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Last active January 30, 2016 21:21
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Learning on your own

#Some useful resources for learning on your own.

Hello all! It was truly an honor introducing you all to web programming and helping you grow as programmers. Personally, this was an incredible experience for me, and I hope that you are happy with your experience.

But this is only the beginning! Programming is a never-ending process of learning

  • Ruby docs READ THE DOCS!
  • Rails Guides Best docs for Rails topics.
  • GA alumni perks The best perk in my opinion is the 50% off on O'Reilly books. O'Reilly has an incredible selection of up-to-date books on all sorts of programming/IT topics.
  • Dash for Mac Good mac app for quickly searching documentation.
  • Upcase More advanced tutorials in Ruby. I am doing this stuff now myself. Well worth the $30 a month.
  • Hacker Hours Free office hours for coders, twice a week. Great way to meet fellow learners and more experienced coders who volunteer to help you out.
  • codecademy Good for review as well as beginning to learn
  • Code School Costs money but it works for some folks. There are some good tutorials on testing, creating APIs, and general Rails.
  • Odin project Big Rails tutorial.
  • Hartl's Rails tutorial This is THE rails tutorial. Mr. Hartl deserves that domain name. Especially after taking BEWD, this is a great review but with more emphasis on best practices and testing, which I really wish we had time for in class!
  • Code4Startup Like a bunch of Hartl tutorials, but with more focus on Javascript frameworks.
  • Free codec camp Huge learning community, JS-focused
  • Ruby Monk Fun ruby tutorials with a Buddhist theme
  • Ruby Koans More Buddhist themed Ruby! Test-driven learning. Amazing for meditating upon the brass tacks of the language and testing. Very highly recommended.
  • Project Euler Math. It's not just for making children cry. Great practice in thinking computationally and algorithms.
  • Codewars Super fun user-generated code challenges. Great practice for technical interviews.
  • Ruby weekly Great newsletter!
  • Green Ruby Another Newsletter
  • Learn X in Y minutes The ultimate cheat sheet
  • Treehouse If you are in a Queens library, you can get this expensive tutorial material for free!
  • Teach yourself to code Ranking of programming tutorials for various languages.
  • Stack overflow How the hell did people live without this?
  • IT Ebooks I don't know how this isn't shut down by now. Loads of free programming books.
  • Code Crew Lovely learner's community started by a BEWD alum!
  • Awesome Ruby List of things that you can use with Ruby and Rails to make it more awesome.
  • Ruby toolbox For when you need a gem that does _____.
  • Mou That's the markdown editor that you saw me using.
  • GA Web Development immersive I am biased, but this changed my life. Can't recommend it highly enough. It isn't as Ruby-focused as it used to be, but your experience with BEWD will definitely be worth something no matter what language/framework you end up using.
  • Start projects on your own. I find it more rewarding to start a project than to end it. Employers want to see a lot of stuff on your github! If you start a project, it gets you thinking about how to solve a problem with code. If it isn't perfect, don't be afraid to keep it on Github. You use it or lose it. Keep practicing by thinking of problems to solve, and going at it.
  • Keep in touch!
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