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Last active October 6, 2021 09:10
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Automatic and corrected translatation of adi1090x/widgets eww config
;; **
;; ** Widgets config for EWW
;; ** Created by : @adi1090x
;; **
;; Profile vars
(defvar IMAGE "images/profile.jpg")
(defvar NAME "YOUR NAME")
(defpoll UNAME :interval "5m" "whoami")
;; System vars
(defpoll HOST :interval "5s" "hostname")
(defpoll CPU_USAGE :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/sys_info --cpu")
(defpoll MEM_USAGE :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/sys_info --mem")
(defpoll BLIGHT :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/sys_info --blight")
(defpoll BATTERY :interval "5s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/sys_info --bat")
;; Time vars
(defpoll HOUR :interval "5s" "date +\"%I\"")
(defpoll MIN :interval "5s" "date +\"%M\"")
(defpoll MER :interval "5s" "date +\"%p\"")
(defpoll DAY :interval "5s" "date +\"%A\"")
;; Uptime vars
(defpoll UPHOUR :interval "5s" "uptime -p | awk '{print $2 \" \" $3}' | sed 's/,//g'")
(defpoll UPMIN :interval "5s" "uptime -p | awk '{print $4 \" \" $5}'")
;; Music vars
(defpoll SONG :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --song")
(defpoll ARTIST :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --artist")
(defpoll STATUS :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --status")
(defpoll CURRENT :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --time")
(defpoll COVER :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --cover")
(defpoll CTIME :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --ctime")
(defpoll TTIME :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --ttime")
;; Weather vars
(defpoll ICON :interval "15m" "~/.config/eww/scripts/weather_info --icon")
(defpoll STAT :interval "15m" "~/.config/eww/scripts/weather_info --stat")
(defpoll TEMP :interval "15m" "~/.config/eww/scripts/weather_info --temp")
(defpoll HEX :interval "15m" "~/.config/eww/scripts/weather_info --hex")
(defpoll QUOTE :interval "15m" "~/.config/eww/scripts/weather_info --quote")
(defpoll QUOTE2 :interval "15m" "~/.config/eww/scripts/weather_info --quote2")
;; Apps vars
(defpoll MAILS :interval "5m" "~/.config/eww/scripts/mails")
;; Files vars
(defpoll FREE :interval "5s" "df -h / | awk '{print $4}' | tail -n 1 | sed 's/G/GB/'")
;; ********************************************************************************
;; background
(defwidget bg []
(box :class "bg"))
;; profile
(defwidget user []
(box :class "genwin" :orientation "v" :spacing 35 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :style "background-image: url('{{IMAGE}}');" :class "face" :halign "center/"
(label :class "fullname" :halign "center" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text NAME)
(label :class "username" :halign "center" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text UNAME)))
;; system
(defwidget system []
(box :class "genwin" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :orientation "v" :spacing 35 :halign "center" :valign "center" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :class "cpu_bar" :orientation "h" :spacing 20 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "iconcpu" :text "")
(scale :min 0 :max 100 :value CPU_USAGE :active "false"))
(box :class "mem_bar" :orientation "h" :spacing 20 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "iconmem" :text "")
(scale :min 0 :max 100 :value MEM_USAGE :active "false"))
(box :class "bright_bar" :orientation "h" :spacing 20 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "iconbright" :text "")
(scale :min 0 :max 100 :value BLIGHT :active "false"))
(box :class "bat_bar" :orientation "h" :spacing 20 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "iconbat" :text "")
(scale :min 0 :max 100 :value BATTERY :active "false")))))
;; clock
(defwidget clock []
(box :class "genwin" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "time_hour" :valign "start" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text HOUR)
(label :class "time_min" :valign "end" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text MIN)
(box :orientation "v" :spacing 25 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "time_mer" :halign "end" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text MER)
(label :class "time_day" :halign "end" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text DAY))))
;; uptime
(defwidget uptime []
(box :class "genwin"
(box :orientation "h" :halign "center" :spacing 40 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "icontimer" :valign "center" :text "祥")
(box :orientation "v" :valign "center" :spacing 0 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "uphour" :halign "start" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text UPHOUR)
(label :class "upmin" :halign "start" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text UPMIN)))))
;; Music
(defwidget music []
(box :class "genwin" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :class "album_art" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false" :style "background-image: url('{{COVER}}');")
(box :orientation "v" :spacing 20 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :halign "center" :class "song" :wrap "true" :limit-width 20 :text SONG)
(label :halign "center" :class "artist" :wrap "true" :limit-width 15 :text ARTIST)
(box :orientation "h" :spacing 20 :halign "center" :space-evenly "true" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "btn_prev" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --prev" "玲")
(button :class "btn_play" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --toggle" STATUS)
(button :class "btn_next" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --next" "怜"))
(box :class "music_bar" :halign "center" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(scale :onscroll "mpc -q seek +1" :min 0 :active "true" :max 100 :value CURRENT)))))
;; github
(defwidget github []
