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Created December 12, 2021 07:02
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What is Computer Vision?

Acquiring, processing, analyzing, and understanding visual data in order to produce numerical or symbolic information.[wikipedia]

Human Eyes

Topics in Computer Vision

  • Low-level vision (early vision)

    • Image formation
    • Image filtering
    • Optical flow
    • Image segmentation
    • Stereopsis
  • Mid-level

    • Object tracking
    • Human motion analysis
  • High-level vision

    • Object recognition
    • Event detection
    • Scene & video understanding

Python Image Library

  • Pillow
    • Pillow(PIL fork) provides general image handling and lots of useful basic image operations like resizing, cropping, rotating, color conversion and much more.


  • Images are stored in 2D or 3D arrays.
  • Images can be dealt with as a function

What is Image Histogram?

  • A histogram is a distribution of pixel values - each bin has a count of how many pixels have the value.

What is Histogram Equalization?

  • Flattens the histogram so that all intensities are as equally common as possible.

What is Image Filtering?

  • Filtering is a technique for modifying or enhancing an image. For example, you can filter an image to emphasize certain features or remove other features. Image processing operations implemented with filtering include smoothing, sharpening, and edge enhancement.

  • Application of Filtering

    • Enhance an image, e.g., denoise, resize.
    • Extract information, e.g., texture, edges.
    • Detect patterns, e.g., template matching.

Linear Filtering

  • Correlation Filtering
    • Involves weighted combinations of pixels in small neighborhoods.
    • The output pixels value is determined as a weighted sum of input pixel values
    • Filter coefficients
  • Convolution Filtering
  • Symmetric kernel has same results of correlation and convolution filtering.

Separable Linear Filtering

  • The process of performing a convolution requires K2 operations per pixel, where K is the size (width or height) of the convolution kernel.
  • In many cases, this operation can be speed up by first performing a 1D horizontal convolution followed by a 1D vertical convolution, requiring 2K operations.
  • If this is possible, then the convolution kernel is called separable.
    • K = vhT

Study Catalog

Image Histogram

Histogram Equalization

Image Filtering

Linear Filtering

  • Weight Kernel
  • correlation
  • convolution


  • zero
  • warp
  • clamp
  • mirror

Image Derivatives

  • Prewitt
  • Sobel (x-derivative, y-derivative, magnitude)
  • Gaussian (sigma 2, 5, 10)

Separable Linear Filters

  • box
  • bilinear
  • Gaussian
  • Sobel
  • corner Gaussian Pyramid


  • Thresholding function
  • Dilation
  • Erosion
  • Majority
  • Opening
  • Closing
  • Counting Object

Distance Transform Connected components

Edge and lines

Detecting edges 2D edge detection filters

  • Gaussian
  • Derivative
  • Laplacian Directional Derivatives

Canny Edge Detector

  • Hysteresis Thresholding
  • Scale Selection
  • Scale

Line Detection

  • Successive Approximation
  • Hough Transform

Local Image Descriptors

Invariant Local features Corner Detection

  • Approximation
  • Harris Corner Detector
  • FAST

Feature Detection

  • Rotation invariance
  • Scale Invariance

Feature Descriptors

  • MOPS
  • SIFT
  • SURF
  • Binary Descriptors - BRIEF - BRISK - ORB KAZE Feature
  • Edge-preserving blur HOG Feature Feature Matching
  • NNDR
  • Greedy approach
  • Hungarian method

Image Transformations

  • translation
  • Euclidean
  • similarity
  • affine
  • projective (homography)

2D Parametric Transformations

  • translation
  • rigid(Euclidean)
  • similarity
  • affine
  • projective

Degree of Freedom

The number of independent pieces of information that go into the estimate of a parameter is called the degrees of freedom (DOF). In this guide, DOF are given for 3D images.

each of a number of independently variable factors affecting the range of states in which a system may exist, in particular.

Image Warping

  • Forward Warping
  • Inverse warping
  • linear interpolation
  • Homogeneous Coordinate

Homography Estimation

  • (DLT) Direct linear transform

Robust Parameter Estimation

  • Estimation Refinement(개선)
  • LLS
  • NLS
  • LM Algorithm
  • Robust Least-Squares

Parameter Estimation Summary To estimate the parameters of a model for the noisy data:

  • DLT works only for noise-free data.
  • Use RANSAC or similar to filter the outliers.
  • Use optimization for the inliers with the RANSAC result as the initial parameter.
  • Even after RANSAC filtering, using a robust norm in optimization is desired. Panorama Stitching

Image Formation

  • Pinhole Camera Model
  • Projection
  • Projection matrix
  • Parallel lines meet in the image
  • 3d 2d projection
  • Camera Intrinsics
  • Perspective Projection
  • Variable Aperture
  • Lense
  • Depth of field
  • Lens Distortion
  • Tilt-shift
  • Photometric image formation
  • Vignetting: Spatial Non-Uniformity
  • Camera Sensor
  • Color Separation

Structure from motion

Triangulation P3P Pose Estimation Epipolar Geometry Two-frame structure from motion Bundle Adjustment

  • Least squares

2D Homography Planar Homography Pure Rotation


  • Image forma0on by pinhole camera model.
    • Camera intrinsics convertng between pixel coordinates and 3D rays.
    • Perspectve projec0on.
  • Homogeneous coordinates and 2D and 3D transformations.
    • 2D homography — pure rota0on and planar homography.
  • Triangula0on and 3D pose es0ma0on.
  • Epipolar geometry.
    • Two-view structure from mo0on.
  • Bundle adjustment.

