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Created July 21, 2015 09:03
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def DB02
if #{$db02DestDir} == nil
puts "Not running synchronization for DB02 as no hostname specified"
puts 'Running a complete rsync mirror, please be patient...'.yellow
FileUtils.mkdir_p($db02DestDir) unless File.exists?($db02DestDir)
cmd = `rsync -aHAXxv --numeric-ids --delete --progress -e "ssh -T -c arcfour -o Compression=no -x" #{$username}@#{$db02Host}:#{$db02BackupDir} #{$db02DestDir}`
DB02Log.log.debug "#{cmd}"
puts "#{cmd}"
if $?.exitstatus == 0
puts 'Syncing complete!'.green
send_email( "Backup complete: #{Socket.gethostname}", "Complete - Output: #{cmd} \n To validate the backup, please refer to the logfile: #{$db02LogFile}" )
elsif $?.exitstatus == 1
puts "Rsync Error!" .red
send_email( "Backup failure: #{Socket.gethostname}", "Failure - Rsync Error - Please do a manual backup to identify fault. \n To validate the log file, please refer to: #{$db02LogFile}" )
elsif $?.exitstatus == 23
puts "Socket Error!" .red
send_email( "Backup failure: #{Socket.gethostname}", "Failure - Socket Error: Running a rsync backup from #{$hostname} - Check permissions on remote server? \n To validate the log file, please refer to: #{$db02LogFile}" )
puts "Unknown error!" .red
send_email( "Backup failure: #{Socket.gethostname}", "Failure - Unknown error - Please troubleshoot for host: #{$hostname} \n please refer to: #{$db02LogFile}" )
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