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Last active October 24, 2015 18:06
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BEWD Homework one

#Class 1 Homework

On your own, create a directory called 'lexicon' in your computer somewhere like Documents or desktop. Wherever you like is fine.

In your new folder, create a file called

Open it by typing subl in the terminal

Paste in the following lines with all of the new terms and commands that you learned today and define them in your own words. Commit your definitions and push it up to a new git repo on Github. If there are any other terms that you took down in your notes, feel free to add them. Note that this is written in Markdown, which is good to know since Github uses it for readme files.

#Unix/Linux/MacOSX Commands

  • ~ : This symbol means "home" on the UNIX command line.
  • / : This symbol means "root", the ultimate parent directory.
  • whoami : This makes the terminal output the current user name.
  • pwd :
  • cd :
  • ls :
  • cd .. :
  • mkdir :
  • touch :
  • cat :
  • . :
  • rm :
  • rm -rf :
  • man :

Basic Git commands

  • git init :
  • git add . :
  • git add hello.txt :
  • git status :
  • git commit -m 'created hello.txt :
  • git push origin master :
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