This is the "thing you want to run" like pihole, I am using a simple web server.
You'll want to prepare a tar of the container
#### FROM CLIENT (your laptop)
# pull latest
docker pull --platform=linux/arm64 traefik/whoami:latest
# save image
export IMAGE_TAG=$(docker image ls traefik/whoami:latest --format '{{.ID}}')
docker save $IMAGE_TAG -o whoami.tar
# you can use gzip for fatties
# docker save $IMAGE_TAG | gzip > whoami.tar.gz
scp whoami.tar
# shell into container
uxg-setup shell
# make a new entrypoint
cat > /usr/local/bin/ <<EOF
# sleep 5 to wait for SSH to become available
sleep 5
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@ sh -c "\$(command -v 'date') > /mnt/data/on-date"
# lets wait 10-15 more for time to be correct, 10 sometimes works 15 is safe
sleep 15
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@ /mnt/data/
set -e
if [ "\${1#-}" != "\${1}" ] || [ -z "\$(command -v "\${1}")" ]; then
set -- node "\$@"
exec "\$@"
In order for this to work, you need to prepare the host. This means that it will most likely not be there after a reflash (maybe update), but this does persist reboots within the same version (testing on 6/3/2022 v1.12.19
The script will load up your tar, tag it correctly, and start it. Note this is set up to create the container with the following arguments -d --name ${CONTAINER_NAME} --label version= --network=host --privileged --stop-timeout=60
so if you don't want host networking (all interfaces), and aren't ready to firewall these out-of-band connections with privileged access, then take care.
# stage work container
mv whoami.tar /mnt/data/init_containers/.
cat > /mnt/data/ <<EOF
\$(command -v 'date') > /mnt/data/start-date 2>&1
source \$(command -v 'uxg-setup') help > /dev/null 2>&1
set_mounts() {
get_version() {
echo \$(podman inspect --format '{{ index .Digest}}' "${1}")
podman load --input /mnt/data/init_containers/whoami.tar
podman tag c59594bb13e9 localhost/traefik/whoami:latest localhost/traefik/whoami:default
\$(command -v 'date') > /mnt/data/stop-date 2>&1
chmod +x /mnt/data/
If this doesn't work for you, then you can simplify things some.
Just load up tar, and run command.
cat > /mnt/data/ <<EOF
podman load --input /mnt/data/init_containers/whoami.tar
podman run -d -e WHOAMI_PORT_NUMBER=24444 --name whoami c59594bb13e9
chmod +x /mnt/data/