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Created November 9, 2014 16:37
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(ns bowling-game.core-test
(:use midje.sweet)
(:use [bowling-game.core]))
(def a-gutter-game (repeat 20 0))
(def a-no-spares-no-strikes-game
(concat [1 6 4 5 3 1] (repeat 14 0)))
(def a-game-with-spares
(concat [4 6 4 5 3 1] (repeat 14 0)))
(def a-game-with-strikes
(concat [10 4 5 3 1] (repeat 14 0)))
(def a-game-with-spare-in-10th-frame
(concat (repeat 14 0) [3 1 4 2 4 6] [2]))
(def a-game-with-strike-in-10th-frame
(concat (repeat 14 0) [3 1 4 2 10] [2 3]))
(def a-perfect-game
(repeat 12 10))
(facts "about bowling-game"
(fact "it scores a game with no spins down"
(score a-gutter-game) => 0)
(fact "it scores a game with neither spares nor strikes"
(score a-no-spares-no-strikes-game) => 20)
(fact "it scores a game with a spare"
(score a-game-with-spares) => 27)
(fact "it scores a game with a strike"
(score a-game-with-strikes) => 32)
(fact "it scores a game with a spare in the 10th frame"
(score a-game-with-spare-in-10th-frame) => 22)
(fact "it scores a game with a strike in the 10th frame"
(score a-game-with-strike-in-10th-frame) => 25)
(fact "it scores a perfect game"
(score a-perfect-game) => 300))
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