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;; Collections in Clojure
;; Distinctive characteristics
;; * They are mainly used in terms of abstractions, not the details of concrete implementations.
;; * They are immutable and persistent.
;; 1. Clojure collection data structures
;; 1.1. Vectors
[1 "ab" 3 true]
(vector 1 2 3)
(nth [1 3 6] 1)
; (nth [1 3 6] 4)
;=> java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: null
(conj [3 4 5] 1)
(conj [3 4 5] 1 2)
(get [1 "ab" 3 true] 2)
([1 "ab" 3 true] 2)
;; 1.2. Lists
'(2 "a" :c)
(list 3 \t "q")
(conj '(1 2) 3)
(conj '(1 2) 3 4)
(nth '(1 3 6) 1)
;(nth '(1 3 6) 4)
;=> java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: null
;('(1 3 6) 2)
;=> java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
;; 1.3. Maps
{"a" 1 :b :value 1 "hola"}
(hash-map :a 5 :b "hola")
{[1 2] "2" :a {:b 4}}
(def m {:a "hola" :b 5 :c "p"})
(assoc m :d 3)
(assoc m :a 3)
(assoc m :a 3 :f 7)
(conj m [:h "pepe"])
(dissoc m :a)
(get {"a" 1 :b :value 1 "hola"} :b)
(m :a)
(:a m)
;; 1.4. Sets
#{1 3 2} ; <- for some reason this valid expression gives an error on the console
; on my LightTable version.
; If you have the same problem, comment it so you can use the console
; to later follow the lazy-seq example
(hash-set 1 2 3)
(contains? #{1 2 3} 4)
(conj #{2 3 5} 1 4 5)
(disj #{2 3 5} 3)
(#{2 4 3} 3)
(#{3 4} 5)
(get #{2 4 3} 3)
(get #{3 4} 5)
;; 2. Abstractions
;; Small approachable APIs, on top of which auxiliary functions are built.
;; From a user point of view, these "core" functions and auxiliary functions
;; are indistinguishable.
;; There are 7 different primary abstractions in which Clojure's data
;; structure implementations participate:
;; * Collection
;; * Sequence
;; * Associative
;; * Indexed
;; * Stack
;; * Set
;; * Sorted
;; 2.1 Collections.
;; All data structures in Clojure participate in this abstraction.
;; A collection is a value that can be used with the set of core collection
;; functions: conj, seq, count, empty, =
;; They are polymorphic respect to the concrete type of collection being operated upon.
;; Each operation provides semantics consistent with the constraints of
;; each data structure implementation.
;; empty examples
(empty [1 3 4])
(empty '())
(empty {:f 3 :g 6})
(empty #{3 6})
;; conj examples (constraint to satisfy: add the value in the most efficient way)
(conj [1 2 3] 5)
(conj '(1 2 3) 5)
(conj {:a 1 :v 4} [:b 6])
(conj #{3 6} 6 7 3)
;; seq
(seq [3 4 6])
(seq '(3 4 6))
(seq #{3 4 6})
(seq {:a 1 :v 4})
;; count
(count [3 4 6])
(count '(3 4 6))
(count #{3 4 6})
(count {:a 1 :b 3})
;; coll?
(coll? nil)
(coll? [1 2 3])
(coll? {:language "ClojureScript" :file-extension "cljs"})
(coll? "ClojureScript")
;; Helper functions use them implicitly to be able to work with different data structures
(into [] {1 2, 3 4})
(into {} {1 2, 3 4})
(map identity [:a 1 :v 4])
(map identity {:a 1 :v 4})
(doc map)
;; 2.2 Sequences.
;; The sequence abstractions defines a way to obtain and traverse sequential views
;; over some source of values:
;; either another collection or successive values that are the result of some computation.
;; They involve some more operation in addition to the base provided by
;; the collection abstraction: cons, list*, first, rest, next, lazy-seq
;; Types that are sequable includes:
;; - All Clojure collection types
;; - All Java collections
;; - All Java maps
;; - All java.lang.CharSequences including String
;; - All type that implements java.langIterable
;; - Arrays
;; - nil
;; - Anything that implements Clojure's clojure.lang.Seqable interface
;; Examples of sequable stuff:
(seq (java.util.ArrayList. [1 2]))
(seq "hola")
(seq {})
(seq nil)
;; seq? and seqable?
