.dn̩s/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A large quantity; many.
        • An overflowing fullness or ample sufficiency; profusion; copious supply; superfluity; plentifulness.
        • Wealth; affluence; plentiful amount of resources.
        • Frequency, amount, ratio of something within a given environment or sample.
        • A bid to take nine or more tricks in solo whist.
  • abuse #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈbjuːs/
      • /əˈbjus/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Improper treatment or usage; application to a wrong or bad purpose; an unjust, corrupt or wrongful practice or custom.
          • Eg.All abuse, whether physical, verbal, psychological or sexual, is bad.
        • Misuse; improper use; perversion.
        • A delusion; an imposture; misrepresentation; deception.
        • Coarse, insulting speech; abusive language; language that unjustly or angrily vilifies.
        • Catachresis.
        • Physical maltreatment; injury; cruel treatment.
        • Violation; defilement; rape; forcing of undesired sexual activity by one person on another, often on a repeated basis.
  • academic #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌækəˈdɛmɪk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (usually capitalized) A follower of Plato, a Platonist.
        • A senior member of an academy, college, or university; a person who attends an academy; a person engaged in scholarly pursuits; one who is academic in practice.
        • A member of the Academy; an academician.
        • A student in a college.
        • Academic dress; academicals.
        • Academic studies.
      • adjective
        • Belonging to the school or philosophy of Plato
          • Eg.the academic sect or philosophy
        • Belonging to an academy or other higher institution of learning; also a scholarly society or organization.
        • Theoretical or speculative; abstract; scholarly, literary or classical, in distinction to practical or vocational
          • Eg.I have always had an academic interest in hacking.
        • Having little practical use or value, as by being overly detailed, unengaging, or theoretical: having no practical importance.
        • Having a love of or aptitude for learning.
          • Eg.I'm more academic than athletic — I get lower marks in phys. ed. than in anything else.
        • Conforming to set rules and traditions; conventional; formalistic.
        • So scholarly as to be unaware of the outside world; lacking in worldliness.
        • Subscribing to the architectural standards of Vitruvius.
        • Study of humanities topics rather than science and engineering.
  • academy #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈkæd.ə.mi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (usually capitalized) The garden where Plato taught.
        • (usually capitalized) Plato's philosophical system based on skepticism; Plato's followers.
        • An institution for the study of higher learning; a college or a university; typically a private school.
        • A school or place of training in which some special art is taught.
          • Eg.the military academy at West Point; a riding academy; the Academy of Music.; a music academy; a language academy
        • A society of learned people united for the advancement of the arts and sciences, and literature, or some particular art or science.
        • The knowledge disseminated in an Academy.
        • (with the, without reference to any specific academy) Academia.
        • A body of established opinion in a particular field, regarded as authoritative.
        • A school directly funded by central government, independent of local control.
  • accelerate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æk.ˈsɛl.ə.ˌɹeɪt/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To cause to move faster; to quicken the motion of; to add to the speed of.
        • To quicken the natural or ordinary progression or process of.
          • accelerate the growth of a plant, the increase of wealth, etc.
        • To cause a change of velocity.
        • To hasten, as the occurrence of an event.
          • accelerate our departure
        • To enable a student to finish a course of study in less than normal time.
        • To become faster; to begin to move more quickly.
        • Grow; increase.
      • adjective
        • Accelerated; quickened; hastened; hurried.
  • accent #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈak.sənt/ audio
      • /ˈæk.sɛnt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A higher-pitched or stronger articulation of a particular syllable of a word or phrase in order to distinguish it from the others or to emphasize it.
          • Eg.In the word "careful", the accent is placed on the first syllable.
        • Emphasis or importance in general.
          • Eg.At this hotel, the accent is on luxury.
        • A mark or character used in writing, in order to indicate the place of the spoken accent, or to indicate the nature or quality of the vowel marked.
          • Eg.The name Cézanne is written with an acute accent.
        • Modulation of the voice in speaking; the manner of speaking or pronouncing; a peculiar or characteristic modification of the voice, expressing emotion; tone.
        • The distinctive manner of pronouncing a language associated with a particular region, social group, etc., whether of a native speaker or a foreign speaker; the phonetic and phonological aspects of a dialect.
          • Eg.a broad Irish accent
        • (sign languages) A distinctive manner of producing a sign language, such as someone who does not normally use a certain sign language might have when using it.
        • A word; a significant tone or sound.
        • (usually plurale tantum) Expressions in general; speech.
        • Stress laid on certain syllables of a verse.
        • A regularly recurring stress upon the tone to mark the beginning, and, more feebly, the third part of the measure.
        • A special emphasis of a tone, even in the weaker part of the measure.
        • The rhythmical accent, which marks phrases and sections of a period.
        • The expressive emphasis and shading of a passage.
        • A mark used to represent specific stress on a note.
        • A mark placed at the right hand of a letter, and a little above it, to distinguish magnitudes of a similar kind expressed by the same letter, but differing in value, as y', y''.
        • A mark at the right hand of a number, indicating minutes of a degree, seconds, etc., as in 12' 27'', meaning twelve minutes and twenty-seven seconds.
        • A mark used to denote feet and inches, as in 6' 10'', meaning six feet ten inches.
        • Emphasis laid on a part of an artistic design or composition; an emphasized detail, in particular a detail in sharp contrast to its surroundings.
        • A very small gemstone set into a piece of jewellery.
        • A distinctive feature or quality.
        • Utterance.
  • accept #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ækˈsɛpt/ audio
      • /əkˈsɛpt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To receive, especially with a consent, with favour, or with approval.
        • To admit to a place or a group.
          • Eg.The Boy Scouts were going to accept him as a member.
        • To regard as proper, usual, true, or to believe in.
          • Eg.I accept the notion that Christ lived.
        • To receive as adequate or satisfactory.
        • To receive or admit to; to agree to; to assent to; to submit to.
          • Eg.I accept your proposal, amendment, or excuse.
        • To endure patiently.
          • Eg.I accept my punishment.
        • To agree to pay.
        • To receive officially.
          • accept the report of a committee
        • To receive something willingly.
          • Eg.I accept.
      • adjective
        • Accepted.
  • acceptable #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æk.ˈsɛp.tə.bəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Worthy, decent, sure of being accepted or received with at least moderate pleasure
          • Eg.We need to find an acceptable present for Jeff.
        • Barely worthy, less than excellent; passable.
          • Eg.The designs were acceptable, but they were nothing special either.
  • acceptance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ək.ˈsɛp.təns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of accepting; a receiving of something offered, with acquiescence, approbation, or satisfaction; especially, favourable reception; approval.
          • Eg.the acceptance of a gift, office, doctrine, etc.
        • Belief in something; agreement, assent.
        • The state of being accepted.
        • The usual or accepted meaning of a word or expression.
        • An assent and engagement by the person on whom a bill of exchange is drawn, to pay it when due according to the terms of the acceptance; the bill of exchange itself when accepted.
        • An agreeing to the action, proposals, or terms of another by some act which results in the conclusion of a legally binding contract; the reception or taking of a thing bought as that for which it was bought, or as that agreed to be delivered, or the taking of possession of a thing as owner.
        • The act of an authorized representative of the government by which the government assents to ownership of existing and identified supplies, or approves specific services rendered, as partial or complete performance of a contract.
        • A list of horses accepted as starters in a race.
      • noun
        • A conserved property of the light in an optical system which characterizes how "spread out" the light is in terms of angle and area: it is the product of its cross-sectional area (normal to the direction of propagation) and the solid angle it subtends.
  • access #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæksɛs/
      • /ˈækˌsɛs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A way or means of approaching or entering; an entrance; a passage.
        • The act of approaching or entering; an advance.
        • The right or ability of approaching or entering; admittance; admission; accessibility.
        • The quality of being easy to approach or enter.
        • Admission to sexual intercourse.
        • An increase by addition; accession
          • access of territory
        • An onset, attack, or fit of disease; an ague fit.
        • An outburst of an emotion; a paroxysm; a fit of passion
        • The right of a noncustodial parent to visit their child.
        • The process of locating data in memory.
        • Connection to or communication with a computer program or to the Internet.
  • accessible #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /əkˈsɛs.ə.bəl/
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Easy of access or approach.
          • accessible town or mountain
        • (specifically) Built or designed as to be usable by people with disabilities.
          • Eg.accessible public transport
        • (of a person) Easy to get along with.
        • (followed by to) Open to the influence of.
        • Obtainable; to be got at.
        • Easily understood or appreciated.
        • Capable of being used or seen.
  • accident #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæk.sə.dənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An unexpected event with negative consequences occurring without the intention of the one suffering the consequences.
          • die by an accident
        • Especially, a collision or similar unintended event that causes damage or death.
          • Eg.My insurance went up after the second accident in three months.
        • Any chance event.
        • Chance.
        • Any property, fact, or relation that is the result of chance or is nonessential.
          • Eg.Beauty is an accident.
        • An instance of incontinence.
        • An unintended pregnancy.
        • A quality or attribute in distinction from the substance, as sweetness, softness.
        • (grammar) A property attached to a word, but not essential to it, such as gender, number, or case.
        • An irregular surface feature with no apparent cause.
        • A sudden discontinuity of ground such as fault of great thickness, bed or lentil of unstable ground.
        • A point or mark which may be retained or omitted in a coat of arms.
        • Casus; such unforeseen, extraordinary, extraneous interference as is out of the range of ordinary calculation.
        • Appearance, manifestation.
  • accidentally #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌæksəˈdɛnt(ə)li/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • In an accidental manner; by chance, unexpectedly.
          • Eg.He discovered penicillin largely accidentally.
        • Unintentionally.
          • Eg.He accidentally exposed the bacteria to mold spores.
  • accommodate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈkɒməˌdeɪt/
      • /əˈkɑməˌdeɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To render fit, suitable, or correspondent; to adapt.
          • accommodate ourselves to circumstances
        • To cause to come to agreement; to bring about harmony; to reconcile.
          • accommodate differences
        • To provide housing for.
          • accommodate an old friend for a week
        • To provide with something desired, needed, or convenient.
          • accommodate a friend with a loan
        • To do a favor or service for; to oblige.
        • To show the correspondence of; to apply or make suit by analogy; to adapt or fit, as teachings to accidental circumstances, statements to facts, etc.
          • accommodate prophecy to events
        • To give consideration to; to allow for.
        • To contain comfortably; to have space for.
          • Eg.This venue accommodates three hundred people.
        • To adapt oneself; to be conformable or adapted; become adjusted.
      • adjective
        • Suitable; fit; adapted; as, means accommodate to end.
  • accommodation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ə.ˌkɒm.ə.ˈdeɪ.ʃən/ audio
      • /ə.ˌkɑm.ə.ˈdeɪ.ʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (usually a mass noun) Lodging in a dwelling or similar living quarters afforded to travellers in hotels or on cruise ships, or prisoners, etc.
        • (physical) Adaptation or adjustment.
        • (personal) Adaptation or adjustment.
        • The place where sediments can make, or have made, a sedimentation.
        • Modifications to make one's way of speaking similar to others involved in a conversation or discourse; code-switching.
  • accompany #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ə.ˈkʌm.pə.ni/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To go with or attend as a companion or associate; to keep company with; to go along with.
          • Eg.Geoffrey accompanied the group on their pilgrimage.
        • To supplement with; add to.
        • To perform an accompanying part or parts in a composition.
        • To perform an accompanying part next to (another instrument or musician).
          • Eg.I will accompany her on the oboe.
        • To associate in a company; to keep company.
        • To cohabit (with).
        • To cohabit with; to coexist with; occur with.
        • To be found at the same time.
          • Eg.Thunder almost always accompanies lightning during a rain storm.
  • accomplish #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈkɐm.plɪʃ/
      • /əˈkɒm.plɪʃ/
      • /əˈkʌm.plɪʃ/
      • /əˈkɑm.plɪʃ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To finish successfully.
        • To complete, as time or distance.
        • To execute fully; to fulfill; to complete successfully.
          • accomplish a design, an object, a promise
        • To equip or furnish thoroughly; hence, to complete in acquirements; to render accomplished; to polish.
        • To gain; to obtain.
        • (Philippine English) to fill out a form
  • accomplishment #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ə.ˈkʌm.plɪʃ.mənt/
      • /ə.ˈkɑm.plɪʃ.mənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of accomplishing; completion; fulfilment.
          • Eg.the accomplishment of an enterprise, of a prophecy, etc
        • That which completes, perfects, or equips thoroughly; acquirement; attainment; that which constitutes excellence of mind, or elegance of manners, acquired by education or training.
        • Something accomplished; an achievement.
        • (grammar) The lexical aspect (aktionsart) of verbs or predicates that change over time until a natural end point.
  • accordance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ə.ˈkɔɹd.əns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Agreement; harmony; conformity; compliance.
        • The act of granting something.
  • accordingly #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈkɔː(ɹ).dɪŋ.li/
      • /ə.ˈkɔɹ.dɪŋ.li/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • (manner) Agreeably; correspondingly; suitably
        • In natural sequence; consequently; so.
  • account #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ə.ˈkaʊnt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A registry of pecuniary transactions; a written or printed statement of business dealings or debts and credits, and also of other things subjected to a reckoning or review.
        • A sum of money deposited at a bank and subject to withdrawal.
          • keep one's account at the bank.
        • A statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc., explanatory of some event; a reason of an action to be done.
          • Eg.No satisfactory account has been given of these phenomena.
        • A reason, grounds, consideration, motive; a person's sake.
          • Eg.Don't trouble yourself on my account.
        • A business relationship involving the exchange of money and credit.
        • A record of events; recital of transactions; a relation or narrative; a report; a description.
          • Eg.An account of a battle.
        • An estimate or estimation; valuation; judgment.
        • Importance; worth; value; esteem; judgement.
        • An authorization to use a service.
          • Eg.I've opened an account with Wikipedia so that I can contribute and partake in the project.
        • A reckoning; computation; calculation; enumeration; a record of some reckoning.
        • Profit; advantage.
  • accountability #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ə.ˌkaʊn.tə.ˈbɪl.ət.i/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The state of being accountable; liability to be called on to render an account; accountableness; responsible for; answerable for.
        • The obligation imposed by law or lawful order or regulation on an officer or other person for keeping accurate record of property, documents, or funds. The person having this obligation may or may not have actual possession of the property, documents, or funds. Accountability is concerned primarily with records, while responsibility is concerned primarily with custody, care, and safekeeping.
  • accountable #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ə.ˈkaʊn.tə.bəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Obliged, when called upon, to answer (for one’s deeds); answerable.
          • Eg.Every man is accountable to God for his conduct.
        • Obliged to keep accurate records (of property or funds).
        • Liable to be called on to render an account.
        • Capable of being accounted for; explicable; explainable.
  • accountant #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ə.ˈkæʊn.(t)ən̩(t)/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One who renders account; one accountable.
        • A reckoner, or someone who maintains financial matters for a person(s).
        • One who is skilled in, keeps, or adjusts, accounts; an officer in a public office, who has charge of the accounts.
        • One whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another. The records are usually, but not always, financial records.
  • accounting #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ə.ˈkaʊn.tɪŋ/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To provide explanation.
        • To count.
      • noun
        • The development and use of a system for recording and analyzing the financial transactions and financial status of an individual or a business.
        • A relaying of events; justification of actions.
          • Eg.He was required to give a thorough accounting of his time.
        • An equitable remedy requiring wrongfully obtained profits to be distributed to those who deserve them.
      • adjective
        • Of or relating to accounting.
          • Eg.General accepted accounting principles
  • accumulate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈkjuːmjʊˌleɪt/
      • /ə.ˈkjum.jə.ˌleɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To heap up in a mass; to pile up; to collect or bring together (either literally or figuratively)
          • Eg.He wishes to accumulate a sum of money.
        • To grow or increase in quantity or number; to increase greatly.
        • To take a higher degree at the same time with a lower degree, or at a shorter interval than usual.
      • adjective
        • Collected; accumulated.
  • accumulation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ə.ˌkjuːm.jə.ˈleɪ.ʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of amassing or gathering, as into a pile.
        • The process of growing into a heap or a large amount.
          • accumulation of earth, of sand, of evils, of wealth, or of honors
        • A mass of something piled up or collected.
        • The concurrence of several titles to the same proof.
        • The continuous growth of capital by retention of interest or savings.
        • The action of investors buying an asset from other investors when the price of the asset is low.
        • The practice of taking two higher degrees simultaneously, to reduce the length of study.
  • accuracy #card
    • Phonetics:
      • [ˈækjʊrəsɪ]
      • /ˈæk.jɚ.ə.si/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The state of being accurate; being free from mistakes, this exemption arising from carefulness; exactness; correctness
          • Eg.The value of testimony depends on its accuracy.
        • Exact conformity to truth, or to a rule or model; degree of conformity of a measure to a true or standard value.
  • accurate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæk.jə.ɹɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Telling the truth or giving a true result; exact; not defective or faulty
          • Eg.accurate knowledge
        • Deviating only slightly or within acceptable limits.
          • Eg.My horoscopes I read last week were surprisingly accurate.
        • Precisely fixed; executed with care; careful.
  • accurately #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæk.jə.ɹɪ
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • In an accurate manner; exactly; precisely; without error or defect.
  • accusation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌæk.jə.ˈzeɪ.ʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of accusing.
        • A formal charge brought against a person in a court of law.
        • An allegation.
  • accuse #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈkjuːz/
      • /əˈkjuz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Accusation.
      • verb
        • To find fault with, blame, censure
        • (followed by "of") to charge with having committed a crime or offence
          • Eg.For the U.S. President to be impeached, he must be accused of a high crime or misdemeanor.
        • To make an accusation against someone
  • accused #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ə.ˈkjuzd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To find fault with, blame, censure
        • (followed by "of") to charge with having committed a crime or offence
          • Eg.For the U.S. President to be impeached, he must be accused of a high crime or misdemeanor.
        • To make an accusation against someone
      • noun
        • The person charged with an offense; the defendant in a criminal case.
      • adjective
        • Having been accused; being the target of accusations.
  • achieve #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈtʃiːv/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To succeed in something, now especially in academic performance.
        • To carry out successfully; to accomplish.
        • To conclude, finish, especially successfully.
        • To obtain, or gain (a desired result, objective etc.), as the result of exertion; to succeed in gaining; to win.
        • To conclude, to turn out.
        • To obtain (a material thing).
          • Eg.Show all the spoils by valiant kings achieved.
  • achievement #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of achieving or performing; a successful performance; accomplishment
        • A great or heroic deed or feat; something accomplished by valor or boldness
        • An escutcheon or ensign armorial; now generally applied to the funeral shield commonly called hatchment.
        • An award for completing a particular task or meeting an objective in a video game.
          • Eg.Finishing the game does not give you a 100% score until you have unlocked all of the achievements.
        • (grammar) The lexical aspect (aktionsart) of verbs or predicates that change in an instant.
  • acid #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæs.ɪd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A sour substance.
        • Any of several classes of compound having the following properties:
        • Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
      • adjective
        • Sour, sharp, or biting to the taste; tart; having the taste of vinegar.
          • Eg.acid fruits or liquors
        • Sour-tempered.
        • Of or pertaining to an acid; acidic.
        • Denoting a musical genre that is a distortion (as if hallucinogenic) of an existing genre, as in acid house, acid jazz, acid rock.
  • acknowledge #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əkˈnɒ.lɪdʒ/
      • /ækˈnɑː.lɪdʒ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To admit the knowledge of; to recognize as a fact or truth; to declare one's belief in
          • acknowledge the being of a god
        • To own or recognize in a particular quality, character or relationship; to admit the claims or authority of; to give recognition to.
        • To be grateful of (e.g. a benefit or a favour)
          • acknowledge a favor
        • To report (the receipt of a message to its sender).
          • Eg.This is to acknowledge your kind invitation to participate in the upcoming debate.
        • To own as genuine or valid; to assent to (a legal instrument) to give it validity; to avow or admit in legal form.
  • acquire #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈkwaɪə/
      • /əˈkwaɪəɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To get.
        • To gain, usually by one's own exertions; to get as one's own
          • Eg.He acquired a title.
        • To contract.
        • To sample signals and convert them into digital values.
  • acquisition #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æ.kwɪ.ˈzɪ.ʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act or process of acquiring.
          • Eg.The acquisition of sports equipment can be fun in itself.
        • The thing acquired or gained; a gain.
          • Eg.That graphite tennis racquet is quite an acquisition.
        • The process of sampling signals that measure real world physical conditions and converting these signals into digital numeric values that can be manipulated by a computer.
  • acre #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈeɪ.kə/
      • /ˈeɪ.kɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An English unit of land area (symbol: a. or ac.) originally denoting a day's plowing for a yoke of oxen, now standardized as 4,840 square yards or 4,046.86 square meters.
        • Any of various similar units of area in other systems.
        • (usually in the plural) A wide expanse.
          • Eg.I like my new house - there’s acres of space!
        • (usually in the plural) A large quantity.
        • A field.
        • The acre's breadth by the length, English units of length equal to the statute dimensions of the acre: 22 yds (≈20 m) by 220 yds (≈200 m).
        • A duel fought between individual Scots and Englishmen in the borderlands.
  • across #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈkɹɑs/
      • /əˈkɹɒs/
      • /əˈkɹɔs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (crosswords, often in combination) A word that runs horizontally in the completed puzzle grid or its associated clue.
          • Eg.I solved all of the acrosses, but then got stuck on 3 down.
      • adverb
        • From one side to the other.
          • Eg.she helped the blind man across;  the river is half a mile across
        • On the other side.
          • Eg.If we sail off at noon, when will we be across?
        • In a particular direction.
          • Eg.He leaned across for a book.
        • (crosswords) Horizontally.
          • Eg.I got stuck on 4 across.
      • preposition
        • To, toward or from the far side of (something that lies between two points of interest).
          • Eg.Fortunately, there was a bridge across the river.
        • On the opposite side of (something that lies between two points of interest).
          • Eg.That store is across the street.
        • Across from: on the opposite side, relative to something that lies between, from (a point of interest).
        • From one side to the other within (a space being traversed).
          • Eg.Could you slide that across the table to me, please?
        • At or near the far end of (a space).
        • Spanning.
          • Eg.This poetry speaks across the centuries.
        • Throughout.
          • Eg.All across the country, voters were communicating their representatives.
        • So as to intersect or pass through or over at an angle.
          • Eg.Lay the top stick across the bottom one.
        • In possession of full, up-to-date information about; abreast of.
  • act #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something done, a deed.
          • act of goodwill
        • Actuality.
        • Something done once and for all, as distinguished from a work.
        • A product of a legislative body, a statute.
        • The process of doing something.
          • Eg.He was caught in the act of stealing.
        • A formal or official record of something done.
        • A division of a theatrical performance.
          • Eg.The pivotal moment in the play was in the first scene of the second act.
        • A performer or performers in a show.
          • Eg.Which act did you prefer? The soloist or the band?
        • Any organized activity.
        • A display of behaviour.
        • A thesis maintained in public, in some English universities, by a candidate for a degree, or to show the proficiency of a student.
        • A display of behaviour meant to deceive.
          • put on an act
      • verb
        • To do something.
          • Eg.If you don't act soon, you will be in trouble.
        • To do (something); to perform.
        • To perform a theatrical role.
          • Eg.I started acting at the age of eleven in my local theatre.
        • Of a play: to be acted out (well or badly).
        • To behave in a certain manner for an indefinite length of time.
          • Eg.A dog which acts aggressively is likely to bite.
        • To convey an appearance of being.
          • Eg.He acted unconcerned so the others wouldn't worry.
        • To do something that causes a change binding on the doer.
          • Eg.act on behalf of John
        • (construed with on or upon) To have an effect (on).
          • Eg.Gravitational force acts on heavy bodies.
        • To play (a role).
          • Eg.He's been acting Shakespearean leads since he was twelve.
        • To feign.
          • Eg.He acted the angry parent, but was secretly amused.
        • (construed with on or upon, of a group) To map via a homomorphism to a group of automorphisms (of).
          • Eg.This group acts on the circle, so it can't be left-orderable!
        • To move to action; to actuate; to animate.
  • action #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæk.ʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something done so as to accomplish a purpose.
        • A way of motion or functioning.
          • Eg.Knead bread with a rocking action.
        • Fast-paced activity.
          • Eg.a movie full of exciting action
        • A mechanism; a moving part or assembly.
          • Eg.a rifle action
        • The mechanism, that is the set of moving mechanical parts, of a keyboard instrument, like a piano, which transfers the motion of the key to the sound-making device.
        • The distance separating the strings and the fretboard on a guitar.
        • Sexual intercourse.
          • Eg.She gave him some action.
        • Combat.
          • Eg.He saw some action in the Korean War.
        • A charge or other process in a law court (also called lawsuit and actio).
        • A mapping from a pairing of mathematical objects to one of them, respecting their individual structures. The pairing is typically a Cartesian product or a tensor product. The object that is not part of the output is said to act on the other object. In any given context, action is used as an abbreviation for a more fully named notion, like group action or left group action.
        • The product of energy and time, especially the product of the Lagrangian and time.
        • The event or connected series of events, either real or imaginary, forming the subject of a play, poem, or other composition; the unfolding of the drama of events.
        • (painting and sculpture) The attitude or position of the several parts of the body as expressive of the sentiment or passion depicted.
        • Spin put on the bowling ball.
        • A share in the capital stock of a joint-stock company, or in the public funds.
      • verb
        • To act on a request etc, in order to put it into effect.
        • To initiate a legal action against someone.
      • interjection
        • Demanding or signifying the start of something, usually an act or scene of a theatric performance.
          • Eg.The director yelled ‘Action!’ before the camera started rolling.
  • activate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæktɪˌveɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To encourage development or induce increased activity; to stimulate.
        • To put a device, mechanism (alarm etc.) or system into action or motion; to trigger, to actuate, to set off, to enable.
        • To render more reactive; excite.
        • To render a molecule reactive, active, or effective in performing its function.
        • To render a substance radioactive.
        • To hasten a chemical reaction, especially by heating.
        • To remove the limitations of demoware by providing a license; to unlock.
        • To aerate in order to aid decomposition of organic matter.
        • To organize or create a military unit or station.
        • To bring a player back after an injury.
  • activation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æktɪˈveɪʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Making active and effective; bringing into a state of activity.
        • The process of making a radioisotope by bombarding a stable element with neutrons or protons.
        • (biochemistry) The process through which molecules are made able to react.
  • active #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæk.tɪv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person or thing that is acting or capable of acting.
        • Any component that is not passive. See Passivity (engineering).
      • adjective
        • Having the power or quality of acting; causing change; communicating action or motion; acting;—opposed to passive, that receives.
          • Eg.certain active principles
        • Quick in physical movement; of an agile and vigorous body; nimble.
          • active child or animal
        • In action; actually proceeding; working; in force
          • hostilities
        • Given to action; constantly engaged in action; energetic; diligent; busy
          • mind
        • Requiring or implying action or exertion
          • employment or service
        • Given to action rather than contemplation; practical; operative
          • active rather than a speculative statesman
        • Brisk; lively.
          • active demand for corn
        • Implying or producing rapid action.
          • active disease
        • (heading, grammar) About verbs.
        • (of source code) Eligible to be processed by a compiler or interpreter.
        • Not passive.
        • (gay sexual slang) (of a homosexual man) enjoying a role in anal sex in which he penetrates, rather than being penetrated by his partner.
  • activist #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæk.tɪ.vɪst/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One who is politically active in the role of a citizen; especially, one who campaigns for change.
        • One who is conspicuously active in carrying out any occupational or professional functions.
      • adjective
        • Behaving as an activist.
  • activity #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ækˈtɪ.və.ti/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The state or quality of being active; activeness.
          • Eg.Pit row was abuzz with activity.
        • Something done as an action or a movement.
          • Eg.The activity for the morning was a walk to the store.
        • Something done for pleasure or entertainment, especially one involving movement or an excursion.
          • Eg.An increasing number of sports activities are on offer at the university.
        • (grammar) The lexical aspect (aktionsart) of verbs or predicates that change over time and have no natural end point.
  • actor #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæk.tə/ audio
      • /ˈæk.tɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who performs, plays a part in a theatrical play or film.
        • One who acts; a doer.
        • One who takes part in a situation.
        • An advocate or proctor in civil courts or causes.
        • One who institutes a suit; plaintiff or complainant.
        • (policy debate) One who enacts a certain policy action.
        • The entity that performs a role (in use case analysis).
        • (grammar) The most agent-like argument of a clause, e.g. 'the torpedo' in "The torpedo sank the boat" and "The torpedo fired".
  • actress #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈak.tɹəs/
      • /ˈæk.tɹəs/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A female who performs on the stage or in films.
        • A female doer or "actor" (in a general sense).
  • actual #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈak(t)ʃj(ʊ)əl/
      • /ˈæk(t)ʃ(əw)əl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An actual, real one; notably:
      • adjective
        • Relating to a person's acts or deeds; active, practical
        • Existing in reality, not just potentially; really acted or acting; occurring in fact.
          • Eg.The actual government expenses dramatically exceed the budget.
        • In action at the time being; now existing; current.
        • Used as intensifier to emphasise a following noun; exact, very.
  • actually #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /-ɪ/
      • /ˈæk.(t)ʃu.ə.li/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • (modal) In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively.
          • Eg.Actually, I had nothing to do with that incident.
        • Actively.
  • acute #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /əˈkjuːt/
      • /əˈkjut/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who has the acute form of a disorder, such as schizophrenia.
        • An accent or tone higher than others.
        • An acute accent (´).
          • Eg.The word ‘cafe’ often has an acute over the ‘e’.
      • verb
        • To give an acute sound to.
          • Eg.He acutes his rising inflection too much.
        • To make acute; to sharpen, to whet.
      • adjective
        • Brief, quick, short.
          • Eg.It was an acute event.
        • High or shrill.
          • acute accent or tone
        • Intense, sensitive, sharp.
          • Eg.She had an acute sense of honour.  Eagles have very acute vision.
        • Urgent.
          • Eg.His need for medical attention was acute.
        • With the sides meeting directly to form an acute angle (at an apex or base).
        • Of an angle: less than 90 degrees.
          • Eg.The teacher pointed out the acute angle.
        • Of a triangle: having all three interior angles measuring less than 90 degrees.
          • acute triangle
        • Of an accent or tone: generally higher than others.
        • Of an abnormal condition of recent or sudden onset, in contrast to delayed onset; this sense does not imply severity, unlike the common usage.
          • Eg.He dropped dead of an acute illness.
        • Of a short-lived condition, in contrast to a chronic condition; this sense also does not imply severity.
          • Eg.The acute symptoms resolved promptly.
        • After a letter of the alphabet: having an acute accent.
          • Eg.The last letter of ‘café’ is ‘e’ acute.
  • ad #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Advertisement.
          • Eg.I have placed both of the ads in the newspaper as instructed.
  • adapt #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈdæpt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To make suitable; to make to correspond; to fit or suit
        • To fit by alteration; to modify or remodel for a different purpose; to adjust
          • adapt a story for the stage
        • To make by altering or fitting something else; to produce by change of form or character
          • Eg.a word of an adapted form
        • To make oneself comfortable to a new thing.
          • Eg.They could not adapt to the new climate and so perished.
      • adjective
        • Adapted; fit; suited; suitable.
  • adaptation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌædæpˈteɪʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The process of adapting something or becoming adapted to a situation; adjustment, modification.
        • A change that is made or undergone to suit a condition or environment.
        • The process of change that an organism undergoes to be better suited to its environment.
        • An instance of an organism undergoing change, or the structure or behavior that is changed.
        • The process of adapting an artistic work from a different medium.
        • (authorship) An artistic work that has been adapted from a different medium.
  • add #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An act or instance of adding.
        • An additional enemy that joins a fight after the primary target.
          • Eg.When the player has fought the boss for one minute, two adds will arrive from the back and must be dealt with.
      • verb
        • To join or unite (e.g. one thing to another, or as several particulars) so as to increase the number, augment the quantity or enlarge the magnitude, or so as to form into one aggregate.
        • To sum up; to put together mentally.
          • add numbers
        • To combine elements of (something) into one quantity.
          • add a column of numbers
        • To give by way of increased possession (to someone); to bestow (on).
        • To append (e,g, a statement); to say further information.
        • To make an addition; to augment; to increase.
          • Eg.It adds to our anxiety.
        • To perform the arithmetical operation of addition.
          • Eg.He adds rapidly.
        • To summon minions or reinforcements.
          • Eg.Typically, a hostile mob will add whenever it's within the aggro radius of a player.
  • addiction #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈdɪkʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A state that is characterized by compulsive drug use or compulsive engagement in rewarding behavior, despite negative consequences.
        • The state of being addicted; devotion; inclination.
        • A habit or practice that damages, jeopardizes or shortens one's life but when ceased causes trauma.
        • A pathological relationship to mood altering experience that has life damaging consequences.
  • addition #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æˈdɪʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of adding anything.
          • Eg.The addition of five more items to the agenda will make the meeting unbearably long.
        • Anything that is added.
        • The arithmetic operation of adding.
        • A dot at the right side of a note as an indication that its sound is to be lengthened one half.
        • A title annexed to a person's name to identify him or her more precisely, as in "John Doe, Esq.", "Robert Dale, Mason", "Thomas Way, of New York".
        • Something added to a coat of arms, as a mark of honour; opposed to abatement.
  • additional #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈdɪʃənəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something added.
      • adjective
        • Supplemental or added to something.
  • additionally #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • By way of addition; in addition to; also.
  • address #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æˈdɹɛs/ audio
      • /əˈdɹɛs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Direction.
        • Preparation.
      • verb
        • To prepare oneself.
        • To direct speech.
        • To aim; to direct.
        • To prepare or make ready.
        • To prepare oneself; to apply one's skill or energies (to some object); to betake.
        • To direct one’s remarks (to someone).
        • To clothe or array; to dress.
        • To direct, as words (to anyone or anything); to make, as a speech, petition, etc. (to any audience).
          • Eg.He addressed some portions of his remarks to his supporters, some to his opponents.
        • To direct speech to; to make a communication to, whether spoken or written; to apply to by words, as by a speech, petition, etc., to speak to.
        • To direct in writing, as a letter; to superscribe, or to direct and transmit.
          • Eg.He addressed a letter.
        • To make suit to as a lover; to court; to woo.
        • To consign or entrust to the care of another, as agent or factor.
          • Eg.The ship was addressed to a merchant in Baltimore.
        • To address oneself to; to prepare oneself for; to apply oneself to; to direct one's speech or discourse to.
        • To direct attention towards a problem or obstacle, in an attempt to resolve it.
        • To refer to a location in computer memory.
        • To get ready to hit (the ball on the tee).
  • adequate #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To equalize; to make adequate.
        • To equal.
      • adjective
        • Equal to or fulfilling some requirement.
          • adequate definition
  • adequately #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • In an adequate manner.
        • Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need; sufficiently; satisfactorily.
        • Barely satisfactory or sufficient.
  • adhere #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ædˈhiɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To stick fast or cleave, as a glutinous substance does; to become joined or united.
          • Eg.wax adhered to his finger
        • To be attached or devoted by personal union, in belief, on principle, etc.
        • To be consistent or coherent; to be in accordance; to agree.
        • To affirm a judgment.
  • adjacent #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /əˈdʒeɪ.sənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something that lies next to something else, especially the side of a right triangle that is neither the hypotenuse nor the opposite.
      • adjective
        • Lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring; bordering on.
          • Eg.Because the conference room is filled, we will have our meeting in the adjacent room.
        • Just before, after, or facing.
          • Eg.The picture is on the adjacent page.
        • Related to; suggestive of; bordering on.
      • preposition
        • Next to; beside.
          • Eg.A notice was sent to the house adjacent the school.
        • Related to; suggestive of; bordering on.
  • adjust #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈdʒʌst/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To modify.
          • Eg.Morimoto's recipes are adjusted to suit the American palate.
        • To improve or rectify.
          • Eg.He adjusted his initial conclusion to reflect the new data.
        • To settle an insurance claim.
        • To change to fit circumstances.
          • Eg.Most immigrants adjust quickly to a new community.   She waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness.
  • adjustment #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈdʒʌst.mənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The action of adjusting something
        • The result of adjusting something; a small change; a minor correction; a modification or alteration
        • The settling or balancing of a financial account
          • Eg.The credit card company made an adjustment to my account to waive the late fee.
        • The behavioural process of balancing conflicting needs, or needs against obstacles in the environment.
          • Eg.When Jim graduated, he found adjustment to the working world difficult.
        • The assessment, by an insurance company, of a claim; the settlement of such a claim
  • administer #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ədˈmɪnɪstɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To cause to ingest (a drug), either by openly offering or through deceit.
          • Eg.We administered the medicine to our dog by mixing it in his food.
        • To apportion out, distribute.
        • To manage or supervise the conduct, performance or execution of; to govern or regulate the parameters for the conduct, performance or execution of; to work in an administrative capacity.
        • To minister (to).
          • Eg.administering to the sick
        • To settle, as the estate of one who dies without a will, or whose will fails of an executor.
        • To give, as an oath.
        • To give a drug to a patient, be it orally or by any other means.
  • administration #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ədˌmɪnəˈstɹeɪʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of administering; government of public affairs; the service rendered, or duties assumed, in conducting affairs; the conducting of any office or employment; direction.
        • A body that administers; the executive part of government; the persons collectively who are entrusted with the execution of laws and the superintendence of public affairs; the chief magistrate and his cabinet or council; or the council, or ministry, alone, as in Great Britain.
          • Eg.Successive US administrations have had similar Middle East policies.
        • The act of administering, or tendering something to another; dispensation.
          • Eg.oral administration of insulin
        • Management.
        • An arrangement whereby an insolvent company can continue trading under supervision.
          • Eg.The company went into voluntary administration last week.
  • administrative #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ədˈmɪ.nɪs.tɹəˌtɪv/
      • /ədˈmɪ.nəsˌtɹeɪ.ɾɪv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Of or relating to administering or administration.
  • administrator #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ədˈmɪnɪstɹeɪtə/
      • /ədˈmɪnɪstɹeɪtɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One who administers affairs; one who directs, manages, executes, or dispenses, whether in civil, judicial, political, or ecclesiastical affairs; a manager
        • A person who manages or settles the estate of an intestate, or of a testator when there is no competent executor; one to whom the right of administration has been committed by competent authority
        • One who is responsible for software installation, management, information and maintenance of a computer or network
  • admire #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ədˈmaɪə/
      • /ədˈmaɪɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To be amazed at; to view with surprise; to marvel at.
        • To regard with wonder and delight.
        • To look upon with an elevated feeling of pleasure, as something which calls out approbation, esteem, love or reverence.
        • To estimate or value highly; to hold in high esteem.
          • Eg.He had always admired the work ethos and family values of his friend.
        • To be enthusiastic about (doing something); to want or like (to do something). (Sometimes followed by to.)
  • admission #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ædˈmɪʃ.ən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act or practice of admitting.
        • Permission to enter, or the entrance itself; admittance; entrance; access
          • Eg.I request admission for two adults
        • The granting of an argument or position not fully proved; the act of acknowledging something asserted; acknowledgement; concession.
        • Acquiescence or concurrence in a statement made by another, and distinguishable from a confession in that an admission presupposes prior inquiry by another, but a confession may be made without such inquiry.
        • A fact, point, or statement admitted; as, admission made out of court are received in evidence
        • Declaration of the bishop that he approves of the presentee as a fit person to serve the cure of the church to which he is presented.
        • The cost or fee associated with attendance or entry.
          • Eg.There is no way he has seen that show, the admission is more than he makes in a week.
  • admit #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ədˈmɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To allow to enter; to grant entrance (to), whether into a place, into the mind, or into consideration
          • Eg.A ticket admits one into a playhouse.
        • To allow (someone) to enter a profession or to enjoy a privilege; to recognize as qualified for a franchise.
          • Eg.the prisoner was admitted to bail
        • To concede as true; to acknowledge or assent to, as an allegation which it is impossible to deny
          • Eg.he admitted his guilt
        • To be capable of; to permit. In this sense, "of" may be used after the verb, or may be omitted.
          • Eg.the words do not admit such a construction.
        • To give warrant or allowance, to grant opportunity or permission (+ of).
          • Eg.circumstances do not admit of this
        • To allow to enter a hospital or similar facility for treatment.
  • adolescent #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌædəˈlɛsənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who is in adolescence; someone who has reached puberty but is not yet an adult.
      • adjective
        • Of, relating to, or at the age of adolescence; at the stage between being a child and an adult
  • adopt #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈdɒpt/
      • /əˈdɑpt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To take by choice into relationship (a child, heir, friend, citizen, etc.)
        • To take or receive as one's own what is not so naturally.
          • Eg.He adopted a new look in order to fit in with his new workmates.
        • To select and take or approve.
          • Eg.These resolutions were adopted.
        • To win ten consecutive games against an opponent
  • adoption #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈdɒp.ʃən/
      • /əˈdɑp.ʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of adopting.
        • The state of being adopted; the acceptance of a child of other parents as if he or she were one's own child.
          • Eg.A Chinese baby girl was given away for adoption.
        • Admission to an institution, for example a hospital, clinic, mental asylum.
          • Eg.the adoption of people into hospitals or monasteries
        • The choosing and making that to be one's own which originally was not so; acceptance
          • Eg.the adoption of opinions
        • Transfer between an old system to another (usually better) system.
          • Eg.Our company is considering the adoption of a four-day week.
        • An act of divine grace by which the redeemed in Christ are admitted to the privileges of the sons of God.
        • Ten consecutive wins against an opponent.
  • adult #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈdʌlt/ audio
      • /ˈæd.əlt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A fully grown human or animal.
        • A person who has reached the legal age of majority.
      • verb
        • To (cause to) be or become an adult.
        • To behave like an adult.
      • adjective
        • Fully grown.
          • adult human, animal, or plant
        • Intended for or restricted to adults rather than children.
          • clothes
        • Containing material of an explicit sexual nature; of, or pertaining to, pornography.
          • Eg.This program contains adult content. Parental discretion is advised.
        • Vulgar or profane.
  • advance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ədˈvaːns/
      • /ədˈvɑːns/
      • /ədˈvæns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A forward move; improvement or progression.
          • advance in health or knowledge
        • An amount of money or credit, especially given as a loan, or paid before it is due; an advancement.
        • An addition to the price; rise in price or value.
          • advance on the prime cost of goods
        • (in the plural) An opening approach or overture, especially of an unwelcome or sexual nature.
      • verb
        • To promote or advantage.
        • To move forward in space or time.
        • To raise, be raised.
      • adjective
        • Completed before necessary or a milestone event.
          • Eg.He made an advance payment on the prior shipment to show good faith.
        • Preceding
          • Eg.The advance man came a month before the candidate.
        • Forward
          • Eg.The scouts found a site for an advance base.
  • advanced #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ədˈvɑːnst/
      • /ədˈvænst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To promote or advantage.
        • To move forward in space or time.
        • To raise, be raised.
      • adjective
        • At or close to the state of the art.
        • Enhanced.
        • Having moved forward in time or space (e.g. advanced ignition timing).
        • In a late stage of development; greatly developed beyond an initial stage.
        • Pronounced farther to the front of the vocal tract.
        • (Philippine English) (Of a clock or watch) Indicating a time ahead of the correct time.
  • advantage #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ədˈvɑːn.tɪdʒ/
      • /ədˈvæn.tɪdʒ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Any condition, circumstance, opportunity or means, particularly favorable to success, or to any desired end.
          • Eg.The enemy had the advantage of a more elevated position.
        • Superiority; mastery; — used with of to specify its nature or with over to specify the other party.
        • Superiority of state, or that which gives it; benefit; gain; profit
          • Eg.Having the faster car is of little advantage.
        • The score where one player wins a point after deuce but needs the next to carry the game.
        • The continuation of the game after a foul against the attacking team, because the attacking team are in an advantageous position.
        • Interest of money; increase; overplus (as the thirteenth in the baker's dozen).
      • verb
        • To provide (someone) with an advantage, to give an edge to
        • To do something for one's own benefit; to take advantage of
  • adventure #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ædˈvɛnt͡ʃɚ/ audio
      • /ədˈvɛnt͡ʃə/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The encountering of risks; a bold undertaking, in which dangers are likely to be encountered, and the issue is staked upon unforeseen events; a daring feat.
        • A remarkable occurrence; a striking event.
          • Eg.A life full of adventures.
        • A mercantile or speculative enterprise of hazard; a venture; a shipment by a merchant on his own account.
        • A feeling of desire for new and exciting things.
          • Eg.his sense of adventure
        • A text adventure or an adventure game.
        • That which happens by chance; hazard; hap.
        • Chance of danger or loss.
        • Risk; danger; peril.
  • adverse #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ədˈvɜ(ɹ)s/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Unfavorable; antagonistic in purpose or effect; hostile; actively opposing one's interests or wishes; contrary to one's welfare; acting against; working in an opposing direction.
          • Eg.adverse criticism
        • Opposed; contrary; opposing one's interests or desire.
          • Eg.adverse circumstances
        • Opposite; confronting.
          • Eg.the adverse page
  • advert #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈædvɜː(ɹ)t/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An advertisement, an ad.
  • advertise #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈadvə(ɹ)taɪz/
      • /ˈædvɚtaɪz/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To give (especially public) notice of (something); to announce publicly.
        • To provide information about a person or goods and services to influence others.
          • Eg.For personal needs, advertise on the internet or in a local newspaper.
        • To provide public information about (a product, service etc.) in order to attract public awareness and increase sales.
          • Eg.Over the air, they advertise their product on drive-time radio talk shows and TV news shows.
        • To notify (someone) of something; to call someone's attention to something.
        • In gin rummy, to discard a card of one's preferred suit so as to mislead the opponent into thinking you do not want it.
  • advertisement #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/
      • /ədˈvɝtɪzmənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A commercial solicitation designed to sell some commodity, service or similar.
          • Eg.Companies try to sell their products using advertisements in form of placards, television spots and print publications.
        • A public notice.
          • Eg.The city council placed an advertisement in the local newspaper to inform its residents of the forthcoming roadworks.
        • A recommendation of a particular product, service or person.
          • Eg.The good manners and intelligence of the students are an advertisement for the school.
        • Notoriety.
        • In gin rummy, the discarding of a card of one's preferred suit so as to mislead the opponent into thinking you do not want it.
  • advertising #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈædvə(ɹ)ˌtaɪzɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To give (especially public) notice of (something); to announce publicly.
        • To provide information about a person or goods and services to influence others.
          • Eg.For personal needs, advertise on the internet or in a local newspaper.
        • To provide public information about (a product, service etc.) in order to attract public awareness and increase sales.
          • Eg.Over the air, they advertise their product on drive-time radio talk shows and TV news shows.
        • To notify (someone) of something; to call someone's attention to something.
        • In gin rummy, to discard a card of one's preferred suit so as to mislead the opponent into thinking you do not want it.
      • noun
        • Communication whose purpose is to influence potential customers about products and services.
        • The industry or profession made up of such communications.
  • advice #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ədˈvaɪs/
      • /ædˈvaɪs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An opinion offered in an effort to be helpful.
          • Eg.She was offered various piece of advice on what to do with her new-found wealth.
        • Deliberate consideration; knowledge.
        • (commonly in plural) Information or news given; intelligence
          • Eg.late advices from France
        • In language about financial transactions executed by formal documents, an advisory document.
          • Eg.An advice of an incoming settlement payment order may be given to an off-line receiving bank.
        • In commercial language, information communicated by letter; used chiefly in reference to drafts or bills of exchange
          • Eg.a letter of advice
        • A communication providing information, such as how an uncertain area of law might apply to possible future actions
          • Eg.An advice issued by a Monitoring Committee could be applicable in a Dutch court
        • Counseling to perform a specific legal act.
        • Counseling to perform a specific illegal act.
        • In aspect-oriented programming, the code whose execution is triggered when a join point is reached.
  • advise #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ədˈvaɪz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To give advice to; to offer an opinion to, as worthy or expedient to be followed.
          • Eg.The dentist advised me to brush three times a day.
        • To recommend; to offer as advice.
          • Eg.The dentist advised brushing three times a day.
        • To give information or notice to; to inform or counsel; — with of before the thing communicated.
          • Eg.The lawyer advised me to drop the case, since there was no chance of winning.
        • To consider, to deliberate.
        • To look at, watch; to see.
        • To consult (with).
  • adviser #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ædˈvaɪz.ɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One who advises
  • advocate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæd.və.keɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Someone whose job is to speak for someone's case in a court of law; a counsel.
        • Anyone who argues the case of another; an intercessor.
        • A person who speaks in support of something.
        • A person who supports others to make their voices heard, or ideally for them to speak up for themselves.
          • Eg.Since she started working with her advocate, she has become much more confident.
      • verb
        • To plead in favour of; to defend by argument, before a tribunal or the public; to support, vindicate, or recommend publicly.
        • To encourage support for something.
          • Eg.I like trees, but I do not advocate living in them.
        • (with for) To engage in advocacy.
          • Eg.We have been advocating for changes in immigration law.
  • aesthetic #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /iːs.ˈθe.tɪk/
      • /ɛs.ˈθɛ.tɪk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The study of art or beauty.
        • That which appeals to the senses.
        • The artistic motifs defining a collection of things, especially works of art; more broadly, their vibe.
          • Eg.Her most recent works have this quirky, half-serious 90's teen culture-inspired aesthetic.
      • adjective
        • Concerned with beauty, artistic impact, or appearance.
        • Beautiful or appealing to one's sense of beauty and/or art.
          • Eg.It works well enough, but the shabby exterior offends his aesthetic sensibilities.
  • affair #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈfɛə/
      • /əˈfɛə(ɹ)/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (often in the plural) Something which is done or is to be done; business of any kind, commercial, professional, or public.
          • Eg.a difficult affair to manage
        • Any proceeding or action which it is wished to refer to or characterize vaguely.
          • affair of honor, a duel;  an affair of love, an intrigue
        • An action or engagement not of sufficient magnitude to be called a battle.
        • A material object (vaguely designated).
          • Eg.He used a hook-shaped affair with a long handle to unlock the car.
        • An adulterous relationship. (from affaire de cœur).
        • A romantic relationship with someone who is not one's regular partner (boyfriend, girlfriend).
        • A person with whom someone has an adulterous relationship.
        • A party or social gathering, especially of a formal nature.
        • The (male or female) genitals.
  • affect #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈfɛkt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To influence or alter.
          • Eg.The experience affected me deeply.
        • To move to emotion.
          • Eg.He was deeply affected by the tragic ending of the play.
        • Of an illness or condition, to infect or harm (a part of the body).
          • Eg.Hepatitis affects the liver.
        • To dispose or incline.
        • To tend to by affinity or disposition.
        • To assign; to appoint.
  • affection #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈfɛkʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of affecting or acting upon.
        • The state of being affected, especially: a change in, or alteration of, the emotional state of a person or other animal, caused by a subjective affect (a subjective feeling or emotion), which arises in response to a stimulus which may result from either thought or perception.
        • An attribute; a quality or property; a condition.
        • An emotion; a feeling or natural impulse acting upon and swaying the mind.
        • A feeling of love or strong attachment.
          • Eg.I have a lot of affection for my little sister.
        • Disease; morbid symptom; malady.
      • verb
        • To feel affection for.
  • afford #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈfɔːd/
      • /əˈfoɹd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To incur, stand, or bear without serious detriment, as an act which might under other circumstances be injurious;—with an auxiliary, as can, could, might, etc.; to be able or rich enough.
          • Eg.I think we can afford the extra hour it will take.  We can only afford to buy a small car at the moment.
        • To offer, provide, or supply, as in selling, granting, expending, with profit, or without loss or too great injury.
          • Eg.A affords his goods cheaper than B.
        • To give forth; to supply, yield, or produce as the natural result, fruit, or issue.
          • Eg.Grapes afford wine.  Olives afford oil.  The earth affords fruit.  The sea affords an abundant supply of fish.
        • To give, grant, or confer, with a remoter reference to its being the natural result; to provide; to furnish.
          • Eg.A good life affords consolation in old age.
  • affordable #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈfɔː(ɹ).də.bəl/
      • /əˈfɔɹ.də.bəl/
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Able to be afforded; inexpensive or reasonably priced.
          • affordable vacation in the local area
  • afraid #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈfɹeɪd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • (usually used predicatively, not attributively, be afraid) Impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear.
          • Eg.He is afraid of death.
        • Regretful, sorry.
          • Eg.I am afraid I cannot help you in this matter.
        • (used with for) Worried about, feeling concern for, fearing for (someone or something).
  • after #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæf.tə(ɹ)/
      • /ˈæf.tɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Later; second (of two); next, following, subsequent
        • (where the frame of reference is within the ship) At or towards the stern of a ship.
          • Eg.The after gun is abaft the forward gun.
      • adverb
        • Behind; later in time; following.
          • Eg.I left the room, and the dog bounded after.
      • preposition
        • Subsequently to; following in time; later than.
          • Eg.The Cold War began shortly after the Second World War.
        • Behind.
          • Eg.He will leave a trail of destruction after him.
        • In pursuit of, seeking.
          • Eg.He's after a job; run after him; inquire after her health.
        • In allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing.
          • Eg.We named him after his grandfather; a painting after Leonardo da Vinci.
        • Next in importance or rank.
          • Eg.The princess is next in line to the throne after the prince.
        • As a result of.
          • Eg.After your bad behaviour, you will be punished.
        • In spite of.
          • Eg.After all that has happened, he is still my friend.
        • (usually preceded by a form of be, followed by an -ing form of a verb) Used to indicate recent completion of an activity
          • Eg.I was after finishing my dinner when there was a knock on the door.
        • According to an author or text.
        • Denoting the aim or object; concerning; in relation to.
          • look after workmen; to enquire after a friend; to thirst after righteousness
        • According to the direction and influence of; in proportion to; befitting.
      • conjunction
        • Signifies that the action of the clause it starts takes place before the action of the other clause.
          • Eg.I went home after we had decided to call it a day.
  • aftermath #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæf.təˌmæθ/
      • /ˈæf.tɚˌmæθ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A second mowing; the grass which grows after the first crop of hay in the same season.
        • That which happens after, that which follows, usually of strongly negative connotation in most contexts, implying a preceding catastrophe.
          • Eg.In contrast to most projections of the aftermath of nuclear war, in this there is no rioting or looting.
  • afternoon #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /af.təɾˈnʉːn/
      • /ˌɑːf.tə.ˈnuːn/ audio
      • /ˌæf.tɚ.ˈnun/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The part of the day from noon or lunchtime until sunset, evening, or suppertime or 6pm.
        • The later part of anything, often with implications of decline.
        • A party or social event held in the afternoon.
      • adverb
        • (more often in the plural) In the afternoon.
      • interjection
        • Clipping of good afternoon.
  • afterwards #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɑːftə.wədz/
      • /ˈæf.tɚ.wɚdz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • (temporal location) At a later or succeeding time.
  • again #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɡeɪn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • Another time; once more.
        • Over and above a factor of one.
        • Used metalinguistically, with the repetition being in the discussion, or in the linguistic or pragmatic context of the discussion, rather than in the subject of discussion.
          • Eg.Great, thanks again!
        • Back in the reverse direction, or to an original starting point.
          • Eg.Bring us word again.
        • Back (to a former place or state).
          • Eg.The South will rise again.
        • In return, as a reciprocal action; back.
        • In any other place.
        • On the other hand.
        • Moreover; besides; further.
      • preposition
        • (obsolete or dialectal) Against.
  • against #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɡeɪnst/
      • /əˈɡɛ(ɪ)nst/
      • /əˈɡɛnst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • preposition
        • In a contrary direction to.
          • Eg.It is hard work to swim against the current.
        • In physical opposition to; in collision with.
          • Eg.The rain pounds against the window.
        • In physical contact with, so as to abut or be supported by.
          • Eg.The kennel was put against the back wall.
        • Close to, alongside.
          • Eg.A row of trees stood against a fence.
        • In front of; before (a background).
          • Eg.The giant was silhouetted against the door.
        • In contrast or comparison with.
          • Eg.He stands out against his classmates.
        • In competition with, versus.
          • Eg.The Tigers will play against the Bears this weekend.
        • Contrary to; in conflict with.
          • Eg.Doing this is against my principles.
        • In opposition to.
          • Eg.Are you against freedom of choice?
        • Of betting odds, denoting a worse-than-even chance.
          • Eg.That horse is fifty-to-one against, so it has virtually no chance of winning.
        • In exchange for.
          • Eg.The vouchers are redeemable against West End shows and theatre breaks.
        • As counterbalance to.
        • As a charge on.
          • Eg.Tax is levied against income from sales.
        • As protection from.
          • Eg.He turned the umbrella against the wind.
        • In anticipation of; in preparation for (a particular time, event etc.).
          • Eg.The stores are kept well stocked against a time of need.
        • (Hollywood) To be paid now in contrast to the following amount to be paid later under specified circumstances, usually that a movie is made or has started filming.
          • Eg.The studio weren't sure the movie would ever get made, so they only paid $50,000 against $200,000. That way they wouldn't be out very much if filming never began.
        • Exposed to.
      • conjunction
        • By the time that (something happened); before.
  • age #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /eɪd͡ʒ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The whole duration of a being, whether animal, plant, or other kind, being alive.
        • The number of full years, months, days, hours, etc., that someone, or something, has been alive.
        • One of the stages of life.
          • Eg.the age of infancy
        • The time of life at which some particular power or capacity is understood to become vested.
          • Eg.the age of consent; the age of discretion
        • A particular period of time in history, as distinguished from others.
          • Eg.the golden age; the age of Pericles
        • A great period in the history of the Earth.
          • Eg.the Bronze Age was followed by the Iron Age; the Tithonian Age was the last in the Late Jurassic epoch
        • A period of one hundred years; a century.
        • The people who live during a particular period.
        • A generation.
          • Eg.There are three ages living in her house.
        • A long time.
          • Eg.It’s been an age since we last saw you.
        • A unit of geologic time subdividing an epoch into smaller parts.
        • The right of the player to the left of the dealer to pass the first round in betting, and then to come in last or stay out; also, the player holding this position; the eldest hand.
        • That part of the duration of a being or a thing which is between its beginning and any given time; specifically the size of that part.
          • Eg.What is the present age of a man, or of the earth?
        • Mature age; especially, the time of life at which one attains full personal rights and capacities.
          • come of age; she is now of age
        • An advanced period of life; the latter part of life; the state of being old; eld, seniority.
          • Eg.Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age, sometimes age just shows up all by itself.
      • verb
        • To cause to grow old; to impart the characteristics of age to.
          • Eg.Grief ages us.
        • To postpone an action that would extinguish something, as a debt.
          • Eg.Money's a little tight right now, let's age our bills for a week or so.
        • To categorize by age.
          • Eg.One his first assignments was to age the accounts receivable.
        • To grow aged; to become old; to show marks of age.
          • Eg.He grew fat as he aged.
  • aged #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /eɪdʒd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To cause to grow old; to impart the characteristics of age to.
          • Eg.Grief ages us.
        • To postpone an action that would extinguish something, as a debt.
          • Eg.Money's a little tight right now, let's age our bills for a week or so.
        • To categorize by age.
          • Eg.One his first assignments was to age the accounts receivable.
        • To grow aged; to become old; to show marks of age.
          • Eg.He grew fat as he aged.
      • noun
        • Old people, collectively.
      • adjective
        • Old.
        • (chiefly non-US) Having the age of.
          • Eg.Aged 18, he had no idea what to do with his life.
        • Having undergone the improving effects of time; matured.
  • agency #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈeɪ.dʒə audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The capacity, condition, or state of acting or of exerting power.
        • The capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices.
          • Eg.individual agency
        • A medium through which power is exerted or an end is achieved.
        • The office or function of an agent; also, the relationship between a principal and that person's agent.
          • Eg.authority of agency
        • An establishment engaged in doing business for another; also, the place of business or the district of such an agency.
        • A department or other administrative unit of a government; also, the office or headquarters of, or the district administered by such unit of government.
          • Eg.Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
  • agenda #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈdʒɛn.də/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to.
        • A list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting).
        • A notebook used to organize and maintain such plans or lists, an agenda book, an agenda planner.
        • A hidden agenda.
        • A ritual.
      • noun
        • A task which ought to be done.
  • agent #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈeɪ.dʒənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One who exerts power, or has the power to act
        • One who acts for, or in the place of, another (the principal), by authority from him/her; someone entrusted to do the business of another
        • A person who looks for work for another person
        • Someone who works for an intelligence agency
        • An active power or cause or substance; something which has the power to produce an effect
        • In the client-server model, the part of the system that performs information preparation and exchange on behalf of a client or server. Especially in the phrase “intelligent agent” it implies some kind of autonomous process which can communicate with other agents to perform some collective task on behalf of one or more humans.
        • (grammar) The participant of a situation that carries out the action in this situation, e.g. "the boy" in the sentences "The boy kicked the ball" and "The ball was kicked by the boy".
        • A cheat who is assisted by dishonest casino staff.
  • aggression #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɡɹɛʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of initiating hostilities or invasion.
        • The practice or habit of launching attacks.
        • Hostile or destructive behavior or actions.
  • aggressive #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɡɹɛs.ɪv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Characterized by aggression; unjustly attacking; prone to behave in a way that involves attacking or arguing.
          • aggressive policy, war, person, nation
        • Of heuristics, source code optimization techniques, etc.: exploiting every opportunity to be applied.
        • (of a tumour or disease) That spreads quickly or extensively; virulent; malignant.
  • ago #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɡəʊ/
      • /əˈɡoʊ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Gone; gone by; gone away; passed; passed away.
          • days ago/in days agone
        • Nearly gone; dead (used in Devonshire at the turn of the 19th century)
          • Eg.Woe the day- she is agone!
      • adverb
        • Before
  • agree #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɡɹi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To harmonize in opinion, statement, or action; to be in unison or concord; to be or become united or consistent; to concur.
          • Eg.all parties agree in the expediency of the law.
        • To yield assent; to accede;—followed by to.
          • agree to an offer, or to opinion.
        • To yield assent to; to approve.
        • To make a stipulation by way of settling differences or determining a price; to exchange promises; to come to terms or to a common resolve; to promise.
        • To be conformable; to resemble; to coincide; to correspond.
          • Eg.the picture does not agree with the original; the two scales agree exactly.
        • (now always with with) To suit or be adapted in its effects; to do well.
          • Eg.the same food does not agree with every constitution.
        • (grammar) To correspond to (another word) in a grammatical category, such as gender, number, case, or person.
          • Eg.In Romanian, the articles, adjectives, pronouns agree in gender, number and case with the noun they refer to.
        • To consent to a contract or to an element of a contract.
  • agreement #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɡɹiːmənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An understanding between entities to follow a specific course of conduct.
          • enter an agreement;  the UK and US negotiators nearing agreement;  he nodded his agreement.
        • A state whereby several parties share a view or opinion; the state of not contradicting one another.
          • Eg.The results of my experiment are in agreement with those of Michelson and with the law of General Relativity.
        • A legally binding contract enforceable in a court of law.
        • (grammar) Rules that exist in many languages that force some parts of a sentence to be used or inflected differently depending on certain attributes of other parts.
        • (chiefly in the plural) An agreeable quality.
  • agricultural #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌæɡɹɪˈkʌltjʊəɹəl/
      • /ˌæɡɹɪˈkʌlt͡ʃəɹəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A product or commodity from agriculture.
      • adjective
        • Of or pertaining to agriculture
          • Eg.An agricultural tool
        • As if played with a scythe
  • agriculture #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæɡɹɪˌkʌltʃə/ audio
      • /ˈæɡɹɪˌkʌltʃɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The art or science of cultivating the ground, including the harvesting of crops, and the rearing and management of livestock
  • ah #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɑː/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • pronoun
        • The speaker or writer, referred to as the grammatical subject, of a sentence.
        • The speaker or writer, referred to as the grammatical object, of a sentence.
          • Eg.Mom drove my sister and I to school.
      • noun
        • An instance of the interjection ah.
          • Eg.the crowd's oohs and ahs at the fireworks
      • verb
        • To give a cry of "ah".
      • interjection
        • An expression of relief, relaxation, comfort, confusion, understanding, wonder, awe, etc. according to uttered inflection.
          • Eg.Ah! It's good to be back home!
        • A syllable used to fill space, particularly in music.
  • ahead #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈhɛd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • In or to the front; in advance; onward.
        • In the direction one is facing or moving.
          • Eg.Just ahead you can see the cliffs.
        • In or for the future.
          • Eg.There may be tough times ahead.
        • At an earlier time.
          • Eg.He paid his rent ahead.
        • Having progressed more.
          • Eg.In all of his classes Jack was ahead.
  • aid #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /eɪd/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Help; assistance; succor, relief.
          • Eg.He came to my aid when I was foundering.
        • A helper; an assistant.
        • Something which helps; a material source of help.
          • Eg.Slimming aids include dietary supplements and appetite suppressants.
        • An historical subsidy granted to the crown by Parliament for an extraordinary purpose, such as a war effort.
        • An exchequer loan.
        • A pecuniary tribute paid by a vassal to his feudal lord on special occasions.
        • An aide-de-camp, so called by abbreviation.
          • Eg.The incompetent general's brilliant aid often made priceless suggestions.
  • aide #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /eɪd/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An assistant.
        • An officer who acts as assistant to a more senior one; an aide-de-camp.
  • aids #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /eɪdz/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Help; assistance; succor, relief.
          • Eg.He came to my aid when I was foundering.
        • A helper; an assistant.
        • Something which helps; a material source of help.
          • Eg.Slimming aids include dietary supplements and appetite suppressants.
        • An historical subsidy granted to the crown by Parliament for an extraordinary purpose, such as a war effort.
        • An exchequer loan.
        • A pecuniary tribute paid by a vassal to his feudal lord on special occasions.
        • An aide-de-camp, so called by abbreviation.
          • Eg.The incompetent general's brilliant aid often made priceless suggestions.
      • verb
        • To provide support to; to further the progress of; to help; to assist.
        • To climb with the use of aids such as pitons.
  • aim #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /eɪm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The pointing of a weapon, as a gun, a dart, or an arrow, or object, in the line of direction with the object intended to be struck; the line of fire; the direction of anything, such as a spear, a blow, a discourse, a remark, towards a particular point or object, with a view to strike or affect it.
          • Eg.Take time with the aim of your gun.
        • The point intended to be hit, or object intended to be attained or affected.
        • Intention or goal
          • Eg.My number one aim in life is to make money to make my parents, siblings and kids happy.
        • The ability of someone to aim straight; one's faculty for being able to hit a physical target
          • Eg.The police officer has excellent aim, always hitting the bullseye in shooting practice.
        • Conjecture; guess.
      • verb
        • To point or direct a missile, or a weapon which propels as missile, towards an object or spot with the intent of hitting it
          • Eg.He aimed at the target, but the arrow flew straight over it.
        • To direct the intention or purpose; to attempt the accomplishment of a purpose; to try to gain; to endeavor;—followed by at, or by an infinitive
          • aim at a pass
        • To direct or point (e.g. a weapon), at a particular object; to direct, as a missile, an act, or a proceeding, at, to, or against an object
          • Eg.She aimed a punch at her ex-boyfriend.
        • To direct (something verbal) towards a certain person, thing, or group
          • aim a satirical comment at Communists in general
        • To guess or conjecture.
  • air #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɛə/ audio
      • /ˈɛəɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The substance constituting earth's atmosphere, particularly:
          • Eg.I'm going outside to get some air.
        • (usually with the) The apparently open space above the ground which this substance fills, formerly thought to be limited by the firmament but now considered to be surrounded by the near vacuum of outer space.
          • Eg.The flock of birds took to the air.
        • A breeze; a gentle wind.
        • A feeling or sense.
          • give it an air of artistry and sophistication
        • A sense of poise, graciousness, or quality.
        • (usually in the plural) Pretension; snobbishness; pretence that one is better than others.
          • Eg.putting on airs
        • A song, especially a solo; an aria.
        • Nothing; absence of anything.
        • An air conditioner or the processed air it produces.
          • Eg.Could you turn on the air?
        • Any specific gas.
        • (motor sports) A jump in which one becomes airborne.
        • A television or radio signal.
        • Publicity.
      • verb
        • To bring (something) into contact with the air, so as to freshen or dry it.
        • To let fresh air into a room or a building, to ventilate.
        • To discuss varying viewpoints on a given topic.
        • To broadcast (a television show etc.).
        • To be broadcast.
          • Eg.This game show first aired in the 1990s and is still going today.
        • To ignore.
  • aircraft #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɛə.kɹɑːft/
      • /ɛəɹ.kɹæft/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A vehicle capable of atmospheric flight due to interaction with the air, such as buoyancy or lift
  • airline #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A company that flies airplanes to transport people and goods.
  • airport #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɛə.pɔːt/ audio
      • /ˈɛɹ.pɔɹt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An airfield (an area designated for the takeoff and landing of aircraft), including one or more runways and (for commercial airports) one or more passenger terminals.
          • Eg.Because of this, and contrary to popular belief, British airports primarily act as giant wealth extractors, transporting our richest citizens out of the country as often as possible to take their money overseas. ― The Independent, Heathrow expansion to mainly benefit wealthy frequent fliers, research finds, 23 june 2018.
  • alarm #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈlɑːm/
      • /əˈlɑɹm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A summons to arms, as on the approach of an enemy.
        • Any sound or information intended to give notice of approaching danger; a warning sound to arouse attention; a warning of danger.
        • A sudden attack; disturbance.
        • Sudden surprise with fear or terror excited by apprehension of danger; in the military use, commonly, sudden apprehension of being attacked by surprise.
        • A mechanical device for awaking people, or rousing their attention.
          • Eg.The clock radio is a friendlier version of the cold alarm by the bedside.
        • An instance of an alarm ringing, beeping or clanging, to give a noise signal at a certain time.
          • Eg.You should set the alarm on your watch to go off at seven o'clock.
      • verb
        • To call to arms for defense
        • To give (someone) notice of approaching danger
        • To rouse to vigilance and action; to put on the alert.
        • To surprise with apprehension of danger; to fill with anxiety in regard to threatening evil; to excite with sudden fear.
        • To keep in excitement; to disturb.
  • albeit #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɔːlˈbiː.ɪt/
      • /ɔlˈbi.ət/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • conjunction
        • Although, despite (it) being.
  • album #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈælbəm/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A book specially designed to keep photographs, stamps, or autographs.
        • A collection, especially of literary items
        • A phonograph record that is composed of several tracks
        • A jacket or cover for such a phonograph record.
        • A group of audio recordings, on any medium, intended for distribution as a group.
        • In Ancient Rome, a white tablet or register on which the praetor's edicts and other public notices were recorded.
  • alcohol #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæl.kə.hɒl/ audio
      • /ˈæl.kə.hɑl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Any of a class of organic compounds (such as ethanol) containing a hydroxyl functional group (-OH).
        • Ethanol.
        • Beverages containing ethanol, collectively.
        • Any very fine powder.
  • alcoholic #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌælkəˈhɒlɪk/
      • /ˌælkəˈhɔlɪk/ audio
      • /ˌælkəˈhɑlɪk/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person addicted to alcohol.
        • One who abuses alcohol.
      • adjective
        • Of or pertaining to alcohol.
        • Having more than a trace amount of alcohol in its contents.
          • Eg.He ordered an alcoholic beverage.
        • Of, pertaining to, or affected by alcoholism.
  • alert #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈlɜːt/
      • /əˈlɝt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An alarm.
        • A notification of higher importance than an advisory.
        • A state of readiness for potential combat.
          • airborne alert; ground alert
      • adjective
        • Attentive; awake; on guard.
        • Brisk; nimble; moving with celerity.
  • alien #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈeɪ.li.ən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Any life form of extraterrestrial or extradimensional origin.
        • A person, animal, plant, or other thing which is from outside the family, group, organization, or territory under consideration.
        • A foreigner residing in a country.
        • One excluded from certain privileges; one alienated or estranged.
      • verb
        • To estrange; to alienate.
        • To transfer the ownership of something.
      • adjective
        • Not belonging to the same country, land, or government, or to the citizens or subjects thereof; foreign.
          • Eg.alien subjects, enemies, property, or shores
        • Very unfamiliar, strange, or removed.
          • Eg.principles alien to our religion
        • Pertaining to extraterrestrial life.
  • align #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æˈlaɪn/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To form a line; to fall into line.
        • To adjust or form to a line; to range or form in line; to bring into line.
        • To store (data) in a way that is consistent with the memory architecture, i.e. by beginning each item at an offset equal to some multiple of the word size.
        • To identify with or match the behaviour, thoughts, etc of another person.
        • To organize a linear arrangement of DNA, RNA or protein sequences which have regions of similarity.
  • alignment #card
    • Phonetics:
      • [əˈɫaɪnmənt] audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An arrangement of items in a line.
        • The process of adjusting a mechanism such that its parts are aligned; the condition of having its parts so adjusted.
        • An alliance of factions.
        • The conjunction of two celestial objects.
        • The precise route or course taken by a linear way (road, railway, footpath, etc.) between two points.
        • In a roleplaying game, one of a set number of philosophical attitudes a character can take.
        • A way of arranging DNA, RNA or protein sequences in order to identify regions of similarity.
  • alike #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈlaɪk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Having resemblance or similitude; similar; without difference.
          • Eg.The twins were alike.
      • adverb
        • In the same manner, form, or degree; in common; equally.
          • Eg.We are all alike concerned in religion.
  • alive #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /əˈlaɪv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Having life; living; not dead
          • Eg.As long as the plant is alive, he will continue to water it.
        • In a state of action; in force or operation; existent
          • keep the affections alive
        • Busy with activity of many living beings; swarming; thronged; busy.
          • Eg.Although quite dull during the day, the main street comes alive at night, with many bars and clubs opening.
        • Sprightly; lively; brisk.
        • Susceptible; easy to impress; having keen feelings, as opposed to apathy
        • (as an intensifier) out of all living creatures.
      • adjective
        • (only used attributively) Having life; that is alive.
          • Eg.The post office will not ship live animals.
        • Being in existence; actual
          • Eg.He is a live example of the consequences of excessive drinking.
        • Having active properties; being energized.
        • Operational; in actual use rather than in testing etc.
        • Taken from a living animal.
          • feathers
        • Imparting power; having motion.
          • Eg.a live, or driving, axle
        • Still in active play.
          • Eg.a live ball
        • Seen or heard from a broadcast, as it happens.
          • Eg.The station presented a live news program every evening.
        • (of a performance or speech) In person.
          • Eg.This nightclub has a live band on weekends.
        • (entertainment, performing) Recorded in front of an audience and not having been edited after recording.
          • Eg.a live album
        • Of firearms or explosives, capable of causing harm.
          • Eg.The air force practices dropping live bombs on the uninhabited island.
        • (circuitry) Electrically charged or energized, usually indicating that the item may cause electrocution if touched.
          • Eg.Use caution when working near live wires.
        • Being a bet which can be raised by the bettor, usually in reference to a blind or straddle.
          • Eg.Tommy's blind was live, so he was given the option to raise.
        • Featuring humans; not animated, in the phrases “live actors” or “live action”.
        • Being in a state of ignition; burning.
          • Eg.a live coal; live embers
        • Full of earnestness; active; wide awake; glowing.
          • Eg.a live man, or orator
        • Vivid; bright.
  • all #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɔːl/
      • /ɔl/ audio
      • /ɑl/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (with a possessive pronoun) Everything that one is capable of.
          • Eg.She gave her all, and collapsed at the finish line.
        • The totality of one's possessions.
      • adjective
        • All gone; dead.
          • Eg.The butter is all.
      • adverb
        • (degree) Intensifier.
          • Eg.It suddenly went all quiet.
        • Entirely; completely; totally.
        • Apiece; each.
          • Eg.The score was 30 all when the rain delay started.
        • (degree) so much.
          • Eg.Don't want to go? All the better since I lost the tickets.
        • Even; just.
      • pronoun
        • Everything.
          • Eg.She knows all and sees all.
        • Everyone.
          • Eg.A good time was had by all.
        • The only thing(s).
          • Eg.All that was left was a small pile of ash.
        • Used after who, what, where, how and similar words, either without changing their meaning, or indicating that one expects that they cover more than one element, e.g. that "who all attended" is more than one person. (Some dialects only allow this to follow some words and not others.)
        • Clipping of y’all. Used only as a vocative.
      • conjunction
        • Although.
  • all right #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌɔːlˈɹaɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Good; in acceptable, if not excellent condition.
          • Eg.The car is all right. It gets me there, anyway.
        • In good health, unharmed.
          • Eg.I had a headache earlier, but now I'm all right.
      • adverb
        • Fairly well.
          • Eg.That went all right, I suppose.
        • Most certainly; for sure.
          • Eg.You taught them a lesson all right! They won't be back.
      • interjection
        • Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent.
          • Eg.All right, let's go then.
        • Used to indicate support, favor or encouragement.
          • Eg.All right! They scored!
        • Used to fill space or pauses.
          • Eg.All right, so what you suggest we do next?
        • Used as a general lead-in or beginning.
          • Eg.All right, let's get started.
        • Used to express exasperation or frustration, often with already.
          • Eg.All right, already! Let me finish what I was doing first, and then we can talk.
        • Term of greeting, equivalent to how are you or hello.
          • Eg.All right, mate, how are things with you and the missus?
  • allegation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌæl.əˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An assertion, especially an accusation, not necessarily based on facts.
          • Eg.She put forth several allegations regarding her partner in hopes of discrediting his actions.
        • The act of alleging.
  • allege #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈlɛdʒ/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To state under oath, to plead.
        • To cite or quote an author or his work for or against.
        • To adduce (something) as a reason, excuse, support etc.
        • To make a claim as justification or proof; to make an assertion without proof.
          • Eg.The agency alleged my credit history had problems.
  • allegedly #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • According to someone's allegation.
          • Eg.The suspect was allegedly involved in the robbery, but his alibi placed him in another state at the time.
        • According to someone's conspicuous impressions (which could be alleged ensuingly).
          • Eg.The game is allegedly exciting.
  • alliance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /əˈlaɪ.əns/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The state of being allied.
          • Eg.matrimonial alliances; an alliance between church and state, or between two countries
        • The act of allying or uniting.
        • A union or connection of interests between families, states, parties, etc., especially between families by marriage and states by compact, treaty, or league.
        • Any union resembling that of families or states; union by relationship in qualities; affinity.
        • (with the definite article) The persons or parties allied.
      • verb
        • To connect or unite by alliance; to ally.
  • allocate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæl.ə.keɪt/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To set aside for a purpose.
        • To distribute according to a plan, generally followed by the adposition to.
          • Eg.The bulk of K–12 education funds are allocated to school districts that in turn pay for the cost of operating schools.
        • To reserve a portion of memory for use by a computer program.
  • allocation #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The process or procedure for allocating things, especially money or other resources.
          • Eg.The allocation of new permits is on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • allow #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈlaʊ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield; to let one have.
          • allow a servant his liberty;  to allow a free passage;  to allow one day for rest
        • To acknowledge; to accept as true; to concede; to accede to an opinion.
          • allow a right;  to allow a claim;  to allow the truth of a proposition
        • To grant (something) as a deduction or an addition; especially to abate or deduct.
          • Eg.To allow a sum for leakage.
        • To grant license to; to permit; to consent to.
          • Eg.Smoking allowed only in designated areas.
        • To not bar or obstruct.
          • Eg.Although I don't consent to their holding such meetings, I will allow them for the time being.
        • To acknowledge or concede.
        • To take into account by making an allowance.
          • Eg.When calculating a budget for a construction project, always allow for contingencies.
        • To render physically possible.
        • To praise; to approve of; hence, to sanction.
        • To sanction; to invest; to entrust.
        • To like; to be suited or pleased with.
  • allowance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈlaʊəns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Permission; granting, conceding, or admitting
        • Acknowledgment.
        • That which is allowed; a share or portion allotted or granted; a sum granted as a reimbursement, a bounty, or as appropriate for any purpose; a stated quantity.
          • Eg.her meagre allowance of food or drink
        • Abatement; deduction; the taking into account of mitigating circumstances
          • make allowance for his naivety
        • A customary deduction from the gross weight of goods, differing by country.
          • Eg.Tare and tret are examples of allowance.
        • A permitted reduction in the weight that a racehorse must carry.
          • Eg.On the Flat, an apprentice jockey starts with an allowance of 7 lb.
        • A child's allowance; pocket money.
          • Eg.She gives her daughters each an allowance of thirty dollars a month.
        • (minting) A permissible deviation in the fineness and weight of coins, owing to the difficulty in securing exact conformity to the standard prescribed by law.
        • Approval; approbation
        • License; indulgence
      • verb
        • To put upon a fixed allowance (especially of provisions and drink).
          • Eg.The captain was obliged to allowance his crew.
        • To supply in a fixed and limited quantity.
          • Eg.Our provisions were allowanced.
  • ally #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person, group, or state (etc) which is associated with another for a common cause; one united to another by treaty or common purpose; a confederate.
          • Eg.the two countries were allies in WWI
        • A person, group, concept (etc) which is associated with another as a helper; a supporter; an auxiliary.
        • Anything akin to something else by structure, etc.
        • A closely related species, usually within the same family.
          • Eg.Gruiformes — cranes and allies
        • A relative; a kinsman.
      • verb
        • To unite, or form a connection between, as between families by marriage, or between princes and states by treaty, league, or confederacy.
        • To connect or form a relation between by similitude, resemblance, friendship, or love.
  • almost #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɔːl.ˈməʊst/
      • /ˈɑl.moʊst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something or someone that doesn't quite make it.
          • Eg.In all the submissions, they found four papers that were clearly worth publishing and another dozen almosts.
      • adverb
        • Very close to, not quite.
          • Eg.Almost all people went there. - Not all but very close to it.
  • alone #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈləʊn/ audio
      • /əˈloʊn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • By oneself, solitary.
          • Eg.I can't ask for help because I am alone.
        • Apart from, or exclusive of, others.
          • Eg.Jones alone could do it.
        • Considered separately.
        • Without equal.
        • Unique; rare; matchless.
      • adverb
        • By oneself; apart from, or exclusive of, others; solo.
          • Eg.She walked home alone.
        • Without outside help.
