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Last active February 9, 2017 19:54
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;; Sequence comprehensions
;; Clojure generalizes the notion of list comprehension to sequence comprehension
;; Clojure comprehension uses the for macro
;; It takes a vector of binding-form - coll-expr (generator),
;; plus optional filtering expressions
;; and then yields a sequence of expressions
;; (for [binding-form coll-expr filter-expr? ...] expr)
;; 1. Generators
;; 1.1. An example using only one generator
(def three-digits (seq [1 2 3]))
(for [x1 three-digits]
(def three-letters ["A" "B" "C"])
;; 1.2. An example using two generators
(for [x1 three-letters
x2 three-digits]
[x1 x2])
;; 2. :when clause
;; It filters the elements that are used in the expression
(for [x1 three-digits
x2 three-digits
:when (and (even? x1) (odd? x2))]
[x1 x2 (* x1 x2)])
(defn neighbors [[x-cell y-cell]]
(set (for [x (range (dec x-cell) (+ x-cell 2))
y (range (dec y-cell) (+ y-cell 2))
:when (not (and (= x x-cell) (= y y-cell)))]
[x y])))
(neighbors [0 0])
;; 3. :while clause
;; The evaluation continues while its expression holds true
(def integers (iterate inc 0))
(for [n integers
:while (even? n)] n)
(for [n integers
:while (odd? n)] n)
;; 4. :let allows you to make bindings with derived values
(for [x1 three-digits
x2 three-digits]
(* x1 x2))
(for [x1 three-digits
x2 three-digits
:let [y (* x1 x2)]
:when (> y 5)]
;; Example from Michiel Borkent answer to a question on Stack Overflow (see Reference 2)
;; Although
(for [i (range 10)
:let [x (* i 2)]]
;; is equivalent to:
(for [i (range 10)]
(let [x (* i 2)]
;; you can see the difference when used in combination with :when (or :while):
(for [i (range 10)
:let [x (* i 2)]
:when (> i 5)]
[i x])
(for [i (range 10)]
(let [x (* i 2)]
(when (> i 5) x)))
;; 5. List comprehensions are more general than filter and map, and can in fact emulate them
;; 5.1 Map
(map #(* % %) (range 1 10))
(for [num (range 1 10)]
(* num num))
;; 5.2 Filter (using :when)
(filter odd? (range 1 10))
(for [num (range 1 10)
:when (odd? num)]
;; 5.3 More than map and filter
;(map #(* % %) (filter #(< % 10) integers)) ; <- can't run!
(for [num integers
:while (< num 10)
:when (odd? num)]
(* num num))
;; References
;; 1. Programming Clojure, 2nd edition. Stuart Halloway and Aaron Bedra
;; 2. Use of :let modifier in Clojure, Stack Overflow (
;; 3. Project Euler: Problem 4 in Clojure, Leonardo Borges (
;; 4. for - clojure.core in ClojureDocs (
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