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Last active October 23, 2016 21:20
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Automatic Mouse Clicker
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Automatic Mouse Clicker
# For use with the game [**Crush Crush**](
# Hold down CTRL+SHIFT to save mouse position
# Hold down ALT to move mouse and rapidly send a mouse click events
# (Linux Only: requires programs `xinput` and `xdotool`)
import re
import subprocess
from threading import Thread
def processInput():
global DEBUG
global alt_pressed
global ctrl_pressed
global shift_pressed
global xinput_command
process = subprocess.Popen(xinput_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, ''):
line = line.strip()
if DEBUG is True:
if line.strip() == b'key press 64' or line.strip() == b'key press 108':
print(" == ALT pressed ==")
alt_pressed = True
if line.strip() == b'key release 64' or line.strip() == b'key release 108':
print(" == ALT released ==")
alt_pressed = False
if line.strip() == b'key press 37' or line.strip() == b'key press 105':
print(" == CTRL pressed ==")
ctrl_pressed = True
if line.strip() == b'key release 37' or line.strip() == b'key release 105':
print(" == CTRL released ==")
ctrl_pressed = False
if line.strip() == b'key press 50' or line.strip() == b'key press 62':
print(" == SHIFT pressed ==")
shift_pressed = True
if line.strip() == b'key release 50' or line.strip() == b'key release 62':
print(" == SHIFT released ==")
shift_pressed = False
if __name__ == "__main__":
keyboard_id = 8
DEBUG = False
alt_pressed = False
ctrl_pressed = False
shift_pressed = False
mouse_x = None
mouse_y = None
xinput_command = "xinput test {}".format(keyboard_id)
getmouselocation_command = "xdotool getmouselocation"
setmouselocation_command = "xdotool mousemove {} {}"
mouseclick_command = "xdotool click 1"
processInputThread = Thread(target = processInput)
while True:
if alt_pressed is True:
if mouse_x is not None and mouse_y is not None:
subprocess.check_call(setmouselocation_command.format(mouse_x, mouse_y), shell=True)
subprocess.check_call(mouseclick_command, shell=True)
if DEBUG is True:
print("Auto Click")
if DEBUG is True:
print("Mouse Location Not Set")
if ctrl_pressed is True and shift_pressed is True:
getmouselocation_output = subprocess.check_output(getmouselocation_command, shell=True)
getmouselocation_regex = re.compile(b'x:(\d+) y:(\d+)', re.IGNORECASE)
getmouselocation_match =, getmouselocation_output)
if getmouselocation_match is not None:
mouse_x = int(
mouse_y = int(
if DEBUG is True:
print("Set Mouse Position (x:{} y:{})".format(mouse_x, mouse_y))
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
print("\nStop Program")
TIME="1 day"
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
if [ -n "$2" ]; then
sudo bash -c "date -s \"$FORWARDS\"; sleep $SLEEP; date -s \"$BACKWARDS\""
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