(box :class "github" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconweb" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_links --gh" "")))
;; reddit
(defwidget reddit []
(box :class "reddit" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconweb" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_links --rd" "樓")))
;; twitter
(defwidget twitter []
(box :class "twitter" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconweb" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_links --tw" "")))
;; youtube
(defwidget youtube []
(box :class "youtube" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconweb" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_links --yt" "")))
;; mail
(defwidget mail []
(box :class "mail"
(box :orientation "h" :halign "center" :spacing 20 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconmail" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_links --mail" "")
(box :class "mailbox" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "label_mails" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_links --mail" MAILS)))))
;; weather
(defwidget weather []
(box :class "genwin"
(box :orientation "v" :spacing 10 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :orientation "h" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "iconweather" :halign "start" :style "color: ${HEX};" :text ICON)
(label :class "label_temp" :halign "end" :text TEMP))
(box :orientation "v" :spacing 10 :halign "center" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "label_stat" :text STAT)
(label :class "label_quote" :text QUOTE)
(label :class "label_quote" :text QUOTE2)))))
;; apps
(defwidget apps []
(box :class "genwin" :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :class "appbox" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/firefox.svg');" :class "app_fox" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --ff/"
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/telegram.svg');" :class "app_telegram" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --tg")
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/discord.svg');" :class "app_discord" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --dc"))
(box :class "appbox" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/terminal.svg');" :class "app_terminal" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --tr")
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/files.svg');" :class "app_files" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --fm")
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/geany.svg');" :class "app_geany" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --ge"))
(box :class "appbox" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/code.svg');" :class "app_code" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --cd")
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/gimp.svg');" :class "app_gimp" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --gp")
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/virtualbox.svg');" :class "app_vbox" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --vb"))))
;; power buttons
(defwidget logout []
(box :class "genwin" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "btn_logout" :onclick "openbox --exit" "")))
(defwidget sleep []
(box :class "genwin" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "btn_sleep" :onclick "systemctl suspend" "")))
(defwidget reboot []
(box :class "genwin" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "btn_reboot" :onclick "systemctl reboot" "")))
(defwidget poweroff []
(box :class "genwin" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "btn_poweroff" :onclick "systemctl poweroff" "")))
;; folders
(defwidget folders []
(box :class "genwin" :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :class "hddbox" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
<box space-evenly="false" vexpand="false" hexpand="false">
<button class="hddicon" onclick="~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --fm">""))
(label :class "fs_sep" :text "|")
(box :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "hdd_label" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text FREE)))
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconfolder1" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --docs" "")
(button :class "label_folder1" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --docs" "Documents"))
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconfolder2" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --dl" "")
(button :class "label_folder2" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --dl" "Downloads"))
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconfolder3" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --music" "")
(button :class "label_folder3" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --music" "Music"))
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconfolder4" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --pics" "")
(button :class "label_folder4" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --pics" "Pictures"))
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconfolder5" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --cfg" "ﮛ")
(button :class "label_folder5" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --cfg" "~/.config"))
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconfolder6" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --local" "ﮛ")
(button :class "label_folder6" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --local" "~/.local"))))
;; ********************************************************************************
;; background
(defwindow background :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 0 :y 0 :width "1920px" :height "1080px")
;; profile
(defwindow profile :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 150 :y 150 :width 350 :height 440)
;; system
(defwindow system :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 150 :y 605 :width 350 :height 325)