          • Eg.The job was too hard for me to do alone.
        • Exclusively.
          • Eg.The responsibility is theirs alone.
  • along #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈlɑŋ/
      • /əˈlɒŋ/
      • /əˈlɔŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • In company; together.
          • Eg.John played the piano and everyone sang along.
        • Onward, forward, with progressive action.
          • Eg.Don't stop here. Just move along.
      • preposition
        • By the length of; in a line with the length of; lengthwise next to.
        • In a line with, with a progressive motion on; onward on; forward on.
  • alongside #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ə.lɒŋˈsaɪd/
      • /ə.lɔŋˈsaɪd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • Along the side; by the side; side by side with.
          • Eg.Ahoy! Bring your boat alongside mine.
      • preposition
        • Together with or at the same time.
          • Eg.The nurse worked alongside the doctor.
  • already #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɑlˈɹɛdi/
      • /ɔːlˈɹɛdi/
      • /ɔlˈɹɛdi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • Prior to some specified time, either past, present, or future; by this time; previously.
        • So soon.
          • Eg.Are you quitting already?
  • also #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɔːl.səʊ/
      • /ˈɔl.soʊ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • (focus) In addition; besides; as well; further; too.
          • Eg.They had porridge for breakfast, and also toast.
        • To the same degree or extent; so, as.
  • alter #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɑl.tɚ/
      • /ˈɒl.tə/
      • /ˈɔl.tɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To change the form or structure of.
        • To become different.
        • To tailor clothes to make them fit.
        • To castrate, neuter or spay (a dog or other animal).
        • To affect mentally, as by psychotropic drugs or illness.
  • alternative #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɒl.ˈtɜː(ɹ).nə.tɪv/
      • /ɔl.ˈtɝ.nə.tɪv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A situation which allows a mutually exclusive choice between two or more possibilities; a choice between two or more possibilities.
        • One of several mutually exclusive things which can be chosen.
        • The remaining option; something available after other possibilities have been exhausted.
        • Alternative rock
      • adjective
        • Relating to a choice between two or more possibilities.
          • alternative proposition
        • Other; different from something else.
        • Not traditional, outside the mainstream, underground.
        • Alternate, reciprocal.
  • although #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɔːlˈðəʊ/
      • /ɑlˈðoʊ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • conjunction
        • Though, even though, in spite of or despite the fact that: introducing a clause that expresses a concession.
          • Eg.Although it was very muddy, the football game went on.
        • But, except.
          • Eg.It was difficult, although not as difficult as we had expected.
  • altogether #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɔː.tuːˈɡɛð.ə(ɹ)/
      • /ɔl.tuˈɡɛð.ɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • Without exception; wholly; completely.
        • On the whole; with everything considered.
          • Eg.Altogether, I'm sorry it happened.
  • aluminium #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /əˈluːmɪnəm/
      • /ˌɛl.(j)ɘˈmɘn.jɘm/
      • /ˌæl.(j)ʊˈmɪn.i.əm/ audio
      • /ˌæl(j)uˈmɪn.j.əm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A light, silvery metal extracted from bauxite, and a chemical element (symbol Al) with an atomic number of 13.
        • A single atom of this element.
        • Aircraft or other machinery made partially or wholly of aluminium.
  • always #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɔː(l).weɪz/ audio
      • /ˈɔl.weɪz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • At all times; throughout all time; since the beginning.
          • Eg.Airplanes did not always exist as a form of transportation.
        • Constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals (opposed to sometimes or occasionally).
          • Eg.In this street, the shops always close during lunchtime.
        • In any event.
          • Eg.I thought I could always go back to work.
  • amateur #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæ.mə.tə/
      • /ˈæ.mə.tɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A lover of something.
        • A person attached to a particular pursuit, study, or science as to music or painting; especially one who cultivates any study or art, from taste or attachment, without pursuing it professionally.
          • Eg.The contest is only open to amateurs.
        • Someone who is unqualified or insufficiently skillful.
          • Eg.The entire thing was built by some amateurs with screwdrivers and plywood.
      • adjective
        • Non-professional.
        • Created, done, or populated by amateurs or non-professionals.
          • Eg.amateur sports
        • Showing a lack of professionalism, experience or talent.
          • Eg.Duct tape is a sure sign of amateur workmanship.
  • amazed #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈmeɪzd/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To fill with wonder and surprise; to astonish, astound, surprise or perplex.
          • Eg.He was amazed when he found that the girl was a robot.
        • To undergo amazement; to be astounded.
        • To stupefy; to knock unconscious.
        • To bewilder; to stupefy; to bring into a maze.
        • To terrify, to fill with panic.
      • adjective
        • Astonished; confounded with fear, surprise, or wonder; greatly surprised. The following adposition may be: at, with or by.
  • amazing #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To fill with wonder and surprise; to astonish, astound, surprise or perplex.
          • Eg.He was amazed when he found that the girl was a robot.
        • To undergo amazement; to be astounded.
        • To stupefy; to knock unconscious.
        • To bewilder; to stupefy; to bring into a maze.
        • To terrify, to fill with panic.
      • adjective
  • ambassador #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æmˈbæs.ə.də(ɹ)/
      • /æmˈbæs.ə.dɚ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A minister of the highest rank sent to a foreign court to represent there his sovereign or country. (Sometimes called ambassador-in-residence)
        • An official messenger and representative.
        • A corporate representative, often the public face of the company.
          • Eg.As front hall porter, you are an ambassador for the hotel.
  • ambition #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æmˈbɪ.ʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Eager or inordinate desire for some object that confers distinction, as preferment, honor, superiority, political power, or literary fame; desire to distinguish one's self from other people.
          • Eg.My son, John, wants to be a firefighter very much. He has a lot of ambition.
        • An object of an ardent desire.
          • Eg.My ambition is to own a helicopter.
        • A desire, as in (sense 1), for another person to achieve these things.
        • A personal quality similar to motivation, not necessarily tied to a single goal.
        • The act of going about to solicit or obtain an office, or any other object of desire; canvassing.
      • verb
        • To seek after ambitiously or eagerly; to covet.
          • Eg.Pausanias, ambitioning the sovereignty of Greece, bargains with Xerxes for his daughter in marriage. — Trumbull.
  • ambitious #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æmˈbɪʃ.əs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • (of a person or their character) Having or showing ambition; wanting a lot of power, honor, respect, superiority, or other distinction.
          • ambitious person
        • (followed by "of" or the infinitive) Very desirous
        • Resulting from, characterized by, or indicating, ambition
          • ambitious attempt to take power
        • Hard to achieve.
  • ambulance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæm.bjə.ləns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An emergency vehicle designed for transporting seriously ill or injured people to a hospital.
        • A mobile field hospital.
        • A prairie wagon.
      • verb
        • To transport by ambulance.
  • amend #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈmɛnd/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (usually in the plural) An act of righting a wrong; compensation.
      • verb
        • To make better; improve.
        • To become better.
        • To heal (someone sick); to cure (a disease etc.).
        • To be healed, to be cured, to recover (from an illness).
        • To make a formal alteration (in legislation, a report, etc.) by adding, deleting, or rephrasing.
  • amendment #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ʌˈmɛnd.mənt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An alteration or change for the better; correction of a fault or of faults; reformation of life by quitting vices.
        • In public bodies, any alteration made or proposed to be made in a bill or motion that adds, changes, substitutes, or omits.
        • Correction of an error in a writ or process.
        • An addition to and/or alteration to the Constitution.
          • Eg.The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.
        • That which is added; that which is used to increase or supplement something.
          • Eg.a soil amendment
  • amid #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈmɪd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • preposition
        • In the middle of; in the center of; surrounded by.
  • among #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈmɒŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • preposition
        • Denotes a mingling or intermixing with distinct or separable objects. (See Usage Note at amidst.)
          • Eg.How can you speak with authority about their customs when you have never lived among them?
        • Denotes a belonging of a person or a thing to a group.
          • Eg.He is among the few who completely understand the subject.
        • Denotes a sharing of a common feature in a group.
          • Eg.Lactose intolerance is common among people of Asian heritage.
  • amount #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈmaʊnt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The total, aggregate or sum of material (not applicable to discrete numbers or units or items in standard English).
          • Eg.The amount of atmospheric pollution threatens a health crisis.
        • A quantity or volume.
          • Eg.Pour a small amount of water into the dish.
        • (sometimes proscribed) The number (the sum) of elements in a set.
      • verb
        • (followed by to) To total or evaluate.
          • Eg.It amounts to three dollars and change.
        • (followed by to) To be the same as or equivalent to.
          • Eg.He was a pretty good student, but never amounted to much professionally.
        • To go up; to ascend.
  • amusing #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈmjuːzɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner; to stir with pleasing emotions.
          • Eg.I watch these movies because they amuse me.
        • To cause laughter or amusement; to be funny.
          • Eg.His jokes rarely fail to amuse.
        • To keep in expectation; to beguile; to delude.
        • To occupy or engage the attention of; to lose in deep thought; to absorb; also, to distract; to bewilder.
      • adjective
        • Entertaining.
          • Eg.The film has some amusing moments, but it is unlikely to make you laugh out loud.
        • Funny, hilarious.
  • an #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • numeral
        • One
  • analogy #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈnæləd͡ʒi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A relationship of resemblance or equivalence between two situations, people, or objects, especially when used as a basis for explanation or extrapolation.
        • The proportion or the equality of ratios.
        • (grammar) The correspondence of a word or phrase with the genius of a language, as learned from the manner in which its words and phrases are ordinarily formed; similarity of derivative or inflectional processes.
  • analyse #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To subject to analysis.
        • To resolve (anything complex) into its elements.
        • To separate into the constituent parts, for the purpose of an examination of each separately.
        • To examine in such a manner as to ascertain the elements or nature of the thing examined; as, to analyze a fossil substance, to analyze a sentence or a word, or to analyze an action to ascertain its morality.
  • analysis #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈnælɪsɪs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Decomposition into components in order to study (a complex thing, concept, theory etc.).
        • The result of such a process.
        • The mathematical study of functions, sequences, series, limits, derivatives and integrals.
        • Proof by deduction from known truths.
        • The process of breaking down a substance into its constituent parts, or the result of this process.
        • The analytical study of melodies, harmonies, sequences, repetitions, variations, quotations, juxtapositions, and surprises.
        • Psychoanalysis.
  • analyst #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈænəlɪst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Someone who analyzes.
        • A mathematician who studies real analysis.
        • A systems analyst.
        • A practitioner of psychoanalysis.
        • A financial analyst; a business analyst.
  • ancestor #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæn.sɛs.tə/
      • /ˈæn.sɛs.tɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One from whom a person is descended, whether on the father's or mother's side, at any distance of time; a progenitor; a forefather.
        • An earlier type; a progenitor
          • Eg.This fossil animal is regarded as the ancestor of the horse.
        • One from whom an estate has descended;—the correlative of heir.
        • One who had the same role or function in former times.
        • A word or phrase which serves as the origin of a term in another language.
      • verb
        • To be an ancestor of.
  • anchor #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæŋ.kə/
      • /ˈæŋ.kɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A tool used to moor a vessel to the bottom of a sea or river to resist movement.
        • An iron device so shaped as to grip the bottom and hold a vessel at her berth by the chain or rope attached. (FM 55-501).
        • The combined anchoring gear (anchor, rode, bill/peak and fittings such as bitts, cat, and windlass.)
        • Representation of the nautical tool, used as a heraldic charge.
        • Any instrument serving a purpose like that of a ship's anchor, such as an arrangement of timber to hold a dam fast; a device to hold the end of a bridge cable etc.; or a device used in metalworking to hold the core of a mould in place.
        • A marked point in a document that can be the target of a hyperlink.
        • An anchorman or anchorwoman.
        • The final runner in a relay race.
        • A point that is touched by the draw hand or string when the bow is fully drawn and ready to shoot.
        • A superstore or other facility that serves as a focus to bring customers into an area.
        • That which gives stability or security.
        • A metal tie holding adjoining parts of a building together.
        • Carved work, somewhat resembling an anchor or arrowhead; part of the ornaments of certain mouldings. It is seen in the echinus, or egg-and-anchor (called also egg-and-dart, egg-and-tongue) ornament.
        • One of the anchor-shaped spicules of certain sponges.
        • One of the calcareous spinules of certain holothurians, as in species of Synapta.
        • The thirty-fifth Lenormand card.
        • An anchorite or anchoress.
  • ancient #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈeɪn.ʃənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who is very old.
        • A person who lived in ancient times.
        • One of the senior members of the Inns of Court or of Chancery.
        • A senior; an elder; a predecessor.
      • adjective
        • Having lasted from a remote period; having been of long duration; of great age, very old.
          • ancient city  an ancient forest
        • Existent or occurring in time long past, usually in remote ages; belonging to or associated with antiquity; old, as opposed to modern.
          • ancient author  an ancient empire
        • (history) Relating to antiquity as a primarily European historical period; the time before the Middle Ages.
        • Experienced; versed.
        • Former; sometime.
  • and #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • In rhythm, the second half of a divided beat.
      • conjunction
        • As a coordinating conjunction; expressing two elements to be taken together or in addition to each other.
        • (heading) Expressing a condition.
  • angel #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈeɪn.dʒəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An incorporeal and sometimes divine messenger from a deity, or other divine entity, often depicted in art as a youthful winged figure in flowing robes.
        • (Abrahamic tradition) One of the lowest order of such beings, below virtues.
        • A person having the qualities attributed to angels, such as purity or selflessness.
          • Eg.Thanks for making me breakfast in bed, you little angel.
        • Attendant spirit; genius; demon.
        • (possibly obsolete) An official (a bishop, or sometimes a minister) who heads a Christian church, especially a Catholic Apostolic church.
        • An English gold coin, bearing the figure of the archangel Michael, circulated between the 15th and 17th centuries, and varying in value from six shillings and eightpence to ten shillings.
        • (originally Royal Air Force) An altitude, measured in thousands of feet.
          • Eg.Climb to angels sixty. (“ascend to 60,000 feet”)
        • An unidentified flying object detected by air traffic control radar.
        • An affluent individual who provides capital for a startup, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity; an angel investor.
        • The person who funds a show.
      • verb
        • To support by donating money.
  • anger #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæŋɡə(ɹ)/
      • /ˈæŋɡɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something, usually combined with an urge to harm.
          • Eg.You need to control your anger.
        • Pain or stinging.
      • verb
        • To cause such a feeling of antagonism in.
          • Eg.He who angers you conquers you.
        • To become angry.
          • Eg.You anger too easily.
  • angle #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæŋ.ɡəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A figure formed by two rays which start from a common point (a plane angle) or by three planes that intersect (a solid angle).
          • Eg.the angle between lines A and B
        • The measure of such a figure. In the case of a plane angle, this is the ratio (or proportional to the ratio) of the arc length to the radius of a section of a circle cut by the two rays, centered at their common point. In the case of a solid angle, this is the ratio of the surface area to the square of the radius of the section of a sphere.
          • Eg.The angle between lines A and B is π/4 radians, or 45 degrees.
        • A corner where two walls intersect.
          • angle of a building
        • A change in direction.
          • Eg.The horse took off at an angle.
        • A viewpoint; a way of looking at something.
        • The focus of a news story.
        • Any of various hesperiid butterflies.
        • A storyline between two wrestlers, providing the background for and approach to a feud.
        • An ulterior motive; a scheme or means of benefitting from a situation, usually hidden, often immoral
          • Eg.His angle is that he gets a percentage, but mostly in trade.
        • A projecting or sharp corner; an angular fragment.
        • Any of the four cardinal points of an astrological chart: the Ascendant, the Midheaven, the Descendant and the Imum Coeli.
      • verb
        • (often in the passive) To place (something) at an angle.
          • Eg.The roof is angled at 15 degrees.
        • To change direction rapidly.
          • Eg.The five ball angled off the nine ball but failed to reach the pocket.
        • To present or argue something in a particular way or from a particular viewpoint.
          • Eg.How do you want to angle this when we talk to the client?
        • (cue sports) To hamper (oneself or one's opponent) by leaving the cue ball in the jaws of a pocket such that the surround of the pocket (the "angle") blocks the path from cue ball to object ball.
  • angrily #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæŋ.ɡɹə.li/
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • In an angry manner; under the influence of anger.
          • Eg."Leave me alone for once," she said angrily.
  • angry #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæŋ.ɡɹi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Displaying or feeling anger.
          • Eg.An angry mob started looting the warehouse.
        • (said about a wound or a rash) Inflamed and painful.
          • Eg.The broken glass left two angry cuts across my arm.
        • (said about the elements, like the sky or the sea) Dark and stormy, menacing.
          • Eg.Angry clouds raced across the sky.
  • animal #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈænɪməl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • In scientific usage, a multicellular organism that is usually mobile, whose cells are not encased in a rigid cell wall (distinguishing it from plants and fungi) and which derives energy solely from the consumption of other organisms (distinguishing it from plants).
          • Eg.A cat is an animal, not a plant. Humans are also animals, under the scientific definition, as we are not plants.
        • In non-scientific usage, any member of the kingdom Animalia other than a human.
        • In non-scientific usage, any land-living vertebrate (i.e. not fishes, insects, etc.).
        • A person who behaves wildly; a bestial, brutal, brutish, cruel, or inhuman person.
          • Eg.My students are animals.
        • A person of a particular type.
          • Eg.He's a political animal.
        • Matter, thing.
          • Eg.a whole different animal
  • animation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æn.əˈmeɪ.ʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of animating, or giving life or spirit.
        • (in the sense of a cartoon) The technique of making inanimate objects or drawings appear to move in motion pictures or computer graphics; the object (film, computer game, etc.) so produced
        • The state of being lively, brisk, or full of spirit and vigor; vivacity; spiritedness
          • Eg.He recited the story with great animation.
        • The condition of being animate or alive.
        • Conversion from the inanimate to animate grammatical category
  • ankle #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæŋ.kəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The skeletal joint which connects the foot with the leg; the uppermost portion of the foot and lowermost portion of the leg, which contain this skeletal joint.
      • verb
        • To walk.
        • To cyclically angle the foot at the ankle while pedaling, to maximize the amount of work applied to the pedal during each revolution.
  • anniversary #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌænɪˈvɜːs(ə)ɹi/ audio
      • /ˌænəˈvɝs(ə)ɹi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A day that is an exact number of years (to the day) since a given significant event occurred. Often preceded by an ordinal number indicating the number of years.
          • Eg.Today is the fiftieth anniversary of the end of the war.
        • (loosely) A day subsequent in time to a given event by some significant period other than a year (especially as prefixed by the amount of time in question).
  • announce #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈnaʊns/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To give public notice, especially for the first time; to make known
        • To pronounce; to declare by judicial sentence
  • announcement #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈnaʊns.mɛnt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An act of announcing, or giving notice.
          • Eg.He raised his hand to make his announcement and said "Excuse me everyone, I have an announcement to make.
        • That which conveys what is announced.
          • Eg.This announcement was made during the first training session.
        • The content which is announced.
          • Eg.The announcement implied that somebody needed a spare Toshiba charger.
  • annoy #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈnɔɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A feeling of discomfort or vexation caused by what one dislikes.
        • That which causes such a feeling.
      • verb
        • To disturb or irritate, especially by continued or repeated acts; to bother with unpleasant deeds.
          • Eg.Marc loved his sister, but when she annoyed him he wanted to switch her off.
        • To do something to upset or anger someone; to be troublesome.
        • To molest; to harm; to injure.
          • annoy an army by impeding its march, or by a cannonade
  • annoyed #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈnɔɪd/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To disturb or irritate, especially by continued or repeated acts; to bother with unpleasant deeds.
          • Eg.Marc loved his sister, but when she annoyed him he wanted to switch her off.
        • To do something to upset or anger someone; to be troublesome.
        • To molest; to harm; to injure.
          • annoy an army by impeding its march, or by a cannonade
      • adjective
        • Troubled, irritated by something unwanted or unliked (an annoyance); vexed.
  • annoying #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To disturb or irritate, especially by continued or repeated acts; to bother with unpleasant deeds.
          • Eg.Marc loved his sister, but when she annoyed him he wanted to switch her off.
        • To do something to upset or anger someone; to be troublesome.
        • To molest; to harm; to injure.
          • annoy an army by impeding its march, or by a cannonade
      • noun
        • That which annoys; an annoyance.
      • adjective
        • Causing irritation or annoyance; troublesome; vexatious.
          • Eg.Vandals are really annoying.
  • annual #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæn.ju.əl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An annual publication; a book, periodical, journal, report, comic book, yearbook, etc., which is published serially once a year, which may or may not be in addition to regular weekly or monthly publication.
          • Eg.I read the magazine, but I usually don't purchase the annuals.
        • An annual plant; a plant with a life span of just one growing season; a plant which naturally germinates, flowers and dies in one year. Compare biennial, perennial.
          • Eg.I can't wait to plant my annuals in the spring.
        • A medical checkup taking place once a year.
        • A pantomime taking place once a year.
      • adjective
        • Happening once every year.
          • annual general meeting;  an annual publication
        • Of, for, or relating to a whole year, often as a recurring cycle; determined or reckoned by the year; accumulating in the course of a year; performed, executed, or completed over the course of a year. See also circannual.
          • annual salary;  average annual profits;  the annual course of the sun
        • (of a plant) Having a life cycle that is completed in only one growing season; e.g. beans, corn, marigold. See Annual plant in Wikipedia. Compare biennial, perennial.
        • Living or lasting just one season or year, as certain insects or insect colonies.
  • annually #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæn.jʊə.li/
      • /ˈæn.ju.ə.li/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • Once every year without fail, yearly
  • anonymous #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈnɒnəməs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Lacking a name; not named, for example an animal not assigned to any species.
        • Without any name acknowledged of a person responsible
          • anonymous pamphlet
        • Of unknown name; whose name is withheld
          • Eg.No customer personal data will be retained unless it is rendered anonymous.
        • Lacking individuality.
          • anonymous office block in a soulless industrial estate
  • another #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /æˈnʌð.ə(ɹ)/
      • /əˈnʌð.ə(ɹ)/
      • /æˈnʌð.ɚ/
      • /əˈnʌð.ɚ/
    • Meanings:
      • pronoun
        • An additional one of the same kind.
          • Eg.There is one sterling and here is another
        • One that is different from the current one.
          • Eg.I saw one movie, but I think I will see another.
        • One of a group of things of the same kind.
          • Eg.His interests keep shifting from one thing to another.
  • answer #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈan.sə/ audio
      • /ˈæn.sɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A response or reply; something said or done in reaction to a statement or question.
          • Eg.Her answer to his proposal was a slap in the face.
        • A solution to a problem.
          • Eg.There is no simple answer to corruption.
        • A document filed in response to a complaint, responding to each point raised in the complaint and raising counterpoints.
  • anticipate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ænˈtɪs.ɪ.peɪt/
      • /ænˈtɪs.ə.peɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To act before (someone), especially to prevent an action.
        • To take up or introduce (something) prematurely.
          • Eg.The advocate plans to anticipate a part of her argument.
        • To know of (something) before it happens; to expect.
          • Eg.Please anticipate a journey of an hour from your house to the airport
        • To eagerly wait for (something)
          • Eg.Little Johnny started to anticipate the arrival of Santa Claus a week before Christmas.
  • anxiety #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌæŋ(ɡ)ˈzaɪ.ə.ti/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about some uncertain event.
        • An uneasy or distressing desire (for something).
        • A state of restlessness and agitation, often accompanied by a distressing sense of oppression or tightness in the stomach.
  • anxious #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈaŋ(k)ʃəs/
      • /ˈæŋ(k).ʃəs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Nervous and worried.
        • Having a feeling of anxiety or disquietude; extremely concerned, especially about something that will happen in the future or that is unknown.
          • Eg.I could tell she was anxious as she was biting her nails.
        • (of things) Accompanied with, or causing, anxiety; worrying.
          • Eg.There was an anxious wait before the results were revealed.
        • Earnestly desirous.
          • Eg.All the voters were anxious to hear the election result.
  • any #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæni/
      • /ˈɛni/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • To even the slightest extent, at all.
          • Eg.I will not remain here any longer.
      • pronoun
        • Any thing(s) or person(s).
          • Eg.Any may apply.
  • any more #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌæ.niˈmoːɹ/
      • /ˌɛ.niˈmɔː/
      • /ˌɛ.niˈmɔɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • (in negative or interrogative constructions) From a given time onwards; longer, again.
          • Eg.They don't make repairable radios any more.
        • (in positive constructions) Now, from now on.
          • Eg.I eat fish anymore.
  • anybody #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɛn.i.bɒd.i/ audio
      • /ˈɛn.i.bɑd.i/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • pronoun
        • Any one out of an indefinite number of persons; anyone; any person.
          • Eg.Anybody will do.
        • A person of some consideration or standing.
          • Eg.Everybody who wants to be anybody will come to Jake's party.
  • anyhow #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæn.i.haʊ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • (manner) In any way or manner whatever.
        • In any case. Used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement.
          • Eg.Anyhow, he is dead now.
  • anyone #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæniˌwʌn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • pronoun
        • Any person; anybody.
          • Eg.Almost anyone can change a light bulb.
  • anything #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɛ.nə.θɪŋ/
      • /ˈæ.ni.θɪŋ/
      • /ˈɛ.ni.θɪŋ/
      • /ˈɛn.i.θɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Someone or something of importance.
      • pronoun
        • Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; a thing of any kind; something or other.
          • Eg.I would not do it for anything.
        • (with “as” or “like”) Expressing an indefinite comparison.
  • anyway #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɛniweɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • Regardless; anyhow.
          • Eg.He didn't enjoy washing his car, but it was so dirty that he did it anyway.
        • Used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement. See anyhow and at least.
          • Eg.I don't think that's true. I haven't found any evidence, anyway.
        • Used to indicate a change of subject.
        • Used at the end of a question for emphasis, or to direct the conversation to something of more broad importance (compare with more to the point).
        • In any way.
  • anywhere #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɛn.iː.(h)wɛə(ɹ)/
      • /ˈɛn.i.(h)wɛɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • In or at any location or an unknown location.
          • Eg.I don't know where I left my keys. They could be anywhere.
        • To (in the direction of) any location or an unknown location.
          • Eg.Anywhere you go in France, there will be bread and wine with dinner.
      • pronoun
        • Any location or an unknown location.
          • Eg.Anywhere is better than here!
  • apart #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpɑː(ɹ)t/
      • /əˈpɑɹt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • (Used after a noun or in the predicate) Exceptional, distinct.
          • Eg.a world apart
        • Having been taken apart; disassembled, in pieces.
      • adverb
        • Placed separately (in regard to space or time).
        • Separately, exclusively, not together
          • Eg.Consider the two propositions apart.
        • Aside; away.
        • In or into two or more parts.
          • Eg.We took the computer apart and put it back together.
  • apartment #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpɑːt.mənt/ audio
      • /əˈpɑɹt.mənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A complete domicile occupying only part of a building, especially one for rent; a flat.
        • A suite of rooms within a domicile, designated for a specific person or persons and including a bedroom.
        • A division of an enclosure that is separate from others; a compartment
        • (COM) A conceptual space used for separation in the threading architecture. Objects in one apartment cannot directly access those in another, but must use a proxy.
  • apologize #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpɒləd͡ʒaɪz/
      • /əˈpɑləd͡ʒaɪz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • (often followed by “for”) To make an apology or excuse; to acknowledge some fault or offense, with expression of regret for it, by way of amends
          • Eg.My correspondent apologized for not answering my letter.
        • To express regret that a certain event has occurred.
        • To make an apologia or defense; to act as apologist.
  • apology #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpɒl.ə.dʒi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An expression of remorse or regret for having said or done something that harmed another: an instance of apologizing (saying that one is sorry).
          • Eg.The CEO made a public apology for the scandal, and promised full cooperation with the authorities.
        • A formal justification, defence.
          • Eg.The Apology of Socrates.
        • Anything provided as a substitute; a makeshift.
          • Eg.a poor apology for a hotel room
  • app #card
    • Phonetics:
      • [ʔæʔp̚] audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An application (program), especially a small one designed for a mobile device.
        • Application (use, purpose; not a computer program)
        • Application (to a college etc.)
  • apparatus #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æpəˈɹɑːtəs/
      • /æ.pəˈɹæ.təs/ audio
      • /æ.pəˈɹeɪ.təs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The entirety of means whereby a specific production is made existent or task accomplished.
        • A complex machine or instrument.
        • An assortment of tools and instruments.
        • A bureaucratic organization, especially one influenced by political patronage.
        • A vehicle used for emergency response.
        • Any of the equipment on which the gymnasts perform their movements.
        • A complex, highly modified weapon (typically not a firearm); a weaponized “Rube Goldberg machine.”
  • apparent #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpæ.ɹənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Capable of being seen, or easily seen; open to view; visible to the eye, eyely; within sight or view.
        • Clear or manifest to the understanding; plain; evident; obvious; known; palpable; indubitable.
        • Appearing to the eye or mind (distinguished from, but not necessarily opposed to, true or real); seeming.
  • apparently #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpaɹəntli/
      • /əˈpæɹ.ɨ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • Plainly; clearly; manifestly; evidently.
        • Seemingly; in appearance only.
          • Eg.A man may be apparently friendly, yet malicious in heart.
        • According to what the speaker has read or heard.
          • Eg.Apparently you are quite a good dancer.
  • appeal #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpiːl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An application for the removal of a cause or suit from an inferior to a superior judge or court for re-examination or review.
        • The mode of proceeding by which such removal is effected.
        • The right of appeal.
        • An accusation; a process which formerly might be instituted by one private person against another for some heinous crime demanding punishment for the particular injury suffered, rather than for the offense against the public.
        • An accusation of a felon at common law by one of his accomplices, which accomplice was then called an approver.
        • A summons to answer to a charge.
        • A call to a person or an authority for help, proof or a decision; entreaty.
          • Eg.He made an appeal for volunteers to help at the festival.
        • Resort to physical means; recourse.
        • Power to attract or interest.
        • A call to or use of a principle or quality for purposes of persuasion.
      • verb
        • To call upon another to decide a question controverted, to corroborate a statement, to vindicate one's rights, etc.
        • To call on (someone) for aid
          • Eg.I appeal to all of you to help the orphans.
        • (informal elsewhere) To apply for the removal of a cause from an inferior to a superior judge or court for the purpose of reexamination or for decision.
        • To be attractive.
          • Eg.That idea appeals to me.
        • To ask an umpire for a decision on whether a batsman is out or not, usually by saying "How's that" or "Howzat".
        • To accuse (someone of something).
        • To summon; to challenge.
        • To invoke (used with to).
  • appealing #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpiː.lɪŋ/
      • /əˈpi.lɪŋ/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To call upon another to decide a question controverted, to corroborate a statement, to vindicate one's rights, etc.
        • To call on (someone) for aid
          • Eg.I appeal to all of you to help the orphans.
        • (informal elsewhere) To apply for the removal of a cause from an inferior to a superior judge or court for the purpose of reexamination or for decision.
        • To be attractive.
          • Eg.That idea appeals to me.
        • To ask an umpire for a decision on whether a batsman is out or not, usually by saying "How's that" or "Howzat".
        • To accuse (someone of something).
        • To summon; to challenge.
        • To invoke (used with to).
      • noun
        • The act of making an appeal.
      • adjective
        • Having appeal; attractive.
  • appear #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpiːɹ/
      • /əˈpɪə/
      • /əˈpiɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible.
        • To come before the public.
          • Eg.A great writer appeared at that time.
        • To stand in presence of some authority, tribunal, or superior person, to answer a charge, plead a cause, etc.; to present oneself as a party or advocate before a court, or as a person to be tried.
        • To become visible to the apprehension of the mind; to be known as a subject of observation or comprehension, or as a thing proved; to be obvious or manifest.
        • To seem; to have a certain semblance; to look.
          • Eg.He appeared quite happy with the result.
        • To bring into view.
  • appearance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpɪəɹəns/
      • /əˈpɪɹəns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of appearing or coming into sight; the act of becoming visible to the eye.
          • Eg.His sudden appearance surprised me.
        • A thing seen; a phenomenon; an apparition.
          • Eg.There was a strange appearance in the sky.
        • The way something looks; personal presence
        • Apparent likeness; the way which something or someone appears to others.
          • Eg.Some people say I'm shallow because I care so much about my appearance.
        • That which is not substance, essence, hypostasis; the outward reality as opposed to the underlying reality
          • Eg.Catholicism teaches that the Eucharist, while remaining under the physical appearance of bread and wine, becomes really and truly the body and the blood of Christ.
        • The act of appearing in a particular place, or in society, a company, or any proceedings; a coming before the public in a particular character.
          • Eg.A person makes his appearance as an historian, an artist, or an orator.
        • An instance of someone coming into a court of law to be part of a trial, either in person or represented by an attorney or such like; a court appearance
        • Chiefly used by nurses: the act of defecation by a patient.
          • Eg.The patient had a small bowel obstruction and there was no appearance until after the obstruction resolved.
  • appetite #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæp.ə.taɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Desire to eat food or consume drink.
        • Any strong desire; an eagerness or longing.
        • The desire for some personal gratification, either of the body or of the mind.
          • Eg.appetite for reading
  • applaud #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈplɔːd/
      • /əˈplɔd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Applause; applauding.
        • Plaudit.
      • verb
        • To express approval (of something) by clapping the hands.
          • Eg.After the performance, the audience applauded for five minutes.
        • To praise, or express approval for something or someone.
          • Eg.Although we don't like your methods, we applaud your motives.
  • apple #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæp.əl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A common, round fruit produced by the tree Malus domestica, cultivated in temperate climates.
        • Any of various tree-borne fruits or vegetables especially considered as resembling an apple; also (with qualifying words) used to form the names of other specific fruits such as custard apple, rose apple, thorn apple etc.
        • The fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, eaten by Adam and Eve according to post-Biblical Christian tradition; the forbidden fruit.
        • A tree of the genus Malus, especially one cultivated for its edible fruit; the apple tree.
        • The wood of the apple tree.
        • (in the plural) Short for apples and pears, slang for stairs.
        • The ball in baseball.
        • When smiling, the round, fleshy part of the cheeks between the eyes and the corners of the mouth.
        • A Native American or red-skinned person who acts and/or thinks like a white (Caucasian) person.
        • (ice hockey slang) An assist.
      • verb
        • To become apple-like.
        • To form buds.
  • applicable #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈplɪkəbəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Suitable for application, relevant
  • applicant #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæp.lə.kɪnt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One who applies for something; one who makes a request; a petitioner.
          • Eg.Our job advertisement attracted seven applicants.
        • The third coordinate (or z-coordinate) in a three-dimensional coordinate system.
  • application #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /aplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/
      • /ˌæpləˈkeɪʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense
          • Eg.The application of this cream should reduce the swelling.
        • The substance applied.
        • The act of applying as a means; the employment of means to accomplish an end; specific use.
        • The act of directing or referring something to a particular case, to discover or illustrate agreement or disagreement, fitness, or correspondence.
          • Eg.I make the remark, and leave you to make the application.
        • A computer program or the set of software that the end user perceives as a single entity as a tool for a well-defined purpose. (Also called: application program; application software.)
          • Eg.This iPhone application can connect to most social networks.
        • A verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission to a school, course or similar.
          • Eg.December 31 is the deadline for MBA applications.
        • (bureaucracy) A petition, entreaty, or other request, with the adposition for denoting the subject matter.
          • Eg.Their application for a deferral of the hearing was granted.
        • The act of requesting, claiming, or petitioning something.
        • Diligence; close thought or attention.
        • A kind of needlework; appliqué.
        • Compliance.
  • apply #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈplaɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To lay or place; to put (one thing to another)
          • apply cream to a rash
        • To put to use; to use or employ for a particular purpose, or in a particular case
          • apply funds to the repayment of a debt
        • To make use of, declare, or pronounce, as suitable, fitting, or relative
          • Eg.We need to apply the skills we've learned to solve this problem
        • To put closely; to join; to engage and employ diligently, or with attention
        • To to address; to refer; generally used reflexively.
        • To submit oneself as a candidate (with the adposition "to" designating the recipient of the submission, and the adposition "for" designating the position).
          • Eg.I recently applied to the tavern for a job as a bartender.
        • To pertain or be relevant to a specified individual or group.
          • Eg.That rule only applies to foreigners.
        • To busy; to keep at work; to ply.
        • To visit.
  • appoint #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpɔɪnt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To set, fix or determine (a time or place for something such as a meeting, or the meeting itself) by authority or agreement.
        • To name (someone to a post or role).
        • To furnish or equip (a place) completely; to provide with all the equipment or furnishings necessary; to fit out.
        • To equip (someone) with (something); to assign (someone) authoritatively (some equipment).
        • To fix the disposition of (property) by designating someone to take use of (it).
        • To fix with power or firmness by decree or command; to ordain or establish.
        • To resolve; to determine; to ordain.
  • appointment #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpɔɪnt.mɛnt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of appointing a person to hold an office or to have a position of trust
          • Eg.His appointment was deemed suitable
        • The state of being appointed to a service or office; an office to which one is appointed
          • Eg.the appointment of treasurer
        • Stipulation; agreement; the act of fixing by mutual agreement.
        • An arrangement between people to meet; an engagement.
          • Eg.I'm leaving work early because I have a doctor's appointment.
        • Decree; direction; established order or constitution.
          • Eg.To submit to the divine appointments.
        • The exercise of the power of designating (under a power of appointment) a person to enjoy an estate or other specific property; also, the instrument by which the designation is made.
        • The assignment of a person by an official to perform a duty, such as a presidential appointment of a judge to a court.
        • (now in the plural) Equipment, furniture.
        • A honorary part or exercise, as an oration, etc., at a public exhibition of a college.
          • have an appointment
        • The allowance paid to a public officer.
  • appreciate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpɹiː.si.eɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To be grateful or thankful for.
          • Eg.I appreciate your efforts
        • To view as valuable.
          • Eg.You must learn to appreciate time
        • To be fully conscious of; understand; be aware of; detect.
          • Eg.I appreciate that what I'm asking you to do is very difficult.
        • To increase in value.
          • Eg.The value of his portfolio appreciated by 80% over eight years.
  • appreciation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˌpɹiː.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A fair valuation or estimate of merit, worth, weight, etc.; recognition of excellence.
          • Eg.We give to you this trophy as a token of our appreciation of all your years of service.
        • Accurate perception; true estimation.
          • appreciation of colors
        • A rise in value.
  • approach #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpɹəʊt͡ʃ/
      • /əˈpɹoʊt͡ʃ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of drawing near; a coming or advancing near.
        • An access, or opportunity of drawing near.
        • (in plural) Movements to gain favor; advances.
        • A way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings can be approached; an access.
        • A manner in which a problem is solved or policy is made.
          • Eg.1991, Carol Lee Johnston, Jeanne Lazaris, Plane Trigonometry, A New Approach.
        • (used only in the plural, fortification) The advanced works, trenches, or covered roads made by besiegers in their advances toward a fortress or military post.
        • An approach shot.
        • The way an aircraft comes in to land at an airport.
        • The area before the lane, in which a player may stand or run up before bowling the ball.
      • verb
        • To come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer.
        • To draw near, in a figurative sense; to make advances; to approximate.
          • he approaches to the character of the ablest statesman.
        • To come near to in place, time, character or value; to draw nearer to.
          • Eg."Would counsel please approach the bench?" asked the judge.
        • To make an attempt at (solving a problem or making a policy).
        • To speak to, as to make a request or ask a question.
        • To take approaches to.
        • To bring near; to cause to draw near.
  • appropriate #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To make suitable; to suit.
        • To take to oneself; to claim or use, especially as by an exclusive right.
          • Eg.Let no man appropriate the use of a common benefit.
        • To set apart for, or assign to, a particular person or use, especially in exclusion of all others; with to or for.
          • Eg.A spot of ground is appropriated for a garden.
        • To annex (for example a benefice, to a spiritual corporation, as its property).
      • adjective
        • Suitable or fit; proper.
          • Eg.The headmaster wondered what an appropriate measure would be to make the pupil behave better.
        • Suitable to the social situation or to social respect or social discreetness; socially correct; socially discreet; well-mannered; proper.
          • Eg.I don't think it was appropriate for the cashier to tell me out loud in front of all those people at the check-out that my hair-piece looked like it was falling out of place.
        • Set apart for a particular use or person; reserved.
  • appropriately #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • In an appropriate manner; properly; suitably.
  • approval #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpɹuːvəl/
      • /əˈpɹuvəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An expression granting permission; an indication of agreement with a proposal; an acknowledgement that a person, thing or event meets requirements.
          • Eg.I need to get an approval on this purchase order.
        • An expression of favorable acceptance and encouragement; a compliment that also condones.
          • Eg.Words of approval never seem to come from him.
        • Something mailed by a seller to a collector to match their stated interests; the collector can approve of or return the item.
  • approve #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpɹuːv/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To sanction officially; to ratify; to confirm; to set as satisfactory.
          • Eg.Although we may disagree with it, we must nevertheless approve the sentence handed down by the court-martial.
        • To regard as good; to commend; to be pleased with; to think well of.
          • Eg.We approve the measure of the administration, for it is an excellent decision.
        • To make proof of; to demonstrate; to prove or show practically.
        • (followed by "of") To consider worthy (to); to be pleased (with); to accept.
          • Eg.Her mother never approves of any of her boyfriends. She thinks nobody is good enough for her little girl.
        • To show to be worthy; to demonstrate the merits of.
  • approximate #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To estimate.
        • To come near to; to approach.
        • To carry or advance near; to cause to approach.
      • adjective
        • Approaching; proximate; nearly resembling.
        • Nearing correctness; nearly exact; not perfectly accurate.
          • Eg.NASA's Genesis spacecraft has on board an ion monitor to record the speed, density, temperature and approximate composition of the solar wind ions.
  • approximately #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈpɹɒk.sɪ.mə
      • /əˈpɹɑk.sɪ.mə
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • Imprecise but close to in quantity or amount.
          • Eg....approximately 60 beats per minute.
  • arbitrary #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ˈɑɹ.bɪ.tɹɛ(ə).ɹi/ audio
      • /ˈɑː.bɪ.tɹi/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Anything arbitrary, such as an arithmetical value or a fee.
      • adjective
        • (usually of a decision) Based on individual discretion or judgment; not based on any objective distinction, perhaps even made at random.
          • Eg.Benjamin Franklin's designation of "positive" and "negative" to different charges was arbitrary.
        • Determined by impulse rather than reason; heavy-handed.
        • Any, out of all that are possible.
          • Eg.The equation is true for an arbitrary value of x.
        • Determined by independent arbiter.
        • Not representative or symbolic; not iconic.
  • architect #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɑːkɪtɛkt/
      • /ˈɑɹkɪtɛkt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A professional who designs buildings or other structures, or who prepares plans and superintends construction.
          • Eg.Plato made the causes of things to be matter, ideas, and an efficient architect.
        • A person who plans, devises or contrives the achievement of a desired result.
          • Eg.Peisistratus was the first architect of the Iliad and the Odyssey.
        • A title given to architects. Usually capitalized or abbreviated as Arch./Ar. before the person's name.
      • verb
        • To design, plan, or orchestrate.
          • Eg.He architected the military coup against the government.
  • architectural #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌɑɹkɪˈtɛktjəɹəl/
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Pertaining to architecture.
        • Resembling architecture in style; seeming to have been designed (by an architect).
  • architecture #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɑː.kɪ.ˌtɛk.tʃə/
      • /ˈɑɹkɪtɛktʃɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The art and science of designing and managing the construction of buildings and other structures, particularly if they are well proportioned and decorated.
          • Eg.Architecture is the visual public expression of a culture’s achievements, values, and outlook. ― Max Roscoe, "How Your City Is Killing You With Ugliness"
        • The profession of an architect.
        • Any particular style of building design.
        • Construction, in a more general sense; frame or structure; workmanship.
        • A unifying structure.
        • A specific model of a microchip or CPU.
          • Eg.The Intel architectures have more software written for them.
        • The structure and design of a system or product.
          • Eg.The architecture of the company's billing system is designed to support its business goals.
  • archive #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɑɹkaɪv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A place for storing earlier, and often historical, material. An archive usually contains documents (letters, records, newspapers, etc.) or other types of media kept for historical interest.
        • The material so kept, considered as a whole (compare archives).
          • Eg.His archive of Old High German texts is the most extensive in Britain.
        • Natural deposits of material, regarded as a record of environmental changes over time.
          • Eg.soil archive; peat archive
      • verb
        • To put into an archive.
          • Eg.I was planning on archiving the documents from 2001.
  • area #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɛə̯ɹɪə̯/
      • /ˈæɹ.i.ə/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A measure of the extent of a surface; it is measured in square units.
        • A particular geographic region.
        • Any particular extent of surface, especially an empty or unused extent.
          • Eg.The photo is a little dark in that area.
        • The extent, scope, or range of an object or concept.
          • Eg.The plans are a bit vague in that area.
        • An open space, below ground level, between the front of a house and the pavement.
        • Penalty box; penalty area.
        • Genitals.
  • arena #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɹiːnə/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An enclosed area, often outdoor, for the presentation of sporting events (sports arena) or other spectacular events; earthen area, often oval, specifically for rodeos (North America) or circular area for bullfights (especially Hispanic America).
          • Eg.A large crowd filled the seats of the arena.
        • The building housing such an area; specifically, a very large, often round building, often topped with a dome, designated for indoor sporting or other major events, such as concerts.
          • Eg.The arena is grey with white beams.
        • The sand-covered centre of an amphitheatre where contests were held in Ancient Rome.
          • Eg.The gladiators entered the arena.
        • A realm in which events take place; an area of interest, study, behaviour, etc.
          • Eg.The company was a player in the maritime insurance arena.
  • arguably #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • As can be supported or proven by sound logical deduction, evidence, and precedent.
  • argue #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɑː.ɡjuː/
      • /ˈɑɹ.ɡju/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To show grounds for concluding (that); to indicate, imply.
        • To debate, disagree or discuss opposing or differing viewpoints.
          • Eg.He also argued for stronger methods to be used against China.
        • To have an argument, a quarrel.
        • To present (a viewpoint or an argument therefor).
          • Eg.He argued his point.
        • To prove.
        • To accuse.
  • argument #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɑːɡjʊmənt/
      • /ˈɑɹɡjumənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason.
        • A verbal dispute; a quarrel.
        • A process of reasoning.
        • A series of propositions organized so that the final proposition is a conclusion which is intended to follow logically from the preceding propositions, which function as premises.
        • The independent variable of a function.
        • The phase of a complex number.
        • A value, or reference to a value, passed to a function.
          • Eg.Parameters are like labeled fillable blanks used to define a function whereas arguments are passed to a function when calling it, filling in those blanks.
        • A parameter at a function call; an actual parameter, as opposed to a formal parameter.
        • Any of the phrases that bears a syntactic connection to the verb of a clause.
        • The quantity on which another quantity in a table depends.
          • Eg.The altitude is the argument of the refraction.
        • The subject matter of a discourse, writing, or artistic representation; theme or topic; also, an abstract or summary, as of the contents of a book, chapter, poem.
        • Matter for question; business in hand.
      • verb
        • (NNES) To put forward as an argument; to argue.
  • arise #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɹaɪz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To come up from a lower to a higher position.
          • arise from a kneeling posture
        • To come up from one's bed or place of repose; to get up.
          • Eg.He arose early in the morning.
        • To spring up; to come into action, being, or notice; to become operative, sensible, or visible; to begin to act a part; to present itself.
          • Eg.A cloud arose and covered the sun.
  • arm #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɑːm/
      • /ɑɹm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The portion of the upper human appendage, from the shoulder to the wrist and sometimes including the hand.
          • Eg.She stood with her right arm extended and her palm forward to indicate “Stop!”
        • The extended portion of the upper limb, from the shoulder to the elbow.
          • Eg.The arm and forearm are parts of the upper limb in the human body.
        • A limb, or locomotive or prehensile organ, of an invertebrate animal.
          • Eg.the arms of an octopus
        • A long, narrow, more or less rigid part of an object extending from the main part or centre of the object, such as the arm of an armchair, a crane, a pair of spectacles or a pair of compasses.
          • Eg.The robot arm reached out and placed the part on the assembly line.
        • A bay or inlet off a main body of water.
          • Eg.Shelburne Bay is an arm of Lake Champlain.
        • A branch of an organization.
          • Eg.the cavalry arm of the military service
        • Power; might; strength; support.
          • Eg.the arm of the law
        • A pitcher
          • Eg.The team needs to sign another arm in the offseason.
        • One of the two parts of a chromosome.
        • A group of patients in a medical trial.
      • verb
        • To take by the arm; to take up in one's arms.
  • armed #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɑːmd/
      • /ɑɹmd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To take by the arm; to take up in one's arms.
      • verb
        • To supply with armour or (later especially) weapons.
          • Eg.The king armed his knights with swords and shields.
        • To prepare a tool or a weapon for action; to activate.
          • Eg.Remember to arm the alarm system before leaving for work.
        • To cover or furnish with a plate, or with whatever will add strength, force, security, or efficiency.
          • arm the hit of a sword; to arm a hook in angling
        • To furnish with means of defence; to prepare for resistance; to fortify, in a moral sense.
        • To take up weapons; to arm oneself.
        • To fit (a magnet) with an armature.
      • adjective
        • (sometimes in combination) Equipped, especially with a weapon.
          • Eg.nuclear-armed
        • (of a weapon) Prepared for use; loaded.
        • Furnished with whatever serves to add strength, force, or efficiency.
        • Having prickles or thorns.
  • arms #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɑːmz/
      • /ɑɹmz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The portion of the upper human appendage, from the shoulder to the wrist and sometimes including the hand.
          • Eg.She stood with her right arm extended and her palm forward to indicate “Stop!”
        • The extended portion of the upper limb, from the shoulder to the elbow.
          • Eg.The arm and forearm are parts of the upper limb in the human body.
        • A limb, or locomotive or prehensile organ, of an invertebrate animal.
          • Eg.the arms of an octopus
        • A long, narrow, more or less rigid part of an object extending from the main part or centre of the object, such as the arm of an armchair, a crane, a pair of spectacles or a pair of compasses.
          • Eg.The robot arm reached out and placed the part on the assembly line.
        • A bay or inlet off a main body of water.
          • Eg.Shelburne Bay is an arm of Lake Champlain.
        • A branch of an organization.
          • Eg.the cavalry arm of the military service
        • Power; might; strength; support.
          • Eg.the arm of the law
        • A pitcher
          • Eg.The team needs to sign another arm in the offseason.
        • One of the two parts of a chromosome.
        • A group of patients in a medical trial.
      • noun
        • (usually used in the plural) A weapon.
        • (in the plural) Heraldic bearings or insignia.
          • Eg.The Duke's arms were a sable gryphon rampant on an argent field.
        • (in the plural) War; hostilities; deeds or exploits of war.
  • army #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɑː.miː/ audio
      • /ˈɑɹ.mi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A large, highly organized military force, concerned mainly with ground (rather than air or naval) operations.
          • Eg.The army was sent in to quell the uprising.
        • The governmental agency in charge of a state's army.
          • Eg.The army opposed the legislature's involvement.
        • A large group of people working toward the same purpose.
          • Eg.It took an army of accountants to uncover the fraud.
        • A large group of social animals working toward the same purpose.
          • Eg.Our house is being attacked by an army of ants.
        • Any multitude.
          • Eg.There was an army of construction cranes working on building the skyscraper.
  • around #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɹaʊnd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • (with the verb "to be") Present in the vicinity.
          • Eg.Is Clare around today?
        • (with the verb "to be") Alive; existing.
          • Eg."How is old Bob? I heard that his health is failing."  "Oh, he's still around. He's feeling better now."
      • adverb
        • So as to form a circle or trace a circular path, or approximation thereof.
          • Eg.High above, vultures circled around.
        • So as to surround or be near.
          • Eg.Everybody please gather around.
        • Nearly; approximately; about.
          • Eg.An adult elephant weighs around five tons.
        • From place to place.
          • Eg.Look around and see what you find.
        • From one state or condition to an opposite or very different one; with a metaphorical change in direction; bringing about awareness or agreement.
          • Eg.He used to stay up late but his new girlfriend changed that around.
        • (with turn, spin etc.) So as to partially or completely rotate; so as to face in the opposite direction.
          • Eg.She spun around a few times.
        • Used with verbs to indicate repeated or continuous action, or in numerous locations or with numerous people.
          • Eg.I asked around, and no-one really liked it.
        • Used with certain verbs to suggest unproductive activity.
      • preposition
        • Defining a circle or closed curve containing a thing.
          • Eg.I planted a row of lilies around the statue.
        • (of abstract things) Centred upon; surrounding.
          • Eg.There has been a lot of controversy around the handling of personal information.
        • Following the perimeter of a specified area and returning to the starting point.
          • Eg.She went around the track fifty times.
        • Following a path which curves near an object, with the object on the inside of the curve.
          • Eg.The road took a brief detour around the large rock formation, then went straight on.
        • Near; in the vicinity of.
          • Eg.I don't want you around me.
        • At or to various places within.
          • Eg.She went around the office and got everyone to sign the card.
  • arrange #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɹeɪndʒ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To set up; to organize; to put into an orderly sequence or arrangement.
        • To plan; to prepare in advance.
          • arrange to meet;   to arrange for supper
        • To prepare and adapt an already-written composition for presentation in other than its original form.
  • arrangement #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɹeɪnd͡ʒmənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of arranging.
        • The manner of being arranged.
        • A collection of things that have been arranged.
        • A particular way in which items are organized.
        • (in the plural) Preparations for some undertaking.
        • An agreement.
        • An adaptation of a piece of music for other instruments, or in another style.
  • array #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɹeɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Clothing and ornamentation.
        • A collection laid out to be viewed in full.
        • An orderly series, arrangement or sequence.
        • Order; a regular and imposing arrangement; disposition in regular lines; hence, order of battle.
          • Eg.drawn up in battle array
        • A large collection.
          • Eg.We offer a dazzling array of choices.
        • Common name for matrix.
        • Any of various data structures designed to hold multiple elements of the same type; especially, a data structure that holds these elements in adjacent memory locations so that they may be retrieved using numeric indices.
        • A ranking or setting forth in order, by the proper officer, of a jury as impanelled in a cause; the panel itself; or the whole body of jurors summoned to attend the court.
        • A militia.
        • A group of hedgehogs.
        • A microarray.
      • verb
        • To clothe and ornament; to adorn or attire.
          • Eg.He was arrayed in his finest robes and jewels.
        • To lay out in an orderly arrangement; to deploy or marshal.
        • To set in order, as a jury, for the trial of a cause; that is, to call them one at a time.
  • arrest #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɹɛst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A check, stop, an act or instance of arresting something.
        • The condition of being stopped, standstill.
        • The process of arresting a criminal, suspect etc.
        • A confinement, detention, as after an arrest.
        • A device to physically arrest motion.
        • The judicial detention of a ship to secure a financial claim against its operators.
        • Any seizure by power, physical or otherwise.
        • A scurfiness of the back part of the hind leg of a horse.
      • verb
        • To stop the motion of (a person or animal).
        • To stay, remain.
        • To stop or slow (a process, course etc.).
        • To seize (someone) with the authority of the law; to take into legal custody.
          • Eg.The police have arrested a suspect in the murder inquiry.
        • To catch the attention of.
        • To undergo cardiac arrest.
  • arrival #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɹaɪ.vəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of arriving or something that has arrived.
          • Eg.The early arrival of the bride created a stir.
        • The attainment of an objective, especially as a result of effort.
          • Eg.The arrival of the railway made the local tourist industry viable.
        • A person who has arrived.
          • Eg.There has been a significant growth in illegal arrivals.
  • arrive #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈɹaɪv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To reach; to get to a certain place.
          • Eg.He arrived home for two days.
        • To obtain a level of success or fame; to succeed.
          • Eg.He had finally arrived on Broadway.
        • To come; said of time.
          • Eg.The time has arrived for us to depart.
        • To happen or occur.
        • To reach; to come to.
        • To bring to shore.
  • arrow #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæɹ.əʊ/
      • /ˈæɹ.oʊ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A projectile consisting of a shaft, a point and a tail with stabilizing fins that is shot from a bow.
        • A sign or symbol used to indicate a direction (e.g. →).
        • A directed edge.
        • A dart.
        • The -> symbol, which has specific meanings in various programming languages.
        • The inflorescence or tassel of a mature sugar cane plant.
      • verb
        • To move swiftly and directly (like an arrow)
        • To let fly swiftly and directly
        • (of a sugar cane plant) To develop an inflorescence.
        • To navigate using the arrow keys.
          • Eg.Arrow left until you reach the start of the text you want to delete.
  • art #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɑːt/
      • /ɑɹt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colours, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the senses and emotions, usually specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium.
          • Eg.There is a debate as to whether graffiti is art or vandalism.
        • The creative and emotional expression of mental imagery, such as visual, auditory, social, etc.
        • Skillful creative activity, usually with an aesthetic focus.
          • Eg.She's mastered the art of programming.
        • The study and the product of these processes.
          • Eg.He's at university to study art.
        • Aesthetic value.
          • Eg.Her photographs are nice, but there's no art in them.
        • Artwork.
          • Eg.Sotheby's regularly auctions art for millions.
        • A field or category of art, such as painting, sculpture, music, ballet, or literature.
          • Eg.I'm a great supporter of the arts.
        • A nonscientific branch of learning; one of the liberal arts.
        • Skill that is attained by study, practice, or observation.
        • Contrivance, scheming, manipulation.
  • article #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɑːtɪkəl/
      • /ˈɑɹtəkl̩/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A piece of nonfictional writing such as a story, report, opinion piece, or entry in a newspaper, magazine, journal, dictionary, encyclopedia, etc.
        • An object, a member of a group or class.
          • Eg.a sales article
        • (grammar) A part of speech that indicates, specifies and limits a noun (a, an, or the in English). In some languages the article may appear as an ending (e.g. definite article in Swedish) or there may be none (e.g. Russian, Pashto).
        • A section of a legal document, bylaws, etc. or, in the plural, the entire document seen as a collection of these.
          • Eg.The Articles of War are a set of regulations [...] to govern the conduct of [...] military [...] forces
        • A genuine article.
        • A part or segment of something joined to other parts, or, in combination, forming a structured set.
          • Eg.Each of the chelicerae is composed of two articles, forming a powerful pincer.
        • A person; an individual.
          • Eg.a shrewd article
        • A wench.
          • Eg.She's a prime article (whip slang), she's a devilish good piece, a hell of a goer.
        • Subject matter; concern.
        • A distinct part.
        • A precise point in time; a moment.
      • verb
        • To bind by articles of apprenticeship.
          • article an apprentice to a mechanic
        • To accuse or charge by an exhibition of articles or accusations.
        • To formulate in articles; to set forth in distinct particulars.
  • articulate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɑː(ɹ)ˈtɪk.jʊ.lət/ audio
      • /ɑːɹˈtɪk.jə.lət/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An animal of the subkingdom Articulata.
      • adjective
        • Clear; effective.
        • Speaking in a clear and effective manner.
          • Eg.She’s a bright, articulate young woman.
        • Consisting of segments united by joints.
          • Eg.The robot arm was articulate in two directions.
        • Distinctly marked off.
          • articulate period in history
        • Expressed in articles or in separate items or particulars.
        • (of sound) Related to human speech, as distinct from the vocalisation of animals.
  • artificial #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɑː(ɹ)təˈfɪʃəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Man-made; of artifice.
          • Eg.The flowers were artificial, and he thought them rather tacky.
        • False, misleading.
          • Eg.Her manner was somewhat artificial.
        • Unnatural.
  • artist #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɑːtɪst/
      • /ˈɑɹ.tɪst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who creates art.
        • A person who is skilled at some activity.
        • A recording artist.
      • adjective
        • Artistic.
  • artistic #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɑːˈtɪstɪk/
      • /ɑɹˈtɪstɪk/
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Having or revealing creative skill.
        • Relating to or characteristic of art or artists.
        • Aesthetically pleasing.
      • adverb
        • Artistically, in an artistic style.
  • artwork #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɑːtˌwɜːk/
      • /ˈɑɹtˌwɝk/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A painting, drawing, sculpture or other piece of creative, visual art
        • Artistic work.
        • (reprographics) The graphical elements to be included in a reproduced work.
          • Eg.The text has been reviewed, but the photographer hasn't delivered some of the artwork.
  • as #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • To such an extent or degree; to the same extent or degree.
          • Eg.It's not as well made, but it's twice as expensive.
        • Considered to be, in relation to something else; in the relation (specified).
          • Eg.1865, The Act of Suicide as Distinct from the Crime of Self-Murder: A Sermon
        • For example; for instance. (Compare such as.)
      • preposition
        • Introducing a basis of comparison, with an object in the objective case.
          • Eg.They're big as houses.
        • In the role of.
          • Eg.He was never seen as the boss, but rather as a friend.
      • conjunction
        • In the (same) way or manner that; to the (same) degree that.
          • Eg.As you wish, my lord!
        • At the time that; during the time when:
        • Being that, considering that, because, since.
          • Eg.As it’s too late, I quit.
        • Introducing a comparison with a hypothetical state (+ subjunctive, or with the verb elided): as though, as if.
        • Functioning as a relative conjunction, and sometimes like a relative pronoun: that, which, who. (See usage notes.)
          • Eg.He had the same problem as she did getting the lock open.
        • (possibly obsolete) Than.
  • ash #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /æʃ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The solid remains of a fire.
          • Eg.Ash from a fireplace can restore minerals to your garden's soil.
        • The nonaqueous remains of a material subjected to any complete oxidation process.
        • Fine particles from a volcano, volcanic ash.
        • (in the plural) Human (or animal) remains after cremation.
          • Eg.The urn containing his ashes was eventually removed to a closet.
        • What remains after a catastrophe.
        • A gray colour, like that of ash.
      • verb
        • To reduce to a residue of ash. See ashing.
        • To hit the end off of a burning cigar or cigarette.
        • To hit the end off (a burning cigar or cigarette).
        • (mostly used in the passive) To cover newly-sown fields of crops with ashes.
  • ashamed #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈʃeɪmd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To feel shame; to be ashamed.
        • To make ashamed; to shame.
      • adjective
        • Feeling shame or guilt.
  • aside #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsaɪd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An incidental remark made quietly so as to be heard by the person to whom it is said and not by any others in the vicinity.
        • A brief comment by a character addressing the audience, unheard by other characters.
        • A minor related mention, an afterthought.
      • adverb
        • To or on one side so as to be out of the way.
          • Eg.Move aside, please, so that these people can come through.
  • ask #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈask/ audio
      • /eəsk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An act or instance of asking.
        • Something asked or asked for.
          • Eg.I know this is a big ask, but …
        • An asking price.
      • verb
        • To request (information, or an answer to a question).
          • Eg.I asked her age.
        • To put forward (a question) to be answered.
          • ask a question
        • To interrogate or enquire of (a person).
          • Eg.I'm going to ask this lady for directions.
        • To request or petition; usually with for.
          • ask for a second helping at dinner
        • To request permission to do something.
          • Eg.Did you ask to use the car?
        • To require, demand, claim, or expect, whether by way of remuneration or return, or as a matter of necessity.
          • Eg.What price are you asking for the house?
        • To invite.
          • Eg.Don't ask them to the wedding.
        • To publish in church for marriage; said of both the banns and the persons.
        • To take (a person's situation) as an example.
  • asleep #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsliːp/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • In a state of sleep; also, broadly, resting.
          • Eg.I was asleep when you called.
        • Inattentive.
          • Eg.How could you miss that? Were you asleep?
        • (of a body part) Having a numb or prickling sensation accompanied by a degree of unresponsiveness.
          • Eg.My arm fell asleep. You know, like pins and needles.
        • Dead
  • aspect #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæspɛkt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Any specific feature, part, or element of something.
          • Eg.Japan's aging population is an important aspect of its economy.
        • The way something appears when viewed from a certain direction or perspective.
        • The way something appears when considered from a certain point of view.
        • A phase or a partial, but significant view or description of something.
        • One's appearance or expression.
        • Position or situation with regard to seeing; that position which enables one to look in a particular direction; position in relation to the points of the compass.
          • Eg.The house has a southern aspect, i.e. a position which faces the south.
        • Prospect; outlook.
        • (grammar) A grammatical quality of a verb which determines the relationship of the speaker to the internal temporal flow of the event which the verb describes, or whether the speaker views the event from outside as a whole, or from within as it is unfolding.
        • The relative position of heavenly bodies as they appear to an observer on earth; the angular relationship between points in a horoscope.
        • The personified manifestation of a deity that represents one or more of its characteristics or functions.
        • The act of looking at something; gaze.
        • Appearance to the eye or the mind; look; view.
        • In aspect-oriented programming, a feature or component that can be applied to parts of a program independent of any inheritance hierarchy.
        • The visual indication of a colour light (or mechanical) signal as displayed to the driver. With colour light signals this would be red, yellow or green.
      • verb
        • (of a planet) To have a particular aspect or type of aspect.
        • To channel a divine being.
        • To look at.
  • aspiration #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌæspəˈɹeɪʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of aspiring or ardently desiring; an ardent wish or desire, chiefly after what is elevated or spiritual (with common adjunct adpositions being to and of).
          • Eg.Morgan has an aspiration of winning the game.
  • aspire #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈspaɪə(ɹ)/
      • /əˈspaɪɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To have a strong desire or ambition to achieve something.
          • Eg.He aspires to become a successful doctor.
        • To go as high as, to reach the top of (something).
        • To move upward; to be very tall.
  • assassination #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˌsæs.ɪ.ˈneɪ.ʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The murder of a person, especially for political reasons or for personal gain.
          • Eg.The assassination of the king occurred at night.
  • assault #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsɔːlt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A violent onset or attack with physical means, for example blows, weapons, etc.
          • make assault upon a man, a house, or a town
        • A violent onset or attack with moral weapons, for example words, arguments, appeals, and the like
          • make an assault on the prerogatives of a prince, or on the constitution of a government
        • An attempt to commit battery: a violent attempt, or willful effort with force or violence, to do hurt to another, but without necessarily touching his person, as by lifting a fist in a threatening manner, or by striking at him and missing him.
        • The crime whose action is such an attempt.
        • An act that causes someone to apprehend imminent bodily harm.
        • The tort whose action is such an act.
        • A non-competitive combat between two fencers.
      • verb
        • To attack, physically or figuratively.
          • Eg.Loud music assaulted our ears as we entered the building.
        • To threaten or harass.
  • assemble #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsɛmbl̩/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To put together.
          • Eg.He assembled the model ship.
        • To gather as a group.
          • Eg.The parents assembled in the school hall.
        • To translate from assembly language to machine code
  • assembly #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsɛmb.lɪ/
      • /əˈsɛ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A set of pieces that work together in unison as a mechanism or device.
          • Eg.In order to change the bearing, you must first remove the gearbox assembly.
        • The act of putting together a set of pieces, fragments, or elements.
          • Eg.assembly line
        • A congregation of people in one place for a purpose.
          • Eg.freedom of assembly
        • A legislative body.
        • A beat of the drum or sound of the bugle as a signal to troops to assemble.
        • In Microsoft .NET, a building block of an application, similar to a DLL, but containing both executable code and information normally found in a DLL's type library. The type library information in an assembly, called a manifest, describes public functions, data, classes, and version information.
      • noun
        • A programming language in which the source code of programs is composed of mnemonic instructions, each of which corresponds directly to a machine instruction for a particular processor.
          • Eg.A skilled programmer can write very fast code in assembly language.
  • assert #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsɜːt/
      • /əˈsɝt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An assertion; a section of source code which tests whether an expected condition is true.
      • verb
        • To declare with assurance or plainly and strongly; to state positively.
          • Eg.He would often assert that there was life on other planets.
        • To use or exercise and thereby prove the existence of.
          • Eg.Salman Rushdie has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this work.
        • To maintain or defend, as a cause or a claim, by words or measures; to vindicate a claim or title to
          • assert our rights and liberties
        • To specify that a condition or expression is true at a certain point in the code.
        • To set a signal on a line using a voltage or electric current.
  • assertion #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsɜːʃən/ audio
      • /əˈsɜɹʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of asserting; positive declaration or averment.
        • Something which is asserted; a declaration; a statement asserted.
          • Eg.You're a man of strong assertions!
        • A statement or declaration which lacks support or evidence.
          • Eg.That's just a bare assertion.
        • Maintenance; vindication
          • Eg.the assertion of one's rights or prerogatives
        • A statement in a program asserting a condition expected to be true at a particular point, used in debugging.
  • assess #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsɛs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To determine, estimate or judge the value of; to evaluate
          • Eg.He assessed the situation.
        • To impose or charge, especially as punishment for an infraction.
          • Eg.A $10.00 late fee will be assessed on all overdue accounts.
        • To calculate and demand (the tax money due) from a person or entity.
          • Eg.Once you've submitted a tax return, the Tax Department will assess the amount of tax you still owe.
  • assessment #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of assessing or an amount (of tax, levy or duty etc) assessed.
        • An appraisal or evaluation.
  • asset #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ˈæsɪt/
      • /ˈæsət/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something or someone of any value; any portion of one's property or effects so considered.
          • Eg.These shares are a valuable asset.
        • Any component, model, process or framework of value that can be leveraged or reused.
        • An intelligence asset.
        • (usually in the plural) The private parts; a woman's breasts or buttocks, or a man's genitalia.
  • assign #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsaɪn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An assignee.
        • A thing relating or belonging to something else; an appurtenance.
        • An assignment or appointment.
        • A design or purpose.
      • verb
        • To designate or set apart something for some purpose.
          • assign a day for trial
        • To appoint or select someone for some office.
          • assign counsel for a prisoner
        • To allot or give something as a task.
        • To attribute or sort something into categories.
        • To transfer property, a legal right, etc., from one person to another.
        • To give (a value) to a variable.
          • Eg.We assign 100 to x.
  • assignment #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of assigning; the allocation of a job or a set of tasks.
          • Eg.This flow chart represents the assignment of tasks in our committee.
        • The categorization of something as belonging to a specific category.
          • Eg.We should not condone the assignment of asylum seekers to that of people smugglers.
        • An assigned task.
          • Eg.The assignment the department gave him proved to be quite challenging.
        • A position to which someone is assigned.
          • Eg.Unbeknownst to Mr Smith, his new assignment was in fact a demotion.
        • A task given to students, such as homework or coursework.
          • Eg.Mrs Smith gave out our assignments, and said we had to finish them by Monday.
        • A transfer of a right or benefit from one person to another.
          • Eg.The assignment of the lease has not been finalised yet.
        • A document that effects this transfer.
          • Eg.Once you receive the assignment in the post, be sure to sign it and send it back as soon as possible.
        • An operation that assigns a value to a variable.
  • assist #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsɪst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A helpful action or an act of giving.
          • Eg.The foundation gave a much needed assist to the shelter.
        • The act of helping another player score points or goals
          • Eg.He had two assists in the game.
      • verb
        • To help.
          • Eg.This book will assist you in getting your life in order.
        • To make a pass that leads directly towards scoring.
        • To help compensate for what is missing with the help of a medical technique or therapy.
        • To stand (at a place) or to (an opinion).
          • Eg.A great part of the nobility assisted to his opinion.
        • To be present (at an event, occasion etc.).
  • assistance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsɪs.təns/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Aid; help; the act or result of assisting.
  • assistant #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsɪstənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Someone who is present; a bystander, a witness.
        • A person who assists or helps someone else.
        • Sales assistant.
        • A software tool that provides assistance in some task, a wizard program.
      • adjective
        • Having a subordinate or auxiliary position.
          • assistant surgeon
        • Helping; lending aid or support; auxiliary.
  • associate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsəʊsi.ət/
      • /əˈsoʊsi.ət/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person united with another or others in an act, enterprise, or business; a partner.
        • Somebody with whom one works, coworker, colleague.
        • A companion; a comrade.
        • One that habitually accompanies or is associated with another; an attendant circumstance.
        • A member of an institution or society who is granted only partial status or privileges.
        • One of a pair of elements of an integral domain (or a ring) such that the two elements are divisible by each other (or, equivalently, such that each one can be expressed as the product of the other with a unit).
      • verb
        • To join in or form a league, union, or association.
        • To spend time socially; keep company.
          • Eg.She associates with her coworkers on weekends.
        • (with with) To join as a partner, ally, or friend.
          • Eg.He associated his name with many environmental causes.
        • To connect or join together; combine.
          • Eg.particles of gold associated with other substances
        • To connect evidentially, or in the mind or imagination.
        • (in deliberative bodies) To endorse.
        • To be associative.
        • To accompany; to be in the company of.
      • adjective
        • Joined with another or others and having lower status.
          • Eg.The associate editor is someone who has some experience in editing but not sufficient experience to qualify for a senior post.
        • Having partial status or privileges.
          • Eg.He is an associate member of the club.
        • Following or accompanying; concomitant.
        • Connected by habit or sympathy.
          • Eg.associate motions: those that occur sympathetically, in consequence of preceding motions
  • associated #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsəʊsieɪtɪd/
      • /əˈsoʊsieɪtɪd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To join in or form a league, union, or association.
        • To spend time socially; keep company.
          • Eg.She associates with her coworkers on weekends.
        • (with with) To join as a partner, ally, or friend.
          • Eg.He associated his name with many environmental causes.
        • To connect or join together; combine.
          • Eg.particles of gold associated with other substances
        • To connect evidentially, or in the mind or imagination.
        • (in deliberative bodies) To endorse.
        • To be associative.
        • To accompany; to be in the company of.
      • adjective
        • (of a person or thing) connected with something or another person.
          • associated member
        • (of a company) connected or amalgamated with another company.
  • association #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʃən/
      • /əˌsoʊsiˈeɪʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of associating.
        • The state of being associated; a connection to or an affiliation with something.
        • Any relationship between two measured quantities that renders them statistically dependent (but not necessarily causal or a correlation).
        • A group of persons associated for a common purpose; an organization; society.
        • Relationship between classes of objects that allows one object instance to cause another to perform an action on its behalf.
  • assume #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsuːm/ audio
      • /əˈsjuːm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To authenticate by means of belief; to surmise; to suppose to be true, especially without proof
          • Eg.We assume that, as her parents were dentists, she knows quite a bit about dentistry.
        • To take on a position, duty or form
          • Eg.Mr. Jones will assume the position of a lifeguard until a proper replacement is found.
        • To adopt a feigned quality or manner; to claim without right; to arrogate
          • Eg.He assumed an air of indifference
        • To receive, adopt (a person)
        • To adopt (an idea or cause)
  • assumption #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsʌmp.ʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of assuming, or taking to or upon oneself; the act of taking up or adopting.
          • Eg.His assumption of secretarial duties was timely.
        • The act of taking for granted, or supposing a thing without proof; a supposition; an unwarrantable claim.
          • Eg.Their assumption of his guilt disqualified them from jury duty.
        • The thing supposed; a postulate, or proposition assumed; a supposition.
        • The minor or second proposition in a categorical syllogism.
        • The taking of a person up into heaven.
        • A festival in honor of the ascent of the Virgin Mary into heaven, celebrated on 15 August.
        • Assumptio.
  • assurance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈʃɔːɹəns/
      • /əˈʃɝəns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of assuring; a declaration tending to inspire full confidence; that which is designed to give confidence.
        • The state of being assured; firm persuasion; full confidence or trust; freedom from doubt; certainty.
        • Firmness of mind; undoubting, steadiness; intrepidity; courage; confidence; self-reliance.
        • Excess of boldness; impudence; audacity
          • Eg.his assurance is intolerable
        • Betrothal; affiance.
        • Insurance; a contract for the payment of a sum on occasion of a certain event, as loss or death. Recently, assurance has been used, in England, in relation to life contingencies, and insurance in relation to other contingencies. It is called temporary assurance, in the time within which the contingent event must happen is limited.
        • Any written or other legal evidence of the conveyance of property; a conveyance; a deed.
        • Subjective certainty of one's salvation.
  • assure #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈʃɔː/
      • /əˈʃɝ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To make sure and secure.
        • (followed by that or of) To give (someone) confidence in the trustworthiness of (something).
          • Eg.He assured of his commitment to her happiness.
        • To guarantee, promise (to do something).
        • To reassure.
  • astonishing #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈstɒnɪʃɪŋ/
      • /əˈstɑnɪʃɪŋ/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To surprise greatly.
      • adjective
        • Causing astonishment.
  • asylum #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈsaɪləm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A place of safety.
        • The protection, physical and legal, afforded by such a place.
        • A place of protection or restraint for one or more classes of the disadvantaged, especially the mentally ill.
  • at #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To reply to or talk to someone, either online or face-to-face. (from the practice of targeting a message or reply to someone online by writing @name)
          • Eg.Cars 2 is the most influential film of all time. Don't @ me.
      • noun
        • The at sign (@).
      • preposition
        • In, near, or in the general vicinity of a particular place.
          • Eg.Caesar was at Rome;  at the corner of Fourth Street and Vine;  at Jim’s house
        • (indicating time) Indicating occurrence in an instant of time or a period of time relatively short in context or from the speaker's perspective.
          • six o’clock;  at closing time;  at night.
        • In the direction of (often in an unfocused or uncaring manner).
          • Eg.He threw the ball at me.  He shouted at her.
        • Denotes a price.
          • Eg.3 apples at 2¢ (each)   The offer was at $30,000 before negotiations.
        • Occupied in (activity).
          • at work
        • In a state of.
          • Eg.She is at sixes and sevens with him.  They are at loggerheads over how best to tackle the fiscal cliff.  The city was at the mercy of the occupying forces.
        • Indicates a position on a scale or in a series.
          • Eg.Sell at 90.  Tiger finished the round at tenth, seven strokes behind the leaders.  I'm offering it—just to select customers—at cost.
        • Because of.
          • laugh at a joke   mad at their comments
        • Indicates a means, method, or manner.
        • Holding a given speed or rate.
          • Eg.It is growing at the rate of 3% a year.  Cruising along at fifty miles per hour.
        • (used for skills (including in activities) or areas of knowledge) On the subject of; regarding.
          • Eg.He slipped at marksmanship over his extended vacation.
        • (stressed pronunciation) Bothering, irritating, causing discomfort to
  • athlete #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæθ.lit/ audio
      • /ˈæθ.liːt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A participant in a group of sporting activities which includes track and field, road running, cross country running and racewalking.
          • Eg.She's the first athlete in her sport to obtain a corporate sponsor.
        • A person who actively participates in physical sports, especially with great skill; a sportsperson.
        • An exceptionally physically fit person.
  • atmosphere #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈæt.məsˌfɪə(ɹ)/
      • /ˈætməsˌfɪɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The gases surrounding the Earth or any astronomical body.
        • The air in a particular place.
        • The apparent mood felt in an environment.
        • A unit of measurement for pressure equal to 101325 Pa (symbol: atm)
  • atrocity #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An extremely cruel act; a horrid act of injustice.
          • Eg.The regime is guilty of mass atrocities including forced displacement and the use of chemical weapons.
        • The quality or state of being atrocious; enormous wickedness; extreme criminality or cruelty.
        • An object considered to be extremely unattractive or undesirable.
  • attach #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈtætʃ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To fasten, to join to (literally and figuratively).
          • Eg.An officer is attached to a certain regiment, company, or ship.
        • To adhere; to be attached.
        • To come into legal operation in connection with anything; to vest.
          • Eg.Dower will attach.
        • To win the heart of; to connect by ties of love or self-interest; to attract; to fasten or bind by moral influence; with to.
          • Eg.attached to a friend; attaching others to us by wealth or flattery
        • To connect, in a figurative sense; to ascribe or attribute; to affix; with to.
          • attach great importance to a particular circumstance
        • To take, seize, or lay hold of.
        • To arrest, seize.
  • attachment #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈtætʃmənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act or process of (physically or figuratively) attaching.
        • A strong bonding with or fondness for someone or something.
          • Eg.I have such an attachment towards my fiancé!
        • A dependence, especially a strong one.
        • A device attached to a piece of equipment or a tool.
        • The means by which something is physically attached.
        • A file sent along with an email.
        • Taking a person's property to satisfy a court-ordered debt.
          • Eg.attachment of earnings
        • The act or process by which any (downward) leader connects to any available (upward) streamer in a lightning flash.
          • Eg.2009, Jakke Mäkelä, Eero Karvinen, Niko Porjo, Antti Mäkelä and Tapio Tuomi, Attachment of Natural Lightning Flashes to Trees: Preliminary Statistical Characteristics, published in the Journal of Lightning Research, volume 1
  • attack #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈtæk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An attempt to cause damage, injury to, or death of opponent or enemy.
        • An attempt to detract from the worth or credibility of, a person, position, idea, object, or thing, by physical, verbal, emotional, or other assault.
          • Eg.They claimed the censorship of the article was an attack on free speech.
        • A time in which one attacks; the offence of a battle.
          • Eg.The army timed their attack to coincide with the local celebrations.
        • (by extension) The beginning of active operations on anything.
          • Eg.Having washed the plates from dinner, I made an attack on the laundry.
        • An attempt to exploit a vulnerability in a computer system.
        • Collectively, the bowlers of a cricket side.
        • Any contact with the ball other than a serve or block which sends the ball across the plane of the net.
        • The three attackmen on the field or all the attackmen of a team.
        • The sudden onset of a disease or condition.
          • Eg.I've had an attack of the flu.
        • An active episode of a chronic or recurrent disease.
        • The onset of a musical note, particularly with respect to the strength (and duration) of that onset.
        • (audio) The amount of time it takes for the volume of an audio signal to go from zero to maximum level (e.g. an audio waveform representing a snare drum hit would feature a very fast attack, whereas that of a wave washing to shore would feature a slow attack).
      • verb
        • To apply violent force to someone or something.
          • Eg.This species of snake will only attack humans if it feels threatened.
        • To aggressively challenge a person, idea, etc., with words (particularly in newspaper headlines, because it typesets into less space than "criticize" or similar).
          • Eg.She published an article attacking the recent pay cuts.
        • To begin to affect; to act upon injuriously or destructively; to begin to decompose or waste.
        • To deal with something in a direct way; to set to work upon.
          • Eg.I attacked the meal with a hearty appetite.
