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Last active June 23, 2019 03:03
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A basic bitmap font implementation for SFML .NET
namespace SFMLNetBitmapFont
using System;
using SFML.Graphics;
using SFML.System;
public class BitmapFont : IDisposable
private const int StartPixel = 3;
private const int NumAsciiChars = 256;
private readonly Image _sourceImage;
private Texture _sourceTexture;
private readonly Color _delimiterColor;
private readonly Color _maskColor;
private readonly short _charSpacing;
private readonly short _lineSpacing;
private readonly bool _isImageKeyed; //whether or not to apply transparency to background
private readonly IntRect[] _originalLetterPositions = new IntRect[NumAsciiChars];
private RenderTexture _renderTexture;
/// <summary>
/// Create an instance of a bitmap font. Throws an SFML.LoadingFailedException if the file is not found.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename">The filename of the bitmap font.</param>
public BitmapFont(string filename)
//open as image. parse information. create a sprite. scale the sprite.
//draw the sprite onto a drawable. get the texture from that drawable
this._sourceImage = new Image(filename);
this._delimiterColor = this._sourceImage.GetPixel(0, 0);
this._maskColor = this._sourceImage.GetPixel(0, 2);
var options = this._sourceImage.GetPixel(0, 1);
this._charSpacing = options.R;
this._lineSpacing = options.G;
this._isImageKeyed = options.B > 0;
this._renderTexture = new RenderTexture(1000, this._sourceImage.Size.Y);
this.StringSprite = new Sprite(this._renderTexture.Texture);
// ---------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// The finished text string that is used to draw.
/// </summary>
public Sprite StringSprite { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Vertical pixels between lines. This value takes into account the scale of the sprite, so set it before using this value
/// </summary>
public int ScreenLineHeight { get { return (int)((this._sourceImage.Size.Y + this._lineSpacing) * this.StringSprite.Scale.Y); } }
/// <summary>
/// The actual size of the sprite that will be drawn, in pixels. Takes into account the scale of the sprite.
/// </summary>
public Vector2f ScreenSize
var width = this.StringSprite.Scale.X * this.StringSprite.TextureRect.Width;
var height = this.StringSprite.Scale.Y * this.StringSprite.TextureRect.Height;
return new Vector2f(width, height);
// ---------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------
#region Inherited members
public void Dispose()
if (this._renderTexture != null)
if (this.StringSprite != null)
if (this._sourceTexture != null)
if (this._sourceImage != null)
#endregion Inherited members
// ---------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Renders the given string and updates <see cref="StringSprite"/> to contain the string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">The text to render.</param>
public void RenderText(string str)
var width = this.GetStringWidth(str);
if (width > this._renderTexture.Size.X)
{ // recreate the rendertexture only if the string would be too long to fit
this._renderTexture = new RenderTexture(width, this._sourceImage.Size.Y);
this.StringSprite.Texture = this._renderTexture.Texture;
//clear the rendertexture so we can put the new string on it
float xpos = 0; //horizontal position of current letter
//don't want to create/destroy too many sprites, that takes a lot of resources. so just
//keep reusing the one until we're done drawing the text
var letterSprite = new Sprite(this._sourceTexture);
foreach (char c in str)
var rekt = this._originalLetterPositions[c];
letterSprite.TextureRect = rekt;
letterSprite.Position = new Vector2f(xpos, 0);
//TODO: don't use character spacing before words or after words. that's what the space character is for
xpos += rekt.Width + this._charSpacing;
letterSprite.Draw(this._renderTexture, RenderStates.Default);
this._renderTexture.Display(); //"apply" the stuff we drew
//set the rect the sprite grabs from to match the size of the string that was just drawn
this.StringSprite.TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, (int)width, (int)this._sourceImage.Size.Y);
/// <summary>
/// Gets how many pixels wide the drawable area needs to be
/// </summary>
private uint GetStringWidth(string str)
if (str.Length <= 0)
return 0;
uint width = 0;
foreach (char c in str)
width += (uint)this._originalLetterPositions[c].Width;
//TODO: don't use character spacing before words or after words. that's what the space character is for
//this will at least make sure it only includes spaces BETWEEN the characters in a string. That is, for
//an n length string, there are n-1 spaces between characters, not n.
width += (uint)((str.Length - 1) * this._charSpacing);
return width;
private void ProcessImage()
uint left = StartPixel;
uint count = 0; //used for indexing ascii values
for (uint x = StartPixel; x < this._sourceImage.Size.X; x++)
var clr = this._sourceImage.GetPixel(x, 0);
if (clr.Equals(this._delimiterColor) && count < NumAsciiChars)
var ir = new IntRect((int)left, 0, (int)(x - left), (int)this._sourceImage.Size.Y);
this._originalLetterPositions[count] = ir;
left = x + 1;
if (count >= NumAsciiChars)
if (this._isImageKeyed)
this._sourceTexture = new Texture(this._sourceImage);
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