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Last active March 14, 2016 12:41
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# Purpose: Compare a file sha512/md5 with a sha512/md5 string
# Usage: <file> <sha512/md5 string>
# Author: Mathias Larsen <>
bold=$(tput bold)
red=$bold$(tput setaf 1)
green=$bold$(tput setaf 2)
blue=$bold$(tput setaf 4)
reset=$(tput sgr0)
# Argument variables
user_input=`echo $2 | awk '{print tolower($0)}'`
# Exit if arguments are missing or argument 1 is not a file
[ ! -f $file ] && echo "${red}First argument must be a file!" && exit
[ -z $file ] && echo "${red}Missing file in 1st argument" && exit
[ -z $user_input ] && echo "${red}Missing checksum in 2nd argument" && exit
# Get checksum of file
checksum=`shasum -a 512 $file | cut -d " " -f1` && type=SHA512
[ `echo $user_input | wc -c | cut -d " " -f7` == 33 ] && checksum=`md5 $file | cut -d " " -f4` && type=MD5
# Match and output results
[ $checksum == $user_input ] && echo "${green}Everything is fine!${reset} \n" || echo "${red}Not matching!${reset} \n"
echo "${blue}Filename:${reset} $file"
echo "${blue}File checksum:${reset} $checksum ($type)"
echo "${blue}User input checksum:${reset} $user_input ($type)"
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