        • To aim balls at the batsman’s wicket.
        • To set a field, or bowl in a manner designed to get wickets.
        • To bat aggressively, so as to score runs quickly.
        • To move forward in an active attempt to score a point, as opposed to trying not to concede.
        • To accelerate quickly in an attempt to get ahead of the other riders.
  • attain #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈteɪn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To gain (an object or desired result).
          • Eg.To attain such a high level of proficiency requires hours of practice each day.
        • To reach or come to, by progression or motion; to arrive at (a place, time, state, etc.).
        • To come or arrive, by motion, growth, bodily exertion, or efforts toward a place, object, state, etc.
        • To get at the knowledge of.
        • To reach in excellence or degree.
        • To reach a person after being behind them.
  • attempt #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈtɛmpt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The action of trying at something.
          • Eg.It was worth the attempt.
        • An assault or attack, especially an assassination attempt.
          • Eg.1584 No man can charge us of any attempt against the realm. (Allen's Defence Of English Catholics, cited after Edinburgh review 1883, p. 378)
      • verb
        • To try.
          • Eg.A group of 80 budding mountaineers attempted Kilimanjaro, but 30 of them didn't make it to the top.
        • To try to move, by entreaty, by afflictions, or by temptations; to tempt.
        • To try to win, subdue, or overcome.
          • who attempts the virtue of a woman
        • To attack; to make an effort or attack upon; to try to take by force.
          • attempt the enemy's camp
  • attend #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈtɛnd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To listen to (something or someone); to pay attention to; regard; heed.
        • To listen (to, unto).
        • To turn one's consideration (to); to deal with (a task, problem, concern etc.), to look after.
          • Eg.Secretaries attend to correspondence.
        • To wait upon as a servant etc.; to accompany to assist (someone).
          • Eg.Servants attend the king day and night.
        • To be present at (an event or place) in order to take part in some action or proceedings; to regularly go to (an event or place).
          • Eg.Children must attend primary school.
        • To go to (a place) for some purpose (with at).
        • To be present with; to accompany; to be united or consequent to.
          • Eg.a measure attended with ill effects
        • To wait for; to await; to remain, abide, or be in store for.
  • attendance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈtɛn.dəns/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The state of attending; presence or waiting upon.
          • Eg.Attendance at the meeting is required.
        • The count or list of individuals present for an event.
          • Eg.The class sat down so that the teacher could take attendance.
        • The frequency with which one has been present for a regular activity or set of events.
          • Eg.John's attendance for the conventions was not good.
        • Attention paid to something; careful regard.
  • attention #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈtɛn.ʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Mental focus.
          • Eg.Please direct your attention to the following words.
        • An action or remark expressing concern for or interest in someone or something, especially romantic interest.
        • A state of alertness in the standing position.
          • Eg.The company will now come to attention.
      • interjection
        • Used as a command to bring soldiers to the attention position.
        • A call for people to be quiet/stop doing what they are presently doing and pay heed to what they are to be told or shown.
  • attitude #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈætɪˌtjuːd/
      • /ˈætɪtud/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The position of the body or way of carrying oneself.
          • Eg.The ballet dancer walked with a graceful attitude.
        • Disposition or state of mind.
          • Eg.Don't give me your negative attitude.
        • The orientation of a vehicle or other object relative to the horizon, direction of motion, other objects, etc.
          • Eg.The airliner had to land with a nose-up attitude after the incident.
        • A position similar to arabesque, but with the raised leg bent at the knee.
      • verb
        • To assume or to place in a particular position or orientation; to pose.
        • To express an attitude through one's posture, bearing, tone of voice, etc.
  • attorney #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈtɜː(ɹ)ni/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A lawyer; one who advises or represents others in legal matters as a profession.
        • (UK 19th century and earlier) One such who practised in the courts of the common law (cf solicitor, proctor).
        • (20th century and later, rare, usually pejorative) A solicitor.
        • (obsolete outside set phrases) An agent or representative authorized to act on someone else's behalf.
        • A title given to lawyers and notaries public, or those holders by profession who also do other jobs. Usually capitalized or abbreviated as Atty.
      • verb
        • To work as a legal attorney.
        • To provide with a legal attorney.
  • attract #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈtɹækt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To pull toward without touching.
          • Eg.A magnet attracts iron filings.
        • To arouse interest.
          • Eg.Advertising is designed to attract customers.
        • To draw by moral, emotional or sexual influence; to engage or fix, as the mind, attention, etc.; to invite or allure.
          • attract admirers;   His big smile and brown eyes instantly attracted me.
  • attraction #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈtɹækʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The tendency to attract.
          • Eg.The Moon is held in its orbit by the attraction of the Earth's gravity.
        • The feeling of being attracted.
          • Eg.I felt a strange attraction towards the place.
        • An event, location, or business that has a tendency to draw interest from visitors, and in many cases, local residents.
          • Eg.Star Tours is a very cool Disney World attraction.
        • The sacrifice of pieces in order to expose the enemy king.
  • attractive #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈtɹæktɪv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Causing attraction; having the quality of attracting by inherent force.
        • Having the power of charming or alluring by agreeable qualities; enticing.
          • Eg.That's a very attractive offer.
        • Pleasing or appealing to the senses, especially of the opposite sex.
          • Eg.He is an attractive fellow with a trim figure.
  • attribute #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A characteristic or quality of a thing.
          • Eg.His finest attribute is his kindness.
        • (grammar) A word that qualifies a noun, a qualifier.
          • Eg.In the clause "My jacket is more expensive than yours", "My" is the attribute of "jacket".
        • That which is predicated or affirmed of a subject; a predicate; an accident.
        • An option or setting belonging to some object.
          • Eg.A file with the read-only attribute set cannot be overwritten.
        • A semantic item with which a method or other code element may be decorated.
          • Eg.Properties can be marked as obsolete with an attribute, which will cause the compiler to generate a warning if they are used.
        • A numeric value representing the colours of part of the screen display.
      • verb
        • To ascribe (something) to a given cause, reason etc.
        • To associate ownership or authorship of (something) to someone.
          • Eg.This poem is attributed to Browning.
  • auction #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɒkʃən/
      • /ˈɔːkʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A public event where goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.
        • The first stage of a deal, in which players bid to determine the final contract.
      • verb
        • To sell at an auction.
  • audience #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɔːdi.əns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A group of people within hearing; specifically, a large gathering of people listening to or watching a performance, speech, etc.
          • Eg.We joined the audience just as the lights went down.
        • Hearing; the condition or state of hearing or listening.
        • A widespread or nationwide viewing or listening public, as of a TV or radio network or program.
        • A formal meeting with a state or religious dignitary.
          • Eg.She managed to get an audience with the Pope.
        • The readership of a book or other written publication.
          • Eg."Private Eye" has a small but faithful audience.
        • A following.
          • Eg.The opera singer expanded his audience by singing songs from the shows.
        • An audiencia (judicial court of the Spanish empire), or the territory administered by it.
  • audio #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɔː.di.əʊ/
      • /ˈɔ.di.oʊ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A sound, or a sound signal
      • adjective
        • Focused on audible sound, as opposed to sight.
  • audit #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɔː.dɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A judicial examination.
        • An examination in general.
        • An independent review and examination of records and activities to assess the adequacy of system controls, to ensure compliance with established policies and operational procedures, and to recommend necessary changes in controls, policies, or procedures
          • Eg.National Assembly audit
        • The result of such an examination, or an account as adjusted by auditors; final account.
        • Spiritual counseling, which forms the core of Dianetics.
        • A general receptacle or receiver.
        • An audience; a hearing.
      • verb
        • To examine and adjust (e.g. an account).
          • audit the accounts of a treasure, or of parties who have a suit depending in court
        • To conduct an independent review and examination of system records and activities in order to test the adequacy and effectiveness of data security and data integrity procedures, to ensure compliance with established policy and operational procedures, and to recommend any necessary changes
        • To counsel spiritually.
        • To attend an academic class on a not-for-academic-credit basis.
  • august #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ɔːˈɡʌst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Awe-inspiring, majestic, noble, venerable.
          • august patron of the arts
        • Of noble birth.
          • august lineage
  • aunt #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɑ(ː)nt/
      • /ænt/
      • /ant/
      • /eɪnt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The sister or sister-in-law of one’s parent.
        • The female cousin of one’s parent.
        • A woman of an older generation than oneself, especially a friend of one's parents, by means of fictive kin.
        • Any elderly woman.
        • A procuress or bawd.
  • authentic #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɒ.ˈθɛn.tɪk/
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Of the same origin as claimed; genuine.
          • Eg.The experts confirmed it was an authentic signature.
        • Conforming to reality and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief.
          • Eg.The report was completely authentic.
        • (of a Gregorian mode) Having the final as the lowest note of the mode.
        • Authoritative
  • author #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɔː.θə/
      • /ˈɔ.θɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The originator or creator of a work, especially of a literary composition.
          • Eg.Have you read any Corinthian authors?
        • Someone who writes books for a living.
        • One's authority for something: an informant.
      • verb
        • (sometimes proscribed) To create a work as its author.
  • authority #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɔːˈθɒɹəti/
      • /əˈθɑɹəti/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The power to enforce rules or give orders.
          • Eg.I have the authority to penalise the staff in my department, but not the authority to sack them.
        • (used in singular or plural form) Persons in command; specifically, government.
        • A person accepted as a source of reliable information on a subject.
          • Eg.the world's foremost authority on orangutans
        • Government-owned agency which runs a revenue-generating activity.
  • authorize #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɑθəɹaɪz/ audio
      • /ˈɔːθəɹaɪz/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To grant (someone) the permission or power necessary to do (something).
          • Eg.The General Assembly authorized the Council to take up the matter.
        • To permit (something), to sanction or consent to (something).
          • Eg.The judge authorized the wiretapping.
  • auto #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɑtoʊ/
      • /ˈɔːtəʊ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An automobile.
          • Eg.My brother is an auto mechanic.
        • A setting for automatic operation.
          • Eg.Put it on auto.
        • An automatic gearbox / transmission.
          • Eg.A body coloured centre pillar signalled the arrival of an electronic four-speed auto, slight suspension revisions and minor trim changes.
        • A car with an automatic gearbox / transmission.
          • Eg.It wasn't too bad but we did hire an auto (couldn't imagine changing gears with my right hand).
      • verb
        • To travel by automobile.
      • adjective
        • Capable of operating without external control or intervention.
          • Eg.The automatic clothes washer was a great labor-saving device.
        • Done out of habit or without conscious thought.
          • Eg.Absent-minded doodling is a form of automatic art.
        • Necessary, inevitable, prescribed by logic, law, etc.
          • Eg.Spitting at another player means an automatic red card.
        • (of a firearm such as a machine gun) Firing continuously as long as the trigger is pressed until ammunition is exhausted.
          • Eg.Fully automatic weapons cannot be legally owned by private citizens in the US, except in very special circumstances, as by private security companies.
        • (of a handgun) An autoloader; a semi-automatic or self-loading pistol, as opposed to a revolver or other manually actuated handgun, which fires one shot per pull of the trigger; distinct from machine guns.
          • Eg.The US Army adopted John Browning's M1911 pistol as its sidearm, chambered in .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol).
        • (of a local variable) Automatically added to and removed from the stack during the course of function calls.
        • (of a group) Having one or more finite-state automata
  • automatic #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk/
      • /ˌɔtəˈmætɪk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A car with automatic transmission.
          • Eg.I never learned to drive a stick. I can only drive an automatic.
        • A semi-automatic pistol.
          • Eg.The G-men raiding the speakeasy were equipped with .45 automatics, while the local policemen were carrying revolvers and shotguns.
      • adjective
        • Capable of operating without external control or intervention.
          • Eg.The automatic clothes washer was a great labor-saving device.
        • Done out of habit or without conscious thought.
          • Eg.Absent-minded doodling is a form of automatic art.
        • Necessary, inevitable, prescribed by logic, law, etc.
          • Eg.Spitting at another player means an automatic red card.
        • (of a firearm such as a machine gun) Firing continuously as long as the trigger is pressed until ammunition is exhausted.
          • Eg.Fully automatic weapons cannot be legally owned by private citizens in the US, except in very special circumstances, as by private security companies.
        • (of a handgun) An autoloader; a semi-automatic or self-loading pistol, as opposed to a revolver or other manually actuated handgun, which fires one shot per pull of the trigger; distinct from machine guns.
          • Eg.The US Army adopted John Browning's M1911 pistol as its sidearm, chambered in .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol).
        • (of a local variable) Automatically added to and removed from the stack during the course of function calls.
        • (of a group) Having one or more finite-state automata
  • automatically #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɔːtəʊˌmæt.ɪk(.ə)li/
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • In an automatic manner.
  • autonomy #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ɑˈtɑnəmi/
      • /ɔːˈtɒnəmi/
      • /ɔˈtɑnəmi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Self-government; freedom to act or function independently.
        • The capacity to make an informed, uncoerced decision.
        • The capacity of a system to make a decision about its actions without the involvement of another system or operator.
        • The status of a church whose highest-ranking bishop is appointed by the patriarch of the mother church, but which is self-governing in all other respects. Compare autocephaly.
  • autumn #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɔːtəm/ audio
      • /ˈɔtəm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Traditionally the third of the four seasons, when deciduous trees lose their leaves; typically regarded as being from September 24 to December 22 in parts of the Northern Hemisphere, and the months of March, April and May in the Southern Hemisphere.
        • (by extension) The time period when someone or something is past its prime.
        • A person with relatively dark hair and a warm skin tone, seen as best suited to certain colours in clothing.
      • adjective
        • Of or relating to autumn; autumnal
          • Eg.autumn leaves
  • availability #card
    • Phonetics:
      • [əˌveɪləˈbɪlɪtɪ]
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The quality of being available.
          • Eg.What is your availability this week?
        • That which is available.
          • Eg.We have several availabilities.
  • available #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈveɪləb(ə)l/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Such as one may avail oneself of; capable of being used for the accomplishment of a purpose.
          • Eg.We have an available candidate.
        • Readily obtainable.
          • Eg.The list shows the available products in the store.
        • Valid.
          • Eg.This is an available plea.
        • Having sufficient power, force, or efficacy to achieve the purpose; availing, effective.
        • Free to meet someone, speak on the telephone, enter a romantic relationship or the like.
          • Eg.Hi, this is Mark Smith calling. Is your mother available?
  • average #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈævəɹɪd͡ʒ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The arithmetic mean.
          • Eg.The average of 10, 20 and 24 is (10 + 20 + 24)/3 = 18.
        • Any measure of central tendency, especially any mean, the median, or the mode.
        • (marine) Financial loss due to damage to transported goods; compensation for damage or loss.
        • Customs duty or similar charge payable on transported goods.
        • Proportional or equitable distribution of financial expense.
        • An indication of a player's ability calculated from his scoring record, etc.
          • Eg.batting average
        • (in the plural) In the corn trade, the medial price of the several kinds of grain in the principal corn markets.
      • verb
        • To compute the average of, especially the arithmetic mean.
          • Eg.If you average 10, 20 and 24, you get 18.
        • Over a period of time or across members of a population, to have or generate a mean value of.
          • Eg.I averaged 75% in my examinations this year.
        • To divide among a number, according to a given proportion.
          • average a loss
        • To be, generally or on average.
      • adjective
        • Constituting or relating to the average.
          • Eg.The average age of the participants was 18.5.
        • Neither very good nor very bad; rated somewhere in the middle of all others in the same category.
          • Eg.I soon found I was only an average chess player.
        • Typical.
          • Eg.The average family will not need the more expensive features of this product.
        • Not outstanding, not good, banal; bad or poor.
  • avoid #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈvɔɪd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To try not to meet or communicate with (a person); to shun
        • To keep away from; to keep clear of; to stay away from
          • Eg.I try to avoid the company of gamblers.
        • To try not to do something or to have something happen
        • To make empty; to clear.
        • To make void, to annul; to refute (especially a contract).
        • To defeat or evade; to invalidate.
        • To emit or throw out; to void.
        • To leave, evacuate; to leave as empty, to withdraw or come away from.
        • To get rid of.
        • To retire; to withdraw, depart, go away.
        • To become void or vacant.
  • await #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈwɛɪt/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A waiting for; ambush.
        • Watching, watchfulness, suspicious observation.
      • verb
        • To wait for.
          • Eg.I await your reply to my letter.
        • To expect.
        • To be in store for; to be ready or in waiting for.
          • Eg.Glorious rewards await the good in heaven; eternal suffering awaits mortal sinners in hell.
        • To serve or attend; to wait on, wait upon.
        • To watch, observe.
        • To wait; to stay in waiting.
  • awake #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈweɪk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Not asleep; conscious.
        • (by extension) Alert, aware.
          • Eg.They were awake to the possibility of a decline in sales.
  • award #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈwɔːd/
      • /əˈwɔɹd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A judgment, sentence, or final decision. Specifically: The decision of arbitrators in a case submitted.
        • The paper containing the decision of arbitrators; that which is warded.
        • A trophy or medal; something that denotes an accomplishment, especially in a competition. A prize or honor based on merit.
        • (Australia, NZ, industrial relations) A negotiated minimum wage that is set for a particular trade or industry; an industrial award.
      • verb
        • To give by sentence or judicial determination; to assign or apportion, after careful regard to the nature of the case; to adjudge
          • Eg.the arbitrators awarded damages to the complainant
        • To determine; to make or grant an award.
        • To give (an award).
          • Eg.Four or five of these medals are awarded every year.
        • To give (a person) an award.
          • Eg.He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
  • aware #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈweːɹ/
      • /əˈwɛə/
      • /əˈwɛɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Vigilant or on one's guard against danger or difficulty.
          • Eg.Stay aware! Don't let your guard down.
        • Conscious or having knowledge of something.
          • Eg.Are you aware of what is being said about you?
  • awareness #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈwɛənəs/
      • /əˈwɛɹnəs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The state or level of consciousness where sense data can be confirmed by an observer.
          • Eg.I gradually passed from sleep to full awareness.
        • The state or quality of being aware of something
          • Eg.The awareness of one type of idea naturally fosters an awareness of another idea
  • away #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /əˈweɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To depart; to go to another place.
          • Eg.At 9 o'clock sharp he awayed to bed.
      • adjective
        • Not here, gone, absent, unavailable, traveling; on vacation.
          • Eg.The master is away from home.
        • At a specified distance in space, time, or figuratively.
          • Eg.He's miles away by now.
        • Not on one's home territory.
          • Eg.Next, they are playing away in Dallas.
        • (following the noun modified) Out.
          • Eg.Two men away in the bottom of the ninth.
      • adverb
        • From a place, hence.
          • Eg.He went away on vacation.
        • Aside; off; in another direction.
          • Eg.I tried to approach him, but he turned away.
        • Aside, so as to discard something.
          • Eg.throw away, chuck away, toss away
        • At a stated distance in time or space.
          • Eg.Christmas is only two weeks away.
        • In or to something's usual or proper storage place.
          • Eg.I'll dry the dishes and you put them away.
        • In or to a secure or out-of-the-way place.
          • Eg.He was shut away in the castle tower for six months.
        • From a state or condition of being; out of existence.
          • Eg.fade away, die away
        • So as to remove or use up something.
          • Eg.Please wipe away this spilled drink.
        • (as imperative, by ellipsis) Come away; go away; take away.
          • Eg.Away! Be gone! And don't let me see you round here again!
        • On; in continuance; without intermission or delay.
          • Eg.She's been in her room all day, working away at her computer.
        • Without restraint.
          • Eg.I saw her whaling away at her detractors.
      • interjection
        • Come on!; go on!
  • awful #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈɔːfəl/
      • /ˈɔfəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Very bad.
          • Eg.My socks smell awful.
        • Exceedingly great; usually applied intensively.
          • Eg.I have learnt an awful amount today.
        • Causing fear or horror; appalling, terrible.
        • Inspiring awe; filling with profound reverence or respect; profoundly impressive.
        • Struck or filled with awe.
        • Terror-stricken.
        • Worshipful; reverential; law-abiding.
      • adverb
        • Awfully; dreadfully; terribly.
        • Very, extremely.
          • Eg.He was blubbering away something awful.
  • awkward #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ˈɑkwɚd/
      • /ˈɔːkwəd/
      • /ˈɔkwɚd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Someone or something that is awkward.
      • adjective
        • Lacking dexterity in the use of the hands, or of instruments.
          • Eg.John was awkward at performing the trick. He'll have to practice to improve.
        • Not easily managed or effected; embarrassing.
          • Eg.An awkward silence had fallen.
        • Lacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interaction.
          • Eg.I'm very awkward at parties.
        • Perverse; adverse; difficult to handle.
          • Eg.He's a right awkward chap.
      • adverb
        • In a backwards direction.
  • baby #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbeɪbi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A very young human, particularly from birth to a couple of years old or until walking is fully mastered.
        • Any very young animal, especially a vertebrate; many species have specific names for their babies, such as kittens for the babies of cats, puppies for the babies of dogs, and chickens for the babies of birds. See for more.
        • Unborn young; a fetus.
          • Eg.When is your baby due?
        • A person who is immature, infantile or feeble.
          • Eg.Stand up for yourself – don't be such a baby!
        • A person who is new to or inexperienced in something.
          • Eg.I only qualified as an architect this summer, so I'm still a baby.
        • The lastborn of a family; the youngest sibling, irrespective of age.
          • Eg.Adam is the baby of the family.
        • A term of endearment used to refer to or address one's girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse.
          • Eg.Baby, don't cry.
        • A form of address to a man or a woman considered to be attractive.
          • Eg.Hey baby, what are you doing later?
        • A pet project or responsibility.
          • Eg.You need to talk to John about that – it's his baby.
        • An affectionate term for anything.
          • Eg.See my new car here? I can't wait to take this baby for a drive.
        • A small image of an infant; a doll.
      • verb
        • To coddle; to pamper somebody like an infant.
        • To tend (something) with care; to be overly attentive to (something), fuss over.
      • adjective
        • Of a child: very young; of the age when he or she would be termed a baby or infant.
          • Eg.a baby boy
        • Of an animal: young.
          • Eg.a baby elephant
        • Intended for babies.
          • clothes
        • (of vegetables, etc.) Picked when small and immature (as in baby corn, baby potatoes).
  • back #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bæk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The rear of the body, especially the part between the neck and the end of the spine and opposite the chest and belly.
          • Eg.Could you please scratch my back?
        • That which is farthest away from the front.
          • Eg.He sat in the back of the room.
        • Upper part of a natural object which is considered to resemble an animal's back.
          • Eg.The small boat raced over the backs of the waves.
        • A support or resource in reserve.
        • The keel and keelson of a ship.
          • Eg.The ship's back broke in the pounding surf.
        • The roof of a horizontal underground passage.
        • Effort, usually physical.
          • Eg.Put some back into it!
        • A non-alcoholic drink (often water or a soft drink), to go with hard liquor or a cocktail.
          • Eg.Could I get a martini with a water back?
        • Among leather dealers, one of the thickest and stoutest tanned hides.
      • verb
        • To go in the reverse direction.
          • Eg.the train backed into the station;  the horse refuses to back
        • To support.
          • Eg.I back you all the way;  which horse are you backing in this race?
        • (of the wind) To change direction contrary to the normal pattern; that is, to shift anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere, or clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
        • (of a square sail) To brace the yards so that the wind presses on the front of the sail, to slow the ship.
        • (of an anchor) To lay out a second, smaller anchor to provide additional holding power.
        • (of a hunting dog) To stand still behind another dog which has pointed.
        • To push or force backwards.
          • Eg.The mugger backed her into a corner and demanded her wallet.
        • To get upon the back of; to mount.
        • To place or seat upon the back.
        • To make a back for; to furnish with a back.
          • back books
        • To adjoin behind; to be at the back of.
        • To write upon the back of, possibly as an endorsement.
          • back a letter;  to back a note or legal document
        • (of a justice of the peace) To sign or endorse (a warrant, issued in another county, to apprehend an offender).
        • To row backward with (oars).
          • back the oars
      • adjective
        • Near the rear.
          • Eg.Go in the back door of the house.
        • Not current.
          • Eg.I’d like to find a back issue of that magazine.
        • Far from the main area.
          • Eg.They took a back road.
        • In arrear; overdue.
          • Eg.They still owe three months' back rent.
        • Moving or operating backward.
          • Eg.back action
        • Pronounced with the highest part of the body of the tongue toward the back of the mouth, near the soft palate (most often describing a vowel).
          • Eg.The vowel of lot has a back vowel in most dialects of England.
      • adverb
        • To or in a previous condition or place.
          • Eg.He gave back the money.   He needs his money back.   He was on vacation, but now he’s back.   The office fell into chaos when you left, but now order is back.
        • Away from the front or from an edge.
          • Eg.Sit all the way back in your chair.
        • In a manner that impedes.
          • Eg.Fear held him back.
        • In a reciprocal manner; in return.
          • Eg.If you hurt me, I'll hurt you back.
        • Earlier, ago.
          • Eg.I last saw him a day or two back.
  • backdrop #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbæk.dɹɒp/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A decorated cloth hung at the back of a stage.
        • An image that serves as a visual background.
        • The setting or background of an acted performance.
        • Any background situation.
          • Eg.Against a backdrop of falling interest rates, the new savings account is looking less appealing.
      • verb
        • To serve as a backdrop for.
          • Eg.a brilliant sunset backdropping the famous skyline
  • background #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbæk.ɡɹaʊnd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One's social heritage, or previous life; what one did in the past.
          • Eg.The lawyer had a background in computer science.
        • A part of the picture that depicts scenery to the rear or behind the main subject; context.
        • Information relevant to the current situation about past events; history.
        • A less important feature of scenery (as opposed to foreground).
          • Eg.The photographer let us pick a background for the portrait.
        • The image or color over which a computer's desktop items are shown (e.g. icons or application windows).
        • A type of activity on a computer that is not normally visible to the user.
          • Eg.The antivirus program is running in the background.
      • verb
        • To put in a position that is not prominent.
        • To gather and provide background information (on).
      • adjective
        • Less important or less noticeable in a scene or system.
          • Eg.The antivirus program runs on a background thread.
  • backing #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbæk.ɪŋ(ɡ)/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To go in the reverse direction.
          • Eg.the train backed into the station;  the horse refuses to back
        • To support.
          • Eg.I back you all the way;  which horse are you backing in this race?
        • (of the wind) To change direction contrary to the normal pattern; that is, to shift anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere, or clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
        • (of a square sail) To brace the yards so that the wind presses on the front of the sail, to slow the ship.
        • (of an anchor) To lay out a second, smaller anchor to provide additional holding power.
        • (of a hunting dog) To stand still behind another dog which has pointed.
        • To push or force backwards.
          • Eg.The mugger backed her into a corner and demanded her wallet.
        • To get upon the back of; to mount.
        • To place or seat upon the back.
        • To make a back for; to furnish with a back.
          • back books
        • To adjoin behind; to be at the back of.
        • To write upon the back of, possibly as an endorsement.
          • back a letter;  to back a note or legal document
        • (of a justice of the peace) To sign or endorse (a warrant, issued in another county, to apprehend an offender).
        • To row backward with (oars).
          • back the oars
      • noun
        • Support, especially financial.
          • Eg.It's a volunteer organization that works with backing from the city and a few grants.
        • A liner or other material added behind or underneath.
          • Eg.The cardboard backing gives the notebook a little extra stiffness.
        • A backdrop.
        • Musicians and vocalists who support the main performer.
        • The mounting of a horse or other animal.
        • The action of putting something back; a switching into reverse.
      • adjective
        • Providing support for the main performer.
  • backup #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbækˌʌp/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A reserve or substitute.
          • Eg.If the goalkeeper is injured, we have a backup.
        • A copy of a file or record, stored separately from the original, that can be used to recover the original if it is destroyed or damaged.
          • Eg.After the power failure, we had to restore the database from backup.
        • An accumulation of material caused by a (partial) obstruction or (complete) blockage of the flow or movement of the material, or an accumulation of material that causes an overflow due to the flow being greater than the maximum possible flow.
          • Eg.The accident caused a mile-long backup on the highway.
        • (law enforcement) reinforcements
          • Eg.He's got a gun! You'd better send for backup.
      • adjective
        • Standby, reserve or extra.
          • Eg.I am only a backup player.
        • That is intended as a backup.
          • Eg.Make a backup copy of that file.
        • Supporting, reinforcing; of or related to accompaniment
  • backwards #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbæk.wə(ɹ)dz/
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Oriented toward the back.
          • Eg.The battleship had three backwards guns at the stern, in addition to the primary complement.
        • Reversed.
          • Eg.The backwards lettering on emergency vehicles makes it possible to read in the rear-view mirror.
        • Behind current trends or technology.
          • Eg.Modern medicine regards the use of leeches as a backwards practice.
        • Clumsy, inept, or inefficient, especially in learning.
          • Eg.He was a very backwards scholar, but he was a marvel on the football field.
  • bacon #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbeɪ.kən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Cured meat from the sides, belly or back of a pig.
        • Thin slices of the above in long strips.
        • The police or spies.
          • Eg.Run! It's the bacon!
        • Road rash.
        • A saucisse.
  • bacteria #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪ.ə/
      • /bækˈtɪɹ.i.ə/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A type, species, or strain of bacterium.
        • A derisive term for a lowlife or a slob (could be treated as plural or singular).
      • noun
        • A single celled organism with cell walls but no nucleus or organelles.
  • bad #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bæːd/
      • /bɛd/
      • /bæd/ audio
      • /beəd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Error, mistake.
        • An item (or kind of item) of merchandise with negative value; an unwanted good.
      • adjective
        • Unfavorable; negative; not good.
          • Eg.Abducting children is bad for mothers.
        • Not suitable or fitting.
          • Eg.Do you think it is a bad idea to confront him directly?
        • Not appropriate, of manners etc.
          • Eg.It is bad manners to talk with your mouth full.
        • Unhealthy; liable to cause health problems.
          • Eg.Lard is bad for you. Smoking is bad for you, too. Grapes are bad for dogs but not for humans.
        • Sickly, unhealthy, unwell.
          • Eg.I went to the hospital to see how my grandfather was doing. Unfortunately, he's in a bad state.
        • Not behaving; behaving badly; misbehaving; mischievous or disobedient.
          • Eg.Stop being bad, or you will get a spanking!
        • Tricky; stressful; unpleasant.
          • Eg.Divorce is usually a bad experience for everybody involved.
        • Evil; wicked.
          • Eg.Be careful. There are bad people in the world.
        • Faulty; not functional.
          • Eg.I had a bad headlight.
        • (of food) Spoiled, rotten, overripe.
          • Eg.These apples have gone bad.
        • (of breath) Malodorous; foul.
          • Eg.Bad breath is not pleasant for anyone.
        • False; counterfeit; illegitimate.
          • Eg.They were caught trying to pass bad coinage.
        • Unskilled; of limited ability; not good.
          • Eg.He's a bad gardener; everything he tries to grow ends up dying.
        • Of poor physical appearance.
          • Eg.I don't look bad in this dress, do I?
        • Bold and daring.
        • Good, superlative, excellent, cool.
          • Eg.Man, that new car you bought is bad!
        • (of a need, want, or pain) Severe, urgent.
          • Eg.He is in bad need of a haircut.
        • Overly promiscuous, licentious.
        • (of a draft/check) Not covered by funds on account.
          • Eg.He gave me a bad check.
      • adverb
        • Badly.
          • Eg.I didn't do too bad in the last exam.
  • badge #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bædʒ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A distinctive mark, token, sign, emblem or cognizance, worn on one's clothing, as an insignia of some rank, or of the membership of an organization.
          • Eg.the badge of a society; the badge of a policeman
        • A small nameplate, identifying the wearer, and often giving additional information.
        • A card, sometimes with a barcode or magnetic strip, granting access to a certain area.
        • Something characteristic; a mark; a token.
        • (thieves' cant) A brand on the hand of a thief, etc.
          • Eg.He has got his badge, and piked: He was burned in the hand, and is at liberty.
        • A carved ornament on the stern of a vessel, containing a window or the representation of one.
        • A distinctive mark worn by servants, retainers, and followers of royalty or nobility, who, being beneath the rank of gentlemen, have no right to armorial bearings.
        • A small overlay on an icon that shows additional information about that item, such as the number of new alerts or messages.
        • An icon or emblem awarded to a user for some achievement.
          • Eg.When you have checked in to the site from ten different cities, you unlock the Traveller badge.
      • verb
        • To mark or distinguish with a badge.
          • Eg.The television was badged as 'GE', but wasn't made by them.
        • To show a badge to.
          • Eg.He calmed down a lot when the policeman badged him.
        • To enter a restricted area by showing one's badge.
  • badly #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbæ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Ill, unwell.
          • Eg.He's never badly.
      • adverb
        • In a bad manner.
        • Very much; to a great degree.
          • Eg.I want it so badly.
  • bag #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbæːɡ/ audio
      • /ˈbeɪɡ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A flexible container made of cloth, paper, plastic, etc.
        • A handbag
        • A suitcase.
        • A schoolbag, especially a backpack.
        • One’s preference.
          • Eg.Acid House is not my bag: I prefer the more traditional styles of music.
        • An ugly woman.
        • The cloth-covered pillow used for first, second, and third base.
          • Eg.The grounder hit the bag and bounced over the fielder’s head.
        • First, second, or third base.
          • Eg.He headed back to the bag.
        • (preceded by "the") A breathalyzer, so named because it formerly had a plastic bag over the end to measure a set amount of breath.
        • A collection of objects, disregarding order, but (unlike a set) in which elements may be repeated.
          • Eg.If one has a bag of three apples and the letter 'a' is taken to denote 'apple', then such bag could be represented symbolically as {a,a,a}. Note that in an ordinary context, when talking about a bag of apples, one does not care about identifying the individual apples, although one might be interested in distinguishing apples by species, for example, letting 'r' denote 'red apple' and 'g' denote 'green apple', then a bag of three red apples and two green apples could be denoted as {r,r,r,g,g}.
        • A sac in animal bodies, containing some fluid or other substance.
          • Eg.the bag of a cow
        • A pouch tied behind a man's head to hold the back-hair of a wig; a bag wig.
        • The quantity of game bagged in a hunt.
        • A scrotum.
        • A unit of measure of cement equal to 94 pounds.
        • (chiefly in the plural) A dark circle under the eye, caused by lack of sleep, drug addiction etc.
        • A small envelope that contains drugs, especially narcotics.
        • £1000, a grand.
        • A large number or amount.
      • verb
        • To put into a bag.
        • To catch or kill, especially when fishing or hunting.
          • Eg.We bagged three deer yesterday.
        • To gain possession of something, or to make first claim on something.
        • To furnish or load with a bag.
        • (African American Vernacular) To bring a woman one met on the street with one.
        • (African American Vernacular) To laugh uncontrollably.
        • To criticise sarcastically.
        • To provide with artificial ventilation via a bag valve mask (BVM) resuscitator.
        • To fit with a bag to collect urine.
        • To (cause to) swell or hang down like a full bag.
          • Eg.The brisk wind bagged the sails.
        • To hang like an empty bag.
          • Eg.His trousers bag at the knees.
        • To drop away from the correct course.
        • To swell with arrogance.
        • To become pregnant.
  • bail #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /beɪ̯l/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Security, usually a sum of money, exchanged for the release of an arrested person as a guarantee of that person's appearance for trial.
        • Release from imprisonment on payment of such money.
        • The person providing such payment.
        • A bucket or scoop used for removing water from a boat etc.
        • A person who bails water out of a boat.
        • Custody; keeping.
      • verb
        • To secure the release of an arrested person by providing bail.
        • To release a person under such guarantee.
        • To hand over personal property to be held temporarily by another as a bailment.
          • bail cloth to a tailor to be made into a garment; to bail goods to a carrier
        • To remove (water) from a boat by scooping it out.
          • bail water out of a boat
        • To remove water from (a boat) by scooping it out.
          • bail a boat
        • To set free; to deliver; to release.
  • bake #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /beɪk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of cooking food by baking.
        • Any of various baked dishes resembling casserole.
        • A social event at which food (such as seafood) is baked, or at which baked food is served.
        • (Barbadian, sometimes US and UK) A small, flat (or ball-shaped) cake of dough eaten in Barbados and sometimes elsewhere, similar in appearance and ingredients to a pancake but fried (or in some places sometimes roasted).
        • Any item that is baked.
      • verb
        • (with person as subject) To cook (something) in an oven.
          • Eg.I baked a delicious cherry pie.
        • (with baked thing as subject) To be cooked in an oven.
          • Eg.The cake baked at 350°F.
        • To be warmed to drying and hardening.
          • Eg.The clay baked in the sun.
        • To dry by heat.
          • Eg.They baked the electrical parts lightly to remove moisture.
        • To be hot.
          • Eg.I'm baking after that workout in the gym.
        • To cause to be hot.
        • To smoke marijuana.
        • To harden by cold.
        • To fix (lighting, reflections, etc.) as part of the texture of an object to improve rendering performance.
        • (with "in" or "into") To incorporate into something greater.
  • balance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbæləns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A state in which opposing forces harmonise; equilibrium.
        • Mental equilibrium; mental health; calmness, a state of remaining clear-headed and unperturbed.
        • Something of equal weight used to provide equilibrium; counterweight.
          • Eg.Blair thought he could provide a useful balance to Bush's policies.
        • A pair of scales.
        • Awareness of both viewpoints or matters; neutrality; rationality; objectivity.
        • The overall result of conflicting forces, opinions etc.; the influence which ultimately "weighs" more than others.
          • Eg.I think the balance of opinion is that we should get out while we're ahead.
        • Apparent harmony in art (between differing colours, sounds, etc.).
        • A list accounting for the debits on one side, and for the credits on the other.
        • The result of such a procedure; the difference between credit and debit of an account.
          • Eg.I just need to nip to a bank and check my balance.
        • A device used to regulate the speed of a watch, clock etc.
        • The remainder.
          • Eg.The balance of the agreement remains in effect.
        • Libra.
      • verb
        • To bring (items) to an equipoise, as the scales of a balance by adjusting the weights.
        • To make (concepts) agree.
        • To hold (an object or objects) precariously; to support on a narrow base, so as to keep from falling.
          • Eg.I balanced my mug of coffee on my knee.
        • To compare in relative force, importance, value, etc.; to estimate.
        • (dancing) To move toward, and then back from, reciprocally.
          • balance partners
        • To contract, as a sail, into a narrower compass.
          • balance the boom mainsail
        • To make the credits and debits of (an account) correspond.
          • Eg.This final payment, or credit, balances the account.
        • To be in equilibrium.
        • To have matching credits and debits.
        • To weigh in a balance.
        • To hesitate or fluctuate.
  • balanced #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbælənst/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To bring (items) to an equipoise, as the scales of a balance by adjusting the weights.
        • To make (concepts) agree.
        • To hold (an object or objects) precariously; to support on a narrow base, so as to keep from falling.
          • Eg.I balanced my mug of coffee on my knee.
        • To compare in relative force, importance, value, etc.; to estimate.
        • (dancing) To move toward, and then back from, reciprocally.
          • balance partners
        • To contract, as a sail, into a narrower compass.
          • balance the boom mainsail
        • To make the credits and debits of (an account) correspond.
          • Eg.This final payment, or credit, balances the account.
        • To be in equilibrium.
        • To have matching credits and debits.
        • To weigh in a balance.
        • To hesitate or fluctuate.
      • adjective
        • Containing elements in appropriate proportion; proportionately weighted on all dimensions and therefore unlikely to tip over.
          • Eg.He believed he rarely got sick because of his balanced diet.
  • ball #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɔːl/ audio
      • /bɑl/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A solid or hollow sphere, or roughly spherical mass.
          • Eg.a ball of spittle; a fecal ball
        • A round or ellipsoidal object.
        • (mildly, usually in the plural) A testicle.
        • A leather-covered cushion, fastened to a handle called a ballstock; formerly used by printers for inking the form, then superseded by the roller.
        • A large pill, a form in which medicine was given to horses; a bolus.
      • verb
        • To form or wind into a ball.
          • ball cotton
        • To heat in a furnace and form into balls for rolling.
        • To have sexual intercourse with.
        • To gather balls which cling to the feet, as of damp snow or clay; to gather into balls.
          • Eg.The horse balls; the snow balls.
        • (usually in present participle) To be hip or cool.
        • To play basketball.
        • To punish by affixing a ball and chain
      • interjection
        • An appeal by the crowd for holding the ball against a tackled player. This is heard almost any time an opposition player is tackled, without regard to whether the rules about "prior opportunity" to dispose of the ball are fulfilled.
  • ballet #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bælæe/
      • /bɛlæe/
      • /bɐleː/
      • /bælɪ/
      • /bæˈleɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A classical form of dance.
        • A theatrical presentation of such dancing, usually with music, sometimes in the form of a story.
        • The company of persons who perform this dance.
        • A light part song, frequently with a fa-la-la chorus, common among Elizabethan and Italian Renaissance composers.
        • A bearing in coats of arms representing one or more balls, called bezants, plates, etc., according to colour.
        • Any intricate series of operations involving coordination between individuals.
      • verb
        • To perform an action reminiscent of ballet dancing.
  • balloon #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bəˈluːn/
      • /bəˈlun/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An inflatable buoyant object, often (but not necessarily) round and flexible.
        • Such an object as a child’s toy or party decoration.
        • Such an object designed to transport people through the air.
        • A sac inserted into part of the body for therapeutic reasons; such as angioplasty.
        • A speech bubble.
        • A type of glass cup, sometimes used for brandy.
        • A ball or globe on the top of a pillar, church, etc.
          • Eg.the balloon of St. Paul's Cathedral in London
        • A round vessel, usually with a short neck, to hold or receive whatever is distilled; a glass vessel of a spherical form.
        • A bomb or shell.
        • A game played with a large inflated ball.
        • (engraving) The outline enclosing words represented as coming from the mouth of a pictured figure.
        • A woman's breast.
        • A small container for illicit drugs made from a condom or the finger of a latex glove, etc.
      • verb
        • To increase or expand rapidly.
          • Eg.His stomach ballooned from eating such a large meal.
        • To go up or voyage in a balloon.
        • To take up in, or as if in, a balloon.
        • To inflate like a balloon.
        • To strike (a ball) so that it flies high in the air.
      • noun
        • An unusually large payment due at the end of the term of a loan agreement.
  • ballot #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ˈbalət/
      • /ˈbælət/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Originally, a small ball placed in a container to cast a vote; now, by extension, a piece of paper or card used for this purpose, or some other means used to signify a vote.
        • The process of voting, especially in secret; a round of voting.
        • The total of all the votes cast in an election.
        • A list of candidates running for office; a ticket.
      • verb
        • To vote or decide by ballot.
          • ballot for a candidate
        • To draw lots.
  • ban #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bæn/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Prohibition.
        • A public proclamation or edict; a summons by public proclamation. Chiefly, in early use, a summons to arms.
          • Eg.Bans is common and ordinary amongst the Feudists, and signifies a proclamation, or any public notice.
        • The gathering of the (French) king's vassals for war; the whole body of vassals so assembled, or liable to be summoned; originally, the same as arrière-ban: in the 16th c., French usage created a distinction between ban and arrière-ban, for which see the latter word.
          • Eg.France was at such a Pinch..that they call'd their Ban and Arriere Ban, the assembling whereof had been long discussed, and in a manner antiquated.
        • A curse or anathema.
        • A pecuniary mulct or penalty laid upon a delinquent for offending against a ban, such as a mulct paid to a bishop by one guilty of sacrilege or other crimes.
      • verb
        • To summon; to call out.
        • To anathematize; to pronounce an ecclesiastical curse upon; to place under a ban.
        • To curse; to execrate.
        • To prohibit; to interdict; to proscribe; to forbid or block from participation.
          • Eg.Bare feet are banned in this establishment.
        • To curse; to utter curses or maledictions.
  • banana #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bəˈnɑːnə/ audio
      • /bəˈnænə/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An elongated curved tropical fruit that grows in bunches and has a creamy flesh and a smooth skin.
        • The tropical tree-like plant which bears clusters of bananas. The plant, usually of the genus Musa but sometimes also including plants from Ensete, has large, elongated leaves and is related to the plantain.
        • A yellow colour, like that of a banana's skin.
        • (mildly) A person of Asian descent, especially a Chinese American, who has assimilated into Western culture or married a Caucasian (from the "yellow" outside and "white" inside). Compare coconut or Oreo.
        • A banana equivalent dose.
        • A catamorphism (from the use of banana brackets in the notation).
        • The penis.
        • A banana kick.
      • adjective
        • Curved like a banana, especially of a ball in flight.
  • band #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bænd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A strip of material used for strengthening or coupling.
        • A long strip of material, color, etc, that is different from the surrounding area.
        • A strip of decoration.
        • That which serves as the means of union or connection between persons; a tie.
        • A linen collar or ruff worn in the 16th and 17th centuries.
        • (in the plural) Two strips of linen hanging from the neck in front as part of a clerical, legal, or academic dress.
        • A part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
        • A group of energy levels in a solid state material.
          • Eg.valence band;  conduction band
        • A bond.
        • Pledge; security.
        • A ring, such as a wedding ring (wedding band), or a ring put on a bird's leg to identify it.
        • Any distinguishing line formed by chromatography, electrophoresis etc
        • Short for band cell.
        • (hiphop, often in the plural) A wad of money totaling $1K, held together by a band; (by extension) money
      • verb
        • To fasten with a band.
        • To fasten an identifying band around the leg of (a bird).
  • bang #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bæŋ(ɡ)/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A sudden percussive noise.
          • Eg.When he struck it with a hammer, there was a loud bang.
        • A strike upon an object causing such a noise.
        • An explosion.
        • The symbol !, known as an exclamation point.
          • Eg.An e-mail address with an ! is called a bang path.
        • A factorial, in mathematics, because the factorial of n is often written as n!
        • An act of sexual intercourse.
        • An offbeat figure typical of reggae songs and played on guitar and piano.
        • An explosive product.
          • Eg.Load the bang into the hole.
        • An injection, a shot (of a narcotic drug).
        • (Boston area) An abrupt left turn.
        • Strong smell (of)
          • Eg.There was a bang of onions off his breath.
        • A thrill.
      • verb
        • To make sudden loud noises, and often repeatedly, especially by exploding or hitting something.
          • Eg.My head was banging after drinking all night at the concert.
        • To hit hard.
          • Eg.David and Mary banged into each other.
        • To engage in sexual intercourse.
          • Eg.We can hear the couple banging upstairs.
        • (with "in") To hammer or to hit anything hard.
          • Eg.Hold the picture while I bang in this nail.
        • To cut squarely across, as the tail of a horse, or a person's forelock; to cut (the hair).
        • To inject intravenously.
          • Eg.Do you smoke meth? No, I bang it.
      • adverb
        • Right, directly.
          • Eg.The passenger door was bang against the garage wall.
        • Precisely.
          • Eg.He arrived bang on time.
        • With a sudden impact.
          • Eg.Distracted, he ran bang into the opening door.
      • interjection
        • A sudden percussive sound, such as made by the firing of a gun, slamming of a door, etc.
          • Eg.He pointed his finger at her like a gun and said, "Bang!"
      • noun
        • Hair hanging over the forehead.
        • A hairstyle including such hair, especially cut straight across the forehead.
      • noun
        • Brucellosis, a bacterial disease.
  • bank #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bæŋk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An institution where one can place and borrow money and take care of financial affairs.
        • A branch office of such an institution.
        • An underwriter or controller of a card game; also banque.
        • A fund from deposits or contributions, to be used in transacting business; a joint stock or capital.
        • The sum of money etc. which the dealer or banker has as a fund from which to draw stakes and pay losses.
        • Money; profit
        • In certain games, such as dominos, a fund of pieces from which the players are allowed to draw.
        • A safe and guaranteed place of storage for and retrieval of important items or goods.
          • Eg.blood bank; sperm bank; data bank
        • A device used to store coins or currency.
          • Eg.If you want to buy a bicycle, you need to put the money in your piggy bank.
      • verb
        • To deal with a bank or financial institution, or for an institution to provide financial services to a client.
          • Eg.He banked with Barclays.
        • To put into a bank.
          • Eg.I'm going to bank the money.
        • To conceal in the rectum for use in prison.
          • Eg.Johnny banked some coke for me.
  • banner #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbænə/
      • /ˈbænɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A flag or standard used by a military commander, monarch or nation.
        • (by extension) The military unit under such a flag or standard.
        • (by extension) A military or administrative subdivision.
        • Any large sign, especially when made of soft material or fabric.
          • Eg.The mayor hung a banner across Main Street to commemorate the town's 100th anniversary.
        • A large piece of cloth with a slogan, motto, or emblem carried in a demonstration or other procession or suspended in some conspicuous place.
        • (by extension) A cause or purpose; a campaign or movement.
          • Eg.They usually make their case under the banner of environmentalism.
        • The title of a newspaper as printed on its front page; the nameplate; masthead.
        • A type of advertisement on a web page or on television, usually taking the form of a graphic or animation above or alongside the content.
        • The principal standard of a knight.
        • A type of administrative division in Inner Mongolia, China (хошуу/旗) and Tuva (кожуун), made during the Qing dynasty. At this time, Outer Mongolia and part of Xinjiang were also divided this way.
      • verb
        • To adorn with a banner.
        • To display as a banner headline.
      • adjective
        • Exceptional; very good.
  • bar #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɑː/ audio
      • /bɑɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A solid, more or less rigid object of metal or wood with a uniform cross-section smaller than its length.
          • Eg.The window was protected by steel bars.
        • A solid metal object with uniform (round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular) cross-section; in the US its smallest dimension is 1/4 inch or greater, a piece of thinner material being called a strip.
          • Eg.Ancient Sparta used iron bars instead of handy coins in more valuable alloy, to physically discourage the use of money.
        • A cuboid piece of any solid commodity.
          • of chocolate
        • A broad shaft, or band, or stripe.
          • Eg.a bar of colour
        • A long, narrow drawn or printed rectangle, cuboid or cylinder, especially as used in a bar code or a bar chart.
        • Any of various lines used as punctuation or diacritics, such as the pipe ⟨|⟩, fraction bar (as in 12), and strikethrough (as in Ⱥ), formerly including oblique marks such as the slash.
        • The sign indicating that the characteristic of a logarithm is negative, conventionally placed above the digit(s) to show that it applies to the characteristic only and not to the mantissa.
        • A similar sign indicating that the charge on a particle is negative (and that consequently the particle is in fact an antiparticle).
        • A business licensed to sell alcoholic drinks for consumption on the premises, or the premises themselves; public house.
          • Eg.The street was lined with all-night bars.
        • The counter of such premises.
          • Eg.Step up to the bar and order a drink.
        • A counter, or simply a cabinet, from which alcoholic drinks are served in a private house or a hotel room.
        • (by extension, in combinations such as coffee bar, juice bar etc.) Premises or a counter serving any type of beverage.
        • An establishment where alcohol and sometimes other refreshments are served.
        • An informal establishment selling food to be consumed on the premises.
          • Eg.a burger bar
        • An establishment offering cosmetic services.
          • Eg.a nail bar; a brow bar
        • An official order or pronouncement that prohibits some activity.
          • Eg.The club has lifted its bar on women members.
        • Anything that obstructs, hinders, or prevents; an obstruction; a barrier.
        • (whimsical, derived from fubar) A metasyntactic variable representing an unspecified entity, often the second in a series, following foo.
          • Eg.Suppose we have two objects, foo and bar.
        • (Parliament) A dividing line (physical or notional) in the chamber of a legislature beyond which only members and officials may pass.
        • The railing surrounding the part of a courtroom in which the judges, lawyers, defendants and witnesses stay
        • "the Bar" or "the bar" The bar exam, the legal licensing exam.
          • Eg.He's studying hard to pass the Bar this time; he's failed it twice before.
        • (metonym, "the Bar", "the bar") Collectively, lawyers or the legal profession; specifically applied to barristers in some countries but including all lawyers in others.
          • Eg.He was called to the bar, he became a barrister.
        • One of an array of bar-shaped symbols that display the level of something, such as wireless signal strength or battery life remaining.
          • Eg.I don't have any bars in the middle of this desert.
        • A vertical line across a musical staff dividing written music into sections, typically of equal durational value.
        • One of those musical sections.
        • A horizontal pole that must be crossed in high jump and pole vault
        • Any level of achievement regarded as a challenge to be overcome.
        • (most codes) The crossbar.
        • The central divider between the inner and outer table of a backgammon board, where stones are placed if they are hit.
        • An addition to a military medal, on account of a subsequent act
        • A linear shoaling landform feature within a body of water.
        • A ridge or succession of ridges of sand or other substance, especially a formation extending across the mouth of a river or harbor or off a beach, and which may obstruct navigation. (FM 55-501).
        • One of the ordinaries in heraldry; a fess.
        • A city gate, in some British place names.
          • Eg.Potter's Bar
        • A drilling or tamping rod.
        • A vein or dike crossing a lode.
        • A gatehouse of a castle or fortified town.
        • The part of the crust of a horse's hoof which is bent inwards towards the frog at the heel on each side, and extends into the centre of the sole.
        • (in the plural) The space between the tusks and grinders in the upper jaw of a horse, in which the bit is placed.
  • bare #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɛə(ɹ)/
      • /bɛəɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (‘the bare’) The surface, the (bare) skin.
        • Surface; body; substance.
        • That part of a roofing slate, shingle, tile, or metal plate, which is exposed to the weather.
      • adjective
        • Minimal; that is or are just sufficient.
          • Eg.a bare majority
        • Naked, uncovered.
          • Eg.I do wonder why keeping my little breasts bare can be lewd even as none tells my brother anything for being bare-chested.
        • Having no supplies.
          • Eg.The cupboard was bare.
        • Having no decoration.
          • Eg.The walls of this room are bare — why not hang some paintings on them?
        • Having had what usually covers (something) removed.
          • Eg.The trees were left bare after the swarm of locusts devoured all the leaves.
        • (Toronto) A lot or lots of.
          • Eg.It's bare money to get in the club each time, man.
        • With head uncovered; bareheaded.
        • Without anything to cover up or conceal one's thoughts or actions; open to view; exposed.
        • Mere; without embellishment.
        • Threadbare, very worn.
        • Not insured.
      • adverb
        • Very; significantly.
          • Eg.It's taking bare time.
        • Barely.
        • Without a condom.
  • barely #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɛə(ɹ).li/
      • /ˈbɛɹ.li/
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • (degree) By a small margin.
        • (degree) Almost not at all.
          • Eg.The plane is so far away now I can barely see it.
        • Merely.
  • bargain #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /-ɡɪn/
      • /ˈbɑːɹɡən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An agreement between parties concerning the sale of property; or a contract by which one party binds himself to transfer the right to some property for a consideration, and the other party binds himself to receive the property and pay the consideration.
        • An agreement or stipulation; mutual pledge.
        • An item purchased for significantly less than the usual, or recommended, price
        • A gainful transaction; an advantageous purchase.
          • Eg.At that price, it's not just a bargain, it's a steal.
        • The thing stipulated or purchased.
      • verb
        • To make a bargain; to make a deal or contract for the exchange of property or services; to negotiate
          • Eg.They had to bargain for a few minutes to get a decent price for the rug.
        • To transfer for a consideration; to barter; to trade
  • barrel #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbæɹəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A round vessel or cask, of greater length than breadth, and bulging in the middle, made of staves bound with hoops, and having flat ends or heads. Sometimes applied to a similar cylindrical container made of metal, usually called a drum.
          • Eg.a cracker barrel
        • The quantity which constitutes a full barrel: the volume or weight this represents varies by local law and custom.
        • A solid drum, or a hollow cylinder or case
          • Eg.the barrel of a windlass;  the barrel of a watch, within which the spring is coiled.
        • A metallic tube, as of a gun, from which a projectile is discharged.
        • A tube.
        • The hollow basal part of a feather.
        • The part of a clarinet which connects the mouthpiece and upper joint, and looks rather like a barrel (1).
        • A wave that breaks with a hollow compartment.
        • A waste receptacle.
          • Eg.Throw it into the trash barrel.
        • The ribs and belly of a horse or pony.
        • A jar.
        • Any of the dark-staining regions in the somatosensory cortex of rodents, etc., where somatosensory inputs from the contralateral side of the body come in from the thalamus.
        • A statistic derived from launch angle and exit velocity of a ball hit in play.
      • verb
        • To put or to pack in a barrel or barrels.
        • To move quickly or in an uncontrolled manner.
          • Eg.He came barrelling around the corner and I almost hit him.
  • barrier #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbæɹi.ə(ɹ)/
      • /ˈbæɹi.əɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A structure that bars passage.
        • An obstacle or impediment.
        • A boundary or limit.
        • (grammar) A node (in government and binding theory) said to intervene between other nodes A and B if it is a potential governor for B, c-commands B, and does not c-command A.
        • A separation between two areas of the body where specialized cells allow the entry of certain substances but prevent the entry of others.
        • The lists in a tournament.
        • (in the plural) A martial exercise of the 15th and 16th centuries.
      • verb
        • To block or obstruct with a barrier.
  • base #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /beɪs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something from which other things extend; a foundation.
        • The starting point of a logical deduction or thought; basis.
        • A permanent structure for housing military personnel and material.
        • The place where decisions for an organization are made; headquarters.
        • A basic but essential component or ingredient.
        • A substance used as a mordant in dyeing.
        • Foundation: a cosmetic cream to make the face appear uniform.
        • Any of a class of generally water-soluble compounds, having bitter taste, that turn red litmus blue, and react with acids to form salts.
        • Important areas in games and sports.
        • The lowermost part of a column, between the shaft and the pedestal or pavement.
        • A nucleotide's nucleobase in the context of a DNA or RNA biopolymer.
        • The end of a leaf, petal or similar organ where it is attached to its support.
        • The name of the controlling terminal of a bipolar transistor (BJT).
        • The lowest side of a in a triangle or other polygon, or the lowest face of a cone, pyramid or other polyhedron laid flat.
        • The lowest third of a shield or escutcheon.
        • The lower part of the field. See escutcheon.
        • A number raised to the power of an exponent.
          • Eg.The logarithm to base 2 of 8 is 3.
        • The set of sets from which a topology is generated.
        • A topological space, looked at in relation to one of its covering spaces, fibrations, or bundles.
        • A sequence of elements not jointly stabilized by any nontrivial group element.
        • (acrobatics, cheerleading) In hand-to-hand balance, the person who supports the flyer; the person that remains in contact with the ground.
        • A morpheme (or morphemes) that serves as a basic foundation on which affixes can be attached.
        • The smallest kind of cannon.
        • The housing of a horse.
        • (in the plural) A kind of skirt (often of velvet or brocade, but sometimes of mailed armour) which hung from the middle to about the knees, or lower.
        • The lower part of a robe or petticoat.
        • An apron.
        • A line in a survey which, being accurately determined in length and position, serves as the origin from which to compute the distances and positions of any points or objects connected with it by a system of triangles.
        • A group of voters who almost always support a single party's candidates for elected office.
        • The forces and relations of production that produce the necessities and amenities of life.
        • A material that holds paint or other materials together; a binder.
        • Short for base leg.
      • verb
        • To give as its foundation or starting point; to lay the foundation of.
        • To be located (at a particular place).
        • (acrobatics, cheerleading) To act as a base; to be the person supporting the flyer.
      • noun
        • A low spectrum of sound tones.
          • Eg.Peter adjusted the equalizer on his audio equipment to emphasize the bass.
        • A section of musical group that produces low-pitched sound, lower than the baritone and tenor.
          • Eg.The conductor preferred to situate the bass in the middle rear, rather than to one side of the orchestra.
        • One who sings in the bass range.
          • Eg.Halfway through middle school, Edgar morphed from a soprano to a bass, much to the amazement and amusement of his fellow choristers.
        • An instrument that plays in the bass range, in particular a double bass, bass guitar, electric bass or bass synthesiser.
          • Eg.The musician swung the bass over his head like an axe and smashed it into the amplifier, creating a discordant howl of noise.
        • The clef sign that indicates that the pitch of the notes is below middle C; a bass clef.
          • Eg.The score had been written without the treble and bass, but it was easy to pick out which was which based on the location of the notes on the staff.
      • noun
        • A root.
        • A primitive word, from which other words may be derived.
        • The number of distinct symbols used to represent numbers in a particular base, as ten for decimal.
  • baseball #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbeɪs.bɔːl/
      • /ˈbeɪs.bɑl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A sport common in North America, the Caribbean, and Japan, in which the object is to strike a ball so that one of a nine-person team can run counter-clockwise among four bases, resulting in the scoring of a run. The team with the most runs after termination of play, usually nine innings, wins.
        • The ball used to play the sport of baseball.
        • A variant of poker in which cards with baseball-related values have special significance.
  • based #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /beɪst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To give as its foundation or starting point; to lay the foundation of.
        • To be located (at a particular place).
        • (acrobatics, cheerleading) To act as a base; to be the person supporting the flyer.
      • adjective
        • Founded on; having a basis; often used in combining forms.
          • Eg.That was a soundly based argument.
  • basement #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbeɪsmənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A floor of a building below ground level.
        • A mass of igneous or metamorphic rock forming the foundation over which a platform of sedimentary rocks is laid.
        • Last place in a sports conference standings.
  • basic #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbeɪsɪk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A necessary commodity, a staple requirement.
          • Eg.Rice is a basic for many Asian villagers.
        • An elementary building block, e.g. a fundamental piece of knowledge.
          • Eg.Arithmetic is a basic for the study of mathematics.
        • Basic training.
          • Eg.The drill sergeants gave him hell in basic.
      • adjective
        • Necessary, essential for life or some process.
          • Eg.Flour is a basic ingredient of bread.
        • Elementary, simple, fundamental, merely functional.
          • Eg.The Hotel Sparta’s accommodation is very basic.
        • Of or pertaining to a base; having a pH greater than 7.
        • Unremarkable or uninteresting; boring; uncool.
  • basically #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbeɪsɪk(ə)li/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • In a fundamental, essential or basic manner
          • Eg.They've added some fancy features, but it's basically still a car.
        • Mostly; generally; for the most part
        • (filler) used to refer to the most important or fundamental point the speaker is making; sometimes tending towards a meaningless filler word
          • Eg.I shouldn't have done it, basically.
  • basis #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbeɪsɪs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A physical base or foundation.
        • A starting point, base or foundation for an argument or hypothesis.
        • An underlying condition or circumstance.
        • A regular frequency.
          • Eg.Cars must be checked on a yearly basis.
        • In a vector space, a linearly independent set of vectors spanning the whole vector space.
        • Amount paid for an investment, including commissions and other expenses.
        • A collection of subsets ("basis elements") of a set, such that this collection covers the set, and for any two basis elements which both contain an element of the set, there is a third basis element contained in the intersection of the first two, which also contains that element.
          • Eg.The collection of all possible unions of basis elements of a basis is said to be the topology generated by that basis.
  • basket #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbaːskət/
      • /ˈbɑːskɪt/
      • /ˈbæskɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A lightweight container, generally round, open at the top, and tapering toward the bottom.
          • Eg.A basket of fake fruit adorned the table.
        • A wire or plastic container similar in shape to a basket, used for carrying articles for purchase in a shop.
        • In an online shop, a notional place to store items before ordering them.
        • A circular hoop, from which a net is suspended, which is the goal through which the players try to throw the ball.
          • Eg.The point guard drove toward the basket.
        • The act of putting the ball through the basket, thereby scoring points.
          • Eg.The last-second basket sealed the victory.
        • The game of basketball.
          • Eg.Let's play some basket.
        • A dance movement in some line dances, where men put their arms round the women's lower backs, and the women put their arms over the mens' shoulders, and the group (usually of four, any more is difficult) spins round, which should result in the women's feet leaving the ground.
        • The bulge of the male genitals seen through clothing.
        • In a stage-coach, two outside seats facing each other.
        • A protection for the hand on a sword or a singlestick; a guard of a bladed weapon.
        • (ballooning) The gondola or wicker basket suspended from the balloon, in which the pilot and passengers travel.
        • The bell or vase of the Corinthian capital.
        • Bastard.
          • Eg.Wait till I catch you, you little basket!
      • verb
        • To place in a basket or baskets.
        • To cross-collateralize the royalty advances for multiple works so that the creator is not paid until all of those works have achieved a certain level of success.
  • basketball #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɑːs.kɪt.bɔːl/
      • /ˈbæs.kɪt.bɔːl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A sport in which two opposing teams of five players strive to put a ball through a hoop.
        • The particular kind of ball used in the sport of basketball.
  • bass #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /beɪs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A low spectrum of sound tones.
          • Eg.Peter adjusted the equalizer on his audio equipment to emphasize the bass.
        • A section of musical group that produces low-pitched sound, lower than the baritone and tenor.
          • Eg.The conductor preferred to situate the bass in the middle rear, rather than to one side of the orchestra.
        • One who sings in the bass range.
          • Eg.Halfway through middle school, Edgar morphed from a soprano to a bass, much to the amazement and amusement of his fellow choristers.
        • An instrument that plays in the bass range, in particular a double bass, bass guitar, electric bass or bass synthesiser.
          • Eg.The musician swung the bass over his head like an axe and smashed it into the amplifier, creating a discordant howl of noise.
        • The clef sign that indicates that the pitch of the notes is below middle C; a bass clef.
          • Eg.The score had been written without the treble and bass, but it was easy to pick out which was which based on the location of the notes on the staff.
      • verb
        • To sound in a deep tone.
      • adjective
        • Of sound, a voice or an instrument, low in pitch or frequency.
          • Eg.The giant spoke in a deep, bass, rumbling voice that shook me to my boots.
  • bat #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bæt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Any of the flying mammals of the order Chiroptera, usually small and nocturnal, insectivorous or frugivorous.
        • An old woman.
  • bath #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɐːθ/
      • [bæθ⁓bɛəθ⁓beəθ] audio
      • [baθ⁓bæθ]
      • [bɑːt̪ʰ]
      • [bɑːθ]
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A tub or pool which is used for bathing: bathtub.
        • A building or area where bathing occurs.
        • The act of bathing.
        • A substance or preparation in which something is immersed.
          • Eg.a bath of heated sand, ashes, steam, or hot air
      • verb
        • To wash a person or animal in a bath
      • noun
        • A room containing a shower and/or bathtub, and (typically but not necessarily) a toilet.
        • A lavatory: a room containing a toilet and (typically but not necessarily) a bathtub.
          • Eg.Most Americans don't know 'WC' and many Brits mock 'bathroom' but almost everyone understands 'toilet' or 'lavatory'.
  • bathroom #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbæθ.ɹuːm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A room containing a shower and/or bathtub, and (typically but not necessarily) a toilet.
        • A lavatory: a room containing a toilet and (typically but not necessarily) a bathtub.
          • Eg.Most Americans don't know 'WC' and many Brits mock 'bathroom' but almost everyone understands 'toilet' or 'lavatory'.
  • battery #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbætəɹi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A device used to power electric devices, consisting of a set of electrically connected electrochemical or, archaically, electrostatic cells. A single such cell when used by itself.
        • The infliction of unlawful physical violence on a person, legally distinguished from assault, which includes the threat of impending violence.
        • A coordinated group of artillery weapons.
        • An elevated platform on which cannon could be placed.
        • An array of similar things.
          • Eg.Schoolchildren take a battery of standard tests to measure their progress.
        • A set of small cages where hens are kept for the purpose of farming their eggs.
        • The catcher and the pitcher together
        • Two or more major pieces on the same rank, file, or diagonal
        • A marching percussion ensemble; a drumline.
        • The state of a firearm when it is possible to be fired.
        • Apparatus for preparing or serving meals.
  • battle #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbætəl/
      • /ˈbætl̩/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A contest, a struggle.
          • Eg.the battle of life
        • A general action, fight, or encounter, in which all the divisions of an army are or may be engaged; a combat, an engagement.
        • A division of an army; a battalion.
        • The main body of an army, as distinct from the vanguard and rear; the battalia.
      • verb
        • To join in battle; to contend in fight
          • Eg.Scientists always battle over theories.
        • To fight or struggle; to enter into a battle with.
          • Eg.She has been battling cancer for years.
  • battlefield #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The area where a land battle is or was fought, which is not necessarily a field.
          • Eg.1886 The night of the 16th of May found McPherson's command bivouacked from two to six miles west of the battlefield, along the line of the road to Vicksburg — Ulysses S. Grant, Personal memoirs of U.S. Grant, Chapter 35.
  • bay #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /beɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A berry.
        • Laurus nobilis, a tree or shrub of the family Lauraceae, having dark green leaves and berries.
        • Bay leaf, the leaf of this or certain other species of tree or shrub, used as a herb.
        • (in the plural) The leaves of this shrub, woven into a garland used to reward a champion or victor; hence, fame, victory.
        • A tract covered with bay trees.
        • A kind of mahogany obtained from Campeche in Mexico.
  • beach #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /biːt͡ʃ/ audio
      • /bit͡ʃ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The shore of a body of water, especially when sandy or pebbly.
        • A horizontal strip of land, usually sandy, adjoining water.
        • The loose pebbles of the seashore, especially worn by waves; shingle.
      • verb
        • To run aground on a beach.
        • To run (something) aground on a beach.
        • (of a vehicle) To run into an obstacle or rough or soft ground, so that the floor of the vehicle rests on the ground and the wheels cannot gain traction.
      • noun
        • A gravel-filled zone on a racetrack, used as a hazard, exclusionary region, and, safety device to slow down and trap vehicles.
  • beam #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /biːm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Any large piece of timber or iron long in proportion to its thickness, and prepared for use.
        • One of the principal horizontal timbers of a building; one of the transverse members of a ship's frame on which the decks are laid — supported at the sides by knees in wooden ships and by stringers in steel ones.
        • The maximum width of a vessel (note that a vessel with a beam of 15 foot can also be said to be 15 foot abeam)
          • Eg.This ship has more beam than that one.
        • The crossbar of a mechanical balance, from the ends of which the scales are suspended.
        • The principal stem of the antler of a deer.
        • The pole of a carriage or chariot.
        • A cylinder of wood, making part of a loom, on which weavers wind the warp before weaving and the cylinder on which the cloth is rolled, as it is woven.
        • The straight part or shank of an anchor.
        • The central bar of a plow, to which the handles and colter are secured, and to the end of which are attached the oxen or horses that draw it.
        • In steam engines, a heavy iron lever having an oscillating motion on a central axis, one end of which is connected with the piston rod from which it receives motion, and the other with the crank of the wheel shaft.
        • A ray or collection of approximately parallel rays emitted from the sun or other luminous body.
          • Eg.a beam of energy
        • A ray; a gleam.
          • Eg.a beam of hope, or of comfort
        • One of the long feathers in the wing of a hawk.
        • A horizontal bar which connects the stems of two or more notes to group them and to indicate metric value.
        • An elevated rectangular dirt pile used to cheaply build an elevated portion of a railway.
      • verb
        • To emit beams of light; shine; radiate.
          • beam forth light
        • To smile broadly or especially cheerfully.
        • To furnish or supply with beams
        • To give the appearance of beams to.
        • To transmit matter or information via a high-tech wireless mechanism.
          • Eg.Beam me up, Scotty; there's no intelligent life down here.
        • (currying) To stretch something (for example an animal hide) on a beam.
        • To put (something) on a beam
        • To connect (musical notes) with a beam, or thick line, in music notation.
  • bean #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /biːn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A reusable software component written in Java.
      • noun
        • Any plant of several genera of the taxonomic family Fabaceae that produces large edible seeds or edible seedpods.
        • The large edible seed of such a plant (for example, a broad bean, navy bean or garbanzo bean).
        • The edible seedpod of such a plant.
        • (by extension) The bean-like seed of certain other plants, such a a vanilla bean or (especially) a coffee bean.
        • (by extension) An object resembling a pea or bean in shape, often made from plastic or styrofoam and used in large numbers as packing material or as stuffing for beanbags and similar items.
        • The head or brain.
        • The clitoris.
        • A person.
        • A guinea coin.
        • (usually in the negative) Money.
          • Eg.I haven't got a bean.
      • verb
        • To hit deliberately with a projectile, especially in the head.
          • Eg.The pitcher beaned the batter, rather than letting him hit another home run.
  • bear #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɛə(ɹ)/
      • /bɑɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A large omnivorous mammal, related to the dog and raccoon, having shaggy hair, a very small tail, and flat feet; a member of family Ursidae.
        • A rough, unmannerly, uncouth person.
        • An investor who sells commodities, securities or futures in anticipation of a fall in prices.
        • A state policeman (short for smokey bear).
        • A large, hairy man, especially one who is homosexual.
        • A portable punching machine.
        • A block covered with coarse matting, used to scour the deck.
        • The fifteenth Lenormand card.
        • Something difficult or tiresome; a burden or chore.
          • Eg.That window can be a bear to open.
      • verb
        • To endeavour to depress the price of, or prices in.
          • bear a railroad stock
      • adjective
        • (investments) Characterized by declining prices in securities markets or by belief that the prices will fall.
          • Eg.The great bear market starting in 1929 scared a whole generation of investors.
  • beard #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪəd/
      • /biɚd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Facial hair on the chin, cheeks, jaw and neck.
        • The cluster of small feathers at the base of the beak in some birds.
        • The appendages to the jaw in some cetaceans, and to the mouth or jaws of some fishes.
        • The byssus of certain shellfish.
        • The gills of some bivalves, such as the oyster.
        • In insects, the hairs of the labial palpi of moths and butterflies.
        • Long or stiff hairs on a plant; the awn.
          • Eg.the beard of grain
        • A barb or sharp point of an arrow or other instrument, projecting backward to prevent the head from being easily drawn out.
        • The curved underside of an axehead, extending from the lower end of the cutting edge to the axehandle.
        • That part of the underside of a horse's lower jaw which is above the chin, and bears the curb of a bridle.
        • That part of a type which is between the shoulder of the shank and the face.
        • A fake customer or companion, especially a woman who accompanies a gay man in order to give the impression that he is heterosexual.
      • verb
        • To grow hair on the chin and jaw.
        • To boldly and bravely oppose or confront, often to the chagrin of the one being bearded.
          • Eg.Robin Hood is always shown as bearding the Sheriff of Nottingham.
        • To take by the beard; to seize, pluck, or pull the beard of (a man), in anger or contempt.
        • To deprive (an oyster or similar shellfish) of the gills.
        • Of a gay man or woman: to accompany a gay person of the opposite sex in order to give the impression that they are heterosexual.
  • beast #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /biːst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Any animal other than a human; usually only applied to land vertebrates, especially large or dangerous four-footed ones.
        • (more specific) A domestic animal, especially a bovine farm animal.
        • A person who behaves in a violent, antisocial or uncivilized manner.
        • Anything regarded as larger or more powerful than one of its normal size or strength.
          • Eg.That is a beast of a stadium.
        • Someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physically.
        • (prisons) A sex offender.
        • Something unpleasant and difficult.
        • A thing or matter, especially a difficult or unruly one.
      • verb
        • To impose arduous exercises, either as training or as punishment.
      • adjective
        • (chiefly Midwestern and northeastern US) great; excellent; powerful
  • beat #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /biːt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A stroke; a blow.
        • A pulsation or throb.
          • Eg.a beat of the heart; the beat of the pulse
        • A pulse on the beat level, the metric level at which pulses are heard as the basic unit. Thus a beat is the basic time unit of a piece.
        • A rhythm.
        • The interference between two tones of almost equal frequency
        • (authorship) A short pause in a play, screenplay, or teleplay, for dramatic or comedic effect; a plot point or story development.
        • The route patrolled by a police officer or a guard.
        • (by extension) An area of a person's responsibility, especially
        • An act of reporting news or scientific results before a rival; a scoop.
        • That which beats, or surpasses, another or others.
          • Eg.the beat of him
        • A precinct.
        • A place of habitual or frequent resort.
        • A low cheat or swindler.
          • Eg.a dead beat
        • The instrumental portion of a piece of hip-hop music.
        • The act of scouring, or ranging over, a tract of land to rouse or drive out game; also, those so engaged, collectively.
        • A smart tap on the adversary's blade.
      • verb
        • To hit; strike
          • Eg.As soon as she heard that her father had died, she went into a rage and beat the wall with her fists until her knuckles bled.
        • To strike or pound repeatedly, usually in some sort of rhythm.
          • Eg.He danced hypnotically while she beat the atabaque.
        • To strike repeatedly; to inflict repeated blows; to knock vigorously or loudly.
        • To move with pulsation or throbbing.
        • To win against; to defeat or overcome; to do better than, outdo, or excel (someone) in a particular, competitive event.
          • Eg.I just can't seem to beat the last level of this video game.
        • To sail to windward using a series of alternate tacks across the wind.
        • To strike (water, foliage etc.) in order to drive out game; to travel through (a forest etc.) for hunting.
        • To mix food in a rapid fashion. Compare whip.
          • Eg.Beat the eggs and whip the cream.
        • (In haggling for a price) of a buyer, to persuade the seller to reduce a price
          • Eg.He wanted $50 for it, but I managed to beat him down to $35.
        • To indicate by beating or drumming.
          • beat a retreat; to beat to quarters
        • To tread, as a path.
        • To exercise severely; to perplex; to trouble.
        • To be in agitation or doubt.
        • To make a sound when struck.
          • Eg.The drums beat.
        • To make a succession of strokes on a drum.
          • Eg.The drummers beat to call soldiers to their quarters.
        • To sound with more or less rapid alternations of greater and less intensity, so as to produce a pulsating effect; said of instruments, tones, or vibrations, not perfectly in unison.
        • To arrive at a place before someone.
          • Eg.He beat me there.
        • To have sexual intercourse.
          • Eg.Bruv, she came in just as we started to beat.
        • To rob.
          • Eg.He beat me out of 12 bucks last night.
      • adjective
        • Exhausted
          • Eg.After the long day, she was feeling completely beat.
        • Dilapidated, beat up
          • Eg.Dude, you drive a beat car like that and you ain’t gonna get no honeys.
        • Fabulous
          • Eg.Her makeup was beat!
        • Boring
        • (of a person) ugly
  • beautiful #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbjuːtɪfəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Someone who is beautiful. Can be used as a term of address.
          • Eg.Hey, beautiful!
      • adjective
        • Attractive and possessing beauty.
          • Eg.Anyone who has ever met her thought she was absolutely beautiful.
        • (of the weather) Pleasant; clear.
          • Eg.It's beautiful outside, let's go for a walk.
        • Well executed.
          • Eg.The skater performed a beautiful axel.
  • beauty #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbuːti/
      • /ˈbjuɾi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The quality of being (especially visually) attractive, pleasing, fine or good-looking; comeliness.
          • Eg.1988, "… beauty and recollection, like danger, glamour, greed, hunger- everything but disappointment and desire- were concepts belonging to other people.” -Second Son, Robert Ferro
        • Someone who is beautiful.
          • Eg.Brigitte Bardot was a renowned beauty.
        • Something that is particularly good or pleasing.
          • Eg.What a goal! That was a real beauty!
        • An excellent or egregious example of something.
        • (with the definite article) The excellence or genius of a scheme or decision.
          • Eg.The beauty of the deal is it costs nothing!
        • A beauty quark (now called bottom quark).
        • Beauty treatment; cosmetology.
        • Prevailing style or taste; rage; fashion.
        • (in the plural) Beautiful passages or extracts of poetry.
      • verb
        • To make beautiful.
      • adjective
        • Of high quality, well done.
          • Eg.He made a beauty pass through the neutral zone.
      • interjection
        • Thanks!
        • Cool!
          • Eg.It's the long weekend. Beauty!
  • because #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪˈkɒz/
      • audio
      • /biˈkɔz/
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • For the reason (that).
        • On account (of), for sake (of).
          • Eg.My life is ruined because of you!
        • (by ellipsis) Used alone to refuse to provide a full answer a question begun with "why", usually taken as an anapodoton of the elided full phrase "Because I said so".
      • preposition
        • On account of, because of.
      • conjunction
        • By or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that.
          • Eg.I hid myself because I was afraid.
        • As is known, inferred, or determined from the fact that.
          • Eg.I don't think he is a nice person, because he yells at people for no reason.
        • So that, in order that.
  • become #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bəˈkʊm/
      • /bəˈkʌm/
      • /biˈkʌm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To arrive, come (to a place).
        • To come about; happen; come into being; arise.
          • Eg.It hath becomen so that many a man had to sterve.
        • Begin to be; turn into.
          • Eg.She became a doctor when she was 25.
        • To be proper for; to beseem.
        • Of an adornment, piece of clothing etc.: to look attractive on (someone).
          • Eg.That dress really becomes you.
  • bed #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bed/
      • /bɛd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A piece of furniture, usually flat and soft, on which to rest or sleep.
          • Eg.My cat often sleeps on my bed. I keep a glass of water next to my bed when I sleep.
        • A place, or flat surface or layer, on which something else rests or is laid.
          • Eg.The meats and cheeses lay on a bed of lettuce.
        • (heading) A layer or surface.
      • verb
        • Senses relating to a bed as a place for resting or sleeping.
        • Senses relating to a bed as a place or layer on which something else rests or is laid.
  • bedroom #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɛdɹʊm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping.
          • Eg.Please don't enter my bedroom without knocking.
  • bee #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbiː/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A flying insect, of the clade Anthophila within the hymenopteran superfamily Apoidea, known for its organised societies (though only a minority have them), for collecting pollen and (in some species) producing wax and honey.
  • beef #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /biːf/ audio
      • /bif/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The meat from a cow, bull or other bovine.
          • Eg.I love eating beef.
        • (plural: beefs) A grudge; dislike (of something or someone); lack of faith or trust (in something or someone); a reason for a dislike or grudge. (often + with)
          • Eg.He's got a beef with everyone in the room.
      • verb
        • To complain.
        • To add weight or strength to; to beef up.
        • To fart; break wind.
          • Eg.Ugh, who just beefed in here?
        • To feud or hold a grudge against.
          • Eg.Those two are beefing right now - best you stay out of it for now.
        • To cry
          • Eg.David was beefing last night after Ruth told him off
        • To fail or mess up.
          • Eg.I beefed my presentation hard yesterday.
      • adjective
        • Being a bovine animal that is being raised for its meat.
          • Eg.We bought three beef calves this morning.
        • Producing or known for raising lots of beef.
