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Created March 21, 2024 22:12
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from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
import sys
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Any
from unittest import TestCase
import ast, inspect
# implementation details
from libstatic._lib.arguments import ArgSpec, iter_arguments # Yields all arguments of the given ast.arguments node as ArgSpec instances.
from libstatic._lib.assignment import get_stored_value # Given an ast.Name instance with Store context and it's parent assignment statement, figure out the right hand side expression that is stored in the symbol.
# main framework module we're testing
from libstatic._lib.passmanager import (PassManager, Module, NodeAnalysis, FunctionAnalysis,
ClassAnalysis, ModuleAnalysis, Transformation, ancestors)
# test analysis
class node_list(NodeAnalysis[list[ast.AST]], ast.NodeVisitor):
"List of all children in the node recursively depth first"
def visit(self, node: ast.AST) -> list[ast.AST]:
return self.result
def do_pass(self, node: ast.AST) -> list[ast.AST]:
self.result = []
return self.result
class class_bases(ClassAnalysis[list[str]]):
"The bases of a class as strings"
def do_pass(self, node: ast.ClassDef) -> list[str]:
return [ast.unparse(n) for n in node.bases]
class function_arguments(FunctionAnalysis[list[ArgSpec]]):
"List of function arguments"
def do_pass(self, node: ast.FunctionDef | ast.AsyncFunctionDef) -> list[ArgSpec]:
return list(iter_arguments(node.args))
class function_accepts_any_keywords(FunctionAnalysis[bool]):
"Whether a function will accept any keyword argument, based on it's signature"
dependencies = (function_arguments, )
def do_pass(self, node: ast.FunctionDef | ast.AsyncFunctionDef) -> bool:
return any(a.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD for a in self.function_arguments)
class class_count(ModuleAnalysis[int], ast.NodeVisitor):
Counts the number of classes in the module
def visit_ClassDef(self, node):
self.result += 1
for n in node.body:
def do_pass(self, node: ast.Module) -> int:
self.result = 0
return self.result
class simple_symbol_table(ModuleAnalysis[dict[str, list[ast.AST]]], ast.NodeVisitor):
"A simbol table, for the module level only"
def do_pass(self, node: ast.Module) -> dict[str, list[ast.AST]]:
self.result = defaultdict(list)
return self.result
def visit_Import(self, node:ast.Import):
for al in node.names:
name, asname ='.')[0], al.asname
self.result[asname or name].append(al)
visit_ImportFrom = visit_Import
def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ast.ClassDef | ast.FunctionDef | ast.AsyncFunctionDef):
visit_AsyncFunctionDef = visit_FunctionDef = visit_ClassDef
def visit_Name(self, node: ast.Name):
if not node.ctx.__class__.__name__ == 'Store':
class simple_goto_def(NodeAnalysis[ast.AST | None]):
"goto the definition of th symbol, but only works at module level"
dependencies = (simple_symbol_table, ancestors)
def do_pass(self, node: ast.Name) -> ast.AST | None:
if node.__class__.__name__ != 'Name':
raise TypeError(node)
if node.ctx.__class__.__name__ == 'Store':
assign = next(n for n in self.ancestors[node]
if n.__class__.__name__ in ('Assign', 'AnnAssign'))
return get_stored_value(node, assign)
except Exception as e:
if __debug__:
print(str(e), file=sys.stderr)
return None
elif node.ctx.__class__.__name__ == 'Load':
defi = self.simple_symbol_table[]
if defi:
return defi[-1]
return None
raise TypeError(node.ctx)
# test transforms
class transform_trues_into_ones(Transformation, ast.NodeTransformer):
"True -> 1"
preserves_analysis = (class_count, )
def visit_Constant(self, node):
if node.value is True:
self.update = True
return ast.Constant(value=1)
return node
def do_pass(self, node: ast.AST) -> ast.AST:
return self.visit(node)
# An analysis that has a transform in it's dependencies
class literal_ones_count(ModuleAnalysis[int], ast.NodeVisitor):
"counts the number of literal '1'"