;; (ClojureScript has seqable but Clojure doesn't)
;; We got this possible definition for Clojure
;; from
(defn seqable?
"Returns true if (seq x) will succeed, false otherwise."
(or (seq? x)
(instance? clojure.lang.Seqable x)
(nil? x)
(instance? Iterable x)
(.isArray (.getClass ^Object x))
(string? x)
(instance? java.util.Map x)))
(seq? nil)
(seqable? nil)
(seq? [])
(seqable? [])
(seq? #{1 2 3})
(seqable? #{1 2 3})
(seq? "ClojureScript")
(seqable? "ClojureScript")
;; Many functions that work with sequences call seq
;; on their argument(s) implicitly
(into [] {1 2, 3 4})
(into {} {1 2, 3 4})
(map identity [:a 1 :v 4])
(map identity {:a 1 :v 4})
;; next vs rest
;(= (next x) (seq (rest x)))
(next [1 2 3])
(rest [1 2 3])
(next [])
(rest [])
;; destructuring head from tail implicitly uses next
(defn head-tail [[head & tail]]
[head tail])
(head-tail [1 2 3])
(head-tail [1])
;; * Sequences are not iterators
;; They are immutable persistent collections
;; * Sequences are not lists
;; - Obtaining the length of a sequence carries a cost.
;; - The content of sequences can be computed lazily and actually
;; realized only when the values involved are accessed.
;; - The computation that is producing values for a lazy sequence
;; can opt to produce an unlimited progression of those values,
;; thus making it possible for sequences to be infinite
;; and therefore uncountable.
;; * Creating seqs
;; - Using functions from the sequence library
;; (most of them return lazy sequences)
;; - Directly with cons or list*
;; Mostly used for writing macros and to assemble lazy sequences.
(cons 2 (cons 1 [1 2]))
(list* 1 3 4 [1 2])
;; Lazy sequences
;; Their contents are evaluated lazily.
;; Values are produced as the result of a computation performed on demand
;; when a consumer tries to access them.
;; They can be created lazy-seq or using functions
;; from the sequence library (most of them return lazy sequences)
(defn natural-numbers
([] (natural-numbers 1))
(println n)
(cons n (lazy-seq (natural-numbers (inc n))))))
(def nums (natural-numbers))
(dorun (take 2 nums))
(println "koko")
(dorun (take 5 nums))
(println "koko")
(dorun (take 10 nums))
;; rest is better for laziness that next
;; because next evaluates the head of the tail
;; 2.3 Associative
;; The associative abstraction is shared by data structures
;; that link keys and values in some way.
;; It's defined by four operations: assoc, dissoc, get, contains?
;; The canonical associative data structure is the map.
;; contains? and get also works on sets
(contains? #{3 5} 3)
(contains? #{2 5} 3)
(get #{3 5} 3)
(get #{2 5} 3)
;; assoc and get also work on vectors
(assoc [1 3 2 4] 4 "5")
(get [1 2 3 4] 2)
;; but not on lists
;(assoc '(1 3 2 4) 4 "5")
;=> java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Associative
(get '(1 2 3 4) 2)
; contains? returns true if there's a value associated with the given key
(contains? [3 5] 3)
(contains? [3 5] 0)
;; For vectors and lists better use the some function
(#{2 4 3} 3)
(#{3 4} 5)
(some #{3} [3 5])
(some #{3} [2 5])
(defn includes? [coll value]
(not= nil (some #{value} coll)))
(includes? [3 5] 3)
(includes? [3 5] 1)
;; Beware nil values in maps
; How do you know if nil is a value associated to a key
; or the result of not finding anything?
(get {:a 1 :b nil :c "hola"} :b)
(get {:a 1 :b nil :c "hola"} :d)
; You can use a default value
(get {:a 1 :b nil :c "hola"} :d "default")
; But how do you know if your default value is a value associated to a key
; or the result of not finding anything?