          • Eg.beef country
        • Consisting of or containing beef as an ingredient.
          • Eg.beef stew
  • beer #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɛə/ audio
      • /bɪə/ audio
      • /bɪɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An alcoholic drink fermented from starch material, commonly barley malt, often with hops or some other substance to impart a bitter flavor.
          • Eg.Beer is brewed all over the world.
        • A fermented extract of the roots and other parts of various plants, as spruce, ginger, sassafras, etc.
        • A solution produced by steeping plant materials in water or another fluid.
        • A glass, bottle, or can of any of the above beverages.
          • Eg.Can I buy you a beer?
        • A variety of the above beverages.
          • Eg.I haven't tried this beer before.
      • verb
        • To give beer to (someone)
  • before #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪˈfɔː/
      • /biˈfɔɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • At an earlier time.
          • Eg.I've never done this before.
        • In advance.
        • At the front end.
      • preposition
        • Earlier than (in time).
          • Eg.I want this done before Monday.
        • In front of in space.
          • Eg.He stood before me.
        • In the presence of.
          • Eg.He performed before the troops in North Africa.
        • Under consideration, judgment, authority of (someone).
          • Eg.The case laid before the panel aroused nothing but ridicule.
        • In store for, in the future of (someone).
        • In front of, according to a formal system of ordering items.
          • Eg.In alphabetical order, "cat" comes before "dog", "canine" before feline".
        • At a higher or greater position than, in a ranking.
          • Eg.An entrepreneur puts market share and profit before quality, an amateur intrinsic qualities before economical considerations.
      • conjunction
        • In advance of the time when.
        • Rather or sooner than.
          • Eg.I'll die before I'll tell you anything about it.
  • beforehand #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪˈfɔːhænd/
      • /bɪˈfɔɹhænd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • In comfortable circumstances as regards property; forehanded.
        • (often followed by with) In a state of anticipation or preoccupation.
      • adverb
        • At an earlier or preceding time.
          • Eg.Will it be possible to have access to the room beforehand so that we can set up chairs?
  • beg #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɛɡ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of begging; an imploring request.
      • verb
        • To request the help of someone, often in the form of money.
          • Eg.He begged on the street corner from passers-by.
        • To plead with someone for help, a favor, etc.; to entreat.
          • Eg.He begged her to go to the prom with him.
        • In the phrase beg the question: to assume.
        • In the phrase beg the question: to raise (a question).
        • To ask to be appointed guardian for, or to ask to have a guardian appointed for.
  • begin #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /biˈɡɪn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Beginning; start.
      • verb
        • To start, to initiate or take the first step into something.
          • Eg.I began playing the piano at the age of five.   Now that everyone is here, we should begin the presentation.
        • To be in the first stage of some situation
          • Eg.The program begins at 9 o'clock on the dot.    I rushed to get to class on time, but the lesson had already begun.
        • To come into existence.
  • beginning #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪˈɡɪn.ɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of doing that which begins anything; commencement of an action, state, or space of time; entrance into being or upon a course; the first act, effort, or state of a succession of acts or states.
        • That which is begun; a rudiment or element.
        • That which begins or originates something; the source or first cause.
          • Eg.What was the beginning of the dispute?
        • The initial portion of some extended thing.
          • Eg.That house is at the beginning of the street.
  • behave #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bəˈheɪv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To conduct (oneself) well, or in a given way.
          • Eg.You need to behave yourself, young lady.
        • To act, conduct oneself in a specific manner; used with an adverbial of manner.
          • Eg.He behaves like a child whenever she's around.
        • To conduct, manage, regulate (something).
        • To act in a polite or proper way.
          • Eg.His mother threatened to spank him if he didn't behave.
  • behaviour #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪˈheɪvjə/
      • /bɪˈheɪvjɚ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The way a living creature behaves or acts.
          • Eg.She can't stop the strange behaviour because she has OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder).
        • The way a device or system operates.
  • behind #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bəˈhaɪnd/ audio
      • /bɪˈhaɪnd/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The rear, back-end
        • Butt, the buttocks, bottom
        • A one-point score.
        • (1800s) The catcher.
        • In the Eton College field game, any of a group of players consisting of two "shorts" (who try to kick the ball over the bully) and a "long" (who defends the goal).
      • adverb
        • At the back part; in the rear.
        • Toward the back part or rear; backward.
          • look behind
        • Overdue, in arrears.
          • Eg.I'm two weeks behind in my schedule.
        • Slow; of a watch or clock.
          • Eg.My watch is four minutes behind.
        • Existing afterwards
          • Eg.He left behind a legacy of death and sorrow.
        • Backward in time or order of succession; past.
        • Behind the scenes in a theatre; backstage.
        • Not yet brought forward, produced, or exhibited to view; out of sight; remaining.
      • preposition
        • At the back of; positioned with something else in front of.
          • Eg.The car is behind the wall.
        • To the back of.
        • After, time- or motion-wise.
        • Responsible for
          • Eg.Who is behind these terrorist attacks?
        • In support of.
          • Eg.The republicans are fully behind their candidate.
        • Left a distance by, in progress or improvement; inferior to.
          • Eg.I'm ranked sixth in the French class, behind five other pupils.
        • As a result or consequence of
  • being #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbiːɪŋ/
      • /ˈbiŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A living creature.
        • The state or fact of existence, consciousness, or life, or something in such a state.
        • That which has actuality (materially or in concept).
        • One's basic nature, or the qualities thereof; essence or personality.
        • An abode; a cottage.
      • conjunction
        • Given that; since.
  • belief #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bəˈliːf/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Mental acceptance of a claim as true.
          • Eg.It's my belief that the thief is somebody known to us.
        • Faith or trust in the reality of something; often based upon one's own reasoning, trust in a claim, desire of actuality, and/or evidence considered.
          • Eg.Based on this data, it is our belief that X does not occur.
        • Something believed.
          • Eg.The ancient people have a belief in many deities.
        • The quality or state of believing.
          • Eg.My belief that it will rain tomorrow is strong.
        • Religious faith.
          • Eg.She often said it was her belief that carried her through the hard times.
        • (in the plural) One's religious or moral convictions.
          • Eg.I don't want to do a no-fault divorce on my husband and steal from him under color of law. It's against my beliefs.
  • believe #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪˈliːv/
      • /bi-/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To accept as true, particularly without absolute certainty (i.e., as opposed to knowing)
          • Eg.I believe there are faeries.
        • To accept that someone is telling the truth.
          • Eg.Why did I ever believe you?
        • To have religious faith; to believe in a greater truth.
          • Eg.After that night in the church, I believed.
        • To opine, think, reckon
  • bell #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɛl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A percussive instrument made of metal or other hard material, typically but not always in the shape of an inverted cup with a flared rim, which resonates when struck.
        • The sounding of a bell as a signal.
        • A telephone call.
          • Eg.I’ll give you a bell later.
        • A signal at a school that tells the students when a class is starting or ending.
        • The flared end of a brass or woodwind instrument.
        • Any of a series of strokes on a bell (or similar), struck every half hour to indicate the time (within a four hour watch)
        • The flared end of a pipe, designed to mate with a narrow spigot.
        • A device control code that produces a beep (or rings a small electromechanical bell on older teleprinters etc.).
        • Anything shaped like a bell, such as the cup or corolla of a flower.
        • The part of the capital of a column included between the abacus and neck molding; also used for the naked core of nearly cylindrical shape, assumed to exist within the leafage of a capital.
        • An instrument situated on a bicycle's handlebar, used by the cyclist to warn of his or her presence.
      • verb
        • To attach a bell to.
          • Eg.Who will bell the cat?
        • To shape so that it flares out like a bell.
          • bell a tube
        • To telephone.
        • To develop bells or corollas; to take the form of a bell; to blossom.
          • Eg.Hops bell.
  • belong #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪˈlɒŋ/
      • /bɪˈlɔŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To have its proper place.
          • Eg.Where does this document belong?
        • (followed by to) To be part of, or the property of.
          • Eg.That house belongs to me.
        • (followed by to) To be the spouse or partner of.
        • (followed by to) To be an element of (a set). The symbol \in means belongs to.
          • Eg.Suppose x belongs to \mathbb{R}... (— written: x \in \mathbb{R})
        • To be deserved by.
  • beloved #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To please.
        • To be pleased with; like.
        • To love.
      • noun
        • Someone who is loved; something that is loved.
      • adjective
        • Much loved, dearly loved.
  • below #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪˈləʊ/
      • /bəˈloʊ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • In a lower place.
        • On a lower storey.
        • Further down.
        • On a lower deck.
          • Eg.the landlubbers lying down below
        • (of a temperature) Below zero.
      • preposition
        • Lower in spatial position than.
          • Eg.The treasure is buried two meters below the surface.
        • Within the writing of a given document which follows a particular appearance of the word "below".
          • Eg."By their execution hereof, the Parties incur a legal obligation to pass consideration under this Loan Contract as is set forth below."
        • Lower in value, price, rank or concentration than.
          • Eg.The temperature is below zero.
        • Downstream of.
        • South of.
        • Unsuitable to the rank or dignity of; beneath.
          • Eg.Such petty behavior is below me.
        • (stage directions) Downstage of.
  • belt #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɛlt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A band worn around the waist to hold clothing to one's body (usually pants), hold weapons (such as a gun or sword), or serve as a decorative piece of clothing.
          • Eg.As part of the act, the fat clown's belt broke, causing his pants to fall down.
        • A band used as a restraint for safety purposes, such as a seat belt.
          • Eg.Keep your belt fastened; this is going to be quite a bumpy ride.
        • A band that is used in a machine to help transfer motion or power.
          • Eg.The motor had a single belt that snaked its way back and forth around a variety of wheels.
        • Anything that resembles a belt, or that encircles or crosses like a belt; a strip or stripe.
          • Eg.a belt of trees; a belt of sand
        • A trophy in the shape of a belt, generally awarded for martial arts.
          • Eg.the heavyweight belt
        • A collection of rocky-constituted bodies (such as asteroids) which orbit a star.
        • One of certain girdles or zones on the surface of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, supposed to be of the nature of clouds.
        • A powerful blow, often made with a fist or heavy object.
          • Eg.After the bouncer gave him a solid belt to the gut, Simon had suddenly had enough of barfighting.
        • A quick drink of liquor.
          • Eg.Care to join me in a belt of scotch?
        • (usually capitalized) A geographical region known for a particular product, feature or demographic (Corn Belt, Bible Belt, Black Belt, Green Belt).
        • The part of the strike zone at the height of the batter's waist.
          • Eg.That umpire called that pitch a strike at the belt.
        • Device that holds and feeds cartridges into a belt-fed weapon
      • verb
        • To encircle.
          • Eg.The small town was belted by cornfields in all directions.
        • To fasten a belt on.
          • Eg.Edgar belted himself in and turned the car's ignition.
        • To invest (a person) with a belt as part of a formal ceremony such as knighthood.
        • To hit with a belt.
          • Eg.The child was misbehaving so he was belted as punishment.
        • To scream or sing in a loud manner.
          • Eg.He belted out the national anthem.
        • To drink quickly, often in gulps.
          • Eg.He belted down a shot of whisky.
        • To hit someone or something.
          • Eg.The angry player belted the official across the face, and as a result was ejected from the game.
        • To hit a pitched ball a long distance, usually for a home run.
          • Eg.He belted that pitch over the grandstand.
        • To move very fast
          • Eg.He was really belting along.
  • bench #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /bɛntʃ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A long seat with or without a back, found for example in parks and schools.
          • Eg.They sat on a park bench and tossed bread crumbs to the ducks and pigeons.
        • The people who decide on the verdict; the judiciary.
          • Eg.They are awaiting a decision on the motion from the bench.
        • The place where the judges sit.
          • Eg.She sat on the bench for 30 years before she retired.
        • The dignity of holding an official seat.
          • Eg.the bench of bishops
        • The place where players (substitutes) and coaches sit when not playing.
          • Eg.He spent the first three games on the bench, watching.
        • The number of players on a team able to participate, expressed in terms of length.
          • Eg.Injuries have shortened the bench.
        • A place where assembly or hand work is performed; a workbench.
          • Eg.She placed the workpiece on the bench, inspected it closely, and opened the cover.
        • A horizontal padded surface, usually adjustable in height and inclination and often with attached weight rack, used for proper posture during exercise.
        • A bracket used to mount land surveying equipment onto a stone or a wall.
          • Eg.After removing the bench, we can use the mark left on the wall as a reference point.
        • A flat ledge in the slope of an earthwork, work of masonry, or similar.
        • A thin strip of relatively flat land bounded by steeper slopes above and below.
        • A kitchen surface on which to prepare food, a counter.
        • A bathroom surface which holds the washbasin, a vanity.
        • A collection or group of dogs exhibited to the public, traditionally on benches or raised platforms.
      • verb
        • To remove a player from play.
          • Eg.They benched him for the rest of the game because they thought he was injured.
        • To remove someone from a position of responsibility temporarily.
        • To push a person backward against a conspirator behind them who is on their hands and knees, causing them to fall over.
        • To furnish with benches.
        • To place on a bench or seat of honour.
  • benchmark #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A standard by which something is evaluated or measured.
        • A surveyor's mark made on some stationary object and shown on a map; used as a reference point.
        • A computer program that is executed to assess the performance of the runtime environment.
      • verb
        • To measure the performance or quality of (an item) relative to another similar item in an impartial scientific manner.
  • bend #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɛnd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A curve.
          • Eg.There's a sharp bend in the road ahead.
        • Any of the various knots which join the ends of two lines.
        • (in the plural, underwater diving, with the) A severe condition caused by excessively quick decompression, causing bubbles of nitrogen to form in the blood; decompression sickness.
          • Eg.A diver who stays deep for too long must ascend very slowly in order to prevent the bends.
        • One of the honourable ordinaries formed by two diagonal lines drawn from the dexter chief to the sinister base; it generally occupies a fifth part of the shield if uncharged, but if charged one third.
        • Turn; purpose; inclination; ends.
        • In the leather trade, the best quality of sole leather; a butt; sometimes, half a butt cut lengthwise.
        • Hard, indurated clay; bind.
        • (in the plural) The thickest and strongest planks in a ship's sides, more generally called wales, which have the beams, knees, and futtocks bolted to them.
        • (in the plural) The frames or ribs that form the ship's body from the keel to the top of the sides.
          • Eg.the midship bends
        • A glissando, or glide between one pitch and another.
      • verb
        • To cause (something) to change its shape into a curve, by physical force, chemical action, or any other means.
          • Eg.Don’t bend your knees.
        • To become curved.
          • Eg.Look at the trees bending in the wind.
        • To cause to change direction.
        • To change direction.
          • Eg.The road bends to the right
        • To be inclined; to direct itself.
        • (usually with "down") To stoop.
          • Eg.He bent down to pick up the pieces.
        • To bow in prayer, or in token of submission.
        • To force to submit.
          • Eg.They bent me to their will.
        • To submit.
          • Eg.I am bending to my desire to eat junk food.
        • To apply to a task or purpose.
          • Eg.He bent the company's resources to gaining market share.
        • To apply oneself to a task or purpose.
          • Eg.He bent to the goal of gaining market share.
        • To adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary.
        • To tie, as in securing a line to a cleat; to shackle a chain to an anchor; make fast.
          • Eg.Bend the sail to the yard.
        • To smoothly change the pitch of a note.
          • Eg.You should bend the G slightly sharp in the next measure.
        • To swing the body when rowing.
  • beneath #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪˈniːθ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • Below or underneath.
      • preposition
        • Below.
        • In a position that is lower in rank, dignity, etc.
        • Covered up or concealed by something.
  • beneficial #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something that is beneficial.
      • adjective
        • Helpful or good to something or someone.
          • Eg.Recycling and reusing garbage can be beneficial to the environment.
        • Relating to a benefice.
  • beneficiary #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ˌbɛn.əˈfɪʃ.əɹ.i/
      • /bɛn.əˈfɪʃ.iˌɚ.i/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One who benefits or receives an advantage.
          • Eg.You are the lucky beneficiary of this special offer.
        • One who benefits from the distribution, especially of an estate.
          • Eg.If any beneficiary does not survive the Settlor for a period of 30 days then the Trustee shall distribute that beneficiary’s share to the surviving beneficiaries by right of representation.
        • One who benefits from the payout of an insurance policy.
      • adjective
        • Holding some office or valuable possession, in subordination to another; holding under a feudal or other superior; having a dependent and secondary possession.
        • Bestowed as a gratuity.
          • Eg.beneficiary gifts
  • benefit #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɛn.ɪ.fɪt/
      • /ˈbɛn.ə.fɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An advantage; help or aid from something.
          • Eg.It was for her benefit.   His benefit was free beer.
        • A payment made in accordance with an insurance policy or a public assistance scheme.
        • An event such as a performance, given to raise funds for some cause.
        • Beneficence; liberality
      • verb
        • To be or to provide a benefit to.
        • To receive a benefit (from); to be a beneficiary.
  • bent #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɛnt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To cause (something) to change its shape into a curve, by physical force, chemical action, or any other means.
          • Eg.Don’t bend your knees.
        • To become curved.
          • Eg.Look at the trees bending in the wind.
        • To cause to change direction.
        • To change direction.
          • Eg.The road bends to the right
        • To be inclined; to direct itself.
        • (usually with "down") To stoop.
          • Eg.He bent down to pick up the pieces.
        • To bow in prayer, or in token of submission.
        • To force to submit.
          • Eg.They bent me to their will.
        • To submit.
          • Eg.I am bending to my desire to eat junk food.
        • To apply to a task or purpose.
          • Eg.He bent the company's resources to gaining market share.
        • To apply oneself to a task or purpose.
          • Eg.He bent to the goal of gaining market share.
        • To adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary.
        • To tie, as in securing a line to a cleat; to shackle a chain to an anchor; make fast.
          • Eg.Bend the sail to the yard.
        • To smoothly change the pitch of a note.
          • Eg.You should bend the G slightly sharp in the next measure.
        • To swing the body when rowing.
      • noun
        • An inclination or talent.
          • Eg.He had a natural bent for painting.
        • A predisposition to act or react in a particular way.
          • Eg.His mind was of a technical bent.
        • The state of being curved, crooked, or inclined from a straight line; flexure; curvity.
          • Eg.the bent of a bow
        • A declivity or slope, as of a hill.
        • Particular direction or tendency; flexion; course.
        • A transverse frame of a framed structure; a subunit of framing.
        • Tension; force of acting; energy; impetus.
      • adjective
        • (Of something that is usually straight) folded, dented
        • Corrupt, dishonest
        • Homosexual.
        • Determined or insistent.
          • Eg.He was bent on going to Texas, but not even he could say why.
        • (Of a person) leading a life of crime.
        • Inaccurately aimed
          • Eg.That shot was so bent it left the pitch.
        • Suffering from the bends
        • High from both marijuana and alcohol.
          • Eg.Man, I am so bent right now!
  • beside #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪˈsaɪd/
      • /biˈsaɪd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • Otherwise; else.
      • preposition
        • Next to; at the side of.
          • Eg.A small table beside the bed
        • Not relevant to.
          • Eg.That is beside the point
        • Besides; in addition to.
  • besides #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /biˈsaɪdz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • Also; in addition.
        • Used to emphasize an additional point, especially an important or stronger reason; Moreover; furthermore.
          • Eg.I don't feel like going out tonight. Besides, I have to work tomorrow morning anyway.
        • Otherwise; else.
          • Eg.I have been to Spain but nowhere besides.
        • On one side.
      • preposition
        • In addition, in addition to.
        • Other than; except for; instead of.
          • Eg.I don't want to go anywhere besides India.
        • Beside.
  • best #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɛst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The supreme effort one can make, or has made.
          • Eg.I did my best.
        • One's best behavior.
          • Eg.I was somewhat distant lately, and my lady promised me head every Tuesday of the week when I'm nice to her, so I better be on my best.
        • The person (or persons; or thing or things) that is (are) most excellent.
      • verb
        • To surpass in skill or achievement.
        • To beat in a contest
      • adjective
        • Most; largest.
          • Eg.Unpacking took the best part of a week.
        • Most superior; most favorable.
          • Eg.In my opinion, mushrooms are the best pizza toppings.
      • adjective
        • (of people)
        • (of capabilities)
        • (properties and qualities)
        • (when with and) Very, extremely. See good and.
          • Eg.The soup is good and hot.
        • Holy (especially when capitalized) .
          • Eg.Good Friday
        • (of quantities)
      • adverb
        • (manner) Accurately, competently, satisfactorily.
          • Eg.He does his job well.
        • (manner) Completely, fully.
          • Eg.We’re well beat now.
        • (degree) To a significant degree.
          • Eg.That author is well known.
        • (degree) Very (as a general-purpose intensifier).
        • In a desirable manner; so as one could wish; satisfactorily; favourably; advantageously.
  • bet #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɛt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A wager, an agreement between two parties that a stake (usually money) will be paid by the loser to the winner (the winner being the one who correctly forecast the outcome of an event).
          • Eg.Dylan owes Fletcher $30 from an unsuccessful bet.
        • A degree of certainty.
          • Eg.It’s a safe bet that it will rain tomorrow.
      • verb
        • To stake or pledge upon the outcome of an event; to wager.
        • To be sure of something; to be able to count on something.
          • Eg.Fancy going for a drink after work? You bet I do!
        • To place money into the pot in order to require others do the same, usually only used for the first person to place money in the pot on each round.
      • interjection
        • Expression of general agreement or acceptance.
        • Exclamation indicating acceptance of a challenge or an absurd proposal.
        • Exclamation of joy at good fortune.
  • betray #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bəˈtɹeɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To deliver into the hands of an enemy by treachery or fraud, in violation of trust; to give up treacherously or faithlessly.
          • officer betrayed the city
        • To prove faithless or treacherous to, as to a trust or one who trusts; to be false to; to deceive.
          • Eg.My eyes have been betraying me since I turned sixty.
        • To violate the confidence of, by disclosing a secret, or that which one is bound in honor not to make known.
        • To disclose or indicate, for example something which prudence would conceal; to reveal unintentionally.
          • Eg.Though he had lived in England for many years, a faint accent betrayed his Swedish origin.
        • To mislead; to expose to inconvenience not foreseen; to lead into error or sin.
        • To lead astray; to seduce (as under promise of marriage) and then abandon.
  • better #card
    • Phonetics:
      • [ˈbeɾə]
      • [ˈbɛɾɚ] audio
      • [ˈbɛtʰɚˈbɛθ̠ɚˈbɛt̪ɚ]
      • [ˈbɛʔɚ~ˈbɛʔəɾ]
      • [ˈbɛtʰə]
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An entity, usually animate, deemed superior to another; one who has a claim to precedence; a superior.
          • Eg.He quickly found Ali his better in the ring.
      • adjective
        • Greater in amount or quantity
      • adjective
        • (of people)
        • (of capabilities)
        • (properties and qualities)
        • (when with and) Very, extremely. See good and.
          • Eg.The soup is good and hot.
        • Holy (especially when capitalized) .
          • Eg.Good Friday
        • (of quantities)
      • adjective
        • In good health.
          • Eg.I had been sick, but now I'm well.
        • Good, content.
          • Eg.“How are you?” — “I'm well, thank you!”
        • Prudent; good; well-advised.
      • adverb
        • (manner) Accurately, competently, satisfactorily.
          • Eg.He does his job well.
        • (manner) Completely, fully.
          • Eg.We’re well beat now.
        • (degree) To a significant degree.
          • Eg.That author is well known.
        • (degree) Very (as a general-purpose intensifier).
        • In a desirable manner; so as one could wish; satisfactorily; favourably; advantageously.
  • between #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪˈtwiːn/
      • /bəˈtwin/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A kind of needle, shorter than a sharp, with a small rounded eye, used for making fine stitches on heavy fabrics.
      • preposition
        • In the position or interval that separates (two things), or intermediate in quantity or degree. (See Usage notes below.)
          • Eg.I want to buy one that costs somewhere between forty and fifty dollars.
        • Done together or reciprocally.
          • Eg.conversation between friends
        • Shared in confidence.
          • Eg.Between you and me, I think the boss is crazy.  Let's keep this between ourselves.
        • In transit from (one to the other, or connecting places).
          • Eg.He's between jobs right now.  The shuttle runs between the town and the airport.
        • Combined (by effort or ownership).
          • Eg.Between the leaky taps and the peeling wallpaper, there isn't much about this house to appeal to a buyer.
        • One of (representing a choice).
          • Eg.Some colour-blind people can't distinguish between red and green.
  • beyond #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /biˈjɒnd/
      • /biˈjɑnd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The unknown.
        • The hereafter.
        • Something that is far beyond.
      • adverb
        • Farther along or away.
        • In addition; more.
        • Extremely, more than
          • Eg.2017 July 13, Joseph Gamp "Marvel release stirring new set images of Black Panther and we are BEYOND excited" Metro (UK)
      • preposition
        • Further away than.
          • Eg.She had no reason for the conviction beyond the very inadequate one that she had seen him around London.
        • On the far side of.
          • Eg.No swimming beyond this point.
        • Later than; after.
        • Greater than; so as to exceed or surpass.
          • Eg.Your staff went beyond my expectations in refunding my parking ticket.
        • In addition to.
        • Past, or out of reach of.
          • Eg.The patient was beyond medical help.
        • Not within the comprehension of.
          • Eg.He understood geometry well, but algebraic topology was beyond him.
  • bias #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbaɪəs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, predilection.
        • The diagonal line between warp and weft in a woven fabric.
        • A wedge-shaped piece of cloth taken out of a garment (such as the waist of a dress) to diminish its circumference.
        • A voltage or current applied to an electronic device, such as a transistor electrode, to move its operating point to a desired part of its transfer function.
        • The difference between the expectation of the sample estimator and the true population value, which reduces the representativeness of the estimator by systematically distorting it.
        • In the games of crown green bowls and lawn bowls: a weight added to one side of a bowl so that as it rolls, it will follow a curved rather than a straight path; the oblique line followed by such a bowl; the lopsided shape or structure of such a bowl. In lawn bowls, the curved course is caused only by the shape of the bowl. The use of weights is prohibited.
        • A person's favourite member of a K-pop band.
      • verb
        • To place bias upon; to influence.
          • Eg.Our prejudices bias our views.
      • adjective
        • Inclined to one side; swelled on one side.
        • Cut slanting or diagonally, as cloth.
      • adverb
        • In a slanting manner; crosswise; obliquely; diagonally.
          • cut cloth bias
  • bicycle #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbaɪsɪkl̩/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A vehicle that has two wheels, one behind the other, a steering handle, and a saddle seat or seats and is usually propelled by the action of a rider’s feet upon pedals.
        • A traveling block used on a cable in skidding logs.
        • The best possible hand in lowball.
        • A motorbike.
        • (usually in compounds specifying a context) a slut; a promiscuous woman
      • verb
        • To travel or exercise using a bicycle.
  • bid #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To issue a command; to tell.
          • Eg.He bade me come in.
        • To invite; to summon.
          • Eg.She was bidden to the wedding.
        • To utter a greeting or salutation.
      • verb
        • To make an offer to pay or accept a certain price.
          • Eg.Have you ever bid in an auction?
        • To offer as a price.
          • Eg.She bid £2000 for the Persian carpet.
        • To make an attempt.
          • Eg.He was bidding for the chance to coach his team to victory once again.
        • To announce (one's goal), before starting play.
        • To proclaim (a bede, prayer); to pray.
  • big #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪɡ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Someone or something that is large in stature
        • An important or powerful person; a celebrity; a big name.
        • (as plural) The big leagues, big time.
        • (BDSM) The participant in ageplay who acts out the older role.
      • verb
        • To praise, recommend, or promote.
      • adjective
        • Of great size, large.
          • Eg.Elephants are big animals, and they eat a lot.
        • (of an industry or other field, often capitalized) Thought to have undue influence.
          • Eg.Big Tech
        • Popular.
          • Eg.That style is very big right now in Europe, especially among teenagers.
        • Adult.
          • Eg.Kids should get help from big people if they want to use the kitchen.
        • Fat.
          • Eg.Gosh, she is big!
        • Important or significant.
          • Eg.What's so big about that? I do it all the time.
        • (with on) Enthusiastic (about).
          • Eg.I'm not big on the idea, but if you want to go ahead with it, I won't stop you.
        • Mature, conscientious, principled; generous.
          • Eg.I tried to be the bigger person and just let it go, but I couldn't help myself.
        • Well-endowed, possessing large breasts in the case of a woman or a large penis in the case of a man.
          • Eg.Whoa, Nadia has gotten pretty big since she hit puberty.
        • (sometimes figurative) Large with young; pregnant; swelling; ready to give birth or produce.
          • Eg.She was big with child.
        • Used as an intensifier, especially of negative-valence nouns
          • Eg.You are a big liar.  Why are you in such a big hurry?
        • (of a city) populous
        • (of somebody's age) old, mature. Used to imply that somebody is too old for something, or acting immaturely.
      • adverb
        • In a loud manner.
        • In a boasting manner.
          • Eg.He's always talking big, but he never delivers.
        • In a large amount or to a large extent.
          • Eg.He won big betting on the croquet championship.
        • On a large scale, expansively.
          • Eg.You've got to think big to succeed at Amalgamated Plumbing.
        • Hard.
          • Eg.He hit him big and the guy just crumpled.
  • bike #card
    • Phonetics:
      • [bɐɪk] audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A vehicle that has two wheels, one behind the other, a steering handle, and a saddle seat or seats and is usually propelled by the action of a rider’s feet upon pedals.
        • A traveling block used on a cable in skidding logs.
        • The best possible hand in lowball.
        • A motorbike.
        • (usually in compounds specifying a context) a slut; a promiscuous woman
      • verb
        • To ride a bike.
          • Eg.I biked so much yesterday that I'm very sore today.
        • To travel by bike.
          • Eg.It was such a nice day I decided to bike to the store, though it's far enough I usually take my car.
        • To transport by bicycle
      • noun
        • A motorcycle.
        • A small and light motorcycle.
      • noun
        • A local woman who is sexually promiscuous.
  • bill #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Any of various bladed or pointed hand weapons, originally designating an Anglo-Saxon sword, and later a weapon of infantry, especially in the 14th and 15th centuries, commonly consisting of a broad, heavy, double-edged, hook-shaped blade, with a short pike at the back and another at the top, attached to the end of a long staff.
        • A cutting instrument, with hook-shaped point, and fitted with a handle, used in pruning, etc.; a billhook.
        • Somebody armed with a bill; a billman.
        • A pickaxe, or mattock.
        • The extremity of the arm of an anchor; the point of or beyond the fluke (also called the peak).
      • verb
        • To dig, chop, etc., with a bill.
  • billion #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɪljən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (modern British & Australian, short scale) a thousand million (logic: 1,000 × 1,000^2): 1 followed by nine zeros, 109; a milliard
        • (British & Australian, long scale) A million million (logic: 1,000,000^2): a 1 followed by twelve zeros; 1012
        • An unspecified very large number.
          • Eg.There were billions of people at the concert.
  • bin #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪn/
      • /bin/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A box, frame, crib, or enclosed place, used as a storage container.
          • Eg.a corn bin; a wine bin; a coal bin
        • A container for rubbish or waste.
          • Eg.a rubbish bin; a wastepaper bin; an ashes bin
        • Any of the discrete intervals in a histogram, etc
      • verb
        • To dispose of (something) by putting it into a bin, or as if putting it into a bin.
        • To throw away, reject, give up.
        • To convert continuous data into discrete groups.
        • To place into a bin for storage.
          • bin wine
  • bind #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /baɪnd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • That which binds or ties.
        • A troublesome situation; a problem; a predicament or quandary.
        • Any twining or climbing plant or stem, especially a hop vine; a bine.
        • A ligature or tie for grouping notes.
        • A strong grip or stranglehold on a position that is difficult for the opponent to break.
          • Eg.the Maróczy Bind
        • The indurated clay of coal mines.
      • verb
        • To tie; to confine by any ligature.
        • To cohere or stick together in a mass.
          • Eg.Just to make the cheese more binding
        • To be restrained from motion, or from customary or natural action, as by friction.
          • Eg.I wish I knew why the sewing machine binds up after I use it for a while.
        • To exert a binding or restraining influence.
          • Eg.These are the ties that bind.
        • To tie or fasten tightly together, with a cord, band, ligature, chain, etc.
          • bind grain in bundles  to bind a prisoner
        • To confine, restrain, or hold by physical force or influence of any kind.
          • Eg.Frost binds the earth.
        • To couple.
        • To oblige, restrain, or hold, by authority, law, duty, promise, vow, affection, or other social tie.
          • bind the conscience  to bind by kindness  bound by affection  commerce binds nations to each other
        • To put (a person) under definite legal obligations, especially, under the obligation of a bond or covenant.
        • To place under legal obligation to serve.
          • bind an apprentice  bound out to service
        • To protect or strengthen by applying a band or binding, as the edge of a carpet or garment.
        • To make fast (a thing) about or upon something, as by tying; to encircle with something.
          • bind a belt about one  to bind a compress upon a wound
        • To cover, as with a bandage.
          • bind up a wound
        • To prevent or restrain from customary or natural action, as by producing constipation.
          • Eg.Certain drugs bind the bowels.
        • To put together in a cover, as of books.
          • Eg.The three novels were bound together.
        • To make two or more elements stick together.
        • To associate an identifier with a value; to associate a variable name, method name, etc. with the content of a storage location.
        • To complain; to whine about something.
  • biography #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /baɪˈɒɡɹəfi/
      • /baɪˈɑːɡɹəfi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person's life story, especially one published.
          • Eg.There are many biographies of Benjamin Franklin.
        • The art of writing this kind of story.
      • verb
        • To write a biography of.
  • biological #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌbaɪə(ʊ)ˈlɒdʒɪkəl/
      • /ˌbaɪəˈlɑdʒɪkəl/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A biological product.
      • adjective
        • Of or relating to biology.
        • Related by consanguinity, especially as to parents and children.
        • (an error in NNES) Organic (grown without agrochemicals).
  • biology #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /baɪˈɒlədʒɪ/
      • /baɪˈɑlədʒi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The study of all life or living matter.
        • The living organisms of a particular region.
        • The structure, function, and behavior of an organism or type of organism.
          • Eg.the biology of the whale
  • bird #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɜd/
      • /bɜːd/
      • /bɝd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A member of the class of animals Aves in the phylum Chordata, characterized by being warm-blooded, having feathers and wings usually capable of flight, and laying eggs.
          • Eg.Ducks and sparrows are birds.
        • A man, fellow.
        • A girl or woman, especially one considered sexually attractive.
        • Girlfriend.
          • Eg.Mike went out with his bird last night.
        • An airplane.
        • A satellite.
        • A chicken; the young of a fowl; a young eaglet; a nestling.
      • verb
        • To observe or identify wild birds in their natural environment.
        • To catch or shoot birds.
        • To seek for game or plunder; to thieve.
  • birth #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɜːθ/
      • /bɝθ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The process of childbearing; the beginning of life.
        • An instance of childbirth.
          • Eg.Intersex babies account for roughly one per cent of all births.
        • A beginning or start; a point of origin.
          • Eg.the birth of an empire
        • The circumstances of one's background, ancestry, or upbringing.
          • Eg.He was of noble birth, but fortune had not favored him.
        • That which is born.
      • verb
        • To bear or give birth to (a child).
        • To produce, give rise to.
      • adjective
        • A familial relationship established by childbirth.
          • Eg.Her birth father left when she was a baby; she was raised by her mother and stepfather.
  • birthday #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɜːθ.deɪ/ audio
      • /ˈbɝθˌdeɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The anniversary of the day on which someone is born.
        • The anniversary of the day on which something is created.
        • The date on which someone is born or something is created, more commonly called birthdate or date of birth.
      • verb
        • To celebrate one's birthday.
  • biscuit #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɪskɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (rare in the US) A small, flat, baked good which is either hard and crisp or else soft but firm: a cookie.
        • A small, usually soft and flaky bread, generally made with baking soda, which is similar in texture to a scone but which is usually not sweet.
        • A cracker.
          • Eg.cheese and biscuits
        • The "bread" formerly supplied to naval ships, which was made with very little water, kneaded into flat cakes and slowly baked, and which often became infested with weevils.
        • A form of unglazed earthenware.
        • A light brown colour.
        • A thin oval wafer of wood or other material inserted into mating slots on pieces of material to be joined to provide gluing surface and strength in shear.
        • A plastic card bearing the codes for authorizing a nuclear attack.
        • (hiphop) A handgun, especially a revolver.
        • (shuffleboard) A puck (hockey puck).
  • bishop #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɪʃəp/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An overseer of congregations: either any such overseer, generally speaking, or (in Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Anglicanism, etc.) an official in the church hierarchy (actively or nominally) governing a diocese, supervising the church's priests, deacons, and property in its territory.
        • The holder of the Greek or Roman position of episcopus, supervisor over the public dole of grain, etc.
        • Any watchman, inspector, or overlooker.
        • A chief of the Festival of Fools or St. Nicholas Day.
        • The chess piece denoted ♗ or ♝ which moves along diagonal lines and developed from the shatranj alfil ("elephant") and was originally known as the aufil or archer in English.
        • Any of various African birds of the genus Euplectes; a kind of weaverbird closely related to the widowbirds.
        • A ladybug or ladybird, beetles of the family Coccinellidae.
        • A sweet drink made from wine, usually with oranges, lemons, and sugar; mulled and spiced port.
        • A bustle.
        • A children's smock or pinafore.
      • verb
        • To act as a bishop, to perform the duties of a bishop, especially to confirm another's membership in the church.
        • To make a bishop.
        • To provide with bishops.
        • To permit food (especially milk) to burn while cooking (from bishops' role in the inquisition or as mentioned in the quotation below, of horses).
        • (by extension, of horses) To make a horse seem younger, particularly by manipulation of its teeth.
  • bit #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A piece of metal placed in a horse's mouth and connected to the reins to direct the animal.
          • Eg.A horse hates having a bit put in its mouth.
        • A rotary cutting tool fitted to a drill, used to bore holes.
        • A coin of a specified value.
          • Eg.a threepenny bit
        • A ten-cent piece, dime.
        • A unit of currency or coin in the Americas worth a fraction of a Spanish dollar; now specifically, an eighth of a US dollar.
          • Eg.A quarter is two bits.
        • In the southern and southwestern states, a small silver coin (such as the real) formerly current; commonly, one worth about 12½ cents; also, the sum of 12½ cents.
        • A small amount of something.
          • Eg.There were bits of paper all over the floor.   Does your leg still hurt? / Just a bit now.   I've done my bit; I expect you to do yours.
        • Specifically, a small amount of time.
          • Eg.I'll be there in a bit; I need to take care of something first.   He was here just a bit ago, but it looks like he's stepped out.
        • (plural) Fractions of a second.
          • Eg.The 400 metres race was won in 47 seconds and bits.
        • A portion of something.
          • Eg.I'd like a big bit of cake, please.
        • Somewhat; something, but not very great; also used like jot and whit to express the smallest degree. See also a bit.
          • Eg.Am I bored? Not a bit of it!
        • A prison sentence, especially a short one.
        • An excerpt of material making up part of a show, comedy routine, etc.
          • Eg.His bit about video games was not nearly as entertaining as the other segments of his show.
        • A small part or role, sometimes with spoken lines, in a theatrical performance.
          • Eg.She acted her bit in the opening scene.
        • The part of a key which enters the lock and acts upon the bolt and tumblers.
        • The cutting iron of a plane.
        • The bevelled front edge of an axehead along which the cutting edge runs.
      • verb
        • To put a bridle upon; to put the bit in the mouth of (a horse).
  • bite #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bʌɪt/
      • /baɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of biting.
        • The wound left behind after having been bitten.
          • Eg.That snake bite really hurts!
        • The swelling of one's skin caused by an insect's mouthparts or sting.
          • Eg.After just one night in the jungle I was covered with mosquito bites.
        • A piece of food of a size that would be produced by biting; a mouthful.
          • Eg.There were only a few bites left on the plate.
        • Something unpleasant.
          • Eg.That's really a bite!
        • An act of plagiarism.
          • Eg.That song is a bite of my song!
        • A small meal or snack.
          • Eg.I'll have a quick bite to quiet my stomach until dinner.
        • Aggression
        • The hold which the short end of a lever has upon the thing to be lifted, or the hold which one part of a machine has upon another.
        • A cheat; a trick; a fraud.
        • A sharper; one who cheats.
        • A blank on the edge or corner of a page, owing to a portion of the frisket, or something else, intervening between the type and paper.
        • A cut, a proportion of profits; an amount of money.
      • verb
        • To cut into something by clamping the teeth.
          • Eg.As soon as you bite that sandwich, you'll know how good it is.
        • To hold something by clamping one's teeth.
        • To attack with the teeth.
          • Eg.That dog is about to bite!
        • To behave aggressively; to reject advances.
          • Eg.If you see me, come and say hello. I don't bite.
        • To take hold; to establish firm contact with.
          • Eg.I needed snow chains to make the tires bite.
        • To have significant effect, often negative.
          • Eg.For homeowners with adjustable rate mortgages, rising interest will really bite.
        • (of a fish) To bite a baited hook or other lure and thus be caught.
          • Eg.Are the fish biting today?
        • To accept something offered, often secretly or deceptively, to cause some action by the acceptor.
          • Eg.I've planted the story. Do you think they'll bite?
        • (of an insect) To sting.
          • Eg.These mosquitoes are really biting today!
        • To cause a smarting sensation; to have a property which causes such a sensation; to be pungent.
          • Eg.It bites like pepper or mustard.
        • (sometimes figurative) To cause sharp pain or damage to; to hurt or injure.
          • Eg.Pepper bites the mouth.
        • To cause sharp pain; to produce anguish; to hurt or injure; to have the property of so doing.
        • To take or keep a firm hold.
          • Eg.The anchor bites.
        • To take hold of; to hold fast; to adhere to.
          • Eg.The anchor bites the ground.
        • To lack quality; to be worthy of derision; to suck.
          • Eg.This music really bites.
        • To perform oral sex on. Used in invective.
          • Eg.You don't like that I sat on your car? Bite me.
        • To plagiarize, to imitate.
          • Eg.He always be biting my moves.
        • To deceive or defraud; to take in.
  • bitter #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɪtə/
      • /ˈbɪtəɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (usually in the plural bitters) A liquid or powder, made from bitter herbs, used in mixed drinks or as a tonic.
        • A type of beer heavily flavored with hops.
        • A turn of a cable about the bitts.
      • verb
        • To make bitter.
      • adjective
        • Having an acrid taste (usually from a basic substance).
          • Eg.The coffee tasted bitter.
        • Harsh, piercing or stinging.
        • Hateful or hostile.
          • Eg.They're bitter enemies.
        • Cynical and resentful.
          • Eg.I've been bitter ever since that defeat.
  • bizarre #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bəˈzɑː(ɹ)/ audio
      • /bəˈzɑɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Strangely unconventional in style or appearance.
  • black #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /blak/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The colour/color perceived in the absence of light, but also when no light is reflected, but rather absorbed.
        • A black dye or pigment.
        • A pen, pencil, crayon, etc., made of black pigment.
        • (in the plural) Black cloth hung up at funerals.
        • (sometimes capitalised) A person of African, Aborigine, or Maori descent; a dark-skinned person.
        • Blackness, the condition of having dark skin.
        • The black ball.
        • The edge of home plate.
        • A type of firecracker that is really more dark brown in colour.
        • Blackcurrant syrup (in mixed drinks, e.g. snakebite and black, cider and black).
        • (in chess and similar games) The person playing with the black set of pieces.
          • Eg.At this point black makes a disastrous move.
        • Something, or a part of a thing, which is black.
        • A stain; a spot.
        • A dark smut fungus, harmful to wheat.
        • Marijuana.
      • verb
        • To make black; to blacken.
        • To apply blacking to (something).
        • To boycott, usually as part of an industrial dispute.
      • adjective
        • (of an object) Absorbing all light and reflecting none; dark and hueless.
        • (of a place, etc) Without light.
        • (sometimes capitalized) Of or relating to any of various ethnic groups having dark pigmentation of the skin.
        • Designated for use by those ethnic groups which have dark pigmentation of the skin.
          • drinking fountain; black hospital
        • (of a card) Of the spades or clubs suits. Compare red
          • Eg.I was dealt two red queens, and he got one of the black queens.
        • Bad; evil; ill-omened.
        • Expressing menace, or discontent; threatening; sullen.
          • Eg.He shot her a black look.
        • (of objects, markets, etc) Illegitimate, illegal or disgraced.
        • Overcrowded.
        • (of coffee or tea) Without any cream, milk or creamer.
          • Eg.Jim drinks his coffee black, but Ellen prefers it with creamer.
        • Of or relating to the playing pieces of a board game deemed to belong to the "black" set (in chess the set used by the player who moves second) (often regardless of the pieces' actual colour).
        • Said of a symbol or character that is solid, filled with color. Compare white.
        • Related to the Christian Democratic Union of Germany.
          • Eg.After the election, the parties united in a black-yellow alliance.
        • Clandestine; relating to a political, military, or espionage operation or site, the existence or details of which is withheld from the general public.
          • Eg.5 percent of the Defense Department funding will go to black projects.
        • Occult; relating to something (such as mystical or magical knowledge) which is unknown to or kept secret from the general public.
        • Protestant, often with the implication of being militantly pro-British or anti-Catholic
        • Having one or more features (hair, fur, armour, clothes, bark, etc) that is dark (or black); in taxonomy, especially: dark in comparison to another species with the same base name.
        • Foul; dirty.
  • blade #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bleɪd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The sharp cutting edge of a knife, chisel, or other tool, a razor blade/sword.
        • The flat functional end of a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, skate, etc.
        • The narrow leaf of a grass or cereal.
        • The thin, flat part of a plant leaf, attached to a stem (petiole). The lamina.
        • A flat bone, especially the shoulder blade.
        • A cut of beef from near the shoulder blade (part of the chuck).
        • The part of the tongue just behind the tip, used to make laminal consonants.
        • A sword or knife.
        • A piece of prepared, sharp-edged stone, often flint, at least twice as long as it is wide; a long flake of ground-edge stone or knapped vitreous stone.
        • (ultimate frisbee) A throw characterized by a tight parabolic trajectory due to a steep lateral attitude.
        • The rudder, daggerboard, or centerboard of a vessel.
        • A bulldozer or surface-grading machine with mechanically adjustable blade that is nominally perpendicular to the forward motion of the vehicle.
        • A dashing young man.
        • A homosexual, usually male.
        • Thin plate, foil.
        • One of a series of small plates that make up the aperture or the shutter of a camera.
        • (in the plural) The principal rafters of a roof.
        • The four large shell plates on the sides, and the five large ones of the middle, of the carapace of the sea turtle, which yield the best tortoise shell.
        • Airfoil in windmills and windturbines.
        • A blade server.
        • An exterior product of vectors. (The product may have more than two factors. Also, a scalar counts as a 0-blade, a vector as a 1-blade; an exterior product of k vectors may be called a k-blade.)
        • The part of a key that is inserted into the lock.
      • verb
        • To skate on rollerblades.
          • Eg.Want to go blading with me later in the park?
        • To furnish with a blade.
        • To put forth or have a blade.
        • To stab with a blade
          • Eg.The gang member got bladed in a fight.
        • To cut (a person) so as to provoke bleeding.
      • noun
        • A kind of piton used in thin cracks.
  • blame #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bleɪm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Censure.
          • Eg.Blame came from all directions.
        • Culpability for something negative or undesirable.
          • Eg.The blame for starting the fire lies with the arsonist.
        • Responsibility for something meriting censure.
          • Eg.They accepted the blame, but it was an accident.
        • A source control feature that can show which user was responsible for a particular portion of the source code.
  • blank #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /blæŋk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A small French coin, originally of silver, afterwards of copper, worth 5 deniers; also a silver coin of Henry V current in the parts of France then held by the English, worth about 8 pence .
        • A nonplus .
        • The white spot in the centre of a target; hence the object to which anything is directed or aimed, the range of such aim .
        • A lot by which nothing is gained; a ticket in a lottery on which no prize is indicated .
        • An empty space; a void, for example on a paper .
        • (now chiefly U.S.) A document, paper, or form with spaces left blank to be filled up at the pleasure of the person to whom it is given (e.g. a blank charter, ballot, form, contract, etc.), or as the event may determine; a blank form .
        • Blank verse .
        • A piece of metal (such as a coin, screw, nuts), cut and shaped to the required size of the thing to be made, and ready for the finishing operations; (coining) the disc of metal before stamping .
        • A vacant space, place, or period; a void .
        • The 1 / 230400 of a grain .
        • An empty space in one's memory; a forgotten item or memory .
        • A dash written in place of an omitted letter or word
        • The space character; the character resulting from pressing the space-bar on a keyboard.
        • A domino without points on one or both of its divisions.
          • Eg.the double blank
        • Short for blank cartridge. .
        • (in the expression ‘shooting blanks’) An ineffective effort which achieves nothing .
      • verb
        • To make void; to erase.
          • Eg.I blanked out my previous entry.
        • To ignore (a person) deliberately.
          • Eg.She blanked me for no reason.
        • To prevent from scoring, for example in a sporting event.
          • Eg.England blanks Wales to advance to the final.
        • To become blank.
        • To be temporarily unable to remember.
          • Eg.I'm blanking on her name right now.
      • adjective
        • White or pale; without colour.
        • Free from writing, printing, or marks; having an empty space to be filled in
          • Eg.a blank ballot
        • Scoreless; without any goals or points.
        • Lacking characteristics which give variety; uniform.
          • Eg.a blank desert; a blank wall; blank unconsciousness
        • Absolute; downright; sheer.
          • Eg.There was a look of blank terror on his face.
        • Without expression.
          • Eg.Failing to understand the question, he gave me a blank stare.
        • Utterly confounded or discomfited.
        • Empty; void; without result; fruitless.
          • Eg.a blank day
        • Devoid of thoughts, memory, or inspiration.
          • Eg.The shock left his memory blank.
        • Of ammunition: having propellant but no bullets; unbulleted.
          • Eg.The recruits were issued with blank rounds for a training exercise.
  • blanket #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈblæŋkɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A heavy, loosely woven fabric, usually large and woollen, used for warmth while sleeping or resting.
          • Eg.The baby was cold, so his mother put a blanket over him.
        • A layer of anything.
          • Eg.The city woke under a thick blanket of fog.
        • A thick rubber mat used in the offset printing process to transfer ink from the plate to the paper being printed.
          • Eg.A press operator must carefully wash the blanket whenever changing a plate.
        • A streak or layer of blubber in whales.
      • verb
        • To cover with, or as if with, a blanket.
          • Eg.A fresh layer of snow blanketed the area.
        • To traverse or complete thoroughly.
          • Eg.The salesman blanketed the entire neighborhood.
        • To toss in a blanket by way of punishment.
        • To take the wind out of the sails of (another vessel) by sailing to windward of it.
        • To nullify the impact of someone or something.
      • adjective
        • General; covering or encompassing everything.
          • Eg.They sought to create a blanket solution for all situations.
  • blast #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /blɑːst/ audio
      • /blæst/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A violent gust of wind.
        • A forcible stream of gas or liquid from an orifice, for example from a bellows, the mouth, etc.
        • A hit from a pipe.
        • The continuous blowing to which one charge of ore or metal is subjected in a furnace
          • Eg.many tons of iron were melted at a blast
        • The exhaust steam from an engine, driving a column of air out of a boiler chimney, and thus creating an intense draught through the fire; also, any draught produced by the blast.
        • An explosion, especially for the purpose of destroying a mass of rock, etc.
        • An explosive charge for blasting.
        • A loud, sudden sound.
        • A sudden, pernicious effect, as if by a noxious wind, especially on animals and plants; a blight.
        • A good time; an enjoyable moment.
          • Eg.We had a blast at the party last night.
        • A promotional message sent to an entire mailing list.
          • e-mail blast; a fax blast
        • A flatulent disease of sheep.
  • bleed #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbliːd/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An incident of bleeding, as in haemophilia.
        • A narrow edge around a page layout, to be printed but cut off afterwards (added to allow for slight misalignment, especially with pictures that should run to the edge of the finished sheet).
        • (sound recording) The situation where sound is picked up by a microphone from a source other than that which is intended.
        • The removal of air bubbles from a pipe containing other fluids.
      • verb
        • (of a person or animal) To lose blood through an injured blood vessel.
          • Eg.If her nose bleeds, try to use ice.
        • To let or draw blood from.
        • To take large amounts of money from.
        • To steadily lose (something vital).
          • Eg.The company was bleeding talent.
        • (of an ink or dye) To spread from the intended location and stain the surrounding cloth or paper.
          • Eg.Ink traps counteract bleeding.
        • To remove air bubbles from a pipe containing other fluids.
        • To bleed on; to make bloody.
        • To show one's group loyalty by showing (its associated color) in one's blood.
          • Eg.He was a devoted Vikings fan: he bled purple.
        • To lose sap, gum, or juice.
          • Eg.A tree or a vine bleeds when tapped or wounded.
        • To issue forth, or drop, like blood from an incision.
        • (of a phonological rule) To destroy the environment where another phonological rule would have applied.
          • Eg.Labialization bleeds palatalization.
  • blend #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /blɛnd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A mixture of two or more things.
          • Eg.Our department has a good blend of experienced workers and young promise.
        • A word formed by combining two other words; a grammatical contamination, portmanteau word.
      • verb
        • To mingle; to mix; to unite intimately; to pass or shade insensibly into each other.
          • Eg.To make hummus you need to blend chickpeas, olive oil, lemon juice and garlic.
        • To be mingled or mixed.
        • To pollute by mixture or association; to spoil or corrupt; to blot; to stain.
  • bless #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /blɛs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To make something holy by religious rite, sanctify.
        • To make the sign of the cross upon, so as to sanctify.
        • To invoke divine favor upon.
        • To honor as holy, glorify; to extol for excellence.
        • To esteem or account happy; to felicitate.
        • To wave; to brandish.
        • (past tense only blessed) To turn (a reference) into an object.
        • (with from) To secure, defend, or prevent from.
  • blessing #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈblɛs.ɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To make something holy by religious rite, sanctify.
        • To make the sign of the cross upon, so as to sanctify.
        • To invoke divine favor upon.
        • To honor as holy, glorify; to extol for excellence.
        • To esteem or account happy; to felicitate.
        • To wave; to brandish.
        • (past tense only blessed) To turn (a reference) into an object.
        • (with from) To secure, defend, or prevent from.
      • noun
        • Some kind of divine or supernatural aid, or reward.
        • A pronouncement invoking divine aid.
        • Good fortune.
        • A modern pagan ceremony.
        • The act of declaring or bestowing favor; approval.
          • Eg.We will not proceed without the executive director's blessing.
        • Something someone is glad of.
          • Eg.After two weeks of sun, last night's rainfall was a blessing.
        • A prayer before a meal; grace.
        • A group of unicorns.
  • blind #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /blaɪnd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A covering for a window to keep out light. The covering may be made of cloth or of narrow slats that can block light or allow it to pass.
        • A destination sign mounted on a public transport vehicle displaying the route destination, number, name and/or via points, etc.
        • Any device intended to conceal or hide.
          • Eg.a duck blind
        • Something to mislead the eye or the understanding, or to conceal some covert deed or design; a subterfuge.
        • A blindage.
        • A halting place.
        • The blindside.
        • (1800s) No score.
        • A forced bet: the small blind or the big blind.
          • Eg.The blinds are $10/$20 and the ante is $1.
        • A player who is forced to pay such a bet.
          • Eg.The blinds immediately folded when I reraised.
        • (as a plural) Those who are blind, taken as a group.
      • verb
        • To make temporarily or permanently blind.
          • Eg.Don't wave that pencil in my face - do you want to blind me?
        • To curse.
        • To darken; to obscure to the eye or understanding; to conceal.
        • To cover with a thin coating of sand and fine gravel, for example a road newly paved, in order that the joints between the stones may be filled.
      • adjective
        • (of a person or animal) Unable to see, due to physiological or neurological factors.
        • (of an eye) Unable to be used to see, due to physiological or neurological factors.
        • Failing to see, acknowledge, perceive.
          • Eg.Authors are blind to their own defects.
        • Of a place, having little or no visibility.
          • Eg.a blind corner
        • Closed at one end; having a dead end
          • Eg.a blind gut
        • Having no openings for light or passage.
          • Eg.a blind alley
        • (in certain phrases) Smallest or slightest.
          • Eg.I shouted, but he didn't take a blind bit of notice.
        • Without any prior knowledge.
          • Eg.He took a blind guess at which fork in the road would take him to the airport.
        • Unconditional; without regard to evidence, logic, reality, accidental mistakes, extenuating circumstances, etc.
          • Eg.blind deference
        • Unintelligible or illegible.
          • Eg.a blind passage in a book; blind writing
        • Abortive; failing to produce flowers or fruit.
          • Eg.blind buds
      • adverb
        • Without seeing; unseeingly.
        • Absolutely, totally.
          • swear blind
        • (three card brag) Without looking at the cards dealt.
  • block #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /blɒk/
      • /blɑk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A substantial, often approximately cuboid, piece of any substance.
          • Eg.a block of ice
        • A chopping block; cuboid base for cutting or beheading.
          • Eg.Anne Boleyn placed her head on the block and awaited her execution.
        • A group of urban lots of property, several acres in extent, not crossed by public streets.
          • Eg.I'm going for a walk around the block.
        • A residential building consisting of flats.
          • Eg.a block of flats
        • The distance from one street to another in a city that is built (approximately) to a grid pattern.
          • Eg.The place you are looking for is two long blocks east and one short block north.
        • Interference or obstruction of cognitive processes.
        • The human head.
          • Eg.I'll knock your block off!
        • A wig block: a simplified head model upon which wigs are worn.
        • A mould on which hats, bonnets, etc., are shaped.
        • A set of sheets (of paper) joined together at one end.
          • Eg.a block of 100 tickets
        • A logical data storage unit containing one or more physical sectors (see cluster).
        • A region of code in a program that acts as a single unit, such as a function or loop.
        • A fixed-length group of bits making up part of a message.
        • A case with one or more sheaves/pulleys, used with ropes to increase or redirect force, for example, as part of the rigging of a sailing ship.
        • A portion of a macromolecule, comprising many units, that has at least one feature not present in adjacent portions.
        • Something that prevents something from passing.
          • Eg.There's a block in the pipe that means the water can't get through.
        • An action to interfere with the movement of an opposing player or of the object of play (ball, puck).
        • A shot played by holding the bat vertically in the path of the ball, so that it loses momentum and drops to the ground.
        • A defensive play by one or more players meant to deflect a spiked ball back to the hitter’s court.
        • A joined group of four (or in some cases nine) postage stamps, forming a roughly square shape.
        • A section of split logs used as fuel.
        • Solitary confinement.
        • A cellblock.
        • The perch on which a bird of prey is kept.
        • A piece of hard wood on which a stereotype or electrotype plate is mounted.
        • A blockhead; a stupid fellow; a dolt.
        • A section of a railroad where the block system is used.
        • The position of a player or bat when guarding the wicket.
        • A blockhole.
        • The popping crease.
        • A discrete group of vines in a vineyard, often distinguished from others by variety, clone, canopy training method, irrigation infrastructure, or some combination thereof.
      • verb
        • To fill (something) so that it is not possible to pass.
          • Eg.The pipe is blocked.
        • To prevent (something or someone) from passing.
          • Eg.You're blocking the road – I can't get through!
        • To prevent (something from happening or someone from doing something).
          • Eg.His plan to take over the business was blocked by the boss.
        • To impede an opponent.
          • Eg.He blocked the basketball player's shot.
        • To specify the positions and movements of the actors.
          • Eg.It was very difficult to block this scene convincingly.
        • To hit with a block.
        • To play a block shot.
        • To disable communication via telephone, instant messaging, etc., with an undesirable someone.
          • Eg.I tried to send you a message, but you've blocked me!
        • To wait.
          • Eg.When the condition expression is false, the thread blocks on the condition variable.
        • To stretch or mould (a knitted item, a hat, etc.) into the desired shape.
          • Eg.I blocked the mittens by wetting them and pinning them to a shaped piece of cardboard.
        • To shape or sketch out roughly.
  • blog #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /blɑɡ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A website that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal, sometimes letting readers comment on their posts. Most blogs are written in a slightly informal tone (personal journals, news, businesses, etc.)
        • An individual post to a blog.
          • Eg.This blog was originally posted on my personal site but is reproduced on the forums for greater visibility.
      • verb
        • To contribute to a blog.
  • bloke #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /bləʊk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A man, a fellow; an ordinary man, a man on the street.
        • A man who behaves in a particularly laddish or overtly heterosexual manner.
        • (A lower deck term for) the Captain or Executive Officer of a warship, with particular reference to discipline and punishment.
        • An exemplar of a certain masculine, independent male archetype.
        • An anglophone man.
  • blonde #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /blɒnd/
      • /blɑnd/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A pale yellowish (golden brown) color, especially said of hair color.
        • A person with this hair color.
      • adjective
        • Of a bleached or pale golden (light yellowish) colour.
          • Eg.blond ale
        • (of a person) Having blond hair.
      • adjective
        • (especially of a woman) Stupid, ignorant, naive.
  • blood #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /blʊd/
      • /blʌd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A member of the Los Angeles gang The Bloods.
      • noun
        • A vital liquid flowing in the bodies of many types of animals that usually conveys nutrients and oxygen. In vertebrates, it is colored red by hemoglobin, is conveyed by arteries and veins, is pumped by the heart and is usually generated in bone marrow.
          • Eg.The cultists gathered around a chalice of blood.
        • A family relationship due to birth, such as that between siblings; contrasted with relationships due to marriage or adoption (see blood relative, blood relation, by blood).
        • One of the four humours in the human body.
        • A blood test or blood sample.
        • The sap or juice which flows in or from plants.
        • The juice of anything, especially if red.
        • Temper of mind; disposition; mood
        • A lively, showy man; a rake; a dandy.
        • A blood horse, one of good pedigree.
        • Bloodshed.
          • Eg.They came looking for blood.
      • verb
        • To cause something to be covered with blood; to bloody.
        • To let blood (from); to bleed.
        • To initiate into warfare or a blood sport, traditionally by smearing with the blood of the first kill witnessed.
  • blow #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bləʊ/
      • /bloʊ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A strong wind.
          • Eg.We're having a bit of a blow this afternoon.
        • A chance to catch one’s breath.
          • Eg.The players were able to get a blow during the last timeout.
        • Cocaine.
        • Cannabis.
        • (US Chicago Regional) Heroin.
      • verb
        • To produce an air current.
        • To propel by an air current.
          • Eg.Blow the dust off that book and open it up.
        • To be propelled by an air current.
          • Eg.The leaves blow through the streets in the fall.
        • To create or shape by blowing; as in to blow bubbles, to blow glass.
        • To force a current of air upon with the mouth, or by other means.
          • blow the fire
        • To clear of contents by forcing air through.
          • blow an egg
        • To cause to make sound by blowing, as a musical instrument.
        • To make a sound as the result of being blown.
          • Eg.In the harbor, the ships' horns blew.
        • (of a cetacean) To exhale visibly through the spout the seawater which it has taken in while feeding.
          • Eg.There she blows! (i.e. "I see a whale spouting!")
        • To explode.
          • Eg.Get away from that burning gas tank! It's about to blow!
        • (with "up" or with prep phrase headed by "to") To cause to explode, shatter, or be utterly destroyed.
          • Eg.The aerosol can was blown to bits.
        • To cause sudden destruction of.
          • Eg.He blew the tires and the engine.
        • To suddenly fail destructively.
          • Eg.He tried to sprint, but his ligaments blew and he was barely able to walk to the finish line.
        • (used to express displeasure or frustration) Damn.
        • To be very undesirable. (See also suck.)
          • Eg.This blows!
        • To recklessly squander.
          • Eg.I blew $35 thou on a car.
        • To fellate; to perform oral sex on (usually a man)
          • Eg.Who did you have to blow to get those backstage passes?
        • To leave, especially suddenly or in a hurry.
          • Eg.Let's blow this joint.
        • To make flyblown, to defile, especially with fly eggs.
        • To spread by report; to publish; to disclose.
        • To inflate, as with pride; to puff up.
        • To breathe hard or quick; to pant; to puff.
        • To put out of breath; to cause to blow from fatigue.
          • blow a horse
        • To talk loudly; to boast; to storm.
        • To sing.
          • Eg.That girl has a wonderful voice; just listen to her blow!
        • To leave the Church of Scientology in an unauthorized manner.
  • blue #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bluː/ audio
      • /blu/ audio
      • /blɪʊ̯/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The colour of the clear sky or the deep sea, between green and violet in the visible spectrum, and one of the primary additive colours for transmitted light; the colour obtained by subtracting red and green from white light using magenta and cyan filters; or any colour resembling this.
        • A blue dye or pigment.
        • Any of several processes to protect metal against rust.
        • Blue clothing
          • Eg.The boys in blue marched to the pipers.
        • (in the plural) A blue uniform. See blues.
        • A member of law enforcement
        • The sky, literally or figuratively.
          • Eg.His request for leave came out of the blue.
        • The ocean; deep waters.
        • The far distance; a remote or distant place.
        • Anything blue, especially to distinguish it from similar objects differing only in color.
        • A dog or cat with a slaty gray coat.
        • One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of five points.
        • Any of the butterflies of the subfamily Polyommatinae in the family Lycaenidae, most of which have blue on their wings.
        • A bluefish.
        • An argument.
        • A liquid with an intense blue colour, added to a laundry wash to prevent yellowing of white clothes.
        • A type of firecracker.
        • A bluestocking.
        • One of the three color charges for quarks.
      • verb
        • To make or become blue.
        • To treat the surface of steel so that it is passivated chemically and becomes more resistant to rust.
        • (laundry) To brighten by treating with blue (laundry aid)
        • To spend (money) extravagantly; to blow.
      • adjective
        • Of the colour blue.
          • Eg.the deep blue sea
        • Depressed, melancholic, sad.
        • Pale, without redness or glare; said of a flame.
          • Eg.The candle burns blue.
        • Supportive of, run by (a member of), pertaining to, or dominated by a political party represented by the colour blue.
        • Of the higher-frequency region of the part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is relevant in the specific observation.
        • (of steak) Extra rare; left very raw and cold.
        • (of a dog or cat) Having a coat of fur of a slaty gray shade.
        • Severe or overly strict in morals; gloomy.
          • and sour religionists;  blue laws
        • (of women) literary; bluestockinged.
        • Having a color charge of blue.
        • (entertainment) Risque or obscene
          • Eg.His material is too blue for prime-time
  • board #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɔːd/
      • /bɔːɹd/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A relatively long, wide and thin piece of any material, usually wood or similar, often for use in construction or furniture-making.
        • A device (e.g., switchboard) containing electrical switches and other controls and designed to control lights, sound, telephone connections, etc.
        • A flat surface with markings for playing a board game.
          • Eg.Each player starts the game with four counters on the board.
        • Short for blackboard, whiteboard, chessboard, surfboard, message board (on the Internet), etc.
        • A committee that manages the business of an organization, e.g., a board of directors.
          • Eg.We have to wait to hear back from the board.
        • Regular meals or the amount paid for them in a place of lodging.
          • Eg.Room and board
        • The side of a ship.
        • The distance a sailing vessel runs between tacks when working to windward.
        • The wall that surrounds an ice hockey rink, often in plural.
        • A long, narrow table, like that used in a medieval dining hall.
        • Paper made thick and stiff like a board, for book covers, etc.; pasteboard.
          • bind a book in boards
        • A level or stage having a particular layout.
        • A container for holding pre-dealt cards that is used to allow multiple sets of players to play the same cards.
      • verb
        • To step or climb onto or otherwise enter a ship, aircraft, train or other conveyance.
          • Eg.It is time to board the aircraft.
        • To provide someone with meals and lodging, usually in exchange for money.
          • board one's horse at a livery stable
        • To receive meals and lodging in exchange for money.
        • To capture an enemy ship by going alongside and grappling her, then invading her with a boarding party
        • To obtain meals, or meals and lodgings, statedly for compensation
        • To approach (someone); to make advances to, accost.
        • To cover with boards or boarding.
          • board a house
        • To hit (someone) with a wooden board.
        • To write something on a board, especially a blackboard or whiteboard.
  • boast #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bəʊst/
      • /boʊst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A brag; ostentatious positive appraisal of oneself.
        • Something that one brags about.
          • Eg.It was his regular boast that he could eat two full English breakfasts in one sitting.
        • A shot where the ball is driven off a side wall and then strikes the front wall.
      • verb
        • To brag; to talk loudly in praise of oneself.
        • To speak of with pride, vanity, or exultation, with a view to self-commendation; to extol.
        • To speak in exulting language of another; to glory; to exult.
        • To play a boast shot.
        • To possess something special.
          • Eg.His family boasted a famous name.
  • boat #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /bəʊt/
      • /boʊt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A craft used for transportation of goods, fishing, racing, recreational cruising, or military use on or in the water, propelled by oars or outboard motor or inboard motor or by wind.
        • A full house.
        • A vehicle, utensil, or dish somewhat resembling a boat in shape.
          • Eg.a stone boat;  a gravy boat
        • One of two possible conformations of cyclohexane rings (the other being chair), shaped roughly like a boat.
        • The refugee boats arriving in Australian waters, and by extension, refugees generally.
      • verb
        • To travel by boat.
        • To transport in a boat.
          • boat goods
        • To place in a boat.
          • boat oars
  • body #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɒdi/ audio
      • /ˈbɑdi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Physical frame.
        • Main section.
        • Coherent group.
        • Material entity.
        • The shank of a type, or the depth of the shank (by which the size is indicated).
          • Eg.a nonpareil face on an agate body
        • A three-dimensional object, such as a cube or cone.
      • verb
        • To give body or shape to something.
        • To construct the bodywork of a car.
        • To embody.
        • To murder someone.
        • (by extension) To utterly defeat someone.
        • To hard counter a particular character build or play style. Frequently used in the passive voice form, get bodied by.
  • boil #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɔɪl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A localized accumulation of pus in the skin, resulting from infection.
  • boiler #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɔɪlə/
      • /ˈbɔɪlɚ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who boils something.
        • A steam boiler.
        • An apparatus for heating circulating water or other heat transferring liquid.
        • A device consisting of a heat source and a tank for storing hot water, typically for space heating, domestic hot water etc., disregarding the source of heat.
        • A kitchen vessel for steaming, boiling or heating food.
        • A sunken reef, especially a coral reef, on which the sea breaks heavily.
        • A tough old chicken only suitable for cooking by boiling.
  • boiling #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • (of liquids) To heat to the point where it begins to turn into a gas.
          • Eg.Boil some water in a pan.
        • To cook in boiling water.
          • Eg.Boil the eggs for three minutes.
        • (of liquids) To begin to turn into a gas, seethe.
          • Eg.Pure water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
        • To bring to a boil, to heat so as to cause the contents to boil.
        • (used only in progressive tenses, of weather) To be uncomfortably hot.
          • Eg.It’s boiling outside!
        • (used only in progressive tenses) To feel uncomfortably hot.
          • Eg.I’m boiling in here – could you open the window?
        • To form, or separate, by boiling or evaporation.
          • boil sugar or salt
        • To steep or soak in warm water.
        • To be agitated like boiling water; to bubble; to effervesce.
          • Eg.the boiling waves of the sea
        • To be moved or excited with passion; to be hot or fervid.
          • Eg.His blood boils with anger.
      • noun
        • The process of changing the state of a substance from liquid to gas by heating it to its boiling point.
        • An animation style with constantly changing wavy outlines, giving a shimmering or wobbling appearance.
      • adjective
        • That boils or boil.
          • Eg.boiling kettle  boiling oil
        • Of a thing: extremely hot or active.
          • Eg.The radiator is boiling – I’m going to turn it down a bit.
        • Of a person: feeling uncomfortably hot.
          • Eg.I’m boiling – can’t we open a window?
        • Of the weather: very hot.
          • Eg.It’s boiling out today!
      • adverb
        • (of adjectives associated with heat) Extremely
          • Eg.He was boiling mad.
  • bold #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bəʊld/
      • /boʊld/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A dwelling; habitation; building.
  • bomb #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɒm/
      • /bɑm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An explosive device used or intended as a weapon.
        • A failure; an unpopular commercial product.
          • office bomb
        • A large amount of money.
          • Eg.cost a bomb
        • (social) Something highly effective or attractive.
        • A cyclone whose central pressure drops at an average rate of at least one millibar per hour for at least 24 hours.
        • A heavy-walled container designed to permit chemical reactions under high pressure.
        • A great booming noise; a hollow sound.
        • A woman’s breast.
        • A professional wrestling throw in which an opponent is lifted and then slammed back-first down to the mat.
        • A recreational drug ground up, wrapped, and swallowed.
        • An act of jumping into water while keeping one's arms and legs tucked into the body, as in a squatting position, to maximize splashing.
      • verb
        • To attack using one or more bombs; to bombard.
        • To fail dismally.
        • To jump into water in a squatting position, with the arms wrapped around the legs.
        • To sound; to boom; to make a humming or buzzing sound.
        • To cover an area in many graffiti tags.
        • To add an excessive amount of chlorine to a pool when it has not been maintained properly.
        • To make oneself drunk.
        • (especially with along, down, up etc.) To move at high speed.
          • Eg.I was bombing down the road on my motorbike.
      • adjective
        • Great, awesome.
          • Eg.Have you tried the new tacos from that restaurant? They're pretty bomb!
  • bombing #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɒmɪŋ/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To attack using one or more bombs; to bombard.
        • To fail dismally.
        • To jump into water in a squatting position, with the arms wrapped around the legs.
        • To sound; to boom; to make a humming or buzzing sound.
        • To cover an area in many graffiti tags.
        • To add an excessive amount of chlorine to a pool when it has not been maintained properly.
        • To make oneself drunk.
        • (especially with along, down, up etc.) To move at high speed.
          • Eg.I was bombing down the road on my motorbike.
      • noun
        • The action of dropping bombs from the air.
        • The action of placing and detonating bombs.
  • bond #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɒnd/
      • /bɑnd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Evidence of a long-term debt, by which the bond issuer (the borrower) is obliged to pay interest when due, and repay the principal at maturity, as specified on the face of the bond certificate. The rights of the holder are specified in the bond indenture, which contains the legal terms and conditions under which the bond was issued. Bonds are available in two forms: registered bonds, and bearer bonds.
        • A documentary obligation to pay a sum or to perform a contract; a debenture.
          • Eg.Investors face a quandary. Cash offers a return of virtually zero in many developed countries; government-bond yields may have risen in recent weeks but they are still unattractive. Equities have suffered two big bear markets since 2000 and are wobbling again. It is hardly surprising that pension funds, insurers and endowments are searching for new sources of return.
        • A partial payment made to show a provider that the customer is sincere about buying a product or a service. If the product or service is not purchased the customer then forfeits the bond.
        • (often in the plural) A physical connection which binds, a band.
          • Eg.The prisoner was brought before the tribunal in iron bonds.
        • An emotional link, connection or union; that which holds two or more people together, as in a friendship; a tie.
          • Eg.They had grown up as friends and neighbors, and not even vastly differing political views could break the bond of their friendship.
        • Moral or political duty or obligation.
        • A link or force between neighbouring atoms in a molecule.
          • Eg.Organic chemistry primarily consists of the study of carbon bonds, in their many variations.
        • A binding agreement, a covenant.
          • Eg.Herbert resented his wife for subjecting him to the bonds of matrimony; he claimed they had gotten married while drunk.
        • A bail bond.
          • Eg.The bailiff released the prisoner as soon as the bond was posted.
        • Any constraining or cementing force or material.
          • Eg.A bond of superglue adhered the teacups to the ceiling, much to the consternation of the cafe owners.
        • In building, a specific pattern of bricklaying.
        • In Scotland, a mortgage.
        • A heavy copper wire or rod connecting adjacent rails of an electric railway track when used as a part of the electric circuit.
      • verb
        • To connect, secure or tie with a bond; to bind.
          • Eg.The gargantuan ape was bonded in iron chains and carted onto the stage.
        • To cause to adhere (one material with another).
          • Eg.The children bonded their snapshots to the scrapbook pages with mucilage.
        • To form a chemical compound with.
          • Eg.Under unusual conditions, even gold can be made to bond with other elements.
        • To guarantee or secure a financial risk.
          • Eg.The contractor was bonded with a local underwriter.
        • To form a friendship or emotional connection.
          • Eg.The men had bonded while serving together in Vietnam.
        • To put in a bonded warehouse; to secure (goods) until the associated duties are paid.
        • To lay bricks in a specific pattern.
        • To make a reliable electrical connection between two conductors (or any pieces of metal that may potentially become conductors).
          • Eg.A house's distribution panel should always be bonded to the grounding rods via a panel bond.
        • To bail out by means of a bail bond.
  • bone #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bəʉn/ audio
      • /bɐʉn/
      • /bəʊn/
      • /ˈboʊn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A composite material consisting largely of calcium phosphate and collagen and making up the skeleton of most vertebrates.
        • Any of the components of an endoskeleton, made of bone.
        • A bone of a fish; a fishbone.
        • A bonefish
        • One of the rigid parts of a corset that forms its frame, the boning, originally made of whalebone.
        • One of the fragments of bone held between the fingers of the hand and rattled together to keep time to music.
        • Anything made of bone, such as a bobbin for weaving bone lace.
        • The framework of anything.
        • An off-white colour, like the colour of bone.
        • A dollar.
        • The wishbone formation.
        • An erect penis; a boner.
        • (chiefly in the plural) A domino or dice.
      • verb
        • To prepare (meat, etc) by removing the bone or bones from.
        • To fertilize with bone.
        • To put whalebone into.
          • bone stays
        • To make level, using a particular procedure; to survey a level line.
          • Eg.boning rod
        • (usually of a man) To have sexual intercourse with.
        • (in Aboriginal culture) To perform "bone pointing", a ritual that is intended to bring illness or even death to the victim.
        • (usually with "up") To study.
          • Eg.bone up
        • To polish boots to a shiny finish.
      • adjective
        • Of an off-white colour, like the colour of bone.
  • bonus #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbəʊ.nəs/
      • /ˈboʊ.nəs/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something extra that is good; an added benefit.
        • An extra sum given as a premium, e.g. to an employee or to a shareholder.
          • Eg.The employee of the week receives a bonus for his excellent work.
        • An addition to the player's score based on performance, e.g. for time remaining.
        • One or more free throws awarded to a team when the opposing team has accumulated enough fouls.
      • verb
        • To pay a bonus, premium
  • book #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /buːk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A collection of sheets of paper bound together to hinge at one edge, containing printed or written material, pictures, etc.
          • Eg.He was frustrated because he couldn't find anything about dinosaurs in the book.
        • A long work fit for publication, typically prose, such as a novel or textbook, and typically published as such a bound collection of sheets, but now sometimes electronically as an e-book.
          • Eg.I have three copies of his first book.
        • A major division of a long work.
          • Eg.Genesis is the first book of the Bible.
        • A record of betting (from the use of a notebook to record what each person has bet).
          • Eg.I'm running a book on who is going to win the race.
        • A convenient collection, in a form resembling a book, of small paper items for individual use.
          • Eg.a book of raffle tickets
        • The script of a musical or opera.
        • (usually in the plural) Records of the accounts of a business.
        • A book award, a recognition for receiving the highest grade in a class (traditionally an actual book, but recently more likely a letter or certificate acknowledging the achievement).
        • (whist) Six tricks taken by one side.
        • Four of a kind
        • A document, held by the referee, of the incidents happened in the game.
        • (by extension) A list of all players who have been booked (received a warning) in a game.
        • The twenty-sixth Lenormand card.
        • Any source of instruction.
  • booking #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbʊkɪŋ/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To reserve (something) for future use.
          • Eg.I can book tickets for the concert next week.
        • To write down, to register or record in a book or as in a book.
          • Eg.They booked that message from the hill
        • (law enforcement) To record the name and other details of a suspected offender and the offence for later judicial action.
          • Eg.The police booked him for driving too fast.
        • To issue with a caution, usually a yellow card, or a red card if a yellow card has already been issued.
        • To travel very fast.
          • Eg.He was really booking, until he passed the speed trap.
        • To record bets as bookmaker.
        • (law student slang) To receive the highest grade in a class.
          • Eg.The top three students had a bet on which one was going to book their intellectual property class.
        • To leave.
          • Eg.He was here earlier, but he booked.
      • noun
        • The act or process of writing something down in a book or books, e.g. in accounting.
        • A reservation for a service, such as accommodation in an hotel.
        • The engagement of a performer for a particular performance.
        • The issuing of a caution which is usually written down in a book, and results in a yellow card or (after two bookings) a red card, that is to say, the player is sent from the field of play.
        • The process of photographing, fingerprinting and recording the identifying data of a suspect following arrest.
  • boom #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /buːm/
      • /bum/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A low-pitched, resonant sound, such as of an explosion.
          • Eg.The boom of the surf.
        • A rapid expansion or increase.
          • Eg.You should prepare for the coming boom in the tech industry.
        • One of the calls of certain monkeys or birds.
      • verb
        • To make a loud, hollow, resonant sound.
          • Eg.I can hear the organ slowly booming from the chapel.
        • (of speech) To exclaim with force, to shout, to thunder.
        • To make something boom.
          • Eg.Men in grey robes slowly boom the drums of death.
        • To publicly praise.
        • To rush with violence and noise, as a ship under a press of sail, before a free wind.
      • interjection
        • Used to suggest the sound of an explosion.
        • Used to suggest something happening suddenly and unexpectedly.
  • boost #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /buːst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A push from behind, as to one who is endeavoring to climb.
        • Something that helps, or adds power or effectiveness; assistance.
          • Eg.The controversy gave a boost to the author's sales.
        • (automotive engineering) A positive intake manifold pressure in cars with turbochargers or superchargers.
      • verb
        • To lift or push from behind (one who is endeavoring to climb); to push up.
        • (by extension) To help or encourage (something) to increase or improve; to assist in overcoming obstacles.
          • Eg.This campaign will boost your chances of winning the election.
        • To steal.
        • To jump-start a vehicle by using cables to connect the battery in a running vehicle to the battery in a vehicle that won't start.
