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Created October 1, 2013 00:55
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YUI.add('charts-interactive-annotations', function (Y) {
* Allows for the creation of annotations for a chart.
* @module charts-interactive-annotations
* Creates a marker that can be used as an annotation.
* @class AnnotationMarker
* @constructor
Y.AnnotationMarker = function() {
Y.AnnotationMarker.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.AnnotationMarker.NAME = "annotationMarker";
Y.AnnotationMarker.ATTRS = Y.Shape.ATTRS;
Y.extend(Y.AnnotationMarker, Y.Shape, {
* Draws the marker.
* @method _draw
* @private
_draw: function() {
var w = this.get("width"),
h = this.get("height");
.lineTo(0, h/3)
.lineTo(w, 4*h/9)
.curveTo(w/3, 2*h/3, w/10, 5*h/9, 0, 4*h/9)
* Creates annotations on a chart.
* @class ChartInteractiveAnnotations
* @constructor
Y.ChartInteractiveAnnotations = Y.Base.create("chartInteractivAnnotations", Y.Base, [Y.Renderer], {
initializer: function() {
* Creates annotations and adds them to the chart.
* @method _createAnnotation
_createAnnotation: function(e) {
var addAnnotation = this.get("addAnnotationMethod"),
className = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName("chartInteractivAnnotation");
series = e.series,
valueItem = e.valueItem,
categoryItem = e.categoryItem,
type = e.type,
cb = this.chart.get("contentBox"),
markerNode = e.currentTarget,
strArr = markerNode.getAttribute("id").split("_"),
index = strArr.pop(),
seriesIndex = strArr.pop(),
series = this.chart.getSeries.apply(this.chart, [parseInt(seriesIndex, 10)]),
items = this.chart.getSeriesItems.apply(this.chart, [series, index]),
isTouch = e && e.hasOwnProperty("changedTouches"),
pageX = isTouch ? e.changedTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX,
pageY = isTouch ? e.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY,
xy = this.graphic.getXY(),
x = pageX - xy[0],
y = pageY - xy[1],
annotation = addAnnotation.apply(this, [x, y, className, className + "_" + seriesIndex + "_" + index]);
annotation.on("click", function(e) {
var key,
str = "============Category============";
for(key in items.category) {
str = str + "\n" + key + ": " + items.category[key];
str = str + "\n" + "============Values============";
for(key in items.value) {
str = str + "\n" + key + ": " + items.value[key];
* Creates a shape annotation and adds it to the dom.
* @method _addShapeAnnotation
* @param {Number} x The x-coordinate for the annotation.
* @param {Number} y The y-coordinate for the annotation.
* @param {String} className The className for the annotation.
* @param {String} id The dom id for the annotation.
* @private
_addShapeAnnotation: function(x, y, className, id) {
var styles = this.get("styles"),
shape = this.get("shapeClass"),
annotation = this.graphic.addShape({
type: shape,
x: x,
y: y,
width: this.get("annotationWidth"),
height: this.get("annotationHeight"),
id: id,
fill: styles.fill,
stroke: styles.stroke
return annotation;
* Removes all annotations
* @method _destroyAnnotations
* @private
_destroyAnnotations: function() {
var annotation;
if(this._annotations) {
while(this._annotations.length > 0) {
this._annotations = [];
* Creates annotations on a chart.
* @method setAnnotations
setAnnotations: function() {
var chart = this.get("chart"),
if(chart) {
this.graph = chart.get("graph");
this.graphic = this.graph.get("graphic");
this.chart = chart; = chart.get("dataProvider");
if(!this.markerHandle) {
this.markerHandle = Y.on(
Y.bind(this._createAnnotation, this),
_getDefaultStyles: function() {
return {
stroke: {
weight: 2,
color: "#FFFFFF"
fill: {
color: "#CE8FFB"
}, {
* When the annotations are a shape, this is the class that will be used.
* @attr shapeClass
* @type Y.Shape
shapeClass: {
value: Y.AnnotationMarker
* Width of each annotation
* @attr annotationWidth
* @type Number
annotationWidth: {
value: 30
* Height of each annotation
* @attr annotationHeight
* @type Number
annotationHeight: {
value: 45
* Reference to the chart to which the annotations will be added.
* @attr chart
* @type Y.Chart
chart: {
value: null
* Method used for adding an annotation to the chart. By default, it is assumeed that
* the annotation is an instance of Y.Shape. If a dom element is being used, you will
* need to override the default method with a method that adds a dom element to the
* graph's contentBox.
* The method's arguments are x, y, className and dom id.
* @attr addAnnotationMethod
* @type Function
addAnnotationMethod: {
valueFn: function() {
return this._addShapeAnnotation;
}, '@VERSION@', {"requires": ["charts"]});
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