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Created March 23, 2020 14:53
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dijkstra's algorithm
import math
import collections
from heapq import *
class Node:
def __init__(self, id): = id
self.edges = []
def add_route(self, to, cost):
"to": to,
"cost": cost
def __lt__(self, t):
return True
def dijkstra(nodes):
start = nodes[0]
end = nodes[-1]
distance_from_start = {n: math.inf for n in nodes}
distance_from_start[start] = 0
minHeap = []
heappush(minHeap, (0, start))
while minHeap:
(distance, current) = heappop(minHeap)
if distance_from_start[current] < distance:
for edge in current.edges:
cost = edge["cost"]
to = edge["to"]
if cost + distance_from_start[current] < distance_from_start[to]:
distance_from_start[to] = cost + distance_from_start[current]
heappush(minHeap, (cost + distance_from_start[current], to))
return distance_from_start[end]
def add_node(f, to, weight):
f.add_route(to, weight)
def main():
node1 = Node(1)
node2 = Node(2)
node3 = Node(3)
node4 = Node(4)
node5 = Node(5)
node6 = Node(6)
node7 = Node(7)
add_node(node1, node2, 10)
add_node(node1, node3, 16)
add_node(node1, node4, 12)
add_node(node2, node3, 18)
add_node(node2, node5, 4)
add_node(node4, node3, 3)
add_node(node3, node6, 1)
add_node(node6, node7, 9)
add_node(node5, node7, 21)
dist = dijkstra([node1, node2, node3, node4, node5, node6, node7])
function dijkstra(nodes) {
const start = nodes[0]
const visited = new Set()
const distanceFromStart = new Map()
distanceFromStart.set(start, {distance: 0})
for (const n of nodes) {
if(n != start) {
distanceFromStart.set(n, {distance: Number.MAX_VALUE})
let current = start
let routes = new Map()
while(current != null) {
for(const edge of current.edges) {
if(edge.cost + distanceFromStart.get(current).distance < distanceFromStart.get( {
distanceFromStart.set(, {distance: edge.cost + distanceFromStart.get(current).distance})
routes.set(, current)
current = null
let minNodeDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE
for(const n of distanceFromStart.keys()) {
if(!visited.has(n) && distanceFromStart.get(n).distance < minNodeDistance) {
minNodeDistance = distanceFromStart.get(n).distance
current = n
const path = []
const endNode = nodes[nodes.length - 1]
let n = nodes[nodes.length - 1]
while(n != null) {
n = routes.get(n)
return [distanceFromStart.get(endNode).distance, path.reverse()]
function createNode(id) {
return {
edges: [],
id: id,
function addNode(from, to, cost) {
to: to,
cost: cost
function createNodes() {
const node1 = createNode(1);
const node2 = createNode(2);
const node3 = createNode(3);
const node4 = createNode(4);
const node5 = createNode(5);
const node6 = createNode(6);
const node7 = createNode(7);
addNode(node1, node2, 10)
addNode(node1, node3, 16)
addNode(node1, node4, 12)
addNode(node2, node3, 18)
addNode(node2, node5, 4)
addNode(node4, node3, 3)
addNode(node3, node6, 1)
addNode(node6, node7, 9)
addNode(node5, node7, 21)
return [node1, node2, node3, node4, node5, node6, node7];
const nodes = createNodes();
function dijkstra(nodes) {
const start = nodes[0]
const visited = new Set()
const distanceFromStart = new Map()
distanceFromStart.set(start, {distance: 0})
for (const n of nodes) {
if(n != start) {
distanceFromStart.set(n, {distance: Number.MAX_VALUE})
let current = start
while (current != null) {
for(const edge of current.edges) {
if(edge.cost + distanceFromStart.get(current).distance < distanceFromStart.get( {
distanceFromStart.set(, {distance: edge.cost + distanceFromStart.get(current).distance})
let minNodeDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE
current = null
for(const n of distanceFromStart.keys()) {
if(!visited.has(n) && distanceFromStart.get(n).distance < minNodeDistance ) {
minNodeDistance = distanceFromStart.get(n).distance
current = n
return distanceFromStart.get(nodes[nodes.length - 1]).distance
function createNode(id) {
return {
edges: [],
id: id,
function addNode(from, to, cost) {
to: to,
cost: cost
function createNodes() {
const node1 = createNode(1);
const node2 = createNode(2);
const node3 = createNode(3);
const node4 = createNode(4);
const node5 = createNode(5);
const node6 = createNode(6);
const node7 = createNode(7);
addNode(node1, node2, 10)
addNode(node1, node3, 16)
addNode(node1, node4, 12)
addNode(node2, node3, 18)
addNode(node2, node5, 4)
addNode(node4, node3, 3)
addNode(node3, node6, 1)
addNode(node6, node7, 9)
addNode(node5, node7, 21)
return [node1, node2, node3, node4, node5, node6, node7];
const nodes = createNodes();
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