;; clock
(defwindow clock :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 515 :y 150 :width 350 :height 155)
;; uptime
(defwindow uptime :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 515 :y 320 :width 350 :height 155)
;; music
(defwindow music :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 515 :y 490 :width 610 :height 280)
;; github
(defwindow github :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 515 :y 785 :width 141 :height 145)
;; reddit
(defwindow reddit :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 671 :y 785 :width 141 :height 145)
;; twitter
(defwindow twitter :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 827 :y 785 :width 141 :height 145)
;; youtube
(defwindow youtube :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 983 :y 785 :width 142 :height 145)
;; weather
(defwindow weather :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 880 :y 150 :width 550 :height 325)
;; apps
(defwindow apps :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1140 :y 490 :width 290 :height 280)
;; mail
(defwindow mail :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1140 :y 785 :width 290 :height 145)
;; logout
(defwindow logout :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1445 :y 150 :width 155 :height 155)
;; sleep
(defwindow sleep :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1615 :y 150 :width 155 :height 155)
;; reboot
(defwindow reboot :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1445 :y 320 :width 155 :height 155)
;; poweroff
(defwindow poweroff :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1615 :y 320 :width 155 :height 155)
;; folders
(defwindow folders :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1445 :y 490 :width 325 :height 440)
;; **
;; ** Widgets config for EWW
;; ** Created by : @adi1090x
;; **
;; Profile vars
(defvar IMAGE "images/profile.jpg")
(defvar NAME "YOUR NAME")
(defpoll UNAME :interval "5m" "whoami")
;; System vars
(defpoll HOST :interval "5s" "hostname")
(defpoll CPU_USAGE :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/sys_info --cpu")
(defpoll MEM_USAGE :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/sys_info --mem")
(defpoll BLIGHT :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/sys_info --blight")
(defpoll BATTERY :interval "5s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/sys_info --bat")
;; Time vars
(defpoll HOUR :interval "5s" "date +\"%I\"")
(defpoll MIN :interval "5s" "date +\"%M\"")
(defpoll MER :interval "5s" "date +\"%p\"")
(defpoll DAY :interval "5s" "date +\"%A\"")
;; Uptime vars
(defpoll UPHOUR :interval "5s" "uptime -p | awk '{print $2 \" \" $3}' | sed 's/,//g'")
(defpoll UPMIN :interval "5s" "uptime -p | awk '{print $4 \" \" $5}'")
;; Music vars
(defpoll SONG :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --song")
(defpoll ARTIST :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --artist")
(defpoll STATUS :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --status")
(defpoll CURRENT :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --time")
(defpoll COVER :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --cover")
(defpoll CTIME :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --ctime")
(defpoll TTIME :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --ttime")
;; Weather vars
(defpoll ICON :interval "15m" "~/.config/eww/scripts/weather_info --icon")
(defpoll STAT :interval "15m" "~/.config/eww/scripts/weather_info --stat")
(defpoll TEMP :interval "15m" "~/.config/eww/scripts/weather_info --temp")
(defpoll HEX :interval "15m" "~/.config/eww/scripts/weather_info --hex")
(defpoll QUOTE :interval "15m" "~/.config/eww/scripts/weather_info --quote")
(defpoll QUOTE2 :interval "15m" "~/.config/eww/scripts/weather_info --quote2")
;; Apps vars
(defpoll MAILS :interval "5m" "~/.config/eww/scripts/mails")
;; Files vars
(defpoll FREE :interval "5s" "df -h / | awk '{print $4}' | tail -n 1 | sed 's/G/GB/'")
;; ********************************************************************************
;; background
(defwidget bg []
(box :class "bg"))
;; profile
(defwidget user []
(box :class "genwin" :orientation "v" :spacing 35 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :style "background-image: url('{{IMAGE}}');" :class "face" :halign "center/"
(label :class "fullname" :halign "center" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text NAME)
(label :class "username" :halign "center" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text UNAME))))
;; system
(defwidget system []
(box :class "genwin" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :orientation "v" :spacing 35 :halign "center" :valign "center" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :class "cpu_bar" :orientation "h" :spacing 20 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "iconcpu" :text "")
(scale :min 0 :max 100 :value CPU_USAGE :active "false"))
(box :class "mem_bar" :orientation "h" :spacing 20 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "iconmem" :text "")
(scale :min 0 :max 100 :value MEM_USAGE :active "false"))
(box :class "bright_bar" :orientation "h" :spacing 20 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "iconbright" :text "")
(scale :min 0 :max 100 :value BLIGHT :active "false"))
(box :class "bat_bar" :orientation "h" :spacing 20 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "iconbat" :text "")
(scale :min 0 :max 100 :value BATTERY :active "false")))))
;; clock
(defwidget clock []
(box :class "genwin" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "time_hour" :valign "start" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text HOUR)
(label :class "time_min" :valign "end" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text MIN)
(box :orientation "v" :spacing 25 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "time_mer" :halign "end" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text MER)
(label :class "time_day" :halign "end" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text DAY))))