Dense Stereo and Depth Estimation

Binocular Stereopsis converging cameras motion parallel with image plane forward motion Stereo Calibration Stereo Rectification Stereo Disparity Sparse Correspondences Dense Correspondence Lighting Conditions (Photometric) Ambiguity Multiple Interpretations Window Problem of Occlusion Stereo Constraints Window correlation global optimization

Stereo matching Dynamic programming Segmentation-based techniques Global Optimization Multi-view stereo

Depth Estimation

Lense Array (Integral Imaging) Structured light laser scanning time of flight


  • Triangulation and epipolar geometry
  • Stereo camera calibration and rectification
  • Sparse / dense correspondence
  • Local methods / global optimization
  • Multi-view stereo

Visual tracking

  • Mean-shift Algorithm

  • Main-shift vector

  • Scale Selection

  • Camshift Tracking

  • Probalbilistic Formation of visual tracking

  • Kalman Filtering

  • Bayesian Filtering

  • Particle Filtering

  • Object Model for tracking

  • Example: Condensation

  • Appearance Model

  • Motion Model

  • Example: Incremental Visual Tracking

  • Object state estimation

  • Tracking as an optimization

  • Optimization methods

  • Iterative Closest Point

  • CMA-ES

  • Non-rigid Surface Tracking using CMA-ES and NURBS

  • Physical simulation

  • Tracking Deformable Objects with Point Clouds

  • MIL Tracker

  • L1 Tracker

  • Hough Track

  • Tracking-Learning-Detection

  • Benchmark Evaluation


  • Visual tracking:
    • Probabilistic inference : estimation of posterior probability density.
    • Optimization : state which gives the minimum cost.
  • Object models
    • Appearance/shape model
    • Motion model
  • Generative / discriminative approaches.
  • Thorough evaluation on tracking accuracy or robustness.

Clustering and Segmentation

Data clustering problem Clustering Algorithms

  • Hierarchical methods
    • Agglomerative clustering
    • divisive clustering
  • Iterative methods
    • k-means clustering
    • EM algorithm
    • Mean-shift algorithm
  • Spectral clustering
    • Normalized cut

Data Affinity

Clustering in computer vision

  • image segmentation
  • foreground/background segmentation
  • feature clustering
  • image/video categorization

k-Means Clustering Procedure

  1. Randomly select k-means.2. Find the association of all samples to the k-means.3. Move the locations of k-means to the mean of the associated samples.
  2. Goto the step 2 and iterate until convergence.
  • Sensitivity to outliers
  • Segmentation by graph partitioning
  • measuring affinity
  • minimum cut
  • minimum graph cut
  • Solving normalized cut

Detection and Recognition

  • Evaluating classifier

  • classifier and Error rates

  • Support Vector Machine

  • Binary classification

  • Linear classifiers

  • Perceptron Algorithm

  • Large margin classifier

  • Dual Formulation

  • Empirical Risk and True Risk

  • VC Dimension

  • Capacity of Functions

  • Capacity of Hyperplanes

  • Linear Support Vector Machine

  • Soft-margin Formulation

  • Soft-margin Optimization

  • Gradient-descent Algorithm for SVM training

  • Non-linear Support Vector Machine

  • The Kernel Tricks

  • AdaBoost and Face Recognition

  • Boosting Approach

  • PAC Learning

  • Boostring Algorithm

  • Characteristics of AdaBoost

  • Face Detection by AdaBoost

  • Integral Image

  • Learning Results

  • Attentional Cascade

  • Cascaded Classifier

Deep Learning

AI - NEURAL NETWORK • Neural Network• Backpropagation• Activation Function • Dropout


Computer Vision Topics

  1. Image formation and optics
  2. Image processing, filtering, Fourier analysis
  3. Pyramids and wavelets
  4. Feature extraction
  5. Image matching
  6. Bag of words
  7. Optical flow
  8. Structure from motion
  9. Multi view stereo
  10. Segmentation
  11. Clustering
  12. Viola-Jones
  13. Bayesian techniques
  14. Machine learning
  15. RANSAC and robust techniques
  16. Numerical methods
  17. Optimization
  18. Range finding, active illumination
  19. Algorithms
  20. Graph cuts
  21. Dynamic programming
  22. Complexity analysis
  23. MATLAB and C++. and assembly (optional: GPU programming)
  24. Communication and presentation skills

Image and features

• NCC • Interest point operators • Scale invariant and affine invariant detectors & descriptors • Scale space • Image processing, filtering, Fourier analysis • Pyramids and wavelets • Edge detection • Restoration e.g. deblurring, super-resolution – Linear, e.g. Wiener filter – MRF – Non-local means/BM3D/bilateral filter

Segmentation, grouping and tracking

• Segmentation – Normalized cuts • Grouping – Hough transforms • Clustering – K-means – Mean-shift – Pedro-clustering • Tracking – Kalmanfilter – Particle filter

Multi-view: stereo, SFM, flow

• RANSAC and other robust techniques • Geometry: – epipolar geometry (projective and affine) – planar homographies – Affine camera • Geometry estimators – 8 point algorithm for F – 4 point algorithm for H • Factorization • Bundle-adjustment • Flow – Horn & Schunck L2 – Lucas-Kanade – L1 regularized


  • Bag of visual words
  • Spatial pyramid
  • Spatial configurations/Pictorial structures
  • Sliding window/jumping window
  • Cascades ​


Machine Learning

  • Adaboost
  • kNN
  • SVM
  • Random forest
  • EM
  • MIL/Latent-SVM
  • Regularization
  • HMM
  • Graphical & Bayesian models


  • Classical linear and non-linear
  • Graph operations
  • Dynamic programming/message passing for MAP, max-marginals
  • Graph cuts for binary variable MAP
  • Texture synthesis
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