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An Apollo Server formatError function that avoids "Converting circular structure to JSON" errors
// This is the attribute that continuation local storage uses to hold onto
// the current context. The value comes from
const CLS_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE = 'error@context';
// A formatError function that can be used with
function formatError (err) {
// The continuation-local-storage module attaches a context attribute to
// errors so that the context can be resolved from errors. The attribute
// is enumerable by default and so it gets included in GraphQL error
// reporing. That alone would not be a problem, but AWS X-Ray's context
// holds a reference to the error leading to an object with circular
// references. Apollo Server does not handle circular references
// gracefully:
// This workaround marks the CLS context as not enumerable, which means
// not serialized by JSON.stringify(), which means is will not trigger the
// Apollo bug
const originalException = err.extensions && err.extensions.exception;
if (originalException && CLS_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE in originalException) {
Object.defineProperty(originalException, CLS_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE, {
enumerable: false;
return err;
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