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Created September 28, 2021 19:21
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C++ templates are Church complete without value parameters or recursive definitions
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
struct Unit {};
struct Id {
template <class X> using V = X;
struct True {
template <class X> struct H {
template <class Y> using V = X;
template <class X> using V = H<X>;
struct False {
template <class X> struct H {
template <class Y> using V = Y;
template <class X> using V = H<X>;
struct If {
template <class B> struct H1 {
template <class T> struct H2 {
template <class F> using V =
typename B::template V<T>::template V<F>;
template <class F> using V = H2<F>;
template <class B> using V = H1<B>;
/* Integer related convenience constructs */
struct Z { static constexpr int x = 0; };
struct S {
template <class N> struct V {
static constexpr int x = N::x + 1;
template <int n>
struct N {
static constexpr int x = n;
struct Mul {
template <class X> struct A0 {
template <class Y> struct A1 {
static constexpr int x = X::x * Y::x;
template <class Y> using V = A1<Y>;
template <class X> using V = A0<X>;
struct IsZero {
template <class N> using V = std::conditional_t<N::x==0, True, False>;
struct Pred {
template <class N> struct V {
static constexpr int x = N::x - 1;
/* First implementation */
struct FactSelf {
template <class Self> struct A0 {
// Both if branches needs to be "lazy" by giving it a dummy argument
struct TBr {
template <class Dummy> using V = S::V<Z>;
template <class N>
struct FBr {
template <class Dummy> using V =
typename Mul::V<N>::template V<typename Self::template V<Self>::template V<Pred::V<N>>>;
template <class N> using V =
typename If::V< IsZero::V<N> >::template V<TBr>::template V< FBr<N> >::template V<Id>;
template <class Self> using V = A0<Self>;
using Fact = FactSelf::V<FactSelf>;
/* Second implementation through Z Combinator */
struct ZComb {
/* \x . x x */
struct Self {
template <class X> using V = typename X::template V<X>;
/* \x. f (\v. x x v) */
template <class F>
struct FSelf {
/* \u. (x x) u */
template <class X> struct H {
template <class U> using V = typename X::template V<X>::template V<U>;
/*\x. f (\u. (x x) u) */
template <class X> using V = typename F::template V< H<X> > ;
/* (\x. x x)(\x. f (\u. x x u)) */
template <class F> using V = Self::V<FSelf<F>>;
struct FactProto {
template <class Self> struct A0 {
// Both if branches needs to be "lazy" by giving it a dummy argument
struct TBr {
template <class Dummy> using V = S::V<Z>;
template <class N>
struct FBr {
template <class Dummy> using V =
typename Mul::V<N>::template V<typename Self::template V<Pred::V<N>>>;
template <class N> using V =
typename If::V< IsZero::V<N> >::template V<TBr>::template V< FBr<N> >::template V<Id>;
template <class Self> using V = A0<Self>;
using ZFact = ZComb::V<FactProto>;
int main() {
std::cout << Fact::V<N<10>>::x << std::endl;
std::cout << ZFact::V<N<10>>::x << std::endl;
return 0;
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