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;; Destructuring
;; Destructuring is a concise syntax for declaratively pulling apart collections and
;; binding values contained therein as named locals within a let form.
;; (Clojure Programming, Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, Christophe Grand)
;; Since it's a facility provided by let, it can be used
;; in any expression that implicitly uses let (like fn, defn, loop, etc).
;; It comes in two flavours:
;; 1. Sequential Destructuring
(def v [51 25 3 [4 5] 6 7 [88 [99 11] 33]])
;; 1.1 Simple examples
;; [51 25 3 [4 5] 6 7 [88 [99 11] 33]]
;; [x y ]
(let [[x y] v]
(vector x y))
;; [51 25 3 [4 5] 6 7 [88 [99 11] 33]]
;; [x _ y ]
(let [[x _ y] v]
(vector x y))
;; [51 25 3 [4 5] 6 7 [88 [99 11] 33]]
;; [x _ _ v1 ]
(let [[x _ _ v1] v]
(vector x v1))
;; _ does not have a special semantics.
;; It is just a valid name for a var
;; that is used as a convention meaning
;; that you are not interested in its value.
(let [[x _ _ v1] v]
;; 1.2 Nested examples
;; [51 25 3 [4 5] 6 7 [88 [99 11] 33]]
;; [x _ _ [_ y] ]
(let [[x _ _ [_ y]] v]
(+ x y))
;; [51 25 3 [4 5] 6 7 [88 [99 11] 33]]
;; [_ _ _ [_ _] _ _ [_ [_ x] y]]
(let [[_ _ _ _ _ _ [_ [_ x] y]] v]
(+ x y))
;; [51 25 3 [4 5 8 9 3] 6 7 [88 [99 11] 33]]
;; [_ _ _ [_ z] _ _ [_ [_ x] y]]
(let [[_ _ _ [_ z] _ _ [_ [_ x] y]] v]
(vector z x y))
;; 1.3 Rest of values: &
(def values1 ["hi" "there" "koko" "moko"])
;; ["hi" "there" "koko" "moko"]
;; [_ & the-rest ]
(let [[_ & the-rest] values1]
;; Notice that how the-rest is a sequence, regardless the original collection being a vector
;; ["hi" "there" "koko" "moko"]
;; [_ _ & the-rest ]
(let [[_ _ & the-rest] values1]
;; ["hi" "there" "koko" "moko"]
;; [& the-rest ]
(let [[& the-rest] values1]
(rest [])
(next [])
;; & has the same semantics as next (like rest except that (= nil (next '())))
(let [[_ _ _ _ & the-rest] values1]
; This is how you can have varargs in functions
(defn +-mine [& args]
(apply + args))
(defn show-separated-by-commas [& args]
(clojure.string/join ", " args))
(show-separated-by-commas 1 5 "hola")
;; 1.4 Retaining the original collection: :as
(def coll [3 5 8 9])
(let [[x y & the-rest :as orig-coll] coll]
(show-separated-by-commas x y the-rest orig-coll))
;; 1.5 Sequencial destructuring works with:
;; 1.5.a. Clojure lists, vectors and seqs
;; Lists
(let [[a _ c] '(1 2 3)]
(show-separated-by-commas a c))
;; Seqs
(let [[a _ c] (filter odd? '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))]
(show-separated-by-commas a c))
;; 1.5.b. Any collection that implements java.util.List
(def an-array-list
(doto (java.util.ArrayList.) (.add 1) (.add 2) (.add 3)))
(let [[a _ c] an-array-list]
(show-separated-by-commas a c))
;; 1.5.c. Java arrays
(def an-array (int-array [1 2 3]))
(let [[a _ c d] an-array]
(vector a c d))
;; 1.5.d. Strings, which are destructured into characters
(let [[& characters] "koko"]
(seq "koko")
;; 2. Map Destructuring
(def a-map {:a 1
:b 3
:c [7 8 9]
:d {:e "koko" :f "moko"}
"foo" 88
'g 99
9 "nine"
[1 3] "hola"})
;; 2.1 Simple examples
(let [{x :a y :b} a-map]
(- x y))
;; Order is not important
(let [{y :b x :a} a-map]
(- x y))
(:a a-map)
(:b a-map)
(get a-map :a)
(get a-map :b)
(let [{y "foo"} a-map]
;("foo" a-map)
(get a-map "foo")
(let [{y 'g} a-map]
(get a-map 'g)
(let [{y 9} a-map]
(get a-map 9)
(let [{x [1 3]} a-map]
;; 2.2 Nested examples
;; From a previous example:
;; (def a-map {:a 1
;; :b 3
;; :c [7 8 9]
;; :d {:e "koko" :f "moko"}
;; "foo" 88
;; 'g 99
;; 9 "nine"
;; [1 3] "hola"})
;; 2.2.a Maps nested inside maps
(let [{inner-map :d} a-map]
(let [{{word :f} :d} a-map]
;; Equivalent to using let with successive bindings:
(let [{inner-map :d} a-map
{word :f} inner-map]
;; Or to using get-in:
(get-in a-map [:d :f])
(let [{x :a {word :f} :d other-num :b} a-map]
(show-separated-by-commas x word other-num))
;; 2.2.b Vectors nested inside maps
(def map-with-vector {:a "koko" :b ["hello" "two"]})
(let [{[_ number] :b} map-with-vector]
(let [[_ {x :b}] [1 {:a "x" :b 7}]]
;; 2.3 Map destructuring works with anything that get function works with:
;; 2.3.a Clojure hash-maps, array-maps and records
; array-maps
(def an-array-map (array-map :a 10 :b 20))
(let [{a :a b :b} an-array-map]
(show-separated-by-commas a b))
; Records
(defrecord Point [x y])
(def a-point (Point. 1 2))
(let [{x :x y :y} a-point]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
;; 2.3.b Any collection that implements java.util.Map
(def a-java-hash-map
(doto (java.util.HashMap.)