        • To give a booster shot to.
        • To amplify; to signal boost.
  • boot #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /buːt/
      • /but/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A heavy shoe that covers part of the leg.
        • A blow with the foot; a kick.
        • A flexible cover of rubber or plastic, which may be preformed to a particular shape and used to protect a shaft, lever, switch, or opening from dust, dirt, moisture, etc.
        • (usually preceded by definite article) A torture device used on the feet or legs, such as a Spanish boot.
        • A parking enforcement device used to immobilize a car until it can be towed or a fine is paid; a wheel clamp.
        • A rubber bladder on the leading edge of an aircraft’s wing, which is inflated periodically to remove ice buildup. A deicing boot.
        • A place at the side of a coach, where attendants rode; also, a low outside place before and behind the body of the coach.
        • A place for baggage at either end of an old-fashioned stagecoach.
        • (police) A recently arrived recruit; a rookie.
        • The luggage storage compartment of a sedan or saloon car.
        • The act or process of removing or firing someone (give someone the boot).
        • Unattractive person, ugly woman (usually as "old boot")
        • A hard plastic case for a long firearm, typically moulded to the shape of the gun and intended for use in a vehicle.
        • A bobbled ball.
        • The inflated flag leaf sheath of a wheat plant.
      • verb
        • To kick.
          • Eg.I booted the ball toward my teammate.
        • To put boots on, especially for riding.
        • To apply corporal punishment (compare slippering).
        • To forcibly eject.
          • Eg.We need to boot those troublemakers as soon as possible
        • To disconnect forcibly; to eject from an online service, conversation, etc.
        • To vomit.
          • Eg.Sorry, I didn’t mean to boot all over your couch.
        • (criminal slang) To shoot, to kill by gunfire.
  • border #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɔədə/
      • /ˈbɔːdə/ audio
      • /ˈbɔɹdɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The outer edge of something.
          • Eg.the borders of the garden
        • A decorative strip around the edge of something.
          • Eg.There's a nice frilly border around the picture frame.
        • A strip of ground in which ornamental plants are grown.
        • The line or frontier area separating political or geographical regions.
          • Eg.The border between Canada and USA is the longest in the world.
        • Border morris or border dancing; a vigorous style of traditional English dance originating from villages along the border between England and Wales, performed by a team of dancers usually with their faces disguised with black makeup.
        • A string that is both a prefix and a suffix of another particular string.
      • verb
        • To put a border on something.
        • To form a border around; to bound.
        • To lie on, or adjacent to, a border of.
          • Eg.Denmark borders Germany to the south.
        • To touch at a border (with on, upon, or with).
          • Eg.Connecticut borders on Massachusetts.
        • To approach; to come near to; to verge (with on or upon).
  • bored #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɔːd/
      • /bɔːɹd/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To inspire boredom in somebody.
        • To make a hole through something.
        • To make a hole with, or as if with, a boring instrument; to cut a circular hole by the rotary motion of a tool.
          • Eg.An insect bores into a tree.
        • To form or enlarge (something) by means of a boring instrument or apparatus.
          • bore a steam cylinder or a gun barrel; to bore a hole
        • To make (a passage) by laborious effort, as in boring; to force a narrow and difficult passage through.
          • bore one's way through a crowd
        • To be pierced or penetrated by an instrument that cuts as it turns.
          • Eg.This timber does not bore well.
        • To push forward in a certain direction with laborious effort.
        • (of a horse) To shoot out the nose or toss it in the air.
        • To fool; to trick.
      • adjective
        • Suffering from boredom; mildly annoyed and restless through having nothing to do
        • Uninterested, without attention
          • Eg.The piano teacher's bored look indicated he wasn't paying much attention to his pupil's lackluster rendition of Mozart's Requiem
        • Perforated by a hole or holes (through bioerosion or other)
  • boring #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɔːɹɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To inspire boredom in somebody.
        • To make a hole through something.
        • To make a hole with, or as if with, a boring instrument; to cut a circular hole by the rotary motion of a tool.
          • Eg.An insect bores into a tree.
        • To form or enlarge (something) by means of a boring instrument or apparatus.
          • bore a steam cylinder or a gun barrel; to bore a hole
        • To make (a passage) by laborious effort, as in boring; to force a narrow and difficult passage through.
          • bore one's way through a crowd
        • To be pierced or penetrated by an instrument that cuts as it turns.
          • Eg.This timber does not bore well.
        • To push forward in a certain direction with laborious effort.
        • (of a horse) To shoot out the nose or toss it in the air.
        • To fool; to trick.
      • noun
        • A pit or hole which has been bored.
        • Fragments thrown up when something is bored or drilled.
        • Any organism that bores into a hard surface
      • adjective
        • Causing boredom; unable to engage or hold the interest.
          • Eg.What a boring film that was! I almost fell asleep.
        • Used, or designed to be used, to drill holes.
          • Eg.boring equipment
        • Capable of penetrating; piercing.
  • born #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɔːn/
      • /ˈbɔɹn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To carry or convey, literally or figuratively.
          • Eg.Judging from the look on his face, he wasn't bearing good news.
        • To support, sustain, or endure.
        • To support, keep up, or maintain.
        • To press or impinge upon.
        • To produce, yield, give birth to.
        • (originally nautical) To be, or head, in a specific direction or azimuth (from somewhere).
          • Eg.By my readings, we're bearing due south, so we should turn about ten degrees east.
        • To gain or win.
      • adjective
        • Having from birth (or as if from birth) a certain quality or character; innate; inherited.
  • borrow #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɔɹoʊ/
      • /ˈbɒɹəʊ/
      • /ˈbɑɹoʊ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Deviation of the path of a rolling ball from a straight line; slope; slant.
          • Eg.This putt has a big left-to right borrow on it.
        • A borrow pit.
        • In the Rust programming language, the situation where the ownership of a value is temporarily transferred to another region of code.
      • verb
        • To receive (something) from somebody temporarily, expecting to return it.
        • To take money from a bank under the agreement that the bank will be paid over the course of time.
        • To adopt (an idea) as one's own.
          • borrow the style, manner, or opinions of another
        • To adopt a word from another language.
        • In a subtraction, to deduct (one) from a digit of the minuend and add ten to the following digit, in order that the subtraction of a larger digit in the subtrahend from the digit in the minuend to which ten is added gives a positive result.
        • (Upper Midwestern United States) To lend.
        • To temporarily obtain (something) for (someone).
        • To feign or counterfeit.
        • (obsolete except in ballads) To secure the release of (someone) from prison.
        • To receive (something) from somebody, with little possibility of returning it.
          • Eg.Can I borrow a sheet of paper?
  • boss #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɑs/
      • /bɒs/ audio
      • /bɔs/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who oversees and directs the work of others; a supervisor.
        • A person in charge of a business or company.
          • Eg.Chat turned to whisper when the boss entered the conference room.
        • A leader, the head of an organized group or team.
          • Eg.They named him boss because he had good leadership skills.
        • The head of a political party in a given region or district.
          • Eg.He is the Republican boss in Kentucky.
        • A term of address to a man.
          • Eg.Yes, boss.
        • An enemy, often at the end of a level, that is particularly challenging and must be beaten in order to progress.
        • Wife.
          • Eg.There's no olive oil; will sunflower oil do? — I'll have to run that by the boss.
      • verb
        • To exercise authoritative control over; to tell (someone) what to do, often repeatedly.
      • adjective
        • Of excellent quality, first-rate.
          • Eg.That is a boss Zefron poster.
  • both #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bəʊθ/
      • /boʊθ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • pronoun
        • Each of the two, or of the two kinds.
          • Eg."Did you want this one or that one?" — "Give me both."
      • conjunction
        • Including both of (used with and).
          • Eg.Both you and I are students.
        • Including all of (used with and).
  • bother #card
    • Phonetics:
      • [ˈbɔðə(ɹ)]
      • [ˈbɒðə(ɹ)] audio
      • [ˈbɑðɚ]
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Fuss, ado.
          • Eg.There was a bit of bother at the hairdresser's when they couldn't find my appointment in the book.
        • Trouble, inconvenience.
          • Eg.Yes, I can do that for you - it's no bother.
      • verb
        • To annoy, to disturb, to irritate.
          • Eg.Would it bother you if I smoked?
        • To feel care or anxiety; to make or take trouble; to be troublesome.
          • Eg.Why do I even bother to try?
        • To do something which is of negligible inconvenience.
          • Eg.You didn't even bother to close the door.
      • interjection
        • A mild expression of annoyance.
  • bottle #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɑ.təl/
      • /ˈbɒ.təl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A container, typically made of glass or plastic and having a tapered neck, used primarily for holding liquids.
          • Eg.Beer is often sold in bottles.
        • The contents of such a container.
          • Eg.I only drank a bottle of beer.
        • A container with a rubber nipple used for giving liquids to infants, a baby bottle.
          • Eg.The baby wants a bottle.
        • Nerve, courage.
          • Eg.He was going to ask her out, but he lost his bottle when he saw her.
        • (of a person with a particular hair color) A container of hair dye, hence with one’s hair color produced by dyeing.
          • Eg.Did you know he’s a bottle brunette? His natural hair color is strawberry blonde.
        • A bundle, especially of hay; something tied in a bundle.
        • Intoxicating liquor; alcohol.
          • drown one’s troubles in the bottle
        • The tendency of pages printed several on a sheet to rotate slightly when the sheet is folded two or more times.
      • verb
        • To seal (a liquid) into a bottle for later consumption. Also fig.
          • Eg.This plant bottles vast quantities of spring water every day.
        • To feed (an infant) baby formula.
          • Eg.Because of complications she can't breast feed her baby and so she bottles him.
        • To refrain from doing (something) at the last moment because of a sudden loss of courage.
          • Eg.The rider bottled the big jump.
        • To throw away a leading position.
          • Eg.Liverpool bottled the Premier League.
        • To strike (someone) with a bottle.
          • Eg.He was bottled at a nightclub and had to have facial surgery.
        • To pelt (a musical act on stage, etc.) with bottles as a sign of disapproval.
          • Eg.Meat Loaf was once bottled at Reading Festival.
  • bottom #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɒtəm/
      • /ˈbɑtəm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The lowest part of anything.
          • Eg.Footers appear at the bottoms of pages.
        • Character, reliability, staying power, dignity, integrity or sound judgment.
          • Eg.lack bottom
        • Low-lying land; a valley or hollow.
          • Eg.Where shall we go for a walk? How about Ashcombe Bottom?
        • The buttocks or anus.
        • A cargo vessel, a ship.
        • Certain parts of a vessel, particularly the cargo hold or the portion of the ship that is always underwater.
        • The second half of an inning, the home team's turn at bat.
        • (BDSM) A submissive in sadomasochistic sexual activity.
        • A person with a preference for being penetrated during sexual intercourse.
        • A bottom quark.
        • The lowest part of a container.
        • A ball or skein of thread; a cocoon.
        • The bed of a body of water, as of a river, lake, or sea.
        • An abyss.
        • Power of endurance.
          • Eg.a horse of a good bottom
        • Dregs or grounds; lees; sediment.
        • (usually: bottoms or bottomland) Low-lying land near a river with alluvial soil.
      • verb
        • To furnish (something) with a bottom.
          • bottom a chair
        • To wind (like a ball of thread etc.).
        • To establish or found (something) on or upon.
        • (chiefly in passive) To lie on the bottom of; to underlie, to lie beneath.
        • To be based or grounded.
        • To reach or strike against the bottom of something, so as to impede free action.
        • To reach the bottom of something.
        • To fall to the lowest point.
        • To be the more passive or receiving partner in a sexual act or relationship; to be submissive in a BDSM relationship; to be anally penetrated in gay sex.
          • Eg.I've never bottomed in my life.
      • adjective
        • The lowest or last place or position.
          • Eg.Those files should go on the bottom shelf.
  • bounce #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /baʊns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A change of direction of motion after hitting the ground or an obstacle.
        • A movement up and then down (or vice versa), once or repeatedly.
        • An email return with any error.
        • The sack, licensing.
        • A bang, boom.
        • A drink based on brandyW.
        • A heavy, sudden, and often noisy, blow or thump.
        • Bluster; brag; untruthful boasting; audacious exaggeration; an impudent lie; a bouncer.
        • Scyliorhinus canicula, a European dogfish.
        • A genre of New Orleans music.
        • Drugs.
        • Swagger.
        • A 'good' beat.
        • A talent for leaping.
          • Eg.Them pro-ballers got bounce!
      • verb
        • To change the direction of motion after hitting an obstacle.
          • Eg.The tennis ball bounced off the wall before coming to rest in the ditch.
        • To move quickly up and then down, or vice versa, once or repeatedly.
          • Eg.He bounces nervously on his chair.
        • To cause to move quickly up and down, or back and forth, once or repeatedly.
          • Eg.He bounced the child on his knee.
        • To suggest or introduce (an idea, etc.) to (off or by) somebody, in order to gain feedback.
          • Eg.I'm meeting Bob later to bounce some ideas off him about the new product range.
        • To leap or spring suddenly or unceremoniously; to bound.
          • Eg.She bounced happily into the room.
        • To move rapidly (between).
        • (of a cheque/check) To be refused by a bank because it is drawn on insufficient funds.
          • Eg.We can’t accept further checks from you, as your last one bounced.
        • To fail to cover (have sufficient funds for) (a draft presented against one's account).
          • Eg.He tends to bounce a check or two toward the end of each month, before his payday.
        • To leave.
          • Eg.Let’s wrap this up, I gotta bounce.
        • To eject violently, as from a room; to discharge unceremoniously, as from employment.
        • (sometimes employing the preposition with) To have sexual intercourse.
        • (air combat) To attack unexpectedly.
          • Eg.The squadron was bounced north of the town.
        • To turn power off and back on; to reset
          • Eg.See if it helps to bounce the router.
        • (of an e-mail message or address) To return undelivered.
          • Eg.The girl in the bar told me her address was, but my mail to that address bounced back to me.
        • To land hard and lift off again due to excess momentum.
          • Eg.The student pilot bounced several times during his landing.
        • (skydiving) To land hard at unsurvivable velocity with fatal results.
          • Eg.After the mid-air collision, his rig failed and he bounced. BSBD.
        • (sound recording) To mix (two or more tracks of a multi-track audio tape recording) and record the result onto a single track, in order to free up tracks for further material to be added.
          • Eg.Bounce tracks two and three to track four, then record the cowbell on track two.
        • To bully; to scold.
        • To strike or thump, so as to rebound, or to make a sudden noise; to knock loudly.
        • To boast; to bluster.
  • bound #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbaʊnd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To tie; to confine by any ligature.
        • To cohere or stick together in a mass.
          • Eg.Just to make the cheese more binding
        • To be restrained from motion, or from customary or natural action, as by friction.
          • Eg.I wish I knew why the sewing machine binds up after I use it for a while.
        • To exert a binding or restraining influence.
          • Eg.These are the ties that bind.
        • To tie or fasten tightly together, with a cord, band, ligature, chain, etc.
          • bind grain in bundles  to bind a prisoner
        • To confine, restrain, or hold by physical force or influence of any kind.
          • Eg.Frost binds the earth.
        • To couple.
        • To oblige, restrain, or hold, by authority, law, duty, promise, vow, affection, or other social tie.
          • bind the conscience  to bind by kindness  bound by affection  commerce binds nations to each other
        • To put (a person) under definite legal obligations, especially, under the obligation of a bond or covenant.
        • To place under legal obligation to serve.
          • bind an apprentice  bound out to service
        • To protect or strengthen by applying a band or binding, as the edge of a carpet or garment.
        • To make fast (a thing) about or upon something, as by tying; to encircle with something.
          • bind a belt about one  to bind a compress upon a wound
        • To cover, as with a bandage.
          • bind up a wound
        • To prevent or restrain from customary or natural action, as by producing constipation.
          • Eg.Certain drugs bind the bowels.
        • To put together in a cover, as of books.
          • Eg.The three novels were bound together.
        • To make two or more elements stick together.
        • To associate an identifier with a value; to associate a variable name, method name, etc. with the content of a storage location.
        • To complain; to whine about something.
      • adjective
        • (with infinitive) Obliged (to).
          • Eg.You are not legally bound to reply.
        • (of a morpheme) That cannot stand alone as a free word.
        • (of a variable) Constrained by a quantifier.
        • Constipated; costive.
        • Confined or restricted to a certain place; e.g. railbound.
        • Unable to move in certain conditions; e.g. snowbound.
  • boundary #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ˈbaʊndɹi/
      • /ˈbaʊndəɹi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The dividing line or location between two areas.
        • (often in the plural) The bounds, confines, or limits between immaterial things (such as one’s comfort zone, privacy, or professional sphere and the realm beyond).
        • An edge or line marking an edge of the playing field.
        • An event whereby the ball is struck and either touches or passes over a boundary (with or without bouncing), usually resulting in an award of 4 (four) or 6 (six) runs respectively for the batting team.
        • (of a set) The set of points in the closure of a set S, not belonging to the interior of that set.
  • bow #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bəʊ/ audio
      • /boʊ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A weapon made of a curved piece of wood or other flexible material whose ends are connected by a string, used for shooting arrows.
        • A curved bend in a rod or planar surface, or in a linear formation such as a river (see oxbow).
        • A rod with horsehair (or an artificial substitute) stretched between the ends, used for playing various stringed musical instruments.
        • A stringed instrument (chordophone), consisting of a stick with a single taut cord stretched between the ends, most often played by plucking.
        • A type of knot with two loops, used to tie together two cords such as shoelaces or apron strings, and frequently used as decoration, such as in gift-wrapping.
        • Anything bent or curved, such as a rainbow.
        • The U-shaped piece which goes around the neck of an ox and fastens it to the yoke.
        • Either of the arms of a pair of spectacles, running from the side of the lens to behind the wearer's ear.
        • Any instrument consisting of an elastic rod, with ends connected by a string, employed for giving reciprocating motion to a drill, or for preparing and arranging hair, fur, etc., used by hatters.
        • A crude sort of quadrant formerly used for taking the sun's altitude at sea.
        • (saddlery) Two pieces of wood which form the arched forward part of a saddletree.
        • The part of a key that is not inserted into the lock and that is used to turn the key.
      • verb
        • To play music on (a stringed) instrument using a bow.
          • Eg.The musician bowed his violin expertly.
        • To become bent or curved.
          • Eg.The shelf bowed under the weight of the books.
        • To make something bend or curve.
        • To exercise powerful or controlling influence over; to bend, figuratively; to turn; to incline.
        • To premiere.
          • Eg.Cronenberg’s "Cosmopolis" bows in Cannes this week.
  • bowl #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bəʊɫ/
      • /boʊɫ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A roughly hemispherical container used to hold, mix or present food, such as salad, fruit or soup, or other items.
        • As much as is held by a bowl.
          • Eg.You can’t have any more soup – you’ve had three bowls already.
        • A dish comprising a mix of different foods, not all of which need be cooked, served in a bowl.
          • Eg.This restaurant offers a number of different bowls.
        • A haircut in which straight hair is cut at an even height around the edges, forming a bowl shape.
        • The round hollow part of anything.
          • Eg.Direct the cleaning fluid around the toilet bowl and under the rim.
        • A round crater (or similar) in the ground.
        • An elliptical-shaped stadium or amphitheater resembling a bowl.
        • A postseason football competition, a bowl game (i.e. Rose Bowl, Super Bowl)
  • box #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /bɒks/
      • /bɑks/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Senses relating to a three-dimensional object or space.
        • Senses relating to a two-dimensional object or space
      • verb
        • To place inside a box; to pack in one or more boxes.
        • Usually followed by in: to surround and enclose in a way that restricts movement; to corner, to hem in.
        • To mix two containers of paint of similar colour to ensure that the color is identical.
        • To make an incision or hole in (a tree) for the purpose of procuring the sap.
        • To enclose with boarding, lathing, etc., so as to conceal (for example, pipes) or to bring to a required form.
        • To furnish (for example, the axle of a wheel) with a box.
        • To enclose (images, text, etc.) in a box.
        • To place a value of a primitive type into a corresponding object.
  • boy #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɔːə/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A young male.
          • Eg.Kate is dating a boy named Jim.
        • (diminutive) A male child: a son of any age.
        • (diminutive) A male of any age, particularly one rather younger than the speaker.
        • A male of low station, (especially as pejorative) a worthless male, a wretch; a mean and dishonest male, a knave.
        • (now rare and usually offensive outside some Commonwealth nations) A male servant, slave, assistant, or employee, particularly:
        • Any non-white male, regardless of age.
        • A male animal, especially, in affectionate address, a male dog.
          • Eg.Are you getting a boy cat or a girl cat?
        • A former low rank of various armed services; a holder of this rank.
        • Heroin.
        • (somewhat childish) A male (tree, gene, etc).
      • verb
        • To use the word “boy” to refer to someone.
          • Eg.Don't boy me!
        • To act as a boy (in allusion to the former practice of boys acting women's parts on the stage).
      • interjection
        • Exclamation of surprise, pleasure or longing.
          • Eg.Boy, I wish I could go to Canada!
  • boyfriend #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɔɪfɹənd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A male partner in an unmarried romantic relationship.
        • A male friend.
  • brain #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹeɪn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The control center of the central nervous system of an animal located in the skull which is responsible for perception, cognition, attention, memory, emotion, and action.
        • An intelligent person.
          • Eg.She was a total brain.
        • (in the plural) Intellect.
          • Eg.She has a lot of brains.
        • By analogy with a human brain, the part of a machine or computer that performs calculations.
          • Eg.The computer's brain is capable of millions of calculations a second.
        • Oral sex.
        • Mind.
          • Eg.I have too much on my brain today.
      • verb
        • To dash out the brains of; to kill by smashing the skull.
        • To strike (someone) on the head.
        • To destroy; to put an end to.
        • To conceive in the mind; to understand.
  • branch #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹæntʃ/ audio
      • /bɹɑːntʃ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing.
        • Any of the parts of something that divides like the branch of a tree.
          • Eg.the branch of an antler, a chandelier, or a railway
        • A creek or stream which flows into a larger river. (compare Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia run, and New York and New England brook.)
        • One of the portions of a curve that extends outwards to an indefinitely great distance.
          • Eg.the branches of a hyperbola
        • A location of an organization with several locations.
          • Eg.Our main branch is downtown, and we have branches in all major suburbs.
        • A line of family descent, in distinction from some other line or lines from the same stock; any descendant in such a line.
          • Eg.the English branch of a family
        • A local congregation of the LDS Church that is not large enough to form a ward; see Wikipedia article on ward in LDS church.
        • An area in business or of knowledge, research.
        • A certificate given by Trinity House to a pilot qualified to take navigational control of a ship in British waters.
        • A sequence of code that is conditionally executed.
        • A group of related files in a source control system, including for example source code, build scripts, and media such as images.
        • A branch line.
      • verb
        • To arise from the trunk or a larger branch of a tree.
        • To produce branches.
        • To (cause to) divide into separate parts or subdivisions.
        • To jump to a different location in a program, especially as the result of a conditional statement.
        • To discipline (a union member) at a branch meeting.
  • brand #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹand/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A conflagration; a flame.
        • A piece of burning wood or peat, or a glowing cinder.
          • Eg.To burn something to brands and ashes.
        • A torch used for signaling.
        • A sword.
        • A mark or scar made by burning with a hot iron, especially to mark cattle or to classify the contents of a cask.
        • A branding iron.
        • The symbolic identity, represented by a name and/or a logo, which indicates a certain product or service to the public.
        • A specific product, service, or provider so distinguished.
          • Eg.Some brands of breakfast cereal contain a lot of sugar.
        • (by extension) Any specific type or variety of something; a distinct style or manner.
          • Eg.I didn't appreciate his particular brand of flattery.
        • The public image or reputation and recognized, typical style of an individual or group.
        • A mark of infamy; stigma.
        • Any minute fungus producing a burnt appearance in plants.
      • verb
        • To burn the flesh with a hot iron, either as a marker (for criminals, slaves etc.) or to cauterise a wound.
          • Eg.When they caught him, he was branded and then locked up.
        • To mark (especially cattle) with a brand as proof of ownership.
          • Eg.The ranch hands had to brand every new calf by lunchtime.
        • To make an indelible impression on the memory or senses.
          • Eg.Her face is branded upon my memory.
        • To stigmatize, label (someone).
          • Eg.He was branded a fool by everyone that heard his story.
        • To associate a product or service with a trademark or other name and related images.
          • Eg.They branded the new detergent "Suds-O", with a nature scene inside a green O on the muted-colored recycled-cardboard box.
  • brave #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹeɪv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A Native American warrior.
        • A man daring beyond discretion; a bully.
        • A challenge; a defiance; bravado.
      • verb
        • To encounter with courage and fortitude, to defy, to provoke.
          • Eg.After braving tricks on the high-dive, he braved a jump off the first diving platform.
        • To adorn; to make fine or showy.
      • adjective
        • Strong in the face of fear; courageous.
        • Having any sort of superiority or excellence.
        • Making a fine show or display.
  • breach #card
    • Phonetics:
      • [bɹiːtʃ] audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A gap or opening made by breaking or battering, as in a wall, fortification or levee / embankment; the space between the parts of a solid body rent by violence
        • A breaking up of amicable relations, a falling-out.
        • A breaking of waters, as over a vessel or a coastal defence; the waters themselves
          • Eg.A clear breach is when the waves roll over the vessel without breaking. A clean breach is when everything on deck is swept away.
        • A breaking out upon; an assault.
        • A bruise; a wound.
        • A hernia; a rupture.
        • A breaking or infraction of a law, or of any obligation or tie; violation; non-fulfillment
        • A difference in opinions, social class etc.
        • The act of breaking, in a figurative sense.
      • verb
        • To make a breach in.
          • Eg.They breached the outer wall, but not the main one.
        • To violate or break.
        • (of the sea) To break into a ship or into a coastal defence.
        • (of a whale) To leap out of the water.
  • bread #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹeːd/
      • /bɹɛd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A foodstuff made by baking dough made from cereals.
        • Any variety of bread.
        • Money.
        • Food; sustenance; support of life, in general.
      • verb
        • To coat with breadcrumbs
  • break #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹeɪk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An instance of breaking something into two or more pieces.
          • Eg.The femur has a clean break and so should heal easily.
        • A physical space that opens up in something or between two things.
          • Eg.He waited minutes for a break in the traffic to cross the highway.
        • A rest or pause, usually from work.
          • Eg.Let’s take a five-minute break.
        • A time for students to talk or play.
        • A short holiday.
          • Eg.a weekend break on the Isle of Wight
        • A temporary split with a romantic partner.
          • Eg.I think we need a break.
        • An interval or intermission between two parts of a performance, for example a theatre show, broadcast, or sports game.
        • A significant change in circumstance, attitude, perception, or focus of attention.
          • Eg.big break
        • The beginning (of the morning).
          • the break of day
        • An act of escaping.
          • Eg.It was a clean break.
        • The separation between lines, paragraphs or pages of a written text.
        • A keystroke or other signal that causes a program to terminate or suspend execution.
        • A point or condition in a program at which operation may be suspended during debugging so that the state of the program at that point can be investigated. A breakpoint.
        • A change, particularly the end of a spell of persistent good or bad weather.
        • :
        • A large four-wheeled carriage, having a straight body and calash top, with the driver's seat in front and the footman's behind.
        • (equitation) A sharp bit or snaffle.
        • A short section of music, often between verses, in which some performers stop while others continue.
          • Eg.The fiddle break was amazing; it was a pity the singer came back in on the wrong note.
        • The point in the musical scale at which a woodwind instrument is designed to overblow, that is, to move from its lower to its upper register.
          • Eg.Crossing the break smoothly is one of the first lessons the young clarinettist needs to master.
        • Usu. plural An area along a river that features steep banks, bluffs, or gorges (e.g., Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument, US).
      • verb
        • To separate into two or more pieces, to fracture or crack, by a process that cannot easily be reversed for reassembly.
          • Eg.If the vase falls to the floor, it might break.
        • To divide (something, often money) into smaller units.
          • Eg.Can you break a hundred-dollar bill for me?
        • To cause (a person or animal) to lose spirit or will; to crush the spirits of.
          • Eg.Her child's death broke Angela.
        • To be crushed, or overwhelmed with sorrow or grief.
          • Eg.My heart is breaking.
        • To interrupt; to destroy the continuity of; to dissolve or terminate.
          • Eg.I had won four games in a row, but now you've broken my streak of luck.
        • To ruin financially.
          • Eg.The recession broke some small businesses.
        • To violate, to not adhere to.
          • Eg.He broke his vows by cheating on his wife.
        • (of a fever) To pass the most dangerous part of the illness; to go down, in terms of temperature.
          • Eg.Susan's fever broke at about 3 AM, and the doctor said the worst was over.
        • (of a spell of settled weather) To end.
          • Eg.The forecast says the hot weather will break by midweek.
        • (of a storm) To begin; to end.
          • Eg.Around midday the storm broke, and the afternoon was calm and sunny.
        • (of morning, dawn, day etc.) To arrive.
          • Eg.Morning has broken.
        • To render (a game) unchallenging by altering its rules or exploiting loopholes or weaknesses in them in a way that gives a player an unfair advantage.
          • Eg.Changing the rules to let white have three extra queens would break chess.
        • To stop, or to cause to stop, functioning properly or altogether.
          • Eg.Did you two break the trolley by racing with it?
        • To cause (a barrier) to no longer bar.
          • Eg.break a seal
        • To destroy the arrangement of; to throw into disorder; to pierce.
          • Eg.The cavalry were not able to break the British squares.
        • (of a wave of water) To collapse into surf, after arriving in shallow water.
        • To burst forth; to make its way; to come into view.
        • To interrupt or cease one's work or occupation temporarily.
          • Eg.Let's break for lunch.
        • To interrupt (a fall) by inserting something so that the falling object does not (immediately) hit something else beneath.
          • Eg.He survived the jump out the window because the bushes below broke his fall.
        • To disclose or make known an item of news, etc.
          • Eg.I don't know how to break this to you, but your cat is not coming back.
        • (of a sound) To become audible suddenly.
        • To change a steady state abruptly.
          • Eg.His coughing broke the silence.
        • To suddenly become.
          • Eg.The arrest was standard, when suddenly the suspect broke ugly.
        • Of a male voice, to become deeper at puberty.
        • Of a voice, to alter in type due to emotion or strain: in men generally to go up, in women sometimes to go down; to crack.
          • Eg.His voice breaks when he gets emotional.
        • To surpass or do better than (a specific number), to do better than (a record), setting a new record.
          • Eg.He broke the men's 100-meter record.
        • :
        • (most often in the passive tense) To demote, to reduce the military rank of.
        • To end (a connection), to disconnect.
          • Eg.I couldn't hear a thing he was saying, so I broke the connection and called him back.
        • (of an emulsion) To demulsify.
        • To counter-attack
        • To lay open, as a purpose; to disclose, divulge, or communicate.
        • To become weakened in constitution or faculties; to lose health or strength.
        • To fail in business; to become bankrupt.
        • To destroy the strength, firmness, or consistency of.
          • break flax
        • To destroy the official character and standing of; to cashier; to dismiss.
        • To make an abrupt or sudden change; to change the gait.
          • break into a run or gallop
        • To fall out; to terminate friendship.
        • To terminate the execution of a program before normal completion.
        • To suspend the execution of a program during debugging so that the state of the program can be investigated.
  • breakdown #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɹeɪkdaʊn/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A failure, particularly mechanical; something that has failed
          • Eg.We saw a breakdown by the side of the road.
        • A physical collapse or lapse of mental stability
          • Eg.After so much stress, he suffered a breakdown and simply gave up.
        • Listing, division or categorization in great detail
          • Eg.Looking at the breakdown of the budget, I see a few items we could cut.
        • A detailed description of a forthcoming project, including the characters and roles required.
        • Breaking of chemical bonds within a compound to produce simpler compounds or elements.
        • A musical technique by which the music is stripped down, becoming simpler, varying in heaviness depending on the genre.
        • A loss of organization (of the parts of a system).
        • A noisy, rapid, shuffling dance engaged in competitively by a number of persons or pairs in succession, common in Southern United States African American music.
        • Any crude, noisy dance performed by shuffling the feet, usually by one person at a time.
        • Any rapid bluegrass dance tune, especially featuring a five-string banjo.
          • Eg."Foggy Mountain Breakdown"
        • The percussion break of songs chosen by a DJ for use in hip-hop music.
  • breakfast #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɹɛkfəst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.
          • Eg.You should put more protein in her breakfast so she will grow.
        • (by extension) A meal consisting of food normally eaten in the morning, which may typically include eggs, sausages, toast, bacon, etc.
          • Eg.We serve breakfast all day.
        • The celebratory meal served after a wedding (and occasionally after other solemnities e.g. a funeral).
        • (largely obsolete outside religion) A meal eaten after a period of (now often religious) fasting.
      • verb
        • To eat the morning meal.
        • To serve breakfast to.
  • breakthrough #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɹeɪkθɹuː/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An advance through and past enemy lines.
        • Any major progress; such as a great innovation or discovery that overcomes a significant obstacle.
          • Eg.Albert Einstein is credited with making some of the greatest breakthroughs in modern physics.
        • The penetration of the opposition defence
        • The penetration of a separating wall or the remaining distance to an adjacent hollow (a crosscut in mining) or between two parts of a tunnel build from both ends; knockthrough.
      • adjective
        • Characterized by major progress or overcoming some obstacle.
          • Eg.a breakthrough technological advance
  • breast #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹɛst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Either of the two organs on the front of a female human's chest, which contain the mammary glands; also the analogous organs in males.
          • Eg.Tanya's breasts grew remarkably during pregnancy.
        • The chest, or front of the human thorax.
        • A section of clothing covering the breast area.
        • The figurative seat of the emotions, feelings etc.; one's heart or innermost thoughts.
          • Eg.She kindled hope in the breast of all who heard her.
        • The ventral portion of an animal's thorax.
          • Eg.The robin has a red breast.
        • A choice cut of poultry, especially chicken or turkey, taken from the bird’s breast; also a cut of meat from other animals, breast of mutton, veal, pork.
          • Eg.Would you like breast or wing?
        • The front or forward part of anything.
          • Eg.a chimney breast; a plough breast
        • The face of a coal working.
        • The front of a furnace.
        • The power of singing; a musical voice.
      • verb
        • To push against with the breast; to meet full on, oppose, face.
        • To reach the top (of a hill).
          • Eg.He breasted the hill and saw the town before him.
        • To debreast.
  • breath #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹɛθ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act or process of breathing.
          • Eg.I could hear the breath of the runner behind me.
        • A single act of breathing in or out; a breathing of air.
          • Eg.I took a deep breath and started the test.
        • Air expelled from the lungs.
          • Eg.I could feel the runner's breath on my shoulder.
        • A rest or pause.
          • Eg.Let's stop for a breath when we get to the top of the hill.
        • A small amount of something, such as wind, or common sense.
          • Eg.Even with all the windows open, there is hardly a breath of air in here.
        • Fragrance; exhalation; odor; perfume.
        • Gentle exercise, causing a quicker respiration.
  • breathe #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹiːð/
      • /bɹið/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To draw air into (inhale), and expel air from (exhale), the lungs in order to extract oxygen and excrete waste gases.
        • To take in needed gases and expel waste gases in a similar way.
          • Eg.Fish have gills so they can breathe underwater.
        • To inhale (a gas) to sustain life.
          • Eg.While life as we know it depends on oxygen, scientists have speculated that alien life forms might breathe chlorine or methane.
        • To live.
          • Eg.I will not allow it, as long as I still breathe.
        • To draw something into the lungs.
          • Eg.Try not to breathe too much smoke.
        • To expel air from the lungs, exhale.
          • Eg.If you breathe on a mirror, it will fog up.
        • To exhale or expel (something) in the manner of breath.
          • Eg.The flowers breathed a heady perfume.
        • To give an impression of, to exude.
          • Eg.The decor positively breathes classical elegance.
        • To whisper quietly.
          • Eg.He breathed the words into her ear, but she understood them all.
        • To pass like breath; noiselessly or gently; to emanate; to blow gently.
          • Eg.The wind breathes through the trees.
        • To exchange gases with the environment.
          • Eg.Garments made of certain new materials breathe well and keep the skin relatively dry during exercise.
        • To rest; to stop and catch one's breath.
        • To stop, to give (a horse) an opportunity to catch its breath.
          • Eg.At higher altitudes you need to breathe your horse more often.
        • To exercise; to tire by brisk exercise.
        • To passionately devote much of one's life to (an activity, etc.).
          • Eg.Do you like hiking?  Are you kidding? I breathe hiking.
  • breathing #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɹiːðɪŋ/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To draw air into (inhale), and expel air from (exhale), the lungs in order to extract oxygen and excrete waste gases.
        • To take in needed gases and expel waste gases in a similar way.
          • Eg.Fish have gills so they can breathe underwater.
        • To inhale (a gas) to sustain life.
          • Eg.While life as we know it depends on oxygen, scientists have speculated that alien life forms might breathe chlorine or methane.
        • To live.
          • Eg.I will not allow it, as long as I still breathe.
        • To draw something into the lungs.
          • Eg.Try not to breathe too much smoke.
        • To expel air from the lungs, exhale.
          • Eg.If you breathe on a mirror, it will fog up.
        • To exhale or expel (something) in the manner of breath.
          • Eg.The flowers breathed a heady perfume.
        • To give an impression of, to exude.
          • Eg.The decor positively breathes classical elegance.
        • To whisper quietly.
          • Eg.He breathed the words into her ear, but she understood them all.
        • To pass like breath; noiselessly or gently; to emanate; to blow gently.
          • Eg.The wind breathes through the trees.
        • To exchange gases with the environment.
          • Eg.Garments made of certain new materials breathe well and keep the skin relatively dry during exercise.
        • To rest; to stop and catch one's breath.
        • To stop, to give (a horse) an opportunity to catch its breath.
          • Eg.At higher altitudes you need to breathe your horse more often.
        • To exercise; to tire by brisk exercise.
        • To passionately devote much of one's life to (an activity, etc.).
          • Eg.Do you like hiking?  Are you kidding? I breathe hiking.
      • noun
        • The act of respiration; a single instance of this.
        • A diacritical mark indicating aspiration or lack thereof.
        • Time to recover one's breath; hence, a delay, a spell of time.
        • Any gentle influence or operation; inspiration.
          • Eg.the breathings of the Holy Spirit
        • Aspiration; secret prayer.
  • breed #card card-last-interval:: -1 card-repeats:: 1 card-ease-factor:: 2.5 card-next-schedule:: 2022-09-15T17:00:00.000Z card-last-reviewed:: 2022-09-15T07:35:35.064Z card-last-score:: 1
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹiːd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • All animals or plants of the same species or subspecies.
          • Eg.a breed of animal
        • A race or lfffspring or issue.
        • A group of people with shared characteristics.
          • Eg.People who were taught classical Greek and Latin at school are a dying breed.
      • verb
        • To produce offspring sexually; to bear young.
        • To give birth to; to be the native place of.
          • Eg.a pond breeds fish; a northern country breeds stout men
        • Of animals, to mate.
        • To keep animals and have them reproduce in a way that improves the next generation’s qualities.
        • To arrange the mating of specific animals.
          • Eg.She wanted to breed her cow to the neighbor's registered bull.
        • To propagate or grow plants trying to give them certain qualities.
          • Eg.He tries to breed blue roses.
        • To take care of in infancy and through childhood; to bring up.
        • To yield or result in.
          • Eg.disaster breeds famine;  familiarity breeds contempt
        • To be formed in the parent or dam; to be generated, or to grow, like young before birth.
        • (sometimes as breed up) To educate; to instruct; to bring up
        • To produce or obtain by any natural process.
        • To have birth; to be produced, developed or multiplied.
        • To ejaculate inside someone's ass
  • brick #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹɪk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A hardened rectangular block of mud, clay etc., used for building.
          • Eg.This wall is made of bricks.
        • Such hardened mud, clay, etc. considered collectively, as a building material.
          • Eg.This house is made of brick.
        • Something shaped like a brick.
          • Eg.a plastic explosive brick
        • A helpful and reliable person.
          • Eg.Thanks for helping me wash the car. You're a brick.
        • A shot which misses, particularly one which bounces directly out of the basket because of a too-flat trajectory, as if the ball were a heavier object.
          • Eg.We can't win if we keep throwing up bricks from three-point land.
        • A power brick; an external power supply consisting of a small box with an integral male power plug and an attached electric cord terminating in another power plug.
        • An electronic device, especially a heavy box-shaped one, that has become non-functional or obsolete.
        • A carton of 500 rimfire cartridges, which forms the approximate size and shape of a brick.
        • A community card (usually the turn or the river) which does not improve a player's hand.
          • Eg.The two of clubs was a complete brick on the river.
        • The colour brick red.
        • One kilo of cocaine.
      • verb
        • To build with bricks.
        • To make into bricks.
        • To hit someone or something with a brick.
        • To make an electronic device nonfunctional and usually beyond repair, essentially making it no more useful than a brick.
          • Eg.My VCR was bricked during the lightning storm.
      • adjective
        • (of weather) Extremely cold.
  • bride #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹaɪd/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A woman in the context of her own wedding; one who is going to marry or has just been married.
        • An object ardently loved.
      • verb
        • To make a bride of
  • bridge #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹɪd͡ʒ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A construction or natural feature that spans a divide.
        • An arch or superstructure.
        • A connection, real or abstract.
        • Any of several electrical devices that measure characteristics such as impedance and inductance by balancing different parts of a circuit
        • A low wall or vertical partition in the fire chamber of a furnace, for deflecting flame, etc.; a bridge wall.
        • The situation where a lone rider or small group of riders closes the space between them and the rider or group in front.
        • A solid crust of undissolved salt in a water softener.
      • verb
        • To be or make a bridge over something.
          • Eg.With enough cable, we can bridge this gorge.
        • To span as if with a bridge.
          • Eg.The two groups were able to bridge their differences.
        • To transition from one piece or section of music to another without stopping.
        • (communication) To connect two or more computer buses, networks etc. with a bridge.
        • To go to the bridge position.
  • brief #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹiːf/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A writ summoning one to answer to any action.
        • An answer to any action.
        • A memorandum of points of fact or of law for use in conducting a case.
        • (by extension) A position of interest or advocacy.
        • An attorney's legal argument in written form for submission to a court.
        • (English law) The material relevant to a case, delivered by a solicitor to the barrister who tries the case.
        • A short news story or report.
          • Eg.We got a news brief.
        • (usually in the plural) undershorts briefs.
          • Eg.I wear boxers under trousers but for sports I usually wear a brief.
        • A summary, précis or epitome; an abridgement or abstract.
        • A letter patent, from proper authority, authorizing a collection or charitable contribution of money in churches, for any public or private purpose.
        • (slang) A ticket of any type.
      • verb
        • To summarize a recent development to some person with decision-making power.
          • Eg.The U.S. president was briefed on the military coup and its implications on African stability.
        • To write a legal argument and submit it to a court.
      • adjective
        • Of short duration; happening quickly.
          • Eg.Her reign was brief but spectacular.
        • Concise; taking few words.
          • Eg.His speech of acceptance was brief but moving.
        • Occupying a small distance, area or spatial extent; short.
          • Eg.Her skirt was extremely brief but doubtless cool.
        • Rife; common; prevalent.
      • adverb
        • Briefly.
        • Soon; quickly.
  • briefly #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɹiːfli/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • (manner) In a brief manner, summarily.
          • Eg.He covered the subject briefly in his book.
        • (duration) For a brief period.
          • Eg.He only worked here briefly.
        • To be brief, in short.
          • Eg.Briefly, I am not happy about what happened, but no one will be losing their job.
  • bright #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹaɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An artist's brush used in oil and acrylic painting with a long ferrule and a flat, somewhat tapering bristle head.
        • Splendour; brightness
        • A person with a naturalistic worldview with no supernatural or mystical elements.
        • (in the plural) The high-beam intensity of motor vehicle headlamps.
          • Eg.Your brights are on.
      • adjective
        • Visually dazzling; luminous, lucent, clear, radiant; not dark.
          • Eg.Could you please dim the light? It's far too bright.
        • Having a clear, quick intellect; intelligent.
          • Eg.He's very bright. He was able to solve the problem without my help.
        • Vivid, colourful, brilliant.
          • Eg.The orange and blue walls of the sitting room were much brighter than the dull grey walls of the kitchen.
        • Happy, in good spirits.
          • Eg.I woke up today feeling so bright that I decided to have a little dance.
        • Sparkling with wit; lively; vivacious; cheerful.
        • Illustrious; glorious.
        • Clear; transparent.
        • Manifest to the mind, as light is to the eyes; clear; evident; plain.
  • brilliant #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɹɪljənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A finely cut gemstone, especially a diamond, cut in a particular form with numerous facets so as to maximize light return through the top (called "table") of the stone.
        • The size of type between excelsior and diamond, standardized as 4-point.
        • Most hummingbird species of the genus Heliodoxa.
        • A kind of cotton goods, figured on the weaving.
      • adjective
        • Shining brightly.
          • Eg.the brilliant lights along the promenade
        • (of a colour) Both bright and saturated.
          • Eg.butterflies with brilliant blue wings
        • (of a voice or sound) Having a sharp, clear tone
        • Of surpassing excellence.
          • Eg.The actor's performance in the play was simply brilliant.
        • Magnificent or wonderful.
        • Highly intelligent.
          • Eg.She is a brilliant scientist.
  • bring #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɹɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • (ditransitive) To transport toward somebody/somewhere.
          • Eg.Waiter, please bring me a single malt whiskey.
        • To supply or contribute.
          • Eg.The new company director brought a fresh perspective on sales and marketing.
        • To occasion or bring about.
          • Eg.The controversial TV broadcast brought a storm of complaints.
        • To raise (a lawsuit, charges, etc.) against somebody.
        • To persuade; to induce; to draw; to lead; to guide.
        • To produce in exchange; to sell for; to fetch.
          • Eg.What does coal bring per ton?
        • To pitch, often referring to a particularly hard thrown fastball.
          • Eg.The closer Jones can really bring it.
  • broad #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹɑd/
      • /bɹɔːd/
      • /bɹɔd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A shallow lake, one of a number of bodies of water in eastern Norfolk and Suffolk.
        • A lathe tool for turning down the insides and bottoms of cylinders.
        • A British gold coin worth 20 shillings, issued by the Commonwealth of England in 1656.
      • adjective
        • Wide in extent or scope.
          • Eg.the broad expanse of ocean
        • Extended, in the sense of diffused; open; clear; full.
        • Having a large measure of any thing or quality; unlimited; unrestrained.
        • Comprehensive; liberal; enlarged.
        • Plain; evident.
          • Eg.a broad hint
        • (writing) Unsubtle; obvious.
        • Free; unrestrained; unconfined.
        • Gross; coarse; indelicate.
          • Eg.a broad compliment; a broad joke; broad humour
        • (of an accent) Strongly regional.
        • (Gaelic languages) Velarized, i.e. not palatalized.
  • broadband #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A wide band of electromagnetic frequencies
        • An internet connection provisioned over an existing service using alternate signal frequencies such as ADSL or cable modem.
      • adjective
        • Of, pertaining to, or carrying a wide band of electromagnetic frequencies
  • broadcast #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɹɑdkæst/
      • /-kæst/
      • /ˈbɹɔdkæst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A transmission of a radio or television programme intended to be received by anyone with a receiver.
        • A programme (bulletin, documentary, show, etc.) so transmitted.
          • Eg.The DJ was feeling nervous before his first national broadcast.
        • The act of scattering seed; a crop grown from such seed.
      • verb
        • To transmit a message or signal through radio waves or electronic means.
        • To transmit a message over a wide area; specifically, to send an email in a single transmission to a (typically large) number of people.
        • To appear as a performer, presenter, or speaker in a broadcast programme.
        • To sow seeds over a wide area.
      • adjective
        • Cast or scattered widely in all directions; cast abroad.
        • Communicated, signalled, or transmitted through radio waves or electronic means.
        • Relating to transmissions of messages or signals through radio waves or electronic means.
      • adverb
        • Widely in all directions; abroad.
        • By having its seeds sown over a wide area.
  • broadcaster #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An organisation that engages in the activity of broadcasting.
        • A person whose job it is to broadcast.
  • broadly #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • Widely and openly.
        • In a wide manner; liberally; in a loose sense.
  • broken #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɹəʊkən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To separate into two or more pieces, to fracture or crack, by a process that cannot easily be reversed for reassembly.
          • Eg.If the vase falls to the floor, it might break.
        • To divide (something, often money) into smaller units.
          • Eg.Can you break a hundred-dollar bill for me?
        • To cause (a person or animal) to lose spirit or will; to crush the spirits of.
          • Eg.Her child's death broke Angela.
        • To be crushed, or overwhelmed with sorrow or grief.
          • Eg.My heart is breaking.
        • To interrupt; to destroy the continuity of; to dissolve or terminate.
          • Eg.I had won four games in a row, but now you've broken my streak of luck.
        • To ruin financially.
          • Eg.The recession broke some small businesses.
        • To violate, to not adhere to.
          • Eg.He broke his vows by cheating on his wife.
        • (of a fever) To pass the most dangerous part of the illness; to go down, in terms of temperature.
          • Eg.Susan's fever broke at about 3 AM, and the doctor said the worst was over.
        • (of a spell of settled weather) To end.
          • Eg.The forecast says the hot weather will break by midweek.
        • (of a storm) To begin; to end.
          • Eg.Around midday the storm broke, and the afternoon was calm and sunny.
        • (of morning, dawn, day etc.) To arrive.
          • Eg.Morning has broken.
        • To render (a game) unchallenging by altering its rules or exploiting loopholes or weaknesses in them in a way that gives a player an unfair advantage.
          • Eg.Changing the rules to let white have three extra queens would break chess.
        • To stop, or to cause to stop, functioning properly or altogether.
          • Eg.Did you two break the trolley by racing with it?
        • To cause (a barrier) to no longer bar.
          • Eg.break a seal
        • To destroy the arrangement of; to throw into disorder; to pierce.
          • Eg.The cavalry were not able to break the British squares.
        • (of a wave of water) To collapse into surf, after arriving in shallow water.
        • To burst forth; to make its way; to come into view.
        • To interrupt or cease one's work or occupation temporarily.
          • Eg.Let's break for lunch.
        • To interrupt (a fall) by inserting something so that the falling object does not (immediately) hit something else beneath.
          • Eg.He survived the jump out the window because the bushes below broke his fall.
        • To disclose or make known an item of news, etc.
          • Eg.I don't know how to break this to you, but your cat is not coming back.
        • (of a sound) To become audible suddenly.
        • To change a steady state abruptly.
          • Eg.His coughing broke the silence.
        • To suddenly become.
          • Eg.The arrest was standard, when suddenly the suspect broke ugly.
        • Of a male voice, to become deeper at puberty.
        • Of a voice, to alter in type due to emotion or strain: in men generally to go up, in women sometimes to go down; to crack.
          • Eg.His voice breaks when he gets emotional.
        • To surpass or do better than (a specific number), to do better than (a record), setting a new record.
          • Eg.He broke the men's 100-meter record.
        • :
        • (most often in the passive tense) To demote, to reduce the military rank of.
        • To end (a connection), to disconnect.
          • Eg.I couldn't hear a thing he was saying, so I broke the connection and called him back.
        • (of an emulsion) To demulsify.
        • To counter-attack
        • To lay open, as a purpose; to disclose, divulge, or communicate.
        • To become weakened in constitution or faculties; to lose health or strength.
        • To fail in business; to become bankrupt.
        • To destroy the strength, firmness, or consistency of.
          • break flax
        • To destroy the official character and standing of; to cashier; to dismiss.
        • To make an abrupt or sudden change; to change the gait.
          • break into a run or gallop
        • To fall out; to terminate friendship.
        • To terminate the execution of a program before normal completion.
        • To suspend the execution of a program during debugging so that the state of the program can be investigated.
      • adjective
        • Fragmented, in separate pieces.
        • (of a promise, etc) Breached; violated; not kept.
          • Eg.broken promises of neutrality
        • Non-functional; not functioning properly.
          • Eg.I think my doorbell is broken.
        • (of a person) Completely defeated and dispirited; shattered; destroyed.
          • Eg.The bankruptcy and divorce, together with the death of his son, left him completely broken.
        • Having no money; bankrupt, broke.
        • (of land) Uneven.
        • (of a tactic or option) Overpowered; overly powerful; too powerful.
  • brother #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɹɐðɘ(ɹ)/
      • /ˈbɹʌðə(ɹ)/ audio
      • /ˈbɹʌðɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Son of the same parents as another person.
        • A male having at least one parent in common with another (see half-brother, stepbrother).
        • A male fellow member of a religious community, church, trades union etc.
          • Eg.I would like to thank the brother who just spoke.
        • A form of address to a man.
          • Eg.Listen, brother, I don't know what you want, but I'm not interested.
        • A black male.
        • Somebody, usually male, connected by a common cause or situation.
        • Someone who is a peer, whether male or female.
      • verb
        • To treat as a brother.
      • interjection
        • Expressing exasperation.
          • Eg.We're being forced to work overtime? Oh, brother!
  • brown #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹaʊn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A colour like that of chocolate or coffee.
          • Eg.The browns and greens in this painting give it a nice woodsy feel.
        • One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of 4 points.
        • Black tar heroin.
        • A copper coin.
        • A brown horse or other animal.
        • (sometimes capitalised) A person of Middle Eastern, Latino or South Asian descent; a brown-skinned person; someone of mulatto or biracial appearance.
        • Any of various nymphalid butterflies of subfamily Satyrinae (formerly the family Satyridae).
        • Any of certain species of nymphalid butterflies of subfamily Satyrinae, such as those of the genera Heteronympha and Melanitis.
        • A brown trout (Salmo trutta).
      • verb
        • To become brown.
          • Eg.Fry the onions until they brown.
        • To cook something until it becomes brown.
          • Eg.Brown the onions in a large frying pan.
        • To tan.
          • Eg.Light-skinned people tend to brown when exposed to the sun.
        • To make brown or dusky.
        • To give a bright brown colour to, as to gun barrels, by forming a thin coating of oxide on their surface.
        • (usually derogatory) To turn progressively more Middle Eastern, Hispanic or Latino, in the context of the population of a geographic region.
          • Eg.the browning of America
        • To treat with deference, or respect.
      • adjective
        • Having a brown colour.
        • Gloomy.
        • (sometimes capitalized) Of or relating to any of various ethnic groups having dark pigmentation of the skin.
  • browser #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɹaʊzə(ɹ)/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person or animal who browses.
        • A person who examines goods for sale but purchases nothing.
        • A web browser.
  • brush #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɹʌʃ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An implement consisting of multiple more or less flexible bristles or other filaments attached to a handle, used for any of various purposes including cleaning, painting, and arranging hair.
        • The act of brushing something.
          • Eg.She gave her hair a quick brush.
        • A piece of conductive material, usually carbon, serving to maintain electrical contact between the stationary and rotating parts of a machine.
        • A brush-like electrical discharge of sparks.
        • Wild vegetation, generally larger than grass but smaller than trees.
        • A short and sometimes occasional encounter or experience.
          • Eg.He has had brushes with communism from time to time.
        • The furry tail of an animal, especially of a fox.
        • A tuft of hair on the mandibles.
        • A short contest, or trial, of speed.
        • An instrument, resembling a brush, used to produce a soft sound from drums or cymbals.
        • An on-screen tool for "painting" a particular colour or texture.
        • A set of defined design and parameters that produce drawn strokes of a certain texture and quality.
          • Eg.donwloading brushes for Photoshop
        • In 3D video games, a convex polyhedron, especially one that defines structure of the play area.
        • The floorperson of a poker room, usually in a casino.
        • (North Wisconsin) Evergreen boughs, especially balsam, locally cut and baled for export, usually for use in making wreaths.
      • verb
        • To clean with a brush.
          • Eg.Brush your teeth.
        • To untangle or arrange with a brush.
          • Eg.Brush your hair.
        • To apply with a brush.
          • Eg.Brush the paint onto the walls.
        • To remove with a sweeping motion.
          • Eg.Brush the flour off your clothes.
        • To touch with a sweeping motion, or lightly in passing.
          • Eg.Her scarf brushed his skin.
        • To clean one's teeth by brushing them.
  • brutal #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɹuːtəl/
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Savagely violent, vicious, ruthless, or cruel
        • Crude or unfeeling in manner or speech.
        • Harsh; unrelenting
        • Disagreeably precise or penetrating
        • In extreme metal, to describe the speed of the music and the density of riffs.
  • bubble #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbʌb.əl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A spherically contained volume of air or other gas, especially one made from soapy liquid.
        • A small spherical cavity in a solid material.
          • Eg.bubbles in window glass, or in a lens
        • (by extension) Anything resembling a hollow sphere.
        • Anything lacking firmness or solidity; a cheat or fraud; an empty project.
        • A period of intense speculation in a market, causing prices to rise quickly to irrational levels as the metaphorical bubble expands, and then fall even more quickly as the bubble bursts.
          • bubble
        • The emotional and/or physical atmosphere in which the subject is immersed.
        • An officer's station in a prison dormitory, affording views on all sides.
        • Someone who has been ‘bubbled’ or fooled; a dupe.
        • A small, hollow, floating bead or globe, formerly used for testing the strength of spirits.
        • The globule of air in the chamber of a spirit level.
        • A laugh.
          • Eg.Are you having a bubble?!
        • A Greek.
        • Any of the small magnetized areas that make up bubble memory.
        • The point in a poker tournament when the last player without a prize loses all their chips and leaves the game, leaving only players that are going to win prizes. (e.g., if the last remaining 9 players win prizes, then the point when the 10th player leaves the tournament)
          • Eg.Many players tend to play timidly (not play many hands) around the bubble, to keep their chips and last longer in the game.
        • A group of people who are in quarantine together.
      • verb
        • To produce bubbles, to rise up in bubbles (such as in foods cooking or liquids boiling).
        • To churn or foment, as if wishing to rise to the surface.
          • Eg.Rage bubbled inside him.
        • To rise through a medium or system, similar to the way that bubbles rise in liquid.
        • To cheat, delude.
        • To cry, weep.
        • To pat a baby on the back so as to cause it to belch.
        • To cause to feel as if bubbling or churning.
        • To express in a bubbly or lively manner.
        • To form into a protruding round shape.
        • To cover with bubbles.
        • To bubble in; to mark a response on a form by filling in a circular area (‘bubble’).
  • buck #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bʌk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A male deer, antelope, sheep, goat, rabbit, hare, and sometimes the male of other animals such as the hamster, ferret and shad.
        • An uncastrated sheep, a ram.
        • A young buck; an adventurous, impetuous, dashing, or high-spirited young man.
        • A fop or dandy.
        • A black or Native American man.
        • A dollar (one hundred cents).
          • Eg.Can I borrow five bucks?
        • A rand (currency unit).
        • (by extension) Money.
          • Eg.Corporations will do anything to make a buck.
        • One hundred.
          • Eg.That skinny guy? C'mon, he can't weigh more than a buck and a quarter [125 pounds].
        • An object of various types, placed on a table to indicate turn or status; such as a brass object, placed in rotation on a US Navy wardroom dining table to indicate which officer is to be served first, or an item passed around a poker table indicating the dealer or placed in the pot to remind the winner of some privilege or obligation when his or her turn to deal next comes.
        • (in certain metaphors or phrases) Blame; responsibility; scapegoating; finger-pointing.
          • Eg.pass the buck
        • The body of a post mill, particularly in East Anglia. See Wikipedia:Windmill machinery.
        • One million dollars.
        • A euro.
        • A frame on which firewood is sawed; a sawhorse; a sawbuck.
        • A leather-covered frame used for gymnastic vaulting
        • A wood or metal frame used by automotive customizers and restorers to assist in the shaping of sheet metal bodywork. See Street Rodder "Making a Wood Buck".
      • verb
        • To copulate, as bucks and does.
      • noun
        • A type of African American traditional clogging.
      • noun
        • The generally sterile male or female hybrid offspring of a male donkey and a female horse.
        • The generally sterile hybrid offspring of any two species of animals.
        • A hybrid plant.
        • A stubborn person.
        • A person paid to smuggle drugs.
        • A coin or medal minted with obverse and reverse designs not normally seen on the same piece, either intentionally or in error.
        • A MMORPG character, or NPC companion in a tabletop RPG, used mainly to store extra inventory for the owner's primary character.
        • Any of a group of cocktails involving ginger ale or ginger beer, citrus juice, and various liquors.
        • A kind of triangular sail for a yacht.
        • A kind of cotton-spinning machine.
      • noun
        • A shoe that has no fitting or strap around the heel, but which covers the foot.
  • bucket #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbʌkɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A container made of rigid material, often with a handle, used to carry liquids or small items.
          • Eg.I need a bucket to carry the water from the well.
        • The amount held in this container.
          • Eg.The horse drank a whole bucket of water.
        • A unit of measure equal to four gallons.
        • Part of a piece of machinery that resembles a bucket (container).
        • An old vehicle that is not in good working order.
        • The basket.
          • Eg.The forward drove to the bucket.
        • A field goal.
          • Eg.We can't keep giving up easy buckets.
        • (variation management) A mechanism for avoiding the allocation of targets in cases of mismanagement.
        • A storage space in a hash table for every item sharing a particular key.
        • (chiefly in the plural) A large amount of liquid.
          • Eg.I was so nervous that I sweated buckets.
        • A bucket bag.
        • The leather socket for holding the whip when driving, or for the carbine or lance when mounted.
        • The pitcher in certain orchids.
      • verb
        • To place inside a bucket.
        • To draw or lift in, or as if in, buckets.
          • bucket water
        • To rain heavily.
          • Eg.It’s really bucketing down out there.
        • To travel very quickly.
          • Eg.The boat is bucketing along.
        • To categorize (data) by splitting it into buckets, or groups of related items.
        • To ride (a horse) hard or mercilessly.
        • To make, or cause to make (the recovery), with a certain hurried or unskillful forward swing of the body.
  • buddy #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bʌd.i/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A friend or casual acquaintance.
          • Eg.They have been buddies since they were in school.
        • A partner for a particular activity.
          • Eg.drinking buddies
        • An informal and friendly address to a stranger; a friendly (or occasionally antagonistic) placeholder name for a person one does not know.
          • Eg.Hey, buddy, I think you dropped this.
      • verb
        • To assign a buddy, or partner, to.
  • budget #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbʌdʒ.ɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame.
        • An itemized summary of intended expenditure; usually coupled with expected revenue.
        • A wallet, purse or bag.
        • A compact collection of things.
        • A socket in which the end of a cavalry carbine rests.
      • verb
        • To construct or draw up a budget.
          • Eg.Budgeting is even harder in times of recession
        • To provide funds, allow for in a budget.
          • Eg.The PM’s pet projects are budgeted rather generously
        • To plan for the use of in a budget.
          • Eg.The prestigious building project is budgeted in great detail, from warf facilities to the protocollary opening.
      • adjective
        • Of or relating to a budget.
        • Appropriate to a restricted budget.
          • Eg.We flew on a budget airline.
  • buffer #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbafə(ɹ)/ audio
      • /ˈbʌfə(ɹ)/
      • /ˈbʌfɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Of the color of buff leather, a brownish yellow.
        • Unusually muscular. (also buffed or buffed out)
          • Eg.The bouncer was a big, buff dude with tattoos, a shaved head, and a serious scowl.
        • Physically attractive.
      • noun
        • Someone or something that buffs.
        • A solution used to stabilize the pH (acidity) of a liquid.
        • A portion of memory set aside to store data, often before it is sent to an external device or as it is received from an external device.
        • (mechanical) Anything used to maintain slack or isolate different objects.
        • A routine or storage medium used to compensate for a difference in rate of flow of data, or time of occurrence of events, when transferring data from one device to another.
        • A device on trains and carriages designed to cushion the impact between them.
        • The metal barrier to help prevent trains from running off the end of the track.
        • An isolating circuit, often an amplifier, used to minimize the influence of a driven circuit on the driving circuit.
        • (international relations) A buffer zone (such as a demilitarized zone) or a buffer state.
        • A good-humoured, slow-witted fellow, usually an elderly man.
        • A gap that isolates or separates two things.
      • verb
        • To use a buffer or buffers; to isolate or minimize the effects of one thing on another.
        • To store data in memory temporarily.
        • To maintain the acidity of a solution near a chosen value by adding an acid or a base.
  • bug #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bʌɡ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An insect of the order Hemiptera (the “true bugs”).
        • Any of various species of marine or freshwater crustaceans; e.g. a Morton Bay bug, mudbug.
        • Any insect, arachnid, or other terrestrial arthropod that is a pest.
          • Eg.These flies are a bother. I’ll get some bug spray and kill them.
        • Any insect, arachnid, myriapod or entognath.
        • (chiefly computing and engineering jargon) A problem that needs fixing.
          • Eg.The software bug led the computer to calculate 2 plus 2 as 3.
        • A contagious illness; a bacterium or virus causing it
          • Eg.He’s got the flu bug.
        • An enthusiasm for something; an obsession
          • Eg.I caught the skiing bug while staying in the Alps.
        • A keen enthusiast or hobbyist.
        • A concealed electronic eavesdropping or intercept device
          • Eg.We installed a bug in her telephone.
        • A small and usually invisible file (traditionally a single-pixel image) on a World Wide Web page, primarily used to track users.
          • Eg.He suspected the image was a Web bug used for determining who was visiting the site.
        • A small, usually transparent or translucent image placed in a corner of a television program to indicate what network or cable channel is televising it
          • Eg.Channel 4's bug distracted Jim from his favorite show.
        • A manually positioned marker in flight instruments.
        • A semi-automated telegraph key.
        • Hobgoblin, scarecrow; anything that terrifies.
        • ("the bug") HIV.
        • A limited form of wild card in some variants of poker.
        • A trilobite.
        • A young apprentice jockey.
      • verb
        • To annoy.
          • Eg.Don’t bug me, I’m busy!
        • To install an electronic listening device or devices in.
          • Eg.We need to know what’s going on. We’ll bug his house.
      • noun
        • A microfossil, particularly a foraminiferan.
  • build #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɪld/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The physique of a human body; constitution or structure of a human body.
          • Eg.Rugby players are of sturdy build.
        • Any of various versions of a software product as it is being developed for release to users.
          • Eg.The computer company has introduced a new prototype build to beta testers.
        • Any structure, such as a building, statue, pool or forest, created by the player.
          • Eg.I made a build that looked like the Parthenon in that game.
      • verb
        • To form (something) by combining materials or parts.
        • To develop or give form to (something) according to a plan or process.
        • To increase or strengthen (something) by adding gradually to.
        • To establish a basis for (something).
        • To form by combining materials or parts.
        • To develop in magnitude or extent.
        • To construct (software) by compiling its source code.
        • (of source code) To be converted into software by compilation, usually with minimal human intervention.
          • Eg.This code won't build any more. Have you made any changes?
  • builder #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɪl.də/
      • /ˈbɪl.dɚ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who builds or constructs things.
        • Master artisan, who receives his instructions from the architect, and employs workers.
        • A bodybuilder.
  • building #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɪl.dɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act or process by which something is built; construction.
          • Eg.The building of the bridge will be completed in a couple of weeks.
        • A closed structure with walls and a roof.
          • Eg.My sister lives in that apartment building.
  • bulk #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bʌlk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Size, specifically, volume.
        • Any huge body or structure.
        • The major part of something.
          • Eg.I understood the bulk of what you were saying, just one of two points I need to hear again.
        • Dietary fibre.
        • Unpackaged goods when transported in large volumes, e.g. coal, ore or grain.
        • A cargo or any items moved or communicated in the manner of cargo.
        • Excess body mass, especially muscle.
        • A period where one tries to gain muscle.
        • (brane cosmology) A hypothetical higher-dimensional space within which our own four-dimensional universe may exist.
        • The body.
      • verb
        • To appear or seem to be, as to bulk or extent.
        • To grow in size; to swell or expand.
        • To gain body mass by means of diet, exercise, etc.
        • To put or hold in bulk.
        • To add bulk to, to bulk out.
      • adjective
        • Being large in size, mass or volume (of goods, etc.)
        • Total
  • bullet #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbʊl.ɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A projectile, usually of metal, shot from a gun at high speed.
        • An entire round of unfired ammunition for a firearm, including the projectile, the cartridge casing, the propellant charge, etc.
        • Ammunition for a sling or slingshot which has been manufactured for such use.
        • A printed symbol in the form of a solid circle, (•), often used in lieu of numbers for marking items in a list. (see also bulleted)
        • A large scheduled repayment of the principal of a loan; a balloon payment.
        • A rejection letter, as for employment, admission to a school or a competition.
          • Eg.John's not going to any of his top schools; he got a bullet from the last of them yesterday.
        • One year of prison time
        • An ace (the playing card).
        • Anything that is projected extremely fast.
        • (in attributive use) Very fast (speedy).
          • Eg.bullet chess
        • A plumb or sinker.
        • (particularly in Northern Ireland) The heavy projectile thrown in a game of road bowling.
        • A roughly bullet-shaped sweet consisting of a cylinder of liquorice covered in chocolate.
        • A small ball.
        • A cannonball.
        • The fetlock of a horse.
      • verb
        • To draw attention to (text) by, or as if by, placing a graphic bullet in front of it.
        • To speed, like a bullet.
          • Eg.Their debut started slow, but bulleted to number six in its fourth week.
        • To make a shot, especially with great speed.
          • Eg.He bulleted a header for his first score of the season.
  • bump #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bʌmp/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A light blow or jolting collision.
        • The sound of such a collision.
        • A protuberance on a level surface.
        • A swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury.
        • One of the protuberances on the cranium which, in phrenology, are associated with distinct faculties or affections of the mind. Also (metonymically) the faculty itself
          • Eg.the bump of veneration; the bump of acquisitiveness
        • The point, in a race in which boats are spaced apart at the start, at which a boat begins to overtake the boat ahead.
        • The swollen abdomen of a pregnant woman.
        • A post in an Internet forum thread made in order to raise the thread's profile by returning it to the top of the list of active threads.
        • A temporary increase in a quantity, as shown in a graph.
          • Eg.US presidential nominees get a post-convention bump in survey ratings.
        • A dose of a drug such as ketamine or cocaine, when snorted recreationally.
        • The noise made by the bittern; a boom.
        • (preceded by definite article) A disco dance in which partners rhythmically bump each other's hips together.
        • In skipping, a single jump over two consecutive turns of the rope.
        • A coarse cotton fabric.
        • A training match for a fighting dog.
        • The jaw of either of the middle pockets.
        • Music, especially played over speakers at loud volume with strong bass frequency response.
      • verb
        • To knock against or run into with a jolt.
        • To move up or down by a step; displace.
          • Eg.I bumped the font size up to make my document easier to read.
        • To post in an Internet forum thread in order to raise the thread's profile by returning it to the top of the list of active threads.
        • (of a superheated liquid) To suddenly boil, causing movement of the vessel and loss of liquid.
        • To move (a booked passenger) to a later flight because of earlier delays or cancellations.
        • To move the time of (a scheduled event).
        • To pick (a lock) with a repeated striking motion that dislodges the pins.
        • To make a loud, heavy, or hollow noise; to boom.
        • To spread out material so as to fill any desired number of pages.
  • bunch #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbʌntʃ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A group of similar things, either growing together, or in a cluster or clump, usually fastened together.
          • Eg.a bunch of grapes;  a bunch of bananas;  a bunch of keys;  a bunch of yobs on a street corner
        • The peloton; the main group of riders formed during a race.
        • An informal body of friends.
          • Eg.He still hangs out with the same bunch.
        • A considerable amount.
          • Eg.a bunch of trouble
        • An unmentioned amount; a number.
          • Eg.A bunch of them went down to the field.
        • A group of logs tied together for skidding.
        • An unusual concentration of ore in a lode or a small, discontinuous occurrence or patch of ore in the wallrock.
        • The reserve yarn on the filling bobbin to allow continuous weaving between the time of indication from the midget feeler until a new bobbin is put in the shuttle.
        • An unfinished cigar, before the wrapper leaf is added.
          • Eg.Two to four filler leaves are laid end to end and rolled into the two halves of the binder leaves, making up what is called the bunch.
        • A protuberance; a hunch; a knob or lump; a hump.
      • verb
        • To gather into a bunch.
        • To gather fabric into folds.
        • To form a bunch.
        • To be gathered together in folds
        • To protrude or swell
  • burden #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɜːdn/
      • /ˈbɝdn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A heavy load.
        • A responsibility, onus.
        • A cause of worry; that which is grievous, wearisome, or oppressive.
        • The capacity of a vessel, or the weight of cargo that she will carry.
          • Eg.a ship of a hundred tons burden
        • The tops or heads of stream-work which lie over the stream of tin.
        • The proportion of ore and flux to fuel, in the charge of a blast furnace.
        • A fixed quantity of certain commodities.
          • Eg.A burden of gad steel is 120 pounds.
        • A birth.
        • The total amount of toxins, parasites, cancer cells, plaque or similar present in an organism.
      • verb
        • To encumber with a literal or figurative burden.
          • burden a nation with taxes
        • To impose, as a load or burden; to lay or place as a burden (something heavy or objectionable).
  • bureaucracy #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bjʊəˈɹɒkɹəsi/
      • /bjʊˈɹɑːkɹəsi/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Government by bureaus or their administrators or officers.
        • (organizational theory) A system of administration based upon organisation into bureaus, division of labour, a hierarchy of authority, etc., designed to dispose of a large body of work in a routine manner.
          • Eg.At that time the administration replaced the system of patronage in the civil service with a bureaucracy.
        • The body of officers and administrators, especially of a government.
          • Eg.The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy. (apocryphal quip)
        • Excessive red tape and routine in any administration, body or behaviour.
          • Eg.The head of the civil service promised to clamp down on bureaucracy.
  • burial #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɛɹɪəl/
      • /ˈbɛɹiəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of burying; interment
  • burn #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɜːn/
      • /bɝn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A physical injury caused by heat, cold, electricity, radiation or caustic chemicals.
          • Eg.She had second-degree burns from falling in the bonfire.
        • A sensation resembling such an injury.
          • Eg.chili burn from eating hot peppers
        • The act of burning something with fire.
          • Eg.They're doing a controlled burn of the fields.
        • An intense non-physical sting, as left by shame or an effective insult.
        • An effective insult, often in the expression sick burn (excellent or badass insult).
        • Physical sensation in the muscles following strenuous exercise, caused by build-up of lactic acid.
          • Eg.One and, two and, keep moving; feel the burn!
        • Tobacco.
        • The writing of data to a permanent storage medium like a compact disc or a ROM chip.
        • The operation or result of burning or baking, as in brickmaking.
          • Eg.They have a good burn.
        • A disease in vegetables; brand.
      • verb
        • To cause to be consumed by fire.
          • Eg.He burned his manuscript in the fireplace.
        • To be consumed by fire, or in flames.
          • Eg.He watched the house burn.
        • To overheat so as to make unusable.
          • Eg.He burned the toast. The blacksmith burned the steel.
        • To become overheated to the point of being unusable.
          • Eg.The grill was too hot and the steak burned.
        • To make or produce by the application of fire or burning heat.
          • burn a hole;  to burn letters into a block
        • To injure (a person or animal) with heat or chemicals that produce similar damage.
          • Eg.She burned the child with an iron, and was jailed for ten years.
        • To cauterize.
        • To sunburn.
          • Eg.She forgot to put on sunscreen and burned.
        • To consume, injure, or change the condition of, as if by action of fire or heat; to affect as fire or heat does.
          • burn the mouth with pepper
        • To be hot, e.g. due to embarrassment.
          • Eg.The child's forehead was burning with fever.  Her cheeks burned with shame.
        • To cause to combine with oxygen or other active agent, with evolution of heat; to consume; to oxidize.
          • Eg.A human being burns a certain amount of carbon at each respiration.  to burn iron in oxygen
        • To combine energetically, with evolution of heat.
          • Eg.Copper burns in chlorine.
        • To write data to a permanent storage medium like a compact disc or a ROM chip.
          • Eg.We’ll burn this program onto an EEPROM one hour before the demo begins.
        • To betray.
          • Eg.The informant burned him.
        • To insult or defeat.
          • Eg.I just burned you again.
        • To waste (time); to waste money or other resources.
          • Eg.The company has burned more than a million dollars a month this year.
        • In certain games, to approach near to a concealed object which is sought.
          • Eg.You're cold... warm... hot... you're burning!
        • To accidentally touch a moving stone.
        • In pontoon, to swap a pair of cards for another pair, or to deal a dead card.
        • To increase the exposure for certain areas of a print in order to make them lighter (compare dodge).
        • (of an element) To be converted to another element in a nuclear fusion reaction, especially in a star
        • To discard.
        • To shoot someone with a firearm.
  • burst #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɜːst/
      • /bɝst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An act or instance of bursting.
          • Eg.The bursts of the bombs could be heard miles away.
        • A sudden, often intense, expression, manifestation or display.
        • A series of shots fired from an automatic firearm.
        • A drinking spree.
      • verb
        • To break from internal pressure.
          • Eg.I blew the balloon up too much, and it burst.
        • To cause to break from internal pressure.
          • Eg.I burst the balloon when I blew it up too much.
        • To cause to break by any means.
        • To separate (printer paper) at perforation lines.
          • Eg.I printed the report on form-feed paper, then burst the sheets.
        • To enter or exit hurriedly and unexpectedly.
        • To erupt; to change state suddenly as if bursting.
          • Eg.The flowers burst into bloom on the first day of spring.
        • To produce as an effect of bursting.
          • burst a hole through the wall
        • To interrupt suddenly in a violent or explosive manner; to shatter.
  • bury #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbʌ.ɹi/
      • /ˈbɛ.ɹi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A burrow.
      • verb
        • To ritualistically inter in a grave or tomb.
        • To place in the ground.
          • Eg.bury a bone;  bury the embers
        • To hide or conceal as if by covering with earth or another substance.
          • Eg.she buried her face in the pillow;  they buried us in paperwork
        • To suppress and hide away in one's mind.
          • Eg.secrets kept buried; she buried her shame and put on a smiling face.
        • To put an end to; to abandon.
          • Eg.They buried their argument and shook hands.
        • To score a goal.
        • To kill or murder.
        • To render imperceptible by other, more prominent stimuli; drown out.
          • Eg.vocals buried in the mix
  • bus #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bɐs/ audio
      • /bʊs/
      • /bɔs/
      • /bʌs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A motor vehicle for transporting large numbers of people along roads.
        • An electrical conductor or interface serving as a common connection for two or more circuits or components.
        • (medical industry) An ambulance.
      • verb
        • To transport via a motor bus.
        • To transport students to school, often to a more distant school for the purposes of achieving racial integration.
        • To travel by bus.
        • (food service) To clear meal remains from.
          • Eg.He bussed tables as the restaurant emptied out.
        • (food service) To work at clearing the remains of meals from tables or counters; to work as a busboy.
          • Eg.He’s been bussing for minimum wage.
  • bush #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /bʊʃ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A woody plant distinguished from a tree by its multiple stems and lower height, being usually less than six metres tall; a horticultural rather than strictly botanical category.
        • A shrub cut off, or a shrublike branch of a tree.
          • Eg.bushes to support pea vines
        • A shrub or branch, properly, a branch of ivy (sacred to Bacchus), hung out at vintners' doors, or as a tavern sign; hence, a tavern sign, and symbolically, the tavern itself.
        • A person's pubic hair, especially a woman's.
        • The tail, or brush, of a fox.
      • verb
        • To branch thickly in the manner of a bush.
        • To set bushes for; to support with bushes.
          • bush peas
        • To use a bush harrow on (land), for covering seeds sown; to harrow with a bush.
          • bush a piece of land; to bush seeds into the ground
  • business #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɪd.nəs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A specific commercial enterprise or establishment.
          • Eg.I was left my father's business.
        • A person's occupation, work, or trade.
          • Eg.He is in the motor and insurance businesses.
        • Commercial, industrial, or professional activity.
          • Eg.He's such a poor cook, I can't believe he's still in business!
        • The volume or amount of commercial trade.
          • Eg.Business has been slow lately.
        • One's dealings; patronage.
          • Eg.I shall take my business elsewhere.
        • Private commercial interests taken collectively.
          • Eg.This proposal will satisfy both business and labor.
        • The management of commercial enterprises, or the study of such management.
          • Eg.I studied business at Harvard.
        • A particular situation or activity.
          • Eg.This UFO stuff is a mighty strange business.
        • Any activity or objective needing to be dealt with; especially, one of a financial or legal matter.
          • Eg.Let's get down to business.
        • Something involving one personally.
          • Eg.That's none of your business.
        • (parliamentary procedure) Matters that come before a body for deliberation or action.
          • Eg.If that concludes the announcements, we'll move on to new business.
        • (travel) Business class, the class of seating provided by airlines between first class and coach.
        • Action carried out with a prop or piece of clothing, usually away from the focus of the scene.
        • The collective noun for a group of ferrets.
        • Something very good; top quality. (possibly from "the bee's knees")
          • Eg.These new phones are the business!
        • Excrement, particularly that of a non-human animal.
          • Eg.As the cart went by, its horse lifted its tail and did its business.
      • adjective
        • Of, to, pertaining to or utilized for purposes of conducting trade, commerce, governance, advocacy or other professional purposes.
          • Eg.Please do not use this phone for personal calls; it is a business phone.
        • Professional, businesslike, having concern for good business practice.
        • Supporting business, conducive to the conduct of business.
  • businessman #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɪznəsmən/
      • /ˈbɪznəsmæn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A man in business, one who works at a commercial institution.
  • busy #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbɪzi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A police officer.
      • verb
        • To make somebody busy or active; to occupy.
          • Eg.On my vacation I'll busy myself with gardening.
        • To rush somebody.
      • adjective
        • Crowded with business or activities; having a great deal going on.
          • Eg.We crossed a busy street.
        • Engaged in activity or by someone else.
          • Eg.He is busy with piano practice.
        • Having a lot going on; complicated or intricate.
          • Eg.Flowers, stripes, and checks in the same fabric make for a busy pattern.
        • Officious; meddling.
  • but #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /bʊt/
      • /bʌt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An instance or example of using the word "but".
