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Last active December 27, 2015 20:48
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Save tripitakit/7386775 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Appcelerator Titanium example of custom confirm dialog for TableView's delete events. Asks to confirm/cancel a delete operation. On cancel restores the deleted row in its former position in the table data.
* Appcelerator Titanium example of custom confirm dialog for TableView's delete events.
* Asks to confirm/cancel a delete operation. On cancel restores the deleted row in
* its former position in the table data.
* @Copyleft 2013 Patrick De Marta
* @License GNU GPL
var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
var testData = [
{title: 'Apples'}, {title: 'Bananas'},
{title: 'Carrots'}, {title: 'Potatoes'} ];
var table = Ti.UI.createTableView({
data: testData
table.addEventListener("dragend", function(){
log("Reset table with testData on dragend");
table.addEventListener("delete", function(e){
var row_index = e.index;
var row_bkup = e.row;
log("Swipe delete invoked, show the confirm dialog... \n\n" +
"But the " + testData[row_index].title + " are already gone (ouch!)");
var dialog = Ti.UI.createAlertDialog({
cancel: 1,
buttonNames: ['Confirm', 'Cancel'],
message: 'Confirm delete?',
title: 'Delete'
dialog.addEventListener('click', function(e){
if (e.index === e.source.cancel){
log("Delete cancelled. Keeping " + testData[row_index].title +
"\n\nTable Data after cancel: " + JSON.stringify( table.sections[0].getRows() ) +
"\n\nTest data: " + JSON.stringify( testData ) +
"\n\nForce pushing the vanished row I choose to keep back into table data");
var restored = table.sections[0].getRows();
restored.splice(row_index, 0, row_bkup);
} else if (e.index === 0) {
log( testData.splice(row_index, 1) + " Deleted!" + "\n\nTable data: " +
JSON.stringify( table.sections[0].getRows() ) +
"\n\nTest data: " + JSON.stringify( testData ));
var logView = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text: "Actions log"
function log(text){
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Hi almsx.

This is because first delete the row, and when you try to read it no longer exists, it is solved very easy just to limit it.
I put the solution here taking the original code here.

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