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Created February 3, 2017 15:23
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Markov model's in Clojure
(ns markov.core
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]))
(defn count-n-gram
"Updates count of number of time n-gram has been seen in map."
[m n-gram] (update-in m n-gram #(inc (or % 0))))
(defn next-word
"Given a map of n-grams and a particular n-gram select the next word."
[n-grams n-gram]
(let [next-word-probs (get-in n-grams n-gram)
n (reduce max (vals next-word-probs))
r (rand-int (inc n))]
(->> next-word-probs
(filter #(>= (val %) r))
(defn next-n-gram
"Given a set of n-grams and a particular n-gram,construct another n-gram."
[n-grams n-gram]
(conj (vec (rest n-gram))
(next-word n-grams n-gram)))
(defn n-grams->sentence
"Takes a list of n-grams and returns a sentence string."
(->> (rest coll)
(map last)
(concat (first coll))
(str/join " ")))
;;;; Load in and clean up our words
(def words
(->> (io/resource "testFile.txt")
(re-seq #"\p{Lower}+|\p{Punct}")))
;;;; Create markov model with bigrams
(def bigrams
(->> (partition 2 1 words)
(reduce count-n-gram {})))
;;;; Generate a sentence using bigrams
(->> ["the"]
(iterate #(next-n-gram bigrams %))
(take 20)
;;;; Create markov model with trigrams
(def trigrams
(->> (partition 3 1 words)
(reduce count-n-gram {})))
;;;; Generate a sentence using those
(->> ["the" "cat"]
(iterate #(next-n-gram trigrams %))
(take 20)
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