          • Eg.It has to be done – no ifs or buts.
        • The outer room of a small two-room cottage.
        • A limit; a boundary.
        • The end; especially the larger or thicker end, or the blunt, in distinction from the sharp, end; the butt.
      • verb
        • Use the word "but".
          • Eg.But me no buts.
      • adverb
        • Merely, only, just.
          • Eg.Christmas comes but once a year.
        • Though, however.
          • Eg.I'll have to go home early but.
        • Used as an intensifier.
          • Eg.Nobody, but nobody, crosses me and gets away with it.
      • preposition
        • Apart from, except (for), excluding.
          • Eg.Everyone but Father left early.
        • (obsolete outside Scotland) Outside of.
      • conjunction
        • On the contrary, rather (as a regular adversative conjunction, introducing a word or clause in contrast or contradiction with the preceding negative clause or sentence).
          • Eg.I am not rich but [I am] poor  not John but Peter went there.
        • However, although, nevertheless, on the other hand (introducing a clause contrary to prior belief or in contrast with the preceding clause or sentence).
          • Eg.She is very old but still attractive.
        • Except that (introducing a subordinate clause which qualifies a negative statement); also, with omission of the subject of the subordinate clause, acting as a negative relative, "except one that", "except such that".
          • Eg.I cannot but feel offended.
        • Without its also being the case that; unless that (introducing a necessary concomitant).
          • Eg.It never rains but it pours.
        • Except with; unless with; without.
        • Only; solely; merely.
        • Until.
        • (following a negated expression of improbability) That.
  • butcher #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbʊtʃ.ə(ɹ)/
      • /ˈbʊt͡ʃ.ɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who prepares and sells meat (and sometimes also slaughters the animals).
        • A brutal or indiscriminate killer.
        • (from butcher's hook) A look.
        • A person who sells candy, drinks, etc. in theatres, trains, circuses, etc.
      • verb
        • To slaughter (animals) and prepare (meat) for market.
        • To kill brutally.
        • To ruin (something), often to the point of defamation.
          • Eg.The band at that bar really butchered "Hotel California".
  • butter #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbʊtə/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A soft, fatty foodstuff made by churning the cream of milk (generally cow's milk).
        • Any of various foodstuffs made from other foods or oils, similar in consistency to, eaten like or intended as a substitute for butter (preceded by the name of the food used to make it).
          • Eg.peanut butter
        • Any specific soft substance.
          • Eg.butter of antimony; butter of arsenic
        • A smooth plane landing.
      • verb
        • To spread butter on.
          • Eg.Butter the toast.
        • To move one's weight backwards or forwards onto the tips or tails of one's skis or snowboard so only the tip or tail is in contact with the snow.
        • To increase (stakes) at every throw of dice, or every game.
  • button #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbʌtn̩/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One who adjusts, especially for the insurance industry's employment title "loss adjuster" (or "claims adjuster" in the United States).
      • noun
        • A knob or disc that is passed through a loop or (buttonhole), serving as a fastener.
          • Eg.April fastened the buttons of her overcoat to keep out the wind.
        • A mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger in order to open or close an electric circuit or to activate a mechanism.
          • Eg.Pat pushed the button marked "shred" on the blender.
        • An on-screen control that can be selected as an activator of an attached function.
          • Eg.Click the button that looks like a house to return to your browser's home page.
        • A badge worn on clothes, fixed with a pin through the fabric.
          • Eg.The politician wore a bright yellow button with the slogan "Vote Smart" emblazoned on it.
        • A bud.
        • The head of an unexpanded mushroom.
        • The clitoris.
        • The center (bullseye) of the house.
        • The soft circular tip at the end of a foil.
        • A plastic disk used to represent the person in last position in a poker game; also dealer's button.
        • The player who is last to act after the flop, turn and river, who possesses the button.
        • A person who acts as a decoy.
        • A raised pavement marker to further indicate the presence of a pavement marking painted stripe.
        • A methaqualone tablet (used as a recreational drug).
        • A piece of wood or metal, usually flat and elongated, turning on a nail or screw, to fasten something, such as a door.
        • A globule of metal remaining on an assay cupel or in a crucible, after fusion.
        • A knob; a small ball; a small, roundish mass.
        • A small white blotch on a cat's coat.
        • A unit of length equal to 1/12 inch.
        • The means for initiating a nuclear strike or similar cataclysmic occurrence.
        • In an instrument of the violin family, the near-semicircular shape extending from the top of the back plate of the instrument, meeting the heel of the neck.
        • The least amount of care or interest; a whit or jot.
        • The final joke at the end of a comedic act (such as a sketch, set, or scene).
        • A button man; a professional assassin.
        • The final segment of a rattlesnake's rattle.
      • noun
        • In a violin-family instrument, the carved wooden plug which sits in the bottom block of the instrument.
  • buy #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /baɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something which is bought; a purchase.
          • Eg.At only $30, the second-hand kitchen table was a great buy.
      • verb
        • To obtain (something) in exchange for money or goods
          • Eg.I'm going to buy my father something nice for his birthday.
        • To obtain by some sacrifice.
          • Eg.I've bought material comfort by foregoing my dreams.
        • To bribe.
          • Eg.He tried to buy me with gifts, but I wouldn't give up my beliefs.
        • To be equivalent to in value.
          • Eg.The dollar doesn't buy as much as it used to.
        • To accept as true; to believe
          • Eg.I'm not going to buy your stupid excuses anymore!
        • To make a purchase or purchases, to treat (for a meal)
          • Eg.Let's go out for dinner. I'm buying.
        • To make a bluff, usually a large one.
          • Eg.Smith tried to buy the pot on the river with a huge bluff
  • buyer #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈbaɪ.ə(ɹ)/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who makes one or more purchases.
          • Eg.Every person who steps through the door is a potential buyer, so acknowledge their presence.
        • (retailing) A person who purchases items for resale in a retail establishment.
          • Eg.The supermarket's new buyer decided to stock a larger range of vegetarian foods.
        • A person who purchases items consumed or used as components in the manufacture of products.
  • by #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /baɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A flying insect, of the clade Anthophila within the hymenopteran superfamily Apoidea, known for its organised societies (though only a minority have them), for collecting pollen and (in some species) producing wax and honey.
      • noun
        • A contest, especially for spelling; see spelling bee.
          • Eg.geography bee
        • A community gathering to share labour, e.g. a sewing bee or a quilting bee.
      • noun
        • A ring or torque; a bracelet.
      • noun
        • The name of the Latin-script letter B.
      • noun
        • (usually in the plural) Any of the pieces of hard wood bolted to the sides of the bowsprit, to reeve the fore-topmast stays through.
      • adjective
        • Out of the way, subsidiary.
      • adverb
        • Along a path which runs past the speaker.
          • Eg.I watched as it passed by.
        • In the vicinity, near.
          • Eg.The shop is hard by the High Street.
        • To or at a place, as a residence or place of business.
          • Eg.I'll stop by on my way home from work.
        • Aside, away.
          • Eg.The women spent much time after harvest putting jams by for winter and spring.
      • preposition
        • Near or next to.
          • Eg.The mailbox is by the bus stop.
        • From one side of something to the other, passing close by; past.
          • Eg.He ran straight by me.
        • Not later than (the given time); not later than the end of (the given time interval).
          • Eg.Be back by ten o'clock!.
        • Indicates the person or thing that does or causes something: Through the action or presence of.
        • Indicates the creator of a work: Existing through the authorship etc. of.
          • Eg.There are many well-known plays by William Shakespeare
        • Indicates a means of achieving something: Involving/using the means of.
          • Eg.By 'maybe' she means 'no'.
        • Indicates an authority according to which something is done.
          • Eg.By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife.
        • Indicates a means of classification or organisation.
          • Eg.I sorted the items by category.
        • Indicates the amount of change, difference or discrepancy
          • Eg.His date of birth was wrong by ten years.
        • In the formulae X by X and by Xs, indicates a steady progression, one X after another.
          • Eg.We crawled forward by inches.
        • Indicates a referenced source: According to.
          • Eg.By my reckoning, we should be nearly there.
        • Used to separate dimensions when describing the size of something.
          • Eg.It is easy to invert a 2-by-2 matrix.
        • (horse breeding) Designates a horse's male parent (sire); cf. out of.
          • Eg.She's a lovely little filly, by Big Lad, out of Damsel in Distress.
      • noun
        • The position of a person or team in a tournament or competition who draws no opponent in a particular round so advances to the next round unopposed, or is awarded points for a win in a league table; also the phantom opponent of such a person or team.
          • Eg.Craig's Crew plays the bye next week.
        • An extra scored when the batsmen take runs after the ball has passed the striker without hitting either the bat or the batsman.
        • A dwelling.
        • A thing not directly aimed at; something which is a secondary object of regard; an object by the way, etc.
        • A pass.
      • interjection
        • Goodbye.
  • bye #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /baɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The position of a person or team in a tournament or competition who draws no opponent in a particular round so advances to the next round unopposed, or is awarded points for a win in a league table; also the phantom opponent of such a person or team.
          • Eg.Craig's Crew plays the bye next week.
        • An extra scored when the batsmen take runs after the ball has passed the striker without hitting either the bat or the batsman.
        • A dwelling.
        • A thing not directly aimed at; something which is a secondary object of regard; an object by the way, etc.
        • A pass.
  • cabin #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæbɪn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A small dwelling characteristic of the frontier, especially when built from logs with simple tools and not constructed by professional builders, but by those who meant to live in it.
          • Eg.Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin.
        • A chalet or lodge, especially one that can hold large groups of people.
        • A private room on a ship.
          • Eg.the captain's cabin:  Passengers shall remain in their cabins.
        • The interior of a boat, enclosed to create a small room, particularly for sleeping.
        • The passenger area of an airplane.
        • (travel) The section of a passenger plane having the same class of service.
        • A signal box.
        • A small room; an enclosed place.
        • (Indian English) A private office; particularly of a doctor, businessman, lawyer, or other professional.
      • verb
        • To place in a cabin or other small space.
        • (by extension) To limit the scope of.
        • To live in, or as if in, a cabin; to lodge.
  • cabinet #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæ.bɪ.nɪt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A storage closet either separate from, or built into, a wall.
        • A cupboard.
        • The upright assembly that houses a coin-operated arcade game, a cab.
        • A size of photograph, specifically one measuring 3⅞" by 5½".
        • A group of advisors to a government or business entity.
        • (often capitalized) In parliamentary and some other systems of government, the group of ministers responsible for creating government policy and for overseeing the departments comprising the executive branch.
        • A small chamber or private room.
        • (often capitalized) A collection of art or ethnographic objects.
        • (Rhode Island) Milkshake.
        • A hut; a cottage; a small house.
        • An enclosure for mechanical or electrical equipment.
  • cable #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /keɪ.bl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (material) A long object used to make a physical connection.
        • (communications) A system for transmitting television or Internet services over a network of coaxial or fibreoptic cables.
          • Eg.I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.
        • A telegram, notably when sent by (submarine) telegraph cable.
        • A unit of length equal to one tenth of a nautical mile.
        • (unit, chiefly nautical) 100 fathoms, 600 imperial feet, approximately 185 m.
        • The currency pair British Pound against United States Dollar.
        • A moulding, shaft of a column, or any other member of convex, rounded section, made to resemble the spiral twist of a rope.
        • A textural pattern achieved by passing groups of stitches over one another.
      • verb
        • To provide with cable(s)
        • To fasten (as if) with cable(s)
        • To wrap wires to form a cable
        • To send a telegram by cable
        • To communicate by cable
        • To ornament with cabling.
        • To create cable stitches.
  • cafe #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæfeɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A convenience store, originally one that sold coffee and similar basic items.
      • noun
        • A coffee shop; an establishment selling coffee and sometimes other non-alcoholic beverages, simple meals or snacks, with a facility to consume them on the premises.
        • A small restaurant of any genre.
          • Eg.1982, Joni Mitchell, Chinese Café / Unchained Melody (song)
  • cake #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /keɪk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A rich, sweet dessert food, typically made of flour, sugar and eggs and baked in an oven, and often covered in icing.
        • A small mass of baked dough, especially a thin loaf from unleavened dough.
          • Eg.a johnnycake
        • A thin wafer-shaped mass of fried batter; a griddlecake or pancake.
          • Eg.buckwheat cakes
        • A block of any of various dense materials.
          • Eg.a cake of sand
        • A trivially easy task or responsibility; from a piece of cake.
        • Money.
        • Used to describe the doctrine of having one's cake and eating it too.
        • A buttock, especially one that is exceptionally plump.
          • Eg.Mmm, I'd like to cut me some of that cake!
      • verb
        • Coat (something) with a crust of solid material.
          • Eg.His shoes are caked with mud.
        • To form into a cake, or mass.
  • calculate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkælkjəleɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To determine the value of something or the solution to something by a mathematical process.
          • Eg.Calculate the square root of 3 to 10 decimal places.
        • To determine values or solutions by a mathematical process; reckon.
        • To plan; to expect; to think.
        • To ascertain or predict by mathematical or astrological computations the time, circumstances, or other conditions of; to forecast or compute the character or consequences of.
          • calculate or cast one's nativity
        • To adjust for purpose; to adapt by forethought or calculation; to fit or prepare by the adaptation of means to an end.
          • calculate a system of laws for the government and protection of a free people
  • calculation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kælkjuˈleɪʃən/
      • /kælkjəˈleɪʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act or process of calculating.
        • The result of calculating.
        • Reckoning, estimate.
          • Eg.By my calculation, we should be there by midnight.
        • An expectation based on circumstances.
  • calculator #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kæl.kjə.leɪ.təɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A mechanical or electronic device that performs mathematical calculations.
        • A person who performs mathematical calculation
        • A person who calculates (in the sense of scheming).
        • A set of mathematical tables.
  • calendar #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæl.ən.də/
      • /ˈkæl.ən.dɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Any system by which time is divided into days, weeks, months, and years.
          • Eg.The three principal calendars are the Gregorian, Jewish, and Islamic calendars.
        • A means to determine the date consisting of a document containing dates and other temporal information.
          • Eg.Write his birthday on the calendar hanging on the wall.
        • A list of planned events.
          • Eg.The club has a busy calendar this year.
        • An orderly list or enumeration of persons, things, or events; a schedule.
          • Eg.a calendar of bills presented in a legislative assemblly;  a calendar of causes arranged for trial in court
        • An appointment book (US), appointment diary (UK)
      • verb
        • To set a date for a proceeding in court, usually done by a judge at a calendar call.
          • Eg.The judge agreed to calendar a hearing for pretrial motions for the week of May 15, but did not agree to calendar the trial itself on a specific date.
        • To enter or write in a calendar; to register.
  • call #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /kɔːɫ/ audio
      • /kɔl/ audio
      • /kɑɫ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A telephone conversation.
          • Eg.I received several calls today.
        • A short visit, usually for social purposes.
          • Eg.I paid a call to a dear friend of mine.
        • A visit by a ship or boat to a port.
          • Eg.The ship made a call at Southampton.
        • A cry or shout.
          • Eg.He heard a call from the other side of the room.
        • A decision or judgement.
          • Eg.That was a good call.
        • The characteristic cry of a bird or other animal.
          • Eg.That sound is the distinctive call of the cuckoo bird.
        • A beckoning or summoning.
          • Eg.I had to yield to the call of the wild.
        • The right to speak at a given time during a debate or other public event; the floor.
          • Eg.I give the call to the Manager of Opposition Business.
        • An option to buy stock at a specified price during or at a specified time.
        • The act of calling to the other batsman.
        • The state of being the batsman whose role it is to call (depends on where the ball goes.)
        • A work shift which requires one to be available when requested (see on call).
        • The act of jumping to a subprogram, saving the means to return to the original point.
        • A statement of a particular state, or rule, made in many games such as bridge, craps, jacks, and so on.
          • Eg.There was a 20 dollar bet on the table, and my call was 9.
        • The act of matching a bet made by a player who has previously bet in the same round of betting.
        • A note blown on the horn to encourage the dogs in a hunt.
        • A whistle or pipe, used by the boatswain and his mate to summon the sailors to duty.
        • A pipe or other instrument to call birds or animals by imitating their note or cry. A game call.
        • An invitation to take charge of or serve a church as its pastor.
        • Vocation; employment; calling.
        • A reference to, or statement of, an object, course, distance, or other matter of description in a survey or grant requiring or calling for a corresponding object, etc., on the land.
        • (prostitution) A meeting with a client for paid sex; hookup; job.
      • verb
        • (heading) To use one's voice.
        • (heading) To visit.
        • (heading) To name, identify or describe.
        • (heading) Direct or indirect use of the voice.
        • (sometimes with for) To require, demand.
          • Eg.He felt called to help the old man.
        • To announce the early extinction of a debt by prepayment, usually at a premium.
        • To demand repayment of a loan.
        • To jump to (another part of a program) to perform some operation, returning to the original point on completion.
          • Eg.A recursive function is one that calls itself.
  • calm #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kam/
      • /kɑːm/
      • /kɑlm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (in a person) The state of being calm; peacefulness; absence of worry, anger, fear or other strong negative emotion.
        • (in a place or situation) The state of being calm; absence of noise and disturbance.
        • A period of time without wind.
      • verb
        • To make calm.
          • calm a crying baby
        • To become calm.
      • adjective
        • (of a person) Peaceful, quiet, especially free from anger and anxiety.
        • (of a place or situation) Free of noise and disturbance.
        • (of water) with few or no waves on the surface; not rippled.
        • Without wind or storm.
  • camera #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæməɹə/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A device for taking still or moving pictures or photographs.
        • The viewpoint in a three-dimensional game or simulation.
        • A vaulted room.
        • The judge's private chamber, where cases may be heard in camera.
  • camp #card
    • Phonetics:
      • [kʰɛəmp] audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An outdoor place acting as temporary accommodation in tents or other temporary structures.
        • An organised event, often taking place in tents or temporary accommodation.
        • A base of a military group, not necessarily temporary.
        • A single hut or shelter.
          • Eg.a hunter's camp
        • The company or body of persons encamped.
        • A group of people with the same strong ideals or political leanings.
        • Campus
        • A summer camp.
        • A prison.
        • A mound of earth in which potatoes and other vegetables are stored for protection against frost
        • Conflict; battle.
        • An ancient game of football, played in some parts of England.
      • verb
        • To live in a tent or similar temporary accommodation.
          • Eg.We're planning to camp in the field until Sunday.
        • To set up a camp.
        • To afford rest or lodging for.
        • To stay in an advantageous location in a video game, such as next to a power-up's spawning point or in order to guard an area.
          • Eg.Go and camp the flag for the win.
        • To fight; contend in battle or in any kind of contest; to strive with others in doing anything; compete.
        • To wrangle; argue.
  • campaign #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kæmˈpeɪn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A series of operations undertaken to achieve a set goal.
          • Eg.The company is targeting children in their latest advertising campaign.
        • The period during which a blast furnace is continuously in operation.
        • An open field; a large, open plain without considerable hills; a champaign.
        • An excursion into the countryside.
      • verb
        • To take part in a campaign.
          • Eg.She campaigned for better social security.
        • Consistently ride in races for a racing season.
  • camping #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæmpɪŋ/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To live in a tent or similar temporary accommodation.
          • Eg.We're planning to camp in the field until Sunday.
        • To set up a camp.
        • To afford rest or lodging for.
        • To stay in an advantageous location in a video game, such as next to a power-up's spawning point or in order to guard an area.
          • Eg.Go and camp the flag for the win.
        • To fight; contend in battle or in any kind of contest; to strive with others in doing anything; compete.
        • To wrangle; argue.
      • noun
        • The recreational activity of temporarily living in a tent or similar accommodation, usually in the wilderness.
          • Eg.Camping is a favorite summer activity.
        • The act of setting up a camp.
  • campus #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæmpəs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The grounds or property of a school, college, university, business, church, or hospital, often understood to include buildings and other structures.
          • Eg.The campus is sixty hectares in size.
        • An institution of higher education and its ambiance.
          • Eg.During the late 1960s, many an American campus was in a state of turmoil.
      • verb
        • To confine to campus as a punishment.
  • can #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • (auxiliary verb, defective) To know how to; to be able to.
          • Eg.She can speak English, French, and German.   I can play football.   Can you remember your fifth birthday?
        • (modal auxiliary verb, defective) May; to be permitted or enabled to.
          • Eg.You can go outside and play when you're finished with your homework.   Can I use your pen?
        • (modal auxiliary verb, defective) To have the potential to; be possible.
          • Eg.Animals can experience emotions.
        • (auxiliary verb, defective) Used with verbs of perception.
          • Eg.Can you hear that?.
        • To know.
  • canal #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈnɛl/
      • /kəˈnæl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An artificial waterway or artificially improved river used for travel, shipping, or irrigation.
        • A tubular channel within the body.
        • One of the faint, hazy markings resembling straight lines on early telescopic images of the surface of Mars.
      • verb
        • To dig an artificial waterway in or to (a place), especially for drainage
        • To travel along a canal by boat
  • cancel #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkænsl̩/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A cancellation (US); (nonstandard in some kinds of English).
        • An enclosure; a boundary; a limit.
        • The suppression on striking out of matter in type, or of a printed page or pages.
        • The page thus suppressed.
        • The page that replaces it.
      • verb
        • To cross out something with lines etc.
        • To invalidate or annul something.
          • Eg.He cancelled his order on their website.
        • To mark something (such as a used postage stamp) so that it can't be reused.
          • Eg.This machine cancels the letters that have a valid zip code.
        • To offset or equalize something.
          • Eg.The corrective feedback mechanism cancels out the noise.
        • To remove a common factor from both the numerator and denominator of a fraction, or from both sides of an equation.
        • To stop production of a programme.
        • To suppress or omit; to strike out, as matter in type.
        • To shut out, as with a railing or with latticework; to exclude.
        • To kill.
        • To cease to provide financial or moral support to (someone deemed unacceptable). Compare cancel culture.
  • cancer #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæːnsə/
      • /ˈkænsə/ audio
      • /ˈkænsɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A disease in which the cells of a tissue undergo uncontrolled (and often rapid) proliferation.
        • Something damaging that spreads throughout something else.
  • candidate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæn.dɪdət/
      • /ˈkæn.dɪ.deɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who is running in an election.
        • A person who is applying for a job.
        • A participant in an examination.
        • Something or somebody that may be suitable.
        • A gene which may play a role in a given disease.
      • verb
        • To stand as a candidate for an office, especially a religious one.
        • (chiefly in jargon and NNES) To make or name (something) a candidate (for use, for study as a next project, for investigation as a possible cause of something, etc).
  • candle #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkændl̩/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A light source consisting of a wick embedded in a solid, flammable substance such as wax, tallow, or paraffin.
        • The protruding, removable portion of a filter, particularly a water filter.
        • A unit of luminous intensity, now replaced by the SI unit candela.
        • A fast-growing, light-colored, upward-growing shoot on a pine tree in the spring. As growth slows in summer, the shoot darkens and is no longer conspicuous.
      • verb
        • To observe the growth of an embryo inside (an egg), using a bright light source.
        • To dry greenware prior to beginning of the firing cycle, setting the kiln at 200° Celsius until all water is removed from the greenware.
        • To check an item (such as an envelope) by holding it between a light source and the eye.
  • candy #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkændi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Edible, sweet-tasting confectionery containing sugar, or sometimes artificial sweeteners, and often flavored with fruit, chocolate, nuts, herbs and spices, or artificial flavors.
        • A piece of confectionery of this kind.
        • (slang, chiefly US) crack cocaine.
      • verb
        • To cook in, or coat with, sugar syrup.
        • To have sugar crystals form in or on.
          • Eg.Fruits preserved in sugar candy after a time.
        • To be formed into candy; to solidify in a candylike form or mass.
  • cannot #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈnɑt/
      • /kæˈnɒt/ audio
      • /kə(n)ˈnɑt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something that cannot be done.
          • Eg.the cans and cannots
      • verb
        • Can not (be unable to).
          • Eg.I cannot open the window. It is stuck.
        • Be forbidden or not permitted to
          • Eg.You cannot enter the hall without a ticket.
  • canvas #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæn.vəs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A type of coarse cloth, woven from hemp, useful for making sails and tents or as a surface for paintings.
        • A piece of canvas cloth stretched across a frame on which one may paint.
        • A basis for creative work.
          • Eg.The author takes rural midwestern life as a canvas for a series of tightly woven character studies.
        • A region on which graphics can be rendered.
        • Sails in general.
        • A tent.
          • Eg.He spent the night under canvas.
        • A painting, or a picture on canvas.
        • A rough draft or model of a song, air, or other literary or musical composition; especially one to show a poet the measure of the verses he is to make.
        • Alternative spelling of canvass.
      • verb
        • To cover an area or object with canvas.
        • Alternative spelling of canvass.
  • cap #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kæp/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A close-fitting hat, either brimless or peaked.
          • Eg.The children were all wearing caps to protect them from the sun.
        • A special hat to indicate rank, occupation, etc.
        • An academic mortarboard.
        • A protective cover or seal.
          • Eg.He took the cap off the bottle and splashed himself with some cologne.
        • A crown for covering a tooth.
          • Eg.He had golden caps on his teeth.
        • The summit of a mountain, etc.
          • Eg.There was snow on the cap of the mountain.
        • An artificial upper limit or ceiling.
          • Eg.We should put a cap on the salaries, to keep them under control.
        • The top part of a mushroom.
        • (toy) A small amount of percussive explosive in a paper strip or plastic cup for use in a toy gun.
          • Eg.Billy spent all morning firing caps with his friends, re-enacting storming the beach at Normandy.
        • A small explosive device used to detonate a larger charge of explosives.
          • Eg.He wired the cap to the bundle of dynamite, then detonated it remotely.
        • A bullet used to shoot someone.
        • An international appearance.
          • Eg.Rio Ferdinand won his 50th cap for England in a game against Sweden.
        • The top, or uppermost part; the chief.
        • A respectful uncovering of the head.
        • The whole top of the head of a bird from the base of the bill to the nape of the neck.
        • The uppermost of any assemblage of parts.
          • Eg.the cap of column, door, etc.; a capital, coping, cornice, lintel, or plate
        • Something covering the top or end of a thing for protection or ornament.
        • A collar of iron or wood used in joining spars, as the mast and the topmast, the bowsprit and the jib boom; also, a covering of tarred canvas at the end of a rope.
        • A portion of a spherical or other convex surface.
        • A large size of writing paper.
          • Eg.flat cap; foolscap; legal cap
        • A lie or exaggeration.
          • cap
      • verb
        • To cover or seal with a cap.
        • To award a cap as a mark of distinction.
        • To lie over or on top of something.
        • To surpass or outdo.
        • To set an upper limit on something.
          • Eg.cap wages.
        • To make something even more wonderful at the end.
          • Eg.That really capped my day.
        • To select a player to play for a specified side.
        • To shoot (someone) with a firearm.
          • Eg.In a school shooting, where some kid caps a bunch of other kids, where did he get the weapon? From a family member, probably their gun cabinet.
        • To select to play for the national team.
          • Eg.Peter Shilton is the most capped English footballer.
        • To salute by uncovering the head respectfully.
        • To deprive of a cap.
        • To tell a lie.
  • capability #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /keɪpəˈbɪləti/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The power or ability to generate an outcome
  • capable #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkeɪpəbl̩/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Able and efficient; having the ability needed for a specific task; having the disposition to do something; permitting or being susceptible to something.
          • Eg.As everyone knew, he was capable of violence when roused.
        • Of sufficient capacity or size for holding, containing, receiving or taking in; accessible to. Construed with of, for or an infinitive.
  • capacity #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈpæsɪti/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The ability to hold, receive or absorb
        • A measure of such ability; volume
        • The maximum amount that can be held
          • Eg.It was hauling a capacity load.
        • Capability; the ability to perform some task
        • The maximum that can be produced.
        • Mental ability; the power to learn
        • A faculty; the potential for growth and development
        • A role; the position in which one functions
        • Legal authority (to make an arrest for example)
        • Electrical capacitance.
        • (operations) The maximum that can be produced on a machine or in a facility or group.
          • Eg.Its capacity rating was 150 tons per hour, but its actual maximum capacity was 200 tons per hour.
      • adjective
        • Filling the allotted space.
          • Eg.There will be a capacity crowd at Busch stadium for the sixth game.
  • capital #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæp.ɪ.təl/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Already-produced durable goods available for use as a factor of production, such as steam shovels (equipment) and office buildings (structures).
        • Money and wealth. The means to acquire goods and services, especially in a non-barter system.
          • Eg.He does not have enough capital to start a business.
        • A city designated as a legislative seat by the government or some other authority, often the city in which the government is located; otherwise the most important city within a country or a subdivision of it.
          • Eg.The Welsh government claims that Cardiff is Europe’s youngest capital.
        • The most important city in the field specified.
        • An uppercase letter.
        • The uppermost part of a column.
        • Knowledge; awareness; proficiency.
          • Eg.Interpreters need a good amount of cultural capital in order to function efficiently in the profession.
        • (by extension) The chief or most important thing.
      • adjective
        • Of prime importance.
        • Chief, in a political sense, as being the seat of the general government of a state or nation.
          • Eg.London and Paris are capital cities.
        • Excellent.
          • Eg.That is a capital idea!
        • Involving punishment by death.
        • Uppercase.
          • Eg.One begins a sentence with a capital letter.
        • Of or relating to the head.
  • capitalism #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkapɪt(ə)lɪz(ə)m/
      • /ˈkæpɪ̈tl̩ˌɪzm̩/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A socio-economic system based on private ownership of resources or capital.
        • An economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit.
        • (economic liberalism) A socio-economic system based on private property rights, including the private ownership of resources or capital, with economic decisions made largely through the operation of a market unregulated by the state.
        • (economic liberalism) An economic system based on the abstraction of resources into the form of privately owned capital, with economic decisions made largely through the operation of a market unregulated by the state.
  • capitalist #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who is a supporter of capitalism.
        • The owner of a considerable amount of capital; a wealthy person.
      • adjective
        • Of, or pertaining to, capitalism.
          • Eg.capitalist countries
        • Supporting or endorsing capitalism.
          • Eg.capitalist warriors
  • captain #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæp.tən/ audio
      • /-tən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A chief or leader.
        • The person lawfully in command of a ship or other vessel.
          • Eg.The captain is the last man to leave a sinking ship.
        • An army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and major.
        • A naval officer with a rank between commander and commodore.
        • A commissioned officer in the United States Navy, Coast Guard, NOAA Corps, or PHS Corps of a grade superior to a commander and junior to a rear admiral (lower half). A captain is equal in grade or rank to an Army, Marine Corps, or Air Force colonel.
        • One of the athletes on a sports team who is designated to make decisions, and is allowed to speak for his team with a referee or official.
        • The leader of a group of workers.
          • Eg.John Henry said to the captain, "A man ain't nothing but a man."
        • The head boy of a school.
        • A maître d', a headwaiter.
        • An honorific title given to a prominent person. See colonel.
      • verb
        • To act as captain
        • To exercise command of a ship, aircraft or sports team.
  • capture #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæp.t͡ʃə/
      • /ˈkæp.t͡ʃɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An act of capturing; a seizing by force or stratagem.
        • The securing of an object of strife or desire, as by the power of some attraction.
          • Eg.the capture of a lover's heart
        • Something that has been captured; a captive.
        • The recording or storage of something for later playback.
          • capture
        • A particular match found for a pattern in a text string.
      • verb
        • To take control of; to seize by force or stratagem.
          • capture an enemy, a vessel, or a criminal
        • To store (as in sounds or image) for later revisitation.
          • Eg.She captured the details of the fresco in a series of photographs.
        • To reproduce convincingly.
          • Eg.His film adaptation captured the spirit of the original work.
        • To remove or take control of an opponent’s piece in a game (e.g., chess, go, checkers).
          • Eg.He captured his opponent’s queen on the 15th move.
  • car #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kɑː/ audio
      • /kɑɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A wheeled vehicle that moves independently, with at least three wheels, powered mechanically, steered by a driver and mostly for personal transportation.
          • Eg.She drove her car to the mall.
        • A wheeled vehicle, drawn by a horse or other animal; a chariot.
        • An unpowered unit in a railroad train.
          • Eg.The conductor coupled the cars to the locomotive.
        • An individual vehicle, powered or unpowered, in a multiple unit.
          • Eg.The 11:10 to London was operated by a 4-car diesel multiple unit.
        • A passenger-carrying unit in a subway or elevated train, whether powered or not.
          • Eg.From the frontmost car of the subway, he filmed the progress through the tunnel.
        • A rough unit of quantity approximating the amount which would fill a railroad car.
          • Eg.We ordered five hundred cars of gypsum.
        • The moving, load-carrying component of an elevator or other cable-drawn transport mechanism.
          • Eg.Fix the car of the express elevator - the door is sticking.
        • The passenger-carrying portion of certain amusement park rides, such as Ferris wheels.
          • Eg.The most exciting part of riding a Ferris wheel is when your car goes over the top.
        • The part of an airship, such as a balloon or dirigible, which houses the passengers and control apparatus.
        • A sliding fitting that runs along a track.
        • The aggregate of desirable characteristics of a car.
          • Eg.Buy now! You can get more car for your money.
        • A floating perforated box for living fish.
  • carbon #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɑɹbən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The chemical element (symbol C) with an atomic number of 6. It can be found in pure form for example as graphite, a black, shiny and very soft material, or diamond, a colourless, transparent, crystalline solid and the hardest known material.
        • An atom of this element, in reference to a molecule containing it.
          • Eg.A methane molecule is made up of a single carbon with four hydrogens.
        • A sheet of carbon paper.
        • A carbon copy.
        • A fossil fuel that is made of impure carbon such as coal or charcoal.
        • Carbon dioxide, in the context of global warming and climate change.
        • A carbon rod or pencil used in an arc lamp.
        • A plate or piece of carbon used as one of the elements of a voltaic battery.
      • verb
        • To cause (someone) to receive a carbon copy of an email message.
          • Eg.When I send it, I'll carbon Julia so she's aware.
  • card #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kaːd/ audio
      • /kɐːd/
      • /kɑːd/
      • /kɑɹd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A playing card.
        • (in the plural) Any game using playing cards; a card game.
          • Eg.He played cards with his friends.
        • A resource or an argument, used to achieve a purpose.
          • Eg.He accused them of playing the race card.
        • Any flat, normally rectangular piece of stiff paper, plastic etc.
        • A map or chart.
        • An amusing or entertaining person, often slightly eccentrically so.
        • A list of scheduled events or of performers or contestants.
          • Eg.What’s on the card for tonight?
        • A tabular presentation of the key statistics of an innings or match: batsmen’s scores and how they were dismissed, extras, total score and bowling figures.
        • A removable electronic device that may be inserted into a powered electronic device to provide additional capability.
          • Eg.He needed to replace the card his computer used to connect to the internet.
        • A greeting card.
          • Eg.She gave her neighbors a card congratulating them on their new baby.
        • A business card.
          • Eg.The realtor gave me her card so I could call if I had any questions about buying a house.
        • Title card / Intertitle: A piece of filmed, printed text edited into the midst of the photographed action at various points, generally to convey character dialogue or descriptive narrative material related to the plot.
        • A test card.
        • A published note, containing a brief statement, explanation, request, expression of thanks, etc.
          • put a card in the newspapers
        • A printed programme.
        • (by extension) An attraction or inducement.
          • Eg.This will be a good card for the last day of the fair.
        • A paper on which the points of the compass are marked; the dial or face of the mariner's compass.
        • A perforated pasteboard or sheet-metal plate for warp threads, making part of the Jacquard apparatus of a loom.
        • An indicator card.
      • verb
        • To check IDs, especially against a minimum age requirement.
          • Eg.I heard you don't get carded at the other liquor store.
        • To play cards.
        • To make (a stated score), as recorded on a scoring card.
          • Eg.McIlroy carded a stellar nine-under-par 61 in the final round.
  • care #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kɛə/
      • /ke(ə)ɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Grief, sorrow.
        • Close attention; concern; responsibility.
          • Eg.Care should be taken when holding babies.
        • Worry.
          • Eg.I don't have a care in the world.
        • Maintenance, upkeep.
          • care
        • The treatment of those in need (especially as a profession).
        • The state of being cared for by others.
          • care
        • The object of watchful attention or anxiety.
  • career #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈɹɪə/
      • /kəˈɹɪɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One's calling in life; a person's occupation; one's profession.
        • General course of action or conduct in life, or in a particular part of it.
          • Eg.Washington's career as a soldier
        • Speed.
        • A jouster's path during a joust.
        • A short gallop of a horse.
        • The flight of a hawk.
        • A racecourse; the ground run over.
      • verb
        • To move rapidly straight ahead, especially in an uncontrolled way.
          • Eg.The car careered down the road, missed the curve, and went through a hedge.
  • careful #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɛːfəl/
      • /ˈkɛ(ə)ɹfəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Taking care; attentive to potential danger, error or harm; cautious.
          • Eg.He was a slow and careful driver.
        • Conscientious and painstaking; meticulous.
          • Eg.They made a careful search of the crime scene.
        • Full of care or grief; sorrowful, sad.
        • Full of cares or anxiety; worried, troubled.
  • carefully #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɛːfli/
      • /ˈkɛɹfli/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • Sorrowfully.
        • With care; attentively, circumspectly.
          • Eg.As he was a politician, he discussed all subjects carefully, not offending anyone.  He carefully studied the papers, while planning his next move.  He carefully avoided the subject all evening.
  • careless #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɛələs/
      • /ˈkɛɹləs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Not concerned or worried (about).
        • Not giving sufficient attention or thought, especially concerning the avoidance of harm or mistakes.
          • Eg.Jessica was so careless that she put her shorts on backwards.
        • Free from care; unworried, without anxiety.
  • cargo #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɑːɡəʊ/
      • /ˈkɑɹɡoʊ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Freight carried by a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle.
        • (Papua New Guinea) Western material goods.
  • carpet #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɑː(ɹ)pɪt/ audio
      • /ˈkɑɹpət/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A fabric used as a complete floor covering.
        • Any surface or cover resembling a carpet or fulfilling its function.
        • Any of a number of moths in the geometrid subfamily Larentiinae
        • A wrought cover for tables.
        • A woman's pubic hair.
      • verb
        • To lay carpet, or to have carpet installed, in an area.
          • Eg.After the fire, they carpeted over the blackened hardwood flooring.
        • To substantially cover something, as a carpet does; to blanket something.
          • Eg.Popcorn and candy wrappers carpeted the floor of the cinema.
        • To reprimand.
  • carriage #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæɹɪdʒ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of conveying; carrying.
        • Means of conveyance.
        • A wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power.
          • Eg.The carriage ride was very romantic.
        • A rail car, especially one designed for the conveyance of passengers.
        • A manner of walking and moving in general; how one carries oneself, bearing, gait.
        • One's behaviour, or way of conducting oneself towards others.
        • The part of a typewriter supporting the paper.
        • A shopping cart.
        • A stroller; a baby carriage.
        • The charge made for conveying (especially in the phrases carriage forward, when the charge is to be paid by the receiver, and carriage paid).
        • That which is carried, baggage
  • carrot #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæɹ.ət/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A vegetable with a nutritious, juicy, sweet root that is often orange in colour, Daucus carota, especially the subspecies sativus in the family Apiaceae.
        • A shade of orange similar to the flesh of most carrots (also called carrot orange).
        • Any motivational tool.
      • verb
        • To treat (an animal pelt) with a solution of mercuric nitrate as part of felt manufacture.
  • carry #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæ.ɹi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A manner of transporting or lifting something; the grip or position in which something is carried.
          • Eg.Adjust your carry from time to time so that you don't tire too quickly.
        • A tract of land over which boats or goods are carried between two bodies of navigable water; a portage.
        • The bit or digit that is carried in an addition operation.
        • The benefit or cost of owning an asset over time.
          • Eg.The carry on this trade is 25 basis points per annum.
        • The distance travelled by the ball when struck, until it hits the ground.
        • Carried interest.
        • The sky; cloud-drift.
      • verb
        • To lift (something) and take it to another place; to transport (something) by lifting.
        • To transfer from one place (such as a country, book, or column) to another.
          • carry an account to the ledger
        • To convey by extension or continuance; to extend.
          • Eg.The builders are going to carry the chimney through the roof.  They would have carried the road ten miles further, but ran out of materials.
        • To move; to convey using force
        • To lead or guide.
        • To stock or supply (something); to have in store.
          • Eg.The corner drugstore doesn't carry his favorite brand of aspirin.
        • To adopt (something); take (something) over.
          • Eg.I think I can carry Smith's work while she is out.
        • To adopt or resolve on, especially in a deliberative assembly
          • Eg.The court carries that motion.
        • In an addition, to transfer the quantity in excess of what is countable in the units in a column to the column immediately to the left in order to be added there.
          • Eg.Five and nine are fourteen; carry the one to the tens place.
        • To have, hold, possess or maintain (something).
          • Eg.Always carry sufficient insurance to protect against a loss.
        • To be transmitted; to travel.
          • Eg.The sound of the bells carried for miles on the wind.
        • To insult, to diss.
        • To capture a ship by coming alongside and boarding.
        • To transport (the ball) whilst maintaining possession.
        • To have on one's person.
          • Eg.she always carries a purse;  marsupials carry their young in a pouch
        • To be pregnant (with).
          • Eg.The doctor said she's carrying twins.
        • To have propulsive power; to propel.
          • Eg.A gun or mortar carries well.
        • To hold the head; said of a horse.
          • carry well, i.e. to hold the head high, with arching neck
        • To have earth or frost stick to the feet when running, as a hare.
        • To bear or uphold successfully through conflict, for example a leader or principle
        • To succeed in (e.g. a contest); to succeed in; to win.
          • Eg.The Tories carried the election.
        • To get possession of by force; to capture.
        • To contain; to comprise; have a particular aspect; to show or exhibit
        • To bear (oneself); to behave or conduct.
        • To bear the charges or burden of holding or having, as stocks, merchandise, etc., from one time to another.
          • Eg.A merchant is carrying a large stock;  a farm carries a mortgage;  a broker carries stock for a customer;  to carry a life insurance.
        • To have a weapon on one's person; to be armed.
        • To be disproportionately responsible for a team's success.
          • Eg.He absolutely carried the game, to the point of killing the entire enemy team by himself.
  • cartoon #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kɑːˈtuːn/
      • /kɑɹˈtuːn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A humorous drawing, often with a caption, or a strip of such drawings.
        • A drawing satirising current public figures.
        • An artist's preliminary sketch.
        • An animated piece of film which is often but not exclusively humorous.
        • A diagram in a scientific concept.
      • verb
        • To draw a cartoon, a humorous drawing.
        • To make a preliminary sketch.
  • carve #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kɑːv/ audio
      • /kɑɹv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A carucate.
        • The act of carving
          • Eg.give that turkey a careful carve
      • verb
        • To cut.
        • To cut meat in order to serve it.
          • Eg.You carve the roast and I'll serve the vegetables.
        • To shape to sculptural effect; to produce (a work) by cutting, or to cut (a material) into a finished work.
          • carve a name into a tree
        • To perform a series of turns without pivoting, so that the tip and tail of the snowboard take the same path.
        • To take or make, as by cutting; to provide.
        • To lay out; to contrive; to design; to plan.
  • case #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /keɪs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An actual event, situation, or fact.
          • Eg.For a change, in this case, he was telling the truth.
        • A given condition or state.
        • A piece of work, specifically defined within a profession.
          • Eg.It was one of the detective's easiest cases.  Social workers should work on a maximum of forty active cases.  The doctor told us of an interesting case he had treated that morning.
        • (academia) An instance or event as a topic of study.
          • Eg.The teaching consists of theory lessons and case studies.
        • A legal proceeding, lawsuit.
        • (grammar) A specific inflection of a word depending on its function in the sentence.
          • Eg.The accusative case canonically indicates a direct object.  Latin has six cases, and remnants of a seventh.
        • (grammar) Grammatical cases and their meanings taken either as a topic in general or within a specific language.
          • Eg.Jane has been studying case in Caucasian languages.  Latin is a language that employs case.
        • An instance of a specific condition or set of symptoms.
          • Eg.There were another five cases reported overnight.
        • A section of code representing one of the actions of a conditional switch.
      • verb
        • To propose hypothetical cases.
  • cash #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kæʃ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Money in the form of notes/bills and coins, as opposed to cheques/checks or electronic transactions.
          • Eg.After you bounced those checks last time, they want to be paid in cash.
        • Liquid assets, money that can be traded quickly, as distinct from assets that are invested and cannot be easily exchanged.
        • Money.
        • Cash register.
        • An instance of winning a cash prize.
        • A place where money is kept, or where it is deposited and paid out; a money box.
      • verb
        • To exchange (a check/cheque) for money in the form of notes/bills.
        • To obtain a payout from a tournament.
      • adjective
        • Great; excellent; cool.
  • casino #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kæˈsinoʊ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A public building or room for entertainment, especially gambling.
        • A card game for two to four players.
  • cast #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kæst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An act of throwing.
        • An instance of throwing out a fishing line.
        • Something which has been thrown, dispersed etc.
        • A small mass of earth "thrown off" or excreted by a worm.
          • Eg.The area near the stream was covered with little bubbly worm casts.
        • The collective group of actors performing a play or production together. Contrasted with crew.
          • Eg.He’s in the cast of Oliver.
        • The casting procedure.
          • Eg.The men got into position for the cast, two at the ladle, two with long rods, all with heavy clothing.
        • An object made in a mould.
          • Eg.The cast would need a great deal of machining to become a recognizable finished part.
        • A supportive and immobilising device used to help mend broken bones.
          • Eg.The doctor put a cast on the boy’s broken arm.
        • The mould used to make cast objects.
          • Eg.A plaster cast was made from his face.
        • (hawking) The number of hawks (or occasionally other birds) cast off at one time; a pair.
        • A squint.
        • Visual appearance.
          • Eg.Her features had a delicate cast to them.
        • The form of one's thoughts, mind etc.
          • Eg.a cast of mind, a mental tendency.
        • An animal, especially a horse, that is unable to rise without assistance.
        • Animal and insect remains which have been regurgitated by a bird.
        • A group of crabs.
        • A broadcast.
      • verb
        • (physical) To move, or be moved, away.
        • To direct (one's eyes, gaze etc.).
        • To add up (a column of figures, accounts etc.); cross-cast refers to adding up a row of figures.
        • (social) To predict, to decide, to plan.
        • To perform, bring forth (a magical spell or enchantment).
        • To throw (light etc.) on or upon something, or in a given direction.
        • To give birth to (a child) prematurely; to miscarry.
        • To shape (molten metal etc.) by pouring into a mould; to make (an object) in such a way.
        • To twist or warp (of fabric, timber etc.).
        • To bring the bows of a sailing ship on to the required tack just as the anchor is weighed by use of the headsail; to bring (a ship) round.
        • To deposit (a ballot or voting paper); to formally register (one's vote).
        • To change a variable type from, for example, integer to real, or integer to text.
          • Eg.Casting is generally an indication of bad design.
        • Of dogs, hunters: to spread out and search for a scent.
        • To set (a bone etc.) in a cast.
        • To open a circle in order to begin a spell or meeting of witches.
        • To broadcast.
          • Eg.The streamer was the first to cast footage of the new game.
  • castle #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /kæsl̩/
      • /kɑːsl̩/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A large building that is fortified and contains many defences; in previous ages often inhabited by a nobleman or king.
        • An instance of castling.
        • A rook; a chess piece shaped like a castle tower.
        • A defense structure in shogi formed by defensive pieces surrounding the king.
        • A close helmet.
        • Any strong, imposing, and stately mansion.
        • A small tower, as on a ship, or an elephant's back.
        • The wicket.
      • verb
        • To house or keep in a castle.
        • To protect or separate in a similar way.
        • To make into a castle: to build in the form of a castle or add (real or imitation) battlements to an existing building.
        • (usually intransitive) To move the king 2 squares right or left and, in the same turn, the nearest rook to the far side of the king. The move now has special rules: the king cannot be in, go through, or end in check; the squares between the king and rook must be vacant; and neither piece may have been moved before castling.
        • (usually intransitive) To create a similar defensive position in Japanese chess through several moves.
        • To bowl a batsman with a full-length ball or yorker such that the stumps are knocked over.
  • casual #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ˈkɛʒɘl/
      • /ˈkazjuəl/
      • /ˈkæʒuəl/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A worker who is only working for a company occasionally, not as its permanent employee.
        • A soldier temporarily at a place of duty, usually en route to another place of duty.
        • A member of a group of football hooligans who wear expensive designer clothing to avoid police attention; see casual (subculture).
        • One who receives relief for a night in a parish to which he does not belong; a vagrant.
        • A player of casual games.
          • Eg.The devs dumbed the game down so the casuals could enjoy it.
        • A person whose engagement with media is relaxed or superficial.
        • A tramp.
      • adjective
        • Happening by chance.
          • Eg.They only had casual meetings.
        • Coming without regularity; occasional or incidental.
          • Eg.The purchase of donuts was just a casual expense.
        • Employed irregularly.
          • Eg.He was just a casual worker.
        • Careless.
        • Happening or coming to pass without design.
        • Informal, relaxed.
        • Designed for informal or everyday use.
  • casualty #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkaʒ(ʊ)əlti/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something that happens by chance, especially an unfortunate event; an accident, a disaster.
        • A person suffering from injuries or who has been killed due to an accident or through an act of violence.
        • Specifically, a person who has been killed (not only injured) due to an accident or through an act of violence; a fatality.
        • A person in military service who becomes unavailable for duty, for any reason (notably death, injury, illness, capture, or desertion).
        • The accident and emergency department of a hospital.
        • An incidental charge or payment.
        • Chance nature; randomness.
  • cat #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kat/ audio
      • /kæt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An animal of the family Felidae:
        • A person:
        • A strong tackle used to hoist an anchor to the cathead of a ship.
        • Short form of cat-o'-nine-tails.
        • A sturdy merchant sailing vessel (now only in "catboat").
        • The game of "trap and ball" (also called "cat and dog").
        • The pointed piece of wood that is struck in the game of tipcat.
        • A vagina, a vulva; the female external genitalia.
        • A double tripod (for holding a plate, etc.) with six feet, of which three rest on the ground, in whatever position it is placed.
        • A wheeled shelter, used in the Middle Ages as a siege weapon to allow assailants to approach enemy defences.
      • verb
        • To hoist (the anchor) by its ring so that it hangs at the cathead.
        • To flog with a cat-o'-nine-tails.
        • To vomit.
        • To go wandering at night.
        • To gossip in a catty manner.
  • catalogue #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkætəlɑɡ/
      • /ˈkæt.ə.lɒɡ/
      • /ˈkætəlɔɡ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A systematic list of names, books, pictures etc.
        • A complete (usually alphabetical) list of items.
        • A list of all the publications in a library.
        • A retailer's magazine detailing the products they sell, allowing the reader to order them for delivery.
        • A book printed periodically by a college, university, or other institution that gives a definitive description of the institution, its history, courses and degrees offered, etc.
        • A directory listing.
        • A complete list of a recording artist's or a composer's songs.
      • verb
        • To put into a catalogue.
        • To make a catalogue of.
        • To add items (e.g. books) to an existing catalogue.
  • catch #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kæt͡ʃ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of seizing or capturing.
          • Eg.The catch of the perpetrator was the product of a year of police work.
        • The act of catching an object in motion, especially a ball.
          • Eg.Nice catch!
        • The act of noticing, understanding or hearing.
          • Eg.Good catch. I never would have remembered that.
        • The game of catching a ball.
          • Eg.The kids love to play catch.
        • Something which is captured or caught.
          • Eg.The catch amounted to five tons of swordfish.
        • (by extension) A find, in particular a boyfriend or girlfriend or prospective spouse.
          • Eg.Did you see his latest catch?
        • A stopping mechanism, especially a clasp which stops something from opening.
          • Eg.She installed a sturdy catch to keep her cabinets closed tight.
        • A hesitation in voice, caused by strong emotion.
          • Eg.There was a catch in his voice when he spoke his father's name.
        • (sometimes noun adjunct) A concealed difficulty, especially in a deal or negotiation.
          • Eg.Be careful, that's a catch question.
        • A crick; a sudden muscle pain during unaccustomed positioning when the muscle is in use.
          • Eg.I bent over to see under the table and got a catch in my side.
        • A fragment of music or poetry.
        • A state of readiness to capture or seize; an ambush.
        • A crop which has germinated and begun to grow.
        • A type of strong boat, usually having two masts; a ketch.
        • A type of humorous round in which the voices gradually catch up with one another; usually sung by men and often having bawdy lyrics.
        • The refrain; a line or lines of a song which are repeated from verse to verse.
        • The act of catching a hit ball before it reaches the ground, resulting in an out.
        • A player in respect of his catching ability; particularly one who catches well.
        • The first contact of an oar with the water.
        • A stoppage of breath, resembling a slight cough.
        • Passing opportunities seized; snatches.
        • A slight remembrance; a trace.
      • verb
        • (heading) To capture, overtake.
        • (heading) To seize hold of.
        • (heading) To intercept.
        • (heading) To receive (by being in the way).
        • (heading) To take in with one's senses or intellect.
        • (heading) To seize attention, interest.
        • (heading) To obtain or experience
  • category #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkætəˌɡɔɹi/ audio
      • /ˈkɛtɘɡ(ɘ)ɹi/
      • /ˈkætɪɡ(ə)ɹi/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A group, often named or numbered, to which items are assigned based on similarity or defined criteria.
          • Eg.I wouldn't put this book in the same category as the author's first novel.
        • A collection of objects, together with a transitively closed collection of composable arrows between them, such that every object has an identity arrow, and such that arrow composition is associative.
          • Eg.Just as a monoid consists of an underlying set with a binary operation "on top of it" which is closed, associative and with an identity, a category consists of an underlying digraph with an arrow composition operation "on top of it" which is transitively closed, associative, and with an identity at each object. In fact, a category's composition operation, when restricted to a single one of its objects, turns that object's set of arrows (which would all be loops) into a monoid.
  • cater #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkeɪtə/
      • /ˈkeɪdɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Caterer
      • verb
        • To provide, particularly:
      • noun
        • A person employed to obtain and maintain the storage of provisions, especially food.
        • A person or company hired to provide and serve food, usually for a large group and at a location separate from where the food is prepared.
      • noun
        • Someone who supplies what is needed, especially food.
          • Eg.The merchants are the purveyors of fine selections.
        • An officer who provided provisions for the king's household.
        • A procurer; a pimp.
  • cattle #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæt(ə)l/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Domesticated bovine animals (cows, bulls, steers etc).
          • Eg.Do you want to raise cattle?
        • Certain other livestock, such as sheep, pigs or horses.
        • People who resemble domesticated bovine animals in behavior or destiny.
        • (English law, sometimes countable) chattel
          • Eg.goods and cattle
        • Used in restricted contexts to refer to the meat derived from cattle.
  • cause #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kɔːz/
      • /kɔz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (often with of, typically of adverse results) The source of, or reason for, an event or action; that which produces or effects a result.
          • Eg.They identified a burst pipe as the cause of the flooding.
        • (especially with for and a bare noun) Sufficient reason for a state, as of emotion.
          • Eg.The end of the war was a cause for celebration.
        • A goal, aim or principle, especially one which transcends purely selfish ends.
        • Sake; interest; advantage.
        • Any subject of discussion or debate; a matter; an affair.
        • A suit or action in court; any legal process by which a party endeavors to obtain his claim, or what he regards as his right; case; ground of action.
      • verb
        • To set off an event or action.
          • Eg.The lightning caused thunder.
        • (ditransitive) To actively produce as a result, by means of force or authority.
          • Eg.His dogged determination caused the fundraising to be successful.
        • To assign or show cause; to give a reason; to make excuse.
  • caution #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɔːʃ(ə)n/
      • /ˈkɑːʃ(ə)n/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Precept or warning against evil or danger of any kind; exhortation to wariness; advice; injunction; prudence in regard to danger; provident care
        • A careful attention to the probable effects of an act, in order that failure or harm may be avoided
          • Eg.The guideline expressed caution against excessive radiographic imaging.
        • Security; guaranty; bail.
        • One who draws attention or causes astonishment by their behaviour.
          • Eg.Oh, that boy, he's a caution! He does make me laugh.
        • A formal warning given as an alternative to prosecution in minor cases.
        • A yellow card.
      • verb
        • To warn; to alert, advise that caution is warranted.
        • To give a yellow card
  • cautious #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɔːʃəs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Careful; using or exercising caution; tentative
          • Eg.He took a few cautious steps toward the cave.
  • cave #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /keɪv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A large, naturally-occurring cavity formed underground or in the face of a cliff or a hillside.
          • Eg.We found a cave on the mountainside where we could take shelter.
        • A hole, depression, or gap in earth or rock, whether natural or man-made.
        • A storage cellar, especially for wine or cheese.
          • Eg.This wine has been aged in our cave for thirty years.
        • A place of retreat, such as a man cave.
          • Eg.My room was a cozy cave where I could escape from my family.
        • A naturally-occurring cavity in bedrock which is large enough to be entered by an adult.
          • Eg.It was not strictly a cave, but a narrow fissure in the rock.
        • A shielded area where nuclear experiments can be carried out.
        • (drilling) Debris, particularly broken rock, which falls into a drill hole and interferes with drilling.
        • A collapse or cave-in.
        • The vagina.
        • (often "Cave") A group that breaks from a larger political party or faction on a particular issue.
        • Any hollow place, or part; a cavity.
        • A code cave.
      • verb
        • To surrender.
          • Eg.He caved under pressure.
        • To collapse.
          • Eg.First the braces buckled, then the roof began to cave, then we ran.
        • To hollow out or undermine.
          • Eg.The levee has been severely caved by the river current.
        • To engage in the recreational exploration of caves.
          • Eg.I have caved from Yugoslavia to Kentucky.
        • In room-and-pillar mining, to extract a deposit of rock by breaking down a pillar which had been holding it in place.
          • Eg.The deposit is caved by knocking out the posts.
        • To work over tailings to dress small pieces of marketable ore.
        • To dwell in a cave.
  • cease #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /siːs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Cessation; extinction (see without cease).
      • verb
        • To stop.
          • Eg.And with that, his twitching ceased.
        • To stop doing (something).
          • Eg.And with that, he ceased twitching.
        • To be wanting; to fail; to pass away.
  • ceiling #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsiːlɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To line or finish (a surface, such as a wall), with plaster, stucco, thin boards, or similar.
        • To set a higher bound.
      • noun
        • The overhead closure of a room.
          • Eg.the dining room had an ornate ceiling
        • The upper limit of an object or action.
        • The highest altitude at which an aircraft can safely maintain flight.
        • The measurement of visible distance from ground or sea level to an overcast cloud cover; under a clear sky, the ceiling measurement is identified as "unlimited."
        • The smallest integer greater than or equal to a given number.
          • Eg.the ceiling of 4.5 is 5, the ceiling of -4.5 is -4
        • The inner planking of a vessel.
  • celebrate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɛl.ə.bɹeɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To extol or honour in a solemn manner.
          • celebrate the name of the Most High
        • To honour by rites, by ceremonies of joy and respect, or by refraining from ordinary business; to observe duly.
          • celebrate a birthday
        • To engage in joyful activity in appreciation of an event.
          • Eg.I was promoted today at work—let’s celebrate!
        • To perform or participate in, as a sacrament or solemn rite; to perform with appropriate rites.
          • celebrate a marriage
  • celebration #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌsɛlɪˈbɹeiʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The formal performance of a solemn rite, such as Christian sacrament.
        • The observance of a holiday or feast day, as by solemnities.
        • The act, process of showing appreciation, gratitude and/or remembrance, notably as a social event.
        • A social gathering for entertainment and fun; a party.
  • celebrity #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /sɪˈlɛbɹɪti/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A rite or ceremony.
        • Fame, renown; the state of being famous or talked-about.
        • A person who has a high degree of recognition by the general population for his or her success or accomplishments; a famous person.
  • cell #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /sɛl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A single-room dwelling for a hermit.
        • A small monastery or nunnery dependent on a larger religious establishment.
        • A small room in a monastery or nunnery accommodating one person.
          • Eg.Gregor Mendel must have spent a good amount of time outside of his cell.
        • A room in a prison or jail for one or more inmates.
          • Eg.The combatants spent the night in separate cells.
        • Each of the small hexagonal compartments in a honeycomb.
        • Any of various chambers in a tissue or organism having specific functions.
        • The discal cell of the wing of a lepidopteran insect.
        • Specifically, any of the supposed compartments of the brain, formerly thought to be the source of specific mental capacities, knowledge, or memories.
        • A section or compartment of a larger structure.
        • Any small dwelling; a remote nook, a den.
        • A device which stores electrical power; used either singly or together in batteries; the basic unit of a battery.
          • Eg.This MP3 player runs on 2 AAA cells.
        • The basic unit of a living organism, consisting of a quantity of protoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane, which is able to synthesize proteins and replicate itself.
        • A small thunderstorm, caused by convection, that forms ahead of a storm front.
          • Eg.There is a powerful storm cell headed our way.
        • The minimal unit of a cellular automaton that can change state and has an associated behavior.
          • Eg.The upper right cell always starts with the color green.
        • In FreeCell-type games, a space where one card can be placed.
        • A small group of people forming part of a larger organization, often an outlawed one.
          • Eg.Those three fellows are the local cell of that organization.
        • (communication) A short, fixed-length packet as in asynchronous transfer mode.
          • Eg.Virtual Channel number 5 received 170 cells.
        • (communication) A region of radio reception that is a part of a larger radio network.
          • Eg.I get good reception in my home because it is near a cell tower.
        • A three-dimensional facet of a polytope.
        • The unit in a statistical array (a spreadsheet, for example) where a row and a column intersect.
        • The space between the ribs of a vaulted roof.
        • A cella.
        • An area of an insect wing bounded by veins
      • verb
        • To place or enclose in a cell.
  • cellphone #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɛlfəʊn/
      • /ˈsɛlfoʊn/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A portable, wireless telephone, which changes antenna connections seamlessly during travel from one radio reception cell to another without losing the party-to-party call connection.
      • verb
        • To make a call on a cellphone.
  • cemetery #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsem.ɘˌtiɘɹ.i/
      • /ˈsɛm.əˌtɹi/
      • /ˈsɛm.əˌtɛɹ.i/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A place where the dead are buried; a graveyard or memorial park.
  • cent #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /sɛnt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (money) A subunit of currency equal to one-hundredth of the main unit of currency in many countries. Symbol: ¢.
        • A small sum of money.
          • Eg.He blew every last cent.
        • (money) A subunit of currency equal to one-hundredth of the euro.
        • (money) A coin having face value of one cent (in either of the above senses).
        • A hundredth of a semitone or half step.
      • noun
        • The point in the interior of a circle that is equidistant from all points on the circumference.
        • The point in the interior of a sphere that is equidistant from all points on the circumference.
        • The middle portion of something; the part well away from the edges.
        • The point on a line that is midway between the ends.
        • The point in the interior of any figure of any number of dimensions that has as its coordinates the arithmetic mean of the coordinates of all points on the perimeter of the figure (or of all points in the interior for a center of volume).
        • The subgroup (respectively, subring), denoted Z(G), of those elements of a given group (respectively, ring) G that commute with every element of G.
        • A place where the greater part of some function or activity occurs.
          • center, convention center, civic center, garment center, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Rockefeller Center
        • A topic that is particularly important in a given context.
          • Eg.the center of attention
        • A player in the middle of the playing area
        • A player who can go all over the court, except the shooting circles.
        • A pass played into the centre of the pitch.
        • One of the backs operating in a central area of the pitch, either the inside centre or outside centre.
        • A temporary structure upon which the materials of a vault or arch are supported in position until the work becomes self-supporting.
        • One of the two conical steel pins in a lathe, etc., upon which the work is held, and about which it revolves.
        • A conical recess or indentation in the end of a shaft or other work, to receive the point of a center, on which the work can turn, as in a lathe.
        • The ensemble of moderate or centrist political parties.
      • noun
        • A centigrade temperature scale having the freezing point of water defined as 0° and its boiling point defined as 100° at standard atmospheric pressure. Known as the Celsius scale since 1948.
        • A single degree on this scale.
          • Eg.a temperature of 34 centigrades
        • A unit of angle equal to the hundredth part of a quadrant. Its symbol is gon.
      • noun
        • (Sanskrit and other Indian philology) satakam, set of one hundred verses connected by the same metre or topic
        • Perfect score on a board exam
      • noun
        • A period of 100 consecutive years; often specifically a numbered period with conventional start and end dates, e.g., the twentieth century, which stretches from (strictly) 1901 through 2000, or (informally) 1900 through 1999. The first century AD was from 1 to 100.
        • A unit in ancient Roman army, originally of 100 army soldiers as part of a cohort, later of more varied sizes (but typically containing 60 to 70 or 80) soldiers or other men (guards, police, firemen), commanded by a centurion.
        • A political division of ancient Rome, meeting in the Centuriate Assembly.
        • A hundred things of the same kind; a hundred.
        • A hundred runs scored either by a single player in one innings, or by two players in a partnership.
        • A score of one hundred points.
          • Eg.That was his tenth professional century.
        • A race a hundred units (as meters, kilometres, miles) in length.
        • A banknote in the denomination of one hundred dollars.
  • centimetre #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɛn.tɪ.miː.tə/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An SI unit of length equal to 10-2 metres. Symbol: cm
  • central #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɛntɹəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Being in the centre.
        • Having or containing the centre of something.
        • Being very important, or key to something.
        • Exerting its action towards the peripheral organs.
  • centre #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsen.tə(ɹ)/
      • /ˈsɛn.tɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The point in the interior of a circle that is equidistant from all points on the circumference.
        • The point in the interior of a sphere that is equidistant from all points on the circumference.
        • The middle portion of something; the part well away from the edges.
        • The point on a line that is midway between the ends.
        • The point in the interior of any figure of any number of dimensions that has as its coordinates the arithmetic mean of the coordinates of all points on the perimeter of the figure (or of all points in the interior for a center of volume).
        • The subgroup (respectively, subring), denoted Z(G), of those elements of a given group (respectively, ring) G that commute with every element of G.
        • A place where the greater part of some function or activity occurs.
          • center, convention center, civic center, garment center, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Rockefeller Center
        • A topic that is particularly important in a given context.
          • Eg.the center of attention
        • A player in the middle of the playing area
        • A player who can go all over the court, except the shooting circles.
        • A pass played into the centre of the pitch.
        • One of the backs operating in a central area of the pitch, either the inside centre or outside centre.
        • A temporary structure upon which the materials of a vault or arch are supported in position until the work becomes self-supporting.
        • One of the two conical steel pins in a lathe, etc., upon which the work is held, and about which it revolves.
        • A conical recess or indentation in the end of a shaft or other work, to receive the point of a center, on which the work can turn, as in a lathe.
        • The ensemble of moderate or centrist political parties.
      • verb
        • To cause (an object) to occupy the center of an area.
          • Eg.He centered the heading of the document.
        • To cause (some attribute, such as a mood or voltage) to be adjusted to a value which is midway between the extremes.
        • To give (something) a central basis.
        • To concentrate on (something), to pay close attention to (something).
          • Eg.The discussion centered around the recent issues.
        • To form a recess or indentation for the reception of a center.
  • century #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɛn.t͡ʃə.ɹiː/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A period of 100 consecutive years; often specifically a numbered period with conventional start and end dates, e.g., the twentieth century, which stretches from (strictly) 1901 through 2000, or (informally) 1900 through 1999. The first century AD was from 1 to 100.
        • A unit in ancient Roman army, originally of 100 army soldiers as part of a cohort, later of more varied sizes (but typically containing 60 to 70 or 80) soldiers or other men (guards, police, firemen), commanded by a centurion.
        • A political division of ancient Rome, meeting in the Centuriate Assembly.
        • A hundred things of the same kind; a hundred.
        • A hundred runs scored either by a single player in one innings, or by two players in a partnership.
        • A score of one hundred points.
          • Eg.That was his tenth professional century.
        • A race a hundred units (as meters, kilometres, miles) in length.
        • A banknote in the denomination of one hundred dollars.
  • cereal #card
    • Phonetics:
      • [ˈsɪəɹiːəɫ] audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A type of grass (such as wheat, rice or oats) cultivated for its edible grains.
        • The grains of such a grass.
        • Breakfast cereal.
          • Eg.Which cereal would you like for breakfast?
  • ceremony #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɛɹɪməni/
      • /ˈsɛɹəmoʊni/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A ritual, with religious or cultural significance.
        • An official gathering to celebrate, commemorate, or otherwise mark some event.
        • A formal socially established behaviour, often in relation to people of different ranks; formality.
        • Show of magnificence, display, ostentation.
        • An accessory or object associated with a ritual.
        • An omen or portent.
  • certain #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɝtn̩/ audio
      • /ˈsɜːtn̩/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (with "the") Something certain.
      • adjective
        • Sure, positive, not doubting.
          • Eg.I was certain of my decision.
        • Determined; resolved.
        • Not to be doubted or denied; established as a fact.
        • Actually existing; sure to happen; inevitable.
          • Eg.Bankruptcy is the certain outcome of your constant gambling and lending.
        • Unfailing; infallible.
        • I have often wished , that I knew so certain a remedy in any other disease
        • Fixed or stated; regular; determinate.
        • Known but not specifically named; indeterminate; indefinite; one or some; sometimes used independently as a noun, and meaning certain persons; see also "one".
      • pronoun
        • (with of) Unnamed or undescribed members (of).
          • Eg.There were serious objections to certain of the proposals.
  • certainly #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɜːtn̩li/
      • /ˈsɝʔn̩li/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • In a way which is certain; with certainty.
        • Without doubt, surely.
          • Eg.That was certainly sweet of him.
        • An emphatic affirmative answer; of course.
          • Eg.Would you like it with ice?  Certainly, and with lemon please.
  • certainty #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɜːtn̩ti/
      • /ˈsɝtn̩ti/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The state of being certain.
        • An instance of being certain.
        • A fact or truth unquestionably established.
  • certificate #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A document containing a certified statement.
        • A document evidencing ownership or debt.
        • A document serving as evidence as a person has completed an educational course, issued either by an institution not authorised to grant diplomas, or to a student not qualifying for a diploma.
        • The information needed in order to verify a positive answer to a problem.
        • A motion picture age rating.
          • Eg.The film is certificate 15.
      • verb
        • To supply with a certificate, especially following certification
  • chain #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈt͡ʃeɪn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A series of interconnected rings or links usually made of metal.
          • Eg.He wore a gold chain around the neck.
        • A series of interconnected things.
          • Eg.This led to an unfortunate chain of events.
        • A series of stores or businesses with the same brand name.
          • Eg.That chain of restaurants is expanding into our town.
        • A number of atoms in a series, which combine to form a molecule.
          • Eg.When examined, the molecular chain included oxygen and hydrogen.
        • A series of interconnected links of known length, used as a measuring device.
        • A long measuring tape.
        • A unit of length equal to 22 yards. The length of a Gunter's surveying chain. The length of a cricket pitch. Equal to 20.12 metres, 4 rods, or 100 links.
        • A totally ordered set, especially a totally ordered subset of a poset.
        • A sequence of linked house purchases, each of which is dependent on the preceding and succeeding purchase (said to be "broken" if a buyer or seller pulls out).
        • That which confines, fetters, or secures; a bond.
          • Eg.the chains of habit
        • (in the plural) Iron links bolted to the side of a vessel to bold the dead-eyes connected with the shrouds; also, the channels.
        • The warp threads of a web.
      • verb
        • To fasten something with a chain.
        • To link multiple items together.
        • To secure someone with fetters.
        • To obstruct the mouth of a river etc with a chain.
        • To obligate.
        • To relate data items with a chain of pointers.
        • To be chained to another data item.
        • To measure a distance using a 66-foot long chain, as in land surveying.
        • (associated with Acorn Computers) To load and automatically run (a program).
  • chair #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /t͡ʃɛə(ɹ)/ audio
      • /t͡ʃɛəɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An item of furniture used to sit on or in, comprising a seat, legs, back, and sometimes arm rests, for use by one person. Compare stool, couch, sofa, settee, loveseat and bench.
          • Eg.All I need to weather a snowstorm is hot coffee, a warm fire, a good book and a comfortable chair.
        • The seating position of a particular musician in an orchestra.
          • Eg.My violin teacher used to play first chair with the Boston Pops.
        • An iron block used on railways to support the rails and secure them to the sleepers, and similar devices.
        • One of two possible conformers of cyclohexane rings (the other being boat), shaped roughly like a chair.
        • A distinguished professorship at a university.
        • A vehicle for one person; either a sedan borne upon poles, or a two-wheeled carriage drawn by one horse; a gig.
        • The seat or office of a person in authority, such as a judge or bishop.
      • verb
        • To act as chairperson at; to preside over.
          • Eg.Bob will chair tomorrow's meeting.
        • To carry in a seated position upon one's shoulders, especially in celebration or victory.
        • To award a chair to (a winning poet) at a Welsh eisteddfod.
          • Eg.The poet was chaired at the national Eisteddfod.
      • noun
        • A chairman or chairwoman, someone who presides over a meeting, board, etc.
      • noun
        • A chair-like device used for performing execution by electrocution.
        • An electrically powered wheelchair.
        • A transitional hold in which an attacking wrestler hoists an opponent up onto his/her shoulders so that they are both facing in the same direction.
  • chairman #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈtʃɛːmən/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person presiding over a meeting.
        • The head of a corporate or governmental board of directors, a committee, or other formal entity.
        • Someone whose job is to carry people in a portable chair, sedan chair, or similar conveyance.
      • verb
        • To serve as chairman.
  • challenge #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈtʃæl.əndʒ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A confrontation; a dare.
        • A difficult task, especially one that the person making the attempt finds more enjoyable because of that difficulty.
        • A procedure or action.
        • The opening and crying of hounds at first finding the scent of their game.
      • verb
        • To invite (someone) to take part in a competition.
          • Eg.We challenged the boys next door to a game of football.
        • To dare (someone).
        • To dispute (something).
          • challenge the accuracy of a statement or of a quotation
        • To make a formal objection to a juror.
        • To claim as due; to demand as a right.
        • To censure; to blame.
        • To question or demand the countersign from (one who attempts to pass the lines).
          • Eg.The sentinel challenged us with "Who goes there?"
        • To object to the reception of the vote of, e.g. on the ground that the person is not qualified as a voter.
        • To take (a final exam) in order to get credit for a course without taking it.
  • challenging #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈtʃæləndʒɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To invite (someone) to take part in a competition.
          • Eg.We challenged the boys next door to a game of football.
        • To dare (someone).
        • To dispute (something).
          • challenge the accuracy of a statement or of a quotation
        • To make a formal objection to a juror.
        • To claim as due; to demand as a right.
        • To censure; to blame.
        • To question or demand the countersign from (one who attempts to pass the lines).
          • Eg.The sentinel challenged us with "Who goes there?"
        • To object to the reception of the vote of, e.g. on the ground that the person is not qualified as a voter.
        • To take (a final exam) in order to get credit for a course without taking it.
      • noun
        • The act of making a challenge.
      • adjective
        • Difficult, hard to do.
  • chamber #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈtʃeɪmbə(ɹ)/
      • /ˈtʃeɪmbɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A room or set of rooms, particularly:
        • A chamberpot.
        • The legislature or division of the legislature itself.
          • Eg.The resolution, which speedily passed the Senate, was unable to gain a majority in the lower chamber.
        • Any enclosed space occupying or similar to a room.
          • Eg.A canal lock chamber; a furnace chamber; a test chamber
        • An enlarged space in an underground tunnel of a burrowing animal.
        • The area holding the ammunition round at the initiation of its discharge.
          • Eg.Dianne loaded a cartridge into the chamber of the rifle, then prepared to take aim at the target.
        • One of the bullet-holding compartments in the cylinder of a revolver.
        • A short piece of ordnance or cannon which stood on its breech without any carriage, formerly used chiefly for celebrations and theatrical cannonades.
        • One of the two atria or two ventricles of the heart.
      • verb
        • To enclose in a room.
          • Eg.She had chambered herself in her room, and wouldn't come out.
        • To reside in or occupy a chamber or chambers.
        • To place in a chamber, as a round of ammunition.
          • Eg.The hunter fired at the geese and missed, then shrugged his shoulders and chambered another cartridge.
        • To create or modify a gun to be a specific caliber.
          • Eg.The rifle was originally chambered for 9mm, but had since been modified for a larger, wildcat caliber.
        • In martial arts, to prepare an offensive, defensive, or counteroffensive action by drawing a limb or weapon to a position where it may be charged with kinetic energy.
          • Eg.Bob chambered his fist for a blow, but Sheila struck first.
        • To be lascivious.
      • noun
        • A container used for urination and defecation, particularly those used in early modern towns before the advent of the flush toilet.
  • champion #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈtʃæmpiən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An ongoing winner in a game or contest.
          • Eg.The defending champion is expected to defeat his challenger.
        • Someone who is chosen to represent a group of people in a contest.
          • Eg.Barcelona is eligible to play in FIFA Club World Cup as the champion of Europe.
        • Someone who fights for a cause or status.
          • Eg.champion of women's suffrage
        • Someone who fights on another's behalf.
          • Eg.champion of the poor
      • verb
        • To promote, advocate, or act as a champion for (a cause, etc.).
        • To challenge.
      • adjective
        • Acting as a champion; that has defeated all one's competitors.
        • Excellent; beyond compare.
        • (predicative) Excellent; brilliant; superb; deserving of high praise.
          • Eg."That rollercoaster was champion," laughed Vinny.
  • championship #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈtʃæmpi.ənʃɪp/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A competition to determine a champion, especially the final of a series of competitions.
        • The position of champion, or winner.
        • Defense or support of some cause.
          • Eg.His championship of civil rights eventually bore fruit.
  • chance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • [tʃʰans]
      • [tʃʰeəns] audio
      • [tʃʰɐːns]
      • [tʃʰɑːns] audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An opportunity or possibility.
          • Eg.We had the chance to meet the president last week.
        • Random occurrence; luck.
          • Eg.Why leave it to chance when a few simple steps will secure the desired outcome?
        • The probability of something happening.
          • Eg.There is a 30 percent chance of rain tomorrow.
        • What befalls or happens to a person; their lot or fate.
      • adjective
        • Happening by chance, casual.
      • adverb
        • Perchance; perhaps.
  • change #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tʃeɪndʒ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The process of becoming different.
          • Eg.The product is undergoing a change in order to improve it.
        • Small denominations of money given in exchange for a larger denomination.
          • Eg.Can I get change for this $100 bill please?
        • A replacement, e.g. a change of clothes
        • Balance of money returned from the sum paid after deducting the price of a purchase.
          • Eg.A customer who pays with a 10-pound note for a £9 item receives one pound in change.
        • Usually coins (as opposed to paper money), but sometimes inclusive of paper money
          • Eg.Do you have any change on you? I need to make a phone call.
        • A transfer between vehicles.
          • Eg.The train journey from Bristol to Nottingham includes a change at Birmingham.
        • A change-up pitch.
        • (campanology) Any order in which a number of bells are struck, other than that of the diatonic scale.
        • A place where merchants and others meet to transact business; an exchange.
        • A public house; an alehouse.
      • verb
        • To become something different.
          • Eg.The tadpole changed into a frog.   Stock prices are constantly changing.
        • To make something into something else.
          • Eg.The fairy changed the frog into a prince.   I had to change the wording of the ad so it would fit.
        • To replace.
          • Eg.Ask the janitor to come and change the lightbulb.   After a brisk walk, I washed up and changed my shirt.
        • To replace one's clothing.
          • Eg.You can't go into the dressing room while she's changing.   The clowns changed into their costumes before the circus started.
        • To replace the clothing of (the one wearing it).
          • Eg.It's your turn to change the baby.
        • To transfer to another vehicle (train, bus, etc.)
        • To exchange.
        • To change hand while riding (a horse).
          • change a horse
  • channel #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈtʃænəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The physical confine of a river or slough, consisting of a bed and banks.
          • Eg.The water coming out of the waterwheel created a standing wave in the channel.
        • The natural or man-made deeper course through a reef, bar, bay, or any shallow body of water.
          • Eg.A channel was dredged to allow ocean-going vessels to reach the city.
        • The navigable part of a river.
          • Eg.We were careful to keep our boat in the channel.
        • A narrow body of water between two land masses.
          • Eg.The English Channel lies between France and England.
        • Something through which another thing passes; a means of conveying or transmitting.
          • Eg.The news was conveyed to us by different channels.
        • A gutter; a groove, as in a fluted column.
        • A connection between initiating and terminating nodes of a circuit.
          • Eg.The guard-rail provided the channel between the downed wire and the tree.
        • The narrow conducting portion of a MOSFET transistor.
        • (communication) The part that connects a data source to a data sink.
          • Eg.A channel stretches between them.
        • (communication) A path for conveying electrical or electromagnetic signals, usually distinguished from other parallel paths.
          • Eg.We are using one of the 24 channels.
        • (communication) A single path provided by a transmission medium via physical separation, such as by multipair cable.
          • Eg.The channel is created by bonding the signals from these four pairs.
        • (communication) A single path provided by a transmission medium via spectral or protocol separation, such as by frequency or time-division multiplexing.
          • Eg.Their call is being carried on channel 6 of the T-1 line.
        • A specific radio frequency or band of frequencies, usually in conjunction with a predetermined letter, number, or codeword, and allocated by international agreement.
          • Eg.KNDD is the channel at 107.7 MHz in Seattle.
        • A specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television.
          • Eg.NBC is on channel 11 in San Jose.
        • (storage) The portion of a storage medium, such as a track or a band, that is accessible to a given reading or writing station or head.
          • Eg.This chip in this disk drive is the channel device.
        • (technic) The way in a turbine pump where the pressure is built up.
          • Eg.The liquid is pressurized in the lateral channel.
        • A distribution channel
        • A particular area for conversations on an IRC network, analogous to a chat room and often dedicated to a specific topic.
        • An obsolete means of delivering up-to-date Internet content.
        • A psychic or medium who temporarily takes on the personality of somebody else.
  • chaos #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkeɪ.ɒs/
      • /ˈkeɪ.ɑs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The unordered state of matter in classical accounts of cosmogony.