(.put "a" "Hola")
(.put "b" "koko")
(.put "c" "moko")))
(let [{x "a" y "c" } a-java-hash-map]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
;; 2.3.a Any value that is supported by the get function using indices as keys:
;; Clojure vectors, Strings and arrays
;; Vectors
;; From a previous example -> (def v [51 25 3 [4 5] 6 7 [88 [99 11] 33]])
;; [51 25 3 [4 5] 6 7 [88 [99 11] 33]]
;; [_ _ _ [_ _] _ _ [_ [_ x] y]]
(let [[_ _ _ _ _ _ [_ [_ x] y]] v]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
; It can be also done with map-destructuring and the indexes:
(let [{{{x 1} 1 y 2} 6} v]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
(let [{[_ [_ x] y] 6} v]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
; Or using get-in
(get-in v [6 1 1])
(get-in v [6 2])
; Another example:
; From a previous example -> (def map-with-vector {:a "koko" :b ["hello" "two"]})
(let [{[_ num] :b} map-with-vector]
(get-in map-with-vector [:b 1])
(let [{{num 1} :b} map-with-vector]
;; Arrays
;; From a previous example -> (def an-array (int-array [1 2 3]))
(let [[a _ c] an-array]
(show-separated-by-commas a c))
(let [{a 0 c 2} an-array]
(show-separated-by-commas a c))
;; Strings
(let [[a _ c] "koko"]
(show-separated-by-commas a c))
(let [{a 0 c 2} "koko"]
(show-separated-by-commas a c))
;; 2.4 Retaining the original collection: :as
; From a previous example -> (def map-with-vector {:a "koko" :b ["hello" "two"]})
(let [{a :a :as orig-map} map-with-vector]
(show-separated-by-commas a orig-map))
;; 2.5 Default values: :or
; From a previous example -> (def map-with-vector {:a "koko" :b ["hello" "two"]})
(let [{k :unknown a :a} map-with-vector]
(vector a k))
(let [{k :unknown a :a
:or {k "default-value" a "not-going-to-appear!"}} map-with-vector]
(show-separated-by-commas a k))
;; You can get a similar behaviour using:
(let [{k :unknown} map-with-vector
k (or k "default-value")]
;; But this last code fails to distinguish false from nil
;; So that in this wicked example k gets incorrectly bound -> k should be false!!
(let [{k :unknown} {:unknown false}
k (or k "wrong-value!!!")]
;; It works if you use :or (k is bound to false)
(let [{k :unknown
:or {k "wrong-value!!!"}} {:unknown false}]
;; 2.6 Binding values to their keys names: :keys, :syms, :strs
;; This is very repetitive:
(let [{x :x y :y} {:x 1 :y 2}]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
;; You can write it in a more convenient way:
(let [{:keys [x y]} {:x 1 :y 2}]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
(get '(:x 1 :y 2) :x)
(let [{:keys [x y]} '(:x 1 :y 2)]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
(let [{x 0 y 1} [1 2]]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
(let [{:strs [x y]} {"x" 1 "y" 2}]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
(let [{:syms [x y]} {'x 1 'y 2}]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
;; Notice how the binding names have to be equal to the keys
;; It also works for records
;; From a previous example -> (defrecord Point [x y])
(let [{x :x y :y} (Point. 1 2)]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
(let [{:keys [x y]} (Point. 1 2)]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
;; And for maps using strings as keys
(let [{:keys [x y]} {:x 1 "y" 2}]
(vector x y))
(let [{:keys [x] :strs [y]} {:x 1 "y" 2}]
(vector x y))
(let [{:keys [x] pepito "y"} {:x 1 "y" 2}]
(vector x pepito))
;; And for maps using strings as keys
(let [{x "x" y "y"} {"x" 1 "y" 2}]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
(let [{:strs [x y]} {"x" 1 "y" 2}]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
;; And for maps using symbols as keys
(let [{x 'x y 'y} {'x 1 'y 2}]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
(let [{:syms [x y]} {'x 1 'y 2}]
(show-separated-by-commas x y))
;; 2.7 Rest of key-value pairs: &
(def user-info ["Koko" 47 :address "Sesamo Street 26" :color "blue"])
(let [[name age & {:keys [address color]}] user-info]
(show-separated-by-commas name age address color))
(defn f [ [name age & {:keys [address color]}] ]
(show-separated-by-commas name age address color))
(f user-info)
(defn make-tamagotchi [& {:keys [fulness tiredness]
:or {fulness 0 tiredness 0}}]
{:fulness fulness
:tiredness tiredness})
(make-tamagotchi :tiredness 4)
(make-tamagotchi :fulness 4)
(make-tamagotchi :fulness 4 :tiredness 8)
(let [{:keys [fulness tiredness]
:or {fulness 0 tiredness 0}} '(:fulness 4)]
(vector fulness tiredness))
;; This can be used to have function with keyword arguments.
;; To learn more:
;; Clojure Programming, Practical Lisp for the Java World. Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, Christophe Grand
;; The complete guide to Clojure destructuring ->
;; Pattern Matching vs. Destructuring… to the death! ->
;; Clojure: Destructuring ->
;; Clojure’s Mini-languages ->
;; Destructuring on ClojureBridge ->
;; Clojure Binding Forms (Destructuring) ->
;; Clojure Destructuring Tutorial and Cheat Sheet ->
;; Beautiful Clojure – Destructuring data ->
;; Grover ->
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