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Created February 16, 2018 05:50
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Likert ggplot2 Even Number of Responses
## Plotting Likert Type Data ##
## Note: Plotting horizontal stacked bar plots in ggplot2 with Likert type
## data is a non-trivial task. Stacking is not well defined for mixed
## negative/positive values on a bar. This requires splitting the data
## set into two different parts (positive/negative), plotting each side
## separately, and filling the colors manually.
## Dependencies
pacman::p_load(wakefield, tidyverse, numform)
## generate random data set
lvls <- c(
"Strongly Agree", "Agree", "Somewhat Agree",
"Neutral", "Somewhat Disagree", "Disagree", "Strongly Disagree"
dat <- wakefield::r_data_frame(200,
is_first_gen = r_sample_binary(x = 0:1),
`Q1. It´s not known, if climate change is real` = likert_7(),
`Q2. In my opinion, the risks of climate change are exaggerated by activists` = likert_7(),
`Q3. Climate change is not as dangerous as it is claimed` = likert_7(),
`Q4. I'm convinced that we can handle climate change` = likert_7(),
`Q5. I'm not ok with this` = likert_7()
) %>%
tidyr::gather(Question, Response, -is_first_gen) %>%
dplyr::filter(Response != 'Neutral') %>%
Response = factor(sample(Response), levels = rev(lvls[-4])),
Level = as.integer(Response)
## Summarize the Data
## Summarize the data into counts and proportion by group var (question)
sdat <- dat %>%
dplyr::count(Question, Response, Level, is_first_gen) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::group_by(Question, is_first_gen) %>%
prop = n/sum(n),
Status = case_when(is_first_gen == 0 ~'Peers', TRUE ~ 'First Generation') %>%
factor(levels = c('Peers', 'First Generation'))
) %>%
## Make the levels and colors key
high <- '#03A89E' #'darkred'
low <- '#CD7F32' #'blue'
mid <- 'grey90'
levels_key <- data_frame(
Response = factor(levels(sdat[['Response']]), levels = levels(sdat[['Response']])),
Level = as.integer(Response)
) %>%
levels_key$type <- c(
rep('negative', floor(nrow(levels_key)/2)),
rep('neutral', nrow(levels_key) %% 2),
rep('positive', floor(nrow(levels_key)/2))
half_n_levels <- floor(nrow(levels_key)/2) + 1
levels_key$colors <- c(
colorRampPalette(c(low, mid))(half_n_levels)[-half_n_levels],
rep(mid, nrow(levels_key) %% 2),
colorRampPalette(c(mid, high))(half_n_levels)[-1]
levels_key$colors <- factor(levels_key$colors, levels = levels_key$colors)
## Add the levels info back onto the Response Key
sdat <- sdat %>%
dplyr::left_join(levels_key, by = c('Response', 'Level'))
## Split the data apart into negative and positive response types
positive <- sdat %>%
dplyr::filter(type == 'positive') %>%
mutate(colors = factor(colors, levels = rev(levels(colors))))
negative <- sdat %>%
dplyr::filter(type == 'negative')%>%
prop = -1 * prop
## calculate negative & positive responses data
prop_dat <- sdat %>%
group_by(Question, Status, type) %>%
n = sum(n),
) %>%
group_by(Question, Status) %>%
prop = n/sum(n),
proploc = case_when(type == 'negative' ~ -1 * prop, TRUE ~ prop)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(type) %>%
textloc = 1.13 * max(prop) * sign(proploc),
label = numform::f_prop2percent(prop, 0)
) %>%
## Plot the horizontal stacked bar plot
ggplot() +
data = positive,
aes(x = Status, y = prop, fill = colors),
position = "stack",
stat = "identity"
) +
data = negative,
aes(x = Status, y = prop, fill = colors),
position = "stack",
stat = "identity"
) +
coord_flip() +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = 'white', size = 1) +
guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE)) +
labels = levels_key$Response,
breaks = levels_key$colors,
guide = "legend",
name = ''
) +
facet_wrap(~ Question, ncol = 1) +
data = prop_dat$negative,
aes(label = label, x = Status, y = textloc),
hjust = 0, color = 'grey60'
) +
data = prop_dat$positive,
aes(label = label, x = Status, y = textloc),
hjust = 1, color = 'grey60'
) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = 1.02 * range(bind_rows(prop_dat)$textloc)) +
theme_bw() +
panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_blank(),
strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0, face = 'bold', size = 11),
panel.border = element_rect(color = 'gray90', linetype = "dashed", fill = NA),
plot.title = element_text(color = '#734A12'),
plot.subtitle = element_text(color = '#734A12'),
plot.caption = element_text(color = 'grey40')
) +
x = NULL, y = NULL,
title = 'Question Answer by First Generation Status',
subtitle = 'Some other long winded explanation that might make one seem smarter',
caption = 'Note: Captions seem more academic'
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Thanks Tyler!!

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