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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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"about game of life rules"
"a location with a cell will have a cell in next generation
if it has the right number of neighbors"
(will-have-cell? [1 2] [[1 2] [1 1] [1 3]]) => true
(will-have-cell? [1 2] [[1 2] [1 1]]) => false
(will-have-cell? [1 2] [[1 2] [1 1] [1 3] [2 2]]) => true
(will-have-cell? [1 2] [[1 2] [0 2] [1 1] [1 3] [2 2]]) => false)
"a location without a cell will have a cell in next generation
if it has the right number of neighbors"
(will-have-cell? [1 2] [[1 1] [1 3]]) => false
(will-have-cell? [1 2] [[1 1] [1 3] [2 2]]) => true
(will-have-cell? [1 2] [[1 1]]) => false))
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