(get {:a 1 :b nil :c "default"} :c "default")
(get {:a 1 :b nil :c "default"} :d "default")
;; Better use find
(find {:a 1 :b nil :c "default"} :c)
(find {:a 1 :b nil :c "default"} :d)
;; Maps are functions on keys
({:a 1 :b 3 :c "koko"} :c)
;; And keywords are functions on maps
(:c {:a 1 :b 3 :c "koko"})
;; 2.4 Indexed
;; It consists of only one function nth, which is a specialization of get
;; that throws an exception when dealing with out-of-bounds indices (get returns nil).
;; Vectors, lists and seqs can support it.
(nth [2 3 6] 2)
;(nth [2 3 6] 3) ; java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: null
(nth '(2 3 6) 2)
(nth (seq {:a 5 :b 3}) 1)
;; 2.5 Stack
;; Collections supporting LIFO semantics
;; Clojure doesn't have a distinct stack data structure.
;; It supports a stack abstraction via 3 operations: conj, pop and peek
;; Both lists and vectors can be used as stacks, only differing in where
;; the top of the stack is (where conj can efficiently operate)
;; The 3 functions are consistent operating on the right end of the data structure,
;; so you don't care if it's either a vector or a list.
(def v [1])
(peek v)
(pop v)
(conj v 4)
(peek (conj v 4))
(def ls '(1))
(peek ls)
(pop ls)
(conj ls 4)
(peek (conj ls 4))
;; 2.6 Sets.
;; As we saw sets participate partially in the associative abstraction: get and contains?
;; A sort of degenerate map.
;; Set fundamental operations are in clojure.set name space
(use 'clojure.set)
(clojure.set/intersection #{1 3 5 7} #{3 5 2})
(clojure.set/union #{1 3 5 7} #{3 5 2})
(clojure.set/difference #{1 3 5 7} #{3 5 2})
(clojure.set/subset? #{1 3 5 7} #{1 5})
(clojure.set/superset? #{1 3 5 7} #{1 5})
;; 2.6 Sorted.
;; Collections that participate in the sorted abstraction
;; guarantee that their values will be maintained in a stable
;; ordering that is optionally defined by a predicate or
;; implementation of a special comparator interface.
;; This allows to efficiently obtain in-order and reverse-order seqs
;; over all or a subrange of such collections' values.
;; rseq, subseq, rsubseq (rseq is actually from reversible abstraction)
;; Only maps and sets are available in sorted variants
(sorted-map :a 5 :b "hola")
(sorted-set 1 2 3)
(subseq (sorted-map :a 5 :c "koko" :b "hola") > :a < :c)
(rsubseq (sorted-map :a 5 :c "koko" :b "hola") > :a)
;; Vectors support reversible but not sorted
(rseq [1 2 3])
;(subseq [1 2 3] < 2)
;=> java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.PersistentVector cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Sorted
;; Lists none of them
;(rsubseq '(1 2 3) < 2)
;=> java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.PersistentVector cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Sorted
;(rseq '(1 2 3))
;=> java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Reversible
;; Compare defines the default ascending sort (like starship operator)
(compare 2 1)
(compare 2 2)
(compare 2 3)
(compare "a" "b")
(compare :a :b)
(compare [1 3] [1 1])
(compare [1 3] [1 3])
(compare [1 3] [1 4])
;; Comparators are predicates to define order
(sort < (repeatedly 10 #(rand-int 100)))
(sort-by first < (map-indexed vector "Clojure"))
;; sorted-set-by, sorted-map-by
;; You can pass this factory functions a comparator to sort the resulting data structure
(sorted-set-by > 3 5 8 2 1)
(sorted-map-by #(- (compare %1 %2)) :a 5 :b "hola")
;; If you use < and compare as comparators in the previous examples you get
;; the same results you get using sorted-set and sorted-map, respectively
(sorted-set-by < 3 5 8 2 1)
(sorted-set 3 5 8 2 1)
(sorted-map-by compare :a 5 :b "hola")
(sorted-map :a 5 :b "hola")
;; To learn more:
;; Clojure Programming, Practical Lisp for the Java World. Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, Christophe Grand
;; Great book!! I got most of this from it.
;; Clojure data structures ->
;; Clojure sequences ->
;; Collections and Sequences in Clojure ->
;; Clojure Data Structures Part 1, Rich Hickey ->
;; Clojure Data Structures Part 2, Rich Hickey ->
;; ClojureScript Unraveled, Andrey Antukh, Alejandro Gómez ->
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