dependencies = (transform_trues_into_ones,
# this analysis is useless but it should not
# crash because it's listed after the transform.
# TODO: Actually since the transform preserves the class_count analysis,
# both orders shouls be supported. But that might be hard to implement at this time.
def visit_Constant(self, node):
if node.value == 1:
self.result += 1
def do_pass(self, node: ast.AST) -> int:
self.result = 0
return self.result
# an invalid analysis because it has an analysis BEFORE a transformation
class invalid_analysis_dependencies_order(ModuleAnalysis[int]):
"this analysis is not valid"
dependencies = (node_list, transform_trues_into_ones)
def do_pass(self, node: ast.AST) -> int:
return 1
# an invalid analysis because it has not do_pass() method
class invalid_analysis_no_do_pass_method(ModuleAnalysis[int]):
"this analysis is not valid"
# test cases begins
class TestTestAnalysis(TestCase):
def test_simple_symbol_table(self):
src = ('class A(object): ...\n'
'def f():...\n'
'var = x = True\n'
'from x import *\n'
'import pydoctor.driver\n')
pm = PassManager()
ast.parse(src), 'test', '', code=src,
symtable = pm.gather(simple_symbol_table, pm.modules['test'].node)
assert len(symtable) == 6
assert list(symtable) == ['A', 'f', 'var', 'x', '*', 'pydoctor']
def test_simple_goto_def(self):
src = ('from x import y\n'
'var = y\n'
pm = PassManager()
ast.parse(src), 'test', '', code=src,
varuse = pm.modules['test'].node.body[-1].value
defi0 = pm.gather(simple_goto_def, varuse)
assert defi0.__class__.__name__ == 'Name'
assert defi0.ctx.__class__.__name__ == 'Store'
assert == 'var'
defi1 = pm.gather(simple_goto_def, defi0)
assert defi1.__class__.__name__ == 'Name'
assert defi1.ctx.__class__.__name__ == 'Load'
assert == 'y'
defi2 = pm.gather(simple_goto_def, defi1)
assert defi2.__class__.__name__ == 'alias'
assert == 'y'
class TestManagerKeepsTracksOfRootModules(TestCase):
This test case ensures that the PassManager.modules attribute is mutated
when a transformation is applied.
def test_root_module(self):
src = 'v = True'
pm = PassManager()
ast.parse(src), 'test', '', code=src,
True_node = pm.modules['test'].node.body[0].value
assert pm.modules[True_node].modname == 'test'
updates, node = pm.apply(transform_trues_into_ones, pm.modules['test'].node)
assert updates
assert pm.modules[node.body[0].value].modname == 'test'
with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
class TestPassManagerFramework(TestCase):
def test_simple_module_analysis(self):
src = ('class A(object): ...\n'
'class B: ...')
pm = PassManager()
ast.parse(src), 'test', '', code=src,
n = pm.gather(class_count, pm.modules['test'].node)
assert n == 2
def test_simple_function_analysis(self):
src = 'def f(a:int, b:object=None, *, key:Callable, **kwargs):...'
pm = PassManager()
ast.parse(src), 'test', '', code=src,
args = pm.gather(function_arguments, pm.modules['test'].node.body[0])
assert [a.node.arg for a in args] == ['a', 'b', 'key', 'kwargs']
def test_simple_class_analysis(self):
src = 'class A(object, stuff): ...'
pm = PassManager()
ast.parse(src), 'test', '', code=src,
bases = pm.gather(class_bases, pm.modules['test'].node.body[0])
assert bases == ['object', 'stuff']
def test_simple_node_analysis(self):
src = 'v: list | set = None'
pm = PassManager()
ast.parse(src), 'test', '', code=src,
nodes = pm.gather(node_list, pm.modules['test'].node.body[0])
assert len([n for n in nodes if isinstance(n, ast.Name)]) == 3
def test_simple_transformation(self):
src = 'v = True'
pm = PassManager()
ast.parse(src), 'test', '', code=src,
updates, node = pm.apply(transform_trues_into_ones, pm.modules['test'].node)
assert updates
assert ast.unparse(node) == 'v = 1'
# check it's not marked as updatesd when it's not.
src = 'v = False'
pm = PassManager()
ast.parse(src), 'test', '', code=src,
updates, node = pm.apply(transform_trues_into_ones, pm.modules['test'].node)
assert not updates
assert ast.unparse(node) == 'v = False'
def test_analysis_with_analysis_dependencies(self):
src = ('def f(a, b=None, *, key, **kwargs):...\n'
'def g(a, b=None, *, key, ):...')
pm = PassManager()
ast.parse(src), 'test', '', code=src,
r = pm.gather(function_accepts_any_keywords, pm.modules['test'].node.body[0])
assert r is True
r = pm.gather(function_accepts_any_keywords, pm.modules['test'].node.body[1])
assert r is False
def test_analysis_with_transforms_dependencies(self):
src = 'v = True\nn = 1'
pm = PassManager()
ast.parse(src), 'test', '', code=src,
n = pm.gather(literal_ones_count, pm.modules['test'].node)
assert n == 2
def test_preserved_analysis(self):
# TODO: Think of more test cases here.
# This seems lite for now.
src = 'v = True\nn = 1\nclass A: ...'
pm = PassManager()
ast.parse(src), 'test', '', code=src,
pm.gather(class_count, pm.modules['test'].node)
pm.gather(node_list, pm.modules['test'].node)
assert pm._cache.get(class_count, pm.modules['test'].node)
assert pm._cache.get(node_list, pm.modules['test'].node)
pm.apply(transform_trues_into_ones, pm.modules['test'].node)
assert pm._cache.get(class_count, pm.modules['test'].node)
assert not pm._cache.get(node_list, pm.modules['test'].node)
def test_analysis_with_analysis_and_transforms_dependencies(self):
def test_analysis_invalid_dependencies_order(self):
src = 'pass'
pm = PassManager()
ast.parse(src), 'test', '', code=src,
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
pm.gather(invalid_analysis_dependencies_order, pm.modules['test'].node)
def test_analysis_invalid_no_do_pass_method(self):
src = 'pass'
pm = PassManager()
ast.parse(src), 'test', '', code=src,
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
pm.gather(invalid_analysis_no_do_pass_method, pm.modules['test'].node)
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