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Created December 12, 2021 07:04
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인공지능 개론 - Topics

Online Resource


Uninformed Search Algorithm

  • BFS
  • DFS
  • Evaluation of Search Algorithms
  • DFS with a depth-limit L
  • Iterative Deepening Search (IDS)
  • IDS in Practice
  • Uniform Cost Search
  • Comparison of Uninformed Search Algorithms
  • BFS, DFS, Uniform-Cost, Depth-Limited, Iterative Deepening

Informed/Heuristic Search Algorithm

  • Limitations of uninformed search
  • Heuristic function
  • Greedy best-first search
  • A* Search
  • Admissible heuristics
  • Inventing heuristics via “relaxed problems”
  • Techniques for generating heuristics
  • Local search and optimization
  • Hill-climbing search
  • Hill climbing and local maxima

Adversarial Search Algorithm (Game Playing Search)

  • Games–adversary
  • Game tree
  • Minimax strategy
  • Two-Ply Game Tree
  • Multiplayer games
  • Alpha-Beta Pruning Algorithm
  • Utility(or Evaluation) Functions

Constraint Satisfaction Problem

  • Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP)
  • Constraint graph
  • Backtracking search for CSPs
  • Improving backtracking efficiency
  • Most constrained variable
  • Least constraining value
  • Forward checking
  • Local search for CSPs

Decision Tree

  • Decision Tree Splits
  • Good & Poor Splits
  • Split Criteria
  • Impurity (or Diversity) Measures
  • Information Gain
  • Gini Purity (Population Diversity)

kNN-Classification (Instance-Based Learning)

  • KNN
  • Revisited
  • Measuring K-Nearest Neighbors
  • Scaling Attribute Value
  • Distance-Weighted Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
  • Voronoi Diagram

Clustering (k-means, hierarchical)

  • Information retrieval (IR) System
  • Document clustering
  • Clustering Algorithms
  • Flat algorithm
  • Hierarchical algorithms
  • K-Means (flat clustering algorithm)
  • Termination conditions
  • Convergence
  • Time Complexity of K-Means Algorithm
  • Initial Seed Choice in K-Means Algorithm
  • Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm
  • Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering
  • How to Combine Clusters?
  • Single-link, complete-link, and group average-link clusterings
  • Single Link Clustering

  • Naïve Bayes & Bayesian Learning
  • Bayesian Net & Inference
  • ExpectationMaximization - Optional!
  • Artificial Neural Networks I
  • Artificial Neural Networks II

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