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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Data modelling for MySQL
What is a Relational Database?
A set of true propositions
Every row in a table is the statement about the truth related to the table
Enforces logical integrity (business rules)
Application independent store (this is the reason why relational database was created)
Why Normalize?
Remove redundancy
Avoid wrong or contradictory query results
Safety with integrity constraints
Avoid loss of information
What is normal?
All attributes are dependent on the key, the whole key, and nothing but the key
Not 1NF
Repeating groups, repeating fields, or multivalued columns
Not 2NF
Non-key dependent on part of key
Repitition (redundancy)
Not 3NF
Non-key field dependent on non-key field
Enforce Foreign Keys
Joins will return what you expect
And there is an insert cost
Surrogate Keys vs Natural Keys
Name is a natural key
ID is a surrogate key
Avoid NULL
They always require special handling
Three valued logic
What is the semantic meaning? (Unknown/Default/Missing/Not Applicable)
Physical Issues (Indexes, Partioning, Sharding)
Performance tuning is a whole arts and science of itself
Normal means truth, correctness
Performance is physical, not logical
Surrogate keys are preferre (But, ensure there exists a natural candidate key)
Avoid NULLs
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