;; uptime
(defwidget uptime []
(box :class "genwin"
(box :orientation "h" :halign "center" :spacing 40 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "icontimer" :valign "center" :text "祥")
(box :orientation "v" :valign "center" :spacing 0 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "uphour" :halign "start" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text UPHOUR)
(label :class "upmin" :halign "start" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text UPMIN)))))
;; Music
(defwidget music []
(box :class "genwin" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :class "album_art" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false" :style "background-image: url('{{COVER}}');")
(box :orientation "v" :spacing 20 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :halign "center" :class "song" :wrap "true" :limit-width 20 :text SONG)
(label :halign "center" :class "artist" :wrap "true" :limit-width 15 :text ARTIST)
(box :orientation "h" :spacing 20 :halign "center" :space-evenly "true" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "btn_prev" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --prev" "玲")
(button :class "btn_play" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --toggle" STATUS)
(button :class "btn_next" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/music_info --next" "怜"))
(box :class "music_bar" :halign "center" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(scale :onscroll "mpc -q seek +1" :min 0 :active "true" :max 100 :value CURRENT)))))
;; github
(defwidget github []
(box :class "github" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconweb" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_links --gh" "")))
;; reddit
(defwidget reddit []
(box :class "reddit" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconweb" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_links --rd" "樓")))
;; twitter
(defwidget twitter []
(box :class "twitter" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconweb" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_links --tw" "")))
;; youtube
(defwidget youtube []
(box :class "youtube" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconweb" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_links --yt" "")))
;; mail
(defwidget mail []
(box :class "mail"
(box :orientation "h" :halign "center" :spacing 20 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconmail" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_links --mail" "")
(box :class "mailbox" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "label_mails" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_links --mail" MAILS)))))
;; weather
(defwidget weather []
(box :class "genwin"
(box :orientation "v" :spacing 10 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :orientation "h" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "iconweather" :halign "start" :style "color: ${HEX};" :text ICON)
(label :class "label_temp" :halign "end" :text TEMP))
(box :orientation "v" :spacing 10 :halign "center" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "label_stat" :text STAT)
(label :class "label_quote" :text QUOTE)
(label :class "label_quote" :text QUOTE2)))))
;; apps
(defwidget apps []
(box :class "genwin" :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :class "appbox" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/firefox.svg');" :class "app_fox" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --ff/"
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/telegram.svg');" :class "app_telegram" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --tg")
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/discord.svg');" :class "app_discord" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --dc"))
(box :class "appbox" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/terminal.svg');" :class "app_terminal" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --tr")
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/files.svg');" :class "app_files" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --fm")
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/geany.svg');" :class "app_geany" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --ge"))
(box :class "appbox" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/code.svg');" :class "app_code" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --cd")
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/gimp.svg');" :class "app_gimp" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --gp")
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/virtualbox.svg');" :class "app_vbox" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --vb")))))
;; power buttons
(defwidget logout []
(box :class "genwin" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "btn_logout" :onclick "openbox --exit" "")))
(defwidget sleep []
(box :class "genwin" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "btn_sleep" :onclick "systemctl suspend" "")))
(defwidget reboot []
(box :class "genwin" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "btn_reboot" :onclick "systemctl reboot" "")))
(defwidget poweroff []
(box :class "genwin" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "btn_poweroff" :onclick "systemctl poweroff" "")))
;; folders
(defwidget folders []
(box :class "genwin" :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :class "hddbox" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "hddicon" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --fm" "")
(label :class "fs_sep" :text "|"))
(box :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "hdd_label" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text FREE)))
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconfolder1" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --docs" "")
(button :class "label_folder1" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --docs" "Documents"))
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconfolder2" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --dl" "")
