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Trisha Langlois trishalanglois

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What is one command that you'll incorporate into your daily workflow and why? I never knew about git reset! This is super helpful, especially when I've added things to staging that I didn't mean to.

How does rebasing work compared to a merge workflow? Git rebase allows us to "rewrite" our commit history, meaning that we have control over the individual commits that we've made and can modify them, as well as keeping those commits grouped together and separate from the commits from a master branch. It also does not create a commit that shows the merge between the master and feature branch happening.

Why would we ever use git stash? There are times where I'm switching from one branch to another, but I'm unable to because I have unsaved/commited changes. I use git stash often in these situations, then use git stash pop to bring them back in on the branch that I want them to live.

What is the primary difference between git reset —soft and git reset —hard?

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project? Trisha - have a great partner experience with Foster because this will be my last partner/group project at Turing. Technology-wise, I would like more practice with implementing knex syntax to get data that we want (rather than getting the whole database, then cleaning data to display). Foster -
  • What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches? Trisha - I prefer working side by side with my partner so we both get the benefits of learning whatever it is that we're working on. For this project, however, because there are some outside circumstances, e.g. job interviews, I think remote work and possibly dividing and conquering may be better so we have the capacity to focus on some of our outside commitments that we have as Mod 4 students. Foster -
  • How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving commun
trishalanglois /
Last active January 15, 2020 15:48
React w/ Jest, Router, Redux

Creating a React App

  1. In the terminal run: npx create-react-app NAME-OF-APP
  2. Cd into the new directory: cd NAME-OF-APP
  3. Run: npm install.
  4. You can run npm start to see if the app was set up correctly.

Setup Redux

  1. npm i redux react-redux redux-devtools-extension -S

The Challenge

Given the following data sets, return an array of objects for each human and the age(s) they were in the movie(s) they were cast in, as an array of age(s). Only include humans who were cast in at least one movie.

const dinosaurs = { 
  Brachiosaurus: { carnivore: false, herbivore: true, isAwesome: true },
  Dilophosaurus: { carnivore: true, herbivore: false, isAwesome: true },
  Gallimimus: { carnivore: true, herbivore: true, isAwesome: false },
  Triceratops: { carnivore: false, herbivore: true, isAwesome: true },
  Parasaurolophus: { carnivore: false, herbivore: true, isAwesome: false },


SWAPI was a paired project that focused heavily on fetching data from the Star Wars API and then cleaning the data to put it in a usable format. The project also utilized Router, asynchronous functionality, UX/UI design, and test-driven development.


What is your approach to working on a team? (In your answer, provide an example from this project)

For this project, I played more of a tugboat role than I normally do. There were some features that my partner really wanted to implement, and when I found that we were spending too much time in those rabbit holes, I set timers for us to either ask for help when we got to a certain point or move on with more important things with project requirements. Overall, though, my partner and I worked really, really well together. We both prioritized this project above everything else we had going on, and that allowed us to put in the hours needed to make this a polished project. Our mutual enthusiasm and attitudes was really motivating for on

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project? Dustin - get better at Fetch with all the various options that go along with it. Trisha - get more comfortable with React and Router
  • What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches? We both like pairing but want to get better at remote work.
  • How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving communication from others? Daily stand-ups at the beginning and end of the day to check in, talk about what each person did and what we're going to do for homework that night. Both of us prefer direct communication, and if something is going on, we can share that during our daily stand-ups too.
  • How would you describe your work style? Both of us like working with other people, but we want to get better at remote work. When we work by ourselves, we need to be REALLY by ourselves, away from any distractions.

Who your contact is, why you want to connect with them, and what you want to talk about?

My contact is a woman I did Peace Corps with who now works at Girls Who Code in New York City. She is not a software developer, but I'm more interested in the cultural priorities of a well known company whose mission I connect with. My plan is to reach out to her to talk to her about the culture of her work. From what I know about Girls Who Code, the culture and mission is very much in line with what I am looking for in 3-5 years after I've gained some experience. I'm also interested in volunteering for this organization or another whose mission is similar, so I will ask her about the outreach and volunteer opportunities Girls Who Code has and what would be best as someone who may be looking for a paid position at a place like this later on.

When you will contact them by and how you plan to meet.

Because she does not live locally, I am going to send her a message via social media (Instagram because that's whe

I never thought I would be a software engineer. Growing up in a conservative small town, women grew up to be either a nurse or a teacher and DEFINITELY a mom along the way. I don’t do well with body fluids, so by default, I became a teacher.

I loved (and still love) teaching. I am a true extrovert, so being around people all the time was energizing, and I felt like I was contributing to society to make the world a better place. I taught at a small alternative school in Hawaii, was a Peace Corps Volunteer and taught English in the Philippines, and eventually ended up in Denver and helped start a public Montessori secondary school. After a few years, once that school was established and after earning my Masters degree, I moved into an administrative role as the program director. I was attending conferences, presenting professional development, and leading a team of 15 teachers and 150 students. While there were hundreds of moments that fed my soul, I finally found my tipping point and began looking for

DTR Memo

Project: Idea Box

Group Member Names: Trond Makonese, Kayla Wood, Trisha Langlois

Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?):

Trond -- to become better at JS (even more!). How to learn new JS and implementation if it. Kayla -- to limit amount that we have to edit our HTML.