        • Any state of disorder; a confused or amorphous mixture or conglomeration.
          • Eg.After the earthquake, the local hospital was in chaos
        • A behaviour of iterative non-linear systems in which arbitrarily small variations in initial conditions become magnified over time.
        • One of the two metaphysical forces of the world in some fantasy settings, as opposed to law.
        • A vast chasm or abyss.
        • A given medium; a space in which something exists or lives; an environment.
  • chap #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tʃæp/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (obsolete outside Britain and Australia) A man, a fellow.
          • Eg.Who’s that chap over there?
        • A customer, a buyer.
        • A child.
  • chapter #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈt͡ʃæptə/
      • /ˈt͡ʃæptɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (authorship) One of the main sections into which the text of a book is divided.
          • Eg.Detective novel writers try to keep up the suspense until the last chapter.
        • A section of a social or religious body.
        • A sequence (of events), especially when presumed related and likely to continue.
        • A decretal epistle.
        • A location or compartment.
      • verb
        • To divide into chapters.
        • To put into a chapter.
        • (with "out") To use administrative procedure to remove someone.
        • To take to task.
  • character #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæɹəktə/
      • /ˈkæɹəktɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A being involved in the action of a story.
        • A distinguishing feature; characteristic; trait; phene.
          • Eg.A single locus governing the petal colour character was detected on the linkage group A2.
        • A complex of traits marking a person, group, breed, or type.
          • Eg.A study of the suspect's character and his cast iron alibi ruled him out.
        • Strength of mind; resolution; independence; individuality; moral strength.
          • Eg."You may not like to eat liver," said Calvin's father, "but it builds character."
        • A unique or extraordinary individual; a person characterized by peculiar or notable traits, especially charisma.
          • Eg.Julius Caesar is a great historical character.
        • A written or printed symbol, or letter.
        • Style of writing or printing; handwriting; the particular form of letters used by a person or people.
          • inscription in the Runic character
        • A secret cipher; a way of writing in code.
        • One of the basic elements making up a text file or string: a code representing a printing character or a control character.
        • A person or individual, especially one who is unknown or raises suspicions.
          • Eg.That old guy is a real character.
        • A complex number representing an element of a finite Abelian group.
        • Quality, position, rank, or capacity; quality or conduct with respect to a certain office or duty.
          • his character as a magistrate
        • The estimate, individual or general, put upon a person or thing; reputation.
          • Eg.Her actions give her a bad character.
        • A reference given to a servant, attesting to his/her behaviour, competence, etc.
        • Personal appearance.
      • verb
        • To write (using characters); to describe.
  • characteristic #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌkæɹəktəˈɹɪstɪk/
      • /ˌkɛɹəktəˈɹɪstɪk/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A distinguishing feature of a person or thing.
        • The integer part of a logarithm.
        • The distinguishing features of a navigational light on a lighthouse etc by which it can be identified (colour, pattern of flashes etc.).
        • For a given field or ring, a natural number that is either the smallest positive number n such that n instances of the multiplicative identity (1) summed together yield the additive identity (0) or, if no such number exists, the number 0.
          • Eg.The characteristic of a field, if non-zero, must be a prime number.
      • adjective
        • Being a distinguishing feature of a person or thing.
  • characterize #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkæɹəktəɹaɪz/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To depict someone or something a particular way (often negative).
        • To be typical of.
        • To determine the characteristics of.
  • charge #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /t͡ʃɑːd͡ʒ/
      • /t͡ʃɑɹd͡ʒ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The amount of money levied for a service.
          • Eg.There will be a charge of five dollars.
        • A ground attack against a prepared enemy.
          • Eg.Pickett did not die leading his famous charge.
        • A forceful forward movement.
        • An accusation.
          • Eg.That's a slanderous charge of abuse of trust.
        • An electric charge.
        • The scope of someone's responsibility.
          • Eg.The child was in the nanny's charge.
        • Someone or something entrusted to one's care, such as a child to a babysitter or a student to a teacher.
          • Eg.The child was a charge of the nanny.
        • A load or burden; cargo.
          • Eg.The ship had a charge of colonists and their belongings.
        • An instruction.
          • Eg.I gave him the charge to get the deal closed by the end of the month.
        • An offensive foul in which the player with the ball moves into a stationary defender.
        • A measured amount of powder and/or shot in a firearm cartridge.
        • An image displayed on an escutcheon.
        • A position (of a weapon) fitted for attack.
          • bring a weapon to the charge
        • A sort of plaster or ointment.
        • Weight; import; value.
        • A measure of thirty-six pigs of lead, each pig weighing about seventy pounds; a charre.
        • An address given at a church service concluding a visitation.
      • verb
        • To assign a duty or responsibility to
        • To assign (a debit) to an account
          • Eg.Let's charge this to marketing.
        • To pay on account, as by using a credit card
          • Eg.Can I charge my purchase to my credit card?
        • To require payment (of) (a price or fee, for goods, services, etc.)
          • Eg.I won't charge you for the wheat
        • (possibly archaic) to sell at a given price.
          • charge coal at $5 per unit
        • To formally accuse (a person) of a crime.
          • Eg.I'm charging you with assault and battery.
        • To impute or ascribe
        • To call to account; to challenge
        • To place a burden or load on or in
        • To load equipment with material required for its use, as a firearm with powder, a fire hose with water, a chemical reactor with raw materials
          • Eg.Charge your weapons; we're moving up.
        • To move forward quickly and forcefully, particularly in combat and/or on horseback
        • (of a hunting dog) to lie on the belly and be still (A command given by a hunter to a dog)
  • charity #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈtʃæɹɪti/
      • /ˈtʃɛɹəti/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An organization, the objective of which is to carry out a charitable purpose.
        • The goods or money given to those in need.
        • Benevolence to others less fortunate than ourselves; the providing of goods or money to those in need.
        • In general, an attitude of kindness and understanding towards others, now especially suggesting generosity.
        • Christian love; representing God's love of man, man's love of God, or man's love of his fellow-men.
  • charm #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tʃɑːm/
      • /tʃɑɹm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An object, act or words believed to have magic power (usually carries a positive connotation).
          • Eg.It works like a charm.
        • The ability to persuade, delight or arouse admiration; often constructed in the plural.
          • Eg.He had great personal charm.
        • A small trinket on a bracelet or chain, etc., traditionally supposed to confer luck upon the wearer.
          • Eg.She wears a charm bracelet on her wrist.
        • A quantum number of hadrons determined by the number of charm quarks and antiquarks.
        • A second-order measure of derivative price sensitivity, expressed as the instantaneous rate of change of delta with respect to time.
      • verb
        • To seduce, persuade or fascinate someone or something.
          • Eg.He charmed her with his dashing tales of his days as a sailor.
        • To use a magical charm upon; to subdue, control, or summon by incantation or supernatural influence.
          • Eg.After winning three games while wearing the chain, Dan began to think it had been charmed.
        • To protect with, or make invulnerable by, spells, charms, or supernatural influences.
          • Eg.She led a charmed life.
        • To make music upon.
        • To subdue or overcome by some secret power, or by that which gives pleasure; to allay; to soothe.
  • charming #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈtʃɑː(ɹ).mɪŋ/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To seduce, persuade or fascinate someone or something.
          • Eg.He charmed her with his dashing tales of his days as a sailor.
        • To use a magical charm upon; to subdue, control, or summon by incantation or supernatural influence.
          • Eg.After winning three games while wearing the chain, Dan began to think it had been charmed.
        • To protect with, or make invulnerable by, spells, charms, or supernatural influences.
          • Eg.She led a charmed life.
        • To make music upon.
        • To subdue or overcome by some secret power, or by that which gives pleasure; to allay; to soothe.
      • noun
        • The casting of a magical charm.
      • adjective
        • Pleasant, charismatic.
        • Delightful in a playful way which avoids responsibility or seriousness, as if attracting through a magical charm.
  • chart #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tʃɑːt/
      • /tʃɑɹt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A map.
        • A systematic non-narrative presentation of data.
        • A written deed; a charter.
        • A subspace of a manifold used as part of an atlas
      • verb
        • To draw a chart or map of.
        • To draw or figure out (a route or plan).
          • Eg.Let's chart how we're going to get from here to there.
        • To record systematically.
        • (of a record or artist) To appear on a hit-recording chart.
          • Eg.The band first charted in 1994.
  • charter #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈt͡ʃɑːtə/ audio
      • /ˈt͡ʃɑɹtɚ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A document issued by some authority, creating a public or private institution, and defining its purposes and privileges.
        • A similar document conferring rights and privileges on a person, corporation etc.
        • A contract for the commercial leasing of a vessel, or space on a vessel.
        • The temporary hiring or leasing of a vehicle.
        • A deed (legal contract).
        • A special privilege, immunity, or exemption.
        • (in a noun phrase with another noun which is either an agent or action) a provision whose unintended consequence would be to encourage an undesirable activity
          • Eg.2005 November 30, Stephen Foley "The market where 'caveat emptor' has become a charter for fraud" The Independent, London
      • verb
        • To grant or establish a charter.
        • To lease or hire something by charter.
        • (of a peace officer) To inform (an arrestee) of their constitutional rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms upon arrest.
      • adjective
        • Leased or hired.
  • chase #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tʃeɪs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of one who chases another; a pursuit.
        • A hunt.
        • A children's game where one player chases another.
        • A large country estate where game may be shot or hunted.
        • Anything being chased, especially a vessel in time of war.
        • A wild animal that is hunted.
        • Any of the guns that fire directly ahead or astern; either a bow chase or stern chase.
        • (real tennis) The occurrence of a second bounce by the ball in certain areas of the court, giving the server the chance, later in the game, to "play off" the chase from the receiving end and possibly win the point.
        • (real tennis) A division of the floor of a gallery, marked by a figure or otherwise; the spot where a ball falls, and between which and the dedans the adversary must drive the ball in order to gain a point.
        • One or more riders who are ahead of the peloton and trying to join the race or stage leaders.
      • verb
        • To pursue.
        • To consume another beverage immediately after drinking hard liquor, typically something better tasting or less harsh such as soda or beer; to use a drink as a chaser
          • Eg.I need something to chase this shot with.
        • To attempt to win by scoring the required number of runs in the final innings.
          • Eg.Australia will be chasing 217 for victory on the final day.
        • To swing at a pitch outside of the strike zone, typically an outside pitch
        • To produce enough offense to cause the pitcher to be removed
          • Eg.The rally chased the starter.
  • chat #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tʃæt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Informal conversation.
        • A conversation to stop an argument or settle situations.
        • (totum pro parte, typically with definite article) The entirety of users in a chatroom or a single member thereof.
          • Eg.The Chat just made a joke about my skills.
        • An exchange of text or voice messages in real time through a computer network, resembling a face-to-face conversation.
        • Any of various small Old World passerine birds in the muscicapid tribe Saxicolini or subfamily Saxicolinae that feed on insects.
        • Any of several small Australian honeyeaters in the genus Epthianura.
      • verb
        • To be engaged in informal conversation.
          • Eg.I like to chat over a coffee with a friend.
        • To talk more than a few words.
          • Eg.I met my old friend in the street, so we chatted for a while.
        • To talk of; to discuss.
          • Eg.They chatted politics for a while.
        • To exchange text or voice messages in real time through a computer network, as if having a face-to-face conversation.
          • Eg.Do you want to chat online later?
  • cheap #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /t͡ʃiːp/ audio
      • /t͡ʃip/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Trade; traffic; chaffer; chaffering.
        • A market; marketplace.
        • Price.
        • A low price; a bargain.
        • Cheapness; lowness of price; abundance of supply.
      • verb
        • To trade; traffic; bargain; chaffer; ask the price of goods; cheapen goods.
        • To bargain for; chaffer for; ask the price of; offer a price for; cheapen.
        • To buy; purchase.
        • To sell.
      • adjective
        • Low and/or reduced in price.
        • Of poor quality.
        • Of little worth.
        • (of an action or tactic in a game of skill) Underhand or unfair.
          • Eg.the cheap trick of hiding deadly lava under pushable blocks
        • Stingy; mean; excessively frugal.
          • Eg.Insurance is expensive, but don't be so cheap that you risk losing your home because of a fire.
        • Trading at a price level which is low relative to historical trends, a similar asset, or (for derivatives) a theoretical value.
      • adverb
        • Cheaply.
  • cheat #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tʃiːt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To violate rules in order to gain advantage from a situation.
          • Eg.My brother flunked biology because he cheated on his mid-term.
        • To be unfaithful to one's spouse or partner.
          • Eg.After he found out his wife cheated, he left her.
        • To manage to avoid something even though it seemed unlikely.
          • Eg.He cheated death when his car collided with a moving train.
        • To deceive; to fool; to trick.
          • Eg.He cheated his way into office.
  • check #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /t͡ʃɛk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A situation in which the king is directly threatened by an opposing piece.
        • An inspection or examination.
          • Eg.I don't know if she will be there, but it's worth a check.
        • A control; a limit or stop.
          • Eg.The castle moat should hold the enemy in check.
        • A mark (especially a checkmark: ✓) used as an indicator.
          • Eg.Place a check by the things you have done.
        • An order to a bank to pay money to a named person or entity.
          • Eg.I was not carrying cash, so I wrote a check for the amount.
        • A bill, particularly in a restaurant.
          • Eg.I summoned the waiter, paid the check, and hurried to leave.
        • A maneuver performed by a player to take another player out of the play.
          • Eg.The hockey player gave a good hard check to obtain the puck.
        • A token used instead of cash in gaming machines, or in gambling generally.
        • A lengthwise separation through the growth rings in wood.
        • A mark, certificate or token by which errors may be prevented, or a thing or person may be identified.
          • Eg.a check given for baggage
        • The forsaking by a hawk of its proper game to follow other birds.
        • A small chink or crack.
  • cheek #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tʃiːk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The soft skin on each side of the face, below the eyes; the outer surface of the sides of the oral cavity.
        • (usually in the plural) The lower part of the buttocks that is often exposed beneath very brief underwear, swimwear, or extremely short shorts.
        • Impudence.
          • Eg.You’ve got some cheek, asking me for money!
        • One of the genae, flat areas on the sides of a trilobite's cephalon.
        • One of the pieces of a machine, or of timber or stonework, that form corresponding sides or a similar pair.
          • Eg.the cheeks of a vice; the cheeks of a gun carriage
        • (in plural) The branches of a bridle bit.
        • Either side of an axehead.
        • The middle section of a flask, made so that it can be moved laterally, to permit the removal of the pattern from the mould.
      • verb
        • To be impudent towards.
          • Eg.Don't cheek me, you little rascal!
        • To pull a horse's head back toward the saddle using the cheek strap of the bridle.
  • cheer #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /t͡ʃɪə(ɹ)/
      • /t͡ʃɪɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A cheerful attitude; happiness; a good, happy, or positive mood.
        • That which promotes good spirits or cheerfulness; provisions prepared for a feast; entertainment.
          • Eg.a table loaded with good cheer
        • A cry expressing joy, approval or support such as "hurray".
          • Eg.A cheer rose from the crowd.
        • A chant made in support of a team at a sports event.
        • One's facial expression or countenance.
        • One's attitude, mood.
      • verb
        • To gladden; to make cheerful; often with up.
          • Eg.We were cheered by the offer of a cup of tea.
        • To infuse life, courage, animation, or hope, into; to inspirit; to solace or comfort.
        • To applaud or encourage with cheers or shouts.
          • Eg.The crowd cheered in support of the athletes.
  • cheerful #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈt͡ʃɪəfəl/
      • /ˈt͡ʃɪɹfəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Noticeably happy and optimistic.
        • Bright and pleasant.
          • Eg.They enjoyed a cheerful room.
  • cheese #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /t͡ʃiz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A dairy product made from curdled or cultured milk.
        • Any particular variety of cheese.
        • A piece of cheese, especially one moulded into a large round shape during manufacture.
        • That which is melodramatic, overly emotional, or cliché, i.e. cheesy.
        • Money.
        • In skittles, the roughly ovoid object that is thrown to knock down the skittles.
        • A fastball.
        • A dangerous mixture of black tar heroin and crushed Tylenol PM tablets. The resulting powder resembles grated cheese and is snorted.
        • Smegma.
        • Holed pattern of circuitry to decrease pattern density.
        • A mass of pomace, or ground apples, pressed together in the shape of a cheese.
        • The flat, circular, mucilaginous fruit of the dwarf mallow (Malva rotundifolia) or marshmallow (Althaea officinalis).
        • A low curtsey; so called on account of the cheese shape assumed by a woman's dress when she stoops after extending the skirts by a rapid gyration.
      • verb
        • To prepare curds for making cheese.
        • To make holes in a pattern of circuitry to decrease pattern density.
        • To smile excessively, as for a camera.
      • interjection
        • Said while being photographed, to give the impression of smiling.
          • Eg.Say "cheese"! ... and there we are!
  • chef #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ʃɛf/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The presiding cook in the kitchen of a large household.
        • The head cook of a restaurant or other establishment.
        • Any cook.
          • Eg.Kiss the chef. (slogan on aprons used by home barbecue enthusiasts)
        • One who manufactures illegal drugs; a cook.
        • A reliquary in the shape of a head.
      • verb
        • To work as a chef; to prepare and cook food professionally.
        • To stab with a knife, to shank, to lacerate with a rambo.
  • chemical #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɛmɪkəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Any specific chemical element or chemical compound or alloy.
        • An artificial chemical compound.
        • An addictive drug.
      • adjective
        • Of or relating to chemistry.
        • Of or relating to a material or processes not commonly found in nature or in a particular product.
        • Of or relating to alchemy.
  • chemist #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɛmɪst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who specializes in the science of chemistry, especially at a professional level.
        • A pharmacist.
        • A pharmacy.
        • An alchemist.
  • chemistry #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɛm.ɪ.stɹi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The branch of natural science that deals with the composition and constitution of substances and the changes that they undergo as a consequence of alterations in the constitution of their molecules.
        • An application of chemical theory and method to a particular substance.
        • The mutual attraction between two people; rapport.
  • cheque #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tʃɛk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A draft directing a bank to pay money to a named person or entity.
          • Eg.I was not carrying cash, so I wrote a cheque for the amount.
  • cherry #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ˈt͡ʃɛɹi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A small fruit, usually red, black or yellow, with a smooth hard seed and a short hard stem.
        • Prunus subg. Cerasus, trees or shrubs that bear cherries.
        • The wood of a cherry tree.
        • (color) Cherry red.
        • Virginity, especially female virginity as embodied by a hymen.
        • A subtree consisting of a node with exactly two leaves.
        • A cricket ball.
        • Cherrytop.
        • Burning tip of a cigarette.
      • adjective
        • Containing or having the taste of cherries.
        • Of a bright red colour; cherry red.
        • (often of cars) In excellent condition; mint condition.
  • chest #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /t͡ʃɛst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A box, now usually a large strong box with a secure convex lid.
          • Eg.The clothes are kept in a chest.
        • A coffin.
        • The place in which public money is kept; a treasury.
          • Eg.You can take the money from the chest.
        • A chest of drawers.
        • The portion of the front of the human body from the base of the neck to the top of the abdomen; the thorax. Also the analogous area in other animals.
          • Eg.She had a sudden pain in her chest.
        • A hit or blow made with one's chest.
          • Eg.He scored with a chest into the goal.
      • verb
        • To hit with one's chest (front of one's body)
        • To deposit in a chest.
        • To place in a coffin.
  • chicken #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈt͡ʃɪkɪn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A domestic fowl, Gallus gallus, especially when young.
        • The meat from this bird eaten as food.
        • The young of any bird; a chick.
        • A coward.
        • A young or inexperienced person.
        • A young, attractive, slim man, usually having little body hair; compare chickenhawk.
        • The game of dare.
        • A simple dance in which the movements of a chicken are imitated.
      • adjective
        • Cowardly.
          • Eg.Why do you refuse to fight? Huh, I guess you're just too chicken.
  • chief #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tʃiːf/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A leader or head of a group of people, organisation, etc.
          • Eg.All firefighters report to the fire chief.
        • The top part of a shield or escutcheon; more specifically, an ordinary consisting of the upper part of the field cut off by a horizontal line, generally occupying the top third.
        • The principal part or top of anything.
        • An informal term of address, sometimes ironic.
          • Eg.Hey, chief.
      • verb
        • To smoke cannabis.
      • adjective
        • Primary; principal.
          • Eg.Negligence was the chief cause of the disaster.
        • Intimate, friendly.
  • child #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /t͡ʃaɪld/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who has not yet reached adulthood, whether natural (puberty), cultural (initiation), or legal (majority)
          • Eg.Go easy on him: he is but a child.
        • (specifically) A female child, a girl.
        • (with possessive) One's direct descendant by birth, regardless of age; a son or daughter.
          • Eg.My youngest child is forty-three this year.
        • The thirteenth Lenormand card.
        • A figurative offspring, particularly:
      • noun
        • A child of noble birth.
        • The cognomen given to the oldest son prior to his taking his father's title.
  • childhood #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The state of being a child.
        • The time during which one is a child, from between infancy and puberty.
        • (by extension) The early stages of development of something.
  • chip #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tʃɪp/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A small piece broken from a larger piece of solid material.
        • A damaged area of a surface where a small piece has been broken off.
          • Eg.This cup has a chip in it.
        • (games) A token used in place of cash.
        • A sovereign (the coin).
        • A circuit fabricated in one piece on a small, thin substrate.
        • A hybrid device mounted in a substrate, containing electronic circuitry and miniaturised mechanical, chemical and/or biochemical devices.
        • (especially in the plural) A fried strip of potato of square or rectangular cross-section; a french fry.
          • Eg.Do you want sauce or mayonnaise on your chips?
        • (especially in the plural) A thin, crisp, fried slice of potato, or sometimes another vegetable; a crisp.
        • A shot during which the ball travels more predominantly upwards than in a regular shot, as to clear an obstacle.
        • A takeout that hits a rock at an angle.
        • A dried piece of dung, often used as fuel.
        • (northern) A receptacle, usually for strawberries or other fruit.
        • A small, near-conical piece of food added in baking.
        • A small rectangle of colour printed on coated paper for colour selection and matching. A virtual equivalent in software applications.
        • The triangular piece of wood attached to the log line.
        • Wood or Cuban palm leaf split into slips, or straw plaited in a special manner, for making hats or bonnets.
        • Anything dried up, withered, or without flavour.
        • A low shot that travels further along the ground than it does in the air.
  • chocolate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈt͡ʃɔk(ə)lət/
      • audio
      • /ˈt͡ʃɑk(ə)lɪt/
      • /t͡ʃɔk(ə)lət/ audio
      • /ˈt͡ʃɔk(ə)lɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A food made from ground roasted cocoa beans.
          • Eg.Chocolate is a very popular treat.
        • A drink made by dissolving this food in boiling milk or water.
        • A single, small piece of confectionery made from chocolate.
          • Eg.He bought her some chocolates as a gift. She ate one chocolate and threw the rest away.
        • A dark, reddish-brown colour/color, like that of chocolate (also called chocolate brown).
          • Eg.As he cooked it the whole thing turned a rich, deep chocolate.
        • A black person; blackness.
      • verb
        • (chiefly in the past participle) To add chocolate to; to cover (food) in chocolate.
        • To treat blood agar by heating in order to lyse the red blood cells in the medium.
      • adjective
        • Made of or containing chocolate.
        • Having a dark reddish-brown colour/color.
        • Black (relating to any of various ethnic groups having dark pigmentation of the skin).
  • choice #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tʃɔɪs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An option; a decision; an opportunity to choose or select something.
          • Eg.Do I have a choice of what color to paint it?
        • The power to choose.
          • Eg.She didn't leave us much choice.
        • One selection or preference; that which is chosen or decided; the outcome of a decision.
          • Eg.The ice cream sundae is a popular choice for dessert.
        • Anything that can be chosen.
          • Eg.You have three choices: vanilla, strawberry or chocolate
        • (usually with the) The best or most preferable part.
        • Care and judgement in selecting; discrimination, selectiveness.
        • A sufficient number to choose among.
      • adjective
        • Especially good or preferred.
          • Eg.It's a choice location, but you will pay more to live there.
        • Careful in choosing; discriminating.
  • choir #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kwaɪə(ɹ)/ audio
      • /kwaɪɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Singing group; group of people who sing together; company of people who are trained to sing together.
          • Eg.The church choir practices Thursday nights.
        • The part of a church where the choir assembles for song.
        • (Christian angelology) One of the nine ranks or orders of angels.
          • Eg.Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones are three of the choirs of angels.
        • Set of strings (one per note) for a harpsichord.
      • verb
        • To sing in concert.
  • choose #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /t͡ʃuːz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To pick; to make the choice of; to select.
          • Eg.I chose a nice ripe apple from the fruit bowl.
        • To elect.
          • Eg.He was chosen as president in 1990.
        • To decide to act in a certain way.
          • Eg.I chose to walk to work today.
        • To wish; to desire; to prefer.
      • conjunction
        • The binomial coefficient of the previous and following number.
  • chop #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tʃɒp/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A cut of meat, often containing a section of a rib.
          • Eg.I only like lamb chops with mint jelly.
        • A blow with an axe, cleaver, or similar utensil.
          • Eg.It should take just one good chop to fell the sapling.
        • A blow delivered with the hand rigid and outstretched.
          • Eg.A karate chop.
        • Ocean waves, generally caused by wind, distinguished from swell by being smaller and not lasting as long.
        • A hand where two or more players have an equal-valued hand, resulting in the chips being shared equally between them.
          • Eg.With both players having an ace-high straight, the pot was a chop.
        • (with "the") Termination, especially from employment; the sack.
        • A woodchopping competition.
        • A crack or cleft; a chap.
      • verb
        • To cut into pieces with short, vigorous cutting motions.
          • Eg.chop wood; chop an onion
        • To sever with an axe or similar implement.
          • Eg.Chop off his head.
        • To give a downward cutting blow or movement, typically with the side of the hand.
        • To hit the ball downward so that it takes a high bounce.
        • To divide the pot (or tournament prize) between two or more players.
        • To make a quick, heavy stroke or a series of strokes, with or as with an ax.
        • To do something suddenly with an unexpected motion; to catch or attempt to seize.
        • To interrupt; with in or out.
        • (Perl) To remove the final character from (a text string).
  • chronic #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɹɒnɪk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Marijuana, typically of high quality.
        • A condition of extended duration, either continuous or marked by frequent recurrence. Sometimes implies a condition which worsens with each recurrence, though that is not inherent in the term.
        • A person who is chronic, such as a criminal reoffender or a person with chronic disease.
      • adjective
        • Of a problem, that continues over an extended period of time.
          • Eg.chronic unemployment; chronic poverty; chronic anger; chronic life
        • Prolonged or slow to heal.
          • Eg.chronic cough; chronic headache; chronic illness
        • Of a person, suffering from an affliction that is prolonged or slow to heal.
          • Eg.Chronic patients must learn to live with their condition.
        • Inveterate or habitual.
          • Eg.He's a chronic smoker.
        • Very bad, awful.
          • Eg.That concert was chronic.
        • Extremely serious.
          • Eg.They left him in a chronic condition.
        • Good, great; "wicked".
          • Eg.That was cool, chronic in fact.
  • chuck #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /tʃʌk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Meat from the shoulder of a cow or other animal.
        • Food.
        • A mechanical device that holds an object firmly in place, for example holding a drill bit in a high-speed rotating drill or grinder.
      • verb
        • To place in a chuck, or hold by means of a chuck, as in turning.
        • To bore or turn (a hole) in a revolving piece held in a chuck.
  • chunk #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /t͡ʃʌŋk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A part of something that has been separated.
          • Eg.The statue broke into chunks.
        • A representative portion of a substance, often large and irregular.
          • Eg.a chunk of granite
        • A sequence of two or more words that occur in language with high frequency but are not idiomatic; a bundle or cluster.
          • Eg.examples of chunks would include "in accordance with", "the results of", and "so far"
        • A discrete segment of a file, stream, etc. (especially one that represents audiovisual media); a block.
        • A segment of a comedian's performance
      • verb
        • To break into large pieces or chunks.
        • To break down (language, etc.) into conceptual pieces of manageable size.
        • To throw.
  • church #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /t͡ʃɜːt͡ʃ/ audio
      • /t͡ʃɝt͡ʃ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A Christian house of worship; a building where Christian religious services take place.
          • Eg.There is a lovely little church in the valley.
        • Christians collectively seen as a single spiritual community; Christianity.
          • Eg.These worshippers make up the Church of Christ.
        • A local group of people who follow the same Christian religious beliefs, local or general.
        • A particular denomination of Christianity.
          • Eg.The Church of England separated from the Roman Catholic Church in 1534.
        • (as bare noun) Christian worship held at a church; service.
        • Organized religion in general or a specific religion considered as a political institution.
          • Eg.Many constitutions enshrine the separation of church and state.
        • Any religious group.
          • Eg.She goes to a Wiccan church down the road.
        • Assembly.
      • verb
        • To conduct a religious service for (a woman after childbirth, or a newly married couple).
        • To educate someone religiously, as in in a church.
  • cigarette #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /sɪ.ɡəˈɹɛt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Tobacco or other substances, in a thin roll wrapped with paper, intended to be smoked.
      • verb
        • To give someone a cigarette, and/or to light one for them.
          • Eg.Could someone cigarette me?
  • cinema #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɪn.ɪ.mɑː/ audio
      • /ˈsɪn.ə.mə/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A movie theatre, a movie house
          • Eg.The cinema is right across the street from the restaurant.
        • Films collectively.
          • Eg.Despite the critics, he produced excellent cinema.
        • The film and movie industry.
          • Eg.In the long history of Spanish cinema [...] .
        • The art of making films and movies; cinematography
          • Eg.Throughout the history of cinema, filmmakers [...] .
  • circle #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɜɹkəl/ audio
      • [ˈsɜː.kəɫ]
      • [ˈsɝ.kəɫ] audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A two-dimensional geometric figure, a line, consisting of the set of all those points in a plane that are equally distant from a given point (center).
          • Eg.The set of all points (x, y) such that (x − 1)2 + y2 = r2 is a circle of radius r around the point (1, 0).
        • A two-dimensional geometric figure, a disk, consisting of the set of all those points of a plane at a distance less than or equal to a fixed distance (radius) from a given point.
        • Any shape, curve or arrangement of objects that approximates to or resembles the geometric figures.
          • Eg.Children, please join hands and form a circle.
        • A specific group of persons; especially one who shares a common interest.
          • of friends
        • The orbit of an astronomical body.
        • A line comprising two semicircles of 30 yards radius centred on the wickets joined by straight lines parallel to the pitch used to enforce field restrictions in a one-day match.
        • A ritual circle that is cast three times deosil and closes three times widdershins either in the air with a wand or literally with stones or other items used for worship.
        • A traffic circle or roundabout.
        • Compass; circuit; enclosure.
        • An instrument of observation, whose graduated limb consists of an entire circle. When fixed to a wall in an observatory, it is called a mural circle; when mounted with a telescope on an axis and in Y's, in the plane of the meridian, a meridian or transit circle; when involving the principle of reflection, like the sextant, a reflecting circle; and when that of repeating an angle several times continuously along the graduated limb, a repeating circle.
        • A series ending where it begins, and repeating itself.
        • A form of argument in which two or more unproved statements are used to prove each other; inconclusive reasoning.
        • Indirect form of words; circumlocution.
        • A territorial division or district.
          • Eg.The ten Circles of the Holy Roman Empire were those principalities or provinces which had seats in the German Diet.
        • (in the plural) A bagginess of the skin below the eyes from lack of sleep.
          • Eg.After working all night, she had circles under her eyes.
      • verb
        • To travel around along a curved path.
          • Eg.The wolves circled the herd of deer.
        • To surround.
          • Eg.A high fence circles the enclosure.
        • To place or mark a circle around.
          • Eg.Circle the jobs that you are interested in applying for.
        • To travel in circles.
          • Eg.Vultures circled overhead.
  • circuit #card
    • Phonetics:
      • [ˈsəɾ.kɪʈ]
      • [ˈsɜː.kɪt]
      • [ˈsɝ.kət] audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of moving or revolving around, or as in a circle or orbit; a revolution
        • The circumference of, or distance around, any space; the measure of a line around an area.
        • That which encircles anything, as a ring or crown.
        • The space enclosed within a circle, or within limits.
        • Enclosed path of an electric current, usually designed for a certain function.
        • A regular or appointed trip from place to place as part of one's job
        • The jurisdiction of certain judges within a state or country, whether itinerant or not.
        • Various administrative divisions of imperial and early Republican China, including:
        • Methodism: The basic grouping of local Methodist churches.
        • By analogy to the proceeding three, a set of theaters among which the same acts circulate; especially common in the heyday of vaudeville.
        • A track on which a race in held; a racetrack
        • Circumlocution
        • A thought that unconsciously goes round and round in a person's mind and controls that person.
        • A closed path, without repeated vertices allowed
      • verb
        • To move in a circle; to go round; to circulate.
        • To travel around.
          • Eg.Having circuited the air.
      • noun
        • A court that sits at more than one location in the district that it serves.
  • circulate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɚˌkju.leɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To move in circles or through a circuit
        • To cause (a person or thing) to move in circles or through a circuit
        • To move from person to person, as at a party
        • To spread or disseminate
          • circulate money or gossip
        • To become widely known
        • Of decimals: to repeat.
  • circulation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌsɜː(ɹ).kjʊˈleɪ.ʃən/
      • /ˌsɝkjʊˈleɪʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of moving in a circle, or in a course which brings the moving body to the place where its motion began.
        • The act of passing from place to place or person to person; free diffusion; transmission.
        • Currency; circulating coins; notes, bills, etc., current for coin.
          • Eg.The new bills will come into circulation next Friday.
        • The extent to which anything circulates or is circulated; the measurement of diffusion
        • The movement of the blood in the circulatory system, by which it is brought into close relations with almost every living elementary constituent.
        • The movement of the sap in the vessels and tissues of plants.
  • circumstance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /-æns/
      • /ˈsɝ.kəm.ˌstæns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • That which attends, or relates to, or in some way affects, a fact or event; an attendant thing or state of things.
        • An event; a fact; a particular incident.
        • Circumlocution; detail.
        • Condition in regard to worldly estate; state of property; situation; surroundings.
      • verb
        • To place in a particular situation, especially with regard to money or other resources.
  • cite #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /saɪt/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To quote; to repeat, as a passage from a book, or the words of another.
        • To list the source(s) from which one took information, words or literary or verbal context.
        • To summon officially or authoritatively to appear in court.
  • citizen #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɪtɪzən/
      • /ˈsɪtɪsən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A resident of a city or town, especially one with legally-recognized rights or duties.
        • A legally-recognized member of a state, with associated rights and obligations; a person considered in terms of this role.
        • An inhabitant or occupant: a member of any place.
          • Eg.Diogenes reckoned himself a citizen of the world.
        • A resident of the heavenly city or (later) of the kingdom of God: a Christian; a good Christian.
        • A civilian, as opposed to a police officer, soldier, or member of some other specialized (usually state) group.
        • An ordinary person, as opposed to nobles and landed gentry on one side and peasants, craftsmen, and laborers on the other.
        • (usually capitalized) A term of address among French citizens during the French Revolution or towards its supporters elsewhere; (later, dated) a term of address among socialists and communists.
        • An object.
  • citizenship #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The status of being a citizen, in its various senses.
        • The state of being a citizen, in its various senses.
  • city #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /sɪtɪ/ audio
      • /ˈsɪɾi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A large settlement, bigger than a town; sometimes with a specific legal definition, depending on the place.
          • Eg.São Paulo is the largest city in South America.
        • A settlement granted special status by royal charter or letters patent; traditionally, a settlement with a cathedral regardless of size.
        • The central business district; downtown.
          • Eg.I'm going into the city today to do some shopping.
        • A large amount of something (used after the noun).
          • Eg.It's video game city in here!
  • civic #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɪvɪk/
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Of, relating to, or belonging to a city, a citizen, or citizenship; municipal or civil.
          • Eg.Thousands of people came to the Civic Center to show off their civic pride.
        • Of or relating to the citizen, or of good citizenship and its rights and duties.
          • Eg.civic duty
  • civil #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈsɪv.əl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Having to do with people and government office as opposed to the military or religion.
          • Eg.She went into civil service because she wanted to help the people.
        • Behaving in a reasonable or polite manner.
          • Eg.It was very civil of him to stop the argument.
        • Relating to private relations among citizens, as opposed to criminal matters.
          • Eg.a civil case
        • Secular.
  • civilian #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /sɪˈvɪljən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person following the pursuits of civil life, especially one who is not an active member of the armed forces.
          • Eg.Three civilians were apprehended by the soldiers and taken away in a military vehicle.
        • A person who does not belong to a particular group or engage in a particular activity.
          • Eg.The bathroom was for employees only, so no civilians were allowed to use it.
        • One skilled in civil law.
        • A student of civil law at a university or college.
      • adjective
        • Not related to the military, police or other professions.
          • Eg.He worked as a civilian journalist for ten years before being employed by the public broadcaster.
  • civilization #card
    • Phonetics:
      • [ˌsɪv.ə.lɑeˈzæɪ.ʃən]
      • /ˌsɪv.ɪ.laɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/
      • /ˌsɪv.ə.ləˈzeɪ.ʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An organized culture encompassing many communities, often on the scale of a nation or a people; a stage or system of social, political or technical development.
          • Eg.Modern civilization is a product of industrialization and globalization.
        • Human society, particularly civil society.
          • Eg.A hermit doesn't much care for civilization.
        • The act or process of civilizing or becoming civilized.
          • Eg.The teacher's civilization of the child was no easy task.
        • The state or quality of being civilized.
          • Eg.He was a man of great civilization.
        • The act of rendering a criminal process civil.
      • proper noun
        • Collectively, those people of the world considered to have a high standard of behavior and / or a high level of development. Commonly subjectively used by people of one society to exclusively refer to their society, or their elite sub-group, or a few associated societies, implying all others, in time or geography or status, as something less than civilised, as savages or barbarians. cf refinement, elitism, civilised society, the Civilised World
  • claim #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kleɪm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A demand of ownership made for something.
          • Eg.a claim of ownership
        • The thing claimed.
        • The right or ground of demanding.
          • Eg.You don't have any claim on my time, since I'm no longer your employee.
        • A new statement of something one believes to be the truth, usually when the statement has yet to be verified or without valid evidence provided.
          • Eg.The company's share price dropped amid claims of accounting fraud.
        • A demand of ownership for previously unowned land.
          • Eg.Miners had to stake their claims during the gold rush.
        • A legal demand for compensation or damages.
      • verb
        • To demand ownership of.
        • To state a new fact, typically without providing evidence to prove it is true.
        • To demand ownership or right to use for land.
        • To demand compensation or damages through the courts.
        • To be entitled to anything; to deduce a right or title; to have a claim.
        • To cause the loss of, usually by violent means.
          • Eg.A fire claimed two homes.
        • To proclaim.
        • To call or name.
  • clarify #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈklæɹɪfaɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • (of liquids, such as wine or syrup) To make clear or bright by freeing from feculent matter
        • To make clear or easily understood; to explain in order to remove doubt or obscurity
        • To grow or become clear or transparent; to become free from feculent impurities, as wine or other liquid under clarification.
          • Eg.Leave the wine for 24 hours and it will clarify.
        • To grow clear or bright; to clear up.
        • To glorify.
  • clarity #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈklæɹ.ə.ti/
      • /ˈkleɹ.ə.ti/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The state or measure of being clear, either in appearance, thought or style; lucidity.
          • Eg.Lack of clarity on the part of the teacher will cause confusion among the students.
  • clash #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /klaʃ/
      • /klæʃ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A loud sound, like the crashing together of metal objects.
          • Eg.I heard a clash from the kitchen, and rushed in to find the cat had knocked over some pots and pans.
        • A skirmish, a hostile encounter.
        • A match; a game between two sides.
        • An angry argument
        • Opposition; contradiction; such as between differing or contending interests, views, purposes etc.
          • Eg.a clash of beliefs
        • A combination of garments that do not look good together, especially because of conflicting colours.
          • Eg.She was wearing a horrible clash of red and orange.
        • An instance of restarting the game after a "dead ball", where it is dropped between two opposing players, who can fight for possession.
        • Chatter; gossip; idle talk.
      • verb
        • To make a clashing sound.
          • Eg.The cymbals clashed.
        • To cause to make a clashing sound.
        • To come into violent conflict.
          • Eg.Fans from opposing teams clashed on the streets after the game.
        • To argue angrily.
        • (in games or sports) To face each other in an important game.
        • (of clothes, decor, colours) To fail to look good together; to contrast unattractively; to fail to harmonize.
          • Eg.The hotel room was ugly, and the wallpaper clashed with the carpet.
        • (of events) To coincide, to happen at the same time, thereby rendering it impossible to attend all.
          • Eg.I can't come to your wedding because it clashes with a friend's funeral.
        • To chatter or gossip.
  • class #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /klas/ audio
      • /kleəs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A group, collection, category or set sharing characteristics or attributes.
          • Eg.Often used to imply membership of a large class.
        • A social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc. In Britain, society is commonly split into three main classes; upper class, middle class and working class.
        • The division of society into classes.
          • Eg.Jane Austen's works deal with class in 18th-century England.
        • Admirable behavior; elegance.
          • Eg.Apologizing for losing your temper, even though you were badly provoked, showed real class.
        • A group of students in a regularly scheduled meeting with a teacher.
          • Eg.The class was noisy, but the teacher was able to get their attention with a story.
        • A series of lessons covering a single subject.
          • Eg.I took the cooking class for enjoyment, but I also learned a lot.
        • A group of students who commenced or completed their education during a particular year. A school class.
          • Eg.The class of 1982 was particularly noteworthy.
        • A category of seats in an airplane, train or other means of mass transportation.
          • Eg.I used to fly business class, but now my company can only afford economy.
        • A rank in the classification of organisms, below phylum and above order; a taxon of that rank.
          • Eg.Magnolias belong to the class Magnoliopsida.
        • Best of its kind.
          • Eg.It is the class of Italian bottled waters.
        • A grouping of data values in an interval, often used for computation of a frequency distribution.
        • A collection of sets definable by a shared property.
          • Eg.Every set is a class, but classes are not generally sets. A class that is not a set is called a proper class.
        • A group of people subject to be conscripted in the same military draft, or more narrowly those persons actually conscripted in a particular draft.
        • A set of objects having the same behavior (but typically differing in state), or a template defining such a set.
          • abstract base class
        • One of the sections into which a Methodist church or congregation is divided, supervised by a class leader.
      • verb
        • To assign to a class; to classify.
          • Eg.I would class this with most of the other mediocre works of the period.
        • To be grouped or classed.
        • To divide into classes, as students; to form into, or place in, a class or classes.
      • adjective
        • Great; fabulous
  • classic #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈklæ.sɪk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A perfect and/or early example of a particular style.
        • An artistic work of lasting worth, such as a film or song.
        • The author of such a work.
        • A major, long-standing sporting event
        • One learned in the literature of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome; a student of classical literature.
      • adjective
        • Of or relating to the first class or rank, especially in literature or art.
        • Exemplary of a particular style; defining a class/category.
        • Exhibiting timeless quality.
        • Of or pertaining to the ancient Greeks and Romans, especially to Greek or Roman authors of the highest rank, or of the period when their best literature was produced; of or pertaining to places inhabited by the ancient Greeks and Romans, or rendered famous by their deeds.
        • Traditional; original.
          • Eg.Users who dislike the new visual layout can return to classic mode.
  • classical #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈklæsɪkl̩/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One that is classical in some way; for example, a classical economist.
      • adjective
        • Of or relating to the first class or rank, especially in literature or art.
        • Of or pertaining to established principles in a discipline.
        • Describing European music and musicians of the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
        • Describing art music (rather than pop, jazz, blues, etc), especially when played using instruments of the orchestra.
        • Of or pertaining to the ancient Greeks and Romans, especially to Greek or Roman authors of the highest rank, or of the period when their best literature was produced; of or pertaining to places inhabited by the ancient Greeks and Romans, or rendered famous by their deeds.
        • Conforming to the best authority in literature and art; chaste; pure; refined
          • Eg.classical dance.
        • Pertaining to models of physical laws that do not take quantum or relativistic effects into account; Newtonian or Maxwellian.
  • classification #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of forming into a class or classes; a distribution into groups, as classes, orders, families, etc., according to some common relations or attributes.
  • classify #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈklæsɪfaɪ/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To identify by or divide into classes; to categorize
          • Eg.Should we classify "make up" as an idiom or as a phrasal verb?
        • To declare something a secret, especially a government secret
          • Eg.They decided to classify that information.
  • classroom #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈklɑːsɹʊm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A room, often in a school, where classes take place
  • clause #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /klɔːz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (grammar) A verb, its necessary grammatical arguments, and any adjuncts affecting them.
        • (grammar) A verb along with its subject and their modifiers. If a clause provides a complete thought on its own, then it is an independent (superordinate) clause; otherwise, it is (subordinate) dependent.
        • A separate part of a contract, a will or another legal document.
      • verb
        • (shipping) To amend (a bill of lading or similar document).
  • clean #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kleːn/
      • /kliːn/ audio
      • /klin/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Removal of dirt.
          • Eg.This place needs a clean.
        • The first part of the event clean and jerk in which the weight is brought from the ground to the shoulders.
      • verb
        • To remove dirt from a place or object.
          • Eg.Can you clean the windows today?
        • To tidy up, make a place neat.
          • Eg.Clean your room right now!
        • To remove equipment from a climbing route after it was previously lead climbed.
        • To make things clean in general.
          • Eg.She just likes to clean. That’s why I married her.
        • To remove unnecessary files, etc. from (a directory, etc.).
        • To brush the ice lightly in front of a moving rock to remove any debris and ensure a correct line; less vigorous than a sweep.
        • To purge a raw of any blemishes caused by the scanning process such as brown tinting and poor color contrast.
        • To remove guts and/or scales of a butchered animal.
      • adjective
        • (heading, physical) Free of dirt or impurities or protruberances.
        • (heading, behavioural) Free of immorality or criminality.
        • Smooth, exact, and performed well
          • Eg.I’ll need a sharper knife to make clean cuts.  a clean leap over a fence
        • Total; utter. (still in "clean sweep")
        • Cool or neat.
          • Eg.Wow, Dude, those are some clean shoes ya got there!
        • (health) Being free of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
          • Eg.I want to make sure my fiancé is clean before we are married.
        • That does not damage the environment.
          • Eg.clean energy;  clean coal
        • Free from that which is useless or injurious; without defects.
          • Eg.clean land;  clean timber
        • Free from restraint or neglect; complete; entire.
        • Well-proportioned; shapely.
          • Eg.clean limbs
        • (of a route) Ascended without falling.
      • adverb
        • Fully and completely.
          • Eg.He was stabbed clean through.
  • cleaner #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkliː.nə/
      • /ˈkli.nɚ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person whose occupation is to clean floors, windows and other things.
        • A device that cleans, such as the vacuum cleaner.
        • A substance used for cleaning, a cleaning agent.
        • (in the plural) A professional laundry or dry cleaner (business). (This form is now interpreted as plural and usually spelled without an apostrophe, even in official usage, to justify the removal of the apostrophe. It was traditionally spelled cleaner's with an apostrophe because this is grammatically correct, as can be seen with forms such as go to the doctor's, which cannot be reinterpreted as plural.)
          • Eg.I'll have to take this shirt to the cleaners.
  • cleaning #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkliːnɪŋ/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To remove dirt from a place or object.
          • Eg.Can you clean the windows today?
        • To tidy up, make a place neat.
          • Eg.Clean your room right now!
        • To remove equipment from a climbing route after it was previously lead climbed.
        • To make things clean in general.
          • Eg.She just likes to clean. That’s why I married her.
        • To remove unnecessary files, etc. from (a directory, etc.).
        • To brush the ice lightly in front of a moving rock to remove any debris and ensure a correct line; less vigorous than a sweep.
        • To purge a raw of any blemishes caused by the scanning process such as brown tinting and poor color contrast.
        • To remove guts and/or scales of a butchered animal.
      • noun
        • (gerund of clean) The process of making something clean.
        • The afterbirth of cows, ewes, etc.
  • clear #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /klɪə(ɹ)/
      • /klɪɹ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Full extent; distance between extreme limits; especially; the distance between the nearest surfaces of two bodies, or the space between walls.
          • Eg.a room ten feet square in the clear
        • The completion of a stage or challenge, or of the whole game.
        • A person who is free from the influence of engrams.
      • verb
        • To remove obstructions, impediments or other unwanted items from.
          • Eg.If you clear the table, I'll wash up.
        • To remove (items or material) so as to leave something unobstructed or open.
          • Eg.Please clear all this stuff off the table.
        • To become free from obstruction or obscurement; to become transparent.
          • Eg.After a heavy rain, the sky cleared nicely for the evening.
        • To eliminate ambiguity or doubt from (a matter); to clarify or resolve; to clear up.
          • Eg.We need to clear this issue once and for all.
        • To remove from suspicion, especially of having committed a crime.
          • Eg.The court cleared the man of murder.
        • To pass without interference; to miss.
          • Eg.The door just barely clears the table as it closes.
        • (activities such as jumping or throwing) To exceed a stated mark.
          • Eg.She was the first female high jumper to clear two metres.
        • To finish or complete (a stage, challenge, or game).
          • Eg.I cleared the first level in 36 seconds.
        • Of a check or financial transaction, to go through as payment; to be processed so that the money is transferred.
          • Eg.The check might not clear for a couple of days.
        • To earn a profit of; to net.
          • Eg.He's been clearing seven thousand a week.
        • To approve or authorise for a particular purpose or action; to give clearance to.
          • Eg.Air traffic control cleared the plane to land.
        • To obtain approval or authorisation in respect of.
          • Eg.I've cleared the press release with the marketing department, so go ahead and publish it.
        • To obtain a clearance.
          • Eg.The steamer cleared for Liverpool today.
        • To obtain permission to use (a sample of copyrighted audio) in another track.
        • To disengage oneself from incumbrances, distress, or entanglements; to become free.
        • To hit, kick, head, punch etc. (a ball, puck) away in order to defend one's goal.
          • Eg.A low cross came in, and Smith cleared.
        • To reset or unset; to return to an empty state or to zero.
          • clear an array;  to clear a single bit (binary digit) in a value
        • To style (an element within a document) so that it is not permitted to float at a given position.
      • adjective
        • Transparent in colour.
          • clear as crystal
        • Bright, not dark or obscured.
          • Eg.Congress passed the President’s Clear Skies legislation.
        • Free of obstacles.
          • Eg.The coast is clear.
        • Without clouds.
          • Eg.clear weather; a clear day
        • Of the sky, such that less than one eighth of its area is obscured by clouds.
        • Free of ambiguity or doubt.
          • Eg.Do I make myself clear? Crystal clear.
        • Distinct, sharp, well-marked.
        • Free of guilt, or suspicion.
          • Eg.a clear conscience
        • (of a soup) Without a thickening ingredient.
        • Possessing little or no perceptible stimulus.
          • Eg.clear of texture; clear of odor
        • Free from the influence of engrams; see Clear (Scientology).
        • Able to perceive clearly; keen; acute; penetrating; discriminating.
          • Eg.a clear intellect; a clear head
        • Not clouded with passion; serene; cheerful.
        • Easily or distinctly heard; audible.
        • Unmixed; entirely pure.
          • Eg.clear sand
        • Without defects or blemishes, such as freckles or knots.
          • Eg.a clear complexion; clear lumber
        • Without diminution; in full; net.
          • Eg.a clear profit
      • adverb
        • All the way; entirely.
          • Eg.I threw it clear across the river to the other side.
        • Not near something or touching it.
          • Eg.Stand clear of the rails, a train is coming.
        • Free (or separate) from others
        • In a clear manner; plainly.
  • clearly #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkliːɹli/
      • /ˈklɪəli/
      • /ˈklɪɹli/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • (manner) In a clear manner.
          • Eg.He enunciated every syllable clearly.
        • (modal) Without a doubt; obviously.
          • Eg.Clearly, the judge erred in his opinion.
        • (degree) To a degree clearly discernible.
          • Eg.He was clearly wrong on all points but one.
  • clerk #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /klɐːk/
      • /klɑːk/
      • /klɝk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One who occupationally works with records, accounts, letters, etc.; an office worker.
        • A facilitator of a Quaker meeting for business affairs.
        • In the Church of England, the layman that assists in the church service, especially in reading the responses (also called parish clerk).
        • A cleric or clergyman (the legal title for clergy of the Church of England is "Clerk in Holy Orders", still used in legal documents and cherished by some of their number).
        • A scholar.
      • verb
        • To act as a clerk, to perform the duties or functions of a clerk
          • Eg.The law school graduate clerked for the supreme court judge for the summer.
  • clever #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈklɛvɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Nimble with hands or body; skillful; adept.
        • Resourceful, sometimes to the point of cunning.
          • Eg.clever like a fox
        • Smart, intelligent, or witty; mentally quick or sharp.
        • Showing inventiveness or originality; witty.
        • (of an Aboriginal Australian) Possessing magical abilities.
        • Fit; suitable; having propriety.
        • Well-shaped; handsome.
        • Good-natured; obliging.
        • Fit and healthy; free from fatigue or illness.
  • click #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /klɪk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A brief, sharp, not particularly loud, relatively high-pitched sound produced by the impact of something small and hard against something hard, such as by the operation of a switch, a lock or a latch, or a finger pressed against the thumb and then released to strike the hand.
          • Eg.I turned the key, the lock gave a click and the door opened;  a click of one’s fingers
        • An ingressive sound made by coarticulating a velar or uvular closure with another closure.
        • Sound made by a dolphin.
        • The act of operating a switch, etc., so that it clicks.
        • The act of pressing a button on a computer mouse, both as a physical act and a reaction in the software.
        • A pawl or similar catch.
      • verb
        • To cause to make a click; to operate (a switch, etc) so that it makes a click.
        • To press and release (a button on a computer mouse).
        • To select a software item using, usually, but not always, the pressing of a mouse button.
        • To visit a web site.
        • To navigate by clicking a mouse button.
          • Eg.From the home page, click through to the Products section.
        • To emit a click.
          • Eg.He bent his fingers back until the joints clicked.
        • To make sense suddenly.
          • Eg.Then it clicked - I had been going the wrong way all that time.
        • To get on well.
          • Eg.When we met at the party, we just clicked and we’ve been best friends ever since.
        • To tick.
        • To take (a photograph) with a camera.
      • interjection
        • The sound of a click.
          • Eg.Click! The door opened.
  • client #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈklʌɪənt/
      • /ˈklaɪ.ənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A customer, a buyer or receiver of goods or services.
        • The role of a computer application or system that requests and/or consumes the services provided by another having the role of server.
        • One who receives help or services from a professional such as a lawyer or accountant.
        • A person who employs or retains an attorney to represent him or her in any legal matter, or one who merely divulges confidential matters to an attorney while pursuing professional assistance without subsequently retaining the attorney.
  • cliff #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /klɪf/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A vertical (or nearly vertical) rock face.
        • A point where something abruptly fails or decreases in value etc.
  • climate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈklaɪmɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An area of the earth's surface between two parallels of latitude.
        • A region of the Earth.
        • The long-term manifestations of weather and other atmospheric conditions in a given area or country, now usually represented by the statistical summary of its weather conditions during a period long enough to ensure that representative values are obtained (generally 30 years).
        • The context in general of a particular political, moral etc. situation.
          • Eg.Industries that require a lot of fossil fuels are unlikely to be popular in the current political climate.
      • verb
        • To dwell.
  • climb #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /klaɪm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An act of climbing.
        • The act of getting to somewhere more elevated.
        • An upwards struggle
      • verb
        • To ascend; rise; to go up.
          • Eg.Prices climbed steeply.
        • To mount; to move upwards on.
          • Eg.Climbing a tree
        • To scale; to get to the top of something.
        • To move (especially up and down something) by gripping with the hands and using the feet.
        • To practise the sport of climbing
        • To jump high
        • To move to a higher position on the social ladder.
        • Of plants, to grow upwards by clinging to something.
  • cling #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈklɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Fruit (especially peach) whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit.
        • Adherence; attachment; devotion
      • verb
        • To hold very tightly, as to not fall off.
          • Eg.Seaweed clung to the anchor.
        • To adhere to an object, without being affixed, in such a way as to follow its contours. Used especially of fabrics and films.
        • To cause to adhere to, especially by twining round or embracing.
        • To cause to dry up or wither.
        • To dry up or wither.
          • Eg.Wood clings.
        • (with preposition to) to be fond of, to feel strongly about and dependent on
  • clinic #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈklɪnɪk/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A medical facility, such as a hospital, especially one for the treatment and diagnosis of outpatients.
        • (by extension) A hospital session to diagnose or treat patients.
        • A school, or a session of a school or class, in which medicine or surgery is taught by the examination and treatment of patients in the presence of the pupils.
        • A group practice of several physicians.
        • A meeting for the diagnosis of problems, or training, on a particular subject.
        • A temporary office arranged on a regular basis to allow politicians to meet their constituents.
        • A series of workouts used to build skills of practitioners regardless of team affiliation.
        • One confined to bed by sickness.
        • One who receives baptism on a sickbed.
  • clinical #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈklɪnɪkəl/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A medical student's session spent in a real-world nursing environment.
      • adjective
        • Of or pertaining to a medical clinic or facility.
          • Eg.Medicine is now more often practiced in a clinical setting than in the home.
        • Dealing with practical management of patients; contrasting with prehealth sciences.
        • Cool and emotionless.
        • Of or relating to a bed.
          • Eg.a clinical convert: one who turns to religion on their death-bed
  • clip #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /klɪp/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something which clips or grasps; a device for attaching one object to another.
          • Eg.Use this clip to attach the check to your tax form.
        • An unspecified but normally understood as rapid speed or pace.
          • Eg.He was walking at a fair clip and I was out of breath trying to keep up.
        • An embrace.
        • A frame containing a number of bullets which is intended to be inserted into the magazine of a firearm to allow for rapid reloading.
        • A projecting flange on the upper edge of a horseshoe, turned up so as to embrace the lower part of the hoof; a toe clip or beak.
        • A gaff or hook for landing the fish, as in salmon fishing.
      • verb
        • To grip tightly.
        • To fasten with a clip.
          • Eg.Please clip the photos to the pages where they will go.
        • To hug, embrace.
        • To collect signatures, generally with the use of a clipboard.
  • clock #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /klɒk/ audio
      • /klɑk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An instrument used to measure or keep track of time; a non-portable timepiece.
        • The odometer of a motor vehicle.
          • Eg.This car has over 300,000 miles on the clock.
        • An electrical signal that synchronizes timing among digital circuits of semiconductor chips or modules.
        • The seed head of a dandelion.
        • A time clock.
          • Eg.I can't go off to lunch yet: I'm still on the clock.
        • A CPU clock cycle, or T-state.
      • verb
        • To measure the duration of.
        • To measure the speed of.
          • Eg.He was clocked at 155 miles per hour.
        • To hit (someone) heavily.
          • Eg.When the boxer let down his guard, his opponent clocked him.
        • To take notice of; to realise; to recognize someone or something
          • Eg.A trans person may be able to easily clock other trans people.
        • To falsify the reading of the odometer of a vehicle.
          • Eg.I don't believe that car has done only 40,000 miles. It's been clocked.
        • To beat a video game.
          • Eg.Have you clocked that game yet?
  • close #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kləʊz/
      • /kloʊz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An end or conclusion.
          • Eg.We owe them our thanks for bringing the project to a successful close.
        • The manner of shutting; the union of parts; junction.
        • A grapple in wrestling.
        • The conclusion of a strain of music; cadence.
        • A double bar marking the end.
        • (travel) The time when checkin staff will no longer accept passengers for a flight.
      • verb
        • (physical) To remove a gap.
        • (social) To finish, to terminate.
        • To come or gather around; to enclose; to encompass; to confine.
        • To have a vector sum of 0; that is, to form a closed polygon.
  • closed #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kləʊzd/
      • /kloʊzd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • (physical) To remove a gap.
        • (social) To finish, to terminate.
        • To come or gather around; to enclose; to encompass; to confine.
        • To have a vector sum of 0; that is, to form a closed polygon.
      • adjective
        • Sealed, made inaccessible or impassable; not open.
        • (of a store or business) Not operating or conducting trade.
        • Not public.
          • Eg.closed source  a closed committee
        • (of a set) Having an open complement.
        • (of a set) Such that its image under the specified operation is contained in it.
          • Eg.The set of integers is closed under addition: \forall x,y\in\mathbb{Z},x+y\in\mathbb{Z}.
        • (of a formula) Lacking a free variable.
        • (of a walk) Whose first and last vertices are the same, forming a closed loop.
        • Formed by closing the mouth and nose passages completely, like the consonants /t/, /d/ and /p/.
        • Having the sound cut off sharply by a following consonant, like the /ɪ/ in pin.
  • closely #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkləʊsliː/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • In a close manner.
          • Eg.Finnish and Estonian are closely related languages.
        • Secretly; privately
  • closet #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈklɒzɪt/
      • /ˈklɑzɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Any private area, (particularly) bowers in the open air.
        • Any private or inner room, (particularly):
        • A pew or side-chapel reserved for a monarch or other feudal lord.
        • A private cabinet, (particularly):
        • Any small room or side-room, (particularly):
        • An ordinary similar to a bar but half as broad.
        • A sewer.
      • verb
        • To shut away for private discussion.
          • Eg.The ambassador has been closeted with the prime minister all afternoon. We're all worried what will be announced when they exit.
        • To put into a private place for a secret interview or interrogation.
        • To shut up in, or as in, a closet for concealment or confinement.
      • adjective
        • Private.
        • Secret, (especially) with reference to gay people who are in the closet; closeted.
  • closure #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkləʊ.ʒə(ɹ)/
      • /ˈkloʊ.ʒɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An event or occurrence that signifies an ending.
        • A feeling of completeness; the experience of an emotional conclusion, usually to a difficult period.
        • A device to facilitate temporary and repeatable opening and closing.
        • An abstraction that represents a function within an environment, a context consisting of the variables that are both bound at a particular time during the execution of the program and that are within the function's scope.
        • The smallest set that both includes a given subset and possesses some given property.
        • (of a set) The smallest closed set which contains the given set.
        • The act of shutting; a closing.
          • Eg.the closure of a door, or of a chink
        • That which closes or shuts; that by which separate parts are fastened or closed.
        • That which encloses or confines; an enclosure.
        • A method of ending a parliamentary debate and securing an immediate vote upon a measure before a legislative body.
        • The process whereby the reader of a comic book infers the sequence of events by looking at the picture panels.
  • cloth #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /klɑθ/
      • /klɒθ/
      • /klɔθ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A woven fabric such as used in dressing, decorating, cleaning or other practical use.
        • Specifically, a tablecloth, especially as spread before a meal or removed afterwards.
        • A piece of cloth used for a particular purpose.
        • (metaphoric) Substance or essence; the whole of something complex.
        • (metaphoric) Appearance; seeming.
        • A form of attire that represents a particular profession or status.
        • (in idioms) Priesthood, clergy.
          • Eg.He is a respected man of the cloth.
  • clothes #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kləʊ(ð)z/ audio
      • /kloʊ(ð)z/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A woven fabric such as used in dressing, decorating, cleaning or other practical use.
        • Specifically, a tablecloth, especially as spread before a meal or removed afterwards.
        • A piece of cloth used for a particular purpose.
        • (metaphoric) Substance or essence; the whole of something complex.
        • (metaphoric) Appearance; seeming.
        • A form of attire that represents a particular profession or status.
        • (in idioms) Priesthood, clergy.
          • Eg.He is a respected man of the cloth.
      • noun
        • Items of clothing; apparel.
        • The covering of a bed; bedclothes.
        • Laundry (hung on a clothesline)
  • clothing #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkləʊðɪŋ/
      • /ˈkloʊðɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To adorn or cover with clothing; to dress; to supply clothes or clothing.
          • feed and clothe a family; to clothe oneself extravagantly
        • To cover or invest, as if with a garment.
          • clothe somebody with authority or power
      • noun
        • Any of a wide variety of articles, usually made of fabrics, animal hair, animal skin, or some combination thereof, used to cover the human body for warmth, to preserve modesty, or for fashion.
        • An act or instance of putting clothes on.
          • Eg.The clothing and unclothing of the idols was of special significance.
        • The art or process of making cloth.
        • A covering of non-conducting material on the outside of a boiler, or steam chamber, to prevent radiation of heat.
  • cloud #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /klaʊd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A rock; boulder; a hill.
        • A visible mass of water droplets suspended in the air.
        • Any mass of dust, steam or smoke resembling such a mass.
        • Anything which makes things foggy or gloomy.
        • Anything unsubstantial.
        • A dark spot on a lighter material or background.
        • A group or swarm, especially suspended above the ground or flying.
          • Eg.He opened the door and was greeted by a cloud of bats.
        • An elliptical shape or symbol whose outline is a series of semicircles, supposed to resemble a cloud.
          • Eg.The comic-book character's thoughts appeared in a cloud above his head.
        • (with "the") The Internet, regarded as an abstract amorphous omnipresent space for processing and storage, the focus of cloud computing.
        • A negative or foreboding aspect of something positive: see every cloud has a silver lining or every silver lining has a cloud.
        • Crystal methamphetamine.
        • A large, loosely-knitted headscarf worn by women.
      • verb
        • To become foggy or gloomy, or obscured from sight.
          • Eg.The glass clouds when you breathe on it.
        • To overspread or hide with a cloud or clouds.
          • Eg.The sky is clouded.
        • To make obscure.
          • Eg.All this talk about human rights is clouding the real issue.
        • To make less acute or perceptive.
          • Eg.The tears began to well up and cloud my vision.
        • To make gloomy or sullen.
        • To blacken; to sully; to stain; to tarnish (reputation or character).
        • To mark with, or darken in, veins or sports; to variegate with colors.
          • cloud yarn
        • To become marked, darkened or variegated in this way.
  • club #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /klʌb/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An association of members joining together for some common purpose, especially sports or recreation.
        • A heavy stick intended for use as a weapon or plaything.
        • A joint charge of expense, or any person's share of it; a contribution to a common fund.
        • An establishment that provides staged entertainment, often with food and drink, such as a nightclub.
          • Eg.She was sitting in a jazz club, sipping wine and listening to a bass player's solo.
        • A black clover shape (♣), one of the four symbols used to mark the suits of playing cards.
        • Any set of people with a shared characteristic.
          • Eg.Michael stood you up?  Welcome to the club.
        • A club sandwich.
        • The slice of bread in the middle of a club sandwich.
      • verb
        • To hit with a club.
          • Eg.He clubbed the poor dog.
        • To join together to form a group.
        • To combine into a club-shaped mass.
          • Eg.a medical condition with clubbing of the fingers and toes
        • To go to nightclubs.
          • Eg.We went clubbing in Ibiza.
        • To pay an equal or proportionate share of a common charge or expense.
        • To raise, or defray, by a proportional assessment.
          • club the expense
        • To drift in a current with an anchor out.
        • To throw, or allow to fall, into confusion.
        • To unite, or contribute, for the accomplishment of a common end.
          • club exertions
        • To turn the breech of (a musket) uppermost, so as to use it as a club.
  • clue #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kluː/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A strand of yarn etc. as used to guide one through a labyrinth; something which points the way, a guide.
        • Information which may lead one to a certain point or conclusion.
        • An object or a kind of indication which may be used as evidence.
        • Insight or understanding ("to have a clue [about]" or "to have clue". See have a clue, clue stick)
      • verb
        • To provide with a clue.
          • Eg.The crossword compiler wasn't sure how to clue the word "should".
        • To provide someone with information which he or she lacks (often used with "in" or "up").
          • Eg.Smith, clue Jones in on what's been happening.
  • cluster #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈklʌstə/ audio
      • /ˈklʌstɚ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A group or bunch of several discrete items that are close to each other.
          • Eg.A cluster of flowers grew in the pot.
        • A number of individuals grouped together or collected in one place; a crowd; a mob.
        • A group of galaxies or stars that appear near each other.
          • Eg.The Pleiades cluster contains seven bright stars.
        • A sequence of two or more words that occur in language with high frequency but are not idiomatic; a chunk, bundle, or lexical bundle.
          • Eg.examples of clusters would include "in accordance with", "the results of" and "so far"
        • A secundal chord of three or more notes.
        • A group of consonants.
          • Eg.The word "scrub" begins with a cluster of three consonants.
        • A group of computers that work together.
        • A logical data storage unit containing one or more physical sectors (see block).
        • A significant subset within a population.
        • Set of bombs or mines.
        • A small metal design that indicates that a medal has been awarded to the same person before.
        • Euphemism of clusterfuck.
        • An ensemble of bound atoms or molecules, intermediate in size between a molecule and a bulk solid.
      • verb
        • To form a cluster or group.
          • Eg.The children clustered around the puppy.
        • To collect into clusters.
        • To cover with clusters.
  • coach #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /kəʊtʃ/
      • /koʊtʃ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power.
        • A passenger car, either drawn by a locomotive or part of a multiple unit.
        • (originally Oxford University slang) A trainer or instructor.
        • A single-decked long-distance, or privately hired, bus.
        • The forward part of the cabin space under the poop deck of a sailing ship; the fore-cabin under the quarter deck.
        • (chiefly US) The part of a commercial passenger airplane or train reserved for those paying the lower standard fares; the economy section.
          • Eg.John flew coach to Vienna, but first-class back home.
      • verb
        • To train.
        • To instruct; to train.
          • Eg.She has coached many opera stars.
        • To study under a tutor.
        • To travel in a coach (sometimes coach it).
        • To convey in a coach.
  • coal #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kɔʊl/
      • /koʊl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A black rock formed from prehistoric plant remains, composed largely of carbon and burned as a fuel.
          • Eg.Put some coal on the fire.
        • A piece of coal used for burning (this use is less common in American English)
          • Eg.Put some coals on the fire.
        • A type of coal, such as bituminous, anthracite, or lignite, and grades and varieties thereof.
        • A glowing or charred piece of coal, wood, or other solid fuel.
          • Eg.Just as the camp-fire died down to just coals, with no flames to burn the marshmallows, someone dumped a whole load of wood on, so I gave up and went to bed.
        • Charcoal.
      • verb
        • To take on a supply of coal (usually of steam ships).
        • To supply with coal.
          • coal a steamer
        • To be converted to charcoal.
        • To burn to charcoal; to char.
        • To mark or delineate with charcoal.
  • coalition #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /koʊəˈlɪʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A temporary group or union of organizations, usually formed for a particular advantage.
          • Eg.The Liberal Democrats and Conservative parties formed a coalition government in 2010.
        • The collective noun for a group of cheetahs.
  • coast #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəʊst/
      • /koʊst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The edge of the land where it meets an ocean, sea, gulf, bay, or large lake.
          • Eg.The rocky coast of Maine has few beaches.
        • The side or edge of something.
        • A region of land; a district or country.
        • A region of the air or heavens.
      • verb
        • To glide along without adding energy; to allow a vehicle to continue moving forward after disengaging the engine or ceasing to apply motive power.
          • Eg.When I ran out of gas, fortunately I managed to coast into a nearby gas station.
        • To sail along a coast.
        • To make a minimal effort; to continue to do something in a routine way, without initiative or effort.
        • To draw near to; to approach; to keep near, or by the side of.
        • To sail by or near; to follow the coastline of.
        • To conduct along a coast or river bank.
        • To slide downhill; to slide on a sled upon snow or ice.
  • coastal #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkəʊstəl/
      • /ˈkoʊstəl/
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Relating to the coast; on or near the coast, as a coastal town, a coastal breeze
  • coat #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəʊt/ audio
      • /koʊt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An outer garment covering the upper torso and arms.Wp
        • A covering of material, such as paint.Wp
        • The fur or feathers covering an animal's skin.Wp
          • Eg.When the dog shed its coat, it left hair all over the furniture and the carpet.
        • Canvas painted with thick tar and secured round a mast or bowsprit to prevent water running down the sides into the hold (now made of rubber or leather).
        • A petticoat.
        • The habit or vesture of an order of men, indicating the order or office; cloth.
        • A coat of arms.Wp
        • A coat card.
      • verb
        • To cover with a coating of some material.
          • Eg.The frying pan was coated with a layer of non-stick material, making it easier to wash.
        • To cover like a coat.
        • To clothe.
  • cocktail #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒkteɪl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A mixed alcoholic beverage.
        • A mixture of other substances or things.
          • Eg.Scientists found a cocktail of pollutants in the river downstream from the chemical factory.
        • A horse, not of pure breed, but having only one eighth or one sixteenth impure blood in its veins.
        • A mean, half-hearted fellow; a coward.
        • A species of rove beetle, so called from its habit of elevating the tail.
      • verb
        • To adulterate (fuel, etc.) by mixing in other substances.
        • To treat (a person) to cocktails.
          • Eg.He dined and cocktailed her at the most exclusive bars and restaurants.
      • adjective
        • Ostentatiously lacking in manners.
  • code #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəʊd/ audio
      • /koʊd/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A short symbol, often with little relation to the item it represents.
          • Eg.This flavour of soup has been assigned the code WRT-9.
        • A body of law, sanctioned by legislation, in which the rules of law to be specifically applied by the courts are set forth in systematic form; a compilation of laws by public authority; a digest.
        • Any system of principles, rules or regulations relating to one subject.
          • Eg.The medical code is a system of rules for the regulation of the professional conduct of physicians.
        • A set of rules for converting information into another form or representation.
        • A message represented by rules intended to conceal its meaning.
        • A cryptographic system using a codebook that converts words or phrases into codewords.
        • Instructions for a computer, written in a programming language; the input of a translator, an interpreter or a browser, namely: source code, machine code, bytecode.
          • Eg.I wrote some code to reformat text documents.
        • (scientific programming) A program.
        • A particular lect or language variety.
        • An emergency requiring situation-trained members of the staff.
      • verb
        • To write software programs.
          • Eg.I learned to code on an early home computer in the 1980s.
        • To add codes to a dataset.
        • To categorise by assigning identifiers from a schedule, for example CPT coding for medical insurance purposes.
        • To encode.
          • Eg.We should code the messages we send out on Usenet.
        • To encode a protein.
        • To call a hospital emergency code.
          • Eg.coding in the CT scanner
  • coffee #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɑ.fi/
      • /ˈkɒ.fi/ audio
      • /ˈkɔ.fi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A beverage made by infusing the beans of the coffee plant in hot water.
        • A serving of this beverage.
        • The seeds of the plant used to make coffee, misnamed ‘beans’ due to their shape.
        • The powder made by roasting and grinding the seeds.
        • A tropical plant of the genus Coffea.
        • A pale brown colour, like that of milk coffee.
        • The end of a meal, when coffee is served.
          • Eg.He did not stay for coffee.
      • verb
        • To drink coffee.
      • adjective
        • Of a pale brown colour, like that of milk coffee.
        • Of a table: a small, low table suitable for people in lounge seating to put coffee cups on.
  • cognitive #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒɡnɪtɪv/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Cognate.
      • adjective
        • Relating to the part of mental functions that deals with logic, as opposed to affective which deals with emotions.
        • Intellectual.
        • Cognate; which is to be recognized as cognate.
  • coin #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kɔɪn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (money) A piece of currency, usually metallic and in the shape of a disc, but sometimes polygonal, or with a hole in the middle.
        • A token used in a special establishment like a casino.
        • That which serves for payment or recompense.
        • Money in general, not limited to coins.
          • Eg.She spent some serious coin on that car!
        • One of the suits of minor arcana in tarot, or a card of that suit.
        • A corner or external angle.
        • A small circular slice of food.
        • A cryptocurrency.
          • Eg.What's the best coin to buy right now?
      • verb
        • To make of a definite fineness, and convert into coins, as a mass of metal.
          • coin a medal
        • (by extension) To make or fabricate.
          • Eg.Over the last century the advance in science has led to many new words being coined.
        • To acquire rapidly, as money; to make.
  • coincide #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌkoʊɪnˈsaɪd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To occupy exactly the same space.
          • Eg.The two squares coincide nicely.
        • To occur at the same time.
          • Eg.The conference will coincide with his vacation.
        • To correspond, concur, or agree.
          • Eg.Our ideas coincide, except in certain areas.
  • coincidence #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns/
      • /koʊˈɪnsɪdəns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Of objects, the property of being coincident; occurring at the same time or place.
        • Of events, the appearance of a meaningful connection when there is none.
        • A coincidence point.
        • A fixed point of a correspondence; a point of a variety corresponding to itself under a correspondence.
  • cold #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kɔʊld/ audio
      • /koʊld/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • (of a thing) Having a low temperature.
          • Eg.A cold wind whistled through the trees.
        • (of the weather) Causing the air to be cold.
          • Eg.The forecast is that it will be very cold today.
        • (of a person or animal) Feeling the sensation of coldness, especially to the point of discomfort.
          • Eg.She was so cold she was shivering.
        • Unfriendly, emotionally distant or unfeeling.
          • Eg.She shot me a cold glance before turning her back.
        • Dispassionate, not prejudiced or partisan, impartial.
          • Eg.He's a nice guy, but the cold facts say we should fire him.
        • Completely unprepared; without introduction.
          • Eg.He was assigned cold calls for the first three months.
        • Unconscious or deeply asleep; deprived of the metaphorical heat associated with life or consciousness.
          • Eg.After one more beer he passed out cold.
        • (usually with "have" or "know" transitively) Perfectly, exactly, completely; by heart.
          • Eg.Keep that list in front of you, or memorize it cold.
        • (usually with "have" transitively) Cornered, done for.
          • Eg.Criminal interrogation. Initially they will dream up explanations faster than you could ever do so, but when they become fatigued, often they will acknowledge that you have them cold.
        • Not pungent or acrid.
        • Unexciting; dull; uninteresting.
        • Affecting the sense of smell (as of hunting dogs) only feebly; having lost its odour.
          • Eg.a cold scent
        • Not sensitive; not acute.
        • Distant; said, in the game of hunting for some object, of a seeker remote from the thing concealed. Compare warm and hot.
          • Eg.You're cold … getting warmer … hot! You've found it!
        • Having a bluish effect; not warm in colour.
        • Rarely used or accessed, and thus able to be relegated to slower storage.
        • Without compassion; heartless; ruthless
          • Eg.I can't believe she said that...that was cold!
  • collaborate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈlabəɹeɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To work together with others to achieve a common goal.
          • Eg.Let's collaborate on this project, and get it finished faster.
        • To voluntarily cooperate treasonably, as with an enemy occupation force in one's country.
          • Eg.If you collaborate with the occupying forces, you will be shot.
  • collaboration #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˌlæbəˈɹeɪʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of collaborating.
          • Eg.Collaboration can be a useful part of the creative process.
        • A production or creation made by collaborating.
          • Eg.The husband-and-wife artists will release their new collaboration in June this year.
        • Treasonous cooperation.
          • Eg.He has been charged with collaboration.
  • collapse #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈlæps/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of collapsing.
          • Eg.She suffered a terrible collapse after slipping on the wet floor.
        • Constant function, one-valued function (in automata theory) (in particular application causing a reset).
      • verb
        • To break apart and fall down suddenly; to cave in.
        • To cease to function due to a sudden breakdown; to fail suddenly and completely.
          • Eg.Pyramid schemes tend to generate profits for a while and then collapse.
        • To fold compactly.
        • To hide additional directory (folder) levels below the selected directory (folder) levels. When a folder contains no additional folders, a minus sign (-) appears next to the folder.
        • For several batsmen to get out in quick succession
        • To cause something to collapse.
          • Eg.Hurry up and collapse the tent so we can get moving.
        • To pass out and fall to the floor or ground, as from exhaustion or other illness; to faint.
          • Eg.The exhausted singer collapsed on stage and had to be taken to the hospital.
  • collar #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒl.ə/
      • /ˈkɑ.lɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Anything that encircles the neck.
        • A piece of meat from the neck of an animal.
          • Eg.a collar of brawn
        • Any encircling device or structure.
          • Eg.A nylon collar kept the bolt from damaging the surface underneath.
        • (in compounds) Of or pertaining to a certain category of professions as symbolized by typical clothing.
        • The neck or line of junction between the root of a plant and its stem.
        • A ringlike part of a mollusk in connection with the esophagus.
        • An eye formed in the bight or bend of a shroud or stay to go over the masthead; also, a rope to which certain parts of rigging, as dead-eyes, are secured.
        • An arrest.
        • A trading strategy using options such that there is both an upper limit on profit and a lower limit on loss, constructed through taking equal but opposite positions in a put and a call with different strike prices.
      • verb
        • To grab or seize by the collar or neck.
        • To place a collar on, to fit with one.
          • Eg.Collar and leash aggressive dogs.
        • To seize, capture or detain.
        • To preempt, control stringently and exclusively.
        • (law enforcement) To arrest.
        • To bind in conversation.
          • Eg.I managed to collar Fred in the office for an hour.
        • To roll up (beef or other meat) and bind it with string preparatory to cooking.
        • (BDSM) To bind (a submissive) to a dominant under specific conditions or obligations.
  • colleague #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒliːɡ/
      • /ˈkɑliɡ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A fellow member of a profession, staff, academic faculty or other organization; an associate.
      • verb
        • To unite or associate with another or with others.
          • Eg.Young Fortinbras,/ Holding a weak supposal of our worth/...Colleagued with the dream of his advantage,/...hath not failed to pester us with message/ Importing the surrender of those lands/Lost by his father. - Hamlet (Act I, Scene 2)
  • collect #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈlɛkt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To gather together; amass.
          • Eg.Suzanne collected all the papers she had laid out.
        • To get; particularly, get from someone.
          • Eg.A bank collects a monthly payment on a client's new car loan.   A mortgage company collects a monthly payment on a house.
        • To accumulate (a number of similar or related objects), particularly for a hobby or recreation.
          • Eg.I don't think he collects as much as hoards.
        • To form a conclusion; to deduce, infer. (Compare gather, get.)
        • (often with on or against) To collect payments.
          • Eg.He had a lot of trouble collecting on that bet he made.
        • To come together in a group or mass.
          • Eg.The rain collected in puddles.
        • To infer; to conclude.
