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Created August 19, 2013 21:47
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YUI({filter: 'raw'}).use('graphics', function (Y)
var dashArray = [4, 2],
drawDashedLine = function(path, xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd, dashSize, gapSize)
dashSize = dashSize || 10;
gapSize = gapSize || 10;
var segmentLength = dashSize + gapSize,
xDelta = xEnd - xStart,
yDelta = yEnd - yStart,
delta = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xDelta, 2) + Math.pow(yDelta, 2)),
segmentCount = Math.floor(Math.abs(delta / segmentLength)),
radians = Math.atan2(yDelta, xDelta),
xCurrent = xStart,
yCurrent = yStart,
xDelta = Math.cos(radians) * segmentLength;
yDelta = Math.sin(radians) * segmentLength;
for(i = 0; i < segmentCount; ++i)
path.moveTo(xCurrent, yCurrent);
path.lineTo(xCurrent + Math.cos(radians) * dashSize, yCurrent + Math.sin(radians) * dashSize);
xCurrent += xDelta;
yCurrent += yDelta;
path.moveTo(xCurrent, yCurrent);
delta = Math.sqrt((xEnd - xCurrent) * (xEnd - xCurrent) + (yEnd - yCurrent) * (yEnd - yCurrent));
if(delta > dashSize)
path.lineTo(xCurrent + Math.cos(radians) * dashSize, yCurrent + Math.sin(radians) * dashSize);
else if(delta > 0)
path.lineTo(xCurrent + Math.cos(radians) * delta, yCurrent + Math.sin(radians) * delta);
path.moveTo(xEnd, yEnd);
mygraphic = new Y.Graphic({render: "#mygraphiccontainer"}),
connector = mygraphic.addShape({
type: "path",
stroke: {
weight: 4,
color: "#00f",
opacity: 1,
dashstyle: Y.VMLShape ? "none" : dashArray
id: "connector"
diamond1 = mygraphic.addShape({
type: "path",
stroke: {
weight: 1,
color: "#000"
fill: {
color: "#f00"
id: "diamond1"
diamond2 = mygraphic.addShape({
type: "path",
stroke: {
weight: 1,
color: "#000"
fill: {
color: "#f00"
id: "diamond2"
diamond1.moveTo(60, 60);
diamond1.lineTo(80, 40);
diamond1.lineTo(100, 60);
diamond1.lineTo(80, 80);
diamond1.lineTo(60, 60);
connector.moveTo(100, 60);
if(Y.VMLShape) {
drawDashedLine(connector, 100, 60, 450, 220, dashArray[0], dashArray[1]);
} else {
connector.lineTo(450, 220);
diamond2.moveTo(450, 220);
diamond2.lineTo(470, 200);
diamond2.lineTo(490, 220);
diamond2.lineTo(470, 240);
diamond2.lineTo(450, 220);
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