(button :class "label_folder2" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --dl" "Downloads"))
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconfolder3" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --music" "")
(button :class "label_folder3" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --music" "Music"))
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconfolder4" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --pics" "")
(button :class "label_folder4" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --pics" "Pictures"))
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconfolder5" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --cfg" "ﮛ")
(button :class "label_folder5" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --cfg" "~/.config"))
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "iconfolder6" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --local" "ﮛ")
(button :class "label_folder6" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_folders --local" "~/.local"))))
;; ********************************************************************************
;; background
(defwindow background :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 0 :y 0 :width "1920px" :height "1080px")
;; profile
(defwindow profile :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 150 :y 150 :width 350 :height 440)
;; system
(defwindow system :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 150 :y 605 :width 350 :height 325)
;; clock
(defwindow clock :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 515 :y 150 :width 350 :height 155)
;; uptime
(defwindow uptime :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 515 :y 320 :width 350 :height 155)
;; music
(defwindow music :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 515 :y 490 :width 610 :height 280)
;; github
(defwindow github :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 515 :y 785 :width 141 :height 145)
;; reddit
(defwindow reddit :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 671 :y 785 :width 141 :height 145)
;; twitter
(defwindow twitter :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 827 :y 785 :width 141 :height 145)
;; youtube
(defwindow youtube :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 983 :y 785 :width 142 :height 145)
;; weather
(defwindow weather :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 880 :y 150 :width 550 :height 325)
;; apps
(defwindow apps :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1140 :y 490 :width 290 :height 280)
;; mail
(defwindow mail :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1140 :y 785 :width 290 :height 145)
;; logout
(defwindow logout :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1445 :y 150 :width 155 :height 155)
;; sleep
(defwindow sleep :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1615 :y 150 :width 155 :height 155)
;; reboot
(defwindow reboot :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1445 :y 320 :width 155 :height 155)
;; poweroff
(defwindow poweroff :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1615 :y 320 :width 155 :height 155)
;; folders
(defwindow folders :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1445 :y 490 :width 325 :height 440)
diff -uw converted.yuck corrected.yuck
--- converted.yuck 2021-10-06 03:37:32.965183947 -0400
+++ corrected.yuck 2021-10-06 03:24:21.181178783 -0400
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
(box :class "genwin" :orientation "v" :spacing 35 :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :style "background-image: url('{{IMAGE}}');" :class "face" :halign "center/"
(label :class "fullname" :halign "center" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text NAME)
- (label :class "username" :halign "center" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text UNAME)))
+ (label :class "username" :halign "center" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text UNAME))))
;; system
(defwidget system []
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
(box :class "appbox" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/code.svg');" :class "app_code" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --cd")
(button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/gimp.svg');" :class "app_gimp" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --gp")
- (button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/virtualbox.svg');" :class "app_vbox" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --vb"))))
+ (button :style "background-image: url('images/icons/virtualbox.svg');" :class "app_vbox" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --vb")))))
;; power buttons
(defwidget logout []
@@ -191,9 +191,9 @@
(defwidget folders []
(box :class "genwin" :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(box :class "hddbox" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
- <box space-evenly="false" vexpand="false" hexpand="false">
- <button class="hddicon" onclick="~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --fm">""))
- (label :class "fs_sep" :text "|")
+ (box :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
+ (button :class "hddicon" :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/open_apps --fm" "")
+ (label :class "fs_sep" :text "|"))
(box :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(label :class "hdd_label" :wrap "true" :limit-width 25 :text FREE)))
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
@@ -310,6 +310,3 @@
(defwindow folders :stacking "fg" :focusable "false" :screen 1
:geometry (geometry :x 1445 :y 490 :width 325 :height 440)
Copy link

tripleo1 commented Oct 6, 2021

  1. Missing closing paren at defwidget user
  2. Missing closing paren at defwidget apps
  3. Unconverted xml at defwidget folders/genwin/hddbox

Copy link

tripleo1 commented Oct 6, 2021

See adi1090x/widgets@13ae73c for additional errors in misplaced parens.

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