        • (of a vehicle or driver) To collide with or crash into (another vehicle or obstacle).
          • Eg.The truck veered across the central reservation and collected a car that was travelling in the opposite direction.
      • adjective
        • To be paid for by the recipient, as a telephone call or a shipment.
          • Eg.It was to be a collect delivery, but no-one was available to pay.
      • adverb
        • With payment due from the recipient.
          • Eg.I had to call collect.
  • collection #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈlɛkʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A set of items or amount of material procured or gathered together.
          • Eg.The asteroid belt consists of a collection of dust, rubble, and minor planets.
        • Multiple related objects associated as a group.
          • Eg.He has a superb coin collection.
        • The activity of collecting.
          • Eg.Collection of trash will occur every Thursday.
        • A set of sets.
        • A gathering of money for charitable or other purposes, as by passing a contribution box for donations.
        • Debt collection.
        • The act of inferring or concluding from premises or observed facts; also, that which is inferred.
        • The jurisdiction of a collector of excise.
        • (in the plural, Oxford University) A set of college exams generally taken at the start of the term.
        • The quality of being collected; calm composure.
  • collective #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈlɛktɪv/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A farm owned by a collection of people
        • (especially in communist countries) one of more farms managed and owned, through the state, by the community
        • (grammar) a collective noun or name
        • (by extension) a group dedicated to a particular cause or interest
      • adjective
        • Formed by gathering or collecting; gathered into a mass, sum, or body; congregated or aggregated
          • Eg.the collective body of a nation
        • Tending to collect; forming a collection
        • Having plurality of origin or authority
        • (grammar) expressing a collection or aggregate of individuals, by a singular form
        • Deducing consequences; reasoning; inferring.
  • collector #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈlɛktə(ɹ)/
      • /kəˈlɛktɚ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who or thing that collects, or which creates or manages a collection.
          • Eg.He is an avid collector of nineteenth-century postage stamps.
        • A person who is employed to collect payments.
          • Eg.She works for the government as a tax collector.
        • The amplified terminal on a bipolar junction transistor.
        • A compiler of books; one who collects scattered passages and puts them together in one book.
        • One holding a Bachelor of Arts in Oxford, formerly appointed to superintend some scholastic proceedings in Lent.
        • A major sewer which collects sewerage from a number of smaller branch sewers
        • A mafioso whose task is to collect protection money from small businesses
  • college #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ˈkɒlɪd͡ʒ/ audio
      • /ˈkɑlɪd͡ʒ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A corporate group; a group of colleagues.
        • (in some proper nouns) A group sharing common purposes or goals.
          • Eg.College of Cardinals, College of Surgeons
        • An electoral college.
        • An academic institution.
        • A specialized division of a university.
          • Eg.College of Engineering
        • An institution of higher education teaching undergraduates.
        • A university.
        • Attendance at an institution of higher education.
          • Eg.These should be his college years, but he joined the Army.
        • A postsecondary institution that offers vocational training and/or associate's degrees.
        • A non-specialized, semi-autonomous division of a university, with its own faculty, departments, library, etc.
          • Eg.Pembroke College, Cambridge; Balliol College, Oxford; University College, London
        • An institution of further education at an intermediate level; sixth form.
        • An institution for adult education at a basic or intermediate level (teaching those of any age).
        • A high school or secondary school.
          • Eg.Eton College
        • A private (non-government) primary or high school.
        • A residential hall associated with a university, possibly having its own tutors.
        • A government high school, short for junior college.
        • (in Chile) A bilingual school.
  • collision #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈlɪʒən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An instance of colliding.
      • noun
        • An error caused by two source code elements (such as variables or functions) having the same name as each other.
  • colonial #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈləʊ.ni.əl/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person from a country that is or was controlled by another.
        • A house that is built in a style reminiscent of the period of the colonization of New England.
      • adjective
        • Of or pertaining to a colony.
        • Of or pertaining to a period when a country or territory was a colony.
        • Of or relating to the original Thirteen Colonies of the USA.
        • Of or relating to the style of architecture prevalent at about the time of the Revolution.
  • colony #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒl.əni/
      • /ˈkɑləniː/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A governmental unit created on land of another country owned by colonists from a country.
        • A settlement of emigrants who move to a new place, but remain culturally tied to their place of origin
        • Region or governmental unit created by another country and generally ruled by another country.
          • Eg.Bermuda is a crown colony of Great Britain.
        • An apartment complex or neighborhood.
          • Eg.Our colony is quite small, but each apartment is large.
        • A group of people with the same interests or ethnic origin concentrated in a particular geographic area
          • Eg.The Amana Colonies in Iowa were settled by people from Germany.
        • A group of organisms of same or different species living together in close association.
          • Eg.a colony of specialized polyps and medusoids
        • A local group of Beaver Scouts.
  • colour #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The spectral composition of visible light
          • Eg.Humans and birds can perceive color.
        • A subset thereof:
        • A paint.
          • Eg.The artist took out her colors and began work on a landscape.
        • Human skin tone, especially as an indicator of race or ethnicity.
          • Eg.Color has been a sensitive issue in many societies.
        • Skin color, noted as normal, jaundiced, cyanotic, flush, mottled, pale, or ashen as part of the skin signs assessment.
        • A flushed appearance of blood in the face; redness of complexion.
        • Richness of expression; detail or flavour that is likely to generate interest or enjoyment.
          • Eg.Could you give me some color with regards to which products made up the mix of revenue for this quarter?
        • A standard, flag, or insignia:
        • (in the plural) An award for sporting achievement, particularly within a school or university.
          • Eg.He was awarded colors for his football.
        • (in the plural) The morning ceremony of raising the flag.
        • A property of quarks, with three values called red, green, and blue, which they can exchange by passing gluons.
        • A third-order measure of derivative price sensitivity, expressed as the rate of change of gamma with respect to time, or equivalently the rate of change of charm with respect to changes in the underlying asset price.
        • The relative lightness or darkness of a mass of written or printed text on a page. (See type color.)
        • Any of the colored balls excluding the reds.
        • A front or facade; an ostensible truth actually false; pretext.
        • An appearance of right or authority; color of law.
          • Eg.Under color of law, he managed to bilk taxpayers of millions of dollars.
      • verb
        • To give something color.
          • Eg.We could color the walls red.
        • To apply colors to the areas within the boundaries of a line drawing using colored markers or crayons.
          • Eg.My kindergartener loves to color.
        • (of a person or their face) To become red through increased blood flow.
          • Eg.Her face colored as she realized her mistake.
        • To affect without completely changing.
          • Eg.That interpretation certainly colors my perception of the book.
        • To attribute a quality to; to portray (as).
          • Eg.Color me confused.
        • To assign colors to the vertices of a graph (or the regions of a map) so that no two vertices connected by an edge (regions sharing a border) have the same color.
          • Eg.Can this graph be 2-colored?
      • adjective
        • Conveying color, as opposed to shades of gray.
          • Eg.Color television and movies were considered a great improvement over black and white.
  • coloured #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To give something color.
          • Eg.We could color the walls red.
        • To apply colors to the areas within the boundaries of a line drawing using colored markers or crayons.
          • Eg.My kindergartener loves to color.
        • (of a person or their face) To become red through increased blood flow.
          • Eg.Her face colored as she realized her mistake.
        • To affect without completely changing.
          • Eg.That interpretation certainly colors my perception of the book.
        • To attribute a quality to; to portray (as).
          • Eg.Color me confused.
        • To assign colors to the vertices of a graph (or the regions of a map) so that no two vertices connected by an edge (regions sharing a border) have the same color.
          • Eg.Can this graph be 2-colored?
      • noun
        • A colored person.
        • (laundry) A colored article of clothing.
      • adjective
        • Having a color.
          • Eg.Wash colored items separately from whites and darks to prevent the colors from bleeding.
        • Having a particular color or kind of color.
          • Eg.The room was red, with a dark-colored rug.
        • Having prominent colors; colorful.
          • Eg.The singer wore a colored shirt.
        • Influenced pervasively but subtly.
          • Eg.My opinions are colored by my upbringing.
        • Of skin color other than white; in particular, black.
        • Of neither black nor white skin color.
          • Eg.Most of the colored community speaks Afrikaans, whereas languages like Xhosa or Venda are typically spoken by blacks and English is spoken mostly by whites.
        • Designated for use by colored people (in either the US or South African sense).
          • Eg.a colored drinking fountain
  • colourful #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Possessing prominent and varied colors.
        • Interesting, multifaceted, energetic, distinctive.
        • Profane, obscene, offensive (usually in the phrase colourful language).
  • column #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɑljəm/ audio
      • /ˈkɒləm/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A solid upright structure designed usually to support a larger structure above it, such as a roof or horizontal beam, but sometimes for decoration.
        • A vertical line of entries in a table, usually read from top to bottom.
        • A body of troops or army vehicles, usually strung out along a road.
        • A body of text meant to be read line by line, especially in printed material that has multiple adjacent such on a single page.
          • Eg.It was too hard to read the text across the whole page, so I split it into two columns.
        • A unit of width, especially of advertisements, in a periodical, equivalent to the width of a usual column of text.
          • Eg.Each column inch costs $300 a week; this ad is four columns by three inches, so will run $3600 a week.
        • (by extension) A recurring feature in a periodical, especially an opinion piece, especially by a single author or small rotating group of authors, or on a single theme.
          • Eg.His initial foray into print media was as the author of a weekly column in his elementary-school newspaper.
        • Something having similar vertical form or structure to the things mentioned above, such as a spinal column.
        • The gynostemium
        • (chemistry) An object used to separate the different components of a liquid or to purify chemical compounds.
  • columnist #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒ.lə.mɪst/
      • /ˈkɑ.lə.mɪst/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A regular writer of a column, such as in a magazine or newspaper
  • combat #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒmˌbæt/
      • /kəmˈbæt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A battle, a fight (often one in which weapons are used).
        • A struggle for victory
      • verb
        • To fight; to struggle against.
          • Eg.It has proven very difficult to combat drug addiction.
        • To fight (with); to struggle for victory (against).
  • combination #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kɒmbɪˈneɪʃən/
      • /kɑmbɪˈneɪʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of combining, the state of being combined or the result of combining.
        • An object formed by combining.
        • A sequence of numbers or letters used to open a combination lock.
        • One or more elements selected from a set without regard to the order of selection.
        • An association or alliance of people for some common purpose.
        • A combination shot; a billiard; a shot where the cue ball hits a ball that strikes another ball on the table.
        • A motorcycle and sidecar.
        • A rapid sequence of punches or strikes in boxing or other combat sports.
  • combine #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈbaɪn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A combine harvester
          • Eg.We can't finish harvesting because our combine is stuck in the mud.
        • A combination
      • verb
        • To bring (two or more things or activities) together; to unite.
          • Eg.Combine the milk and the hot water in a large bowl.   I'm combining business and pleasure on this trip.
        • To have two or more things or properties that function together.
          • Eg.Joe combines the intelligence of a rock with the honesty of a politician.
        • To come together; to unite.
          • Eg.two substances that easily combine
        • In the game of casino, to play a card which will take two or more cards whose aggregate number of pips equals those of the card played.
        • To bind; to hold by a moral tie.
  • come #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kʌm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Coming, arrival; approach.
        • Semen
        • Female ejaculatory discharge.
      • verb
        • To move from further away to nearer to.
          • Eg.She’ll be coming ’round the mountain when she comes [...]
        • To arrive.
        • To appear, to manifest itself.
          • Eg.The pain in his leg comes and goes.
        • (with an infinitive) To begin to have an opinion or feeling.
          • Eg.She came to think of that country as her home.
        • (with an infinitive) To do something by chance, without intending to do it.
          • Eg.Could you tell me how the document came to be discovered?
        • To take a position relative to something else in a sequence.
          • Eg.Which letter comes before Y?   Winter comes after autumn.
        • To achieve orgasm; to cum; to ejaculate.
          • Eg.He came after a few minutes.
        • (with close) To approach a state of being or accomplishment.
          • Eg.One of the screws came loose, and the skateboard fell apart.
        • (with to) To take a particular approach or point of view in regard to something.
          • Eg.He came to SF literature a confirmed technophile, and nothing made him happier than to read a manuscript thick with imaginary gizmos and whatzits.
        • (fossil word) To become, to turn out to be.
          • Eg.He was a dream come true.
        • To be supplied, or made available; to exist.
          • Eg.A new sports car doesn't come cheap.
        • To carry through; to succeed in.
          • Eg.You can't come any tricks here.
        • Happen.
          • Eg.This kind of accident comes when you are careless.
        • (with from or sometimes of) To have as an origin, originate.
        • (of grain) To germinate.
        • To pretend to be; to behave in the manner of.
          • Eg.Don't come the innocent victim. We all know who's to blame here.
      • preposition
        • Used to indicate a point in time at or after which a stated event or situation occurs.
          • Eg.Come retirement, their Social Security may turn out to be a lot less than they counted on.
      • interjection
        • An exclamation to express annoyance.
          • Eg.Come come! Stop crying.  Come now! You must eat it.
        • An exclamation to express encouragement, or to precede a request.
          • Eg.Come come! You can do it.  Come now! It won't bite you.
  • comedy #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒmədi/
      • /ˈkɑmədi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A choric song of celebration or revel, especially in Ancient Greece.
        • A light, amusing play with a happy ending.
        • (Medieval Europe) A narrative poem with an agreeable ending (e.g., The Divine Comedy).
        • A dramatic work that is light and humorous or satirical in tone.
        • The genre of such works.
        • Entertainment composed of jokes, satire, or humorous performance.
          • Eg.Why would you be watching comedy when there are kids starving right now?
        • The art of composing comedy.
        • A humorous event.
  • comfort #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkʊm.fət/
      • /ˈkʌm.fət/
      • /ˈkʌm.fəɹt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Contentment, ease.
          • Eg.Sleep in comfort with our new mattress.
        • Something that offers comfort.
          • Eg.the comforts of home
        • A consolation; something relieving suffering or worry.
          • Eg.We still have the spare tire? That's a comfort at least.
        • A cause of relief or satisfaction.
          • Eg.The outcome of the peace negotiations in Moscow in 1940 was a heavy blow to the young nation, but in the same time a great comfort: at least the independency was preserved.
      • verb
        • To relieve the distress or suffering of; to provide comfort to.
          • Eg.Rob comforted Aaron because he was lost and very sad.
        • To make comfortable.
        • To make strong; to invigorate; to fortify; to corroborate.
        • To assist or help; to aid.
  • comfortable #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkʌm.fə.tə.bəl/ audio
      • /ˈkɐmf.tɘ.bɘl/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A stuffed or quilted coverlet for a bed; a comforter.
      • adjective
        • Providing physical comfort and ease; agreeable.
          • Eg.This is the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in.
        • In a state of comfort and content.
          • Eg.What a great guestroom! I'll be quite comfortable here.
        • Comforting, providing comfort; consolatory.
        • Amply sufficient, satisfactory.
          • Eg.A comfortable income should suffice to consider oneself rich.
        • Strong; vigorous; valiant.
        • Serviceable; helpful.
  • comic #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒmɪk/
      • /ˈkɑmɪk/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A comedian.
        • A story composed of cartoon images arranged in sequence, usually with textual captions; a graphic novel.
        • A children's newspaper.
      • adjective
        • Funny; amusing; comical.
        • Relating to comedy.
          • Eg.a comic stereotype
  • command #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈmɑːnd/
      • /kəˈmænd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An order to do something.
          • Eg.I was given a command to cease shooting.
        • The right or authority to order, control or dispose of; the right to be obeyed or to compel obedience.
          • have command of an army
        • Power of control, direction or disposal; mastery.
          • Eg.England has long held command of the sea
        • A position of chief authority; a position involving the right or power to order or control.
          • Eg.General Smith was placed in command.
        • The act of commanding; exercise or authority of influence.
        • A body or troops, or any naval or military force, under the control of a particular officer; by extension, any object or body in someone's charge.
        • Dominating situation; range or control or oversight; extent of view or outlook.
        • A directive to a computer program acting as an interpreter of some kind, in order to perform a specific task.
        • The degree of control a pitcher has over his pitches.
          • Eg.He's got good command tonight.
        • A command performance.
      • verb
        • To order, give orders; to compel or direct with authority.
          • Eg.The king commanded his servant to bring him dinner.
        • To have or exercise supreme power, control or authority over, especially military; to have under direction or control.
          • command an army or a ship
        • To require with authority; to demand, order, enjoin.
          • Eg.he commanded silence
        • To dominate through ability, resources, position etc.; to overlook.
          • Eg.Bridges commanded by a fortified house. (Motley.)
        • To exact, compel or secure by influence; to deserve, claim.
          • Eg.A good magistrate commands the respect and affections of the people.
        • To hold, to control the use of.
          • Eg.The fort commanded the bay.
        • To have a view, as from a superior position.
        • To direct to come; to bestow.
  • commander #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈmandə/
      • /kəˈmɑːndə/
      • /kəˈmændɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization.
        • A naval officer whose rank is above that of a lieutenant commander and below that of captain.
        • One who exercises control and direction over a group of persons.
        • A designation or rank in certain non-military organizations such as NASA and various police forces.
        • The chief officer of a commandry.
        • A heavy beetle or wooden mallet, used in paving, in sail lofts, etc.
        • A rank within an honorary order: e.g. Commander of the Legion of Honour.
        • Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the Asian genus Moduza.
  • commence #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈmɛns/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To begin, start.
        • To begin to be, or to act as.
        • To take a degree at a university.
  • comment #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒmɛnt/
      • /ˈkɑmɛnt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A spoken or written remark.
          • Eg.I have no comment on that.
        • A remark embedded in source code in such a way that it will be ignored by the compiler or interpreter, typically to help people to understand the code.
      • verb
        • To remark.
        • (with "on" or "about") To make remarks or notes.
        • To comment or remark on.
        • (of code) To insert comments into (source code).
          • Eg.I wish I'd commented this complicated algorithm back when I remembered how it worked.
        • (of code) To comment out (code); to disable by converting into a comment.
  • commentary #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A series of comments or annotations; especially, a book of explanations or expositions on the whole or a part of some other work
        • (usually in the plural) a brief account of transactions or events written hastily, as if for a memorandum
          • Eg.Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War
        • An oral relation of an event, especially broadcast by television or radio, as it occurs
          • Eg.We listened to the football commentary while watching the match.
  • commentator #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɑmənˌteɪtəɹ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who comments; especially someone who is paid to give his/her opinions in the media about current affairs, sports, etc.
  • commerce #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kɒˈmɜːs/ audio
      • /ˈkɑm.ɚs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The exchange or buying and selling of commodities; especially the exchange of merchandise, on a large scale, between different places or communities; extended trade or traffic.
        • Social intercourse; the dealings of one person or class in society with another; familiarity.
        • Sexual intercourse.
        • An 18th-century French card game in which the cards are subject to exchange, barter, or trade.
      • verb
        • To carry on trade; to traffic.
        • To hold intercourse; to commune.
  • commercial #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈmɜːʃəl/
      • /kəˈmɝʃəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An advertisement in a common media format, usually radio or television.
        • A commercial trader, as opposed to an individual speculator.
      • adjective
        • Of or pertaining to commerce.
        • (aviation) Designating an airport that serves passenger and/or cargo flights.
        • (aviation) Designating such an airplane flight.
  • commission #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈmɪʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A sending or mission (to do or accomplish something).
        • An official charge or authority to do something, often used of military officers.
          • Eg.David received his commission after graduating from West Point.
        • The thing to be done as agent for another.
          • Eg.I have three commissions for the city.
        • A body or group of people, officially tasked with carrying out a particular function.
          • Eg.The company's sexual harassment commission made sure that every employee completed the on-line course.
        • A fee charged by an agent or broker for carrying out a transaction.
          • Eg.The real-estate broker charged a four percent commission for their knowledge on bidding for commercial properties; for their intellectual perspective on making a formal offer and the strategy to obtain a mutually satisfying deal with the seller in favour of the buyer.
        • The act of committing (e.g. a crime).
          • Eg.the commission, preparation or instigation of an act of terrorism
      • verb
        • To send or officially charge someone or some group to do something.
          • Eg.James Bond was commissioned with recovering the secret documents.
        • To place an order for (often piece of art)
          • Eg.He commissioned a replica of the Mona Lisa for his living room, but the painter gave up after six months.
        • To put into active service
          • Eg.The aircraft carrier was commissioned in 1944, during WWII.
  • commissioner #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈmɪʃənə/
      • /kəˈmɪʃənɚ/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A member of a commission.
        • Someone commissioned to perform certain duties.
        • An official in charge of a government department, especially a police force.
        • Someone who commissions something.
  • commit #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈmɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of committing (e.g. a database transaction or source code into a source control repository), making it a permanent change.
      • verb
        • To give in trust; to put into charge or keeping; to entrust; to consign; used with to or formerly unto.
        • To put in charge of a jailer; to imprison.
        • To have (a person) enter an establishment, such as a hospital or asylum, as a patient.
          • Eg.Tony should be committed to a nuthouse!
        • To do (something bad); to perpetrate, as a crime, sin, or fault.
          • commit a series of heinous crimes
        • To join a contest; to match; followed by with.
        • To pledge or bind; to compromise, expose, or endanger by some decisive act or preliminary step. (Traditionally used only reflexively but now also without oneself etc.)
          • commit oneself to a certain action
        • To make a set of changes permanent.
        • (Latinism) To confound.
        • To commit an offence; especially, to fornicate.
        • To be committed or perpetrated; to take place; to occur.
  • commitment #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act or an instance of committing, putting in charge, keeping, or trust, especially:
        • Promise or agreement to do something in the future, especially:
        • Being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons.
        • The trait of sincerity and focused purpose.
        • Perpetration as in a crime or mistake.
        • State of being pledged or engaged.
        • The act of being locked away, such as in an institution for the mentally ill or in jail.
  • committee #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A body of one or more persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose, typically with formal protocols.
        • A guardian; someone in charge of another person deemed to be unable to look after himself or herself.
  • commodity #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈmɒdəti/
      • /kəˈmɑdəti/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Anything movable (a good) that is bought and sold.
        • Something useful or valuable.
        • Raw materials, agricultural and other primary products as objects of large-scale trading in specialized exchanges.
          • Eg.The price of crude oil is determined in continuous trading between professional players in World's many commodities exchanges.
        • Undifferentiated goods characterized by a low profit margin, as distinguished from branded products.
          • Eg.Although they were once in the forefront of consumer electronics, the calculators have become a mere commodity.
        • Anything which has both a use-value and an exchange-value.
        • Convenience; usefulness, suitability.
        • Self-interest; personal convenience or advantage.
  • common #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒmən/
      • /ˈkɑmən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Mutual good, shared by more than one.
        • A tract of land in common ownership; common land.
        • The people; the community.
        • The right of taking a profit in the land of another, in common either with the owner or with other persons; so called from the community of interest which arises between the claimant of the right and the owner of the soil, or between the claimants and other commoners entitled to the same right.
      • verb
        • To communicate (something).
        • To converse, talk.
        • To have sex.
        • To participate.
        • To have a joint right with others in common ground.
        • To board together; to eat at a table in common.
      • adjective
        • Mutual; shared by more than one.
          • Eg.The two competitors have the common aim of winning the championship.
        • Occurring or happening regularly or frequently; usual.
          • Eg.It is common to find sharks off this coast.
        • Found in large numbers or in a large quantity; usual.
          • Eg.It differs from the common blackbird in the size of its beak.
        • Simple, ordinary or vulgar.
        • (grammar) In some languages, particularly Germanic languages, of the gender originating from the coalescence of the masculine and feminine categories of nouns.
        • (grammar) Of or pertaining to common nouns as opposed to proper nouns.
        • Vernacular, referring to the name of a kind of plant or animal, i.e., common name vs. scientific name.
        • Profane; polluted.
        • Given to lewd habits; prostitute.
  • commonly #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒmənli/
      • /ˈkɑmənli/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • As a rule; frequently; usually
        • In common; familiarly
  • communicate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To impart
        • To share
  • communication #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act or fact of communicating anything; transmission.
          • Eg.communication of a secret
        • The concept or state of exchanging data or information between entities.
          • Eg.Some say that communication is a necessary prerequisite for sentience; others say that it is a result thereof.
        • A message; the essential data transferred in an act of communication.
          • Eg.Surveillance was accomplished by means of intercepting the spies' communications.
        • The body of all data transferred to one or both parties during an act of communication.
          • Eg.The subpoena required that the company document their communication with the plaintiff.
        • An instance of information transfer; a conversation or discourse.
          • Eg.The professors' communications consisted of lively discussions via email.
        • A passageway or opening between two locations; connection.
          • Eg.A round archway at the far end of the hallway provided communication to the main chamber.
        • A connection between two tissues, organs, or cavities.
        • Association; company.
        • Participation in Holy Communion.
        • A trope by which a speaker assumes that his hearer is a partner in his sentiments, and says "we" instead of "I" or "you".
  • communist #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒ.mjʊ.nɪst/
      • /ˈkɑː.m.jə.nɪst/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An advocate of a society based on the common ownership of property; a proponent of communism.
        • Any revolutionary or subversive radical.
      • adjective
        • Of, relating to, supporting, or advocating communism.
  • community #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /k(ə)ˈmjunəti/ audio
      • /kəˈmjuːnɪti/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A group sharing a common understanding, and often the same language, law, manners, and/or tradition.
        • A residential or religious collective; a commune.
        • A group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other.
        • A group of people interacting by electronic means for educational, professional, social, or other purposes; a virtual community.
        • The condition of having certain attitudes and interests in common.
        • Common enjoyment or possession; participation.
          • Eg.a community of goods
        • Common character; likeness.
        • Commonness; frequency.
  • companion #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpænjən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A friend, acquaintance, or partner; someone with whom one spends time or keeps company
          • Eg.His dog has been his trusted companion for the last five years.
        • A person employed to accompany or travel with another.
        • The framework on the quarterdeck of a sailing ship through which daylight entered the cabins below.
        • The covering of a hatchway on an upper deck which leads to the companionway; the stairs themselves.
        • A knot in whose neighborhood another, specified knot meets every meridian disk.
        • A thing or phenomenon that is closely associated with another thing, phenomenon, or person.
        • An appended source of media or information, designed to be used in conjunction with and to enhance the main material.
          • Eg.The companion guide gives an in-depth analysis of this particular translation.
        • A celestial object that is associated with another.
        • A knight of the lowest rank in certain orders.
          • Eg.a companion of the Bath
        • A fellow; a rogue.
      • verb
        • To be a companion to; to attend on; to accompany.
        • To qualify as a companion; to make equal.
  • company #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkʌmp(ə)ni/ audio
      • /ˈkʌmpəni/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A team; a group of people who work together professionally.
        • A small group of birds or animals.
        • An entity having legal personality, and thus able to own property and to sue and be sued in its own name; a corporation.
        • Any business, whether incorporated or not, that manufactures or sells products (also known as goods), or provides services as a commercial venture.
        • Social visitors or companions.
          • Eg.Keep the house clean; I have company coming.
        • Companionship.
          • Eg.I treasure your company.
      • verb
        • To accompany, keep company with.
        • To associate.
        • To be a lively, cheerful companion.
        • To have sexual intercourse.
  • comparable #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpæɹəbl̩/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something suitable for comparison.
      • adjective
        • (often with to) Able to be compared (to).
          • Eg.An elephant is comparable in size to a double-decker bus.
        • (often with to) Similar (to); like.
        • Constituting a pair in a particular partial order.
          • Eg.Six and forty-two are comparable in the divides order, but six and nine are not.
        • (grammar) Said of an adjective that has a comparative and superlative form.
          • Eg."Big" is a comparable adjective, since it can take the forms "bigger" and "biggest"; but "unique" is not comparable, except in disputed, but common, usage.
  • comparative #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpæɹ.ə.tɪv/
      • /kəmˈpɛɹ.ə.tɪv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (grammar) A construction showing a relative quality, in English usually formed by adding more or appending -er. For example, the comparative of green is greener; of evil, more evil.
        • (grammar) A word in the comparative form.
        • (chiefly in the plural) Data used to make a comparison.
        • An equal; a rival; a compeer.
        • One who makes comparisons; one who affects wit.
      • adjective
        • Of or relating to comparison.
        • Using comparison as a method of study, or founded on something using it.
          • Eg.comparative anatomy
        • Approximated by comparison; relative.
        • Comparable; bearing comparison.
  • compare #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpɛə/
      • /kəmˈpɛɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Comparison.
        • An instruction or command that compares two values.
        • Illustration by comparison; simile.
      • verb
        • To assess the similarities and differences between two or more things ["to compare X with Y"]. Having made the comparison of X with Y, one might have found it similar to Y or different from Y.
          • Eg.Compare the tiger's coloration with that of the zebra.
        • To declare two things to be similar in some respect ["to compare X to Y"].
          • Eg.Astronomers have compared comets to dirty snowballs.
        • (grammar) To form the three degrees of comparison of (an adjective).
          • Eg.We compare "good" as "good", "better", "best".
        • To be similar (often used in the negative).
          • Eg.A sapling and a fully-grown oak tree do not compare.
        • To get; to obtain.
  • comparison #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpæɹɪsən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of comparing or the state or process of being compared.
          • bring a thing into comparison with another;  there is no comparison between them
        • An evaluation of the similarities and differences of one or more things relative to some other or each-other.
          • Eg.He made a careful comparison of the available products before buying anything.
        • With a negation, the state of being similar or alike.
          • Eg.There really is no comparison between the performance of today's computers and those of a decade ago.
        • (grammar) The ability of adjectives and adverbs to form three degrees, as in hot, hotter, hottest.
        • That to which, or with which, a thing is compared, as being equal or like; illustration; similitude.
        • A simile.
        • The faculty of the reflective group which is supposed to perceive resemblances and contrasts.
  • compassion #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpæʃ.ən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it.
      • verb
        • To pity.
  • compel #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpɛl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To drive together, round up
        • To overpower; to subdue.
        • To force, constrain or coerce.
          • Eg.Logic compels the wise, while fools feel compelled by emotions.
        • To exact, extort, (make) produce by force.
        • To force to yield; to overpower; to subjugate.
        • To gather or unite in a crowd or company.
        • To call forth; to summon.
  • compelling #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpɛlɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To drive together, round up
        • To overpower; to subdue.
        • To force, constrain or coerce.
          • Eg.Logic compels the wise, while fools feel compelled by emotions.
        • To exact, extort, (make) produce by force.
        • To force to yield; to overpower; to subjugate.
        • To gather or unite in a crowd or company.
        • To call forth; to summon.
      • noun
        • An act of compulsion; an obliging somebody to do something.
      • adjective
        • Strongly or irresistibly evoking interest or attention.
          • Eg.There are compelling reasons why a manager should have previous experience.
        • Forceful.
          • Eg.The politician had compelling ambition.
  • compensate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒm.pən.seɪt/
      • /ˈkɑm.pənˌseɪt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To do (something good) after (something bad) happens
        • To pay or reward someone in exchange for work done or some other consideration.
          • Eg.It is hard work, but they will compensate you well for it.
        • To make up for; to do something in place of something else; to correct, satisfy; to reach an agreement such that the scales are literally or (metaphorically) balanced; to equalize or make even.
          • Eg.His loud voice cannot compensate for a lack of personality.
        • To adjust or adapt to a change, often a harm or deprivation.
          • Eg.I don't like driving that old car because it always steers a little to the left so I'm forever compensating for that when I drive it. Trust me, it gets annoying real fast.
  • compensation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌkɒmpɛnˈseɪʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act or principle of compensating.
        • Something which is regarded as an equivalent; something which compensates for loss.
        • The extinction of debts of which two persons are reciprocally debtors by the credits of which they are reciprocally creditors; the payment of a debt by a credit of equal amount.
        • A recompense or reward for service.
        • An equivalent stipulated for in contracts for the sale of real estate, in which it is customary to provide that errors in description, etc., shall not avoid, but shall be the subject of compensation.
        • The relationship between air temperature outside a building and a calculated target temperature for provision of air or water to contained rooms or spaces for the purpose of efficient heating. In building control systems the compensation curve is defined to a compensator for this purpose.
        • The ability of one part of the brain to overfunction in order to take over the function of a damaged part (e.g. following a stroke).
  • compete #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəm.ˈpiːt/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To be in battle or in a rivalry with another for the same thing, position, or reward; to contend
        • To be in a position in which it is possible to win or triumph.
        • To take part in a contest, game or similar event
  • competence #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒmpətəns/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The quality or state of being competent, i.e. able or suitable for a general role.
        • The quality or state of being able or suitable for a particular task; the quality or state of being competent for a particular task.
        • The system of linguistic knowledge possessed by native speakers of a language, as opposed to its actual use in concrete situations (performance), cf. :w:linguistic competence.
        • A sustainable income.
        • The legal authority to deal with a matter.
          • Eg.That question is out with the competence of this court and must be taken to a higher court.
        • The degree to which a rock is resistant to deformation or flow.
  • competent #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒmpətənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Having sufficient skill, knowledge, ability, or qualifications.
          • Eg.He is a competent skier and an expert snowboarder.
        • Having jurisdiction or authority over a particular issue or question.
          • Eg.For any disagreements arising from this contract, the competent court shall be the Springfield Circuit Court.
        • Adequate for the purpose
        • (of a cell wall) Permeable to foreign DNA.
        • Resistant to deformation or flow.
  • competition #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən/
      • /ˌkɑːmpəˈtɪʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The action of competing.
          • Eg.The competition for this job is strong.
        • A contest for a prize or award.
          • Eg.The newspaper is featuring a competition to win a car.
        • The competitors in such a contest.
          • Eg.The new stain remover was ten times more effective than the competition.
  • competitive #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv/
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Capable of competing successfully
        • Of or pertaining to competition
        • (of someone's character) inclined to compete
        • Inhibiting the action of an enzyme by binding with it
        • (euphemistically, of prices) cheap, especially used of quality products
  • competitor #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person or organization against whom one is competing.
        • A participant in a competition, especially in athletics.
  • compile #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmpʌɪl/ audio
      • /kəmˈpaɪl/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An act of compiling code.
      • verb
        • To put together; to assemble; to make by gathering things from various sources.
          • Eg.Samuel Johnson compiled one of the most influential dictionaries of the English language.
        • To construct, build.
        • To use a compiler to process source code and produce executable code.
          • Eg.After I compile this program I'll run it and see if it works.
        • To be successfully processed by a compiler into executable code.
          • Eg.There must be an error in my source code because it won't compile.
        • To contain or comprise.
        • To write; to compose.
  • complain #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpleɪn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment.
          • Eg.Joe was always complaining about the noise made by his neighbours.
        • To make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge.
          • Eg.They've complained about me to the police again.
        • To creak or squeak, as a timber or wheel.
          • Eg.the complaining bed-springs
  • complaint #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpleɪnt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of complaining.
        • A grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern.
          • Eg.I have no complaints about the quality of his work, but I don't enjoy his company.
        • In a civil action, the first pleading of the plaintiff setting out the facts on which the claim is based; The purpose is to give notice to the adversary of the nature and basis of the claim asserted.
        • In criminal law, the preliminary charge or accusation made by one person against another to the appropriate court or officer, usually a magistrate. However, court proceedings, such as a trial, cannot be instituted until an indictment or information has been handed down against the defendant.
        • A bodily disorder or disease; the symptom of such a disorder.
          • Eg.Don't come too close; I've got this nasty complaint.
  • complement #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒmpləmənt/ audio
      • /ˈkɑmpləmənt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A protective substance that exists in the serum or other bodily fluid and is capable of killing microorganisms; complement.
      • noun
        • Something (or someone) that completes; the consummation.
        • The act of completing something, or the fact of being complete; completion, completeness, fulfilment.
        • The totality, the full amount or number which completes something.
        • Something which completes one's equipment, dress etc.; an accessory.
        • The whole working force of a vessel.
        • Fullness (of the moon).
        • An angle which, together with a given angle, makes a right angle.
        • Something which completes, something which combines with something else to make up a complete whole; loosely, something perceived to be a harmonious or desirable partner or addition.
        • (grammar) A word or group of words that completes a grammatical construction in the predicate and that describes or is identified with the subject or object.
        • An interval which, together with the given interval, makes an octave.
        • The color which, when mixed with the given color, gives black (for mixing pigments) or white (for mixing light).
          • Eg.The complement of blue is orange.
        • Given two sets, the set containing one set's elements that are not members of the other set (whether a relative complement or an absolute complement).
          • Eg.The complement of the odd numbers is the even numbers, relative to the natural numbers.
        • One of several blood proteins that work with antibodies during an immune response.
        • An expression related to some other expression such that it is true under the same conditions that make other false, and vice versa.
        • A voltage level with the opposite logical sense to the given one.
        • A bit with the opposite value to the given one; the logical complement of a number.
        • The diminished radix complement of a number; the nines' complement of a decimal number; the ones' complement of a binary number.
          • Eg.The complement of 01100101_2 is 10011010_2.
        • The radix complement of a number; the two's complement of a binary number.
          • Eg.The complement of 01100101_2 is 10011011_2.
        • The numeric complement of a number.
          • Eg.The complement of −123 is 123.
        • A nucleotide sequence in which each base is replaced by the complementary base of the given sequence: adenine (A) by thymine (T) or uracil (U), cytosine (C) by guanine (G), and vice versa.
          • Eg.A DNA molecule is formed from two strands, each of which is the complement of the other.
        • Old spelling of compliment
      • verb
        • To complete, to bring to perfection, to make whole.
          • Eg.We believe your addition will complement the team.
        • To provide what the partner lacks and lack what the partner provides, thus forming part of a whole.
          • Eg.I believe our talents really complement each other.
        • To change a voltage, number, color, etc. to its complement.
        • Old form of compliment
      • noun
        • A good whose appeal increases with the popularity of its complement
  • complete #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpliːt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A completed survey.
      • verb
        • To finish; to make done; to reach the end.
          • Eg.He completed the assignment on time.
        • To make whole or entire.
          • Eg.The last chapter completes the book nicely.
        • To call from the small blind in an unraised pot.
      • adjective
        • With all parts included; with nothing missing; full.
          • Eg.After she found the rook, the chess set was complete.
        • Finished; ended; concluded; completed.
          • Eg.When your homework is complete, you can go and play with Martin.
        • Generic intensifier.
          • Eg.He is a complete bastard!
        • (of a metric space) In which every Cauchy sequence converges to a point within the space.
        • (of a lattice) In which every set with a lower bound has a greatest lower bound.
        • (of a category) In which all small limits exist.
        • (of a proof system of a formal system with respect to a given semantics) In which every semantically valid well-formed formula is provable.
        • (of a problem) That is in a given complexity class and is such that every other problem in the class can be reduced to it (usually in polynomial time or logarithmic space).
  • completely #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpliːtli/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • (manner) In a complete manner
          • Eg.Please completely fill in the box for your answer, using a number 2 pencil.
        • (degree) To the fullest extent or degree; totally.
          • Eg.He is completely mad.
  • completion #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpliːʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act or state of being or making something complete; conclusion, accomplishment.
        • The conclusion of an act of conveyancing concerning the sale of a property.
        • A forward pass that is successfully caught by the intended receiver.
        • The act of making a metric space complete by adding points.
        • The space resulting from such an act.
  • complex #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A network of interconnected systems.
        • A collection of buildings with a common purpose, such as a university or military base.
        • An assemblage of related things; a collection.
        • An abnormal mental condition caused by repressed emotions.
        • (by extension) A vehement, often excessive psychological dislike or fear of a particular thing.
          • Eg.Jim has a real complex about working for a woman boss.
        • A structure consisting of a central atom or molecule weakly connected to surrounding atoms or molecules.
        • A complex number.
      • verb
        • To form a complex with another substance
        • To complicate.
      • adjective
        • Made up of multiple parts; composite; not simple.
        • Not simple, easy, or straightforward; complicated.
        • (of a number) Having the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is (by definition) the imaginary square root of −1.
        • (of a function) Whose range is a subset of the complex numbers.
        • Whose coefficients are complex numbers; defined over the field of complex numbers.
        • A curve, polygon or other figure that crosses or intersects itself.
  • complexity #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈplɛk.sɪ.ti/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The state of being complex; intricacy; entanglement.
        • That which is and renders complex; intricacy; complication.
  • compliance #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈplaɪəns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An act of complying.
        • The state of being compliant.
        • The tendency of conforming with or agreeing to the wishes of others.
        • A measure of the extension or displacement of a loaded structure; its flexibility
        • The accuracy with which a patient follows an agreed treatment plan
        • The department of a business that ensures all government regulations are complied with.
  • complicated #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd/
      • /ˈkɑmplɪkeɪtɪd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To make complex; to modify so as to make something intricate or difficult.
        • To involve in a convoluted matter.
          • Eg.Don't complicate yourself in issues that are beyond the scope of your understanding.
      • adjective
        • Difficult or convoluted.
          • Eg.It seems this complicated situation will not blow over soon.
        • Folded longitudinally (as in the wings of certain insects).
  • complication #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act or process of complicating.
        • The state of being complicated; intricate or confused relation of parts; complexity.
        • A person who doesn't fit in with the main scheme of things; an interloper.
        • A disease or diseases, or adventitious circumstances or conditions, coexistent with and modifying a primary disease, but not necessarily connected with it.
        • A feature beyond basic time display in a timepiece.
  • comply #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /kəmˈplaɪ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To yield assent; to accord; to acquiesce, agree, consent; to adapt oneself, to conform.
        • To accomplish, to fulfil.
        • To be ceremoniously courteous; to make one's compliments.
        • To enfold; to embrace.
  • component #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kʌmˈpoʊnənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A smaller, self-contained part of a larger entity. Often refers to a manufactured object that is part of a larger device.
          • Eg.A CPU is a component of a computer.
      • adjective
        • Making up a larger whole; as a component word.
        • Made up of smaller complete units in combination; as a component stereo.
  • compose #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpəʊz/
      • /kəmˈpoʊz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To make something by merging parts.
          • Eg.The editor composed a historical journal from many individual letters.
        • To make up the whole; to constitute.
          • Eg.A church is composed of its members.
        • To comprise.
        • To construct by mental labor; to think up; particularly, to produce or create a literary or musical work.
          • Eg.It's difficult to compose without absolute silence.
        • (sometimes reflexive) To calm; to free from agitation.
          • Eg.The defendant couldn't compose herself and was found in contempt.
        • To arrange the elements of a photograph or other picture.
        • To settle (an argument, dispute etc.); to come to a settlement.
        • To arrange in proper form; to reduce to order; to put in proper state or condition.
        • To arrange (types) in a composing stick for printing; to typeset.
  • composer #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • One who composes; an author.
        • One who, or that which, quiets or calms.
  • composition #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃən/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of putting together; assembly.
        • A mixture or compound; the result of composing.
        • The proportion of different parts to make a whole.
        • The general makeup of a thing or person.
        • An agreement or treaty used to settle differences; later especially, an agreement to stop hostilities; a truce.
        • A payment of money in order to clear a liability or obligation; a settling or fine.
        • An agreement or compromise by which a creditor or group of creditors accepts partial payment from a debtor.
        • An essay.
        • The formation of compound words from separate words.
        • A work of music, literature or art.
        • Typesetting.
        • Applying a function to the result of another.
        • The compounding of two velocities or forces into a single equivalent velocity or force.
        • Consistency; accord; congruity.
        • Synthesis as opposed to analysis.
        • The arrangement and flow of elements in a picture.
        • Way to combine simple objects or data types into more complex ones.
  • compound #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒmpaʊnd/ audio
      • /ˈkɑmpaʊnd/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An enclosure within which workers, prisoners, or soldiers are confined
        • A group of buildings situated close together, e.g. for a school or block of offices
  • comprehensive #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ˌkɒm.pɹɪˈhɛn.sɪv/
      • /ˌkɑːm.pɹəˈhɛn.sɪv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A comprehensive school.
      • adjective
        • Broadly or completely covering; including a large proportion of something.
          • Eg.When there are diametrically opposing views on a big issue that concerns millions of people, doing comprehensive research just makes sense.
  • comprise #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpɹaɪz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To be made up of; to consist of (especially a comprehensive list of parts).
          • Eg.The parts are comprised by the whole.
        • To contain or embrace.
          • Eg.Our committee comprises a president, secretary, treasurer and five other members.
        • (sometimes proscribed, usually in the passive) To compose, to constitute. See usage note below.
          • Eg.A team is comprised of its members.
        • To include, contain, or be made up of, defining the minimum elements, whether essential or inessential, to define an invention. ("Open-ended", doesn't limit to the items listed; cf. compose, which is "closed" and limits to the items listed.)
  • compromise #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒmpɹəˌmaɪz/ audio
      • /ˈkɑmpɹəˌmaɪz/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions.
        • A committal to something derogatory or objectionable; a prejudicial concession; a surrender.
          • Eg.a compromise of character or right
        • In data security, a violation of the security system such that an unauthorized disclosure or loss of sensitive information may have occurred, or the unauthorized disclosure or loss itself.
      • verb
        • To bind by mutual agreement.
        • To adjust and settle by mutual concessions; to compound.
        • To find a way between extremes.
        • To pledge by some act or declaration; to endanger the life, reputation, etc., of, by some act which can not be recalled; to expose to suspicion.
        • To cause impairment of.
        • To breach (a security system).
          • Eg.He tried to compromise the security in the computer by guessing the password.
  • compulsory #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpʌlsəri/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something that is compulsory or required.
      • adjective
        • Required; obligatory; mandatory.
          • Eg.The ten-dollar fee was compulsory.
        • Having the power of compulsion; constraining.
          • Eg.Such compulsory measures are limited.
  • compute #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpjuːt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Computational power
      • verb
        • To reckon or calculate.
          • Eg.Can anyone here compute the square root of 10201?
        • To make sense.
          • Eg.Does that compute, or do I need to explain further?
  • computer #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəmˈpjuːtə/ audio
      • /kəmˈpjutɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person employed to perform computations; one who computes.
        • (by restriction) A male computer, where the female computer is called a computress.
        • A programmable electronic device that performs mathematical calculations and logical operations, especially one that can process, store and retrieve large amounts of data very quickly; now especially, a small one for personal or home use employed for manipulating text or graphics, accessing the Internet, or playing games or media.
  • conceal #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsiːl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To hide something from view or from public knowledge, to try to keep something secret.
          • Eg.He tried to conceal the truth about his health.
  • concede #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsiːd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To yield or suffer; to surrender; to grant
          • Eg.He conceded the race once it was clear he could not win.
        • To grant, as a right or privilege; to make concession of.
        • To admit to be true; to acknowledge.
        • To yield or make concession.
        • To have a goal or point scored against
        • (of a bowler) to have runs scored off of one's bowling.
  • conceive #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsiːv/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To develop an idea; to form in the mind; to plan; to devise; to originate.
        • To understand (someone).
        • To become pregnant (with).
          • Eg.Assisted procreation can help those trying to conceive.
  • concentrate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒn.sən.tɹeɪt/
      • /ˈkɑn.sən.tɹeɪt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A substance that is in a condensed form.
      • verb
        • To bring to, or direct toward, a common center; to unite more closely; to gather into one body, mass, or force.
          • concentrate rays of light into a focus
        • To increase the strength and diminish the bulk of, as of a liquid or an ore; to intensify, by getting rid of useless material; to condense.
          • concentrate acid by evaporation
        • To approach or meet in a common center; to consolidate.
          • Eg.Population tends to concentrate in cities.
        • To focus one's thought or attention (on).
          • Eg.Let me concentrate!
  • concentration #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌkɒnsənˈtɹeɪʃən/
      • /ˌkɑnsənˈtɹeɪʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act, process or ability of concentrating; the process of becoming concentrated, or the state of being concentrated.
        • A field or course of study on which one focuses, especially as a student in a college or university.
        • The proportion of a substance in a whole.
        • The matching game pelmanism.
  • concept #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒn.sɛpt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An abstract and general idea; an abstraction.
        • Understanding retained in the mind, from experience, reasoning and imagination; a generalization (generic, basic form), or abstraction (mental impression), of a particular set of instances or occurrences (specific, though different, recorded manifestations of the concept).
        • In generic programming, a description of supported operations on a type, including their syntax and semantics.
  • conception #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsɛpʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of conceiving.
        • The state of being conceived; the beginning.
        • The fertilization of an ovum by a sperm to form a zygote.
        • The start of pregnancy.
        • The formation of a conceptus or an implanted embryo.
        • The power or faculty of apprehending of forming an idea in the mind; the power of recalling a past sensation or perception; the ability to form mental abstractions.
        • An image, idea, or notion formed in the mind; a concept, plan or design.
  • concern #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsɜːn/
      • /kənˈsɝn/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • That which affects one’s welfare or happiness. A matter of interest to someone. The adposition before the matter of interest is usually over, about or for.
          • Eg.Judy's eyes filled with concern as she listened to the news report.
        • The expression of solicitude, anxiety, or compassion toward a thing or person.
        • A business, firm or enterprise; a company.
          • Eg.The employees’ attitude is really hurting the concern.
        • Any set of information that affects the code of a computer program.
      • verb
        • To relate or belong to; to have reference to or connection with; to affect the interest of; to be of importance to.
        • To engage by feeling or sentiment; to interest.
          • Eg.A good prince concerns himself in the happiness of his subjects.
        • To make somebody worried.
          • Eg.I’m concerned that she’s becoming an alcoholic.
  • concerned #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsɜːnd/
      • /kənˈsɝnd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To relate or belong to; to have reference to or connection with; to affect the interest of; to be of importance to.
        • To engage by feeling or sentiment; to interest.
          • Eg.A good prince concerns himself in the happiness of his subjects.
        • To make somebody worried.
          • Eg.I’m concerned that she’s becoming an alcoholic.
      • adjective
        • Showing concern.
          • Eg.There was a concerned expression on her face as I told her the news.
        • Involved or responsible.
          • Eg.The people concerned have been punished.
  • concerning #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsɜːnɪŋ/
      • /kənˈsɝnɪŋ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To relate or belong to; to have reference to or connection with; to affect the interest of; to be of importance to.
        • To engage by feeling or sentiment; to interest.
          • Eg.A good prince concerns himself in the happiness of his subjects.
        • To make somebody worried.
          • Eg.I’m concerned that she’s becoming an alcoholic.
      • noun
        • That which one is concerned in; one's business.
      • adjective
        • Causing concern; worrisome.
          •'s very concerning that our neighbour seems to be crying very loudly these days
        • Important.
      • preposition
        • Regarding, respecting.
          • Eg.Physically, everything is perfect, but concerning your mental state, you have some problems.
  • concert #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ˈkɒnsət/
      • /kənˈsɜːt/
      • /ˈkɑnsɚt/
      • /kənˈsɝt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Agreement in a design or plan; union formed by mutual communication of opinions and views; accordance in a scheme; harmony; simultaneous action.
        • Musical accordance or harmony; concord.
        • A musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part.
          • Eg.I'm going to the rock concert on Friday.
      • verb
        • To plan together; to settle or adjust by conference, agreement, or consultation.
        • To plan; to devise; to arrange.
        • To act in harmony or conjunction; to form combined plans.
  • concession #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsɛʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of conceding.
        • An act of conceding, particularly:
        • A gift freely given or act freely made as a token of respect or to curry favor.
        • A franchise: a business operated as a concession (see above).
        • (usually in the plural) An item sold within a concession (see above) or from a concessions stand.
        • A person eligible for a concession price (see above).
      • verb
        • To grant or approve by means of a concession agreement.
  • conclude #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kən.ˈkluːd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To end; to come to an end.
          • Eg.The story concluded with a moral.
        • To bring to an end; to close; to finish.
        • To bring about as a result; to effect; to make.
          • conclude a bargain
        • To come to a conclusion, to a final decision.
          • Eg.From the evidence, I conclude that this man was murdered.
        • To make a final determination or judgment concerning; to judge; to decide.
        • To shut off; to restrain; to limit; to estop; to bar; generally in the passive.
          • Eg.A judgment concludes the introduction of further evidence.
        • To shut up; to enclose.
        • To include; to comprehend; to shut up together; to embrace.
        • To deduce, to infer (develop a causal relation)
  • conclusion #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈkluːʒən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The end, finish, close or last part of something.
        • The outcome or result of a process or act.
        • A decision reached after careful thought.
          • Eg.The board has come to the conclusion that the proposed takeover would not be in the interest of our shareholders.
        • In an argument or syllogism, the proposition that follows as a necessary consequence of the premises.
        • An experiment, or something from which a conclusion may be drawn.
        • The end or close of a pleading, e.g. the formal ending of an indictment, "against the peace", etc.
        • An estoppel or bar by which a person is held to a particular position.
  • concrete #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kɵnˈkɹiːt/
      • /ˈkɑnkɹiːt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A solid mass formed by the coalescence of separate particles; a compound substance, a concretion.
        • Specifically, a building material created by mixing cement, water, and aggregate such as gravel and sand.
          • Eg.The road was made of concrete that had been poured in large slabs.
        • A term designating both a quality and the subject in which it exists; a concrete term.
        • Sugar boiled down from cane juice to a solid mass.
        • A dessert of frozen custard with various toppings.
        • An extract of herbal materials that has a semi-solid consistency, especially when such materials are partly aromatic.
      • verb
        • (usually transitive) To cover with or encase in concrete (building material).
          • Eg.I hate grass, so I concreted over my lawn.
        • (usually transitive) To solidify: to change from being abstract to being concrete (actual, real).
        • To unite or coalesce into a mass or a solid body.
      • adjective
        • Real, actual, tangible.
          • Eg.Fuzzy videotapes and distorted sound recordings are not concrete evidence that bigfoot exists.
        • Being or applying to actual things, not abstract qualities or categories.
        • Particular, specific, rather than general.
          • Eg.While everyone else offered thoughts and prayers, she made a concrete proposal to help.
        • United by coalescence of separate particles, or liquid, into one mass or solid.
        • (modifying a noun) Made of concrete, a building material.
          • Eg.The office building had concrete flower boxes out front.
  • condemn #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈdɛm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To strongly criticise or denounce; to excoriate the perpetrators of.
          • Eg.The president condemned the terrorists.
        • To judicially pronounce (someone) guilty.
        • To confer eternal divine punishment upon.
        • To adjudge (a building) as being unfit for habitation.
          • Eg.The house was condemned after it was badly damaged by fire.
        • To adjudge (building or construction work) as of unsatisfactory quality, requiring the work to be redone.
        • To adjudge (food or drink) as being unfit for human consumption.
        • To determine and declare (property) to be assigned to public use. See eminent domain.
        • To declare (a vessel) to be forfeited to the government, to be a prize, or to be unfit for service.
  • condition #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈdɪʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A logical clause or phrase that a conditional statement uses. The phrase can either be true or false.
        • A requirement or requisite.
          • Eg.Environmental protection is a condition for sustainability.   What other planets might have the right conditions for life?   The union had a dispute over sick time and other conditions of employment.
        • A clause in a contract or agreement indicating that a certain contingency may modify the principal obligation in some way.
        • The health status of a medical patient.
          • Eg.My aunt couldn't walk up the stairs in her condition.
        • The state or quality.
          • Eg.National reports on the condition of public education are dismal.   The condition of man can be classified as civilized or uncivilized.
        • A particular state of being.
          • Eg.Hypnosis is a peculiar condition of the nervous system.   Steps were taken to ameliorate the condition of slavery.   Security is defined as the condition of not being threatened.   Aging is a condition over which we are powerless.
        • The situation of a person or persons, particularly their social and/or economic class, rank.
          • Eg.A man of his condition has no place to make request.
      • verb
        • To subject to the process of acclimation.
          • Eg.I became conditioned to the absence of seasons in San Diego.
        • To subject to different conditions, especially as an exercise.
          • Eg.They were conditioning their shins in their karate class.
        • To place conditions or limitations upon.
        • To shape the behaviour of someone to do something.
        • To treat (the hair) with hair conditioner.
        • To contract; to stipulate; to agree.
        • To test or assay, as silk (to ascertain the proportion of moisture it contains).
        • (colleges) To put under conditions; to require to pass a new examination or to make up a specified study, as a condition of remaining in one's class or in college.
          • condition a student who has failed in some branch of study
        • To impose upon an object those relations or conditions without which knowledge and thought are alleged to be impossible.
  • conduct #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ˈkɒndʌkt/
      • /kənˈdʌkt/ audio
      • /ˈkɑndʌkt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act or method of controlling or directing
        • Skillful guidance or management; leadership
        • Behaviour; the manner of behaving
          • Eg.Good conduct will be rewarded and likewise poor conduct will be punished.
        • (of a literary work) plot; storyline
        • Convoy; escort; person who accompanies another
        • Something which carries or conveys anything; a channel; an instrument.
      • verb
        • To lead, or guide; to escort.
        • To lead; to direct; to be in charge of (people or tasks)
          • Eg.The commander conducted thousands of troops.
        • (reflexively to conduct oneself) To behave.
          • Eg.He conducted himself well.
        • To serve as a medium for conveying; to transmit (heat, light, electricity, etc.)
        • To direct, as the leader in the performance of a musical composition.
        • To act as a conductor (as of heat, electricity, etc.); to carry.
        • To carry out (something organized)
  • confer #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈfɜː/ audio
      • /kənˈfʌɹ/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To grant as a possession; to bestow.
          • Eg.The college has conferred an honorary degree upon the visiting Prime Minister.
        • To talk together, to consult, discuss; to deliberate.
          • Eg.They were in a huddle, conferring about something.
        • To compare.
        • To bring together; to collect, gather.
        • To contribute; to conduce.
  • conference #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒn.fə.ɹəns/ audio
      • /ˈkɑn.fə.ɹəns/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of consulting together formally; serious conversation or discussion; interchange of views.
        • A multilateral diplomatic negotiation.
        • A formal event where scientists present their research results in speeches, workshops, posters or by other means.
        • An event organized by a for-profit or non-profit organization to discuss a pressing issue, such as a new product, market trend or government regulation, with a range of speakers.
        • A group of sports teams that play each other on a regular basis.
        • A constituent tournament of a sports league in a given season.
        • The act of comparing two or more things together; comparison.
        • (Methodist Church) A stated meeting of preachers and others, invested with authority to take cognizance of ecclesiastical matters.
        • A voluntary association of Congregational churches of a district; the district in which such churches are.
      • verb
        • To assess (a student) by one-on-one conversation, rather than an examination.
  • confess #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈfɛs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To admit to the truth, particularly in the context of sins or crimes committed.
          • Eg.I confess to spray-painting all over that mural!
        • To acknowledge faith in; to profess belief in.
        • To unburden (oneself) of sins to God or a priest, in order to receive absolution.
        • To hear or receive such a confession of sins from.
        • To disclose or reveal.
  • confession #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈfɛʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The open admittance of having done something (especially something bad).
          • Eg.Without the real murderer's confession, an innocent person will go to jail.
        • A formal document providing such an admission.
          • Eg.He forced me to sign a confession!
        • The disclosure of one's sins to a priest for absolution. In the Roman Catholic Church, it is now termed the sacrament of reconciliation.
          • Eg.I went to confession and now I feel much better about what I had done.
        • Acknowledgment of belief; profession of one's faith.
        • A formula in which the articles of faith are comprised; a creed to be assented to or signed, as a preliminary to admission to membership of a church; a confession of faith.
  • confidence #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Self-assurance.
        • A feeling of certainty; firm trust or belief; faith.
        • Information held in secret.
        • Boldness; presumption.
  • confident #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒn.fɪ.dənt/
      • /ˈkɑn.fɪ.dənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person in whom one can confide or share one's secrets: a friend.
      • adjective
        • Very sure of something; positive.
          • Eg.I'm pretty confident that she's not lying, she's acting normally.
        • Self-assured, self-reliant, sure of oneself.
        • (in negative sense) Forward, impudent.
  • configuration #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Form, as depending on the relative disposition of the parts of a thing's shape; figure; form factor.
        • Relative position or aspect of the planets; the face of the horoscope, according to the relative positions of the planets at any time.
        • The way things are arranged or put together in order to achieve a result.
        • The arrangement of electrons in an atom, molecule, or other physical structure like a crystal.
        • A finite set of points and lines (and sometimes planes), generally with equal numbers of points per line and equal numbers of lines per point.
  • confine #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ˈkɒnfaɪn/ audio
      • /ˈkɑnfaɪn/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (chiefly in the plural) A boundary or limit.
      • verb
        • To restrict; to keep within bounds; to shut or keep in a limited space or area.
        • To have a common boundary; to border; to lie contiguous; to touch; followed by on or with.
  • confirm #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈfɜːm/
      • /kənˈfɝm/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To strengthen; to make firm or resolute.
        • To administer the sacrament of confirmation on (someone).
        • To assure the accuracy of previous statements.
  • confirmation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌkɒn.fəˈmeɪ.ʃən/
      • /ˌkɑn.fəɹˈmeɪ.ʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An official indicator that things will happen as planned.
          • Eg.We will send you a written confirmation of your hotel booking.
        • A verification that something is true or has happened.
          • Eg.The announcement in the newspaper was a confirmation of my suspicions.
        • A ceremony of sealing and conscious acknowledgement of the faith in many Christian churches, typically around the ages of 14 to 18; considered a sacrament in some churches, including Catholicism, but not in most Protestant churches.
  • conflict #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈflɪkt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A clash or disagreement, often violent, between two or more opposing groups or individuals.
          • Eg.The conflict between the government and the rebels began three years ago.
        • An incompatibility, as of two things that cannot be simultaneously fulfilled.
          • Eg.I wanted to attend the meeting but there's a conflict in my schedule that day.
      • verb
        • To be at odds (with); to disagree or be incompatible
        • To overlap (with), as in a schedule.
          • Eg.It appears that our schedules conflict.
  • confront #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kɒnˈfɹɒnt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To stand or meet facing, especially in competition, hostility or defiance; to come face to face with
          • Eg.We should confront him about the missing money.
        • To deal with.
        • To something bring face to face with.
        • To come up against; to encounter.
        • To engage in confrontation.
        • To set a thing side by side with; to compare.
        • To put a thing facing to; to set in contrast to.
  • confrontation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌkɒnfɹənˈteɪʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of confronting or challenging another, especially face to face.
        • A conflict between armed forces.
  • confuse #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈfjuːz/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To puzzle, perplex, baffle, bewilder (somebody).
        • To mix up, muddle up (one thing with another); to mistake (one thing for another).
        • To mix thoroughly; to confound; to disorder.
        • To make uneasy and ashamed; to embarrass.
        • To rout; discomfit.
        • To be confused.
  • confused #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈfjuːzd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To puzzle, perplex, baffle, bewilder (somebody).
        • To mix up, muddle up (one thing with another); to mistake (one thing for another).
        • To mix thoroughly; to confound; to disorder.
        • To make uneasy and ashamed; to embarrass.
        • To rout; discomfit.
        • To be confused.
      • adjective
        • (of a person) unable to think clearly or understand
        • (of a person or animal) disoriented
        • Chaotic, jumbled or muddled
        • Making no sense; illogical
        • Embarrassed
  • confusing #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To puzzle, perplex, baffle, bewilder (somebody).
        • To mix up, muddle up (one thing with another); to mistake (one thing for another).
        • To mix thoroughly; to confound; to disorder.
        • To make uneasy and ashamed; to embarrass.
        • To rout; discomfit.
        • To be confused.
      • adjective
        • Difficult to understand; not clear as lacking order, chaotic etc
          • Eg.Several sections in that book are really confusing.
  • confusion #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈfjuːʒən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A lack of clarity or order.
        • The state of being confused; misunderstanding.
        • A state of shame or embarrassment.
  • congratulate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /-t͡ʃə-/ audio
      • /-d͡ʒə-/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To express one’s sympathetic pleasure or joy to the person(s) it is felt for.
          • Eg.Remind me to congratulate Dave and Lisa on their wedding.
        • To consider oneself fortunate in some matter.
          • Eg.I congratulated myself on the success of my plan.
  • congratulation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˌɡɹætjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of congratulating.
  • congregation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌkɒŋɡɹɪˈɡeɪʃən/
      • /ˌkɑŋɡɹəˈɡeɪʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of congregating or collecting together.
        • A gathering of faithful in a temple, church, synagogue, mosque or other place of worship. It can also refer to the people who are present at a devotional service in the building, particularly in contrast to the pastor, minister, imam, rabbi etc. and/or choir, who may be seated apart from the general congregation or lead the service (notably in responsory form).
        • A Roman Congregation, a main department of the Vatican administration of the Catholic Church.
        • A corporate body whose members gather for worship, or the members of such a body.
        • Any large gathering of people.
        • A group of eagles.
        • (Oxford University) The main body of university staff, comprising academics, administrative staff, heads of colleges, etc.
  • congressional #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəŋˈɡɹɛʃn̩əl/
    • Meanings:
      • adjective
        • Of or pertaining to a congress.
  • connect #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈnɛkt/
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • (of an object) To join (to another object): to attach, or to be intended to attach or capable of attaching, to another object.
          • Eg.I think this piece connects to that piece over there.
        • (of two objects) To join: to attach, or to be intended to attach or capable of attaching, to each other.
          • Eg.Both roads have the same name, but they don't connect: they're on opposite sides of the river, and there's no bridge there.
        • (of an object) To join (two other objects), or to join (one object) to (another object): to be a link between two objects, thereby attaching them to each other.
          • Eg.The new railroad will connect the northern part of the state to the southern part.
        • (of a person) To join (two other objects), or to join (one object) to (another object): to take one object and attach it to another.
          • Eg.I connected the printer to the computer, but I couldn't get it work.
        • To join an electrical or telephone line to a circuit or network.
          • Eg.When the technician connects my house, I'll be able to access the internet.
        • To associate; to establish a relation between.
          • Eg.I didn't connect my lost jewelry with the news of an area cat burglar until the police contacted me.
        • To make a travel connection; to switch from one means of transport to another as part of the same trip.
          • Eg.I'm flying to London where I connect with a flight heading to Hungary.
  • connected #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈnɛktɪd/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • (of an object) To join (to another object): to attach, or to be intended to attach or capable of attaching, to another object.
          • Eg.I think this piece connects to that piece over there.
        • (of two objects) To join: to attach, or to be intended to attach or capable of attaching, to each other.
          • Eg.Both roads have the same name, but they don't connect: they're on opposite sides of the river, and there's no bridge there.
        • (of an object) To join (two other objects), or to join (one object) to (another object): to be a link between two objects, thereby attaching them to each other.
          • Eg.The new railroad will connect the northern part of the state to the southern part.
        • (of a person) To join (two other objects), or to join (one object) to (another object): to take one object and attach it to another.
          • Eg.I connected the printer to the computer, but I couldn't get it work.
        • To join an electrical or telephone line to a circuit or network.
          • Eg.When the technician connects my house, I'll be able to access the internet.
        • To associate; to establish a relation between.
          • Eg.I didn't connect my lost jewelry with the news of an area cat burglar until the police contacted me.
        • To make a travel connection; to switch from one means of transport to another as part of the same trip.
          • Eg.I'm flying to London where I connect with a flight heading to Hungary.
      • adjective
        • (usually with "well-"): Having favorable rapport with a powerful entity.
        • Having relationships; involved with others.
        • Involved with organized crime, specifically someone not (yet) working for a crime organization, but referred to as a "friend" by made guys/wise guys inside the organization.
        • Intimate; Having bonds of affection.
        • (of a topological space) That cannot be partitioned into two nonempty open sets.
        • (of a graph) Having a path, either directed or undirected, connecting every pair of vertices.
          • Eg.In a connected graph, there is no section (proper subset that includes all edges from each vertex in said subset) of the graph that is isolated from the rest.
        • Having or supporting connections, especially when through technology such as networking software or a transportation network.
  • connection #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kəˈnɛkʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of connecting.
        • The point at which two or more things are connected.
          • Eg.My headache has no connection with me going out last night.
        • A feeling of understanding and ease of communication between two or more people.
          • Eg.As we were the only people in the room to laugh at the joke, I felt a connection between us.
        • An established communications or transportation link.
          • Eg.I was talking to him, but there was lightning and we lost the connection.
        • A transfer from one transportation vehicle to another in scheduled transportation service
          • Eg.The bus was late so he missed his connection at Penn Station and had to wait six hours for the next train.
        • A kinship relationship between people.
        • An individual who is related to oneself, through either family or business.
          • Eg.I have some connections in Lancashire.
        • A set of sets that contains the empty set, all one-element sets for any element that is included in any of the sets, and the union of any group of sets that are elements where the intersections of those sets is non-empty.
        • Coherence; lack of disjointedness
        • The description for a Methodist denomination as a whole, as opposed to its constituent churches, circuits, districts and conferences.
        • Sexual intercourse
  • conquer #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒŋkə/
      • /ˈkɑŋkɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To defeat in combat; to subjugate.
        • To acquire by force of arms, win in war.
          • Eg.In 1453, the Ottoman Empire conquered Istanbul.
        • To overcome an abstract obstacle.
          • Eg.Today I conquered my fear of flying by finally boarding a plane.
        • To gain, win, or obtain by effort.
          • conquer freedom;   to conquer a peace
  • conscience #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kɒnʃəns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The moral sense of right and wrong, chiefly as it affects one's own behaviour.
          • Eg.Your conscience is your highest authority.
        • (chiefly fiction) A personification of the moral sense of right and wrong, usually in the form of a person, a being or merely a voice that gives moral lessons and advices.
        • Consciousness; thinking; awareness, especially self-awareness.
  • conscious #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒn.ʃəs/
      • /ˈkɑn.ʃəs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The part of the mind that is aware of itself; the consciousness.
      • adjective
        • Alert, awake; with one's mental faculties active.
          • Eg.The noise woke me, but it was another few minutes before I was fully conscious.
        • Aware of one's own existence; aware of one's own awareness.
          • Eg.Only highly intelligent beings can be fully conscious.
        • Aware of, sensitive to; observing and noticing, or being strongly interested in or concerned about.
          • Eg.I was conscious of a noise behind me.   a very class-conscious analysis
        • Deliberate, intentional, done with awareness of what one is doing.
        • Known or felt personally, internally by a person.
          • Eg.conscious guilt
        • Self-conscious.
  • consciousness #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒnʃəsnəs/
      • /ˈkɑnʃəsnəs/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The state of being conscious or aware; awareness.
  • consecutive #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kɒnsɛkjʊtɪv/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A sequence of notes or chords that results from repeated shifts in pitch of the same interval.
        • A linguistic form that implies or describes an event that follows temporally from another.
        • Consecutive interpretation.
      • adjective
        • Following, in succession, without interruption
        • Having some logical sequence
  • consensus #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A process of decision-making that seeks widespread agreement among group members.
        • General agreement among the members of a given group or community, each of which exercises some discretion in decision-making and follow-up action.
          • Eg.After years of debate over the best wine to serve at Thanksgiving, no real consensus has emerged.
        • Average projected value.
          • Eg.a financial consensus forecast
  • consent #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsɛnt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Voluntary agreement or permission.
        • Unity or agreement of opinion, sentiment, or inclination.
        • Advice; counsel.
      • verb
        • To express willingness, to give permission.
          • Eg.After reflecting a little bit, I've consented.
        • To cause to sign a consent form.
        • To grant; to allow; to assent to.
        • To agree in opinion or sentiment; to be of the same mind; to accord; to concur.
  • consequence #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒnsɪkwɛns/
      • /ˈkɑnsɪkwəns/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • That which follows something on which it depends; that which is produced by a cause.
        • A result of actions, especially if such a result is unwanted or unpleasant.
          • Eg.I'm warning you. If you don't get me the report on time, there will be consequences.
        • A proposition collected from the agreement of other previous propositions; any conclusion which results from reason or argument; inference.
        • Chain of causes and effects; consecution.
        • Importance with respect to what comes after.
        • The power to influence or produce an effect.
        • (especially when preceded by "of") Importance, value, or influence.
      • verb
        • To threaten or punish (a child, etc.) with specific consequences for misbehaviour.
  • consequently #card
    • Phonetics:
      • audio
      • /ˈkɒnsɪˌkwɛntli/
      • /ˈkɑːnsəˌkwɛntli/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • As a result or consequence of something.
          • Eg.He didn't wake up early. Consequently, he was late to work.
        • (sequence) subsequently, following after in time or sequence.
  • conservation #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌkɑnsə(ɹ)ˈveɪʃən/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of preserving, guarding, or protecting; the keeping (of a thing) in a safe or entire state; preservation.
        • Wise use of natural resources.
        • The discipline concerned with protection of biodiversity, the environment, and natural resources
        • Genes and associated characteristics of biological organisms that are unchanged by evolution, for example similar or identical nucleic acid sequences or proteins in different species descended from a common ancestor
        • (culture) The protection and care of cultural heritage, including artwork and architecture, as well as historical and archaeological artifacts
        • Lack of change in a measurable property of an isolated physical system (conservation of energy, mass, momentum, electric charge, subatomic particles, and fundamental symmetries)
  • conservative #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsɜːvətɪv/
      • /kənˈsɝvətɪv/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A person who favors maintenance of the status quo.
      • adjective
        • Cautious.
        • Tending to resist change or innovation.
          • Eg.The curriculum committee at this university is extremely conservative.
        • Based on pessimistic assumptions.
          • Eg.At a conservative estimate, growth may even be negative next year.
        • Supporting some combination of fiscal, political or social conservatism.
        • Relating to the Conservative Party.
        • Neither creating nor destroying a given quantity.
        • Having power to preserve in a safe or entire state, or from loss, waste, or injury; preservative.
        • Relating to Conservative Judaism.
        • (clothing) Conventional, traditional, and moderate in style and appearance; not extreme, excessive, faddish, or intense.
        • Not including any operation or intervention (said of a treatment, see conservative treatment)
  • conserve #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Wilderness where human development is prohibited.
        • A jam or thick syrup made from fruit.
        • A medicinal confection made of freshly gathered vegetable substances mixed with finely powdered refined sugar.
        • A conservatory.
      • verb
        • To save for later use, sometimes by the use of a preservative.
          • conserve fruits with sugar
        • To protect an environment.
        • To remain unchanged during a process
  • consider #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsɪdə/
      • /kənˈsɪdɚ/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To think about seriously.
          • Eg.Consider that we’ve had three major events and the year has hardly begun.
        • To think about something seriously or carefully: to deliberate.
        • To think of doing.
          • Eg.I’m considering going to the beach tomorrow.
        • (ditransitive) To assign some quality to.
          • Eg.Consider yourself lucky, but consider your opponent skillful.
        • To look at attentively.
          • Eg.She sat there for a moment, considering him.
        • To take up as an example.
          • Eg.Consider a triangle having three equal sides.
        • (parliamentary procedure) To debate (or dispose of) a motion.
          • Eg.This body will now consider the proposed amendments to Section 453 of the zoning code.
        • To have regard to; to take into view or account; to pay due attention to; to respect.
          • Eg.He never seems to consider the feelings of others.
  • considerable #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsɪdəɹəbl̩/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A thing to be considered, consideration.
      • adjective
        • Significant; worth considering.
          • Eg.I've spent a considerable amount of time on this.
        • Large in amount.
  • considerably #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsɪdəɹəbli/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • Significantly; to a degree worth considering.
          • Eg.The situation has improved considerably.
  • consideration #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˌsɪdəˈɹeɪʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The thought process of considering, of taking multiple or specified factors into account (with of being the main corresponding adposition).
          • Eg.After much consideration, I have decided to stay.
        • Something considered as a reason or ground for a (possible) decision.
        • The tendency to consider others.
          • Eg.Will you noisy children show some consideration and stop your infernal screaming? I'm trying to study!
        • A payment or other recompense for something done.
          • Eg.Sure I'll move my car, but only for a consideration.
        • A matter of inducement for something promised; something valuable given as recompense for a promise, which causes the promise to become binding as a contract.
        • Importance, claim to notice, regard.
  • consist #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsɪst/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To be.
        • To exist.
        • (with in) To be comprised or contained.
        • (with of) To be composed, formed, or made up (of).
          • Eg.The greeting package consists of some brochures, a pen, and a notepad.
  • consistency #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsɪst(ə)nsi/
      • /kənˈsɪstənsi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Local coherence.
        • Correspondence or compatibility.
        • Reliability or uniformity; the quality of being consistent.
          • Eg.They want to achieve a high degree of consistency in their process and their product.
        • The degree of viscosity of something.
          • Eg.Mix it until it has the consistency of a thick paste.
        • Freedom from contradiction; the state of a system of axioms such that none of the propositions deduced from them are mutually contradictory.
        • Firmness of constitution or character; substantiality; durability; persistency.
  • consistent #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsɪstənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • (in the plural) Objects or facts that are coexistent, or in agreement with one another.
        • A kind of penitent who was allowed to assist at prayers, but was not permitted to receive the holy sacraments.
      • adjective
        • Of a regularly occurring, dependable nature.
          • Eg.He is very consistent in his political choices: economy good or bad, he always votes Labour!
        • Compatible, accordant.
        • Of a set of statements: such that no contradiction logically follows from them.
  • consistently #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • (manner) In a consistent manner.
        • (frequency) constantly; always.
  • consolidate #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • verb
        • To combine into a single unit; to group together or join.
          • Eg.He consolidated his luggage into a single large bag.
        • To make stronger or more solid.
        • To pay off several debts with a single loan.
      • adjective
        • Formed into a solid mass; made firm; consolidated.
  • conspiracy #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈspɪɹəsi/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of two or more persons, called conspirators, working secretly to obtain some goal, usually understood with negative connotations.
        • An agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future.
        • A group of ravens.
        • A group of lemurs.
        • A situation in which different phonological or grammatical rules lead to similar or related outcomes.
        • (by ellipsis) A conspiracy theory; a hypothesis alleging conspiracy.
      • verb
        • To conspire.
  • constant #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒnstənt/
      • /ˈkɑnstənt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • That which is permanent or invariable.
        • A quantity that remains at a fixed value throughout a given discussion.
        • Any property of an experiment, determined numerically, that does not change under given circumstances.
        • An identifier that is bound to an invariant value; a fixed value given a name to aid in readability of source code.
      • adjective
        • Unchanged through time or space; permanent.
        • Consistently recurring over time; persistent.
        • Steady in purpose, action, feeling, etc.
        • Firm; solid; not fluid.
        • Consistent; logical.
        • (complexity theory) Bounded above by a constant.
          • Eg.constant time   constant space
  • constantly #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒnstəntli/
      • audio
    • Meanings:
      • adverb
        • With steadfastness; with resolve; in loyalty, faithfully.
        • In a constant manner; occurring continuously; persistently.
        • (frequency) Recurring regularly.
          • Eg.I find that I am constantly reminding you to feed your pets.
        • In an unchangeable or invariable manner; in every case.
  • constituency #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A district represented by one or more elected officials.
          • Eg.John was elected to parliament from the Bedford constituency.
        • (collective) The voters within such a district.
        • (collective) The residents of such a district.
        • (collective) The voters of a candidate.
        • An interest group or fan base.
  • constitute #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒnstɪtjuːt/ audio
      • /ˈkɑnstɪt(j)uːt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • An established law.
      • verb
        • To set up; to establish; to enact.
        • To make up; to compose; to form.
        • To appoint, depute, or elect to an office; to make and empower.
  • constitution #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃən/
      • /ˌkɑnstɪˈtuʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act, or process of setting something up, or establishing something; the composition or structure of such a thing; its makeup.
        • The formal or informal system of primary principles and laws that regulates a government or other institutions.
        • A legal document describing such a formal system.
        • A person's physical makeup or temperament, especially in respect of robustness.
          • Eg.He has a strong constitution, so he should make a quick recovery from the illness.
        • The general health of a person.
  • constitutional #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃənəl/
      • /ˌkɑnstɪˈtuːʃənəl/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • A walk that is taken regularly for good health and wellbeing.
      • adjective
        • Relating to a legal or political constitution.
          • Eg.Brexit has rocked the foundations and plunged everyone into a state of heightened constitutional anxiety.
        • In compliance with or valid under a legal or political constitution.
          • Eg.The Court of Appeal ruled against the accused and found the law constitutional.
        • Belonging to, or inherent in, the constitution, or in the structure of body or mind.
          • Eg.a constitutional infirmity
        • For the benefit of one's constitution or health.
          • Eg.a constitutional walk
  • constraint #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈstɹeɪnt/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something that constrains; a restriction.
        • An irresistible force or compulsion.
        • The repression of one's feelings.
        • A condition that a solution to an optimization problem must satisfy.
        • A linkage or other restriction that maintains database integrity.
  • construct #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /ˈkɒn.stɹʌkt/
      • /ˈkɑn.stɹʌkt/
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • Something constructed from parts.
          • Eg.Loops and conditional statements are constructs in computer programming.
        • A concept or model.
          • Eg.Bohr's theoretical construct of the atom was soon superseded by quantum mechanics.
        • (genetics) A segment of nucleic acid, created artificially, for transplantation into a target cell or tissue.
      • verb
        • To build or form (something) by assembling parts.
          • Eg.We constructed the radio from spares.
        • To build (a sentence, an argument, etc.) by arranging words or ideas.
          • Eg.A sentence may be constructed with a subject, verb and object.
        • To draw (a geometric figure) by following precise specifications and using geometric tools and techniques.
          • Eg.Construct a circle that touches each vertex of the given triangle.
  • construction #card
    • Phonetics:
      • /kənˈstɹʌkʃən/ audio
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The process of constructing.
          • Eg.Construction is underway on the new bridge.
        • Anything that has been constructed.
          • Eg.The engineer marvelled at his construction.
        • The trade of building structures.
          • Eg.He had worked in construction all his life.
        • A building, model or some other structure.
          • Eg.The office was a construction of steel and glass.
        • A (usually non-representational) structure, such as a collage etc.
          • Eg."Construction in string and clockwork" took first prize.
        • The manner in which something is built.
          • Eg.A thing of simple construction.
        • (grammar) A group of words arranged to form a meaningful phrase.
        • The act or result of construing the meaning of something.
          • Eg.American conservatives tend to favor strict construction of the Constitution.
        • The meaning or interpretation of a text, action etc.; the way something is viewed by an observer or onlooker.
        • A geometric figure of arcs and line segments that is drawable with a straightedge and compass.
  • consult #card
    • Phonetics:
    • Meanings:
      • noun
        • The act of consulting or deliberating; consultation
        • The result of consultation; determination; d
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